Remarkable Stories ( MM I rocn
Work of Dr. Friedman
in Berlin.
(Special Cable to The TtSSSS rtiipitrtti ?
Berlin. November 30.?Your eMW
pondsnt this meek invent.Rated the
newly announced discovery of an ac?
tual cure for tuborceloala, and if ih^
history of the faesi eccoralag ts tss
tlmony of persons artM saj it. . StSJ
cured, may be trusted, it bom* at
leant to the eyes of a ia>iu*n irbe had
much sXkMSSance la Ike. treat con?
sumption campaigns of Arizona and
California, that 1't. Fl Istll I Vlk Fran,;
Friedman, a Berlin pfcyatoaa. attar a
Aecade of sapertst*at)asT< iaaily has
solved the problem wkers Dr. Koch
failed, an i Las K \ ? v. lu th.- world a de?
stroyer of I !i? w hu, rCSargS which
such men as Professor (schleich, of
the Virctow Hospital. declare will
mark one of the ?realest epochs in the
history of inedkin-'
The coriespuiia-r.t v:s.;-.i and in?
terrogated numerous patients w iio hud
been treated for tub.:vu?i-.-:? inciui
ing pulmcnsrj throat troubles ami
giandular and knee bone tuberculo?
sis. These patl-nts all asseitcd that
they had t.een cured after one to Ihres.
Injections of serum Several Of in. s,
eases of bone tuberculosis stars; of lori^
standing wklch sheered scars wh>.>
<nce there had been ugly runnin?
sores which healed up la a tew am k.>
In two of these case: a mpulatlou had
failed to cure.
In the course of the investigation
the correspondent visited a poor work- i
ing family whose child bad not walked
in fear months, owing i tuoeicu.osis I
of knee sr.d also of the lungs 7he|
child received an injection of the s> -
rura seven weeks ago and Is now abl->
to run and dance. Another case w%s
that of a you tig man whom amputation
o( a limb had tailed to cure. The doc?
tor -It- ..... j that the amputation of the
leg at the hip was necessary, but the
young men was cured In three months
by use of the serum.
The alse talked wlJt
the father of two children, both of'
wbcm had been suffering from bone i
tubereulosla One waa cured by Dr. j
Friedman In six v. eeke. The other i
had been under treatment by one of
Berlin's meat famous specialists for,
seven months. The specialist has nowj
asked Dr. Friedman to take the case. '
While some of tnese seess saemed to I
be little short of miraculous, Dr. I
Friedman does not claim itiat the.-erum1
will cure hopeless or third sla&is
of th? disease, and strongly warns
people against building up hopes for
any such .esult
Numerous physicians and tub.rcu-'
losis specialists are on the way from
Australia, the Dnttad states and other'
countries to study and investigate the
new discovery. Australia is said to
be sending a government commission-'
sr. English physicians are aLrrudy
Dr.i Friedman Is so bothered with
letters and pathetic pleas for treatment
rend by tell praphic and cable requests
from physicians for tht serum and
offers to buy the rights that for the
moment his work has almost stopped.
Dr. Friedmsn will not distribute the
I This Week
1.000 pain Women'* Tain
Rursia BurttoR B<>ot>, hi^Ii slam
top; ihis wtsuon't latest,
<iirls' Button and Blucher
I Shoes,
1 VVosnen's Satin Pumps.
! $1.98
One lot \'tri Bluchers, all
-am pies.
Women's Gunmetal Boots,
tor walking,
Soft and Easy Wearing Juli?
Felt House Slipper:-. a!! colors.
King of Shoes,
Cor. Fifth and Broad Sts.
serum until he is properly protected
in the principal countries, but will
personally treat cases here. He will
open an institute in Berlin next
week. Up to the present he has treat
i d about 1,100 cases.
Committee to Recommend Ac
l ceptance of Bid for More
Lights in City
Amount Raised Passes Half-W ay
Mark?Other News of
The Time?-Dismaloh Bureau
:. Colhngbi ook s>tr?jei
(Telephone 184?>.
Petersburg. V?., November SO.
it leaks as if Petersburg, in Its pro
1 i m bj to have a "White Way." At
I a meeting of the Council Committee
; vi, Uas ami Light last night it was
decided to recommend to the Council
.it its meeting Best Tuesday that Syca
i ? -Street, from Old to flak Street,
1. :,i.u]e a White Way." fids for the
ltKhl'rg were received from the Vir
gintl ".ailway end I'ewer Company and
[the Petersburg Gas Company. The
' bM "f the railway bel?g the lower,
the committee dot 'ded to recommend
I itb acceptance. The company agrees
j to iiistull forty additional arc lights
I on (he street at an annual cost of
j ... '?>, seat* and in the event
1 of thi acceptance of the bid. to eemovc
i all the poles on the street now used
I \^ Um company. This would cost be
iiwecn ;i,500 aatd J?.oOO. The commit
1 tea wllj recommend that the contract
lor the White Way be let at the same
':rv.- that the general lighting contract
! Is renewed?April 14.
The Prinze Ucoflge Arrests.
In the matter of the arrests yes
, tordav of Frank Charvat and his tnree
sons, Frank. John and Charles Charvat,
Bohemia farmers in Prince George, on
warrants charging them with setting
Bare to the buildings on the farm of
their neighbor and brother-country?
man. Joseph Vitpl. on the night of
November la, there appears at this time
only suspicion. The i .ooihguno
brought to the Scans of the Are trailed
to the home of the Charvats. but only
the tracks of one person could be j
found. What additional evidence the j
Commonwealth may produce at the
preliminary examination of the accused
BMB on December t> is not known.
Certiorate Recorded.
Certificate of the incorporation oi"'
the Carrollton Tobacco Warehouse
Company, Inc., recently oharterecl by :
tne State Corporation Comnussion, has
been recorded 'n the clerk's office here
Th-.- principal office will be In Peters '
burg, and the general nature of the
business to be transacted will bc sell?
ing, handling, storing arj dealing in
leaf tobacco. The capital stock is
1200,009 maximum. $100.000 minimum:
and the officers axe: President. B. C
Crawford; vic*-preeldent, Elam Per?
kins; (secretary, J. P. Barnard, all of
Louisville, Ky.: and treasurer. J. F.
oi Cf rrollton. Ky.
I.eektag After l? migrants.
Secretary A W. .Walsh, of th-'
Petersburg Y. M. C. A., to-day received
a letter from the immigration secre?
tary of the New York Y. M. C. A.
notifying hltn of the recent arrival
there ef three Hungarians, who pro
pose to settle In this vicinity, end
asking- that he extend suoh gnletlBee
as he can to them. They will come u
Petersburg bearing the card Of the
international committee of the T. M.
C. A. Mr. Walsn, since his connection
with the Petersburg Y- ML C. A. ...<
l ecelved t? oecore or more letters of
this character, and in every' Instance
has found the Immigrant and see I St
him in reaching his friends or in se?
curing employment for hlrr. lie still
do the same by the three Hungarians
now en route here.
T. M. C. A. Fund
The fund for the Y. M. C. A
Ing last evening ran up to |38.6t>??
over half the amount sought to be
raised. This sum was consideraMy
Increased by the subscriptions ob?
tained to-day. The campaign will
close Tuesday evening, and the two
An Appeal to Those Suffering
With Rheumatism
My Statement:
If you are a sufferer from rheumatism I know that this will be
ef much interest. I know if you have a relative, or friend, suffer?
ing the terrible tortures of this many-headed monster?rheuma?
tism?that it will be equally interesting
You would give almost any price to be relieved.
There are man}- so-called "cures" advertised?read what most
of them require: Take three or four time* a day. internally, some
remedy made up with strong drugs, which I would call "dope."
Read what th?=e "cu-es" claim is the cause of rheumatism?
aric acid, kidne\ trouble, liver complaint, indigestion, etc.
No on* knows what Bfic add is>?ask vour family physician.
While you arc talking to him. ask atx'tit these "cures" at the
same time. You have a lot of faith in his opinion.
Rheumatism i? a *eriou^ disease?with Bl re serious conditions
femvt bag if net chr< krd in tinv It ?fter, double? one up, brings
en il -orts of rni?cry, Makes lit'* almost unbearable.
Nine cases our of ten require no internal treatment at all.
Do not fill your syattta with these **< aVasT until you have tried
Noah's Liniment
Vot rr>a\ b** ore of the aiae that can be helped by rt?Noah's
Immmt is an external tr-^trnTt.
- - *; r<n h maamy as $1 00 for
aometlrinf tl ai a -uid kelp yoa \n I mk you to do is to try one
!arg< ? rf Noah s L ramer* It it does not benefit you
your dealer :s authorized to give bod vour money.
Where there is not anv swelling c: fever Noah's Liniment will
nc doubt help you. Requ"-*s sera iittle rubbing, penetrates and
does not evaporste like, most exterr.o' remedies.
If you hav- read thus lar \c,j %?\ \^ more interested to cotv
" personally investigated msmj of the testimonials
for Noah's Liniment.
Not long ago 1 ?ent to Charleston, s C.. to look into s rs>
rra-kable case. Tr.:j man Mr Jota P Daly, was unable to raise
hl?; right arm for more tha- pea years until he had used Noah's
Lasionnt Mr sri old. and is well and favorably
in Chsrles:r.- M- :, - -ided there moat of hw life and was
a veteran in the civii war. \\
Dalv *o\d me hi? staff* request- >?>
ed a sample by mail, then h
etate- he pur. haa^d a 2 Sc eise
bottle, and then ? $1.00 bor>
and s little more than rh? .. r?e*
mads s pert en mre
Nosh Ra.Tjedy Company
Mr. Daly's Statement
"I safferad with rheums tism in my right arm
and shoulder, complicated with a partial paralysis
of the nerves I tried numerous preparations with
only partial relief, suffering intense pain all the
time, lose of appetite, insomnia and was reduced
to a mere skeleton. Fortunately I learned of
Noah's Liniment and began its use. Although I
could not raise my arm, after using a little more
than a large size bottle I feel that I am completely
cared and my old self again. Cannot too strongly
recommend Noah'a Liniment."?John P. Daly,
Charleston, S. C.
Prosa a Prom neat B.aineea Man of Alexandria, Va
"I have been using Noah's Liniment in a vary
bad case of .-jmatism, and have found it very
beneficial in removing the pain, and believe it to
be a valuable remedy. I recommend it to all suf?
ferers in that hne."?J. Matthews.
Cored of S=.b> Rheaseatiem
'Every winter for the past few years I have
been troubled with edatk rheumatism, and had
used nearly every lintmeit and remedy known.
I used one'bottle of Noah's Liniment, and haven't
been troubled vtth pain since."?J. E. Emerson,
Prop. Globe Stamp Worts, Boston. Mass.
Cared e# Baae Raeeaahsa
"I had bees suffering with bone rheumatism
for about throe years I have been using Noah's
Liniment, and anil say that it cured me completely
Can walk better than I have in two years. Xoan's
Liniment will do ail yoa claim 1 cannot racota
mead it high ertongh. ?S E Cyras, I'00aid, & C
Noah's Liniment is
the bast remedy for
Rheumatism, Sciatica.
Lame Back, Stiff
Tomts and Muscles.
Sore Throat, Colds,
r-trasoa. Sprains. Cuts.
Braises. Cells,
Cramps, Neuralgin.
Too-Sache, aad ell
cat Aches and Pains
The genuine baa
Noah'a Ark on every
parka re and looks like
5? eat, bat baa RED
bead oa f root of pack?
age, aad "Noah's
Liniment" always is
RED ink Beware of
Imitations 25c, JOc
aad $t 00. aad aoW by
nv.r.e. Paajassaaj hy
Noah Remedy Co.,
lac tlriiene Va.
$100,000 Furniture Sale
Everything Reduced 20, 25, 33s and 50%
In giving always give hood to sentiment. Nice Furniture and Ruga last longer and are a constant reminder of the giver.
This sale is your best ( ham e to give a useful and enjoyable gift.
Right in the Centre of the Furniture District
CALORIC Flreless Cook Stoves. any kind of coal, wood, etc.
DETROIT JEWEL Gas Ranges. KARPEN'S Guaranteed Upholstery, and we have
J?RGENS' Novelty Self-Feeders?Stoves that burn some very beautiful pieces of these very durable goods.
We Give You Till January 5th to Save tbe Discounts
final day* will be exceedingly busy
and earnest one* In the effort to secure
building. The regular soliciting
i ommlttees will be reinforced in the
; work: by hundreds of others, and no
I MS in the community wijk escape
ti ? opportunity of subscribing to the
lund. The women have now entered
the campaign and will help swell the
fund. L'p to last evening there had
t been twenty-seven subscriptions ot
?j"(i or over. More of Uke character
I are expected.
Hospital Improvement.
A survey is Oeing made for the con
struction of a sewer from the Centra!
State Hospital to the river, an im?
provement on which ihe board of di?
rectors some time ago decided. Other
improvements are in progress at the
Geserat News .Notes.
.v Thank.-givlna praise service, with
an attractive program and an address
by the pastor, the Rev. Lewis iL
' Roper, D. V . will be held at the First
' Baptist Church -to-morrow night.
I A rally of the Sunday Sohool of the
Good Shepherd, Memorial Church, in
Blandford-. will be held to-morrow
morning, the object being to revive;
1 interest in the Sunday school snd in
the services of the church. A program
, embracing interesting features has
been arranged for the rally.
The congregation of West End Bap?
tist Church is arranging to enlarge
and improve the Sunday school depart?
ment and dividing it into class rooms.
The cost will be betwsan $3.00? and
The Circuit Court of Prineo? George
County, which has been in session this
week, was adjourned for the term
yesterday. The Commonwealth en?
tered a n?l pros in the case of Archer
Williams, charged with shooting Joe
Evans, colored. This would hse been
Mr Wlhlsms's third trial. T?e princi?
pal witness for the prosecution Is in
the Petersburg Jsil.
I Wherve? and Wsreheoeea ??dBg Cn a* Vset
eas Und sti far tscreweed I?' Sines
W??t Pelnt Vs.. November *?. ? A directors*
I rue*tin* of the Vlrsinls PteamshVp Company
was held here <aet Monday. Contracts wees
let for th* rebuilding er a new wharf and
! ia.rp> warehouse at Walkerton to take eare
j of the Increasing bgslnee* of th* Hoe. and
I in anticipation of a larger business at that
' point. The contract has also bees let *?r
' ,timber to entirely reVjtld and *n lange the
1 wharf at Cll'ton Lending 8. H. Wllklneon,
l.i company with "Contractor Waloott. who
have feisrge of the rebuilding of one
?harre? srd warehouses, made a trip of hs
n over th? tine, and plane wQt he
WS 'or rebuilding and enlarging the
' n : jr' and war* boms* at Ay let fee.
..--?? rrci Sur of new wharves Sad
>i;se? 's lit llr? with th* prosressres
? the new company f> afford Its pa
? M arged ehtoplne '?.'-tlltles, and this
pell< v -rill be eentlnne*.
- set, rt?r<ient S. H Wilkinson.
- ratten t. and R. < c*r*fr.. general
! -nar.srer. ar* three **sng mn of t^e pce
l rresetve type wblott do things in a coranvs
? ntty. and r**s:t* are bound te follow their
malted efforts In develop.ns the Matts p?I
I [Special to The Times-Dispatch,!
Brrrao Bluff. Vs.. November It*?
Tf-anksglving Pay wss celebrated la
an enjoyab e manner In New Canton,
the t oung m?i of the neighborhood
havina gotten up a tin.-nament for the
day A slight snowfall the night be?
fore somewhat handicapped the riding
and the attendance, hut the event wsa
held, te th* enjoyment of all.
The foil-win-, k.-lgrt*- participated
in the event. Ernest Ay res. Knight of
Fern Cliff: Danny McCraw. Knight ot
Arear.un. James MoCraa Knight of
I Beach Rider. Afton White. Knlsht ot
Steeple O. Reuben Hudgir.s. Knight of
Black Hawk. Frank LeSueur. Knight
' of Or* Bank: Berry LeS isur. Jr,
Knight of Catch Era All. Howard Raa
I eon. Knight of Fl uv anna, a'i John
: Phillip?**. Knight of Oillla-nsvllls.
trnest Ayrss was first honors. James
. McCrsw. second, and Dancy MoCraw.
I third
A delightful danos at the old M?
Kenna rrsidence. New Canton, folio w
. ed. snd was attended by quite s large
- crowd of you rig people from Bucking?
ham snd Counties, and their
friends from a dlstsnce The corona?
tion to-.k place at the dance Miss Myr?
tle Anderson, of DlHwyn. being crown?
ed Qoeen of Love snd Resett Miss
I Lottie Morgan, nrrt maid, and Miss An
< me Va 'ghaa. of Cumberland, second
maid Hen A. J Terrell of Rucking
ham rosnty. delivered the
o'r.s or is/t sie?.
Is Tr-X t pees wy nytssj ??
itepecisl te The Ttrae*-rUpatch 1
ttrwet, ^i. >c ssabee ?C?Ososg Ji.
Early, of Nokesvire. ?rhu? shooting
hi* bora*, fall, and was trodden upon
ana fatally Injured by the animal. He
wig taken to the University Hospital
and operated on Wednesday. Ha died
than Thuradajr mgnt at 10 o'clock,
and his body eras brought to Cro
, set yesterday. Mr. Early was a
native sf Alabama, and was sixty-five
I yeara old. He Is survived by his widow
and three brothere and two slaters?
John Early, of Qreene county, T. J.
Early, of Washington. D. C: Evsrett
Early, of Richmond; Mrs. John Shellon,
of Clifton Forge, and Mrs John T.i
Woodson. of Croaek
V. M. I.
('Special to The Tlmee-Diapateh.]
I/exIngton. Va. November Z0 ? ilrs
Harkness. of New Jersey, and Mrs.
I -ndail. of Leesburg. have been the
guests at their mother. Mrs E. W. \
Nichols, during the past week.
Thursday, being Thankegtvlng Day,'
there was the usual suspension of aoa- i
demlc and military duties on the post.
Moat of the cadeta spent the day at j
Natural Bridge, or in hunting over the >
surrounding country, parade was also '
The fifth lecture en military subjects '
In the series arranged by Colone: .!.
C. Wise, commaudar.t of the Institut*-,
was delivered In toe Jackson Memorial
11*11 Saturday evening by Captain it- n
ry K. tames, captain of the Tenth
L'nlted States Infantry. His subject
was "Fire .Superiority." The lecture
was attended in a body by the corps
end by the members of the faculty.
Captain Mario-x, of the medical
corps, and Mrs. Mauuux, who have been
the guests of Colon? 1 and Mrs. Egllu
on the Hi.l, have returned to Char
Battailon drill has b'-en suspend' i
until spring, and the companies, und- r
command of the first sergeants, art
being tauget Butts s Alar: isX Colon* -
Visa, the commandant, during the
drill hour, is lecturing to the l.rst
class on "Artillery." his talks, which
are of an informal nature, being il?
lustrated with lantern slides.
The Tnanksgivlng dances, given BSV
der the direction of the Cotilllo,: Club
of the Institute, were held In the gym?
nasium Friday and Saturday evenings.
Friday evening a light buffet lunch
was served The chaperons were Mes
dames Nichols. Mailory. Ford Fendle
ton. Withers. Carrlngton. Cross. Wise.
Eglln. Corse. Walker. Patton, Bru.ti
rage. Kerlin and the Misses White.
Naw an-i Olbbe.
.. ?
Victor Records
for Christmas
Wherever there's a Victor, some new Victor
Records will be a most appropriate gift.
They will add to the enjoyment of the instra
(ment and make it practically new again.
Come in and hear some of the new records?superb ex?
amples of the new and improved Victor process of recording.
. Double-faced records as well as singie-faced.
E. Broad
The News
About Crane's Linea Lawn Writing. Paper is that ft is suitable for ALL
social correspondence
Made in different sires h may be used for notes, lengthv letters,
inn tattoos, or whatever the occasion demands. Its texture is admira?
ble. Use it once, you eriD want to use it always.
BE INDIVIDUAL. Have your monogram made ap in a dnrtinc
tJee. die, the kind we are showing
We make a specialty of engraving of all kinds
The Virginia Stationery Company
The Rii hmnaiil Home of Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens.
?15 Fast Mala .Street. Richmond. Va.
"Aak tn aea our line of IndlwJdraf r>?i?tmae Card?