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Rheumatism Inflames the Joints, stiffens the mus eies, and In some esses causes suffer? ings that are almost unbearable. Thousands of grateful people have testified that th. > hav, been radically and permanently cured of this painful disease by the constitutional remedy. Hood's Sarsaparilla which neutralizes the seid In th. blood on which the disease depends and ex? pels It. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as siaraalaha. i a lift rt:s. :u* nt I FRANCHISE WIKS IN UPPER BRANCH (Continued From FPat Page.) iT-ac-ha-d after cifc'ht months of serious I onsideratlon. Feared a >ell-Out. At the outset pf the debate. Mr. Gunst who frOOH UM hrsl has been an ot the Haarte? Cnssnsay. saUS] he bad eoaM InteadiBg ta oil* r an an.? nimmt resjutrissS Iks Msatirn Company to give Pond of $i '.<'0". to be forfeited if in three years the com? pany said oat the rights and fran i aha granted in this ordinance, but I :?? en iiitornuU tliai ISM) ordinance kariag bsaa advertised for bids was aot ii. ? subject to amendment. Mr. Puller, the new nsesaber of the ? .ird of Aldt rnien from Clay ' Ward, la what was his rirst extended speech I in the Hoard, covered the situation ^ tboroaghly la his argument against' the franchise, showing a clear grasp j cf the sabject Having reaehed ?ertoue < onelusio:,! as to detects in UM orditi-I ancr, h?- felt that it would be a gross.' breach of hjs duty as an Aldermen were j he not to raise his voice against thci present f. ru; and UM amount bid. Tearing I p Mau> streets. ?. hailenging statements Iii the ml-' r.ority repert of the Street Commltt-ve. ?hat the matter of policy hasl been determinr-d when the ordinance was SdTarflStd. ho said that the Council! might deJermina to sell the <"ity Hall, but that would not obligate the Council I i glee *l away when only aoaalaal 1: Hotll con^rttees. which liad thoroughly iHsmsaSfl the franchise,! he said, had reported it adversely, the rid< ace before both> having shown adequate service and rates lower than most cities similarly BttaagSd. From his own investigation he had found existing conduits nearly full, so that practically nine ml tea of street paving ..ave to be torn up to introduce. a duplicate and competing system. | The Henrico Company's railway and . Viaduct, he said. . Ifgg.ggg, possibly j II v.1. and had been capitaliz-d j in sfock and bonds at ?2.r,'"'.000. "They have taken a seven-mile j street car franchise " said Mr. Puller. 'Hnd capitalized it at II.jOO.KOO in ex-j cess of its cost. What <!?> you sup- j peae they will do with a franchise giving them practically unlimited use j at ISO miles of streets? And they : want you to give thorn rhat franchise ' for $101 There is no evidence, of a tsncihle nature that they have the raoasy to flaanrs this untit-rtakiua The ordlnat:ce Hoes not say erhere ttiey will run a line, or when. Any bidder aa this franchise is taking i gaaabter's i hnnce. for it Is left to a future Street Committee to rise on their Initial roi'te. but w-hen you are getting some thing; for nothing you can afford to tak<* a gambler's chance. Cornier CeuarlU Sharply Scored. "It is no business of tho Board of Aldermen to enact laws Ic. make a corporation's business ventures : able. They are here to-day because of the t deieUctlon of former Councils. Mad Councllmen devoted more time to .UTiag a free viaduct over Urn;.-! Street, and less to voting extensions to the old Citizens Rapid Transit Company, we would not be i'aylntr ! toll to-day." j Mr. fuller stated that he made : his investigation of the subject with? out conference with either skie. hav? ing :. gardesi himself as a juror in f!ie case. Mr. Grimes secured the reading of r. s-c|ntionf, |)a.?sed by the Cast Bad Citizens' Association. favoring the -minting of the franchise. Mr. Gunst spoke briefly la support of the minority report fax'?ring the franchise He expressed the belief that there w;-s not a sane capitalist in the Blatten States who weald Inves: i money in _ fourteen-year light an., j power franchise naleai be had ;i "% - . I product to sell He bad, therefore.] i never Coaetdered seriously the offer of' i Arthur Upper ?V Ca to pay l?.O?r) for \ ! th. right* He admitted that It might have been a mistake to grant the ? Ken rice road its original street ear , j Iranchlse. but ur.dtr the existing cir- ! [easaataaeed he I hough I it fair to gi^e' ; them en oppsrtaBstT to *ee what they ; i ceeiM do. The .I, '.ate lasted about as hour, af- I I ter which the roll was called. I-'rotr. ? Ith, moment of President Ad%SSS*S vote; ! there was cheering m the ohaather, I sad llenrlco Hallway advocates sprang j forward to shake the presiding OSheer's I han 1. so that it was some minutes be- j fare order could be restored and the j ; vats formally announced. HE WARNS NATION OF GREAT PERIL (Continued From First Page.) the horrors of war. said that 'while war was a very terrible evil. It was not the greatest nor tho most ter? rible, and that state of slavish and BlUggfcBh indifference on the part of the people that made it think there could be nothing worth a war was a worse, far worse, evil." Ti"s. men of the jrrcat"st public Influence ?OOMSge presidents, oollejr professors, and these men who are the molds of the rising generation, men whose success is marked by the ?c- j cumulation of great wealth?are Inj increasing numbers engaged In a sys? tematic effort to inculcate this very I doctrine that ander no conceivable cir C .instances can' there bo anything ?hat is worth a war. There are greut rwm- I her? of influential men among u? who cherish the delusion and congratulate j themselves that the new horrors added J to war have made. It impossible, and the fear and terror of it have accom- j pitched what the spirit of love . nd I reasonableness could not do "And the evil of all this is that while 't is easy to so Infe't th. mind ' of the ecg*ing generation in all v\es'-, era n; tion- that both its idea of ma- . terial interest and its physical fear af death and mutilation will make It thinh there can be nothing worth ? war, there are eight hundred or a thousand million of people t'? . whom the Idea of oeath and mutl- ' lafion is the very breath of their nos? trils. They represent a civilization ut? terly antagonistic to ours, and to w.Mi'h thejr cling perhaps more tenacious.y FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Southern Express Company, Enormous Fire. WILL YOU BE NEXT? A policy in the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company protects you. Call on, 'phone or see DAVENPORT & CO., 1113 East Main Street. i mmm m m mom mw.xmm \ 3 dictionary coupon b : PRESENTED - BY- THE 17 1 H TIMES-DISPATCH, DEC. 4th j P fl : ONLY ONE COUPON REQUIRED" B .38 J?X J?T WH U JKUUM Cat sot ?V.e ?Veva ceaaMja. awl present II a* th--* wkk *)>? ezaeose J teases ajreewt kereta art eeatowt* any atria cf Pirfeeaary ??Wciee <wharfs UM 1 ? tat i:? aa d tea cc?t af pxlrme. t?p?-a? fmtn tha facta*?, rlnihsas dark aar? aa-? at^-r arc at -err Z\?Z>5L tum? , aad reisers raw ckescc at Cam there book* TW (V" . " "- from day to 4?y ) pob WfXaTTFjnAN ? DICTION*R? It is tne l?non by the wnrV.'? foil L?^p ! ?? . 2 1 on hark and Utett Edition 0 over * aattCfl, prrr/rd . J '. . . r r r?i dKr-. 2~r\ rirrt*: fviu*ifaf- ?T vc. d- . '?''*]. 1?. :h?-r g| tlaat CssfcaiTlsOW^aaV OttK Pic bo nary Csupaa %ti the 98C tv SS.00 1 i It mi ?1? ? j Tau sloa 13 * *"> ***** mum- 2 ' a* th* ???? hoes. ?? i ? see !e ?<?>? i nmrmw_ < -et tu tan atrie ' : ?IVVT. _.,* ' ? ?-*. *>e? a?n-.? i WUSIUU? . -lies e?%aak kt la aeeer. easae fcUaaara- 4 bltllONABt .4,aa?. .-'niCLVa^ a? ? hat a.1_ < E .aaaMia ih r*-??*?* paae, Pa?aa at j anta snuare earners O"* filp '' * ' *" 0?? puaaiirT Caaaaa aaal aka ?lt Dk-mmo Csnaa east oka 4oC 4 Aaw assets k* MaaV 23? taara fo* Pulaai ()w"?wirHn n e: coupon now If you want to match up your suit to her photograph, here's the deck to draw from; the exact outfit that holds its own on Fifth Avenue. Coats with natural shoulders, soft roll, easy fit, in new tones of warm color that cold type is powerless to describe. For you lightweights here are fuzzy fabrics that will add ten pounds to your looks. For the solid man, smooth clothes that give the trained down-to-perfection effect. Suits, $15 to $40. Overcoats, $15 to $50. Hat- that give you individuality. Shirt:-. Shoe-. Underwear?everything to wear. Deplores Lack of Military Training ?TWIGADIKK-CKXEKAL TA "?K KR H. BUM. than we do to ours. They retain their Zivilisation whil. they adopt the ma-I ?? rial advantages of our own. They ( buy our dynamos to light with elee- : Crictty the- temples of their gods and : ? ' est weapons of precision to fight their battle* > at Ion Worth ! khnng For. Before long we shall learn that the great ? p'ch-making wars that are to come will not be merely the 'growing pa':.s.- as it were. th.> strains and stresses by which one civilization adapts itself to Its changed internal ?-?ir.dltlons. hut the wars of civilization o'i ;< ctalUaattaa, ar.d I? will be an *ell day for the one that we have B hoped would dominate the world If ' We succeed in teaching its adherenta I that it Is not worth fighting fcr. while i I th?re are mar.v alien millions will j I cheerfully die for theirs. I 'And I am very grateful for the) opportunity i baas r.;?d to ad'is*a*? an | j association, the hounden ditty SS whose m-mhers isnd If you fall done can | I succeed i Is to k??f sVr? that mllt-tary I a.n the strength of which some i ?lax the honor and p?rhap? : I the very eTisten. of our country will) I de pend ' j General B?s-s was ?crorded s notable! I ovation at the conclusion of his epeerh , I ?>ther addresses of the day were! ! made hy Tyteu'enar.t-Coloncj Charles r>. i 1 "ialther. of Marx'ar< I. and Captain .Tames Ronayne. Cnlt-d States Army, or. "Target Practice." and by Colonel Kdward Schulze, of roTinect'Ttt. on th? gereral heneflts from the joint Con? necticut mano< 0? res *tWcers r" I e 1 t erl <"?ffWrs We- - - ? ' f a ? bet the vea- ?? follows -.. Genera* Thewrat J. Sfew 1 j an f 1 jv1va*>1? Secretary, rvne-ai mili'l r TMTt of ) ---a: " e-pti ? PfercX , j Of N-b-ssVa Tin eraetltati Ge-r-ai w ft Woeg. ? ?* Btlaueoll ' -ei ?T ?v Rates, of \?.v .t r ?*. roster, of dotiere. Pas 1 tee *? Martin, of Kar ???.? Oeners Tames Mechlin. aT v W E tinier, of Oresjet \- Rumbo'd of Mis. t Vaterhan Te. of " r . .---?: r o ii??on of TT1I ? Ifarve a em'*h of In ledarr of Mtchi * s eel Austin Colgate, of ' n?r etlmson and Ms- ; J (? ????-?: t ?'.?ard Wood k I '- ?h' eipreaflon. but > j wee. ijnab e to ho here. To morrow ? of thirty states now :r. ' , ' ? "~r , j K e-'oe h?re for 1 V' ?'U ear'lde oyster roast I Following e awe- trip this efter noon by the National Guard delegates | to Old Point Comfort, where, with ' spring-like Indian summer weather. I they saw a dress parade by the coast I artillerists. witnessed target firing from the btg rwelve-inch guns of ( Fort ilonroe. and attended a reception I at the Officers' Club of the fort, with , Colonel F. 3. Strong and th? officers of the garrison as hosts, the conven? tion returned to Norfolk at nightfall. (J New inserted tips make Arrow Wing COLLARS strong where others are weak. 2 for 25 cents CT.T-PTT. reABODY dt COMP ANT The Hamilton Watch has many advantages, pot only over for? eign, but American watches Cost only i15.m and up. Smith & Webster Time Specialists. mil V. Main. Offers the beat chance for you to dost** your aKxiey q*uckJy by invest!eg la real rotate. little murr farms BIG MONTY MAKERS Address O. D. L West Point. Va Old Dominion Floor Co. Floors I aid. Scraped aad Finished ^petwlist? on ref;ni?hinf old floor? O- V\ M r \ \1)ER. Maoafter. ?I? Went Main srrort Richmond. Va. The night feature was a conference between Brigadier-General Albert JL Mills, chief division of militia affairs r. ? A. and the adjutant generals of the State In attendance upon the con? vention Konu Separate Orsanlsatlon. Adjutnnt-Generals attending th? convention of the National Guard As socistlon now In session In this city, to-rilght perfected a separat? organiz? ation. Forty adjutant-generals from as many States were present. It was derided to hold annual meetings In ' connection with the annual convention of the National Guard Association. General C L Martin, of Kunsas, was elected president, and General Wil? liam G. Obear. of tieorgia. secretary. Seattle appears to be making the strongest fight for the 1913 conven? tion "f the National Guard, and from ?jrsssnl indications, that city will be Selected tO-mOTfOW BS the lie X t meet? ing place. NO PLAN EVOLVED TO DIVORCE ROADS (Continued Front First 1 age.) r~t?Louis Termin -l . t,ow before the court. In both cases four judges were call id in under the "expedition act ' to try (In government'^ charges In the cir? cuit Court. In both cases the Supreme Court sent the suits back to UM ?'tr? enn Court to csrry out its man<late. \\ >... r\ the T. rminul -decree went h.?. k for enforcement, a controversy arose as to whether the district Judge In the circuit in which the suit was brought should enforce the ?leerce of the Su preras Court, or whether the four cir? cuit Judges should be called In again. The government has brought the Mi 1.oiils dispute to the Supreme Court for a test decision. $110.000 IN MIDNIGHT FIRE ? Continued From Fust i'arfe > before the blaze would :?? c? mpletely sul'dued. 1 Irrnien Oeercnme. About 1 o'clock, when the tire was regarded as under control, members of Companies 1 and 3. both automobile engines, who were stationed in ths narrow alley between the burning f and that oocupted by the plumbing supply house, were overcome by smoke. They had to be carried out by their eofraelcs and treated by Dr. Dohtrty Htnchman. de-partment sur? geon, and Dr. II T. Hawk'ns and Dr. O. C. Page. City Hospital ambulance sur? geons Fred I?awson. of No. 3, and It. Earle Wilkinson, of No 1. were so batf ly affected they had to 1*? removed to their stations. Othwrw. including L. W, Ptiffv and Barley Kaln. of No. 3, and Myer Kali, of No 1. responded to oxy? gen treatment, and were able to return to their posts. Several other rwn were also overcome Wlth four lines of h^se stretched across Main Street through Ninth, traffic, especially that of street cars, waa Interrupted Thy- emergency wagon of the Virginia Uailway and Power Company, was qnlekfe on the scene. The hose was "bridged" and cars permitted to rsenme their trips. Th-- S->uthern express Company was burned out by fire at tr?? same loca? tion about six years ago. The upp<-r floors of 'he buildings wore oerupva aa an armory by the Richmond Ldght Infantry Blurs' Battalion. The build-. Ing which was destroyed las? night was erected especially for the occu-1 pancy of the express company RECALLS CASE Jndge Itlrhardaon Srnteaora Woman He Proarruted Twelve Veant ((O. Judge D C RIchardaon. in the! Hustings' Court yesterday, sentenced I the same negro woman to one year in! ?he penitentiary for larceny whom he proseciit?d as Commonwealth's Attor? ney twelve years ago on the sari: date?l?..ember .?. i'..on_for th,. same' offense The woman was Josephine Page 1 She was arraigned yesterday on an' indictment charging her with steal THE WEATHER.! Fore-east: Virginia?laereaetw? cload loeaa lArdaesria?. probably followed by ra|B later Wednesday nlgkt or I hur?. g?yi moderate aooth ?Tinos. .forth Carolina?lacrrastag elcradl. ?ess v. rdneaday, probably followed by rala late Wednesday wight and ea Thursday. SpreOol Loral Data for Teeterday. 12 r.oor temperature . SI I P. M. temperature . 58 Maximum temperature up to 8 r. m. -d^n'murr. temperature up to 8 P M. 44 Mean temperature . Normal temperature. 44 Kxcess in temperature. ? Deflciensy in temperature aince March l . 197 Accum deflclencv In temperature since January 1 . 52? Deficiency in ralnfa'l since March 1. ?01 Accum, deficiency in ra'r.fall alnce January 1 .?14 I.oral observation 8 t?. 38. Yesterday. Temperature. 47 Humld'ty . 7f Wind direction .S. TV. Wind -voioett? . I Weather.Clear are COvniTI??\% l> IMPORT 4VT riTIF-e. (At 8 P. M. Eeetern Standard Time ) Place T?er H T L. T Weather. A?he?llle .82 S3 UP. cloudy Atlanta . 80 *2 83 P < loudy Atlantic City. 4? 80 42 Clear Boat on . 44 SO 44 Clear Buffalo . SI ?? 24 Cloudy Calgary . 14 4S P cjondy chaneeton ... 8? "2 80. Clear r-htcago . 4S 42 33 Rain Denver .?4 *0 3? Clear Duluth . 84 SO S* Snow Oelreeton _ 80 80 ?0 Rain H?rteres ._82 ?? ft <'\?*r Havre.00 S3 P cloudy Jacksonville . 52 tl *>3 rioudv Kansa? cur 42 40 *<? T cloudy I/xiior lie 80 80 4? < >ar 70 "0 * Rain ?? 7t 80 cloudy New York 40 82 43 Clear Norfolk . - . 48 52 4? Clear Oklahoma _ 4? 81 42 Clear Fl'tsb'irgh . . 4? 4? 34 Clear Raleigh '-* *' r"*r an Loalo . 80 82 32 Ooudy ?t fmmx ji* 4? :? riea ften Francisco 83 8? 0? r. cloudy ?sovar.ra: f>"> ~2 ??*? Cleodj Oeoharrr ... 0? 80 Od T. sloejaT T mpa ? :l W ?? Cle*r tA'ashiig'ot . ?4 B0 44 n??r Winnipeg . 2* :2 10 wythevllle 4? OS ?0 Clear Riai%Tt for. *i w??* ??. f^omher j. 1013 TTP1 gen rises .. .?:!? 12 ?* ?en .e.. .. 4 80 ?eee??0P? ... I:tf | Paris. Texas Man Who Is Grateful I feel 1 owe it to you to let you know what Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot has done for me. I wa> bothsrsd lor about twelve months with backache and kidney trou? ble, also annoying symptoms,and wa-> badly run down. After using Swamp Koot, wa> restored to health. I am local ? distributor of Paris and can't say too much for Swamp-Root. I am now in good health. X'crv trulv yours, J. If. DODD, 309 South 18th St., Paris, Texas Sarofa ,ir?l Mask ribed to In-fore me, this I9th dav ..f February, A. I). 1912. (HAS s. M-OIUKKV, Justice of the Peace and F.x-Offirio .Votary Public in and for Lamar Co. T ex. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., iiinghaniton, N. Y. Provt What Swamp-Root WiU Do For You. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham tOB, N. Y? for a sample bottle, ft will convince any one. You will also receive ? booklet of valuable information, telling all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing be -ure and mention the Rich? mond Daily Time, Dispatch. Regular hlty-cent and one-dollar Azc l?ottles for sale at all drug stores. in* tl? from tin- person of Wallace Lewis. As soon as she was brought Into court Judge Richardson recalled her former trial, arid remembered the '???. She had stolen $5u from a man Hy consulting ? record he kept while Commonwealth's Attorney. Judge ftirhardsnn discovered the coincidence of the dates. She waa aentenced to one year on her first trial. Being her second offense. she win have to serve an additional mvc jears. C. & 0. STATEMENT The net operating revenue earne-i by the Caesaneaks and Ohio Raiiwav ?luring the month of October list amounted to $1,??1,342 15. an increase over last year of 1125.162.13. or 13 per cent. The gross revenues :or Wie .month were |3,li>7,?J9 75. and the gross expenses. $'.'.-HI.277.60. The Iproportion of expense to gross revenue tor the month decreased by 3 per cent for this year. I In connection with the October state? ment, the railway company also makes public the fiKure- <>f receipts and ex? penses for the first fuur months o" the Current fiscal y^ar. and compares the reealta with thoss of the same four months In 1S11 The entire operating revenues re? ceived since July 1 toral 112.05?.322 77. an lurrsaas of $459.5a;, &<? over ItlL The operating expenses reach |7.:<'.l - 195 77. leavlnK a net revenue of II. 155.127. Thu operating expenses for the period show an ini rease over th*is? for the same months last year amount? ing to While for October alone the proportion of expenses to revenue decreased by I per cent, the figures of the entire four months show an increase of 2 per cent. Court of Apprala. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals reconvened yesterday morn? ing at li:3o o'clock. with Circuit lu i~>n G</if and Pritchard and District Judges Wadlili ar.d Rose in attend? ance. J. P. Cessna, mi Erie. Pa.. Ar? thur Drinkwater. of Boston. Mass . and T. H. Clark, of Charleston. W. Va.. were admitted to practice in thi? court The following oase was argued: N?. 1117.?John M. Wright vs War? ren Brothers Company: cross writs of error to the District Court at Charleston. W. Va. Cause argued by Buckner Clay, of Charleston. W. Va. and J. B Cessna, of Krle. Pa., for John M Wright, and by Artiiur Drlr.k water. of Bo ston Mass. and T S. ci .rk. of Ckarleatoa, \:. Va.. for War? ren Brothers Company, ar.d submitted. '?ase in ra^l tav-dajr: No. 1119 ? George II Leonard* Com? pany, plaintiffs In error, vs. John F.. Koller, trading a* Kxceis'or Oak Ex? tract Company, defendant In error, in error to the District Court at Harrlson burg, Va. To be argued by R. T Bar? ton, of Winchester. Va., for the plain? tiffs In err?r. and by Bumgardner & Bumgarrtner of Staunton. Va. and Cor.ra i A Ct nrad. of Harrlsonburg, Va.. fer the defendant in error. In ?esatoD at ? olumbla. Columbia. i*. C. ElSllUSkSI 3 ?The South Carolina division of the Daugh ters tks Cdr.'ederacy opened their seventh annual convention here to-day. The batlaiTS sessions here were fol? lowed by the historical sessions this evenine.. The convention will conver.e through Thursday CAMERON GIRL IS WIFE OF JOHNSON Negro Pugilist Marries Whito Woman While Curious Crowd Gathers. Chicago. December 3.?Jack John eon, negro pugillet. this afternoon irarrled Lucile Cameron, the. nineteen year-old white girl of Minneapolis, who recently appeared aa a witness agalnat him before the Federal grand Jury, which returned indictments charging him with violation of tlx Mann act. The ceremony waa performed at the borne of Johnson's mother by a negro preacher In the presence of a dosen negroes, and several uewspaper re? porters. The girl wore a suit of gray shep? herd plaid. Johnson had a suit of the same material especially made for the occasion. A curious crowd of nearly a thou? sand men and WOSasn gathered out? side the house, and a squad of police was kept busy maintaining order. The clerk of the marriage license office declined to issue a permit to Johnson because the Cameron girl was not there to swear to her age Tho county clerk, however, isaued the license. Johnson gave his age aa thirty-four. H<- said the Cameron girl was eighteen, and that court recerdg showed this J. BEAL SNEEO ACQUITTED Frred on ? barge of Kllllaa father. Will >iim He Tried for Murdering Son. Fort Worth. Tex . December *3._J. Beal Sneed waa to-day found not guilty of the murder of Captain AJJ ?; Boyce. Sr Sneed shot Captain' Boyes to deat i or. January 13 in Fort Worth, soon after tinee.i had returned from Win? nipeg. Canada, with his wife, with whom AI GV Boyce. Jr.. son of Csptslr, ?oyce. had eloped. Sneed claimed self-defense and also a conspiracy on the part of the Uoyct to rob him of his wife Al Boyce. Jr. was killed by ISnecd In Amarlllo September 13 Isat. Sneed will be tried on this charge in Kep ruary at Vernon. The families Involved in the two tragedies are wealthy and have hai prominent parts In the upbuilding of Texas. After the elopement Snee 1 spent 120,000 In a chase across the continent to find his w-ife. Sneeds first trial on tre charge of killing Captain Bovce resulted In a disagreement The demonstration by Sneed and hie attorneys over the verdict was spec? tacular. Walter Scott and W P. Mc? Lean. lawyers, were fined for throwing their hats over the chande? liers in the courtroom. Sneed emitted a cowboy veil, but thu co :rt refused to censure him or to fine him Mrs Sneed awaited the verdict in a dow ntown hotel. Sr.eed telephoned the news tc her. Poblle llearlaga. Waahlngton. Decembf. 3 Public hearings on tariff legislation txrobftblv will be arranged at a meetinu of th ? wavs and Means Committee Monda;.. Chairman lnderwood Is inclined to a. - cord an opportunity to all who hav-> views on tariff legislation to express thr-m within a definite period, as pre? liminary to the taciff work of the in? coming Congress. PAjOTS OrlftMaa; Tanner Paint & Oil to 1417 and" MN East Main Richmond. Va. MEADE & BAKERS Carbolic MOUTH WASH A perfect Tooth Wash and a safe and efficient antiseptic for sore mouths. For? mulated Ly the eminent f^^seyO-A^a. eVfsrtaJEw OF RICHMOND. This wash will do for your mouth and teeth what no sCbbW BfuanVStjoa can. It is highly recommended and has stood the test for 4t Years. At Reliable Dealera. 25c. 50t and fl.M. The Logical Bank for Merchants Convenient, tlme-sarinf*. strong with aiifVls IsstMrin and a pol (.ourtcs) .1: I helpfulness Broad Street Bank Assets Over Two Millions W M HaWiston. I W R-.thert fet Vire-Pr.-. Jon G Walk.r ?d VVe.prea. Andrew M. Gtoeer. Cashier