nirw rouxDED ml
Blues Achieve Glorious Victory?Army Again Bows to Navy
In Last Face on Program ''Jimmy, It./* Does
a Hurdle, Tearing D wn r?nc.-~ driver
K.tps i-'eat and Rc-tnt?rs Race.
Louis i-'isbrovv akesAii iion< re,
W inning Richmond I'.jze.
Yesterday's Features
late la Dlsbror? dratr "Jay-Kye
hee" oar ealle Ib o>' alaalr Cat.
eetabllehlag irn re-cor?t for this
Otv? Morloa drotr "Jlwaar. Jr.."
?br kPtM Kar. the rlsbtb anllr la
I be haadleaa) la I ??> I.
"Jlaaaa^. fbr larsr Kltar Kar.
drives h? .Ivan W. Mlnher bruke
il aalr sad plate*, rod ?bllr rua
teetlag for trat gesaBS in the (bird
Dalle of Ihr in mile bnttdlcap.
was retired.
tjtsasay. Jr.." eJrlten by llmr Mor?
ton. Jtiasited tbr track teilre while
a ilDK at ?l??* entire mm hour, earb
I floae damage ? >??."? de
rauilabed lit?. Tbr driver old aal
{ receive e aeratrh.
vV'llitdtn DaWI Morton. racing part-,
r.ei with John W. Ifink'.i. with the1
Kline CaT?, furnished the n- r\<- wh.< i.
made the Ml day of the Itichmoiid i
Automobile Club'a race meet at th* I
,. irarinia etat* Fair grounds, one of
evvi'.emesjt. rh'Ckfull of the epectsru-j
%r. wmle Louis l?i?brow. In hie won- |
d'-rful .'s"-K-*??>?? et'ended to the!
matter of lowering hia own record
of DDI. made Friday In the ten-niilu
handicap, erh-n he apurted a mile in
"r.e minute flat.
The flrat Durtt of excitement eaaae
? -he race, a ten-mile event.
The H'reer car. driven by 8penc?r.
rTlghart taken tlie ktad aaad mail.,
ained II for the first six miles, with
limn). Jr.' the Kiln- Kar. Morton
at the wheel gradually rutting 'low ra
the lead, and final j passin? the
Merc?r aa tanrj awung hrto ?he hom?
atrettch of the seventh mile. When the
eighth mil" had been flnlibed. Morton's
< at waa ten seconds ali*e>i of the
-,' ng Mercer. iQ making thai flrat
'urve of ine track In the ninth laps*.
Jimmy. Jr., 1 turst a tire and ekl-Jded.
i- owing down tr.e fence.
Oreat applause, arose from the ip?:
tatora when it waa announced that the
car and driver were unhurt, and vault)j
be seen In other events of the after?
noon. "Jimmy. Jr.' had made the
eight miles In ? 20 The Merc?r won]
'he race In 10.43 1-!. and the accl-|
dent to "Jimmy. Jr.' allowed the Caae
Bullet, with Joe Nlkren' at the whe- .
to win second money In 10.4." 3-4. j
In the ten-mile handicap, the other |
Kline Kar "Jimmy." for whoni Jimmy.
Jr.' ia nar.ied, nad to act badiv
Jimmy." with John W. Mink' - I
'he wheel, ran aecond to 'he ?Van i
rar with Baxter up, in the flrst two
miles, and waa rounding Into the lead,
when, at the three-quarter ruhe [ -
the Kline Kar skidded, breaking ?
axle and a driving rod. completely
putting It out of the running
"Jimmy. Jr driver, by Dave Mar*
ton. had come back and in the final
race of the day met with anotiier ac?
cident, which robbed it of wbat ap?
peared to be a clean >lctory in the
twanty-flve-miie event. Kitte? against
the 116-boreepowe: Simplex ' e.ip,"
with the nervy Louis 1'isbrow at the
wheel, aad the Caae Bull-t, another
powerful oar. Joe Nikrant. driving j
? Jimmy. Jr.," with Dave Morton grad?
ually gaining on the Cease, which had
taken second place in the twelfth
mile, had crossed the wire a a ant sec- .
end behind, the Case on the seven- I
teenth mile, an/1 in the first
< urv.e at almost the Msattral spot
whsre the previous ac-. lent oc-^r-,,!.
whirled from the track while going at
the rate of sixty miles an hour That
> tr and driver disappeared from vtsya
behind the embankment and a cry of
horror want up from the grandstand.
The "Zip'' and the ' a?- H .i:. ;
tinned their wild a-c - ,j
t-aek. while the -e ?>ide . ra
the excitement by Snaking a run sa
the track ahead of the racers to Iba
p?mee where the fence ;-,s.<j hr?c ststtt
erated by ", Jr" [??ve Mn'
ton. however, had not lost control
the machine, hut promptl> refi-ce I it
to the fack had a new tire p jt aaj
snd resumed -nnnlng. even artth the
Case. In the twenty-flr?t m'le. aft?
lessBast feur miles, or isest and thr-?
<iuarter minutes In time. "Jimmy Jr
was permitted to conp>te tr .. tniles
after the other cars had run t',e twen?
ty-flee, and waa oatl-d off i^? track
at the snd of the twenty ? th?-,i mi'?
en socauBt of darkr.eas.
The feature race e>? the da\ wa* th"
flvs-mlie event for t*? aj*w
mond prise of ItSd. ih? ft-at nr '..kii.,t
tlM; the second f7J and tsM third ?:.*
In this race the Simplex -Zip 11 e>
horse ?owe- ? "?w lererai
times world cpsttpion. and "a driver
of International fame, at the whe-1.
had as contenlere ? rot> ?
Rtnts, Dave Lcwii also ' nationa
fame, as a dr:eer ?-,.i e^.t Klin"
Kar. 40-hcrse power 't|<ntr. Jr.'
Itave Morton drlelag The start era*
evea. the fltntx car losing a few sec?
onds by the failure of the rnglne to
a park, hat overtook 'Jlmtne. jr tve
fare the mile era completed, and the
cars flnished each mile thereafter m
rotation. "Zip" first "tuts second,
aad "Jimmy. Jr," ?Mrd. each ear
making splaaflll trans for the elreaiar
<* rt track with sharp b*-da
The Hlmplea car mad* the flee miles
<ia ? mtnaees 31 2-4 second*: trfl
Mute ear in t minutes and Jt 1-4 asc?
ends and "JitrniT. Jr ir, t minutes
end 2% eecends There were sweerai
heatitlful bueate of speed on
^?rajtchs* In wh.ce Klfpe Kar
? Howafl to great advantage b; afM aide
of t^e mor? powerfsl "ttf" bat Di?
hrnw'? handling of the en t*>.
e iarp ran-'i wa? remS'kable sad In
this M* car s~iin--d many ""Tult
la the f|r.t nf the day for te?ur
Kar. drteen hy Jrthn W. Mlnher. tv
? 'oaelv pressed for fl<-st koeora hy the
I ine Kar. ?rreeit by Daee Xerte-n.
aad the ?srs assss gaflsr 'he ertre with
Biekmosd r?rl?e rteee.
itt r?t snd rtiiiabmit*
??>n*-fc-'ir tli of ? ??Cond betwe?!. t tsam. I
If.- time b*:ng | i; 1 . ?17 3-4.
I TbM Htev? !i?-1 ? ir. . a driven by Mene
' ch-til, wan laird la t*
Ka.-Itig i ?uiilm I'ere.
Lf asyttonsnsi sota.bait raetng
* i*. h wOOJ fax .i In lii.-bniopd Tne at
? tsntssUM) ysaierda) was double the
number of th- saj before, sad] an in .
t- . ? it ?< j.i < i ? i\tt6 tlkal u'ie<: pub-]
! H< d- ni.iod for an annual auto race |
j meat, Th? i.i ingn ^ together >>t auch I
?1 iit-n a> t?i?b ?', \ \'.i-irj!t. Morton. I
.MttiKtr. Meoegbrttl. Lewis, Harb? r and j
Nlkrcrit was ? on pi It at ?I altar much|
hard woi!? .?;? lot r?. ii * OofnlulttSS of I
? the Richmond Automobile Ciuk, under!
. v,-hoi-- ana picea this. Srol race meat
a* a it a i ? 'l ? ranatM their!
mat MlMS uito I arm and placed uponf
the local rraetts i tr* which rarely ever!
Sfiaiat ? x.-< ;>?. moo lite prlncdPQj race j
,r...-ks "t ttttt Pad Co '-ountrles. j
! At f normo.. ? tSM to t . Hb-htnond
[Automobil'" ' I'M. i> . pttbll< *a.s given
I an opportun*'* to at ti . ? great
<iriv?^ tn aetlota, and Ihooe w'no tav
the avanta Ol tio- n?o w^re. un
omwUaattjVly petooed on? of the
?e\-ra. srosrts atom "?? ? orth the
pri'.e of adm'setoe
That the two da: t meet was pulled I
oft wi'oo'i' tan reldji t despite
I th? eeveri-l m-rrow aaeOfMa in yester
? l avanta, ;>?-..i-*- aks taw care the
?tftl r-rs had Cor the epe.-tato.'a who
llne'i th< ourre *' 'iange.roua
point*, Cndoubt? dly faet- r time would
nave beep, and COO Id I <4i e teen, made
by th? onrs had tan driven not alowoO
their mark-lnc i ?? * ' at the
curves. Hut thu i* w-n-it -aved sev?
eral aridenta of asrtoat) nature.
The track roeotd '" was
i ?mashed the tirst day bi I ?Isbrow. who
; mad* it la l:tl. V"^?r^- ' o coveredj
I tteS mile in Jar -ttj* >-? i 300-horSe-,
pout ma?hln?-. In on. ninute flat,
w-hlle -Jimmy Jr. tbe forty-horse-)
power Kline Kar. running la the ten
mils handicap, made t>,< .-iglith mile
tn 1:01. with Morton Irtvlmj
The grounds a er.- well SOttead, the
beit of order was maintain'd and the
crowd was ente-rtalnc - stiSSIllCw'Sj
Municipal Band won encor.lums for IM
splendid aTSln Undated, and tbe (U ?
annual aut-> ra?*e meet proved a sate
res;, though not a financial one to the
promote, rt
?w?a B?arr
First raoe?five mtlc* toariasj
and runabouts prue %2b.
' Kline Kar. ?nre-?'i by Tester Motor
i Car Company, driven by fohn If. Mm
I ker. first: time. <:i; 1-? Kline Ksr
'' driven by Dave Morton, second time,
it.17 1-4 btevens-Durvea ci-. entere-l
by R. B. A?porr driven t L, ? 1? M* .*
\ ahettl. third, time. %:WX
Second race -ten mil-s nonstock
cars. 131 to 300 esblc-loch piston dis
| placement, prir?. Brat, ?m#: second
I 16".
Mercer -ar sateisd rks Mtrci
I AutomoMIe Compsny. driver by ?pi-r
1 cer Wlshart. first: lima. l^ iS 1-t \.:\'? .
Bulls*, car. entered and driven by Jo?
Nikrent. time. *M 47 3-4 Kline
I Kar. "Jimmy. Jr.. ' entered by Klin
i Motor Car Corporation, driven by Dave
Morton, lost a t!-e and ersah* d Into
the f?r't after taking the lead and
j finishing first In the seventh mile;
dropped out Hm.e for eight miles.
' 3:20.
I Special event one-mile dash ..gainst
track record of lift, created by JLoj.s
' Dlsbrow- yesterday t<ouiS Disbrow. in '
his powerful S"0-hcrsepower "Jay-Kye
See. ' made the mile In one minute flat .
j Second ip?cl?, event-five milea. for!
I old atock care?Bulck. driven by Tay-;
lor. Mctx. driven by QordV n. and K"rd.
I driven by Kahler. Bulck. first, tim- .
I 7:13 3-4. Ford, second, time 7:3?. Trie I
M< tz car. a good second, drop- '
ped ottt st the first <j tsrter of the rlnal j
mMs Uta pose: having failed
Third race?ten miles, handicap, nor - ;
sto< k astfa under tiO cublo-mch piston
displa(?m?nt prizes, first, 11 SO. sec-'
ond |M third. I"?. Third prise do- ;
: nated t.v Hr.>.-.1 I?aundry.
i Handicaps:
Th-. Warren oar. entered an., dtive:
J. f. Barbe-, njj given thirty s-c
?>r.da start: ".Iiitim). entered by K..t -
Mol. r i'ai Compan?. driven l.v John *N
Mlnker. gi..-- t-n seconds ?tart. Caa
Bu.let. agMSOdJ and driven by Joe >'!
' krent. flie aecon^s start, las Stutz Car, ,
entered hv the St Oil Motor Cjr OOm
"a,.- ir - ? *i> le?v.i?. and "J I
m>. ir..' th- Kiln* svsr. driven \t\
I>s^. M.-it- i.. ?trc given th. ?>r-.,s ,
i all cars being timed by the BasmasM
; car*" start.
. f"s?e R.jr.e: VIVr?n.. first time
. : ?. -Jtaamy. Jr.." Morton< ge,-on J.
time it S3 -t.itr. l>w|a, third, time.
? 11.24. The Kltti' Kar. ?.ttmmv." hr. ke
Si *> e ?r..i VIStoprod SI th% three- :
quarters pole, and dropped out of the I
fourth rs-e-fl-f r.l'.e? nonstock!
ears, tinder gf>* < 'ibic inch rdSgon aVa- !
placement F"tr?t nrire ft?" second.
|fct saSSi or 'r^nh'
nmp ?i 'Ztft .ntered and driven
b> Uo.ia Olshrow. first tints i ll 1-*.'
' t ar e: stuti Motor Car i
Tompiny driven by Dave Ltewta. sec?
ond, time I i* t i; Cane Bullae en- !
1 tered and driven by Jos Mkrant, third,
time oSaSa
? nth race- five miles, city of Ttlch
: mond prise of F irsu |lsd. sec
) ond. $75. thlra. %ii?t-.mplex Zip. en
. fe.-ed and driven by Louis Disbrow. lie
I horsepowsr. flrat. time. I II 3-4. Stuts
ear. entered by Ftotx Motor Car Com?
pany. dY'.ven by Dave Lswls. eighty
j horsepower. second, time. 1.32 3-4.
("Jlmmr. Jr " entered by Kline Motor
I Car Corporation, driven try Dors Mor?
ton, f?rtt horsepower, third, time, t I?,
j Sixth raeo?twenty-dve miles, free
for all. nonet.-M-k earn First prise,
ttlft. swennd. |1 to. third, fM; cask or
1 irophr?SJtmplan "attsv" an tared a
'driven h- ?^..tta Disbrow. first, tlm
?>? 4t r%?' jllet, -ntarwd sad driw
he jn# Vlkt-nt eacond tlma V ? 1-?
KHrte Kar. 'Jimmy Jr." drl-sr bj
Dave M^-ton -r ashed into fence st
fra- c,rva of S*ven?*.nt> SSlla af'er
. bursting a ttr? -eturned to the track
with!-. fo-:- and Ihr?? foa-th minuter.
? with the ''ass Smtlot at tko
i b-artrinrng of the twenty.first mil*.
I making tw*e,M 'hre* mllaa fa I* 3?
I Ttaferew D? rtasaatt ealrM -fmmi
I Jr.* ?*T ttas eraflfe ?aaowa* af dark
JamcitoH-n Meet Close? With
Recori-Breaking Attendance
and Fast Track
Thought Lahore Had Been
Fouled by Leader in
Feature Event
Waif?Ul V?., "toTemhfr 30 ? With
I sent, the fall meeting
of the Jamestown Jockey Club track
closed to-day
The feature race or trie card was '
ttVg exchange handicap, for ail age* ,
arts* h. ? . decision ?f the Judges-. :
was awarded to His Majesty, a two
Mrs faajesty was three lengths ahead
of la?ho"e when he crossed the wire,
but full;, one-half of the spectators
declared :hat Joekev Turner, who rode
the fo ir.-r horse, was guilty of the
most :!.'c~ar.< saag at the last quarter
p...e wax i he bumped lahorf against
?he fesses. So confident were the spec?
tators that the judges would allow i
? - f. i !<t <yen money was wagered
t?. . -.?w.i that taatiore would be oe
th- winner of the handicap.
w?? worth Sl.noS When the
?? s tmg the race to His
>ij ?.m wa? announced, the crowd!
showed ?? linporo? ai hrr a howl. I
VorkMlle. with Turner up. won the I
(.-.?f. ,,n s-erond Paget "j
Herrmann Just as Promptly De?
nies Rumor, and Says There
Is Nothing to It
Cadeage. Voweaiser aS?OaUaaCder Jeeea
fanasr siaaasn ef the Aaeertoer. Leegoe
team, ta to be the Claciwnat! 'eagse leea>
rraoagse. eccerdang te President Marshy,
ef the rettoaga NailoaaJs Murphy i ifsrasat
Crem the ahset te day According te Mas.
Frse* v-haeee. new eke preserty cf erasers
nan Is tn ge as the Araerinen Ie>a*rje la a
.1 . n-tine. weald eewd Jene? te the Jta
ti ens'*
. nctsna'i *?*-e"Y>ee fa?^faee ffwrsh
apt aha ef ftsntar J nates as saeJeasrer ?? aha
f eessesu ~<'i? ?* is a??S?atl7 < eklet '
er-sralr anew af ae Aeai fsr Jeeea. asd
Jenes see sareer aan**ras mrnd an aaen
- ? "f r*. 'lee-lnaatl team P*treto?r than
taai he ein eel ?e <tne1nnatl'? sjasjassa
? ear Thaa eepoet sweat he aav> e
ga saM rreetd??' Ataraet i'<?n?-i ?
?<wa* Wstlenei I.eagtie seeena? tea)** when
ha heart er the lagen that Jeeves ess SB
???**? ta a eraeV ?rhe-?*e he wtertf* ? ?-<?>?*.
Secretary of Local Alumni Asso?
ciation Answers Criticism of
Washington and Lee
I Ivd'.twr afio-.irg Pasr. nmee-L>lapet<w
sal o". rtfl ?B ~vTu sa>tus" a war*
n defense .*f Washt.ictt.n and Lec In tri? I
? attar o' aUiowiig ;??? man t.> p a? ua their I
fvjtba. trau? nM..!.. yuli aa:. lisve p!ayed|
?lofieaconal aaaeoaU.
Totj state !n to day'* papet that Virginia I
r: ' no: a'-cept ? sa:i.e ??!;?. Washington and
je* on D'eensber 7 an account of the faxt
a- Che ia'ter knowingly hat beea p.ej-l&s
ta o men wtto aarn played profeaatvoaJ baae
majr he martakan. but I e-m under MM
I tmvreaalon that ;h? ath-etic oornralttee of |
Waaataartaa and Lee, <-u.tipuaad of at >*??.
one member of the faculty and PTObebi?
two others of the student body, who ara
I ha athletics at the untvaralty.
c- a: .lee* two man have p'ayed pro
itona'. ball If they have. U Is not .1"
Lexington DesWessjsti to Bales* them
retrain on rhr teatn. Washington and Lea|
piaya ?-.~ei. assess 'ootbal.. sad haa MSSaT
ra been accused of the ;aint of pnofos
| al^ra'.Um.
aeeme rather f:?n;?. -dt'vtf. Sir Bdi
t.^at ao n-.'.-'-;i MBit this year of tv.'?
taint of profeeeior.a lam. aa yo? term It
How a.*>u: the peet alx or seven years when|
Bill Word
Only Points of Contest Made by
Big Guard?Usuai Throng
Crowds Field?Cadets Prove
Greater Attraction Than
Game Itself?Everybody
Celebrates Victory.
Franklin Field. Philadelphia. No?
vember 20.?J. H. Brown. Navy guard,
kick. .1 two field goals from placement
In the fourth period of to-day's game,
winning for the midshipmen, and de?
feating ft Krmy C to
The Army was a slight favorite, and
during to? opening ?>iay the> seeme<!
tc have no. advantage. But when gtssj
?SCOlid quarter got ?eil under wav
sTSS player* front up the river were
aght::.?. :tvcs. and during Chi
last hair of Um game they were rushed1
eeT thei- feet i,;. the fierce lunges of i
the Middies Several times during the]
thirl quar'e- <"ip<* n Kodes and bis
men were within n-isiug distance of
the Army goad, and twice Brown. ?m
had mm n ssmasmt H i then with tearing
holes through which the Navy backs
might plunge, failed at goal from
placemani Early In the last qjarte'
j Brown dropped sBSB ss if for another
kick from placemert. and from thai
position raced t we i. ? y yards.
Tks Army vgl p'ns'lsad fifteen
{ yards, and Hrown then kicked an easy
j goal from the twsnty-flvs-yard
A few rrlnutee later he was again
withtn easy p.aceroent distance, and
for tks sexond time sent ths pigskin
hurtling over tks crossbar. Tks Nav>
I hi each em wee wild wi*n enthusiasm
' and the Middles promptly celebrated
I Wtgk a parade about the Seid, fttatt
. team bad come CfSm behind and had
WSa Its th;rd conae'jtlve victory over
I ~tka only rival that coonta" To tka
s pacta tor* the ?ig?-. ,.t [Tarta Same
j boys massed in 10. g anustand and
1 paradlr.s I rM and 'he sir-ate was
j a kotter ahnw than t>" H'-? '?
Thirty Bau<i"l n"i e | aft-n
I lion fc*'? ? - Ihi p ?fr? ?n ?h? laid
? sad tke tadits . ??r*'en?len, in dr*a<
' uniform
I Tk? few Mite. ci><<- ? a drill
j by a few w ? ?? P??r?
entry s* a dt -i? '~? n ? m" ir?. w??
swC by the , ??!-'? as * Md for for?
ms, kwt ko a?at all kts deoersMor.,
j goat wa
, ona> * n
*mai?ol?s A
>t. and a tnrhr
-.rated as bti.
n*?" on ^eisai Tmtf)
Local Military Eleven Plays Rings Around Heav?
ier Opponents From SeasLe, Circling End
at Will?Billy U ord, W ith Mcaae and
Richardson, Proves Particular Star
cf Combat.
Revenge, sweet revenge, was exactca
by the luchraond i.:gnt Infantry tuu a,
wneo at ?road streut I *rk they wiped
out last year s deieat by winning from
the .Norfolk Ldgnt Artillery Blues tn
Ike second annual griairon clasfa be?
tween u,e luoiesklu warriors repre?
senting tnese crack oiilitary organisa?
tions. Two well-earned touchdowns,
both made by Billy Word, one tn toe
first and one In the third period, to?
gether with a goai by Richardson,
spelled defeat for the visiting militia?
men. The score was 13 to ?.
Jeffries was shifted from centre te
full back and proved to be a line
bucker 01" sterling worth. Fat, Jovial,
and It must be said, short-winded, Jim
Barry, a Virginia end in ye olden days,
oensented to play at right half. Need- 1
less to say, lack of training kept the
redoubtable Jim out of most of thi I
plays but when he did get started, j
As Is customary when the local sol?
dier boys play, young "Billy"' Word
was the bright luminary. He was hard
pressed for laurels by Richardson.'
McKae and King. The latter had his
flaming red hair In every play and
was down on the opposing backs like
g flash
For the visitors, TefTrles easily
shone. Hts line plugging was wonder
fttl to see. Ably assisted by Barry h
amashed his way through the R
mond line for good substantial galn^.
Had Quarterback Henderson been
quicker In passing the ball his gains
would have been much greater. The
I Norfolk line played winning ball.
Hardly a decent gain was im;ii1<
through the stonewall.
Visitors Mock Heavier. |
The artillerymen were many, many
pound? the heavier. The light Rich?
mond backtleld was una,Me to pene?
trate the bulky line. They had no
dlfflctl-y In "he earlier stag"S. O
circling the ends at will. The visitors
were outclassed in all but two particu?
lars, hitting ?he line and gamenesr.
When they plunged forward some?
thing went back. By these tactics
they made no less than seventeen first
downs On end running they failed
to gain at all. King and Quarle.- play
j !n? ends for Richmond crossed the
) line, met tiie runner, usually nailing
i him for many yards loss.
Tn forward passing the Infantrymen
j had it all orer the visitors. S'x beau.
I ties we;e made, one from Klchaidson
I to Word resulted in the second touch
I ,lowr.. wh'l'- on three occasion* a per?
fect flip brought the oval from one
end <-f the field to the other.
The first touchdown came in the Irst
period. Norfolk won the toss, choos
irg to take the offensive, stake*/ kicked
< ff to Hi'-hmond. The runner was
downed In tu? track*. Word mad* a
oeauuful run of twenty yards around
end. K'chardaon wont the other side
for the same distance, Bauen added
ten, Richardson ten more, and Woi.
rau for CJteen With the bail wall In
the enemie? territory <t was lost on
Norfolk punted to mldflsld. MoRae
maae a danuy run of fifteen yards
Again tne visitors held, and KicuarJ
son punted King nailed Henderson
in his track*. Here a forward pass,
the nm ot the gams. Word to burke,
resulted In a gain of twenty yard*
BtatM wss tackted and lost the ?*si
Barry again puntsd to Word, wko
picked up the ball and dodged an-1
twisted his way for twenty -n.? yarns
and the drat score. Kichardaon missea
Seeas to Braee Sunt
The neat period found the visitor?
aggressively pushing the oval down
the field by bucking and plunging
ttirougb. guard and tackle. At critl
, cal moments a fumble would give the
ball to Richmond, it would be puntcit
out to safety and the performance
' would be repested.
In the third period the same tactics
I were resorted to. With the ball weit
. In the locals' territory. U wss lost on
! dow ns- Hero Richardson made "
' straight forward pass over Cie line U>
! Word The speedy little half be. k
' dashed down the field with the ball
1 W ith King giving him perfect Intn
fertnee, he attain scored after runnli >.
s'xty-flve ysrd.^. For the balance .-f
the struggle the ball seesawed, the ^-i
Antagc being with the artillerymen.
They succeeded In taking the oval t"
the ten-ysrd line, where It was lost
on downs. KichmonJ punted to safeiv
and the game ended.
The lice-up and summary
Richmond. fi-itiott. Norfolk
King.left end ... ironmonger
Sweeny.left tackle . - .KtkorklgS
tfjtptaiti ?
Williams . . left guar.l .'.. . Word n
Jacobs.centre. Farne:
Houston.right guaro ...... .Wet*
Cjuarles right tactile . . .QsjeemwnS I
B'i-ko.quarter back.Smll 1
faVsToo quarter hack .Henderson
Word.left half back.. .Sylvester
? Captain ?
nbhardfon. right half back Mar ?
Balicn.full back.Jeff rl-s
Humman) : Offivlals?Well ford IVir?
ginia), referee. Witt (Virginia Mi -
tary Institute). umpire: Auguetlr*
(High School', linesman. Substitut?-.?
?Dennis. Parker. Xeal. Cason, Hltnll
wrlght. Jones, L.lnton. Touchdowns?
Word (X). Goals?Rlchardsou. Score
?Richmond 13: Norfolk. 0. Time of
periods?eight minutes.
Captures Trophy on Links of
Hermitage Club in Match
A larrje field rook part :n the m-r. ?.
hand trap yest-rday at the Hermitage
Golf Club. A number of fine scores J
were turned in. t!i<- beet beinjj that of
T. B. Oay. who made to with 1" handi?
cap, winning the prtxe with To. the
lowest net score
The lowest gross snore waa made by
R_ H. Meade. who played the oourse
in 81.
The course a as in better condition
thaui on Friday, when the L'nlTersity
of Virginia plajrd a mate* with the
H?rmltas;e team.
The 1'nks art: co net de red an ;desvl
winter oourse. Notwithstanding- the
bad weather. thrr> wer? golf players
on the links nearly every day last ?
winter, which was unusually severe. J
The course w.ll be kept In condition j
for pU; every day right straight,
throurh th* winter.
? aa*t Reach D??
I The rnv5nHb!ep and E?-Prepe played
football Teeterdar far the champion -
i ship of Richmond Eaoeetloa to a rul
11? ' thi rerf. ? ee has left the arame
i- -i MSg and another oontest see ma
j probable.
Local Bred Collies Bring Home
Many Prizes From Lead?
ing Bench Shows
Winning blue rib bens at the bench
shows throughout the eoun'ry lh num?
bers eufhetent to make a hlarhet to
rover taeea. Betsy."- two years eld.
snd "Teasel.- tare east eaaa-dkatf wears I
.-. a Oeorge T Moo's reu*rh-eoet*d
st I olllee bare keen brnwsrht hack!
?* Bi'hfavewd. and are at air. Heatg s,
kenneis In Hearlee Ceaftty ?ajef hewoad
the city ?satte Ta* Rteksaead ?ante*
wen Ms* rlhhnwe at the h*?<-? arwrwe '
No-folk at Keersam. le L. Stew York
hit i sir-nsjo. Rataela. X T and ?? >
?want- two other ekowe .r a.w.r.rt j
.Trrrftel *?..?
Only Horse to Be Bid Up at Sale
in Which 725 Head
Are Sold.
-V?-w Tork. November 3J.?Those
who had waited long for bargains at
the Old Glory horse sale had their op?
portunity to-day. for George Bain, the
auctioneer, rushed the lots through at
such speed that many of the military
horses brought into the ring sold for
less than IlOv)
The only real bidding waa for Bett
Bingen, a daughter of the famous sire
of Uhlan. This mare has a record of
IftJ 1-4 en a balf-mlle track, art
tnere was a scramble for bar posses
?Ion. which ended In A Soaumaksr. of
Jersey City, getting her for I4J4.
When the sale ended shortly afte
f> o'clock. <;."? head* had been sold fo~
a total of $*S8.000. an approSImai
avorag? of $3 70 The best d*v of the
?ale was on Thursday, when the aver?
age raaotied SftT.
IKsa T->r? Nkwwmbsr S>?George f
W raison, of v-w Tork, defeated Kadr
Vamsda of Japan. I.4SS to I.S14 In a
sls-nlgn: ?r>? ?: -ra'-h at II.; NaJk
rtne btll'ard*. which ooneloded to
n tf/kt. sloseon. with a grand sveraa
af It, ?ade h'.grh rsns of lid Tamadts ?
grand average was U 4-i.
- ?
Lasgra* wot h*re
"rrrl narias f?r nest
t one far frsn
nation f t tke -
. a*.* - ?II -f f..*M waa
tapsav tlbs d'rea-sors aVSahatVaSL,
pi salaam of Ska leagrwa to sts-e ana
all afcarsrs Pnatlist L*rw?s sea* i?
nttrht tav ?t was a italstv the* ska
Cocaesi "aja-e- '-?? ?* w*a,W rtss> wsJS>