Officers of Old Dominion Trust Co., Two Million Dollar Banking House
B. A, ?4itxdeh?. Tr?tJir?t.
Photo by Foster.
(Continued1 Prem First Vajre.)
t ? e placed with parties, preferably
.?-ide of the city of Richmond, who
can aid the company by their business
and their influence. Mr. Habliaton
:.ented on the remarkable fact
applications hare been made by
BiUaeaa of Richmond far in excess of
the amount of stock alotted here, with
sal any attvertlsement or solicitation.
!?.! ,cation of the report that a great
truss eoa p.iny was in process of form?
ation was first made In The TlmeB
j ...itch on t?ctor>er 31, at which time
tr general plan was broadly outl'ned,
. h l-ut few of the details could
tfcea be stuted with certainty.
Ml ?>prn ?aaallfi
No d>-"ini:e date has been set for the
opt mng of the doors of the Company.! a ill be determined wtth other
asattsfI at the formal organization i
n "ting on Tharadsajr, but it will be not.
later than February 1. In fact, the!
la! company may open the first ?f|
Um yea: , without waiting until tre-;
; ral ffatlaaal vacates the banking:
room It i-ioposes to use aa Its perma- \
ner.t home.
new company. President Hab
liston Stated, would be in a poslt'on
to finance the largest as well as th"
sinalle.u of Southern enterprises, and
Its incort>orat!on adds greatly to the
financial prestige of Richmond, which
?rfl] then have both the largest bank
and the largest trust company be-1'
te t: Faitlrr.ore and New Orleans,
teereby Iraaly establishing its claim
as the financial centre of the South
The t wr4 of d'rectors has been select- ]
? ?! with care as representing a varied I
number of large financial interests, f or j
i:iai ? which the new trust company '
will serve in the nature of a clearing1
The name selected?The Old |
Da Usioa Trust Company?Identifies
tlM ;.-,btitution with the' State, and I
? any similarity of name with I
'. .? i.' ai.y other : aiiki g icstitu-1
tion. I
Ge*a "Platt Haue." sad Dies.
Oehkoeh, W.s., November 30.?Albert1
i- he!, a?i l thirty-three, was dealt!
r. ,:h hand" to-day while playing!
car.1s in a saloon.
lie had Just won the -stakes and
e res Mag forward for the chips;
> m he sank back In his chair and
Heath waa due to heart failure. I
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
Washington, November 30.?President
Taft to-day completed tho second mes?
sage to Cyr.gress, which will be sub?
mitted the latter part of next week.
The first message, which will go In on
Tuesday, will deal exclusively with the
foreign relations of the government.
The seoond message will be devoted to
general matters upon which legislation
is staked. A third message will be
?-ut/mt**? ! recommending the establish?
ment or a budget system of handling
governmental finances. Accompanying
this message will be a sample budget
framed by President Taft's llcinomy
and KfTlciency Commission. The esti?
mates In the usual form will be sent
to Congress on Monday.
American Hostie for Bernhardt.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
New Tork, November 30.?Sarah
Hernhardt and her company will get
an American hustle on the moment they
arrive in this city on the French liner
I.a Savole to-morrow morning. The
actress Is due to appear In vaudeville
in Chicago Monday afteanoon under
the direction of Martin Heck, and U
will recjulre celerity on the part of
everybody for her to do so.
Just as soon as Mm?. Bernhardt/s
scenery and trunks can be hauled out
of the hold they will be placed on
transfer wagons, and the drivers will
rush them to the Grand Central Sta?
tion, whe>re they will be stowed in
two sixty-foot baggage cars. The act?
ress meanwhile will hurry to her prl
cete car. Then she will personally nod
"all aboard" to the conductor, and the
Bernhardt special will start on a fast
run to Chicago.
[?peciaJ to The Times-Dispatch.]
Chicago, November 30.?Perfume was
used by detectives to-day in solving
the disappearance of small 'sums o;
money from the University of Chicago
Press building, and led to the arrest
of a youth who said ha was taking1
the money to buy an aeroplane.
Three weeks ago detectives were put
to work disguised as workmen, os?
tensibly repairing the building. They j
perfumed the money. To-day a younu .
shipping clerk passed close to the
"workmen'' at the close of 'the day's
1 uslness. Scenting the perfume, the
officers stopped him and demanded:
' The money he had Just taken.''
This so frightened the youth that
he handed over 12.25 ho had taken
from the money.drawer-a few minutes
before. The boy later said he had
taken about S5o in the last six weeks,
which he had put in a bank for the
purpose of buying an aeroplane.
Leader of Ooautpiratore Ia Fined and
Oiven One Year's Seateaee.
San Francisco, November 30.?A gi?
gantic smuggling ring, covering the
entire Pacific coast, was dealt a blow
here to-day, when Robert Donaldson,
assistant marine Superintendent of the
Pacific Mail Steamship Company and
ringleader of the conspirators, was
sentenced to one year's Imprisonment
and fined $200 by United States Judge
.Delia ven.
Donaldson was convicted of attempt?
ing to land opium worth 118,000 In
To date. United States District At?
torney John T* McNab has obtained
thirty-six smuggling Indictments.
Give a Gift That Will
Don't Just Spend Your Money, Invest It in a
J. S. JAMES stock of Diamonds, W.mhes, Jew?
elry, Silverware, Cut Glass. Novelties bIm*) ? wMtf
? i &< of choice In quality and price than has et er
been made by this popular house In lona and
successful career In this city.
\: early ?eJertion is best, because our
*tocks are complete; bev.m<-r tlir .-,rti
i !'?>. ran be engraved in tim? . : i
because any ?-perial dr-sign u>u
may desire c?n be ordt rnl . 4
received before ( hn?*'nan
7th and Main Street**
It in] m fU** to ttes iu?ti wtk rt&aWr ptnw
Underwood Announces
His Harmony Program
I Special to The Timee-Dlaaatea.l
Washington. November SO.?A kar
asoay program, whereby radical
tariff revlaloaiata la the Democratic
Hauae will radeavor to futak drastic
tariff eata through the senate, de
eplte the aeutll Democratic aaajor
liy In the upper honae, aad the
leaning of several Oeaaorratlc Senn
tore to protective duties waa an?
nounce* tu-nlght t>7 Ckalraaaa ! a
derwood, of the Honae War? aad
Vienna Committee.
I nderwood'a plaa la te have the
Hauae framerit of the tariff hill or
' bllla confer freely with the Demo
rrata In the Senate, who will be
j called apon to engineer paaaaxe of
I the measure through the upper
nonae. The House leader will Sight
I for bllla containing aa draatlc rnta
I aa those which the Honae paaaed
I at the last aeasloa, and he la ex?
pected to force the anpport ot aeme
! of the Denaoeratlc Senators who
have in the past voted for protec
. on on ancb commodities aa sugar,
cotton aad lumber by appeal t*
party solidarity.
1 (Continued From F?:st Page.)
I action leaves the Senate without a
! permanent presiding officer, because of
the death of Ylo*-PiealfaSllt Sherman.
"I know this fact?that I em to be
President pro tempore unt'l December
16 at least and wll continue a candi?
date for the place If my colleagues
desire," sail Senator Bacon.
"I v.'ill most cerilnly be a candi?
date for the position; I never thought
I of retiring." was Senator Oallinge-'s
: statement,
1 For tnontl-s Galllnger and Bacon
have been "taking turns" In presl<2
j ing. The Progressives prevented Oal
lingcr leing elected.
! CValltlcii between the Democrats
and Progressives has been .rumored,
but Is not generally expected. "Pro?
gressives'' have offered to vote for
: some Republican not of tne "stand -
; pat" stripe, but are holding firm In
' refusing to vote solidly for Gallincer.
Karly Actio,, la Prratrtre'.
i special to The Times-Dispatch ]
i Washington. D. C. November 30.?
J Among the arrivals for the approach?
ing sesslo.i of tlie Senate was Sena
1 tor Simmons, of North Carolina, who
?a generally ewaMwawd to be in line for
I the chairmanship of the Finance Com
: mittee in the next Congress, an-l who,
by virtu.- of that position, will have
?in bjajbS.-taut Pi-rt in rhaplng the new
i tariff legislation. ?
?I do not believe that a very long
time will SO required to put through
the tariff !? trislution," sabi the Sen?
ator. "I expect fie bills will come to
the Senate from the He**** one after
the other, SSU h revising a jiarticular
bAidJale, but 1 do uot know positive
what plans Chairman I'nd'iwoo: *n\S
his roQesugwes have made, i ?.??. ?.
thai generally the new legislation Will
i'ollov.- very closely the lines of the
td Iis passed in the present Congress.
< ?f Course. some SansSSJPS will be nec?
Tue Senat., xeli. ves tile extra ses?
sion will deal not esttj with the t*r
:fT. l>u> will take an Has antitrust legi* -
'at oi. an ! nroheblv monetary legi?I i
Like .\f- I nderwood be believes that
the chances are rtronsr in favor of the
-?...<?? t'Mti.vti of in income tax law.
BvwrMesI two more States ratify the
? u1st1 itional f niep im.Tii seta sea
nr, '. t'\f time the ? xtra session meets.
Habt tn Defeat llonird ia Senate.
(?gaWaSl to The Timi-s-l>t-;i.i'cli |
Washington. Novcmhi - .1*.?A nrht
ia foreshadowe ! In t^o Sen it-- to de
f?-?r the eon .";-mntlon of Clinton A.
Howard as suet ess* to Judge Cor?
nelius liar.for.l Se, or P"lndext< r is
preparing to w->re a o. termined right
? ??r. Howard's repudiation !>>? th*
Senate. ,
' Not for f ve secends wil' the ap
potntmct I H. wi r,| as pe.l.-|aa |
B**rtn*J*S*as*r*.'' lb- statement
I speed t"d?> from Sen?r ? l'.?|*af*js>
t- a ofTu e ?'!? :'. r? have nlrendy been
sent to 'i?- bwewawa* of tb?- |. ... i.
i i ' ?'o.nmi! ? ... Ai .. the
appointment I? !?:-?? igh: un pi 'in!
in the first or re. 07 t es* ,ti\e saast?.
S. - der Po! re'.-,|. , w 1, <!? n..-nd thst
Howard's name tw ?itb?>-wn Sf his
I Message; It will be
Sbuwa thst a area, p-'.-entage of Ike
Where he lives."
The ch^rre* roads Howard Ii
the po?d of letters whl.ii has eesae t<
tlie national capital fro.,, tnu North
west Is that he is too friendly to aar
rwc it, .tn? ar.d la allied with the asm.
m*>r while ander investigation ov a
conrrwasewaal. cesassitte*.
I^Mre s2wwos o* "l.wea>T Oeorge."
\\ -"talTn r*h? Trwiea-i?lrr>atrv :
? ua. Vovsssbx r I*.?'Lucky
??r*'" area fhe t.or?e on which l?r.
v T Xirb.. former private bank '.
t t I'-IthI Jnitge lxnol* to-**y be
yzn aea belonging In 'l"t?oslt..: s
I . nV ?!e ?.4,.| !:. pl_aj 1 .? tt."
horsa to win. snd It came la sewassd,
Wa atlwgwd be was drawn tsjt* the
?'f'lrg In- a man easnwd ?haa. who
claim** to bar* advance Inferaisuou
Share in the Profits
Lee Apartments
The biggest paying investment that can be made is that of apartment house property. It
yields a steady, sure return and has built up fortunes for many far sighted investors. Most of
the great Ar..erican estates were founded on apartment house investments that arc to-day yield?
ing large returns. The income of the Trinity Corporation, the Astor. Gould, Yandcrbilt and
many other estates is principally from apartment house property. It is a SAFE, SURE invest?
ment wherein you can take pencil and paper and fkpgn the net yearly income almost to the dollar.
The Lee Apartments
will be erected at Park Avenue and Addison Street. The building will be rive stories high and
have a total of 40 apartments. It will be modern in every respect, with every conceivable con?
venience^?root garden for tenants, electric passenger elevator, freight elevator, dumb-waiters?
everything that modern science and ingenuity ran devise.
The incorporators of the Lee Apartments, Incorporated, have authorized the
allotment of $100,000 of the Capital Stock for public subscription.
Books are now open. Those interested should make application without delay, as the
books will be closed without notice. The Corporation reserves the right to refuse or limit the
amount of any subscription before making allotments.
For additional information* terms, etc., apply by letter
or in person to
E. A. Catlin & Co.
16 N. 8th Street
(Continued from Frrst Pa?e.)
chairman of the House Rules Commit?
tee, is now fathering; a bill to this end.
With President-elect Wilson behind
the plan. It was believed the measure,
which haa been side-tracked in the
press of legislative work, would be
rescued from a committee pigeon hole
and enacted into law.
White most of the Representatives
favor the change, all Democrats who
could be reached to-night insisted that
whether Governor Wilson wanted it or
Ksw Way To
Cure Pimples
A Wonderful Vanishing Liquid Called
Zemo That Bids Farewell to All
Pimples and Facial Eruption*.
la a Day or Two Ttej Qa.
Although well known throughout she
country. ZEMO, the wonderful external
cure for all skin afflictions li now brine
Introduced here on a positive guarantee.
It is a marvelous remedy, and has cured
some rf the worst eev?s of cere me.
pimple-, blackheads, tetter, barber's itch,
salt rhe-im. Motetn ??, !>pnit<*d fa-c. ehaflng.
dandruff gad ell diseases of tee skin and
scalp. ZEMO Is sold by druggist at 11.1?
for the large regular size bottle. Bet in
ord- r that you may test ZEMO and have
Bo further ex-use for any ;>kln eruption,
a l'n m] ?Vccnt size bottle is now on sale
at the Drug Stores, or Is mall?', on receipt
of price by E. W. Rose Medicine Co.. St.
Lour, Mc.
ZKMO it ft pare, clean, vanishing liquid.
Tn - ciomert It touches toe skia it sinks
right in a;.d you PMl the relief at once.
It Is not a 'alve. paste, ointment or dress*
lag. Get the trial bottle today on a posi?
tiv- u ti.ranti o.
ZrCMO is *oM and guaranteed ay
r:itB i'.*cry where, and In Rich
mo r d by
OfeaSR DsWO OOu Broad and Seventh ?trwas.
Csrstr rwel'tb and Main Streata,
a^erehee ard Broad Streets.
Laai-. '. and Otrr mreata.
_ sk>-:tr. pj r.moDd._
is Good!
Bacbracb's : i
Th?rc must 1*? a rca^tn
try us.
You'll realize the advan?
tage and profit by purrh.ti
i'ig your Diamonds. Watrhce,
Itwt iry. etc.. etc.. for Christ?
mas gtits at their btg store.
MS Eaat Broad Street.
Be Sure and See l a for
Bid Bargains.
not. they would {rive him & tremendous
o\at:.jn when he became President.
"The Governor has certainly decided
upco a meritorious plan." said Repre?
sentative Clayton, chairman of th?
Judiciary Committee, which reported
the Henry resolution; but I don't know
whether It will go through at this
time. At any rate his Indorsement will
give Impetus to the passage of the
Henry resolution."
Governor-elect Sulser. of New Tork.
was dubious about the plan.
"It looks like two bites at a cherry."
he commented. "Personally, I would
like to see the pomp and ceremony part
of our inaugurations eliminat<-d. My
I plan Is for a simple Inaugural on the
I first of January, without any parade
or Inaugural ball. The President could '
take the oath, and go directly to the]
I Whif House to get on tho Job."
Representative Goodwin, of Arkan?
sas declared that Governor Wilson
might find it hard to cancel plans I
whieh th?- Democrats already have in?
augurated for a big- demonstration on |
March 4.
"1 think it probable that we Demo?
crats will be denied the opportunity off
celebrating." he said. "I believe Gov-1
ernor Wilson's announcement will con?
tribute to the adoption of the Henry
Representative Heflln. of Alabama,
declar <J: "An Inauguration some time
later than March 4 would undoubtedly
be better for all concerned, but I
doubt seriously, now that everybody is
keyed up to Inauguration on the
4th. if we can split up the ceremony.
Vttead f.arden Party.
Governor Wilson and his wife and
daughters and the newspaper cor-. -
spondents were the guests this after?
noon at the first "at home" of LAdy
Bullock, th- wife of the Governor, at
Mount L?n?r.ton. Pour hundred invi-i
tatlaaa wer?? sent out. and there wan ? j
brimaat gath'-ring at the Karvea party ;
Governor Wilson snd his wife and i
dnught? r* were tri? centres of attrae- I
tiou. MaBsC was furnished by the band'
of the Queen's Own Itegiment. There}
v tenn'r game*, anti tea was *?*rved J
j on the lawn.
j PreaMeBt-Ktect Wilson in his cam-I
j Bahra faaaca imt. naaa a hit with th<*!
! guests. Sir QsTBa and lAdy Bullock ,
I received S.M th" giltst* and wwfteMsMi
' them N tk? pal Ij The attendance
(Continued From Frret
d- .id man's requests .ind to vindicate
himself. T'i. BCCaaddBM Sty the surr?-;
gste oi the ?ecaasi wlsl ^s fBBB*ta> . i -
totnstieallv would vindicate him. I?at
riek v.. vs. in tb*t It would eliminate all
motive for murder.
T?id <? 1st ?kessele.
J [Daedal t<> Tb.-Tini-s-ih?patcit.)
M Laatfl >!-. , N'jvt.r.J-r .:0.?Jahn I?
Milliken. l.r. th. r-in-Uw of Albert T. I
Patri' k. who ure-nt larie ?um? of :
r-nnr. :n sUrfas PBfrh k's defense nnd |
in ptaaeadsBtni srhtah brought ai?ou*
Pafick's eBflUaatatJaa of sentt Bra
i?> usjrderer <?f W il?
liam M RW. ataaa^ravea of Patrices;
i attempt to set a Saasa of Itlo/s f oi
' tiine. * % j
Milliken ?o-dav s-nt P,itr!<k a mes
? ?;??. e hi'ii read as f"l!owf'
"Nrslptprr rep-rt you have retaine 1
I attorney to start ;iM*atl?n against th
triwle-s n; th- it c Sech ae
tion -~vr d..: t shall rot sld yen in it
??r give It cet:nt? i an"1 In any man?
ner. I n<: :?e - i ??. StaS) l.'lhirtg t?
newsswfer;. ?;<. h'de you.-e*-lf "
Hf.i i? rirt: ?.it \scd ji
P^aaajajjajpsj n-eri-s ie ???? \?
Craae-iel Jeeheew.
Opeciat In Tbr Ti nes-l ?!spate", ]
sU;,?, x f ? tit ?i-??. - 's. N?.? eVnhe- 3".
_Tftf pt>-!i'".'.nar; fceemi; . th, r*??
agsi'..-' :'m ?:? i t fe.-ks-wi for th?- m .r
der of An lrrw, ;? BhX >?ni? up tn-l?y
before Just'. ??* prin.e. Humphrey anJ
Park'r. and Jark??:: was -n,i on fiJ
the grand 1 ? > st the January terat of]
the Circuit Court of .--sees County
Frank Jsehsor- 'athcr af th? ar
rased, was alee arrested as in acces?
sory Before the fact.
rn? <>\ i i x? ? ti ntTE^sv, ?See le -eft ?1
Srr Vork. November l*t ?"Tainted
riillaathrrrpV was not a Nt Hke Be
.,?. ?? . ' ? v. r ? ' ??'?? J ?> .?lg- ?'"''
of fb* Felted atst.e Dtetrtet Oaart. Bh
s ?.rcf?ion hriie?! dew it this after?
noon, said that Abraham Geist.oopt
The Bay Rldg? ^baraer-a4aywrti:?.t
lawyer, aatbar ef 'Taintei
dsmsgea from R"-'s?"? f^ a pU?Tsr!?in
The aedsloo was rendered sf?er Be- I
lasco put on both plays In one of Ms
theatres as a part of his defense
Judge Holt witnessed both perfordn?
t'OO* this f*U and
winter, lost Jost
r>ut your birds la
rendition to 1 * sr.
Kusb the pullets
t'i maturity, help
rhe r?r.? moult.
Then the ? f S a
?Iii com*. Us*
the rreetest poul?
try tonic.
S.V. 60?. SI. *??*<?
Money back If ?
Sat Prat is Profit
ahai-ln* Booklet. Poul?
try book FREB
At bH deel-ra. at
Pblla4a. < hlrar?.
?ing's Toy TRAINS
are perfect reproductions in miniature of
They Werk Mrcfcani. a?y and DectrieaD*.
Ask your dealer or write to
SSI Fourth Ave., New York City
7aAs Mo Substitute
C Car prices ara consistent
with the grade of work w*
rrcduce, from the highest
clast of booklets to the liov
rU .. t. to all oi wruca w*
ti ? r oiu best e Sorts.
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U-13 N Eighth fA.lliehmec?
Bonded Premises
One of seven similar plants in the United
States rendering
Expert Storage Service to
Manufacturers, Merchants
Distillers, Dealei&b
Virginia Bonded Warehouse Corp.
Lig?teenth and Cary 5ta.
Ktchnaond Va.
? KEEPYOUN MINO on the v^^whe* i
ftjYiNw Printing in Richmond. Va*
M \ I % ?:_ I : ,' -p>r.T
PATENT . ,.;
Prea rrpart a* la rateataMllty Oalas
Mann. ytwm Uet km law Waats* aad
r-.-.. ..ft red fmr - laawatieae a?at Craw
Vctor J. Evauis, i\ Cw?^_