Two Sets of Blues Play To-Day?Speed King? at State Fair Grounds
(Sends Simplex ^tp" Ar und Cour in 1:01
Flat in Last Wxite of 'j en-Mile bft..Q*c.|j
Ever t-?Large Cr .w, Thrilled by Sje<. -
tLcu ar Lriving of ^peed JViaiv i . j
Wiener? ia all rveata Mill ?-outrat
far a ?per la I parse af tW iilir
by the city ml Hlehsseed. Tbc ablest
driver* will be pitted asaiaat earb
ether, said a seaaatleaal race may
be expected.
track record luhchkd.
When Dlsbrew, la the simplex
"Zip." suede the deal atllr la the
tea-mile haadlrap ?eatrrdar la 1:01.
he lowered the tro-k record of
1:03 U.% made by Baraey OldBeld
three years ago.
vv1.\>ers ye<*terda1.
First eveat?Little Kline Kar.
driven by Misker, made ftve miles
la ?i4?H,.
Sccoad eveat?Piabron made mile
dash la i:0?H
Third eveat?Belrk ear. Taj lor
driving, west tea sslle* la \*;M\?.
Foartb event, beat rare-e Simple*
??lip.'' drives by Olsbrow, wee mile
beat la 1:13. aad aaal two-mile beat
la SiUH
Fifth evaat~?Caee ear. \lkreat
driving, made ?ve atUes la 6:33-s.
btxtb eveat?Simpler -Zip,- Uls
brew dtIrlas, tea miles la 11:03:
last si lie la 1:01.
? Louis Dlsbrow, the wizard of the an.
tsmoblle. race course, is the man re?
sponsible for a new record for th.
mile track at the Virgil:.! State Fair
?'?round?, lmving yesterday, in tlie final
mile of a ten-mile lionoic.iri race, eov
eied the distance in one miaute ami
one second flat. A record of 1:03 1-3
aas made on the same track by Barney
Oidtitld three years ago.
Yesterday'? races were auspicious
In that they marked the raisins of the
"outlaw" ban srslwat tfrs Virginia)
State Fail Grounds track, the various;
events hein< held .under ih>- auspices!
cf the Richmond Automobile Club, by j
tht sanction and under the rules of!
the American Automobile Association. I
The track w a* heavy, due to tht i
n.ow of the day previou*. hut yester-j
days racing and the work of a force j
of n:?n early this morning win placet
it in excellent condition for to-day's
races which begin at :.-:30 o'clock. Tht
new track record may not stand
throughout to-day. because the offer- ?
ir.g of a special purse of S250 by the
city of Richmond to be contested fo:
by the winners of eventa during the
tatet, win bring together i- ? tuest
?iits tin driver' or u?iii>,i*l sr.J lutet
: national tame. j. j i'daj ?
I bur-- th Ol' speed <?> < ? . .t- <?!..?: it t>
fahr to anticipate mor< track-smash -
I og this afternoon.
Although It was a typical, bleak Xu
i \t-tiibt-r aftc i iu on the reeae being
?-iiiliy and the atmnsi?h. r, i..,i. o with
ggnpgega the aabpbithestis end th?
groaads held a crowd estimate*! al
?.oyn. all of whom becaati < athuasd
i.s the ?mighty cars coursed Hit traek
at llgrtrnlag Itht sawed, throwing
u, beapa of dirt at in.- ?uiv.-s. the
front car* emitting volume* of smoke
in prdeg to slacken thd speed frf the
I fust approaching eogtender for aoadre
p( the afternoon.
! The f.-andstand ? as .. . j.- ly dec
rated with flags and . anting, an-i
Kessnico's Municipal Band "iiscjarscJ
popular aits between e\ciii*.
-Mayo.- George Ainsii. Ired t-u pistaJ
that started the racers, arid opened I
the first professional automobile race
meat i-ur held in Richmend I
. Kline Wies First Knee.
The first event was a five, mill 4**u, j
.'for touring: cars, the priz*. bel?g the |
JefferaOQ Hotel cup. The foster Motor ;
Car Company entered two Klin.- cars.
, the "Little- KHgg" *r;4 tb< "Big Kline."1
, w-hile K. B. Allport's 1mStevens was
; also a contender. ! ? u:i:11? Minker
I drove the "Little Ki r- " Whil< John
j Morten was at the whi e! of the "Big
I Kline.' and the little Italian. Lou!?
I Me-r.fErli.-ttl. drove the Stevens This
1 race was simply a contest between the
j Kline cars freni start to finish. Mene
srhett: being- able to cross the line
ainnirsid-* the "B!? K?ne" |n che second
and third mile, losing a second in the
fourth and three and one-half seconds
in tiic final mile.
The second event was the exhibition
drive of Louis pisbrow In his enormous I
ear. ?? fay-Ejc-Sec," in an endeavor to
lower the mile record of 1:93 1-5. The.'
spectators were on the tiptoe of ex?
pectancy as the monstrous machine
rounded into the home stretch, but the
cnndtion of the traek prevented Dls?
brow from going fuli speed, and he
finished in 1:09 l-;.
Local drivers drove l^>ca1 cars In the
ten-mile race for a purse of $2". C. K.
Taylor, tn a Buick. finished the first
mile a tie with R. F. Koehler, in a
Ford, while George Booth, in a Max?
well, was ten seconds behind. After
the first mile the Buick gradually drew 1
away from the field an.1 held the lead |
throughout, winn'.psr with Taylor's)
(Continued on Seventh Page.) I
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You want to save the money you pay
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The Gillette Safety Razor is ail around
the most practical shaving device in the
It is used by Hive Million Men. It
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Get a Gillette. Get it today.
Stop at the firs: good CiiMettc w intiow you sec. 1 x?k
mm rn/Ts ' *er?, $5: Pocket editions. $3
toffe Combination and Travelers' sets, $6 to $50.
CmmfH Blase?-.??, dim ?t Packet. SC.-. ?4 !:
Mripflil ^> V* n?imm
Trinity Wrought Up Over Inter
! Class Contests for School
Durham. N C. Novtmbir j9.?By
taking to-night's game of basket ball
the Sophomores pushed themselves
within one game of being champions of
Trinity to-day. The second year men
detested the juniors by the score of
14 to J. Siler. for the Sophs, was
easily the star of the game, scoring
ten of fourteen points for his team,
tina throwing two fie id and six foul
Two games were played, the other
between seniors and freshmen, the first
year men making the best exhibition
of the game they have shown, and
defeating their opponents by score 33
tu IT. Adams, for Freshmen, threw
eight fic'J goala. and Ferrell three.
White Marred for the seniors, throw?
ing four held goala and one foul. Har.
dee threw four fouls, and Ratcliffe
tnree field goals. Two more games are
to be played by each team during sea?
son, and Sophomores will have to take!
enly one more to win college chain-1
Norfolk and Richmond Bluest
Will Close Gridiron Season
This Afternoon.
T'r.e "tL-ond annual football game between
lbs Norfolk Blues and the Richmond Bioee
w?i aa piayed at Broad Street Park this
afternoon. Ts? gam* wili atari at 2:3? o'clock
?harp. Last year s same srss won by Nor?
folk, the score being ZS to 2. and the party
St masses which will accompany the team
fjnm the city by the aea to-day wilt rest
valiantly fer a rape titles of the victory. Oa .
I (ha other hand, the admirers of tba Rich-:
rn- r.d Hints will be there by hundreds, and'
Iwttl cheer the home boys on to victory. |
! The Norfolk team will arrive over the Nor- I
j folk and We-iem Railway at H:e? o'clock te
Idai and atll repair to the Blues' Armory,'
I whets dinner wl!: be served. The players
who wii: probably he seen In action for
I Nor'o.k are: Jrffr'.ee. at centre, a farmer
IV. P. I p ayer. Wi,damson, at right guard,
j formerly of M A. C; Warden, at left guard;
; *>'A a: !*ft guard: Ktherldse. formerly
j a V M I player, at right tackle: Oeyer. of
l'i.lvrnlty Of Virginia left tackle; Qaeea
|asad mag aim he seen at left taokie: Pierce,
'j end. Ironmonger or Graves, at right
i. vaaghas. formerly of V. p. I . at <]aar
James Barry, rap-ate. fera?*r:y ef Vir?
ginia, at right half: Feuerstein, formerly ef
IL, at l?.'t half. ?bt!? Wemple. Hods
><-n. formerly of V. V. I. and Peeee. will b?
-. the ba-:kfie!d.
The .jt....,?..* f?r Norfolk win be Hea
1 dvraen, Jordan. Smith. Harden and Mlvm>
iff. la., for ike game will be Wellford,
gbsdsaa, retapss. Merry, sf t***rs*tewa,
P'r- <nn Wl;?, or V X t.. Ilnesmsn.
Sotii teams are in ae.endld cesdluon. and
thla. the flea! gars* of the eeeeea. premiere
to :?? ?<?* ef leh hardest fought at Broad
? - l?* la reany days.
."-? i?o?. fVi.n 1? In Ash-tins conditio? for
re-da- ? '???lll'-i Tb? m-i tn?k their Asai
- ra ?! T'.-tr.ka-rlvtr.s morning and retired
a- ;,.-> ?ar:v hoar :asi nlaht lr. order to be
psvbsahsd an4 readv f<-r rbeir f<w? -?l?en the
*>.ise?> blew* ihta aftemooa The *elb
? . .? .a thought to be ?.i?h-:y heart*, .an
Ki- tiwoad -esm. bur the reee/a be. f te
tf-rom, welsh t be fi-??neea <?' foot" and
Sweatees m r-aseise tt*t eel'
Ii? B u?a" Band wir furnlah mini, for te
?is? > name at ths park If ?n? wan: to <?
i?t tt.? .ive'test game of i*** acmes, ?tttnd
Aba |uri(
pickpocket arrested
Sag tl
CmbiIj -.
?fauatv FVieesten Je;.? aa**mese? last
stak- err-su i a asaa swag kt* -am as
R.eeed Farmer, sad tar no* blrs ever te
to-:-. Shelf Ji% l?ya? s? tht H- tries
Ctssiy Jsl: sru ike -r.erg* ef tctgtsg the
ae-ktt at Ht,aarS S- i-vest eke. ? br--k*r
<? lb* eglrer
from l?- aeenajst ape** hp sag pSMeewiss
>R*>ar l s: o-rraa?- was rtartSing as the
OibATTva Tai?;? talktsf ??> Farmer. ???n
tb* Ist-er eedSesly made nai -owtswu
' ?' a vaaplr-io-js aa-ire On nsrtklag fsee
maker feusd thai ke miau? seaae awaey
sai eaJksl Mid y ftr h.# bevdhtr. tSseffl
-- wbe was rtaedlng nearby The se/tce
i ess im ssd placed farmer vadev armm
Oa a*raw siscshsd be -so teaad is bs?e a
?-!?? -I-.-, gf mosey ea sie perses. b?i aa
</?:.*- ?aisshim
mh braVch gives portrait
p ?
Ar af* VW ret? ef evewefja
m sgggpjaal ??? ?isKt at the a. ? te*e
r-emp T* I t-?B'*?e-ale Ve**eas* ?y Je??
T greark Th? epe*'k ee prvvso'anaa asa
-i??* vr Jose F rjer.n. ewe er-s-ar??: ?se
Br Seaae h
? -t. Iasa?? p Rran s wee s esSssei b.
Vi-smia ami ?r? eWrtag the ?"ee
?a fStatee. Pre was w?Tf <e-wa la
? *rs-ie:a ?ff.?. ?n? ate sertrsu ?a 'Se
re-t ????? wneah-r to ee<t a pa', ea Ska
m f :b* lag am* ipsasa
University Golfers Defeated by
Locals on Course Covered
With Snow.
In the golf match between the Uni?
versity of Virginia and the Hermitage
Golf Club, played yesterday on the
local links, the Hermitage team won
by the score of 8 points to 3. Results:
R H. Meade won from Alexander
Macdonald. (captain). 3 points to 0.
Dr- A B- Moon, (captain), -ost to H.
Taylor Compton. 3 points to 0.
W C. Locker won from Eppa Rlxey,
Jr.. 2 points to a.
Ralph Xeale won from R. M. Bal
this. 3 points to 0.
Murray McGuire won from J. Henry
Bruns by default.
The Nassau .system of scoring was
used, one point going to winner of
first round, one point for second round
and one point for game.
The match between Locker and
Rlxey waa very close, being all square
at the turn, and also at the eighteenth
hole, which was won by a long putt
by Locker- Their total scores differed
by only one stroke.
Rixey is one of the longest drivers
seen on the local links this year.
A match game of golf in the snow
was something unusual for local
golfers, and the medal scores suffered1
from the condition of the fair green. I
It is expected that another match
between the two cluba may be ar?
ranged in the spring.
A large number of golfers will con?
test to-day in Hermitage men's handi?
Taint of Professionalism Keeps
Washington and Lee Out?
side Amateur Ranks
Washington and Lee University, af?
ter completing a most successful foot?
ball season, Is making claim to th"
championship of the South Atlantic
division. There are Just two teams
who can dispute this claim?George?
town, the real champion, and Virginia,
logically sewond choice, though de?
feated earlier in the season by V. M.
I. In order to dispose of one of the
rival claimants. Washington and Lee,
eat Thanksgiving Day. wired Carving
ton Williams, president of the fleneril
Athletic Association of the University
of Virginia for a game on December 7.
The answer, as might have been ex?
pected, was in the negative. Kot only
did Washington astd Lee want the
game, but ssked tkat It be played any?
where but at Cbarlottesville
If there was ever a time when Vir?
ginia should not play Washington and
Lee University, it is this sea eon. Con?
fessedly playing on the eleven men
who have played professional baseball.
Washington and I^-e has lest any claim
It might have had to consideration
from purely and strictly amateur teams.
The university properly turned down
the request and declined to play the
game on December T or at any other
?eat Grade Asrto I mMt s?g Ofl
Qmim Mttet-C*.
Disputes Claim of Championship
Made by Lynchburg
f Special to The Times-Dispatch. J
Lynehburr. Vs.. November 2S.?Dis?
puting the claim that the Rlchmond
Lynchburg football game here Wed?
nesday disposed of the Virginia high
school football championship. the
Hampton High School has asked the
local eleven for a game either in
Lynchbure or Hampton fo- the chero
ptonahip. Owing to the fact that the
locaJ squad has broken training, and
that there seems to be no doubt about
Wednesday's game effectually dispos?
ing of the championship, the game has
been declined.
This is the first time in the history
of the game that the State champion?
ship has been settled in Virginia.
Lynchburg defeated everything in this
section of the State that could make a
claim, and Richmond held undisputed
sway in the Tidewater section, having
defeated Norfolk, which eleven In turn
beat Hampton.
The local eleven "ext year will be
considerably stronger, it is believed,
than It was in the season Just closed.
Many of the best players will be back,
while the subs give promise of
strengthening the eleven not a little
over the strong team which has Just
dispoaed of the championship by de?
feating the Richmond eleven.
Speculators Get Hold of Tickets
for To-Day's Big Event
in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia. ??v?abtr ???Both t !:* Army
an<l Navy foot ball toxms rested quietly St;
their hotels here to-nlgnt. while thousands,
or their supporters crowd** the lobbies de
?? r!bir.? their reietlee merits and ehaaees.
M?r> prominent in all breaches o' the gov?
ernment service are her* to attend the game
Tbi seating rasarlty of Franklin Fiel.] has
been Increase* several thousand, making I
the ecareliy of tickets less marked tban la!
former years I
However, speculators to-ntght were effer
' Ina tickets at prices ranging from W to SIS.
captain Phi In lfathows. er the Army
At hielte Association, and other officers made
an Investigation, but tolled to find ear or
tbs Army's slleuneat In the heads of the
sTMculat-TK. He declared moat of these Sf
ferod for Mit are part of tfte Pennsylvania
aiietment. The University of Pennsylvania
authorities admit that seals Of then*, allot?
ted to hoidors of assodatloa honks have oeea
offered ponllely for sale, and are preparing
a list of those found guilty ?X eelflng their
tickets. The list will be submitted to the
uiUverslty's epmsilttee for aeciea.
Both the Army and the Smxy leasts prae
tbed to-dajr on Franklia Field The Navy
?sued devoted themselves to ruiiaing through
signal*. .
I Bot I lag has bees rather light, with sjfght
lodes la favor of the Army i
Tara Watte Wee An astd od atssMa? j
r Special to The Tlmes-I .spatch.J
Durham. X. C November 2?_Ac?
cording to the charges made to the pe- j
lice department, one of the biggest and i
boldest robberies that has taken place
as this dty is a long t'ree occurred \
Wednesday afternoon, resulting in the
locklag up of Clyde Sanford and Ladas,
Bowling, two voang white men,'
obarged with faking S?4ft !n money i
from J M. Baker while the latter was
According to Information git en ent
this morning. Baker was in the city
aad had SSM on Ms person. He be?
came intoxicated, and s relative ot
] his, rearing that ?v money woald he
I last or stolen. totd, the police to lock
, him up far protection Baker was seaa ?
la a carriage with Bowling and Sa~<
fare, aad] aasa the edJkgrs feied hiw.
ILs stss|sy was gone ffergeaata Pea
Sstay* ASgf Cagle wars pat ta work
oa the case
WiganSay night enoagh evtdeaee
had been sedered to warrant arrests-1
snd Bawling was taken in costedy. la I
ti.e meantime Sanford had gaste to ft*
j lelgh. and the saVera of that city were
er.titled to arrest him. whteh was done.
Testerdev faoralr.g he was beeerght
aaek aero by potieemaa Mark ham.
A boat Sine la messy was fewwd en
the aaajaajj ?r gaafsrd. bat so far the
belsne? af the meoev* has not ht-ee
acee>?nted far.
P>vth of the yeeng rn<-n were Ian had
ap la defaelt af bonds In the ewes of
$ttm eaea fee fb?lr appearsnee -a rowrt
fatnrdar ream tag.
Track Conditions at Jamestown Give Mudders
an Opportunity, While Wise Ones Leave
Favorites, Playing: Hsp-hazard.
Should Run Well To-Day
First race?Isasrssee Hu, kawik.
Second recr? Mylee ot osaeJl.
Schalter, Vlley.
Third rsce?Spollhaaad. Cacawl.
po. Scarlet rimpcraet.
Fourth rare ? I eher*. Greeer
H us bee, Yesabee.
Fifth raec?Wins tag Widow, Aria
tor. Joe Knlsht.
Math rare?Fiel, Hl llueatia, Mae.
ter JUa.
Serrate twee?Dwaald MarDosals,
Mad hill. ApUater.
Norfolk. Va, Norember 29.?Mud
lark* had another Inning; at the James?
town Jockey Club track to-day. and In
moat caaea the talant kept their dope
books In their pockets and played the
a a fad that are partial to soft going. |
The long shots won get-away money
far their owners, which was about the
only feature of the day worth record?
Bahggo and Jamea Dockery wer?
equal favorites with the talent |a tu?;
Tidewater purse, a seven-furlong event I
and the former won with eaae. Jamas
Dv;kery trailed behind the winner, and
finished a r?r second
Fiel a two-year-old, forsaken by the
talent, proveJ an easy winner la the
second race for youngsters He waa
aa good aa 4? to 1 on some books, and
some of them were showing SO to 1
againat him when he went to the post.
The hurdle handicap went to Notting?
ham, after Jeault had sverything his
own way until the last Jump. Not?
tingham trailed behind Jesuit, who
took the lead from the start, until ba
cleared the last fence. Then he shot
ahead and won pulling up.
Dipper put another race under his
belt and Incidentally won money for
those fortunate enough to have bet
their eoln on his chances. He was also
foraaken by the wise ones, and went
to the post with the bookies crying 40
to 1 againat him. He held the lead all
the way. but was tiring when he
neared the wire. Berkley was bearing
down on him. but he lasted long
enough to beat the latter horae by a
neck. ?a|
The aeventh race was won by Husky
Lad, an od da-on favorite, making his
seeond victory In as many starts.
First race?two-year-olds, purse 1J00,
selling, five and a half furlongs?In-1
aurance Man, lot; Arran, 155; Jonquil.
105; Fred Ix?vy. 105; Groavenor. 1*7;
An con. 191] Torkvtlle. 109; Smash. 110;
Tarts. IIS; Coy. 113.
Second race?all ages. purse $30?.
selling, six furlongs?Schaller. 97;
?Elms. 99: ?Jessup Burn, 1J4; Viley,
104; 'Bodkin. 107; Western Belle. 10?;
Hareoart. 1.19; Abrasion. 109: Little
England. 11?; Sir Oeges, 112; GolJen
Castle. 113; Miles 0*Connell. 112. Also
eligible: Lucky George. 107: Tork Lad.
107; Fanchette. 107: Joe Caltens. 1)9
Third race??11 ages, purse |300: sell?
ing. Big. furlongs??Sylvestris.. 107:
Royal Onyx. 109; Toniata. in?. Miss
Jonah, 109: Spellbound, PS, Jack Nun
nally. 109: Ohemulpo. 112; Theo Cook.
112: Premier, lit; Scarlet Pimpernel.
115 Towton Field. 113: Lord Wells.
115 Also eligible: Lady Sybil. 109;
Rubicon. I . 117; Tannle, 112; Dust Pan,
Fourth race?Exchange Handicap,
purae 11.000, all age?. one and one
sixteenth miles?Tengstee. 110. Kos
turtlum. 9.*.; His Majesty. ?a: White
Wool. 99: Cliff Ed go. lOrj; Lochiel, 105:
Carl ton G.. IIS; Hilarious, 113. Grover
Hughes. 119: Lahore. 115.
Fifth race?three-year-olds and up.
purse $J00. selling, six furlongs? ?Avia?
te*. i?9; Winning Widow. 110. Sir
Blaise. Ill; Joe Knight. MS, Ivabel.
Ill; ?Back Bay. 112; ITnlon Jack. 113:
?Marjorie A., 113; Jack Den man, 114.
Ben Loyal. 11?; Sherwood, lit; Amoret.
11?. Alao eligible: Black Chief. 11?:
Judge Walser. 10.V
Sigth race?all ages purse 130?.
selling: one mile and seventy yards?
Fiel. 94: "Kaufman. 104. E! Oro. ISSl
The Gardner. 10?: Master Jim. 107
Halderman. Ids: Royal Meteor. 10?;
Crania. 109; Bonorells, 109; Troy
Weight. US; Lord Elam. 113; Irish Kid.
113; ServKence. 113; Hedge nose. 113:
Michsel Angelo. 115; Also Eligible.
Billy Vandervosr. 109: Wood Dove. PSS;
Pendant. 14)1.
Seventh race?three-year-olds snd
up- purse $J00; selling; one and one
eighth Talles?Monhey. 97. ?Virginia
1 up. 99: ?Tom Melton. 98; A-cord. 103.
Aplsster. ICS; Jacqueline, 105: Copper
town. IM; Pardner. 10?. Donald Msr
Dosald. ltd; Supervisor. 108. Mollie
S. let: Mud Sill. HI. Annie Sellers.
; Weather fine?track heavy.
First race. 2:15 P M.
? Apprentice allowance of five
I pounds claimed.
First race?two-year-olds: six fur
! lungs?Aatste. lag ilmvie?>. I to 1.
I wen. R. H. Gray. 113 1 Ambrose). 2 f?
: 1 far place, second. l.alglon. 113 fBut
vrell>. 7 to s to show, third Time.
1:17 1-5. Mohswk Boy. Oiad Buford.
Fairy Godmother, also ran.
Second race selling; ?we-year-olds,
gve ?ad a half furlongs?Fiel. 10?
(Ambra**). J5 to 1. won: Gardenia.!
10? (Hoffman). 2 to 1 for place, secoad:
Tsrkey *a The Straw. Itt (Martin?. 3
to I to aha a. there Time. 1:1* I I
Clothes Brush. Grosvenor. Fly By
Night. Fasees. Paaa mm, Wanda Pttaer
ah*o ran
Third race?hurdJ? handicap three
year-old aad op. two miles?Nottlng
kam. JJS (Bovlev 7 to I. won. Jeault.
UT ,'Chsrtrgnd). I to 5 for place,
sec nd. Dr. Hoard. 138 'Helder). d to
I 10 Show, third. Time. MS j.s. uttls
Nearer. Blancer. Prince Hampton also
i ran
I Fourth race?TiSa water purse, all
saws, seven rurloaga >bag?. 187
i?vr-i?>. 2 h? I. flrst. James Docker?.
I 1>8 (BstweTD. 1 to 2. for plae?. sec
aad. Continental, ft 'Hoffman). 1 to s.
! to show, third. Tim*. 1 3? aSer'y
I Light. Quega Bee. Flamm?, Working
? Lad alas ram.
Fifth rar??belting three-year-olds
I and ap. els furlong*?Dipper. 1*1
: rDenlerv 3* to 1. first. Berkeley. 11?
1 > Martin >. 4 to K. fwr ptae*. second
I Sear let Plmaemej. no 'Miadsa). 3 ?0
t to shear, third Tim*. 1.17 Jo* Gart?
ens. He wry Hstchtsew. t'atoa Jack.
Ohwmslpe. Veweta *Hrt>m? Ml as Mo
sseats atsw raa
gists race?Selkas ptl ages owe mile
and seventy yards?Emily Lee, 10?
(Minyon). 2 to 1. first; Argonaut, 1)?
(Nicklang). 10 to 1, tor place, second:
Outlan. ill (Butwell), 1 to 2. to show,
third. Time. 1:50 3-3. Tom Melton.
Agamenticus, V. powers. Senator
Sparks. Cheer Up, Montagnle, Harlem
Lass also ran.
Seventh race?selling", all aces, one
mile and one-sixteenth?Husky Lad.
109 (Butwell). 4 to 5, first: Aplaster. 110
(Davles). 2 to 1. for place, second.
Banorella, 109 (Byrne), 6 to 6. to show,
third. Time. 1:51 3-5. Law ton Wig
gin*. O'em, port Arlington, Sprlagmas,
Irish Kid also ran.
Cht Phi Prateralty Eatertalaed mi
Wtslssanlaad Cans.
The Chi Phi fraternity closed the
first day or its annual national con?
clave, which is in session at the Jef?
ferson Hotel, with a banquet last night
1 at the Westmoreland Club, which was
I attended by all the visiting fraternity
! men and a number of local member*.
Judge R. R. Prentis acted as toast
Brief but pungent speeches on dif?
ferent phases of the fraternity's life
and work were made by A. B. Gulgog*
Richard Evelyn Byrd, John Hurt. Jr.
New Haven, Conn , and Budtnet Knelth,
New Tor?.
Regular business sessions of the fra?
ternity will b? held to-day In the
auditorium of the Jefferson HoteV aud
later the visiters will be taken tot
a sight-seeing tour of Richmond In
automobiles. In the afternoon the aar
I ty will witness the races at the State
Fair Ground*.
Peddler Wasted far ' notempt of Court ssd
oe tarxsay Charge
William Kloss. the ?".cddler. who failed to
appear bs police Court several days age to
, answer S eharg* of nghtir.c In t?<; atr*''.
surrendered himself yesterday at the fcccond
} Police r'tatiot) Besides tut atta'-i.meni
charging him ?Ith contempt ef Court, a
warrant accusing him of stealing 1? from
. Veharam Berb?riohn ?at Ivig?<i against
, him.
I Klon? and Berbeijahn were arrested hy
I Patrolman Dunn for engaging is a fight,
which rosultrd from SB argument over a sals
of several baskets of grapes After they
had been balled K'<-.?? ?tri to Berbe?ohc*
] cerfretionery (ton Htrbeljolm, srlshing 1?
Isd'ld trouble, left hit place to look for a
j poilceman. While BS <u absent Kioas 13
' atlcgod to have taken I!? frees Ox* seah
register and disappeared
Kios* failed to apgesW la Police Court la*
lalleelag morning and the charge of fight
lug against Berbrijohn waa dismissed.
Hit by Teem Whi>e Responding I? Alarm
Negro I r'ver Ajrestsd.
! laMiia Crump, eo.urrd. was arres'sd >es>
? t-rdsy by aegps** Policeman Matt en th?
j ' barge of fast ar.d ricklea* driving. Tk?
negro, who vi<,? said to have t>?*u STTlftl
was driving at high speed da OS Marsha!'
Street. As he passed Engine House No. J1.
a: Brook Avenue. Ih* ais'iaratu* ?"?s tu?:
r?-sp?ndlaj to an alar.-n He barely mi??*<l
? eeltldfag with tho engine, tut ras? tat?
Kiremao (ieorg* tV. Frakei. e.h.? was run
j ning out to Join his company Frsker wss
, not seriously hurt, and eontlaued to the fir*
I The blaze aralSfe ?u 1? the antique shop
'of Bam?;t TVelr.stefn. tTl Brook Avenue, did
I about I." damage.
County Polire en Trail ef N'egre Who beet
A A. -adler
Deputy nit W W." Sydnor sad County
Policeman Tiller a:sd B> ndail. after working
J a.'! day yesterday in an ?ff?rt to get on the
trail of th* anknosn negro who siiot a&d
' Serteaaly wour.d.-i J. A Sadler Thursday
nisht -in the Hermitage Head near the Itich
1 morel I'rilon Stock Varda. reported last n;rr.<
that tr.ey had Olee* which wou'td prooab .
iead f.? the aprehenslon o! the r.cgro oojne
l?m- to-day
The officers have been Jumpered in 'hfir
ajesfj by lack of de * a 1 is as 10 the oegre's
aj.p..aran.- r. since it was too dark lor Mr.
Sadler to get a j view of him when ths
hold-up occurred. They found tracks whar*
ke clambered over the fence at the ?to<k
vards. and t?*re ?hie to oOta>n aom- knew.
egge as to sas size from Uis impreesiea et
M* fooj.
Mr Sadler, vi-.r, was taken to the St Eiza
b?t:i Honplt*: aanSaSStaeshr after the oocur
rence. was said last Bight to be restlag fair
j !y we'..' Contrary to the original report, L?
' was only (hot on..-, the bail entering tat
left side and p*netra;:ni; to the left kidne>.
His condition is extremely serious, although
Cure i* -?om* hep..- for his recovery.
; In the hospital the wounded laaai occjplea
I a cot sear that of hi* wife, who is th?r? re
.overlng from a r?cen: operation SSM] was
|.ractiea.iy out of danger tun? days age.
as that tne news of her husband's injuo.
while causing a severe shock, did aet la a"*
I wag impair hSS 1 hancra of improves***!.
Kagleeer at ?aJpyard la Ttettss ef
Fetal Are! deal.
(special t>> The Times-Dispatch, t
N'evrport New-*. November 2t.?Buried
v.-atst deep in ashes in an ash-pit into
?which he had piunged head first Wed
nrsday morning, the dead body ef
I"r. rlerick T. Adams, an engineer, waa
tnund at the shipyard to-day hy fellow
Adams eeldentiy fell Into the ash-pit
Wsdnesday while inspecting it. and
vas unable t get out. as he went
t.i.wn head first for ten feet or more.
No one .aw the accident and his fel
|)ow-workm'H st the power house
thought he was off for the afternoon
Thursday the plant was closed, and
ystfterday morning Mrs. Adams re?
ported to the yard that her husband
I had aot ? een seen since he left home
Wednesday A search waa then made
and the dead body found. Adams was
thirty years old. and Is survived by
his widow. Tie had lived here rrtarty
' years.
Cut Price Sale
$15.00 Suits now.SI2.2S
$1* 00 Sott? now.flS-wt
S2S.00 Sott? now .flt-wt
7? I. B>oaa1 Street.
The world's Oreateet Mastral fare?aa>
Ortglaal Cast aad ffradaatista.