OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, December 01, 1912, Image 15

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1912-12-01/ed-1/seq-15/

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i or Sitter, Brother. Hot he* hi
! jthrr nu yift is more appro
priatr ih.in t Wtor-Vi- Uol.i.
.\ n'iii tiiat will gtvt mir]
hours iif liiifpy enjoyment?one
th.lt will 1* ;i betiafl triliutc of'
A full line in stock, from tin
small $15 model M the laperti
instrument .>? $200. Victor*
?ao fron ?10 tc Sion.
We have pfueieVllI -in extra
large stork in SBticipattoa of
the holidd) business. Wc urge
.in early ^election, however, a?
-line of tli" popular styles will
-ex?n }>r sold out. and fiei aii-e
of the unusual demand tlx
manufart.j.-rr cannot t;uuraii'i<
< hrts'maK delivery.
Make wiur selection now
and we will hold it for de?
liver) (Jhris-tmits week.
Easy terms i( desired
Walter D. Moses & Co.
103 East Broad St
Oldest Music House in Virginia and N. C.
News of South Richmond
Dr. I . A. Mau aad T. O. (rump Iteaiss
r ron Clover DUtiiet Beard.
Arthur ritrattca and William Wilker-1
?on were elected yesterday to succeed '
Or. L. A. Sims and T. O. Crump as
school trustees In Clorer IIii- L'.strict, .
Chesterfield County. The county elec- j
toral board met tn the office of Wll
ltaro G Owens, superintendent of the |
Chesterfield County schools, and sfter j
accepting: the resignation of Or. Sims <
and Mr. Crump, quick.y pslsctsi the.r !
Messrs Strstton and Wllkerson sr?'
farmers and lumbermen The former
lives near Mos>y's Junction and the
latter in Bethia neighborhood. Both
are prominent in socui and business
circles and are enthusiastic workers
for the betterment of the district'
Gets Absolute Dltorre.
Judg? Ernest H- Wel.s yesterday, in I
Hustings Court. Part II.. granted p.
decree of absolut.- divorce to Elmoru,
r Wright from ClaJre Msrgsret
Wright. Wright wss represented by
Attorney J. M. Turner. Desertion was
the ground upon which he sued.
I? was alleged In Wright's praver
for the severence of the matrimonial
bonds that he had rr.arri'd bla wife
i:. Charleston. -1 r j- :J05 The> live i
to>r. ther. in that city and in Rich?
mond, untij th>- latter part of l?f?7.
Th^ wife is then alleged to have left
hin> without provorati >n. After lapse
of the cistomary time, during arnich
there had been no reconciliation, he
asked for Judicial relief.
Democratic Club to Xret.
The Penh Richmond Democratic Club
will have a called meeting early this
week for the purpose of settling Baa
expense incurred preparatory to the
WilHon celebration parade laat week.
The club raised sufficient funds to pay
for the uniforms and hats worn by
th? marchers. The brooma. however,
were borrowed. Nearly atx dosen of
thes? were not returned and the or?
ganization ie responsible for their
Many Pay State Taxes.
Yestnday was the last day for the
pay age ni at State taxes. The office of
Deputy Treasurer, J. W. Bronough. Jr.,
In leader Holding, was crowded ail
day by persons who put off until the
last minute and wish-d to avoid th
I pet cent ????If] which atta-. lies to
1 ail unpaid geeoaats
I The voters, and those who wish to
I votv In lh?; seal -!??'??!.m. have until
ttfce ?-nd of ttiie week t> pu/ their
'-.imitation tax. Coutrnr> to the gen?
eral bei|.-f an election will be held
this spring. City kergeaat Saturtleld
will come up for re-election for a term
of fo'.r j ears.
???teruur Stenn ?o Tree*.
tJoveiiioi .Mann will t?-:u-h the Phlla
thea ela** of the Ha'niirldge Str.-.-t
liapt 1st Chareh this .norniiig. l-gln
?itaj it o'claeat. This class Is .-? in
:>om.-<I of young wo in CSV ami !? o~ne of
(he largest on th< ithsid. it i?
usiiulh tanjrlit b) * \, FTeetse, suiier
InteedwM ol Iii? Kupsal ,,-hoo>. .\ i?r
th" leaaua Ucweraor Mann will atte,i:4
.-. Mia. svaaej.
in MauasaaV Cearehee
Rev, r, M ?hit.. ih- n*w pasto?
of the Daeat ir itreel la>thostHgl ?jettre*.
will pr?arh bin haltlil sendee this
aterglug. it is ssejaabie tu t a date
for the tediea?ea of. the aew ruue
lure u4n i?- -< i to-day. t
.v. i. orl?. service* win ha in Id this
efsaraoan pt i n clock at th.- il'ks"
il. Kleveath arnl ?aiabndBe
Uli e If. of Main tn -t' i le>?l te. X?. M.i.
H p. <> E. iodar Drswed M. Wells
will maki an address.
Hoi-. CwsamuaiOS will be ,?? ii-brnted
thl? morn nn gl 11 ?>'c ock by lu-v I-'.
Brnasl IT arrest m th< ItaaeV Memoria i
Rptscepai Ch :ir!-,
Keakesneswei ? a*r ? eesriesaaeV
TMt trial ol DIU*' ? Kierson. ehe is
Si used .-i n- usu|>i"irt v.ili Ivdli ir*t
it adaj ruorniag in Hustntg* font.
Putt it Probation Ohle? I l'ort.:i *
erhe ih i". cieaajtlkinsnl w*s aasVMe to
... |.n?. hi j sein da j Rlerawn is jb?
der *.'i" L> <nd. which is forf> I tab e if
?a Im- fulled t" prasUel* for his <le
Aeal fanili>. He is i.eirg h. id with?
out ball.
Ifufccii B Naher, charged wttk
? lit.nk und down was fired *-'.b'.' all
costs >fsterday n.arnlng In Police
touit. Pan n.
OeaJ tor Federal J?.'?.
sergeant J. C Sgtiadera, of lfuet.:ia?
Court, Pwrt !T.. i? i, slronar e'i.t'-stant
f.ir the posit loa of l"nit>--?i Stat. ?-. .M i
-::.,] f?r th. Thud trfatflci el Virginia.
Tin- psaot !m n.,w filled by cisr?rice <;.
Baslthera Mr. Plunders has th. as?
surance of strong support II'- im well
'j'iallfled to fill the position, sad his
friends are confidently expecting him
le -<t the appointment
I it fake I>eeerter II:. - i.
till! er W. E- Wuymack. ahc last
we k arrested W. J. Ryan as a sunpect
?-?1 deserter from the t'nited .States j
Nary, *UI leave to-morr >w morning
Norfolk with the man. whom he t
will deliver to the nava iut' orilles. j
l:...:. ha* admitted rtls Identity and.
express* a bla wKlingnesr, to go back, j
He. was assigned to the tra'mng ship j
Franklin when be took French leave. I
Walter McXamara and Richard !
YVooldrldge colored. wer>- lnt"rrupled [
; esterda:- ufternoun while In a crap.
Karr.'- Thev w<-re taken to the Third j
Station by Officer IVaymack. w:io asaftn]
the arrest.
Vlsrries 'u Nele.in I ounly.
A marriage of interest to pouth
sidert- was perff.rtn-.i TTertnf afltj ulght !
in the Virginia llot-1 L'-vmirston. Nel-i
son County, Va., when Miss Nettie i
Small, of that county. be;ame :!,< wir? j
<>' Brwla S Owen, of 1715 Powh.itan j
ritreet. SoJth Hlclitnon-]. The young!
couple will make their home here.
Presoael .Meattea.
MrB John A. Appleby. of Newport I
Kewa is the guest of her sister. Mrs. |
Pell, of Korest IT11L
Mrs. W. j. carter and aon. David
Walke <""nrter, who sre now the quests,
of relatives in Baltimore, will leave }
early this week for New Tork Clty
and the Highlands of th>- Hudson.
Miss Lucille Wllkerson is spending
th.- holidays with her parents In Ame.la
Mim? P.ena Davidson, of Sallsb'try, is
visiting Mrs. A. Clarenc Atkins.
Presiding Elders Object to Fur?
ther Increases in Church
[Special to The Times-Dlspatoh.]
Fayettevllle, ftt, C. November 30.?
The discussion of a paper recommend?
ing that r.o further Increase in asseaa
mants be made for any of the benevo?
lent causes of the North Carolina Con?
ference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, South, occupied almost all ot
the conference session to-day. The
paper, signed by all of the presiding
elders but one was as follows:
"Whereas the combined assessments
for benevolent causes, outside of the
Individual changes, has reached an
amount in excese of SO per cent of the
salaries, and
"Whereas ths last general conference
very largely increased the assessments
and the churches have not been ahie
I wfll give you FREE a sample of Dr. PiercePleasant Pellets that have brought
health and happiness to thousands?also a book on any chronic disease requested.
During many years of practice I have used numer?
ous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills.
I have kept a record of the result in case after case,
so that my staff of physicians and surgeons, at the
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., are able to diagnose
and treat cases at a distance with uniform good results.
But for the permanent relief of blood disorders and im?
purities, I can recommend my "Golden Medical Discovery"
a blood medicine without alcohol or other injurious ingredients.
R. V. PIERCE, M.D., Buffalo, HL Y.
Nature's Way Is The Best
Bo-kJ <t--a >? ottr Auric? foraat v* fiad blat Jrai?. <u??'i r x?t. aaandraba
and "Ion- root. rofctaa i-.L Orna? gras? raat and rSaarr^are. Of tbaaa 0?.
R V. I*?aree mad* a parr rfrcaric astract tkith baa b*sa '.aarably krava far
?aar racty t?? Ha callad it "GOLDE* MEDICAL DISCOVERY - TbJa
"Dwcavaarr** paaifiai tba biosd mmd aaaaaa aa Iba .?aaaatb aaad dka astira ?T
Harare', ew? wa?. h ? jaat lb i tfcia i liSfii aaJ t?aay? raasa*
Dr. Pierce'* Go'den Medical Discovery
has the endorsement of many thousands
that it has cured them of indigrst cn, dys*
papas* and weak stomach, attended by sour
risings, heartburn, foul breath, coated tongue,
poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stomach,
biliousness and kindred derangements of
the stomach, liver and bowels.
"In coughs and hoarseness caused by
bronchial, throat and lung affections, except
consumption, the "Golden Medical Dis?
covery' is a most efficient remedy, espec?
ially in those obstinate, hang-on-cough'
caused by irritation and congestion of the
bronchial mucous membranes. The 'Dis?
covery* is not so good for acute coughs
arising from sudden colds, nor moat it be
expected to cure consumption in its ad?
vanced stages?no medicine will do that?
but for all the obstinate, chronic coughs,
which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead
up to consumption, it is the best medicine
that can be taken."
Sold In tablet or liquid form by all
principal dealers in medicines, or
?end fifty one-; nt stamps
lor trial package of tablets.
To find ont ?ort a boot the above mentioned dm?
tifrt and all about the body in health and dssssas,
get the Common Sr-.te Mrdicsl Adviser- the Peo?
ple'? Schoohnastrr in Medicine?re vsssd and ap-to
dsat bosk of 1,00t pages. Cleah-boand, sent post?
paid oa receipt of 31 cents in one-cent stamps so
pay coat of ?/Tapping and ansStag aap/. Sdijuss.
Dr. Pierce s Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y.
Xmas Suggestions
Gifts of
For Her
For Him
For Her
Gifts of
For Him
Trunk?, $2.50 tu $80.0?.
$1.00 to $50.00.
Suit ( ?sei $1.00 to$75.00.
ttall.-t,. 25c to $7.00.
Can! Cases; 25c to $5.00.
Hill Fold*. 25c to $6.00.
( otfai Bags, $1.00 to IMt.
Hantlkf r< hu t Cms. $1.00 to
Caff r^aii M.OO to $5.00.
Tic Cases, $1.00 t<> $6.00.
Stick;.in ( a&CS) 50c i" $5.00.
Flasks, 50c to $7.00.
Thermos Bottles $1.00 t-?
1 okhni Cops, 25c to $4.00.
Toilet Cases, fitted. $1.00 -to
Toilet Rolls. 75c to $5.00.
Milit?rs Brushes. $1.00 to
( Lothes Brushes. 75c to $6.00.
Hat Brushes $1.00 to $3.00.
Desk Clocks, $1.00 to $5.00.
Travi in.: Got ks. $1.00 to
Ii ind Bags $100 to $30.00.
Silver Mesh Bags, $1.00 to
BV aded Bags, $3.50 to $35.00.
I ard Cases, 50c to $5.00.
Musk Rotts, 50c to $5.00.
Desk Sets, 75c to $20.00.
Handkerchief Cases, $1.00 to
Glow Cases, $1.50 to $6.00.
( .trd Sets. 50c to $5.00.
Bridge Sets, $1.00 to $5.00.
I'mbrfllas. $1.00 to $15.00.
II tnd Mirrors. $1.00 to $5.00.
Needle Cases, 25c to $3.00.
Sewing Bags $1.50 to $5.00.
Clothe- Brushi| $1.00 to
Collapsible Cup6, 25c to $3.
Picnic Sets, $1.00 to $5.00.
Jewel Boxes. $2.00 to $20.00.
Jewel Cases. $1.00 to $5.00.
Odd and End Boxes, 25c to
Ink Wells, 50c to $3.00.
Safety Razors. $1.00 to $6.00.
Pocket Knives, 25c to $3.00.
Umbrellas, $1.00 to $15.00.
Umbrella Canes, $5.00 to
Cigar Lighters, 50c to $5.00.
Desk Sets, $5.00 to $20.00.
Traveling Slippers, $2.00 to
Tie Racks, 50c to $2.00.
Folding Coat Hangers, 50c to
Folding Umbrellas, $1.00 to
Glove Cases. $2.00 to $5.00.
Play Card Sets. 50c to $5.00.
Poker Sets. 50c to $10.00.
Bridge Sets. $1.00 to $5.00.
Medicine Cases. $1.00 to $5.
Library Sets. 75c to $3.50.
Shaving Mirrors, $1.00 to $5.
Cigar Cases, 50c to $5.00.
Cigarette Cases. 50c to $5.00.
Manicure Sets, 50c to $10.00.
Trunks. $2.50 to $80.00.
Bags. $1.00 to $50.00.
Suit Cases, $1.00 to $75.00.
Card Cases. 50c to $5.00.
Photo Frames. 25c to $15.00.
Writing Cases, $1.00 to $10.
Toilet Rolls. 75c to $5.00.
Toilet Cases, fitted, $1.00 to
Manicure Sets, 50c to $20.00.
Sewing Sets, 50c to $10.00.
Sewing Baskets. $2.00 to $15.
Scissor Sets, $1.00 to $7.00.
Medicine Cases. $1.00 to $5.
Address Book. 25c to $2.00.
Laundry Lists. 25c to $2.00.
Table Covers, $1.00 to $5.00.
Traveling Slippers. $2.00 to
Watch Baskets, 50c to $2.00.
Phone Registers. 50c to $2.00.
Thermos Bottles. $1.00 to
Desk Cocks. $1.00 to $5.00.
Traveling Clocks, $1.00 to
You will find displayed in our store the largest variety, the finest and most
complete line of traveling goods made. We will cheerfully assist your selections.
703 East Broad St. 703 Eaat Broad St.
to adjust themselves to the Increase,
? Whereas any Increase of assessment
at this Urne will in all probability fall
to ir. Tease the total amount raised,
ar.d will but disturb the equitable bal?
ance now existing between these soared
"Whereas our careful etudy of the
Seid at Large convinces us that a fur- j
ther Increase at this Ume will tend
to check the hopeful tendency to a
larger and liberal free-will offering on
the part of our richer cnurchee (which
{must inevitably be our support In any
really adequate advance), make prog-1
. rese to self-support on the part of our,
Iffcisslon charges impossible, and tax
! some at leaat of our charges to a point!
I of open rebellion;
"Therefore, resolved. Then ths eon-!
I fere nee heads are Instructed in mak
| lng their assessments for the coming
year in no case to make the total as-!
sesament for any board greater than
, it was during the year passed, and that
' they make appeal for this much larger
amount, which they urgenUy need, and
erhieh our people are as a whole well
able to furnish, to the Judgment and
liberality of our people by making'
plans to present their causes and to
solicit free-will offerings in excess of
the assessments.
(Signed" "R. Ir. 3CMPA68.
"A. hlcCOLLEN.
"R. B. JOHN.
?R. C. B&AMAN.
'S'. H. D. WILSON.
"J. T. GIBBS."
ML H. D Wilson, cf the Wilmington!
district, presented the paper and spoke
in support of it Among other things
he claimed the continued lncreaae in
assessments Is discouraging to the
churoh membership and la drlv.ng ley
men to open rebellion. The discussion,
of the paper will be continued on
Monday. Oxford was selected over Wll-'
mlngton and Greenville as the plsce
for holding the "next session of the con-'
J. D Hammond represented Peine
Celles;? torn colored people, at Augusts,
snd General Julian S. Carr contributed.
11."OS to the endowment, and the con?
ference give $SJ5 to the building fur?l
This evening the anniversary of the
ccr.fereji'e hoard of missions was hehJ
fc if. Rawllngs delivering the address
\ n mg Women Taking Up Habit
With Disastrous
ff>pect*i Cable to The T.mes-Dispatch .
Farla. November 21?Cocaine has re
rlaced morphine aad ether as a fav?
orite mania among young women who
freqvent the Montmartre cafes, sags
Dr. Rrtand of Saint Anne's W omen's
Lunatic Asylum. In a report read be?
fore Use medico,! es eist y The report
rose oa to say that the eae ef ee
aine has ' ecome epidemic aad eo
menv sufferers have res-.bed Saint
Annes that Dr Brland e*nt his col
league Dr vi neben, tw make an In?
vestigation. *
Dr. Vinchen found that the venue
of eeeaine was du- to the fact that
tt la easy to obtain aad dees net need
a erringt? as morphine 4o-e It la
merely ensffed In ervstellteed form
Corelsje |s always eeeeewlMe to these
who hnnw ewe eg sis after the drug
? tores are clo?ee-e light la a CTtal?
I window all nicht If a pebble la
j thrown against this window a basket
will descend. The money Is placed
{ In this and the basket Is drawn up.
Then It Is lowered attain with Its
equivalent of money In cocaine.
Continuous use of cocaine, says the
report, seems to glvs a love for speed,
and as a result the victims of the
habit take loan; drives In taxl-oabe
for which they are unable to pay. The
result is that they are arrested and
taken to a polios court. Hers they are
I discharged on the around that they
. are Irresponsible, and sent to Saint
I Anne's.
j Dr. Vinchon thinks the habit is
; greatly a matter of snebbsry. The
victim, who belong to the little
world In which everyone knows every?
body else, are all anxious to adopt the
latest crass, hut monsy and heart
I troubles are responsible for much of
the use of the drug.
Andre Frey ? fatal fall at the mlli
: tary aerodrome at Betheny waa the
occasion for a fine example of pluok
on the part of the aviator officers. As
roon as ths body had been placed In
the shed, word was passed to fly Im?
mediately In order to produce a re- i
action among the officera
The officers rushed to the hangars,
the machines were brought out and the
motors started. Ten minutes after the
accident five aeroplanes were flying
around the scene, and kept up their
flight until dnsk.
[.Special to The Times-Diapatott.]
Louiaa, Vs.. November SO.?Mrs. O.
W. Walksr hss returned from s visit
to Mra R R. Omohundro. at Wilming?
W. C Bibb, W, W. Smith and John
Bibb . r.ert Thanksgiving In Rich?
Miss I Airy Sims spent Thanksgiving
with Miss r.ucv Owatcraey. In Rloh
Miss Josephine Henderson. Miss Lin?
da Henderson and Miss Virginia Smith
sp?-n' the week-end In Richmond
Sam Flannagan left Thursday te as
ce.pt a poaltien in charge Of railroad
construction In Tennessee.
Miss E'.len Kent has returned from
a visit to her brother, Robert Kent, at
CMnter Park.
[Special to The Tbnsa-ZMapatoh.1
ttladesboro, Va., November IS.?Rev.
Isaac Webb, who waa aa offlcsr in the ?
Souohsrn army darin? the War Be?
tween. Obs States, invited all the Con?
federate veterans to a big oelebra
Uon and dinner to celebrate the asvsn- j
ty-ninth anniversary of his age.
A_ J. Meredith and family/ have rs-1
turned from Barren Springs. Vs.. where
they were visiting; relatives and
wiiburn ZMcksrsoa has returned
home from West Virginia, whars he
has been employed for several years
J. A_ Semones Is visiting relatives in
Floyd and Shooting Creek.
Elder W. L. I'H. of Fancy (Jap. waa
a visitor here a few days ago.
Shelton and Lambert, of West-field.
N. C. are here visiting relatives.
BTelsy Neater, of West Virginia, Is!
visiting his people hers.
rspeetal to The TlnieevDIspaash.]
Ss^'ssbury. N. C. Nevecnber Ml?A eorprtea
marrlase took place St the home of Mr end
Mrs. Clyde Eanb) to Salbvbvry. when Mara
Francis Tayior Bowman beeaims the Slide
ef Durward Betment Xlsslah. The oere
soeny weis performed by Rev. JeSja W.
Moor?, paster of the first Methodist Chnrr.h
Tlie bride te (he daeskrer et the late IL C.
Bnwmsa. of Clover. Vs. After the marrtsee
oeremeny an elegant supper was served. T*)e
yenng oouple left to-nbyht 'tr Weablngtos.
Ba ?tmere and Vew Tor?. They will reside
nsstsm m rv? fei an ngaa.
[Bpectal te The Times- Dleaeteh.]
rayettevflle. H. c. Vsveassr St?Jesse'.
arrirh. s sesrro. was atiet tn the stemeeh.
sad Fred Underwood asd OerfleM Johnson,
also past me. were beely r-ot In a ftee Seat
at a boc-kninf near Wade, whleh waa
SsSjSs a feetlve -> ?aa.'.n
PaakSSSSSd a aahed Oerftetd with e lasei. i
sad Osffteld used s knife en fndei seed
Smith may die frear. the effects ef Me
weundex Three ef the BSSJSSSS lsi shilpstlsi
an the flght wer? brought her? and lacked
bank WINS fJTJlT.
Awarded Verdict of ?1.100 Against
I Stdaegr L. Bewaaaav.
fnpeelal te The Timea-Olapatoh. ]
i Harrison bor?. Va, November ML?Tbc Firs:
National Bank ef Broadway was awarded
a verdlot ef ll.lOO against Sidney L Bow
aaaa. The trial attracted atteatlea through
eut the State. Dortag the lifetime el Che
defendant's taker. Joeapb AI. Bowman, large
eume ef money were drawn from the bank
by the father, whese notes bore the aea'a
Indorsement. After taa death of eke father
the sen reruaed to pay the notes, sad th?
suit was the result.
Bankrupt from to
n?t!6? ?f first ~UEiST?iQ~df
la the matter of No. hoc
L k. shepherd. I
Bankrupt. I Bankruptcy.
To the creditors of I- K. SHEPHERD
trading as aforesaid, of Richmond,
In tbe County of Henrlco, and Dia
I trlct aforesaid?Bankrupt:
Notice Is hereby given that an the
the said L K~- 6hepherd, trading as
aforesaid, was duly adjudicated bank?
rupt, end that the ft ret meet -
of hie creditors will he held In
my office. Rooms Nos. SOS aad
S03. American National Rank Bulld
ing. R'chmond. Va. on the 10TH DAT
o'clock In the forenoon, at which time
the said creditors may attend, prove
their claims, appoint a trustee, ex?
amine the bankrupt, and transact each
other huslnese as mar properly come
before eaid meeting
Referee in Bankruptcy
November SO. 1*1?
Tbe Valentine Museum
Open daily frcm :o A. M. to $ P. M
Admission. 2sc. Free en Saturday*
Mail Ordert Promptly Shipped by Prepaid Freight
Holiday Treats Like Mother Used]
The Finest of Wines and
Liquors, Sent *P repaid to
to Make
. 75c
Gibson Ry?, 8 fftn old
Gibson Rye, 4 years old
Rumcardnex Mountain
No. 7. 7-vear-otd
Old Com WWmW
Penney Rye. 75c
Peach Brandy. MM
Apple Rrandv.$1.99
Old Jamaka Rum. tl
Select Madeira
Ramsey Scotch Whiskey
LsWr. ft DeVVar Whi.key
Bueh toul. inah Whukey
AfTia'rtl*'4#?i4i? **hf*TTV
Otortvn M^fliuwi SStfrry.
Cm Mum h Select Port
n ?
II at
II ?
II ?
Send Postal Far New Catalofue
Everything for the Fruit
Ca^e, Plum Pudding and
Mince Pies
Malaga Layer fUwn- 25? .
Layer Figt. 2*c.
Ferd Dates. IV
Mincemeat, per lb . 15c
Home made, J5c.
Nhelleri Nut* Palm Vuta, Filbert*.
Alrnond*. Walnuts. Pevaa*?abe Salt?
ed Vota of highest duality
Imported Citron, 25c.
Lemon and Orange Peel. He.
Seer*, of all Mads
Branded rVnraao.
Glace Fredta
Ftae Lande? sad
Tel. Monroe 101. 1*2.
IM 1*4. 1*5. I?*

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