Social and Personal iL_?==^^^??==3/ The HMm debutante function ol tri? ???unoii took pla< ?? laut niwhl In tb- ball luo.I Ib. .Iniiwn Hot. ' wh>-ii Mir*? Carolin? Presto*, daashtei o! Mrs. William C 1'nsMn. was ]?-but in Bit htuorid two win? ters ago. wore a kowii of white IpreeaeVl tummed In la-. Miss Preston is ?w of UM Sliest charming vouns liirls to ?Make tb< i> bow to society her.- In 0 number oi >'~arv and a nr. nt deal " aatortalniag *'ii a* inetdeiil to bei Bringing out ?!>? ioIIhu W Inn r Hi re Mrs William 11 Tho.iias. who has, fwated mi- rranklla tftreei borne fori tonn- time, is now with Mis PhlH| Shi? ids at her home. Ml Weal Uraen ttreet, for the winter months Mrs. Thomas will not -ail for Barepe aatllj the mtddli of l ibiuarj. when slo will leave with a part] of friends fai ? j I Hp to the Orient that will ? over at' least .-liiht months time \ leiteta Here. The t,i?h annual caafcrcnce of Gov ernors BTtl) b- called la order this morning at 14 o dork la the Jefferson Hotel The presence of so many nota? ble and distinguished guests in the city makes it an event of the w:d<-t Interest all over the country, and th entertaining done in thetr honor wUI b' very ..rllllant Tin big reception] tendered the edsclaia fiom the several Mates their wiv-K and members '! ? j staff will take place this 'VeninK In the Blues' Armory, it will be a publii | Iic. ption tendered -he visitors by the I city, and will be kB event Of mach tntereat i-iter the Geveraers w-iii i>e antertalaed at ? aapBar given at tat J.ffe--on Hotel. At tNe Woman's ? luh. "First Step? With Browning'' was th< aabyect of a fascinating lectare ?!? llvered by Iir H. D C atarfachlan ? .fore the member" cf the W'oarai, Clin . yesterday afternoon, fir Ma' - lacMaa le another one of the several prominent and wMety kn..wn men that the club privileges to call Ha friends and his addresses there ftand out spart from among a lone procession of delightfully Intellect aal and cul? tured afternoons Ha w-:.? Introduced Sale of Umbrellas Black Gloria silk ITarimilM, with red Oi*VO Silk i mbrdlas with plain MittMoa handle-.. AT ffO QO \ ?. hin? ? Pure Silk i nitin ilk t.I--,,-)-, fancy trimmed handles, icmm with K'>ld and ulver, In \.iriou- d< - igns. i1 fvn o n r\ *V "^"^ i yesteiday l>> Mrs Tnnmil fa; v John I ?Uli, who i.inJ? a number of pleasing licet*- <-( in m about tin- lecturer prr' i tit with th. IP Dr. MastafhlSS thai rhert Isa't aS l hi as tht ? sltei yvu have pttseheel or? tin Suah ami have sjst to in- her net Drssralag Is " : oi t of tin faej He never trill 1 ? rubt' the second r-ading the mists will dls appear, and inuih be revealed to "ne He was a man that knew the dotail af so many arts, and writes of them as though his reader were familial with tl:em. as the man who stood at I the head of each He hr the child. A cWd knows what i? be-t by instinct. All children like thi tlour. Try a -ack to-day? f^r the kiddie.-. DUNLOP MILLS, Richmond, Va. JERFECTIO Smokcu Efficient. Will heat a good sized room even in the coldest weather. Economical. Burns nine hours on one gallon of oil. Ornamental. Nickel trimmings; plain steel or enameled tur? quoise-blue drums. Portable. Easily car? ried from room to room; weighs only eleven pounds; han? dle doesn't get hot Doesn't Smoke Doesn't Leak Easily Cleaned ? ncfr Re- wicked Inexpensive Lasts for years At STANDARD OIL COMPANY to KW j??t ilfl I.ind lovr would triumph over ever> 'hing Tli'- -sp.-akei said that hi would riot urge people forth Into th?- deep of Browning unless hi knew of the niiths ami beauties hidden In hie woik and the Int.11- etual vistas that I wcr<- there for the finding. In thee* days hard reading and thinking is I going out of fushlon. and one reads ofteiiesl that OtM may forget oneself. I' was a very delightful afternoon. ? pent in Mgrlog Into the Ideal anil ) th> turning of phrases and Words t- i mind that to ?h? ran might read. I about that had bee | . rcited kg a H?* ? birplliiii -.ittiriln?. The member* of Use football learn | if B,a< kston. A'-auemy gave a delight? ful reception Saturday night In honor . of then eeav h, i W. Je alii Thi re i.l'tion wits held In the large HhTS > of the inaiii-mi. which ?u aocaratsi 1 with the school colors an i p.-niiaiits. I During Ihe (bum "f thai eVOaVlhg I several short speeches were bsMbo> ? [which Uss ansahen of thi t< am s*" [praaesd tiiei. gratitsals ?o Mr. torn** '. for in? faithful ami asBaseSM WSarh Iw'th tbeas. Captain Ktviu-ga..- a.o I esSSe In for a Share of the praise ot I his ti-um-mates. Among those p.* ?t ut VaM UsSi [joSHra, of Petersburg Misse? Epes, A. ;i. - liariow. Anderson, ltobertsoti. Perkins, it shag of Blackatune. and .o M na. ris. of Kx iiniond: asaaaca Kuiiiegay, Aiidt- son, dpeagier, Robert saaa I'rivott. Davis, ban;. Johnson. . I?M, Kr-bs. tlriflin. It.age.. Baa I Sett, Hard:.. Uary an 1 Dr. llu"ks Mr. and Mrs E h> Ligon and Mr and Mi? i II. II Seay acted as chaperons Kef ras d (<> I riluninii. Mis William A. Anderson has ? ?? "Hii.-I to her livn-.e In bOXlaaTt**. af t>- a visit to I'.-t -tsbUig to att- .i tie- WToanSUt's Auxiliary i f the Episco pai Church for Uiicoae al Wnuthora ? rgtaia, aad to w^aaaJngtoa as * etei? ?-gat.- to in? Oamiral CeaventioM tie Catted of the Coafed arse: While in Washington. Mrs And- rson was guest of honor at a ? harming tea given by her cousin. stadefM Meissner, of th* Russian le ? gation, to me.-t many relatives rela? tives residing there, all descen .ants ' i -amu'I Jordan and Isaae Winston.,' of Colonial fWasr Mrs. Anderson was ie-'iected for the sixth time as ehat - man of the Church Periodical Club at t:,- meeting in Petersburg. Thia club does th" work of sending thousands : of periodicals trnd books to man} ] clergymen and others needing them. I or Haas Mrs t'hariej I'. I.e.- ?Iii entertain the dehn tan tea of this season and last 'et .aids <>n Wednesday afternoon ftt bat honi". -l.'l", \*.'e?t fira-e street The affair is given (a ho:n?r of Mrs. Let s debutante daughter Mis? Dalla. Ee- and ha>r guest -MUs lani?- P.-s sots, -f New Orleans. Bridge whisl ?ill be pWsTSd and tea will be served I at the eard tsbl> s Miss Lee ita" ? very pretty little ?.inner at the Country Club on Satur? day night in honor of Miss Pcssou. T.i table was set with pink roses and thos,- proas al were Mis??.-? Virginia' '"hestermar.. Mildred anef Vl-glnia Orftec Eliza Christian Ensign Romual I P Meclew-ki. 1" B N . Milnes If aal. I Anton Andams. Maun- e I^anghorr.'. , John Miller. Henry Sutton and Artuur I MntOn Mr. and Mr? .-tusrt Bowe- | rhaperonc-d BraMBasrteh v* relding ' A marriage of much interest here! took place at Wesley Chapel at half- I past 3 o'clock Wednesday eve-nir.g. 1 November when Miss Selma Vale::- , tine, the dau?iiter of Mrs M. E. Val? entine and the late W. H. Valentine, became the bride of H. B. Moseley. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. T. Payne, and Mies Olivia Mosele-- played the wedcUng music The chancel was banked with ferns ' and evergreens, and lighted candles were used on the altar. The bride entere?; with her brother ' W. B. Valentine, who gave her in ! marriage and KiTtii" Buchanan presided at the i punch bowl, tiros Hee-ltal. Of great Interest tn musical circles will be the organ recital to be given' Wednesday night. December t. at *:J o'clock, in the Kirst English Evangeli? cal Euthern Chur. h Monument Avenwe snd Ix>mbardy Street. ! The orgsnist. .lames L Wombb. will be assisted by Mrs N. I*. Xorris. ao- - prano. Miss Caroline Bragg, contral ' to: Ralph End? Is. tenor, and Joseph Whit--, bass. Weetlaa* To-Det. i A called meeting of the General As? sociation for the Preservation of VI - glnla Agtigultles will be held this morning at 11 o'clock Th?- meeting Is for the purp-.s- '. giving all mem? bers of the association an opportunity to be present, and a full attendance is desired, as much Important business will be dlsC'JSSed The Branch R. Allen Auslllary will also meet ihta morning at II o'clock. The meeting will be held at Murphy's Hot?! and all members are urged to be present The regular meeting of the Cornell of Jewish Women will he held In the hssement of Temple Beth Ahubah this , afternoon at t o'clock Tbc program i furnished br the Musie ?'iuh win ron [ slat of the story of f*anp?on and De? lilah, with musical ncerple from a vocal trio A aorta! hoor will follow the program ar.d all frler^. of the foundl are Invited The Janior Oahwod Memorial Asso - ?>,r,-i will meet im? afternoon at % ovlo. k. with Mrs C W staasl*. Twen? ty-eighth end Broad streets All mem b?-e a'e asked to h? present as plans for the eatertsiasnent to he given by Men's 55.00 ?at/i -?o6??s, ?/// new, handsome styles, Sale Price $3.98 the aasaenslion in J.inuur> will be dis? cussed ilnl< uln-on?I'oilrr. MISS .\|., j fTirTglS" HvlckkUtMi daugut'M <>t' vY. r. Hutchinson, of IBS baSUtn Third ft ?.???I. was married >??* K'Mny t > TrtnJaTBlfl J. Roller, organist at Um M'-riuiTH ntal ChBraB, of this clt\. The iiiarrU^. took plac.- in Washing ton ? Hi v. OBSrgt Neluis, I). D., |x rior:n>f the Whittle Menem il Circle of Kin it's lasaghtrra The chief work tills iicle is In coliliocll"!. vith the Belle Bryan Day Nursery. In and Out of Tonn. Misa Nelli- McCluer has returned to Lym hburg. after spending several da> ? in this citj. Miss Phyllis Taylor, of 1!>11 Monu? ment Avenue, was among the Rich? mond girls attending the Thanksgiving dances in xlngtor. Dr. Samuel W. Hobeor. has returned to Newport News, after spending the week-end with Mr and Mrs J. Haskina Hobson In Howhatan. Miss Kate Wheatle>. who has been spending some time with Miss Maty I'happell. has returned to her home in Danville. Miss Mild.-ed Qmy < ontinues quite sick at the Memorial Hospital in this city Miss Ida Uwson. of Hampton, 's the guest of Mirs Si/1 . Neal. at her home in Richmond. Mrs William Hodges Mann has re turned from a short visit to relatives in Petersburg. Mrs. Austin Brockenbrough. who has been the guest of Mrs. t'liarles H. Banff, m New York, for three weeks, has re turned to the city. Colonel and Mrs. Carroll I?uis Kido". of Bristol, are here to attend the so? cial evests in-ident to the Conference of Governors. Colonel Kidd is a mem be.- of the official staff of Governo. Mann, an : Mrs Kidd is a recent bride. CANVASS OF VOTE IN NORTH CAROLINA Craig's Majority Is 56,420 and Wilson's Is 46,202?Raleigh News. Raielgh. p." -_'. December J ?The State Board of Elections made suffi? cient progress to-day in the canvass of the generat ejection returns to show the total vote for Governor and j for President In this Stat?. The vote for Governor was as fol- ) lows- Craig. (Democrat*. 149.975:1 M?ares. Progressive. 49.930. for Settle.) Republican. 43,615. Craig's majorltj j over Meares and Settle was ~,i.i2Q. and the total vote for Meares and Settle WSa 93.555. Returns for State SBaVoerfl show that J State Treasurer B. It. Lacy led th* j Democratic ticket with 150.10s. Thert was only slight differences in the votes for other candidates for Sta!? offices The returns of the piesidentia! vot>. show that Woodrow Wilson received 7 44.507; Roosevelt. 6J.130. and Taft. :r*175. Wilson's majority was 4?.2?2.. and the total vote for Taft and Roose velt. 93.305. Secretary Clarence H. Roe of UM] State Literary and Hirtorial Assoc's-l tion. asys all indications point to the! frreateit out-of-town attendance th> ' association has ever had for the j thirteenth annual meeting, which will ?' convene Tu? sday evening at S o'clock. I The principal address of the evening) is to < ?? by Dr Walt.r H V.tUf. . li -j tor of the World s Work There will i also be the annual address of Pres!-: dent R. D. W. Connor, who has an? nounced as his theme "The Historical Foundation of Democracy In North i arolina." There will be the presen- . tatlon of the Patterson living Cup for 1S?13. snd thereaft.-r a reeptton Ml members of the asso< iatton at Hotel Varborough The sessions of th? as soelation will continue through Wed- . nesday ?v?nlng A charrter was issued to-day faff Tr t'onetoe Supply Company, of Coneto*-. ' Kdgecombe County, rspltsl II*.***, b: R A. Parher. Jr.. and others, an arwndment to the ?harter of The Bryson city Bank increase* th? rapl tSl to fii.OOO I?. K Collins !? pres:-j dent of the hank. Governor Kltrhtn Nffl t?-dav for, mortd to attend the annual con- j ? ntion of Governors ?.f States will be in session th? re ttgfg ????'* Th< r< Is much Interest in tri? 'f moniee thst are to be held Wednes? day afternoon In the hall of the II"Bat ??f Representatives for the uneeeaTsaj of the tnsrblc bust uf r SSBM M Morehead that n"W o upb - i niche in the rotunda of the state Bouse. R D. W. Connor la to deliver the ad dress, and the acceptance |* to be b> Governor Kltebln Tr? records In HM off!'? %% the*] Wshe County rrgister of deed* shews thst the anhst1tutlr.Ti of th< sslerv I 4SI? for fees In tha' 'fflr aav-d II *ee to the eountr d-irlna the ft seal t?ar ending Novemb*- ~* There were >"? marriage ii.-rn??-s ,?? i?d di.-trs the year, against 72: for the pre ceding year this giving 10? mere for the year just closed The Wake Coanty Commieeione-s 'eorgsnlterl 1? dar tee onl? 'hunt' briig r. r n?'M in the pisc? of ar. r atrew?- mm prddinafleid ?t*? In ? laasj v a mmwm cesaraassoirrnrr r <* ?W~-kw!ih was r< ?'"I'd coua'y attoraey. PRINCESS PA LEO LOGO CLAIMANT OF THRONE Widow ol English Army Colonel Possesses Vivid Imag? ination. Hn Catherine Todd w has Intel) beea floated presi? dent of III I ^ Ann ri. a n committee, composed bu ,,f woiaea, arnl which has f >i ,t.? .a rwed Object the placing of "1'riin path otogo on the throne of her SOCevtOrs at ''onstafitiiiopl-.' tin- princes* andertfking m that even! to nua ike forUBcations of o..- Dar? danelles and to open tka -traits to the satire vartdl XI. If the "Pi I'lvsiC WIN fUI alehlng teal nun a|a In retnrn for nn aacial conaldei it ton* to Mm NlaBsat sia of aatont asedlelnes la Snglsued who la printing her ealogy oi their war?-?, at th? vain-- tinti publish d her photo? graph, atoag with an estraaraiaaro coat-of-ai mi. nrrmoantad by the spe? cie* of crown familiar la theat:-'goers as worn by Sarah BWIllliaidl in -'Theo dora." and subscribed us Kugenic. Prteeaag Paleologo "fliephaiha com in-nus." Now the lady who gave this signa? ture had tu> 1 ?.il rtgnt t-. adapt an> s tea Baaae or style, aad placed neraeit. by giving these testimonials, within the danger of legal action, either by the purchasers of the patent medicines which she recommended, if they are dissatisfied with the .effect of the drug's e.r by the vendors of the latter, for baring misled them as tu lbs value at her testimonial. English law per? mits pcopli t-? adopt an) extravagant aam - or tHlee who n th--v may care to aseame. provldins thai rhoy da not Tyree's Antiseptic Powder Ona fee bcx Irakis 2 gallons standard solution All drug srists or send for book 1 et and free sample .1. V Tl REF. < kesslet. Waealaarton. n. C Ask your dealer or phone us?. ^1; eon 165(?how to get 24-pc. Tea Set j AHKHIf AN BREAD AND BAKI.NG CO, S Eaat Lflgk Street. AM Plouers *f Guaranteed Freshness Chrysanthemums Sent fresh from our greenhouses Price? are no higher than ordinary. Tel. Mad. ?30. "'"Hi ?ili-e immom JTarist The Hamilton Watch has many advantages, not e-nry over for? eign, but American watches Co*t , Sl.Vwt and or Smith & Webster Time Specialists. - '>'1 K. Main. J. B. Mosby & Co. Wonit-n - T-ulored >uit tlucetl 25 to 50 fxr c**nt ?ame Qt":'''> ^?e??, t>ST Pt RITV IC1 I Ri IM Monroe I aal Broad Rock The? Official \V?tter of thr American [aTUf^ista' Svndi i ? mnstilg I TlK' aoi-diaaat PrinoSSl I'.d. olugu 9 I real name is Mrs. bidmund Wickham. and she is the widow ..l a:. Krigllsh army colonel of that name. She hv.? j in la>ndon in a mudrii Ii >us looking ; on to Hyde Park ari l po.'?-?.-..-* an Im? agination th;* is the rr.tsl Oriental thing about her BSSidea her title, since. If one is to believe her. BO kSS !!?.:. three dramatic attempts lav bees meets upon her life, mm* ini nuatei i that she and her son esBSUtUta a port] to the dyaasty now rulnii,' over tlreece sine* the pasalc of that coantry would naturalis prefer being rated over by a scion <>r the imperial Greek dyBBSt) of Paieologo than by an alien house such .is that of King George. In fact, .-he hints mat the latter would be great? ly reiieved to hear of her death, the Inference being that he, poor man may have Instigated the attempts on her life, concerning which nothing is known to the English police. Tin ??Princess'- declares that I. r father was one of the candidate* for the Greek throne in UM, This Is rath? er an unfortunate admission. For those who will take the trouble to ra ier to the circumstances of the elec? tion will find that the Greek people did not choose a. foreigner in the per? son of a Danish prince for their ruler until Mhsy had made a most SSfcBBStlvS investigation and had absolutely con v n.e.-d themselves of the Impossibility of discovering any authentic descend ani ?f the last Christian ISmperors of ('uiislanlswwgl*!. or aay bona-tid,- re pee - tentative ot trie former reigning oy? nasty of Paieologo. Emperor Constant! ne i'aloolvgo lnn, self waa killed at the storming of Constantinople by the Turks la 145.1. without leaving any issue. Soir..- naaa - bers of his family are rumored to *hivhe accumulated an immense amount of documentary evidence from the English parish registers, from the British Museum and from the Royal College of Heralds la London, tending to show that she was descended, not In the male und only legal line, buc on th* distaff side, from a certain Theo? dore Paleologue who died in 1S35 and lies burled In th- old Parish Church of Elandluph, in Cornwa.ll. This Theo? dore Paleologue claimed to be the great-great-grandson of Thomas, an alleged second and younger brother of the last Greek Emperor of Constanti? nople. Ccmoernlng Thomas's existence historians are silent. It is hardly necessary to point out that even if Mrs. Wickham was ever so much an authentic descendant from the mythical younger brother of the. last Emperor of Constantinople, ska very fact that her descent is through the female line robs it of any dynastic value. For otherwise there are, as I have shown in these letters, provin? cial butchers and grocers who are able to trace their descent through the female line to former Kings of Eng- : land, such as Henry VII . Henry VIII. : and Edward TV., who woujd be entitled to call themselves princes of Great . Britain and of Ireland. The name of Paieologo. by the by. is by no means uncommon in Greece and among the Levantine families of Oreek origin at Constantinople and Alexan? dria. Ther^ was a few years ago an Alexander Paieologo In the service of the Egyptian government who owed his note to the beauty of his ertfa; while another. Maurice Paieologo, is1 minister plenipotentiary in the diplo? matic service of France. There is also a Jean Paieologo. an artist, formerly mt Paris, but now of New York, who j for a number of years has been earning Bis living in an honorable fashion as ? portrait painter and illustrator, con- j tent to be known merely as an artist. \ He has never, to my knowledge, styled himself prince or made use of any such I title, although endowed therewith by some foolish friends. against his wishes With regard to Mrs Wickham. there is no government la Europe that has ' accorded the slightest recognition to1 her foolish and wholly untenable , claims, and not a line will be found j concerning her m the Almanaeh de I Gotha or in any of the standard works of reference dealing with royal houses ' past and present, and with the authen- j tic titles of Europe, while her preten- ' slons are ridiculed by every foreign j legation and embassy in London, es- | pecially by that of Russia. Every court in Europe, and for the I matter of that also those of Sia.m and Japan, has been placed in mournlnu by the death of the Countess of Fland? ers, the widowed mother of King AI- I bert of Belgium. A beauty of the fair, haired, regular featured type m her younger days, she was a s:?ter of King Charles of Rumania and of mat Prta*> Leopold of Hohenzollern whose candi? dature to the throne of Spain ir. I17S furnished the pretext for the war be- i tween France and Germany In that ' year. Her mother was that brilliant Princess Josephine .,f Hohenzollern : whom Bismarck looked upon as one of his most redoubtable * |\ r?.r -< and w hose own mother. BtBpBaafc Grand I Duchess of Bail-u. was a B- a Bag rnais. Bases and adopted daughter of th? first Napoleon an-1 of Empress Josephine. } The Counteag ??:' Flanders was In : constant correspondence with her ' brother. King Ch.irlr? of Rumania, and, it may he recalled that several letters ? allegro! to ham p.iese.l between these ' two regarding Bismarcks activities ! against Russia in the Balkans caused i Mmpcror Ale^ande- in . when th were shown to him at Copenhagen by . the late ;?. BSBBS Wal.l? of Den- i mark, to nieak awav from the Thr. ? Emperor* Alliance, and to inaugurate In Its Staad th" alliance between Ru?- i sla and FTaace Bismarck used to as- { ?art thjt tue?, l.tfrs were forgeries, j But neith" Ktns Charles nor the f*oun- t tesa of '? 'Linder* ? v?r vAartinf l anv explanation about the matter The' fa t rasaalBS t:.*t Alexander ?i< sat-1 Isfled of their authenticity. and thst 1 th.-. i'i Iri t\e Franco-Russian! .?,;-;,.? .? f-landcr.. had an ex-j tr.-mel-. d.fllrult time with her broth- j er-ln-la?. K m Ir op.?Id but b-. toe; neveta ?f the it most dpi .ma m.T-.ic- I ? avoid ?IV op.--, a ? ?-. him. whi . r-ma.nlne on terms of m -h Queen Henriette and ?Ith th* hatter's daughters 4*he skat BarI r- ? ... fsW as possible to hi* moral i ? : hi ?*%d t ? h*i- pt.?j . ed a r?|e saaaa>TTltrht rill by th? Bre--?o..d ( ?'ompanv > Haerie?>?\ ?lentlar. ,'?.p?ei*l to Thr ] Ebony. Vs. Ivrmaer ?.- At o lewg or. !he afternoon of : :". WefleT's Chapel, near Valentine? j ws? the scene of s pretty marriage ; when H R kloaele., ted to tr? alt . Mt?S *??'?->? \ 4letltlne darjghter Of j Mrs. vt M Vsicsttse. The rharch J w?? beautifully deeorsted The music I was r?fs4ered br . hat * ?Vltvla ??"?? le- Tt" arren ante? Herr .p.-red b ? J litt). Ml..-. Den,a and Ms?- ' v - j Igxaugh ?hikh th* pa' ;a?" GOLD NOVELTIES We have a wonderful as-ortmont of ? ?old Novelties ,.' price- ranging fri>n? $1.50 i. S(J1WARZSCHILD BROS.. Richmond"* Leading Jewelers, S ?.ond and Bruad Sts. In the following manner. Misses M.i'. - a ret t Arnett and Annie I* Mosele.- . Messrs. Tommie Wright and Roheit King. Misses Mabel Kaney and Elliot Stewart. Orady Harris ano Jolin Pugh. lionise H.iwlings an?l llessie Valentin- . Messrs licrnard Moselev and W.iir.. r Vincent Misses Allee Wrlgh| and W li? nier Slzer, l'aul Mosel. ?> and H?be t Kawllnsts. The bridesmaids wore simple gowns of ? Kite marquisette. Miss Maiv Oreen Moseley was maid of honor Little Miss Virginia Moseley bore the i 1 t-*r on a large whit- ohrysanthemuoi I>. S. H. Moseley md I^eonard Kl?ld were the ushers. The bride came in with haf brother, W B Vslsaflas. and was tas) at the Itar b\ the groom and his best man. Herbert Valentine. ? While the ceremony was being pei - formed by the Rev. J. T. Payne. Mlsa hloeeley softly playeri Lange's "Thlno I own.'' After the marriage, the bridal party seas tendered a reception at the home of Vr and Mrs. S. H Moseley at IS bony, Va. The color scheme of groan and white was carried out hi the decorations of the parlors an, w. r.- married Saturday eve ! ninK at Brooklyn. N Y. The rpupl' d of it* tall etr-ee ha 1 satt i Apparel