Howitzers' War Record Written From Bethel to Appomattax
Howltsers' Mceumeet. la KJctanW.
The war honors of the Richmond
IT- wl'zc-re were won by that Weil
known command of field artillery
th ough baptism ?n many a field of
aft It Is written on the walls of tha
armory?"From Bethel to Apporoai
The origins] battery erf the Rich?
mond Howitzers was first organ-zed
NuTetfiber ?, 1*S?. mainly through BM
efforts of Oeorge W. Randolph, of
Richmond, who was the first captain.
Bs was afterwards promoted to brlga
0? r-ger.eral <rf artillery, and) finally
re-*e to the exalted pc-tit'on of S*cre
tary of U'ar of the Confederate r"*a;e?
of America.
The first service performed h\ th<
tattery was st Harper's Ferrv. TBj
?her? It was sent to a<d in o,u*lti;iiC
the John Brown ratd At tht? time
the battery had cot ' sen uniform-'I
It was there that the Howitzers fire/ (
met the man who was destined
cectirne their famous cotr.rc&nder In the!
great Struggle between the ritat* < f I
R< bert E. Lee, who was th?-n th*- r\ i
eral officer in command <>f that pot.:
The first guns that th~ batiery ssssi
were naval, or boat, howitzers They]
were very pretty email Beam*1 Fins,
mounted on iron earriages. curio.tat]
constructed, and on Iks seonasos I
^.elr first parade the sur.s wer- Brasra
'.lirough the streets by ropes rnsnnfl
*>r ths cannoneers. It was trsmj ?
guns that the srg?n. ration dcrivd
For Bad Stomachs
The froeressrV European rrm
?17, StotnaUx, cures where
all ofbers faiL
Its parts a new digestive power
to poor stomachs. Compounded
by a distinguished practitioner.
Prescribed by regnlsr Physi?
cians. A^orNsi.?? bv in cura
five powers.
Pleasant to take and abso
latci? harmless.
Cores Fiarulency, Heartburn,
Nausea, intestinal DsiMti
?nces. Heedacbe, PaiplBwkHi,
Constipation sod other disoedrr?.
result i| from a deranged di?
i ^^hss^^e^^<??^B?lsariiwverW ? I
I ? assjaW at eey **sw araswam. it's ? B
I I see Sem ?t ' rs cee>?^>* iiisisii tar ?
I I SSfmsteSsf smaaem a?sVerei ?
I I AJ? Am Dr-**i*. I
I I aawsru ?:?-???.'m* r sw? tens ?
Hs When the battet-y *?> cailed
into active service tho guns, of couis
were chang'-d. eat the commind Still
retains the name of ??Howitzers"
Defeadiog ftlrkeaoad.
When the question of secession wuf
being agitated the battery began to in.
i reasc its nuinb' iv and when must?r^i
into service on April 21. 1**1. the
membership had Increased to 325 men
About tiiat t;ra?* M was s?-nt down HM
.'amea to repel th.- "Pawj?e*-. ' an
arir.vd vess-i of Iba D ? ?ted Stat'-s Na* JF
which was s.:p; ta b*> aimut to
.-.??u^K Richmond Thr batt. ry eras
ftrai .ivarteied in the bas. r.uni of :h?
Sp ?>?.!? wool Ji"t?l. and on Api:. - '?
li<:. v?.n?. beta;. camp ;i
I Klehmond College, where, bh cons
ij'ienc? of UM increased menv er?n;>.
lit was ili'i'l'i in:.> ihre.- bat.
[ sad] formed into a battalion, un-4
[ *!? r the ? <?'..hia.iJ of Colonel <-i'- .-!
vards. Wen? rail J It Magrjd.-r. The j battery was i <>tin?an?l?i by fp ]
I ts.n John t' Maiahfft;* Lieulegkaalj
! in ?V. 1?. Pal met. .?'t. rr.-prc-- . *j.t:,. . !
I .-< ? eal i ,? .i.t shtweard s MeCar-1
SsVa a gallant saSeere, aft-rward* ans?te)
[captain, and u .?.> \ .?? killed at ?'??...?
H?rl?..- ... .l-inc. At Ibta t l
j?.im Mesa ? >s4s ita ssseeWaeca] aee*-!
[etlst, anas tbSrs] aaesnsaen. in th* :
I t.-ry. I irst SorgeSMM ?;. M An.lri.- -i
J ?soeeede* I BBSa*] Mo.arthy and
lasts eaaaasa i th- iaattery anti.'
! : .. stana ?' t-'e ri'.
The ?? hvttery was fori;-.
? -j?.d-t ? ? - sjaal of Osaassh
saaaaasi r.. ?im *?!<?.
j rvee to tassS "f colonel SJf sr: ...
an-1 e*Sa ?>?ii?d M battle on Ma> . ,
Nit. This !?;?'?? ry was sent to .
lest?-.- . ... ??? '? ? rk K.ver. nh.i..j
with gens on :a? orach of aar t
'?ng?fc-d c.- i aru iie*Ss 'HI a gua ?i:j
i?. -.. ? in. -'
Thi- t. ' ? rv was formed unlsri
the' com.i .. <.?: v iplai.-. Robert C. j
Ktangru, a~>* . ? ? u> lotki .....
i ??*r?. m it?j .5*1. it was re-j
} United uttn t - ?e<.oi,d uat'*?-?. u:. er!
P. Meee.e ?? h<. was killed n-ar.
P?t?rsb'i<Tt in isit.
I W< l.- v f n-i-era.
The first . att-ry. ander th- .ein
mend of Captain lohn Q .-M-.Ja. SrkS
in i: < latter part ??>' ?etil
to JSar.ese.ia and ?.sigued to the iirsl |
brtgad?\ under cju.^ j of Bei c-.?i l< ...
11*71, and engaged aniar hiss la th*
g*?-st battle kr.o en ?? the 1" r-t ?
hf-pa-ess After that flght It wa.
transferred ta Oesters. Lataastrr
brigade an4 aaala tmnaf?rred tei
Oenerai Kn n?'? br.asde. und-r w'n-.rr
It ?flassat l Ir thst fertilised Caw i
federate vlct.try at Satis Hlufl. res?:
I^sbwrg. Vi
Th' >nd ar.J ti.ird l atteries n.sde'
the't r>r>- neb? aad] at fba snTte time,}
th*tr isetlng repwut'on as sold Iff* at
aha OeCbei. tinder the rowiiaer.4 of Ma- :
cruder and r> H Kill All three hat
tartaa reached aseentsetet? the first,
eaaj Sbir? with th*a> g-osa aast tb.t
second with muskets, having fought
ita najr as infantry from l'etersburg,
where the gun* wer? left in tr.e
trenches for want of horse?, to dra.%
'hem to Appoor.attox; the bat?
talion writes Its history " From Beth.-:
"o Appomattox"
The tattalon was represented by
>nc of the teree batteries, and some by all. In the following battles
Reihe!. Vorktown. Williamsburg. II. -
aassss. Ball's B'uff. Mechanlosvlllo
Bslnisl MSB, letesburg. Winches?
ter. FreilerU ksl.u'g. Ciiaricellorsvl'l'*,
K| ?? virua CTjrt'noitse. Gettysburg.
Crook, Besrsons Mill. Co'.d
A ma PftM pjj irrsburtr. Mir
1 r?.'h;in. Appomattox. and
Sgt '?
? the 75*. men were -orn
rr.t [ frcn HM t?-ree b?tter;e- M
HO'.--irxers and ass'gred
;o otr.e,- ^.ir.e?.-ria
Sion aft?r the war that gallant so'
5T?d IB
24. Hours
Earh Cep- s?s.
?a Ka-^fLtfojQYi
Fsta'-iiskrxi IM?
W. T. HOOD &
Old Dominion
? Nurseries ,
:~ry Steck
i ? W Tme h crsj-tptcte m every ?|n ,,i
"... - e ?.? > ??(-..- :-}^ v;ee
'?--.,??.??,; i
Um iildsti i Roses (fcevi rrrowne IbssJ
j ',n;# Vi et?
Write fee* tsstadorss} or nho-w us a*)
esssa our rppeesentatree. Offices ~ (?in
ter Park N'sM-aariai: Heaetco cssjiitj .
dlsr, Major H. C. Carter end others/,
who may indeed l>? enrolled aniu&| !
...e or.iect of tne Brave, conceived tu?
lue? of * ciub composed ot
IfM members ol the three batteries ot
Uta Kijtunoud duwlturs irfM served?
idiOutauul the wa.% UM SfcdjOSt being
to perpetuate the reward ?f tnetr
to.^nous frjaodti and fhaass* tue Uso j
WfcsOa bound theru tOMeihe.- through
<>ut four long veers ot battle. Butter?
ing and privation.
Aa an outgrowth of the club, the
prv?ei.c l-att.i. um? ;\.rn,o Apll 21,
1ST1. rrany mt the members of tu? S?d
lotteries enlisting. there:.v encourag?
ing tr.e very young sjkM oi the
city to jjin. H C e'.irter ?.3 e>? "ted |
SSSStBjhs; I? St McCarthy. Orst lieuten?
ant; John S. Klleti, junior first lieu?
tenant. John s sMH >.nj lieu-'
t-iunt. All of these hid served
through the war with distinction. The!
f"tloelnw noncommissioned officers end;
private? were member' J. W. Otbsoti ;
J. F l!o<r\ r. S f'ftMota. W. II Ts* ;
man. C K Win?.?. \V U tx-wl*.'
Char>s farrirctcn. Rn> < rt ? tti fcard
sor.. T. ft <isrseati. J. C Tatum. II T-ite
1 Trans. E A TTInn. Fr T I". M.iyi. It
'.V. Jones. S C Fheppard. Lew!? Hooker i
1- K Tatum J A C.ritrg. J Me'*arth>
1 n Foster. Jr. E TV. etile?. E J..
no?her. ft C TVortham. W C. A
mwmtk ?leorice PJac- .Itrrl-:* I. fjwsTg
-t Stgssjjs T r Br/nn. F.. M Cr imp.
*A* P Orettor. F \ leier
These ? SU cnr^lllfiff fr-eTO?eJee? '
->ro?->?eri hy * de**"'- ?
petuate the gSJ nrKS?:.l*ati"n. of whose:
?eP ;tSt!?r. earned 'luri-s ttSt Jbeyj
hsd a rlgM to feel pT?i
trnrirr l-'arlM'lr*
T>e hs'terv held ts fire e--t!in
In s bolldlnr op-m:-. ?h? ??? ?dnc*. .
n-i-t: *?"?? srie ir I' w;-'i a ?c~den gon
?Teurifed on a earrlnce. In exsft Iml
if OSS 1"M l.<~?e. whieh wss'
'Irs-n by sl\ d.^nVevs 1- ? - r"**enl
, ? ee; *>?'-??>,
' sf the romp'e"' 1 a' ih' Tsees
per?.ke and ?."?rti TTsV-var :* tNe Ks
steht IVrer Snn sf ? ?" I tBB
r'*en four -tne r :<? bi th- Ms'
?f Virgin'* Through Ci tswM
se.| drills The Hnw!t?ers a? nl I??SC?
nf 'V'r oen money, eid paid for marr
of the w?.-k onrte e*i the halloing.
In cos'?? et ff?- th?- veterans h*
eom:nc t r?-d ?1 Atttve eervtise. sjjad
, * - men. srh?. .h..?h f^htU,,
n setlve aervlee tn ttoe fletd. were
es vail r lasssad wt*A wiil'tarv ardor.
4*tii *s>dtt*g fagta: n carter it c I
WsrVtam. E t fhssihee 11 141*1 ad ss. {
& A. Hstahtaaon and B. A.
??n? sassaneadvat? !-npt*!ns of this fa?
mous hsttery.
Cbptain W.ll ?m? retlr-d after s*v
? ral j-.~ars of arrv ee to the battery.
artJ jjtm >l?at Will,am M Myers was
ch*.*?n cmt.iin.
Captain Myrrs Is dese-pd?rf from a
l?Mt line ,,f aarrjinr.h distinguished
,r hn?ii trmy and nsv] ttt :s th- son
i>t the late William Myers,
who .?r\with such.( as first
1 ? jt?nat Bf Rlley'e Tt.itf.-ry (Rowan.
X. C. Artillery. Army of Xorthern
Virginia, the four >ea>-s of war
II? has an enviable rer*?-d In the
Ifoe .:Z' ln;rina tv?ent>-twn years
af \ .-? h/ has never been shs-nt on
a parsd- of the barterv has a-eom
T?snl?<t the Hrrwltzer? on every trti
-1- have tik-n sine.- his enlistment
H* has b?n a leader In every mnve
? ? would tend f> th- better?
ment e' I..? r?n-tr.anr| and alwavs
look* nut Pat the pleasji. and comfort
of h's n"n
flatter. Fleet*.
Resides the*-*..'.? f inersla ?f
d'stingulsh-.l i:?>nfed? i-te cftY ere at.d
President Pule, with rle- aaty and
trlp? Incident to patriotic ee>-*>r?t.o?s.
tats battery beseitende I l ntt?d State?
SaiSS ? Mm-.seas. t;-tt>?bor?,
ai.d hetierr en. ?rnfmcnl? st dtrTeren?
pe.ii.t? tri Virg.i I?
\ i.otsMe ?er.iexement was t e fa
aoaaee? by arm? eareet? " h* the
? .irMeifWnt of the kind of
sassitra ttaiaa laartag s ssSajtS day's
march, with tm grr-n h r --? t? %%?
earrlasa* end m-n ugtccu'twnaed to
the work, lb- battery f?vere1 m gis?
ts nee r,' thirl? -eiaht miles in rein ", Sf
Virgin.* at
% Xoteble
fn lb? summer of tre Itewlt
Alexandria, f*j.. a distance of If!
mllee. over the famotia Vsliey pike.
? < pplng a day M visit 1,'iray Cavern*
ts the guests Of tJeutenant-Oovernor
J Taylor Ellyson. a war-time merr.twr
??f the battery. This region was Mal
BOSBJsa of Stonewall Jacasnn's femon?
'ampalgn. and Itev. James Power
Smith, chaplain of the battalion, who
[was aide to Stonewall Jackson and
Carried him from the fl-ld at the \V..
demess. delivered many Interesting
a -.j lna:ructlve lectures er the most
Important engagerrepts of this section,
t ins making the trap doubly attrac?
It an a march thoroughly enjoyed
by every participant, aus) one watch aajegery hopes to take age.'-i at an
early date, varying the route slight:\
to lags) In ether battlefields
Among the elclei features ef the or.
rail Sg are smokers, watermelon
? eaete reception*. b?nqu?;s and the
y dance ef tbe Cotillion Club la
ting meat popular Thte organ. -
h*s always and ettll continues
to mstntain tke very high standard at
?ilr.ed hy the Blehmord war Howttaere.
team la e military and social point ef
i USS, and fully have they sustslned tke
in. to be worth successors of that
? organisation, whose gua. were
h-ard Oa nearly every battlefield ef
v rgiabs 'from Bethel to app mattes '
Tbe Richmond Howltsera are arssed
a Bah ths ss edem three-inch ereec I -
leading rifle sad the let eat equip?
ment ? r same wftn the -?' iired r.
t"rtu of the CMte4 ?t?te* governi
The ?,ew i ?sSaaas
s??vd<-? 'he bse\lee end lreea unl
r* rats Is*'ied by the state for the
.f the mCltlS, the Ftlebrrnn: It-Wit
h^ e ? f?i?tir.cttve feU-drese
md a?- seen ring a new ana. as shewn
n Pba pietnre. consisting of a cost of
ira^ l imn ed with red and gold grsi
rtJsaSJ treus*r> with a red sirtpe. and
.t i f rarSer bo?a*. The bead I
a ? la-1 I!*-* axrakan kwabv wltn
rid wing red eoeb fsaSBsa? ad ease sad In red 1*4 geld Per eoelal
purpose* when ?tot m felt d-esa. there
?III ho a cadet Moose of blue, with
?ad a gray fatbToe sap
Th~ hetfrr ? bne?xi in spies
coeteJemg a el
thirty two by stttg
f'ropoae? fell drea? uniform, namyle
wore li> l.leatenaal l'e l.ird.
feet and ten feet deep baths gymnas
lum. reading- room and poo] table Thla
building Is considered the best equip?
ped of tri? kind in the South Doth
building are thoroughly heat-d by
Steam. H?tween the two buildings is
a large park used for mounted Ins1
tion durlnr the summer season.
Kstergement la Planne?!.
<"ai*rylng out a plan of enlarp.-:- e-.t
of these quarters tr> meet present de?
mands of the organization, as well sat
! providing facilities for housing the
I horses, which it Is espeeted the na?
tional government will begin early >n
1*13 to Issue t.> the field artillery bat?
teries. It !?? ;.>-,,i;.??ed to connect these
two bml<7li gs. which would proTide a
I drill hall ?f adequate site 10 the needs
i of the preaent organisation, and ?a
] the ground floor provide stalls for the
xn'mala and a -1.11"g haU !n which
mounted lietrurflnn and gun drills
."onld r-e taug*-- the winter aa
' wall as the summer months
htentlor, has f--nuer tly beer. Bs'- et
late sf th-? et:e- .pts to forrr. I new
batteries, so as to i?rm:t the n ran I SB
Ion of a complete battalion of field ar
| tlliery In Rkhmond Thi< woald rs
stors the war-time strength of ths
: command, an-! a I M ? : : --allge te
the eitf and Mata
One sf the pssCaft tnewn sa taSS
- page is ens of the sid-sty.? .sa sat sax
? hieti rocutred the eruiler/mea sa ha
eiposed at all limes IS firs from the
enemy The ptcts.e was tamsa wttdss
; the hattery was on strike doty la the
Pncahr ntas <e*l Holds Another phots
graph Is of a section nf the Howitsors
hand ing ? modem gua aad cataaoa
j ?Ith the ssea fully protected
The oM ere of ths s-reaent battery
< are as foilewe Will am at. Myers. eas>
tail K. T ttarri-n, captets-esw
pssj " Rees, senior neet Itentenmet
j i-?Haid, jaasse first Meanaaat.
Jona T Weed, seator eseeshfl Itsiteaasjt.
t 1 Myers Jenjor .e-~r<4 lletteneUSt.
Xoncommlastiwed eaV?r??w sr k ft.
ft -e Irst sergeant fa A '~:?e>ry
q-arternisst'' SSfg H P PsrlnoeS
?hie aerg-aot Si rfsaais -J a.
If"lisa. C L> Mar far ten* las T taesay
- ? ?->? L?r-.n. fa. ft Hagbea W f?
Pngard rpi parade st K. ?*?:. ?. f>.
Hai rtsaa. I. P Mslasn. C fj> twain
J r. Oawnrdir- K. ft CwrieUa?. 9 W
ff ttchmas. written* "t v^?a>i raw.
r~Tiar1ee A Psreey PsqI w ?,
r Oary. ft p M^utMtsV ft, w S)Tsa\ ?a