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MlW^KSS^MM WHOLE NUMBER 19,187. RICHMOND, VA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1012^_ thb weather to.dat-c^-t. PRICE TWO CENTS. FINAL SESSION CONVENES TO-DAY Expiring Congress Has Much Work Left to Do. reef ~r BILLION DOLLARS TO BE DISPOSED OF Appropriation Bills. Special In? quiries and Proposed Legisla? tion Will Keep Lawmakers Busy Until March 4?Prep? arations Getting Under Way for Special Session. W**fc:: ;tjn. Dei' mber 1? The ?x g>?"lng S.x*y-second Congress will be g .. at noon to-n?crrow for its filial work or legislation. In tbe brief period remaining- tat? fore constitutional Masltatleaa bring It to en end and t'irn many of ita members back into privat-- life, filteoti appropriation bllia. carrying over II. C90.000,000 for the support of the gov? ernment, must be passed; the Impeach? ment of Judge Archbold of the Cora merca Court, uiuat be tried in the Senate. many Investigating comiiiit tees muat conclude inqulriea and mak their reports, and scores of >glsl^- i live matters must be disposed of. Throughout the session, attiacting as much attention as the actual work' of legislation, will run the prepara? tory work for the extra session, to be tailed soon after President-elect Wil Baa takes ifflo. Match 4. Committees, pursuant to this, will thresh out question* of tariff, currency anant'trust legislatloti, aiming to have Democratic policies shaped and Demo- ; cratlc plans made, before the new ad? ministration comes into power. It is asaured. say the legislative lead- rs. that there will be no tariff legislation this winter. Neither is it expected that, the currency or antitrust problems will, receive much attention in the lio .e. or Senate, the principal work of the; session being confined to preparation for the Democratic administration and the enactment of some of the more , linportsnt bills pending on the calen? dars of the two houses. Many Important BUI*. Important alii* to rocotoo attention, the bill for a Department of 1-wbor. ' which Senator Borah said to-da;- e?htti I - presented for Immediate action, thi : Mieppard-Kenyon bill, preventing ship? ments of liquor Into "dry states, the j I'age bill, to give Federal aid to voca t tonal and agricultural schools, and the resolution for a constitutional amend? ment, limiting a President to a singl-' term of six years. These measures have aJJ been de bated before both kattass and have, reached the point where ?ctlon of some , kind upon them is expected. With the opei .ng of the *t.osion less than twerity-foar hours away, the ; halls of the <-apitoi and its adjoining OffhOS bulldir.g* presented a ?UserU-d ' appearance to-day. Members have bees alow in reaching Washington and not: much Interest is shown in the p-ei>ara Heal for activity The unr. -a! estimates for appropria- ' Hons are r- adv and will be sent ts tl'. ! Konse to-morrow noon. t*r*nesV :.' Taft's message is ready chairman Fitzgerald, of th? Hous Appropriations Committee, had not! reached his office to-day. hut * sub- | committee has completed the tgnt ap proprlstlon bill, and it will be pas- d on by the full -ommitt'-e to-morrow. Thai measure carri?s appropriations fot salaries in the lesjfg ative. execu Mag ano judicial branches of the gor- , e rrr.ent. Committees also hswa been at work ' en other measures and a string of ap- . proprlatloo bills aril] be poured into the House during th- BOZI few week* The Impeachment trial of t Rrchbold frOI engross th. Seaate from | ?he beginning sf the %? ssf'n. several new Inquirie* an m pro* rect in the House for ths short ses? sion. The Judiclsry '"ommitt. e ;;i hegln an inquiry Into antitrust lsw ? violations before Chrtstm'.s time, wtfh th? hop* that som.- smendment* to antitrust law can be raeeasasaadied '?? - fr- oaegfreai r-i i ? The "money trust" inve*tlg.itlon is to continue this month, snd an effort will be made to ohtatn at leasl ? par? tial r?port before the session , n<l? Many other investigation* kaeJedsagi that into the so-c?]|ed ???ht->pj:lg tr::st and Into the awarding of contract* for army and n*xy shoe*, must be ,-on- 1 eluded before March 4 \enture \o Opinion* Senators a ho ha<l reshShedl v? ..? h 11. r. ton f -nicht won'.; ??<?? tsjsebari apfj lor.* a* to the o.t.-.ito or the str.g gle in that body ov. th- *e|. rj.,1, ,.f * presiding ofli. ? r Sine th. frenator S"rye. president am |SSgSBg4 the Senate h*? be-en unable to He I a sneeeeeer. The Prorresru.. pptaaed to vote either for the Republican can e date Penator Oalllngor. or the Dem Pl ratb- esndtdatc. >, n.dnr Cacon. ami MSSS two men hav.- Sjgfs*] alt -nat- - 1> a.* presiding ?.fffc : ?.y ?onsent. When it canveu*? to-morrow th t*. nat? aiil face th,. pro*pect o? as) tmmedlste jiljOlirtlirn t -. ;t of fe.:? for the desth of,?i?i. nt - run snd Sen*!'--* Itavner and Hi > - Saara Senator Bacon will act as pre? siding clfWt unlit December II. b> St tgrcenent msde last A'lgii*?. t? Is be'l'.ved the Senate will then cntinue him s.? pf*id;ng dtkrrT nf t>.e . ou-t of imp'aehmeM . :. r 11 th. >i. hbold trial Is concluded. legrree Kill* trtreaa Lernen. December 1 ? ?.nnie Gros* f ,e?->ai. ~.rgrr?e to.night shot; *reS h<l'*d Mt?s lenkst M. Intyre. a ng Cnelish acire** T^e Gross ' ?o oi?n wa? *epa-*ted from h?r hue. t i. -1 Pske Ilm?, a vaudeville |?-. ? r-nrr. whom she attempted to kill J.ilgas.i Is raid to bate been the cause -r ? The worein -vi? a? rasted. S?EKS TO CHEAT JUSTICE Self-Loafeaeed Eaabessler tttesapta suicide wiib UcaOacke Tablets. West Point. Oa., December 1.?ri. W. Parker, absconding caenter of Winne - ' bago. Minn.. H-iio yesterday confessed i to a shortage in h'? accounts of ,lT.yJ->. attempted to commit suicide la ills I ceil last night ' Th<; prisoner swallowed iwentyllve graiiis of medical tableu secured j him as a headache remedy, lio dually ! ws? revived l.y | UjS'clans After making a written confession of his guilt, in which he admltte i marrying Miss Tlorence Bauer, of i Cleveland. O, despite the fact that te ' ban a wife and three children in Win i in hago. Parker became morose and de ! spondent. lie refused to aoe any vis? itors, and late in the night complained I of a severe headache. I A messenger was ?e(?t for headach? ' tablets. Shortly ufter reeeivlng the ttblfts, Parker swallowed the entire I tw? nty.fiv? grains one af the turn 1 keys heard eigne eif distress irom : Parker j, cell and discovered his con ! dltJon. Physicians were at once suni- j nioned and mnnd'il in rOYrVtag the ! banker. i When he bsrglwn - atstOsOtM Parker begged the phvsii I ana to save his life The Cleveland woman whom P.trk- i j married while going undir the name i of Charles A. Dorm announce ! that she would not accompany him to Wtrinebugo Vrsteriiiiy j-ro said that ! she would return to toe Minnesota city, but now has decided to return to hrr home In Cleveland Officers from Minnesota are expected to jirh> in West point to-night. They aTHl return with the prisoner Imme? diately, as he has expressed a willing? ness to face the charges against him. NEW SYSTEM IN FORCE Pensioners Now Being Paid Dtsetl From Hasblnglos. Washington. December 1?The new system of paying all p-rsons on the Federal pension rolls direct from WasMngton. Instead of throug 1 th eighteen pension agencies, which will be abolished January It. Is now being Inaugurated by the Pension Cureil Che- ks are being sent to 300,'J'i.J pen? sioners In the section half covered by the agencies Ht Aug-ista. Oa.: Boston, Columbus, Detroit. Washington and Sun Francisco The personnel of th" agencies at Indianapolis, Knox- ilJe, ! Louisville. New York. Philadelphia and Topeka, which have completed their November payments, will soon bo brought Into Washington the first of the agency transfers to the Pension Buresu. Special < fforts arc being mad- by Commissioner of Pensions Da.'fnpjr: and Dr. Thompson, chief of the fin; r,ce division, to makes banks snd pension- , ers understand th' new pension Cab ik system. Tor the iirst time . , history the pensioners will be paid without the formality at vojehers. the checkt serving the same purpose by a re fjutremer.t of indorsement by the pen? sioner in the presence of two wp neases. The pensioner must also show to the Indorsers his certificate, the number of which nvtst tally with the certificate number of the chocks. The new system obviates the necessity o? the receipts from the pensioners. _ e ? MANY DECISIONS EXPECTED supreme Cwurt I.lkely to Art To-Day in I as ports at 4'aars. Washington. December I.?Decisions in many of the 101 cases which are undef consideration by the Supreme Court Of the Pnited States are ex? pected to he announced to-morrow when the tribunal convenes after the Thanksgiving re< ? j? chief interest Is centred in possible dsi lafna in Iba Sherman antitrust cases such as the "hard coal'* su-t. the Pnlon Pae !K aitI'gai case and the cot? ton i ui ner cast s. Th. State iate .-a.-rs and the inter mountain rat- eases aim are anxio'isly aw-aited by thefe concerned In trans portati'.n problems. After the announcement of decisions, oral arguments on the constitutional- . ity of the newspaper "publicity" sec? tion of the posts] act wHll be heard. NEW DEPARTMENT PLANNED Its Object Is Formation of Vfndel In? dustrial Mediation l.avra. New Vork. I?ecember 1 ?It was an- ] no-in^ed to-day that the National Civic 1-V,l< ration has organized a national i.ortm- in as lastaatrtaJ mediation laws, Marc us M. Marks as chair-J man. Twelve ,-ars' c\ptrlence of tlie fed- . en's -on-illation department In Sealing with industrial disputes has sh iwn. it i* declared, need of new ' w. I i ^ .irr.fndatnrv legislation, bath Federal anl Stair. It is plsnned ? ,, reyamMker change* to strengthen and I ttrS Krdman act. the O|,erat!or? of Wblrk hrfve th is far l^ep \?-y lim? it.,! It ? BbbSJ rlanncj to constd- P th- drafting "f p model Stat-- bill on > Industrial mediation laws. INVITE AMBASSADORS i rmxilOi"! Mill \?k I hem tn ? aaal Cofiferewee |a ?Hanta. Atlanta. <!a . De-ember 1 ?To extend .. . . im itatioru? to the* ?lore '?? t.e Fnlted Stal>? from South . Bga) . ,. :r.ri-? to attend the Par mj Caral ???nfeTense In Atlanta. !>?? . ,- 1? and II. a srwelaJ committee of the |o<-al Chamoer of ?'onimerce lep . i .\\ ashincton T':e commit- ? t.e w?? ..'fled by Genera! It. K tlx..M?. ? ommsnder of the Department ? loir and St Wmm Ma**' ngab. e Iva im:. :i of ?h. . ??inmittce ?I the c:>?mt>er of Commerce. While :n Washir.rto,. tl ? SSaasaastkSS w-Il vndtavor to hsv. th" mot on pb - t"rea of the canal recentlf shown In Washington f>r the ttrst ?im< brong t t? Atlanta deities last "r.f. rSSJ PASSENGERS LUCKY \m* ?rae I? lw)r>reet 1\ ben Trais la ? reeVeg Alban' N V. December ? ? \\ , ? >en T<>rk central train No 4?. west 1 fp Ne, York, traveling at an estimated speed of botween flftv snd sixty miles an hour, was derail*4 at Hoff mars seven mtlea west of s nertadv io-?1ar. not one of the re? passer errs was lnt<>*ed nltboesgb all ? - ??-?.r-ughP- shsken ni? The cl-ef of th< dining tar. the only person M i' d su?iained s ve al broken ribs, and is in a sVbeneetady hospital The paswena 's were transferred to knother train J Opponents of Nebraskan Are Alarmed by Reports. JJO NOT WANT HIM TO BE IN CABINET Protests Against His Selection as Secretary of State and At? tacks on Him Are Reaching President-Elect in Bermuda. Make Up Large Part of His Mail. Hamilton. Bermuda. December 1.? Anu-Hr> anile Democrats, alarmed by the reports that the portfolio of Se. ie tary of State has been offered to Wil? liam J. Bryan, are bombarding Gover? nor Woodrow Wilson with protests anJ attacks on tbe Nebiaskan Many in? cised MfflBBI clippings and edi toridls to back up their view* A large part of th'- last mall received by tin. President-elect consists of ?'ich, letters. j There seems to be an impression | among certain people In the L'niteuj State* that Governor Wilson is here1 b.. dUK- of illness. Many persons have1 aent prayers for his speedy recovery, mu. h to his amusement, as he was never better In his life. Some inclosed patent medicine s. Some of these were from nostrum venders, who are seek Ing a>Jvertisement At the- Warwick Presbyterian Church this morning the Bee. Mr. Camerou prayed for Governor Wilson, "'on whom tne eyes of the nation are set.-" Governor Wlisori paid IC nostagc du. on the last msil becaust his corres? pondents used ;-cent stamp!" instead Of] '?- iOBt ones. -. FALLS 2,000 FEET Aeroasot Dauben From Parachute to Awful Death ?Jacksotiv lie. Pia, December 1 ? Richard Frayne. an aeronaut, fell B.9dd feet from the air h-re this afternoon and was instantly kl?ed. Thr"- thou sar.d people saw the accident. The aeronaut was thrown from his seat In the parachute Just after he ha.; cut loose from the balloon. H * body landed In the driveway of the Ever? green Cemetery, near here Physicians say that every bor.s in his ummt war broken. Together with Jack Crosby, his com? panion. Frayne started an ascension at the Tti County Fair here at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Both men had lndl-i vlduai parachutes attached to the ba!-| loon. Crosby severed his parachute from : the balloon first, and a moment later saw F.-ayr.e's bc.flv dash by him. Eyewitnesses of the tragedy say Iked Frayne's parachute opene.] suc? cessfully, and it is believed that his fa 1 was due to his fsllure to place },:? hands In the wristlets, the Jerk attend . ant upon the opening of the parachute t.i-llr.g him frjm his seal The dead aeronaut's home was at Lowell. Mass. He was twenty-fiva years old. unmarrioj. :,rd his only! living relative is a brother. Charles Fravne. connected with th* Whltnev' stables at Prlarhton Beach Oosby. who was a partner of Frayne. also Heeg In Massachusetts. The two m?n mad? their h-adouarters at Boston. FACES SENATE TO MORROW .Iii..'sc Verb bald Will tppear to snswer f sarsea tgalnat nim. Washington. December 1.?Judge Kohert W At -hhald. of the T'nlted kkates Commerce Cotirt. will appear before the Senate Tuesday to star.'", trial under article* of 'mpeachment : found against him by the House of . Representative*. Managers for 'he House in the Im? peachment proceedings, who had a long conference Saturday with Senator Ba. on and Mr. Archbald> atternevs. are to decide at a meeting to-morrow what witnesses. If any. can he droppei out of the case because their test' mony hears on fscts that h?t? bee, BOTTiltfed by Judge Arehbald. The Senate will convene Tuesd.v as a court of inip??ctvment with Senabv Bacon presiding. The House prosecu? tors snd Judge Archbsld's attorn?v? will he ready at that time to procee.l j eith the trial, it Is understood, but j th? formal arguments are not expected ts 1>* heard before Wednesday Th. ? harges against luflt? Arehbald are tMat he engaged in business deals with ! migrants before his court sad sought . :av..r? freaa theai t>. a? ext-m ikea casjgdli :????! '?BiSh crlm? and i meanor. ' Judge A.vhb^'d has SSatSSd that *ny of hi* acts were of an Im- , p?-aehable character |a the ninth Impeachment trl?l j in the history of the government RETRACTS NOTHING WJ.ya, -f ??-??- *'-"?!* ,T ' rH' rt?*B mi I'apn Koroe. Decewbc 1. ?'? =-"1*lclp*ll".ij of tin mur.Klpel election*, which win take place ncvl Sundaj. M.i}?- Nj'1 ? delivered a speec, tod*: . review 'g the work of hie administration He called hla address Sf !*eptemb ltll. eat the oeeesior. of the commem? oration of the entr-. intc l-orue of Ki.g \l-tcr Emnxatoi'l and tbe fall "f t! c temporal power. In * hlch h- - am ? I. ctitlrisen th< papac) In that speech, said the Mayor to? ds-, be had mere!- .*>nlTssted tl>* cnditloi of rV.m. before ltTO with the position It assumed ?fterward H? bad slmpl- stated factf hut hi* speech had scouired Importance through the < tit idem* dir*<-ted ??*i;n! n *eaa ?? the pontiff H# said h? would aot re . v.n * syllabi- of thst spee. b sekealtfiag it to the Watt.mate J'tdg-s. the electora T*ic O?*ef *tore Romano, the Vstl -g?n. attacks the Mayors speech Leering II le beaestb contempt. J HICKEY IS SUSPECTED Believed to Be Resau aalhle (or Morder of Other Boys. Buffalo. X. T . December 1.?The po? nce received to-day several dlspatchea relating to the death or disappearance of children In various cities, arid re? questing that j Frank HMtey. the fonrcssed boy-murderer under arrest here on a charge of killing seven-year old Joseph Josephs, of Laekswanna. be questioned regarding them. A dispatch from Superintendent Mc Quald, of the Department of Safety. Pittsburgh, Pa., told of an assault on Uwren^ Frell, a fourteen-year-old boy of Allegheny, in December, 1909. Tho assault resembled to a marked degree the manner In which Hlckey has confessed that he put to death the Josephs and Kr?ck boys. Young Frell wag given whiskey, strangled and lett to die in a vacant house. Edward P. Adams, a nine-year-old Soy, of Kane, Fa.. has been missing unc. 1 ?ererriher. 1510. and the local ;?? ? bars >een asked to Investigate. Utckojr was not asked about these cases to-day In his confession he told of only three homicides?tiic killing oy poison cf Kdward Morey. of Dowel!. -Mass. in i?s>3. the strangulation of Michael ?iruck. the New York newsboy, in 1901. and of the Josephs boy in 1911. He has repeatedly stated that these are the only victims he killed. Mickey attended the prison church servi( cs to-day. Joseph Josephs, lather of the murdered boy. called at the prison, but wag not permittej to sc.- Mickey. To aaacroo Rtekay srlll be arraigned to plead to an Indictment charging rum with killing the Josephs boy. He wU] enter tne formal plea of not guilty aad will be remanded to Jail to await trial, tor which, it Is understood, a ! sparlal criminal tana ? court has baeg I Jlled. ROME NEVER LIKE THIS 1 ill-hop V? ilsoo Declare, lice Prevalent In IHabrM Social Circles. Savannah, Ga-. December 1.?"Rome, la her worst days, never harbored such conditions of vice as are preva? lent in our highest social circles at the present time." declared Bishop A. W. Wilson, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, In a sermon here to-: day. 'Never at any period of the world's history." added Bishop Wilson, "has the moral strata been so thin or so low. The world is beset to-day with more Insane theorists and philosophies.! more hypocritical creeds, than ever' oe fore. "The advance of science and phil-, osophy in the study of the infinite! subjects connected with the creation of the earth is imperiling the religious welfare of the world. Scientific pro? cess win never disclose the hidden secrets of the universe. The mystery wh'ch passcth the understanding will not be unfolded by the hand of man through the application of philosophy." Bisbyp Wilson SI attending the South Georgia Methodist Conference in ses? sion here. NEW TREATY UNDER WAY ?ama** ?aye Bh nackward Mrp Will Be Taken. Washington. December L?Chairman Bojsor, of the Foreign Affairs Commit? tee of the House, and Governor-elect ? >f New Tork. In a statement here to day said that a new treaty with Rus? sia is now being negotiated and that the Fnited states will "take aa step backward" on the question of discrim? ination against American passports. I Mr. Sulzer secured the passage by ] the House a year ago of the resolu Uaa demanding the abrogation of the j Raaalaa treaty of !?SI because of dts I llaaTliallilll by that nation against Alf I liana af descent. The j tieaty expires January L "A new treaty is hetag negotiated." said Mr. Sulze:. "The matSrr is pro? gressing favorably, j cannot say more at present save t> assert that the gov? ernment of the L'nited States wtB Like no step backward on the passport ? I iostion and that no treaty will meet, with the approval of Congress unless ? all passports are recognized, regard leas of race or religion, and that the i doctrine of expatriation is recognized | by the contracting parties. ' J FUNERAL SERVICES HELD Resaalnn ?f Daniel M. Hasede!! Takea to Indianapolis. Washington. December L?Brlaf funeral gill stall for the late Daniel M. Kansdeii. ?ersreant-at-arms of the Sen-' ate. took place at the family residence' here late to-<laj. con l'-cte l by Rev. V I ?; ? Itsrea . h iplain of the Senat?. ? To-night members otf the family and Bwaate Assistant ?er3car.t-*t-Arms Dec ft, tv,rnelius accompanied the body, to Itidlanant li?. wh?re services will bo !.eM to-morrow. A:, escort of 1.0 eiti-j ployes of the Senate followed the, funeril ?rt'?? from iK- Ttansdeii rest-! dence to the railway station bora i Warmer Weather. hv Cold n??kls:ton. lieersiSrr I?Higher trmprratttrr-s ??III e>? eraerceeJ the ?aaSkSea ?t?te-? (?-mnrrn?. whll roe?|e5er?M? ee>|drr ?seatber wtll n?i?<?o?c ..??!?? :ir,l m?er tbe Mladic t\r?l Mon4a> and Ike I ??t"? aoel ?o.tttr.a ?t?te? next Tnes^a? ned ?Ae4oe?dm. according SO thetteafb rr Karroo. ?'t el.irr'mrr. cent ml ?as?sj o?er the M'Sdle Hlvurl lalle?." ??j? the nerkh Vteetbcr llnrrao hull, tin. -?J!| awir rnl-sertkesal ward and ??. aiiradrd tty ralna "? ."I"' la the region ea?t of the i|?.i?.,,M.i illsrr. thr rains Ina Tsuts' In Ibr l.xtrii ?taten. sreksklr In the recloa of the I.real Iahe? rrnri the ?t. Law? rence lalle. Moa'lat end rassaOa?. -iseikrr dtnfnraanre ?(?? nit the \ertb raclSe tonal n III BSo.e In. lane) ilsml Tsr.t*'. attended kt rains In ib? radar ??atr. and rain aad *aa>e> In Ihr >?rtk"r.t. I kl? Slafarhaax-c will prr?a?l eter tbe Middle W est WedneeSa? er There? se- aast the t astem ?latca near the ewd e>? ?bc ?eck, Heia In ??.?leere ana .?-.,- and rata tn > - < s >? ?! ? >i. i. eaat et the ito-t. Mernetaln* and a a< e era! reaction la hlaher (reaper at area will prrreer serf aftead ihu 4ts isfkesrf." FEAR SURRENDER MEANS EXECUTION I - Mexican Rebels Are Afraid to Lay Down Their Arms. GRANT OF AMNESTY MAY END TROUBLE New Minister of Interior An | nounces That He Will Inter? cede for Soldiers Now in Open Rebellion Against Govern? ment?Conditions Are Growing Better. Mexico ^Ity, December !.?Con? vinced that numerous band- of iV-ols in the States of Durango. Coahmla und Southern Chihuahua arc continu? al their operations merely because they believe iurrender would lean :.uinuia.ry execution under the sus? pension of guarantee*. P.afa< 1 Hor handez. the new Minister of the !n t- r*or, announced to-day that he would attempt to gain for them a promise of amnesty. Check? Campos and Benjamin Ar ruado. officers in Orozco's, organiza? tion, are the chief rebel leaders in those districts. These and all'ed leaders have been making successful raid* on small outposts, managing for the most part to evade encoun? ters with superior Federal forces. Th. ri< h country Ig practically at their mercy, and the Federal sold'ers are able to accomplish little more, than garrison the larger towns Minister Hernandez Is confident that the rurales who report to his depart? ment will be able to co-operate more effectively than the regular troops, and. aiming at this, he has conferred with lie-rural de La Vega, commander-; in-chief of the rural guard. Out of the niass of rumors as to the; whereabouts of General Orozco. that most credited Is the report that he has reappeared at the head of some hundreds of men east of Ojinaga. e'h.huahua, after recuperating from a serious sickness. Profeaer? ?atlaf action. Tin- government professes satisfac? tion at the Improvement In the gen? eral situation. In the state of Oaxaca some dlminut;on of activity Is ap? parent, after a Federal campaign of destruct'on and summary executions Throughout the republic the num? ber of engagements reported has de? creased. Only nvi- were reported to | day. In one bru*h yesterday the Fed? erals retired, after eight hours' fight? ing, their ammunition becoming ex? hausted. On the arrival of a fresh iy of ammunition the Federals re? sumed the engagement, with the result, according to an official dispatch from the Governor of Puebla, that the re? bels were routed. The Governor of Vera Cruz report ed that with the capture of Garc'a Bravo, near Tuxpam. the last band of r-bels in the state has b'en extermi? nated. Francisco de la Baira. the former provisional President, is one of the candidates in the elections to-day for Governor of the State of Mexico, but Viwlng to interrupted communication*, ?t is impossible to It am even the probable result Mexicans are not whslly reassured oy the mj asbingtoi, dec la rat I ons. and are keenly interested in the proposed visit of four American battleships to Vera Cruz and the motive for their coming. Much interest is displayed in the character of the Mexican note replying ?o that which the Fnited States sent to Mexico Iri September. It Is no se? cret that the American note Is n't pleasing to the Mexican government. P -oterttng Troop Trais. Kl Paso. Texas. December 1?A ma? chine gun. borrowed from a Mexican gunboat, is heing used to protect a troop train which left Juarez to-night to patrol rallwa? between the State 'apttal and the border The gun is mounted on a flat car. . The train, carrying ?00 soldiers, de? parted o\er the Mexican Northwestern HsJtWSSj soon after arriving over the Mexican I'entrai Pnes. It is plmnel to continue making this loop between Chihuahua City and luarea. Some tloops, w th tso mortars, atil proceed overland to the assistance of Federais !>?-?iegc 1 .it Aseeuclon by i.ilazar'e rebels. DENIES EX WIFE'S CHARGES * nolf Tlllsass Denlca Intoxication During I a-t Mostb. Columbia. S- C. December 1 ?Hea lngs on the habeas corpus proceedings brought by B. R Tlllman. Jr. son of 1 r.ited States Senator Ttllman. to serur possession of his two vo\jnr daughter-. n-?w in the custody of hi*, form- r ?t ?' M - I.ucy il l he ie>uen...| ? fore the Stste Supreme ? o-irt to-ov - row morning. The case came before MM ?ourt last week but was continue.t to p?resit coaaoel for Mr Tlllman to . affidavits in rebuttal to am davits Introlucetl at that time t\ Mrs lMigas Affidavits presented by Mrs Das ? ? ontalned statement" alleging that Mr Ti'lmen hsd been Ir.toxici'c! d the n^onC' CRISIS IN CABINET Ml a later ef hir Hefeaea ?? ?eeege |?e SjjjBjBSJ ?* SO t atrea le Korra. Tokle. De. e., i.- , 1 - \ Csbtwel ? n-i bss artsenv.xer ti e rtfu?i. "I the Min? ister of War. Lleerteraswt-OecorsJ l'v . _ n S'-cept ? pMsdl ,|e< islon r ?ectlna the ?ehem. f r inrn "ist the military forces la Koiea After * number id r\ti s-rdir.ary sit tlnas. Preml. t sslonjl informed the War Mlnist.-r th ?t I e ? ahmet "her. . to Its position ir?n#r*l I ,?*r* ' 1 In .1 .iied b ' ' 1 ' "??'*sr It I* tssshMsa whether th* Lsspi-sr will ?? ? 1-t hts resignation IJeuteti ont-teeneii ' ' ' " -l'P"tn|. 1 Minister -f W.-i Apnl 1. i'l: t" * " ? . ee.l i :??!?-?' l?hlmoto m ' S ?!!'.! II mtm' Haas day < MINISTER CENTRAL FIGURE He la Held ta ronaectioa With Mra trcrioos Murder Caae. Houlton. Maine, December 1 ?Rev. Charles Emellus. a mlnleter of the Lutheran Church, is the central figure In a trial which will be begun thla week In an attempt to fix r*epon?lbtl lty for the mysterious deaf , of August ?Jacobson, a prosperous New Sweden farmer, on June 11. 1?11 Mrs Jacob son, the minister's mother-in-law, and her syn. Kdgar O. Jacobson, are held as rodefendants wltli F.mellus. Jacobson's body was found by his wife near hla home. Nearby w?s a note Indicating that tho farmer had taken his own life, and the case was accepted at first as one of suicide. Later the body was exhumed, and an autopsy revealed that the waa haa been shot four times. The wounds It is claimed, could not have been self inflicted. On testimony given at the coroner's inqueat, ahowing that he had quar? reled with his father. Edgar Jacobson was arrested, but later discharged ??hon the grand Jury failed to indict ilm. Emelius married Jacobson's daughter several months af'.er the farmer's death. When detectives in? vestigating the case cjatmed to have discovered proof that Jacobson hau oppooed the minister's gait hOsS .Faeohson's hand. Emelius n?* ar? rested It Is said that the minister s a na? tive it Oreenlcaf township. Mcekei County. Minn., and that father le Thomas Nelson. Tho young man < hanged his name when he enterea th- ministry, saying that Nelson w:;0 too common. WOMEN WILL VOTE Many of Them to Take Part In Maaaa chuaetta Elections. Boston. Mass.. December 1.?Women will take a prominent part in this month's c'ty elections in Massachusetts. More feminine votero probably srlll go to the polls than ever before Although the law oniy permits th-m to vote for school board candidates, the present registration Is nearly double that of former years. Fourteen Massa? chusetts cities will have their elec? tions on Tuesday of this week, fifteen will have elections a week later and two on December 17. Boston's elec? tion takes place in January. NOT HER FAREWELL TOUR snrab Bernhardt >ot Keady tn OtVa ftp 'the Beautiful America." New Tork. December !.?"This is r.ot my farewell tour of the beautiful America." declared Sarah Bernhardt, as she stepped off tho ba Savole from Europe with her company to-day for a vaudeville tour of the Fnlted states. The French tragedienne carried her usual large personal equipment, wh!:h Included tw-o Pomeranian pups, tuck.- I snugly under l.e-r arms, as she crossed the gangrlank, cheered by the liner's I crew. I Mme. Bernhardt left immediately in ' a splendid special car tor Chicago. I where she make.- her first appearance. MEETING OF EXPERTS Tory Will Dtscnaa I'roblrtn of Improv? ing Honda. Cincinnati. DecenT- er t.?At the an? nual Conference of American Road Builders, which convenes here Tues? day, the problem of improving public highways will be dkeroassad ay experts of this country and Barops M. de Pulligny. roods commissioner Of France, will speak at the opening session. He has been making an ex? tended study of highways in this country. The CaaaaTaa government will be repr< sent. ?! by one delegate An exhibition, the largest ev.-r shown, will show the recent dev. lopme ut in road building. BANK CLOSES ITS DOORS Poor I nllcctlona >ald to Be I tuv , and President Iteported Missing. Lexington, S. C. Dtcem; or D? Kiss People's Bank, of [a?Ills L-xington County, S. C. has closed Its d ors. Dr. E. J. Etherldge. president of Ma in? stitution, is reported missing. Poor! collections ar: said to he the c-ase uf the bank's a.-ticn Its liabilities are said to bo afout l'ft.000. The ?apltal stock of the institution is tUjawfl This Is :he sec- j o:id bank In UM county to close its doors within th, past yoga*, th. \jcx- '? ington Savings Bank here having sue- j pen-fed haeajaaaa Mat Marel WOULD NATIONALIZE MINES Kngliah I -ihor I nlona \o.? \\ orkine lo That Cad. Chicago December 1.?Hubert Smille. president of th* Brotherhood Mm, r.s Federation. niad<? an addieM. to tho Chicago? FeeVrratloa of Lai?or here to dsv. in which he declared that na? tionalization of asaj mines and rail? roads of i?:e?t Britain now was th. ob.i?ct of English labor unions "We have decided.' h? aald. "to work to have th ? control sC national ne*eaal ties tnken o-.jf of tha bands of private M..,er..rnt thaadoaeri ! ??? aSSM les. December ! -The ii-f.v. n.r.i started last week for the f Mayor '.eorge Alexander ha bee,, abandoned The explanation for t . :s-ont;n -ance of tbe movement ?? . '* he-, insufficient sup rort. although it was asserted that MsSf signatures had been obtmn-d Fatal Ha Inai ? ?lll?le>e ttataRMasi 9 lasaysaanat I ? wiinam. 1 ?.-,.?).: ? . Kii . I.m a. t?. was kill..!, and Howard Harxey. flrcm.n. was badly inj fcTBi In a head-on Safe : ? ? of lei, freight train* on the ? h* tr.r.atl Ham. ton and Dayton Ball tosd near ?;ien--ab to-nlgat. The boil? er of aa locomotive expleJesi after liislon. burying McponsM M..tornrt|-|. Killed li.| ia Ohio. December 1 ?llvtr' | cy cles collided oa the? Ptnaa-Tro' rp?e.|??v near here Their necks nen i>r ke,, h. the coiiialon Hes. Randolph J. Myer ISesd dolph J. My. I. a receat nmfrsaor m\ im l/?uis Cnlvemtty and k-e? edtM-ator. died suddenly h. 'e t..-da> hea-t dksrasn. sag n?? eev old. SIGNING DELAYED UNTIL TOHHOR ROW Turks and Balkan Allies Waiting on Greek Delegate. ARMISTICE THEN WILL BE ENFORCED I When Signatures Are Affixed Likely That Last Shot Will Have Been Fired in Bloody War?Peace Conference Ex? pected to Begin Imme? diately at Sofia. London. December t?The .vgn'ng} of the protocol of the armistice be twesn the Balkan allle? and Turkey, which was expected to-day. bag been Postponed until Tuesday, as the Greek delegate has not yet received ths necessary authority from his govern? ment. It is rumored that, in addition to ths, Bulgarian troop., just landed at De deagatrh. another large force of Greek troops from Salonik* is at sea. and it Is suggested that Greece may delay signing la order to enable these troopa .arrive at their destination, wh'ch is thought to be the; Gulf of Saras, in Gallipolis. it 's understood that the armistice aril] extend a fortnight If essary. and cover the whole ileld of operations The dMBeolty with respect to the be? leaguered garrisons of Adrianople und Scutari Is being surmounted by per j mittlng them to receive dally rations I during the armistice. The plenipo? tentiaries aprear to have aimed so far I solely In arranging the armistice, but a peace conference la expected to com | mence immediately, probably at Sofia, : ami as Bulgaria has already ihowa H: cater forbearance than had beea looked for in waiving her demand (or the surrender of Adrlanople .whiles Turkey cannot hope to obtain better conditions by continuing the struggle. ? strong feeling is entertained that the last shot in tue war will haw been tired when the armistice is signed. There is little doubt, however, that the peace negotiations "ill be difficult and protracted. Th- .|Uestion of hold? ing a European ambassadorial confer enci la iti.ll undecided, but the later iu.ii.inal situation is much more peaceful. Tne Servian geveraaaeart denies the reported preparations Cor a contlict. MssiBS la Peetpened L'uiianalbnnger Dedeaaher 1 . night?.?Tilt signing of the protocol of i the armistice lias been postponed un? til Tuesday la orde- to give an op? portunity to the representatives of all the allies to sign. The Greek delegate required forty, eight hours to which to receive t.ho necessary authority from his govru 111. nt It .s said that the duration of. the armistice has been tixed at eight days, but that it "ill be prolonged an? other seven iia>s it necessary. Terms of the armistice will not be known until after the signatures at* passed. Neve:th.!-.-.". :t ia understood that they have b. en considerably re? duced as compared with the original demands of the leegUA I They provide practically for tli^t matatenanci of the positions walca the belligerents at present occupy, and for r. vi-.-P.ial.lie th-- !>? Kay oere4 towns It is believed lhal the Utter pefbA at responsible for the hesitation on the part of tilt- Hellenic delegates, because it implies raising the blockade with rcgar.i te foodstuffs. The matte:, therefore, has been referred to Athens) for discussion. The meetings of the delegates In the pen, ? negotiations have taken place, near the bridge spanning the rlvt r Ifsisshs between Tclutalja a:.d Had erne ku. The Bulgarians arrived ??? h .:s-hack on both Tuesday and Wed n< sd iy. On Thursday Nazim Paska? th- Turkish corcmander-in-ciiief. en t< ? Ined it lunch. The Turks arrived earl; hut there was no sign of the Bahrarasae lilt t ome ks Trsls. Presently th- appearance of a tram ftom Tchatai;a was reported Na~rn Paska eras skeptical not believing that tin Bulgarians could repair the bridges which had been blow up. A Bulgarian tiain soon ?ppear-d. h"?tv?.r. ar.-l foarteen sat down to lunch. Oeaeeas .tf. th- Bulgarian . hi. f. end Nar.itn Paska t.iik-d t igttlic-. while the ota era .rnplcijcJ th- l "rem h language. It seeesed to !?* a cordial gathering. The Snltjn yesterday sent salutations at 11:. Tuiki? ' .T. ? ?Ith presents of tobacco. Th>:. ? ic four reported ases of cholera faturdey. ?ith nine deaths* Th- t"f il number of cases since So vent k i- ? UHj reported as ? I ?t?a ?? .'..iths. Travelers tron l>*deagatch dearitkO) if M B ;i-lariars wb< . Ibe; rntered that towr which Is reported ??? h? typical of what hs I throughout Macedonia The ?i ilsarians to enter were an Ir regi flag w She.| th< I ? r ? . ?i ?/ at .-b ? at oight carry * lag tia Ugh" make them look like m . i.i.p? ? sha-ch w?? aarr.sosed only be The last train depart agr . tu? kalae-iaa arrival eras t b? f igtti'e. oae sf the ea ? was bitten ot. the hand* ana" , g% b f-ensled Waase a who frte4 .'r m th' saaise l'lae hl ??so aar a ? tMeaapbar ' A. eerdtsg to la ? < -e??a 4P Psris ta sight, dir Kdwa d >r?y-s>