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The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, December 03, 1912, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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Richmond Gets A. A. A. Convention in 1913
Efforts oi" H. Crim ie?? and Preston beivm
Lana A. A. A. Ccnv ntio.i for Rchmoncl
in 1913?.uoi\ T a 8.0D.legat t, ?Vith
Hundreds 01 utaleis.
< hli mbu, 111.. Dr. ? luKrr -. 11* la.
I be I iiui'?-l)i.t;'iil: b. Hit tin.end.
\ nii rlrmi | immobile Iwii'lalinii
ln-il?? kt-lei ted ltl< hmiiBd uirr Hnata
tain find \* rfhtniifun, session UMm
iiiihI runirnll'd urn fear.
t?lgne?l>. MWni Mil \ IV
II. < Kid PHI W.
lliihmond VM astsarted da
na th. city In Which the next ton
v. iitii.n oi Um American Automob.i
Association v ill as held.
Th>- ???;< etloa rams after n ipdrttm
Ugh', "n lh<- pa:: ?<. BvfXalo an I MTastl
msion ? < th ?'* a kick eitiea alt? r
:. t M-U< ? t..? .:: - ! get the i.as I mj;
l?rivera to invade their parttcniai
municipalities. Through the ?rro.t;
or Meiiviii. Rlchardaoa and n
?*iim Pe< k tin dslsgate* from
the Riehmond Asjtoanobila i'iuK an!
Preston Belvin. reprcsentativ of the
Virginia Statt- Automobile Assoc latlou.
the attraotiveneaa of Richmond, its
peculiar advantage* as a convention
city, beaides the aboundine ho.-pitali
ty of the citizens, were presented in
such powerful words that this assemb
l?ge af S00 men, representing as many
guiomobiie associations from various
section* of the country, didn't hesi?
tate, but availed itself of the op?
portunity to visit the capita! of the
The association has >een in session
In Chicago, and has transacted much
tslness of importance its functions
are Improving the welfare of the au
lomobtlista adoption of uniform traf
?c laws, improvement of roads, legis
1. n as to automobiles and kindred
matters Besides the ?'10 accredited
delegates who come with their wives
and daughters, ttie convention Invari?
ably attracts hundreds of automobile
accessory dealers, who avail them
, ' ;\rs Of the opportunity to t> U per
' Maailj of tio Ir ?dir!.
Ii wlH ha IMM of the laigcst conven?
tions to conic to Kichmond In 1913. j
in*! aire.nl) plans are under ?'?'>' t*
' Btartftth l!u visitors when tliey ga?
ther n-xt December. The sei? < tion of
Klchmond It a tribute, not Only to the
? riergy of the two m? :i Who i-r-irmed
IM claims of the city, but to ? city
ilMlf us an auton-.o lie mi That
Ih hniond has gro/wa ra^iu... i im-|
port*nee in the aittOgBOMle w.'rlj has,'
bNl recoaniic.l for some time |
thojc in a position la watch the.
pron th of the Industry, it is satt*!
mated that fully It.toa visitors will {
in brought here through :h.- conven-I
tlon. The A. A. .1. is the last arord
in tbh automobile world, ami carries
With it authority caacl any laws gov?
erning racing assets as well as the
subsidiary orH-ar.l.-n'lons affiliated
With !t.
It is a big triumph for Richmond
mid for the men who presented Rich?
mond's claim.
lUrhnrtlBUO'H \ ?Ire Dura It.
Chicago. Ill . December 11.?The ora?
tory of Melvin Richardson, delegate
from Virginia to the American Auto?
mobile Association meeting, which
opened here to-day, secured ?or Rich?
mond, the capital of hi6 home State, the
conclave next year. Although opposed
by boosters for Buffalo. N. Y., and
Pallas. Tex . Mr. Rlrharuson's forensic
powers carried nil before him. and so
beautifully <iid he picture the advant?
ages Richmond that oth< i applicants
withdrew their Invitations without
protest. Mr. Kichardson took occa?
sion to amplify his previous expres?
sion of belief in Richmond's advant?
ages at th.e banquet in the evening.
All nss remarks were heartily Indorsed
by the unanimous approval of those
ipresent at the dinner.
Annapolis. Md . December 2. - u hen
UM faothall game between Arm; and
Navy at Philadel; h.a ende 1 last sfat
?-relaf the agreement co% ertrtc the*
playing of these contests terminated
an i aagotlatioaa for it- caafcnaano*
ar a new plan, will begin shortly.
While there is ? very reason to be
Uots the an.ma. mat-h win eaattaas
bade finitely the athletic satharittoa of
0M two schools Will bare to renew
discaaatan of th state fer playing
future games.
Columbia. S C. Decerr.Ve: ?John
V. Mitts, low. 'it. to-night was elected
saytaifl af tie i*ia foot' ai: team ot
tht vers.t> of Booth Carolina
Alllls. .? -tafklc. has Stayed :? : three
j ars aa the south Carolina varsu>
1 he Journal t*'in. v.u.i t:::. s.mie
fioni the Ale-u team last night in th<
falac? i/uckpin U> it ? I i.- v; I ?: ?.
last night put tht Jaaraal tssaa ;i. sac
und place. Scores last :..ght.
Be K
Jdoreii ?
1 J : '.a-.
1 I^'hmai
Istricli .
sr. rts
Geyle . ..
l?aren ...
7. . Ml 4t:
?cerer. Brown, foul ..r.e Mara
?t?ndln? of the Teams.
?? W I.
V'-slniats fl I
"I - ? s-T'is >? T
N?ws lesadsl
I Mi : r, :. ?
.Ml : i ii]
Relations Between Virginia and
Carolina Ideally Free From
Undesirable Elements.
; aUasje Topics, the official organ of
fh' Athletic Association at the L'r.t
rerslty of Virginia, has Um following
editorial ?omment on the Vjrglnia
< a:olina game played in Bichmonoi on
Thanksgiv.ng Day.
"Once more tr.e Orange and Blue
aaves supreme over the Blue and
White Virginia clearly outclassed
Carolina an?! deserved ti.e vi.-tory that
Use team so richly won. It was a
clean-fought game, more interesting;
tier., t.. spectators' riewpolnt than
Um l.ixge sv.ore would indicate.
"An athletic victory always carries
frith it a dlraet appeal to the patriot?
ism and devotion of student support?
ers. But Virginia cherishes with pecu?
liar rride a victory won at the ex?
pense of the Tarheels They are our
most gSBSroeg an I. in turn, most re?
spected fat s I dgnlfled sportsmen,
?ilike Ig victory and defeat, they have
atadt the athletic relation* between
tn^ two nnlTtraltlai ideal!) free from
Indesirahls features Tr.ey are never
Maiant when rtctaffy peren?? ag their
? r. they never 'sob' and make
sinister insinuations wher. defeat Is
Bated out as tneir lot It Is such con?
st i> attOBS as tt?'?' that make the
tn< VIrghata-CaroUaa gan-.e ti.e foot
..:i class' - ...f the South Atlantic Dt
rlsloa Thar* have i,<? n close.-fought
Bad 1" tt?--; ia\e . gern?, this season
BttMre Southern gridiron* And yet
thletic inteiests of two States
cent ?? i at Broad Street f'ark Tnurs
? ty, when the football rep-e.^?ntatlves
the*) tat > institutions Beet :n trns
srabai Mittle
. :.i t-ieaking We 1 predicted
a better showing by the Care^adaaa.
\ . r\-.,-t. rtctecy, aet by bb n
ore T. is Is the most
>\< rhels. ttg def>at :i. .? Virginia
has rvei . in mistered t? North Csro
? . . . the nun". >e"-fs ? '. athle
- I BS Tl" ?-.ing...-,.- eporta
I Issue. I ram Chapel httll :? i us to
et.. Its ?.? ? BUtM SH BSg SfS>
its ? saaar, they bei regaaase
form ar. 1 BBBfB . -ming to
1 rt.tti their appetites whetted
MM li-.is only furntshc?
? ? ? . trr.er.t Bf the reliability
I a ties *. .rrea
Vt fs taaatily UMtg is ;. ;w*ye s
?'arr..tna The hopes
?petitrs art bob projected
i> ' ! '?: 1. ?-n? n
Sal -. ?; ..;... ? saeh other
? l-tlrs wlth
bs play
?u? ? sr. na of its
tad ??. too. hav?
No Open Dates for Quint.
Games Scheduled With Many
Large Colleges.
Washington, D. C, December 2.?
Manager James C. Madigan. of the
Georgetown basketball quint, to-day
boasts of one of the most extensive
SChedolaa that has ever been complied
for a Blue and Gray team. ?Of twenty
one gi'.mes carded* the university five
will play all but six In Washington.
Announcement is msda that the
games here are to be played at the
Arcade, as was the case last reason.
In addition to booking nearly all
of the old rivals in the South, the Blue
and Gray manager has suicecded in
getting the University of Pennsylvania,
Fordham. Manhattan College, St.
John's, of Brooklyn, and other notable
scl.ools, and is negotiating wltn
Princeton and Svvarthmorc.
The season will be formally opened
next we< k when th'_- University of j
Maryland five is met in the Initial
gain.. The dates follow:
December 11. University of Mary?
land, at Arcade; 16. Washington Col-I
lese, at Arcade; 21. University ?
Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia (penu- j
hag). I
January lO. i.oyola College, at Ar- i
cade. 13. Now York University, at Ar
cade: 16. University of Marth Carolina,
at Arcaie (pending); 20, St. John's.
College, of Brooklyn, at Arcade. 22.
Maryland Aggies, at Arcade. 24. Ford
ham University, at Fordham; 25, Man?
hattan College, at New York; 29. Vir-1
ginla Military Institute, at Arcade; 31.'
University of Virginia, at Chariottes
February 1. Washington ar.J I.ee. at
Lexington tpen.iing>; 2. University of
Pittsburgh, at Arcade. 7. Trinity Col-,
legt?, at Arcane: 11. Fo.eiham Unlvei -
site. ;.t Arcade. 12. Maryland Aggie--",
at College Park. Ml.; 13. University of
: Virginia, at Arcade; IS. Princeton Unl
i verslty. at Arcade (pending >: 20.
Franklin and Marshall, at Arcade; 22.
I Navy, at Annapolis: 23. Alumni, at
I Arcaie.
j March 2. Swarthmore. at Arcade
I (pending); .*>. Susquehanr.s College, at
: Arcade. 7. University of Pennsylvania,
i at Arcadn; 10. open, at Arcide. 13.
Buckne'.^ I'nlveralty. at Arcade. 17.
eipen. at Arcade.
Champion i8.: Billiard Player
Will Defend Title Early
in New Year
Pittsburgh. Pa. December 2?Play
for w >r'.'i's champ.onsMp at 18 1 balk
HM rii::ards will take place In this
city January 9. 10 and 11. George Fat
ton having challenged Or a Morning
star The winner .? t" i ? el ve the title.
?asad tri.phi. all sale re.-eipts and
a purse of IXBM, offered by Harry
leash* of Pittsburgh. In addition. Hut
ton and Morningstar have agree.; ff
post a ?:de bet of I
Light Rain Makes Condition
Fine for First Day's Meet.
Large Field.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
Barber. ft. C. December 2.?The Vir?
ginia-Carolina field trial party arrived
here about 4 o'clock to-day from Ashr
boro. A ligh'. rain has been falling
nearly all day. but It looks as if it
will clear to-morrow, and scenting
conditions will bo fine The party Is
comfortably housed at the Thistle and
will run over the leasei land3 of Bib
Armstrong Aboi.t twenty-five men
are la attendance, with fifty dogs.
The judges will be Walter L. .Steele.
Roclcir.gham. N. C. and EL S. Hum
phrey. Indianapolis. Ind. The drawing
for the members, all ag?s, which begins
to-morrow morning, follows:
Whaler Whltestone. owned by T T
Pace. Kno.vvllie. Tenn., with Caruso,
owned by Charles B. Cook. Richmond:
Fcllr.se. owaed by Dr. l>ish Buckner.
Rcanoke. with Prince Wiliiam, owned
by Charles B. Cook. Richmond: l>ella
Fox, owned by Mr. Cjok. with Mal
mason. owned by R. T. Stedman.
Winston-Salem: Ben Greet, owned by
Mr. Cook, with Babblebook. Buster,
owned by Louis Mc43.eeW, Pittsburgh,
with logs: Spider, owned by Mr. Pave,
with Kitty .Miy Whltestone, owned by
U E. Seay. Charlotte. N. C.; Kodgors
Nok, owned by Frank Reiley. Phi.a .
Phia. Pa., with Fearless Dick, owned
by Charles E. Whitlock. Richmond.
Ben Sport, owned by Mr. -Steilman.
with Ruby Sport, owned by Charles E.
WhJtlock. Richmond: K.tty Whltestone.
owned by Galr.es <t Pace. Knoxville.
with Billionaire, owned by F. T. Bed?
ford. New Tork. Tes?s*e Whltestone,
owned by Mr. Whitlock. with Abyc.
The all-age may be finished to-mori ow
and the derby legin Wednesday.
Jack Dunn Completes Arrange?
ments for Spring Camp
of His Birds.
Fayett?viIIe. N C. December 2 ?
Jack Dunn, manager Of the Ba.tlmore
International League I aaeball team,
and E- W. Wick*, secretary ar.J trea?
surer of the club, were in Fayette
rilie to-day for the purpoae of look?
ing over till- city as a training place
Manager Dunn, before leaving, an
... that he had determ'n?-d to se?
lect this point
The orioles manager aald that he
I would be in Fayetteville March 1 to
make arrangementa for the coming of
I the players, while the sthletes. at
least twenty-five in number, would
arrive about March 10. The.training
grounds will be those of the Cumber?
land Fslr Association. Just beyond the
limits of the city. These ground*
-vere used by the Kaster n Carolina
l/acii? durirs the two > ears Fayette
vil.. wsa a memver of that circuit. A
new grand stand has just been built
it s cost of 14.5"0.
Dunn and Wicks arrived at ?
o clock this mornin* They were met
by a number of local baseball en
'hl?l**t?. headed by James F. John?
son. Hubert ftamsaur. president of th?
Chamber of Commerce, and Mayor
John I'nderwooat. It was Mr John?
son who eoncelved the idea of Invlt
PS the International leaguers h?re.
v t, .rf ?r of other to-vns have l?e*n
stt.mpilr.g to secure the Orioles,
smong which were Rocky Mount and
T.?>e Anaje'ea. C?l . December I ?
Thomas ?Isrh B ifidv. Jjlnl holder with
Mauri r 1. Mr Loughlin of the national
rhareplorahlp In tennis doubles, and
Miss May Mutten, fo. mar world s cham?
pion la woaaea's singles, will be mar?
ried here December 11 Announce
ment was mad* te-day by Mr Beady
.menu has
hard schedule
Nearly Every College Will Be
Met During Basketball Sea?
son?Good Quint.
Charlotteavllle, Va., December 2.? i
The Virginia basketball schedule was'
announced, being by far the must
elaborate ever undertaken by a Vir?
ginia qtttat Manager ?'Boh'' Gill, him?
self a star player, has realized the
need for g' ttlng the colleges uf this
locality together In order to decide
definitely the championship team, and
with this in view has succeeded in
every instance, excejit a game with V.
P. I. Virginia and the Biacksburg!
school have been on the outs for 10111?
years, and for this reason hesitation
was made in seeking a date. It was
only lound after the schedules had
been filled that the authorities of the
two schools wer? willing.
livery Washington college will be
played. Georgetown. Gallaudet, Cleor-te
Washington. Catholic University and
Maryland Agricultural College. A
aerial of three games has been pianned
with the iillitoppefis. one contest here
and two in Washington. The exact date
of the rinal gain,? is unsettled. Febru?
ary 2S. the Friday before the George?
town meet, and March 3. being con?
sidered. lAst Season a deciding Frame
was played by these great rivals on
the tv? of the Georgetown meet, and
tiie greatest cioW't In Washington
basketball histoiy tilled the Arcaue.
The schedule:
January 11, Gallaudet, here; January
IT, Hampden-Sldney. hare; January li,
Itandolph-Macon. here; January 23,
Maryland Agricultural College, here.
January 27. A St M.. of N. C, here: Jan?
uary It, V. M. I. here; January 31.
Georgetown, here.
February 6. Trinity, here: February *.
Washington and Dee. Lynchburg. Feb?
ruary 10. North Carolina. Raleigh; Feb?
ruary H. Cathvlic University. Washing?
ton: February IS, Georgetown. Wash?
ington. February 17. St John's. An?
napolis: February IS, George Washing?
ton. Washington; February 21. Frank?
lin and Maryland, here: February 2?,
St. John's, here: Georgetown (date to
be decided later).
= "SERVATOR"is =
= a striking new ?
IS style with an air =
Eof distinction. =
I SI Gives plenty of -oom to ~
^show the tie. Preferred -|E
I ZZ now by well-dressed men
ZZ who favor the larger ZZ
? four-in-hand?. ZZ
S 'TQITNOW same collar ZZ
ZZ one-fourth Inch lower. Both ZZ
? made with the Patented nm
?? " Lock-that-Locks " and ???
ZZ " Easy- Tie-Slide'' space. Of ?
ZZ course they are ZZ
ZZ 2 for 2V. Quarter Sires Zm
~** For perfect fit and smartest ~
?? style try a LION collar on a aaa
ZZ LION shirt. ZZ
ZZ Das??Shirt sadCsisr Co .Hs>cr?.T><w.1 T. ZZ
Saturdays only Oo??d ss'sry.
Apply In person
TIS t ..< ?loa? Street.
In the Wake of the Game
Along with the euphonious ??gunmen - which haa drifte?! caeuallv int?, ou
vocabulary comae that dually pleaalng and expressive follower ' ? tof-m. n
created by auch excellent disciple* of how fame mav be won with one ?, botli
of the pedal estxemltlcs as Charlea Brlckley. James Thor].Babe" Brown
and others too numerous to chronicle at This short range. 'night bars and
now we vote their Incorporation? the words, not the men?into our lang iagc
though we might mildly add that Brlckley lied, or Tatrsifl. might prove a
couple -if valuable addltiona by way of giving a sort of twist to what would
otherwise prove rather droll reading. Whl.-h Ig ggass sort of ?,y ol a.ivlng
nothing at all. a confession that the drought has arrlv<-d
From now out the Winter League will be in active session. Ma osaaadJlaaJ
of uciivitlee will he allowed, and the magnates in this league are qualified!
to hold a meeting whenever aaid wherever they please, so long a* two cot.
stltutlng a quorum, are together. It la essentially against the rules of tb?
order that a meeting be held by one's a?U. ssj the principle that th. holder
of the meeting might be holding out something on one or all ?>f the oth?t
members. For the flrat meeting, we mildly suggest that you play this over!
on the family orgsn:
The Winter ?all.
Of courae. there'r* men from everywhere, from over yonder, here and -hersj
W.,'ve won their bit of fame.
Old hTISSrad and our Theodor?-, two arunmen who're beyond compare.
Have killed their wad of game
Stacked in museums gr? at and small, the stocky gnu. the giraffe tall.
Have come from game bags full.
No beast but what It's uarne they call, except the one that int r sts all ?
Who shot the Winter Bull?
For initial debate, the passing of Broad Street Rark might furnish a fea|
moments of Joy. Incidentally to the gwaat warblera of the < Ircalt, we tout
lilting (panegyric to this ancient, honorable and aarag lp ha fulgulli n war
ring ground, bringing in all the battle-scarred veterans and the r, It af th
production. The tenta were struck yesterday and the cry "Westward?ho*
sounded. Soon the new park will rear Its read, or words to that effect Th'
new grounda for pur;V?es of identification to the few who may no! hav?
followed trie dope, may be found by starting at the eastern extremity of the]
Hermitage Golf Cluh and stepping off In a westerly direction 40j yards, the
forming a right angle with the line thus msrked. stepping off 40'' more yard*
to the north, and so on. completing the square and arriving at the startlni
Description of the new plant Is impossible at this distance Kecretar?
Bradley hasn't decided on the plana, further than that they w'..l call for
modem ball yard, of greater capacity than the old grounds, and more elegsjilj
and commodious than anything attempted heretofore. The stands will hav<
as their base concrete and Iron, and It la hinted that boxes may decorat? th<
grandstand. The diamond will be turfed, and properly turfed, which is morel
to the point. Everything will be ready In early spring, long before the Href
exhibition game ia scheduled, says the dope. Steve Griftin Is still hiding
Toledo, figuring how he can pull off some resl dealt. The rest of the clan ttj
likewise hibernatirg.
We are anxiously awaiting word of some track meet In Richmond W)
know of the Georgetown meet in Washington, but what about the Blues at
Richmond College. plenty of taler.t here if some energetic young rat;,
start It to work.
Virginia will have men In the hll!-and-dale race which will be run It
Baltimore next Saturday. This !s the ohamptonsh'.p event of the South At?
lantic division, and w-ill be watched as giving a line on the distance runner
in this section.
So far we have lamped about steen all-South Atlantic elevens, umptvumj
all-American elevens, have fcund no two alike, and disagree with all Whlc"|
Is ahout the way the average fellow will regard these imaginative producta
Likewise which Is about what III eg are worth.
Wr have s letter from lAurence C. Witten, an alumnus of Waeh ngt
and Lee.t'niversitv. and a most ardent alumnus he is. in which the statemer
is made that no rules?that is. eligibility rules? scovern the teams play, re I
what is called the South Atlantic division. W< knew that there were no sue!
-ules. but we also know that practlcallr every team In the section haa th
sam? eligibility code, except Washing-ton and Lee There is little need t?
dwelt apon this further Our opinion has been formed and cannot be altered
Out of it all let's hope that the several schools w.ll g^; ?oa-ethfr and adop
a uniform set of eligibility rules, violation of which will mean anettedl
boycott bv the rest of the schools In th- association It may seem bar.
treatment," but it is about the only way the amateur standard can be malr.j
An id?s?Just art idea at the present tim??has been ? ig_-es;ed. which. 1
carried successfully Into efTct, will give pleasure to a number of people ??
the state, is that athletic relations between V p I. and V. M. I. be r-'.-we,
and the game played In Richmond. It Is a suggestion which bears inspection
Certainly the alumni of :he*e two schods will approve. Preparation o
schedules for next year's football battles ie now 'n order, and the athl-t!'
rUJea at V. M. I and V. P. I might do well to get in touch with earl
So far. Virginia has shown no signs of wishing to do awsy with the alums
gyahsat af coaching The hlaae of glory In which the Orange and Blue rlnlahBl
ison seems to be at least a partial Justification of the system -til
t ? main thing t.ow is to adopt a policy which will get the eleven la entail
e-trlv ra the game Injuries, in part, retarded the work of the coaches la tb|
early fall, but ever, they will admit that the eleven ahould have develop,
greater strength earlier.
A united press is baching Thomas "Lynch for preaident of the National
League to succeed himself. He has made a careful, painstaking official, ar.j
deserves the honor. Even though he had trouble with some af his umpires;
he weath-red every gale, in spite of such men as Horace Fogel and Charlel
Wehb Murphy. Any man who can dodge two SBSJl evils and come out tn|
long end of the horn Is some executive.
I ittle B llv Bvron w ho made the players in tb.ls league walk th- chall
aaarfc while working here, will be with Thomas J Lynch In the National nerj
season Billv haa worked his way up through sheer ability Be has alwayj
be-n good, and Ed Barrow, though not standing in his way of advancement,
every team in the section have the valuabi- man_
Ashland. V?., December Z.?In the
second of a series of games for the
football championship of the college,
the Seniors defeated the Juniors at
J.d on to-day 7 to 9. In the
first game The freshmen down the
"Sophs" to 0.
The game to-day proved even more
Intereatlng than the flr;t game, al?
though a drizzling rain fell during
the first half.
Th. >:ur. started by the Juniors
kt'k.ng off to the Stniors- twenty
yard iii?e. where they were doerr.ed
before they couid move. The Seniors
made several first dwsrns from long
end runs by Tatem and Compton. but
When Lbs Juniors' goal line was threa?
tens they held, and the bail went
over on their ten-yard line
I On a fake kick. Brown skirted right
end for thirty yards. After this they
were unable to gain, and they at?
tempted a forward pass on the fourth
down and failed. The qogrter ended
with the ball in the Seniors- posses?
sion in naidfleld.
In the second quarter, the Seniors
carried the ball to the Juniors' five
yard line by a series f ? end runs ana
I there it wee given to Tatem. who
Plunged through.the line for a touch?
down. Compton kicked goal
I In the aecond half, the ball shifted
1 from one end of the neld to the othe:
each team holding when Its goal Mne
was threatened
for the Senlore. Tatem starred by
hia Ions rr.d runs, while Brown poayed
a fine game for the Juniors
The mat game at the series will
te played between the Jonlors and
? Flab" to-morrow afternoon at tl
The line-up
Seniors Position. J mlnr?
Mcholroa ... left end. Forbes
McWorter left tackle _ Am?^
Karges? .left guard . CheaaM
?aatth .ceatre. Riddiek
Naylor ... right guard . Gray
Gil I lam .right tackle Am*s
Harrison rieht end . Hardy
Muahe? ,j L-e-bsca r.gairsion
Tatem eft Mlf . (reerlna
Hollowav rlaht half. Brown
compton .fall hack Mr Masters
Kef ere*?Hopkins, It at C res?
pire?Wray. ft TAT. C. Time of quar?
ters 1*. IS. if. 1? mlnnfea.
Shanghai. China. December 2
announcement that <"*hina will be
resented in the Far Ka?t OVJ'mt
games, which will be held at Mani
P. I., in 1J1S is being well -,-ceP
by the various athletic clubs art inst
tuttona here. China's entrance brini
It Into line with lh< Philippine Islam
Slam, and Japan.
Teams wil; be entered In the trf
and fleM spo'ts. tennis. ?< oiieybi
basketball baseball snd swimmir
and Chinese athletes have every 14?
of being able to cope with the repr
sentstlves of the othe- countries.
In the Philippine program of sthl?
tic activities for the carnival this ye
> there are three series of games
the tnterscholaatlc games, for
lande only: second, the Far Faster!
Olympic games, open to tne nations]
representatives of CMM. Tapan. Phlll
pine Islands, and Slam. In this ser
there will he aramcs of all ktnda
fo<relgn represent ! tcj of these 4
feront countries.
ACADEMY Saturdayl
Mallere *afargay.
Sfort ft Sinrer presents
MI?.? >ofir?na
I II Ii s ? t \ r I. I SJ
Exactly a? preeente ' ?00 times at
Princess Thestre. Chicago.
Mre>: Mallner. MM* to fl.OO. M|l|
_ in U.M. _
ACADEMY?Th?rs, and FrJ
Special Mailaee rrtaay.
Francis X Hope preeert?
aitrigaiDP thi r?to>
Iii Tredrt- rniM -s
Pricesi Maflsee. S&e in fi on >lg%|
awe SO m*jm\
?>r?T ?f * Ts. sa rr.\T?
^ <;res? nay Frnm a Great TforoL
Life's S hop Win do v|
?y TsrtSTSa Cessna.

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