_tht^miff agffi^ Bi^patrh
ffi^t^^r?.? WHOLE NUMBER 19480. RICHMOND, VA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1912._? wai? to-dat^ci^. PRICE TWO CENTS.
President Adams's Vote
for Henrico Company
Decides Result.
i ' ?,
Says Company Has Funds to Be?
gin Immediate Construction.
Alderman Puller Makes Able
Argument Against Form
of Franchise, Pointing
Out Defects.
Without ? vote to spare the Inr<
?f Alslei. . ii ia*t night concurred in
adoption of tae o dllsUiec granting a
Pght and power franchise to the Rlch
gpend and Hei Ftall way Company
?I it* hid Of |!0 The as par will be ei:
gsUUsgsi arid PTCOSngSS' to Ma; or AKslie
Wltalu the next lay 01 two.
Nit until the laat mi|. nas recorded
?II UM result knunii. president W.
If. Adams had kept his own eovneel,
? ? 1 .t ? % to ii'j one how he stood,
and when hi* name wss called last of
? II, his vote ??? rait for the fran?
chise. The vote came after one of the
abb st arguments h?-ard in the Council
chamber in tftmi t.me. Th.- speech of
Alderman Ordwa** Puller aicainst the
franchise, while not resulting in chang
Ir.g any vot>->. was admitted by those
? n both sides to have been one of th?
< leare?t heard in th* Board of Alder?
men In years.
The rterorderl tote.
The rerorded vot? stood
lor rinrurrfBrr? Messrs. l.ilmnn. of
tee; (.rlsoea, of Jefferson: l.unst, of
J.eei Meltoa. of .fefferson: Mitchell, nf
I lay i \,!,.n, of Jefferson. I'snl. of
i lay, sod lilami of Jefferwin???.
tgalnst MMSMM?Me-??rs. Flllley,
of t.ee; Disney, nf Madlaen: <,ruinl?. of
Jrfg Perdue, nf Madison; l?o?er?. of
Madlsnw. and Puller, of rla>?d.
situation |a Tease.
The roll was called under rathei
?"imatle circumstances Neither ahfa !
could b? assured of its standing, two I
AMermen havlr.it lefnssd to mdlrat? ,
where they stood Both sides looked'
frankly worried as the debate pro-'
pleased, and the vi-torv of the Rich- '
mond end Henrico Company was the
tnor- welcome since many of Its
etaunthest supporters had almost lost'
hope. R*n**d '-i Chain rtlorig one side
?nf the Council chamber Were President'
Wf. S Forbes. Vlee-prf side'nt W ?
.tenkln?. Secretarv lohn C IfaTin and
other officials of the Richmond and
Henrico Company, while at the oppo?
site "end of the room mere President
"Wheelwright Vice-President Sitter- i
dlr.jr. Vlee-Presldent Anderson and,
ether offlc'.ils -? ' : v
snd Pow?r Company. The *pa-e out
aeaVi of the railing was packed to .ts
rapacity, the majority there seeming
to favor the granting of trie franchise.'
James F.. Iflckereon. chief rl?rk of th*
tVater Department, and Electrical In
epector T. W. Bowrv. both active mem?
bers of the East End Citizens' Asso?
ciation, were leaders in the cheering
when President Adams cast th? decid?
ing vote.
Members In Doubt
Some members of the Hoard were
Clearly not convinced as to the right
course, prestd. ut Adams r-n>.?:king to
a friend that he would civ.. ?i.e.... ?r his
pwn money to be relieve.! ,,f the re
aponslblllty of voting. Mr. Selsen wa?
also doubtful to th- last, though he
had signed the* minority report of th?
Committee on Streets. He said after
adjournment that he had serious
doubts whether the tiancblse would
ever be exercised, and tt.at he Lad
voted for it partly betPOm of the
wishes of hla constituents, and because
of the promise of the Richmond a-id
Henrico Railway Company to extend
e str-et car line up Fulton Hill. It
was stated that the other company had
likewise, offered to erect such a line,
and waa willing to put up money for
Immediate construction.
Secretary Hagan of the Richmond
?nd Henrico Cutr.pan; . was In high
feathrr over th-- ? fcftor J wrested
f.om apparent defeat by the turn of
a rote. He stated that Hit company
heel th* funds with which to bccli. r.n
ir.witate construction of the conduits
and pole lines propose.;, nrii VeesM
not have to await the sale of <'!?!;
?Joaaal bonds.
Maat File Initial Rente.
While the franchiee adopted sives
the Richmond and Henncu < "ompany
the right to use all the streets and al?
leys In the city piactically at its n
wtll. It provides specif .-ally that it
??uat within two months from final
approval file with the Committee on
t-freets a proposed route, which route
the committee on streets ma;, alter,
enlarge or diminish. The construction
work ?n rn< h a route shall be ein with
tn three months aft- r approval by the
Committee on Streets, and be com?
pleted within twelve month*. There?
after extensions may be ordered by the
paseaee by the City Council of an ad
dltional ordin?r,? deslcnating sue--,
additional routes It was clearlv
brought out by Mr Puller in his argu?
ment last night that the exercia* ?,f
t > r: J1..1. S' .; i ? -v ? ' ? ?
tearing up of Broad. Main and a t.um?
her of other streets for construction
of conduits.
There was but on- -.ho of the .'. and
It-cent petitions so freely clrt ulated
fcn certain sections., and which appar?
ently failed of any effect on the vote,
tlr Powers stated that s ich a petition
had been "handed him about I o'clock
yeaterdey afternoon, that he had then
made up hie mind to vn? agalast the
francbtee for the reason 'hat the r!ti
ehould realise something fot in* sale
of such valuable rights, and that the
form of franchiee was not "roper and
would not reeult in competitive service
In the section* clamorous fo' such
mmre-ttlori If a franchise were pro.
pa?d. mahlng the clt>. not the com?
pany the master of the situation, be
would TOtC for iL The neflunn. he
?aid. had not aaelgped e single reason
w?- h* should vote against his rnn
Ceierrtioua r.?a?icUeat, which he had
(Coat law* ?-a geceM Fnge)
Refusal May Mean Se?
rious Split Among
Reported That France Is Trying
to Persuade Nation to Adopt
Less Unyielding Attitude.
Bulgaria and Servia Show
Willingness to Con?
clude Peace.
London Pstssahf r L?Ths protoeol
Ifrium an arniTstic.- In tn. Ti-rklstt
Palkari war was sign. . lata t'.is * ve?
iling i.\ the Turkish an-i llulp, irian
<?lt?l?i the latter ipiekentn.K slyo
Barels MOBloaogro. Prioi to th'n
"'?-r. ha.l be* n a long sitting of the
Vurkish Ceuaefl .,{ IflakMeeg to run
?Mer fresh proposals SUbSBttted l.y the
j Apparently tne Greek delegate did
Bat sign the protocol At present
nothing is definite! known on this ,'
p-ont. nor of the te: me vsT the armis
tlce a? revlee?! to-day.
The refusal of Greece to sign the ;
armistice is susceptible of different :
interpretations. In the tir*t place, as ?
a tacit srmlstioe has been In estates* e I
for more than a week alreadyi it is :
not impossible that the negotiation* j
may have served to bring about an j
Hg-.ement on the general principles;
peac- terms, such as would prom- ?
Is. the specie arrangement ..f a SSSl n 1
treaty when the conference meets, as ;
hi now expected, in IjQadOn In this'
f aaa the fact that Greece n stan'
lcg out from the armistice protocol j
WO*tta not be of great importance. |
In the second place, the Greek ab- [
??.ention may mean a eerious spilt
among the allies, as" la tag from jealousy j
concerning the possession of Salonik' ,
snd the insistence of the Greeks on i
th- rapitttlation Ol Adriar.ople. Scu?
tari and .'snlna.
I'olnts Id -liiiHtion.
Other voints whl 'h may In1u?-:i a I
the a'luatlon are to be found in the
fa< t that T :rke> recently sought lot
conclude a separate treaty ot peace j
With Grea a; that Bulgaria appurent
l Is not 'inwlllipg to enter into >n J
alliance uith Turk*", snd thnt the al-j
lies are oc?i..iua that Turkev shall i
cr.t? : Um Falkau customs Wallte ;
There is a rumor in ?Ofla that a ;
r'.'xr -stlon has "seen melr to subatl- j
tute Itumanla for Greece in the Bal- ?
\ kan leagir. It seems clear from the j
report that BulgarU w'll ignore the
; Greek offer to land an army In Galli- j
pol' Peninsula and to send her fleet to
attack the l>arde.n' lies. The relations
between Greece and Bulgaria are ;
greatly strained, and these signs of
dissension among the allies leave the '
situation full of dangerous posslblli
j tea.
it is rsported that grasses >s try.- j
tr>g t > p- rsuade Greece to adopt a
less unyielding attitude. It is under-j
stood that th" ftranclal pressure and'
j the exhaustion of their forces had
much to do with the willingness of Bal
I garia and Servia tS conclude peace,
j and In this respect Greece. wh*ch '
I irafar.i d her v;<;tortea with less ex
' l?enee, is better able to continue hos- ,
tllitl? s |
trtW] l'rotocol Mused.
Censtaatiaegdo, i?eoemher l ?The
plenipotentiaries met at Bughtlba at
ll o'clock this morning The allies
! r.iade four proposals regarding the !
arm latter, which were transmitted to]
j ronstar iX iple. The Council ?f Mln
| isters aal ?ntil 7 o'clock in the eve-,
I i::g I sinlllarlagl them The Porte :
also sent fresh instructions to the j
lurkish delegates.
A ? Ispatch from a Turklsr official i
says lighting continued or. Sunday and
Monday at Chios between the Turks
Sad the Greeks.
Arother conference was held after j
receipt of fresh instructions from the j
Porte After this conference, tne army
, -..?..<-..! war signed
Th< fart' that Greece m not among J
the >.<nat'-i |es is interpreted as mean-I
tng that hostilities will be continued
H"tauen that state and T'::key, and.
e is cor.ridcrt.ble doubt as to what'
?rftl irrome .if the agreement between
the Balkan states. It Is not yet ?>
t.-mined when -r-d Where the peace
i nfercn'e will bepln.
% sllelty of >fw?stSfr Psblfrlty Law
Before ?sa>reaae < oart
U ashlnnton Pecember ? ?Argu?
ments aa to the validity of the news?
paper pr licity law. a section of the!
? rtfl. e app-opriatlon" Mil. were)
. toyed in the Supreme Court to-day.1
roiicitor-iVnerai Bnllltt. speaking fori
ihe government, and James N. Beck:
f<-r the newspapers attacking Its con-j
Mr Bullitt declared the law was but j
nn extension of former regulation.
< which r<quircd newspapers to give!
rrtain information to the p..?? .< .ff) ???
aSSgSM tment.
M- Heck d '.area one of the groat I
n-.s of the day was whether the'
curt< would strike down legislation!
g:. .. pretending to 'i?rr.?f a
??wer given It. hat In fact a forbid?
den power
S?eTiator sfr<-amber to-da- Intro?
duced a Mi which would repeal this
provision of the law
Uleies r me reset ve ae.i Two Mrao.
era tic r.kttw? ?assed.
Sacramento. Gal. Dasverr.ber f ?Pro?
vided no more court decisions affect
the canvsae and assuming that corree
tions in the delayed returns from uom
Angeles wll not materially ehsnge
their totals Agars? tabulated to-dar
n, ?~ t-:,? r.1 atale Jordan lidi-at?
the election of e]tr?n ProSTeseiVe ?raj
two In- no ru'^ ele-tors In California.
A further change of ten v .?es w^jio
? M I another I tern oc rat Roeaeveit s
plurality oa popular vote stands at
10 Mil Of SCHATE
Impeachment Proceed?
ings Against Judge of
Commerce Court.
Counsel for Jurist Declares
Charges Are Brought L'pon.
Facts That Show His Mo?
tives to Be Unquestionable. j
Opening Statement for
House Made by Clayton.
Washington. l>*cemi>er 3.?JJdire
Robert W A-chbuld, of tb? United
states Commerce Court, sst before th
bar of the .Senat- to-day and heard
himself ?descrlned as on* who had
"prostituted his high oftl lal poalllSS
to per?onsl profit." whg had Yomni? i -
ciallted his potentiality ret I Judge,"
and who bed d? graded kta ofn,-- and
d?stro>c?J th> ? ontioem-e of the pub?
lic in his Integrttjr.*'
To this ar. aiijnni-nt by II? j r- senta
tlvc Henry lo. C.aytoi.. of AlshSSSl
representing the managers for the
House of I't priaentatlTaa i:, the im?
peachment proceedings agalnat the ju?
rist. Judge Archibald s chief counsel,1
A. S Worthington. mad- an rtnphgflr
reply. He declared th.- House bad
bro :ght proceedIngBI ageJagl u .g?
Archbald upon fact* that. If properly |
analyzed, showed the Jurist s motives
to be umaueettonnhle. The rhar?<-s, ne
said wer. ?. lit'ic: and indefinite
Judge Archbald sat r. it'i his attor?
neys at the right of the bar and IBs
House manag<n occupied correspond?
ing positions at the left.
Representative Cla'ton m?kln?; the
opening statement for th" House, de?
clared the facts shown in th? Inves?
tigation of Judge Archbald*. business
reiatlons with coal companies and rail?
roads, ?howed that his "sense moral?
ity had been deadened" and that he
had used his orfleia; rnsit'on to In?
duce officials of railroads that were ot
might !>e litigants before h?? court, to
grant him facer? or to consent to oiis
me** deals
t.nilty of V? Wrongdoing.
Judge Arehbald"s attorney replied
to all th?- Impeachment chsrres. ile
ciaring that the witnesses |a behalf
of the acc'JS.-d luriat would s ibstan
ttate their claims that Mr Arrhbuld
had li?i-fi a'jilty of tio wrongdoing, an?!
that his relations to certain coal loan
deals had l> * :i open and t nqn-stton
The first witnesses will be summon?
ed to-morrow. It is expected that the
first persons called will be Edward J
Williams. Charles F. Conn. William A
May and .1 H. Rtttcnhoug". of Scrar.
ton. and ?hrorp- F Browne l, of stew
York, genera! solicitor for the iJrl*
Few facts v ere brought o-t <lther
by the House managers or Judge Are*!
bald's attorneys. triat had not been
presented In the original articles of
Impeachment and the formal answer
made by Judge Archbald.
The trial is expe-ted to centre about
th- te?tirnor.y as to Judg- Archbai<u"s J
connection with the purchase or at?
tempted purchas. of certain refuse
coal d-mps. His attorney, in his open
bag statement to-d?y. de.-Iared it would j
be ahown that in trie first case charges '
against the Jurist, the ?Katydid culm
hnilh** case. Judg" Archbald had been |
purposely forced Into the situation bv
William r. Boland. of Scranton. and
had acted throughout as the friend of
E. J. Williams, frhe d-sired to pur?
chase- It. and without thought of per.
eonal reward.
The trial of Judge Robert W. Arch
I aid of the Fnited States Commerce
Court, for conduct amounting to a
violation of his oath as Federal Judge
had beer, set to open to-day before the
Ri r.a-e Court of Impeachment as a
tequest of Judge Archbald's last]
August that his attorneys be given
more time to prepare their rase
The charge atra'nst Judge Archbald
arose in connection with private and
official acts, both as a judge of the
?'oiirt of Commerc. and as Fnited
State? F'istrlct Judge for Middle Penn?
sylvania. He was Impeached by the
House of Representatives after a full
Investigation of the facts by the I?e
partment of Justice. and extended
hearings before the House Judiciary
The managers appointed by the
Ho ise to prosecute the caa* '..afore the
??enate asked for an immediate trial
ls?t August, but the Senate declined
to hasten its consideration of the
case. rrurir.g the la*t week scores
of subpoena* were issued for wit?
nessed, who will he rnu-Tht before the
Senate hy the House managers, and by
Judge A.'chbaidss attorneys In connec?
tion with the trial.
After the House Committee on Ju?
diciary had concluded Its hearings
ast spring. It recommended that Jndne
Archbald be celled "-efore the Senate
under impeachment proceedings The
laet time the House hsd exercised Its
Impeachment powers was in itot. when
Judge ftwane. Pnifed -States Judge for
the Xortbern District of Florida was
? ailed to account for misconduct, and
was acquit led by the Senate The
Hous* of Repreeentatlvea on July 11
1?12. adopted articles of Impeach?
ment by a vote of 222 to 1. and a com?
mittee, headed bv R*rr*?*ntellve
Clayton, of Alabama, was rr.oeoo to
set as the managers on the part of
?r>- House to i.-y the cas* bsfora the
>*nat# .The House managers urged
the donate to rrant an Immediate
trial, but that body declined to hear
the case pafore the end of the last
natda for Trial
Thirteen separate articles oeraatltjts
t.r- ?. ? fo- ;r? ino-ad-Tre.-- trial
Thea? embrace dealings between
Judge Aeehhald and riilroed ofnVjal*
*nd others. Ir regard IS -Tonnsylvanla
rowl or < ulm" dump* ar.d coal lands
eontrlbetlons by ettorneya end others
tn tha ledgs'e veeetlwn trip to Eu
r.?pe In 111*. r?put?d "secret corree
(Coctin-ed ea Ninth Page ) '
$110,000 LOSS
Flames for the Second
Time Destroy Express
Company Building.
Entire Fire Force Called Out,
and Immense Crowd Watches
Excellent Work of Depart?
ment?Virginia School Sup?
ply Company Heaviest
Fire last nip-in shortly after 11
o'clock almost totally destroyed the
two-stor] L?-; k bulld:tig at Ninth and
Cary Street.?, occupied by the Adams
and Southern Bagrees Companies and
the Virgi:::a School Supply Company,
entailing a loss of l?O.nofi, fully cov?
ered by Insurance. The heaviest loss
was sustained by the school supply
reipany. f'reston Belvtn. .Ir.. manager
of the company, said the value of his
stock, which was lost, was tT'.Oift.
The building, some portions of which
may be saved, was owned by the es?
tates of Evan and John R. Williams,
and erected at a cost of about $-'".OV).
I) J. Baker, a representative of the
express company, raid that he did not
believe th<> loss to the company would
exceed 110. inn 'Tuesday la always
our lichtest day." h? said, "and wc had
comparatively few consignments on
hand. Twenty-five thousand dollars In
cash was locked In our fireproof safe,
but I have no doubt that will be found
Intact to-morrow- About tC.'io') In cur?
rency was removed to our branch of?
fice at the r-h- jsapeake and Ohio Sta?
tion. Our loss Is covered by Insur?
Fire Discovered hy Clerks.
About thirty men were at work 1n
the offices of the express company when
the are was discovered M. R. Pam
ron and r T. Anderson. 'lertts. noticed
the smoke, and when Damron started
an Investigation he found a smill Maas
near the furnace !?: th* biscment.
?While Damron ran to engine house Xo.
7. in Cary Street to give an alarm.
Anderson attempted to put out the
flames, but they spread rapidly. an.I
by the time the apparatus arrived had
gained great headway. A genera!
alarn? was at once sounded frntn Box
No. 51?No. 7 engine house. It was*
followed immediatel> by a second
Sjarss. Aft?rr fighting ihe blaze for a ,
few rrflrtoter ?nd flnfTfher thst tt vn!
rap.Jly getting beyond contro". Olsktf
Joynaa sounded a third alarm about1
11:35. In a few minutes ten engines?
Nos. 3, s, 7. 9, 5, ?, 1 and Id?were :
pumping fifteen streams into the burn- I
Ing building.
Dense Volumes of *ssokr.
At first great and dense volumes of
"-mokv- were issuing from the first
floor of the building, ?'ompanies were
stitioned inside and at cellar caps to .
plav the pig streams Into the base
;s?"nt. But it reached the elevator
shaft and with a rush, fanned by a
swift draft, it reached the second floor.
I'espite every effort by the depart?
ment 11 keep it from spreading: it
ate its way Into the ceiling and out
through the roof, bursting fortji in
a rosy glow. Tne water towers of
Trucks Nos. 1 and 2 were immediately
put |a service and drew thousands
of gallons aa top of the flames.
With i are judgment. Chief Joynes
and Assistant Chiefs Raffo and Wise so
?*v tcl the streams to prevent the
fire from spreading to adjoining build?
ings. The warehouses occupied by
Harris. Jones & Cadmey Company, si \
plumbing supply house, adjoining
the north jn Ninth Street, and that of
Joseph W. Hatke. on the Cary Street
side, but also sat upied by the ?xpress
company, srere threatened from the
At one time it appeared almost cer?
tain that the express company's addi?
tional quarters were doomed, and a 1
great quantity of expressage was i
moved In big trucks *o places of safety -
Some of the pa^kafces were d imas-d ;
by water.
Be-onae? ? P<-.-tn.-utn r
j Not until the flames came through |
I the roof did the fire assume spectacu?
lar proportions. It was visible fori
miles beyond the city. Thousands of |
men. women and I hlldren gathered
nfter the three sixes had been sound?
ed, and it was with difficulty that they I
were kept back by the police. It J
I ?was necesnary tt? stretch ropes
Ninth Street to keep the people from I
j^varming Into the street. But under |
the direction of Act!rut-Captain Hold
craft, of the tlr*t District, thirty I
policemen preserved order, and pre- [
vented the firemen f-om being bsndi- |
caoj Sal In their work
The fire was one of the most stub- j
born which the department has had to]
fight In a long while, starting In the |
basement. It was difficult Is resch.
Inside of the building the great mass
of smoke which rolled up fought ba^k I
the various companies. Time and ]
aeagn they would advance with u?
heaey stream, only eg be again driven |
into the street for air.
Tries te Kater Baeeaseat.
One of the more vert?u"??0:pe mem?
bers of No : ? omgaay attempted to
enter the -aeement by a ladder'
through a cellar cap. but the amoke {
made It Impossible for htm to remain
and he was forced out 1n a few n?ln
After the "antes had rr-me through j
th? roof, it was not a hard 'aak to
?lreet streams npnti It from the water
towers The southern portion of the
roof was not In any dar-ger. ssa] this
enabled Chief Wise to place eeeerali
companies there, which did efflctwnt
work, and the flames were gradually
beaten down After two hoerr work
the fire was regarded as under con?
trol. However at ? o'clock thle morn?
ing atreame were still playing agon
the ruins snd N wss fh.. :ght at that
:?f?e that several hours moat elapse
ff*nnt'nii~ on *e?ond Page t
sen In Ss ?altferwaa. etsndsrS er
tec ess- te-'ar seraeneil? resdected wltSeei
Oiseee San?. e?e?r? SimSaT Berth fa
Use'- ST Z shun A4r
Advocates Lynch Law
Supreme Court's Dissolution De?
cree Subject of Prolonged
Wall Street Xot Able to Arrive
at Definite Conception of
Its Importance.
New York, December ?Not evejt a
tentative or skeleton plaji to divorce
the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific.
In conformity with the l'nited Stau s
Supreme Court'.?- dissolution order, was
evolved to-day at a protracted me?t
ing of th- I'nion Pacific ItallrUi.d Com?
pany's eseoutiv.- committee, accord?
ing to Chairman Levetl. <t the Htirrl
man system, and lulius Kruttsch
nltt. Olrector of mslntenance ?n?i op?
eration Of the Cnion PRclfic. Neither
official would disclose details of the
Banking interests in ths Harri
man properties, as represented by
President Vanderllp. of the National
' .ty Bank, and Mortimer l. Schiff, of
Kuhn. Loeb * Co.. also attended the
I meeting, but declined to enter into any
j public discussion of the Supreme
Court's decree, except to say that the
mandate of the court would be carried
' out within "he t'me prescribed.
It is taken for granted that the
I conferees devoted much time to that
?part of the sVastSSl wherein it is in
tim-ited that t'nlon Pacific might so
?readjust its affairs a?? to retain con?
trol of the C-ntral Pac'ftc
It Is realized fhat such a plan is sure
to meet with strong opposition on the
psrt of the independent Southern Pa
cifie shareholders.
Step? in behalf of Southern Pacific
stockholders were taken to-day. when,
according to announcement, a commit?
tee conalstlng of James N Wsllsce.
chairman. Henry Erans. J Horace
Harding Frederick Straus and Albert
TV'ggin waa formed to "protect the In?
terests of tho stock of the Southern
Pacific Company In the hands of the
This committee, it was stated, will
at a later date "make further public
announcement" to the stockholders
A phase of th?? situation to whi.-h
the high officials of tne Hsrrlmsn
system are giving mr.re than B pSasSSBSJ
cnnsrdernt'on Is the Incressed cost of
administration which even a te
?-al dissolution of I'nion Pa^tflr and
Soiithern PaclHc neresaa-lly must In?
volve. Ever since Herrlmart tnt*r.ate
became dominant In Souther- IWMsn
the two lines virtually have bee , ? ,n
aged as one property, with ve-} mii-n
the same set of officials Knforrement
r.f the Sup-erne Court's ordbr. In the
opinion of Impartial outatde-s. will
?-ale for separate and distinct work?
ing forces.
To-daT'a stock market was la'*'
governed by the merger l-'islon.
H'e'.l St.ee- seemed ur.s'
any definite conception ef the a: -
* round Importar-e of the der-.. In ?
general way howe-. er. the fnanciai
community was ?;tep?sed to he.i?^
that la Ma broader aspects the deris?
ion Is not without bearing upon other
corporations Industrial as well aa
Jt.?*jT#*a ^ ? 4 aT ss ? f *** ?*
Ws-hinrton .'e -rrtter .t l^igns
lion of the l'idce? to S'JP< -V|?e the
dissolution of th. I'nion PeetSr aser
ger. aa decretsd hy the Sup-env- Court,
may depend upon disposition of the
(CeaHlnaera-on Second rags.)
! brig3<brivltcncrai Blisi* Lrt
Jnculcation of Mnratry
Spirit in Youth.
I 'I
! Striking Addre?s Before Xationa!'
Guard Convention in Ses?
sion at Xorfolk.
Norfolk. Va.. December 3. ? Brigadier
' General Tasker H Bliss, of tne United
j States Army, speaking >>n the Connecti- i
j cut manoeuvre campaign -of lilt, made |
. a striking address eefeUB tue National
] Guard c? vOOtsSg here to-day. He said
j that college presides ta end professors. I
' as well as other noted men w ho arc
j moulding the manhood ad the rising!
j American generation have taken a I
stand against tl. Inculcation of thej
? military spirit >B the youth of the na- i
I tlon that has a tendency, unless esseeat
? ed. to rob the country of th- power
I and force that she is hound at some.
time in the future to aeed for aar nett-1
preservation. General B ib- said that j
l the poaitive stand that is being taken i
I by many to the end of removing tnej
1 military spirit looking to possible unl
| versa! peace la wrong, and urged with
great force "the keeping sJtTt of the
! military 'spirit. ;p?n which the honor
land exiatence of our country must sure. ,
: ly depend."
General Betas declared that while the'
western nations arc looking to .ni- ,
, versal peace there are millions of peo- j
' pie in the eastern nat.or.s who are I
keeping astet Iks spirit of war. andj
that aooner or later there is bound to i
I come a grea' conflict hetwean the peo- 1
i pies of the tv?c, hemispheres that will I
j demand train'd armies in thla. the
t world's greatest power for the mam- <
I tenance of our national honor and the
? preeervatlon of our dominions
Osslaooa Of Disaster
Generai B lss ssld In part:
"I wo;id like la ? mm att-r.tion to
one advantage of exceeding importance
thit would reeuP If. In every two
:ear* out of three, every regiment of I
the orgar.ixed militia a?1 regular
army were to go once In a regimental j
camp of instruct: r. ar I one- ,r.t.. o- -
respondtrg brigade camps Thla oc
cnrrlng thr >ughout the entire country
would have a great Influence In keep
'ng alive the m'IMarv spirit of the
nation When one stops to think over
a not vex long t'tin nf vears and
res Ilse? sks Influence that nive been.
?n ' a.-r at work srd castes' ? ffe.-t lipo?
t l> . pit ' It 's hard to avoid a ?-oa- j
clusior. omlno-.s of disaster Not long
tlrre ago the opex nents of a perman
Wmt mtlltarv deferse adrocjted the ut
moat extension Of the military forces.
Now they, or many of them, opron*
the oe? as nvjcb as the othe*. Mot
long ago many profeaeional educa?
tors advocated military drill in all
our sehr ds and teaching ?ver\
and vonng man to be a markrrnar
wltli tne military rifle Now there la
a- of-ismzed effort to pre-ent It And
the astonishing and steadily Increas?
ing objection to profiting by such la-!
stltutlon fs that It tends to foster sad
encoarsge the military spirit
"In the Introduction of bis 'memoir* \
General "herman begged his roorurr
men to keep sites this ep?rtt. ss nn\
nf i knew when we would need ?o
? \ t~r- are ut 1- *??.! p? a' ?? .>???! i
Men phtleeoph'r. to wksru t-e ???/
stsv of war waa ablsei leat. In on*
of his eosavs and In exsmatentlng on
(CoaOaues) oagisiad Page >
South Carolina Execu?
tive Stirs Conference
of Governors.
Removed Sheriff for Connivance
at Lynching?Brown Would
Call Out Entire Militia o?
Georgia to Enforce Order.
Penology Proves Live Topic
of Meeting?Good Attendance
First Day?Suffrage to He
Heard?Governors Go to Vir?
ginia Beach To-Day?Recep?
tion at Jefferson.
I-yneh law fur the punishment of
the nameless crim< in the South, with*
out the trouM>- of a trial in the
courts, was advocated hy Governor
Ocletnas Livingston Bie.ise. of South
Carolina, in an address yesterday be?
fore the Conference of Governors. In
session in this citv. Never, he an?
nounced, would he order out the mi?
litia to shoot down their friends en?
raged in taking the life of a black
man who had dared to lay his hand
upon a white woman. Governor
Bleasc said he wanted it understood
in South Carolina that it Is necessary
only to be sure the right mar. is
caught No trial, he said. Is needed
or ought to be ne-ded.
The speech of South Carolina'*
Governor, whose recent campaign ShaT
renomn.atlon attracted the attention
of the entire country, aroused tho
greatest interest. The assembled
Governors and others in the audi?
torium of the Jefferson Rotel followed
his every word. Some who had ieft
the hall were notified that Blease waa
speaking, and hurried back to their
seats. The discussion of modern pen?
ology, which had held so much of
interest to those In the audience, as?
sumed a new turn.
Defended His Record.
In the main. Governor Blease's re
iiarLs were, intended aw a dote use ut
! his pardon reoord, , which,. Jhe' wasj^
attacked. lit timed it with sit 111 "Ho
an to get his side of the propoeiUon
before the assembled executives ap.i
before the country Not only so, but
it chimed in with the topic under
consideration, and it was delivered
with undoubted ability. Its very bold?
ness will make it the more popular in
many quarters.
The South Carolinian announced
with pride that in the twenty-two
months of his term he has pardoned
ind paroled pin prisoners In his State,
with comparative ly small population.
By the time he has served four years,
ne said, he hoped to make it 800. doub
| ling the record Just announced by
Governor Hadley. of the much larger
State of Missouri, who said he bal
I extended clemency to too young '>oyn
n four y-ars. With tears in his
voice, tjovernor Blewee told of men
s< ntenced to jau foi terms by
I ninges who aft-rwards admitted In
1 writing that the judgment was unde
| served, he told of negroes rotting
I in the State prison forgotten by the
I world, he to'.d of the holsery mtU,
which he called a tuberculosis I sen?
: bator. m.ikmg consumptives In the prl*
bee c 11*. Gloating over his renom'
nation. he said that in spite of the
attacks on him. in a campaign Whieh
he declared to be the most bitter !t?
? the history of the coungry. 7?,0t)i>
white men of South Carolina had told]
hia distinguished opponent, a former1
-udge, that he 'Was a statesman with?
out a Job.'" He ended with an appeal
to Governors not to be afra'd of tho
\ oiitical issue, to remember that
judges are often better proeecutois
than are the attorneys for the State,
and to recall the scriptural Injunction:
"Forasmuch as >e did it unto one of
t... lease of these My Urethren, ye
did it unto lie."
Itefeads I-an sad Order.
His remarks did not go unchal?
lenged. Immediately following. Gov?
i mor Joseph M. Brown, of the adjoin,
j .ng State of Georgia, said that per?
haps the rr set potent factor In hUS
own re-election was his pledge not
to ebuse the pardoning power. .\
wave of indignaaion. he eaid. had
oassed o\er Georgia because of the toe
free use of evecutlv rlemene;. He
had off er? I fn order out the oBttrn
militia t" preserve and order,
which be said, must be supreme in
his State
But the most atriklng reply was by
SewerSsSC Kanntet 0 N?a'i. of Alaha.na.
He denounced lynch law as subver?
?iv? of justice and a disgrace to the
country- So rigorous had b.?on the
feeling in his fftate. he said, that by
a - r sheriff who corinise* at
the ivn. hing of a nr.eoner by p?r
? t h's rapture by a mo* . may bo
impeached b*-e ... . rr.- fourt,
-n.i up-.?! seevtrtien. h- I? removeg
sali Oer? rase OTT eel, a shorts? heat
been removed for this eg?as. lanten*
? ' ?>.k -?nVe. a neg o
<??? ?? ?' The sheriff waa
n?tiged that he must do his doty bat
? he was tahen from h.ta and
? bed Later the i",..??rs3r <aua#g
an investigation to be megs, gag he* j
tng cenrtncH that the short* cou
r vl a- he affair he was Imp SB chit
hesfore ?Be Supreme Court and reasovog
from oases, although he eagg *W*jo
? --?e h-.ghiy popular anon. StiU
a M ?her. another sheriff bed each a
prisene- ha was similarly n?tige?.
?ueed ?afe '-.t?r?ranoo to Iba
He telg the Bpaggggil that Ig
?n for an sutOBseWfta, hat
BBWd :??? nr.Ioi he ee-rled oat
the pro?'ess of the law a* wosrto) ^HH
ms r->??tioe wn.e that time, eajgy
'1 label, teere has haiag
(Contiseed on sVs-e?th Cage $