Cripple Removes His False Limb in Saloon and Is Unable to Replace It. When Dr H. T. Hawkins, City Hos? pital am. anoe surgeon, responded to a call yesleiday to a sdoon at 1:8 West Broad blieet. be that the patient possessed one genuine leg and one peg-leg. He had removeJ bis false limb and had been unable to replace It. His condition was he.p iess. Questioned by tie ambulance sur? geon, the disabled man said that he had taLen off his peg. and in view of his having guzed -pon the wine while It was red. could not reauj Its fastenings Persons In the place were unable to asotst bin: and were In a Quandry to know what tb do wltn the man. Finally. It was decided to summon the ambulance. Dr Hawkins hastened to render first aid to the injured, but whan he saw what he had been oalled for he deolared that he had orten re? moved legs, but seldom had to assist In restoring them. The cripple said he was Hugh Parry, and that he had lost his leg in a railway accident He was wit friends and relatives, he said He waa taken to she City Home. MOSBY SEEKS DAMAGES ?Hsss Isegbera RaJtwa* roe A'.'rged False Arrest. Trial wC' beet- the Law ana Ornat to-morrow sjaralBSJ o* t\e carnage sail ef Joseph kfoeby ege.'.-.*t th* Southern Rai wav Company stoeby ww a: one fi~* ??- sysd ** * SLipptng c'.erk. At the leetaae? o' t ? e Southern Ita: BSJ9 waa arrest? ed en th* -C" a c ' - . . ? ( ? ;?-: t theft ef certain ahipmer.ta ef rlgerette*. end waa acqufted R* ?tSBed t>iit ?-?* aetyutaUoB and BSaadtnf In the mmm had baer damage* Bp tbe l | ? , rallwwy corr.par.y. ar.4 brought . s>, U O W*nde-t>jrs 'ink* e*ro ? - - . ? ?jbb ef st am ?. . . -. r.owndc* ?? :t ha t - ? ; rb* ?j , ?.t ?e sssves test p?r rear re* . , , A* Ootu-t or *rp-? - ? *** a sew SrSBi a BSrTB* t ?veaeaa :.?> . Maler ttnrtbam I ? -n.. d Kater r V erased | v a 11 attendance on V esntlon. In N :' h, I whjrjfc ne was a deb - I ass ask*!*. b jslnea? w ? : ance FIND DRUNKEN BOY ASLEEP IN STREET Fifteen-Year-Old Youth Says Whiskey Was Forced Upon Him by Strange Man. Unconscious from the effects of whis? key. Waiter Butler, nfttcn years- Did, of fc05 Spring Street, was found lying upon the pavement last nit;ht shortly after S ocloik at Third and Marshall Streets', by several b-jys. They nou !:??.'. i'o lernen Held and Goude, and t'.u IntOZioatad youth, wearing knicker? bockers-, was removed to the Second 'i'ollce Station. Keaxing that the ef? fects of the liquor might provo dan goruus. Dr. H. T. Hawkins, City Hos? pital amb'-lanc' surgeon, vcas sum? moned. He lost no time in washing out the boy s stomach. When he recovered sufficiently to talk, Butler said that a strange man had forced him to drink near!> a haf-pint o! whlekev. Me told several conflicting sto? ries, it was at flrst determined to remove him t his honi?. hut aftei m .ir 11 it was thought hest to turn him o\.- to the Juvenile Protective Soelet ?. Me nut- removed to the society's deter. ? ne. West Br ad Sireet. BOTH MEN FINED Tno Negro l'artlrlpant? in ?imortn? Fray ?et fJ3 Kaeh. Reuben Miles, colored, ar.ii Harrison Johnson, co.ored. were yesterday nn> d $JS each for carrying concealed STsap ons. and In addition Johnson was sen ten ed to a fine of $1? for siliooting :i the pihlic highway. T!;.- two negroes were Involvt | ? the recast sfedsfttaa row at a dam? hall SB Ch-!s?a Mill. In whirl Milel was seriovsfy wewrdsd. wt i Redd lite prop riet ee of the resort, wits i ad with wounding Miles, will h? gH< n ,i hearing on next Wsdsteaday morn Irfg kef on Magistrate R \ ^ STILL STEAL BARRELS < ..inplelnt* >>f Tlief'e Continue t? Pour Inla ( hlef of Pol ee. ?atSSstl *f SSfS ??.??:tns harr?:? from .... ptll! -entinue SB P-ur !:,??? I I ? ft Chief ad ??-fferson audi : torlum and closes 011 Saturday with ? a luncheon at the White House In "Washington. Varying the serious . discussion of some of the herlous prob it ms now confronting the States, there will be mane social events, the chief of which will be the reception tendered ' by the city of Kiclitnonc at the Jef? ferson on Tuesday night, the oyster , roast and trip to Cape Henry tendered by the city of Norfolk on Wednesday, the reception of Governor and Mrs Mann at t:.e Executive Mansion on . Thursday night and a number of less '? formal entertainments. I ntr?rmit> of Legislation. In giving out the advance program. Secretary Kiley announces that as the last annual vsion was -cevoted mainly ' to a discus-Mon of executive and ad? ministrativ?, problems, the program this year has been especially arranged to bring to the f.cnt certain matters in which uniform legislation by the v.-irlouB State.-, la . onoldared desirable in many of the States Legislatures! meet this wlntsr, and the Governors' will in many instances embody their lmpres&lons of the conference In their ; annual messages. Governor atann'a staff will aid In ? the reception of the distinguished vis- j 'tors, most of whom will have rooms ? nt the Jeff, rson Bcied Party politics -.\ l!i have no pia -?? In the sessions, nor j will sectional matters be given an i ? ins;, for the Go -i-rnors come from, all s-ctions, and lt^. earnestly interest id Ii, the state problems which affect i hem all. Disease Rarnl Credits. The subject of rural credits will ha given hpeclaj prominence In connec? tion with a general ; it u&elor. of im *, banking facilities and credit conditions for farmers. The subject strUl or discussed by Governor O'Neal, of iibama, Governor Burke, of North I'skota. and In an address by Presi doi ? Tuft foils sited the White House lun *~t - v. rung sessions In the Jefferson Auditorium, when many sub .:.-? ft if , rro- in the ie \\ i?e inlnst the Ossa-1 a es?e beourtt up from Ca n of Prletol On Vlrsrl' Wi?e was sent-n. Iisn Tin? and serve fhrwe li ? barge of cop- ! APPEAL FROM FINES _ ar.H Uen*aa I laee" as* foe DMh P. M.r.. Wttbawt I teewae. r>. 'n-it * |ac w~?1. sal :-d y?-?rday S?sro> -? -* 1"fa? aaataees wph ?rd ea-b was ?rm Us >nd T' rarrs? rheaT f Jia:. O K Pe-. ? BS H-j?:inc? ''aar- *aa 'Sattted of a ehoraa ?mra Mra H J Wi - hM was a sm ? - e-e-> aasa airbardwaa ?oil InailiM. a- " aaxas Aaa?? Mas la. eaaj Ose? wt a '*t so; a oough that perateted, that pre? vented sleep aad mad* waking howrw ml* ?rabla? Bokman'a Alterative la the proper remedy la suoti oa?ea Perhaps *om* elm , pi* medicine may be affectiv* where It 1? , only a tlektlng In eh* threat, bet when your cheat I* eor* aad alm-ple r?m*dl** den't aa awar? than tak* Bckman'a Alterative Nagteet j often '?ad? to mar* e*rtece trouble; a oae* to point fellewe: TU Oherry at. Phil*.. Pa. "<0*ti? lernen: In July, UOt. I .Sret noticed the eoadttlon* that showed * had i'onrimp tlon I lo*t weight rapidly, had a hollow cough, hemorrhares and very sever* night sweats. My brother recommended Kck ? Alterattr*. In the fall of ISO*. J oe ban to take It At thle time I am perfectly weH] and robuat. M. appetite 1* go"d and my weight ha*.i from ri? to 1*0 pound*. Not * trace of mv old trouble r* mains. I wli: gladly ezprea* the merit* ef 'hi* medeine to *ny one." (Signed) at. I* oe? not lontaln pol*on?, opiate* or habit form los drug*. For ?*!w,:n* a Minor Drug t'oanpany and ot>ier Nadirs druggist*. Ask or booklet telling of recoverlee. and write ?i> Bekman Leboratorv Philadelphia. Pa., for additional 8*1 das.I -Advertlaemer,i MORE PETITIONS fl MOE COME Governor Has Not Yet Read Papers Submitted?De? cision This Week. . Although Governor Mann adheres strictly to his announcement that hs would not discuss the Allen case with any one until his decision has been reached, still more documentary pleas flooded the executive offices yesterday. Additional petitions for Claude Aliens life came from the Rev. G. W. Mo Daniel and Judgs ML H. Halreton. while Mr. Willis sent In a typewritten copy of the points advanced in his address at the public hearing Friday. The Governor did not even get to the consideration of the papers yee teirday. All day his secretaries were busy sorting the mass of documents and attempting to put them in some kind of order to be randled as rapid-' ly and connectedly a. possible by the Governor. It Is expected that he will take the papers under consideration immediately, and after weigh Eng the points for and against the espatnuta-j tlon of Claude's sentence, to make public his final decision the Bra! part of this week. In spite of the fact that the Gov? ernor will probably never more than glance at the outside of bulky peti? tions, wishing some evidence more con clslve than the signatures of several thousand uninformed persons, the Al? len supporters continue to fill reams of paper with names and dump them on the executive office The petitions will probably carry about as much weicht with the Governor as those sent to the Supreme Court of Appeals. What of Floyd Alleaf It will be interesting to the major | tty of people to see what action the Governor will tak>- regarding old Floyd In case he grants a cominuta- j tlon to Claude. While the Allen sym? pathisers, in their efforts to sav- tre younger man's life, have thrown the entire blame upon the father and pat him out of their pleas, most of tl a evidence upon which they now urge Claude's commutation they advanced originally In Floyd's behalf. In the opinion of many who listened to the pubic hearing Friday.-the cause' the petitioners urge was badL>" 'lam- j aged by the etat-roent of facts giveu, so coolly by John B Draper, attorney for the prosecution of the Allen out? laws. His exposition of evidence showing that Dester Gosd did not draw his gun until ht had been struck in the cheek by a bullet and his recital of Judge Bolen's assertion of having seen Claude fire the first shot of the tragedy, appeared to carry grave weight with the Governor. Just what Influence Mr. Draper's statement mey tiave upon Claude's chances Is prob? lematical While unknown ar.4 unseen friends are busying the-.nsej ves In his behalf, the object of so much agitation is sitting calmly In his death cell, seem? ingly determined to meet with unfilnch- ! tng err* whatever fete the Gov.-mor l and Justice shall mete out to him fad Ms horrible crime. Firm In his asser? tions thst he Is prepared to die If hts life be demanded as forfeit. Clause nevertheless Is naturally keenly in? terested In every move that Is madei by the people w?o wre urging his com mutation. j Never out of his narrow -e'.l of st??>l and bars. Claude contents Mmself wit*! talking to his father across the p sgeway. reading the Bible and eagerly scanning the dslly papers To all sp- . pesran.-es. old Floyd hss rec,: . htme?lf entirely to eipiats w*th hts life the death of five people in the Hillsvllle courthouse la?t March 1 t Moth men are q'ilet and orderly prla j oners. Mt-?- KIIIVMW ANT) MTW? WO*. TO MTTVT) rOtVt DATS TN SUrWMONn I I>r T.rtan Wt'-troff J?rns??., of Mem pet! a. ??r,d Fn>e?t!r.e Xoa. of Chattaneega. ... r^?r f'nelr Identified with t'.o I ssaesssa wot* ??' the lksasaassa r-i>-?. ? ? ? W .ener'e C'unm. wf ba> In Richmond' at :<-e t,ff.-?nti Hotel from December S te . T ?-s?r 7. Tl ay SS - *?>?* retnmwt ft BSS Bern*. Ita'r. a -- b?*-. etndTlne tb* work o' ? ? ? -?? >r^c:*eeoTt and David Lobta. ot ?s ;? tat ??>,..nmi Issajgssaj o* AgrVa:ture W e- ' -? ?- ? M'?? Ve.* have rot been ?- P v-.(?-.c ??-. ? e.ftng 0? t>.e Arne ?-?- !? ? ? e r- rna~ k ?' Red'.-d ,-rty. are *p*re4i-,g **T*r* dare ?? -t ' Jeffeeme Hefet, I_ They Are Locked Up by Authori ties on Charge of Being Suspicious Characters. Two men. believed to be (orgers. were arrested yesterday and head, by the police as suspicious characters, suspected of having committed felonies. Detectives Helton and Smith were called to an up town hotel, where a man who 'registered Frluay as ti. D. Anthony, of l^eipslo. Ohio, asked that a check for $*o.40 be cashed. Tbe check was drawn on tne Bank of Leipsic and signed b U D. Rosen? berger Telegrams and long distanoe telephone messages from Lelpstc ad? vised that no >heck of the number on the paper piesented by Anthony bad been orawn Anthony protested that the check was good He said be ?11 a native of Baltimore. Md., but was unable to give satisfactory avl der,,-e of this fact to IBs detectivea In Ills effects were fojrvd an ink Pad i-nd s rubber Stamp. Antuony -a;c was employed Si a I aveling sales? man by the '.inited Manufacturins < ompan... of Lelpsic A a'isntl;y of stationery bearing tbe fame of that concern was found in his grip. He said that he was married and twenty-five years old. Arrested Is Punt-offlee. ?.d' Her In the day s man who gave his name as Henry Clay'on. about tweuty-t^ui ye.?rs old. was arrested by S -rgean Zimmer in the post-office He nad arcosted a cl'l/.en with (be roQBOSt that ho identify him at any store in o-der to have a ciieck cashed. The atte- Immediately became sus? picious ano informe?1. Sergeant Zimmer or the Incident Clayton was Immedi? ately taken In custody. When search? ed at police headquarters numerous blank checks were found lri his pos? session aud one n as made out for a Basal) amount and purported to be Mgned by 'Tno Virginia Bridge Build? ing Company," and made payable to himself. No such concern could be located and the police were of the opinion that Clayton had forged the name. A pawn ticket, showing- that he had Just surrendered his overcoat for ready cash, was also found In his pocket. It was decided to hold him as a suspicious ohaxacter. Organ Reeital. The renewing program srlfl be r?ne>r?: i. Tied" (Wol om'ni'inn; ?. "OreVee-M*r-i" 'Gou? nod!. Co ana! Calendar. M "?tn| maeting? BTS SB the ' ity I i h alrndar for tht* we.-Ji Monlay?Common rounci:. t P M : Com? mittee* on Street Cleaning. Ordinance, Char tar and Reform and Market? at 7 ? P li ; i>m?t?rlai and Water *? T *j>d Relle,' of the Poor at ? o'clock "Tuesday?Orolnance. '"harter and Rc'^rrn. Babllc hearing on annexation. IP H.; Usht. Stteetrlcsts and Improvement of the Jamas Rtvi r a 11 at I o'clock Tv ,r?d?y -Ground* and Bunging* at 1 CALL IS ISSUED TO REPUBLICANS Progressive Leacir Seeks to Bridge Differences in Party. jfepecla. to The Time* Dispatch J Orr.aha. Neb.. V?v?rnb?r 3S-A ra'l for s conference of "Oil Republican*. cX Repjbl! eSSBj are] friend* anl .'oe? of <~o!.)r.<] Rroee ve;t. who itvnr setting together (n the Re pub-iican pa-ry en Pr1?na,-h J Terr. BaBSM Ip.i Mov. mV. * ?i^barstng that h!? laflct-nent aniiae o- pre-.errina Srew-h of *ncia i?m Eugene V rMbe to i njahr declared tue indl^tmen? > Attorney-Genera! tv |< kerehe-r.. a .horn he called "tn* w?:tl; . g o- ^a^ street. "fw Sal ye?-? the Appeal to Reason h*? i been tn tbe enn.nd^ er -hf court u|v.n t-|. via ebargea. whteh r.?re b-en a more prr ???, -o- an c-ranlrefj asagaSj jpon the ria? l's t.rta of lam. ' raid Deaa. "fle far a* w? ar* Ind'- iduar j ? or ceraed. wa are no-, ll the guevlos at ail " w P lf'-'"lalre a-aa arreateS ifght bv PaerarBaan Tait on tr:e -rhsrge e' hl'ttng Wiiifaua Bibb* on the bead wirk a bee- bot Tfes slleswd aaawult tnr.k place - '--h Street Bibhe ?SSBSssd aa ngly aeatp weauS. wnlerb bad be aewx) pp by l>" n T Wawklaa. ctr? Hoao!*a) amtr. ? ;rgeea. Just Like Finding Money fs the sensation on YOUR part when we write in YOUR hank-book mm INTEREST DIE. This mone? r,jiul.irh paid you hv the bank for the um .f >our principal, is simply MONEY RENT or W\(,?.S which your cash with us ha* earned for you. Let ib? \rmri?-. thiv rnone\. hut to establish methods of care and forethought In thr EXPENMT! RE of your inrome It will mean much to YOU for your SIR I'l I s to ftrow with SECURITY \M> SERYK F The American National Bank I Overcoats I 1 Eight additional styles arrived yesterday and will I be on lalo to-monow morning. The gaps are filled I and our stock is again complete, and the most at I tractive in the city. I Gans Rady Company NURSES 10 HELP NEEDY SISTERS Plan Formation of Special Com mitteea in Virginia Citiea to Raise Relief Fund*. I lit MISS AO* KS U. RVSUOLPH. Fending Baal disposition of tfce prob? lem at the annual meeting; In Char lottesvllle, nest March, the executne comtnlttM of ttse Graduate Nurses' Association of Virginia has taken uti dar advisement a plan designed to ra> lleve> nurses In this Stats who have become Incapacitated for service through Illness or permanent physical i disablllttea It Is proposed to extend this aid to such of these nurses as are members of the association. The plan, as far as It has been work? ed evit, nropost.) the formation of a special relief committee In all Vir? ginia ci'ies having a conslderabe num? ber of registered nurses, the commit? tees to arrange local entertainments, having for their object the raising of the necessary relief funds. The money so raised will be forwarded to the ' cen'ral executive comm!tte?a which "HI apply It to the individual cases The Idea was strongly Indorsed Last I night by Miss A- D Randolph, presl ; den' of the Graduate Nurses' Associa? tion of Virginia. It has the spport of the executive committee and particu? larly of Miss Elizabeth Cocke. of the, Instructive Visiting Nurses' Associa? tion, of this city, and Miss Julia Mellt champ. of Norfolk, both of whom are active In the cause. "There is at pr--t-eni no money at the disposal of the htate association with which to relieve the members who arc Incapacitated." said Miss Randolph. ; -The Catawba Cottage, for which we ' have the money In hand, will not be 'completed for some time and will pro? vide only for these suffering from tu? berculosis. It is probable that some tn^ans will be found at Use meeting in CharlottesvlHr n, vt March to provide a permanent fund with which to re? lieve those of our membe's wbo du sd fall In thte ein??, out we have decided on the relief committee plan as an emergency measure to relieve g need ? which has to be met to-day. WOMAN ARRESTED FOR ARSON To Be Tried od the Charge of bettle? Fire to nwrlllag. I Detectives of the State Bir*>*-, * : Insurance have notified Colonel John Button. Commissioner of Insurance, et : the arrest of Jennie Newsomc. col : ?red. on November on the charge n' .burning the dwelling house of Mr ' Mar> Hunt, in the suburbs of Pho- b : -. 1 which way occupied by colored ten I ants The was burned on So , vember 16. i At her preliminary trial, held F>ldsy. , she was Mal on to the Elisabeth Coun? ts grand Jury. She was held avtftrSal bail. not even the eugplclnn e* t?ro'e??!n-?-fe?| e?:*t*d? I e-ture to e?y that If Wae^'ng to., and agreed to p iv Virginia wit'tout tlie t?o mm protested agsinat. the latter would pot a-cept the challenge. Po^ev.-1 Irgtoei sad Lee and V. P. 1. karre seen part ?:nde- the Kan and r.ow aJsn V. ? I ? ths Bsssesssassi deeSsreety deleted Virginia ? ear. Profeenlona^lem. I? !t etlata. may he a ruttah'e new >n w .?Inf eenttan^. bu* tt anno' a-onr "or t ie indifference with w*>*r"i \ ! tadSSa h*a trea'e.J t\ at ilngtnn and l**e ard V. P. I for r**' ?evera, rea-a Very truly route. OCOBtag < vrrixotox Mo^sn.FT ?a-r rtlrhtn.-nS A un.oi. vVa*n;r.gton I an*" tee f'nlveiwlty OPEN CHURCH CHAPEL Prrebyterleaie to Hold 'pper M vnlcte ta Sestt'a Sdeijtinn Thte A/terpeee Uierelsee paring ?he way for eitab'esment nf m sew Preswytertan eherch In f-"-t ? ?.d rorth of Bread street a net west ef -be Boulevard. wfU be held at J.tO o'eteefc this afte-r.een. Os May n. rHi a Smdar - oc' wss e-sstil?ed la ?bla eerMer ??? West 111 testa l Pres*? frtan Chereh. the ftr*t n eetlag beleg bald hi the pertere e* Vtw Wa ker. wits rhlrty-eae la attendance Tlte ' .wi-g Sunday there were srveaty-twe la stiesdsaes. sad the rapid growth uiatlsaed :rtl aTSngwasente were seeds fi eervtcae ta s factory bot'dtng at Reeg sad Bread street Stx nieejths age ehe PreeSjyterltn of B?e*weeed perehseed s atjtuVe let la SVotl'r Addition SThes the Woimlnvr Pr, ehytertea CVereb tneeed te Its Sew le sattsB es Park Awaoc It donated Pa o.d trat Id lag. which bee beea re ereeted or, the ,. ,r. new e- ? ? -e -> ' , -c * ' g> a sali scheel will a* faemai'y tnrnea ever to the Berne M'aefen ?'ommlttee ?t ? PSsg hrtery (has ef?ere??.? as a p? i leanest ? , >?? .- stsrssa *^ ??: >?e fg ?, ?red en; Be* J T Fat-, P P. pastor ef We et ml net er Preer.vie-ian I -ar> Bet P rtsse Ully. D t>. ef ?hsue Street preesyte elan. SS4 Owa'ey ??or4.presides? of the ef W'^-eowd Or A Flaih?' ef ra* State He?''? nepartiaeat a sees sppnlated atapetrieitdeet e" the geh eel Ketl irr tfto B*e J? a c BERMAN EMPEROR OFFERS MEOAIS Consulate Notifies Those Now Living in Virginia Who May Be Eligible for Decoration Members of the German colony in this city will be interested In the an? nouncement of the le?ue the < man Emperor of a Colonial Memorial Medal to those not now i estdents of Germany who bave pavt Iclpatt d ;\i certain military expeditions. Through E. K. Vktor iro.,erlal Herman consul at Richmond. ,ittriouriccin< nt if made of the condition* of this award. It Sstnsj understood that ther?- ?r? a number of German citizens now living In Vir? ginia who will be entitled to this'der., oration. The medal may be aw.i-d. .| to any person who h.ui b?-? n attached to the German arm>. navy, the Im? perial colonial troops or the POtteS troops of the colonies, and srtM ., . , participated in military expeditions. Eventually other persona who have participated In such BtastlltlSag mi ? be considered for an award. Pcsor;n who, during such expeditions, hav. W?n punished wlt!\ the lam of SaHSS 1 are excluded. Special iTTbS'I h*\ 1. fore been awe-dc! to participants In ! the military e\r-.-.|itioni in Rgstarn A?la in lataaWlSat, and tn the toippri? sion of the resell ton In Rewskweet Africa In the years l*o? and IS#S< sod tho.?e who have sftsJjkSd Book nicda'n will not be considered. Applicant* lor the new t"olonl!il Memoria' Medal m)w > living In this State should s?-pd Iii? ir Mpi'lication In writing to ?h.' tssvnSBw i i ot.aulate general. 11 Broadway. New j Vork They must suhmil their papt-r* of Identification ftating family and Christian ram**, date and place of birth, present residence and nailing. the e\p?ditlon ir: which appll -snt pnr , ticlpa'ed- regiment and last military ; degree. ??Pen New t lul.rwmi. I The Toung Mrnt Hebrew Association h?* tea :ert InvtiateSSS ta the opening of t'.i new hon.e at IS East Bread Street, the tii Klaas to tak? place to-nlvr r a: ? ?? > k Ur Bs N C?;jrb and *?v< rs or:, t arKI apeak. I sad there wl!! he a men ??: program. Panama Canal People from all qu.irter- of the ^loU; are flocking to sc.: thi^ " Eighth'' world wonder. Special Cruises rrom tit* leva $I4S and up 1 roxn \en Orteaai $125 and ui? } r..Ti Kej W< ?HS and up Call for lUuMrated Udai RICHMOND IIMNSKI R < OMPAM, Sdf R. Main Street. SEND LS VOL r ORWRS FOR ROOFING TIN in RolN or Betas. We have a bat K?pi* of MADISON. MONRftl d XK'.UIR I ! Shipment? nt.t