Newspaper Page Text
GOVERNORS FORM PERMANENT BODY! Adopt Plan to Perpetu? ate Conference as Na? tional Institution. WILL MEET NEXT IN COLORADO! i Springs to Be Scene of 1913 Meeting?Employ Salaried Sec? retary?States Assessed for Expenses?Day Spent At? tending Oyster Roast at Virginia Beach. So tii?t Um i,mi ? a 1 meatINaja of gov ?mom - i i.< Slates ma) become ? paamaaam faeior la national affairs, the executives la Beesten in it.cnmond detcrninr <1 last night Ij lorni an or ?jag'sailon slung eeanite lines. Mara* Safere, Ii, aseetiagi beve been rn?.c Informal gatherings, ... S<< wslsai e witii tentetlt sntfr rsi andlaga and ten. p.,. * : I 1 UM I Tine conclusion s aa rssshsd aft.r a session at t?<> bears bektae closed do ?. dum g which tile plan as pro? posed by the committee *a-? w ar m 1 y dlrx ueaed Considerable ,|iff. reaqs of ?hinten exited regarding the salary to be Seed the secretai y - treasurer, a oe? esacer created la tat plan but the seeafereact at lest d<<.i?Wi to ut tbe aurti of |1 " r.mnin ir, IBM committee plan Boose Governors thought it too Baach. ?."olorado Springs. Cok, ?u sei SUSS d ae the next place of meeting '"c?nlun"B flan. The official name is to be "The Gov? ernors' Conference." It is to be com jr .- I of Qeeeraera and Governo'*-e|ect of the several States, as active mem bera, while former Governors may be? come honorary members, with all privi? leges aa**J the right to vote. The plan proceeds. "The functions of The Goxernor's Conference shall be to meet yearly for an exchange of ete-s and e>.p rletices on subjects of gen. rai Importance to the people of the several Stales, the promotion of greater aaifeemlty in State legislation and (c attainment "f greater effici BBSBP tn Stats administration. ' No permanent president shall ever be elected for the conference. A chair? man shell he chosen to act for each half day s session There are to be BO rules of procedure, each adopt ins- ite own. In vacation of the conferences, the ex^-utlvi 'otomiMee of three members. Shall guide its a!fa'-? Hi<r Peed gaeesas, A permanent secretary -treasu-er is to be e|e.-tcd st an annual s?.arv of IC.sen He is t" handle all money, giv? ing bond for the performance of his dutres. He is to attend to all eUTTBS pondenc and do the detail work. One ef his duties ts to keep in touch with agencies engaged ,n the promotion of unif.>-rcit; and efficiency in legislation A provision which will prot-ably for ev- h? r after exclude suffragists from the floor ts to the effect that persons not members of 'he conference Shall not he hf a*d on any subject until after all business has been transacted, and then only by unanimous consent. Had this restriction been In operation forty-eight hours earlier, the address which Is proposed to be delivered on en :al suff-atp? t ould not heve been made, since the vote on the subject was s tie. the eh.iirrvan d'-ctding the flijestjnn In the affirmative HereaTter. but one BSSjatlVU y-te will be suffici? ent. Relieve ii?i?r??r?. Programs for s.clal ? nt"Uinm?r.:? ere to be approved by the saaeBttre rommitf e in advance of future meet? ings it ?as renlssed thst a* the ro-. ference groars in sire and Importance the social affair* BrtH 'nirea?e. and trikir.g ths execagree e aaaaMea r? sponrthle will tend to relieve the re? sponsibilities of the ente-taining Oat - ernor Mho\ detail? weie ander dkeeusaten during th* two hou-s of secret ses- ! Sion. btit the members BSOBBJ not talK I for r-nhllcation. The matter of salary | for the secretary -t reSMTS. er Is believed to I saSBSBd mest of the dlsagroe r 1 i ..1 owlne tbe adksptPSB of the plan ef permsnertt ora ,niratlon. th? confer-. ep"e proceed'd *o t^k' ?;-> th" d -- tlon of the nioejey to nay e* pensep snd ?sls-v '? ? .< . aUrtwrUl Bed in h'fH esrri Mste |l\n pa^nvTif el this ;s of course, optional, hu! fit. t or - ferrflrr be]*exed BSSSt ist .r?? w II anak? the appropriation. The Oma < dtssembly of Virginia does not tn-e' SJntll after next yesrs tens*1 I tac . Com Ms It Ire la \ameS. An eveeuttve csMWmltte? for th? er gums cfir *??? el- t-l nwiMwd tVvenn- F"-a-. R MrH H STS . ' * '* e?n?'n. rhuirmni. O^v. Kti.ce CPXral. r-r Absaaass '??<\ Oe'ttaaa tsatt at, M hsaejM - irshSs This eorrrr>ltfee el t . t-?n-r . .?. BJBBgUajBri - ire >??; ? ?- [? . t- BS STS eadnion that thi? <-w;. -r ?11; :-?- |ibs| Seeretser ?1 It tier, ef Bjed sea * I str Pll??v ?? leeio'st v, lefseewta 1 hrartan far rhe fcigaissla* sf st'iss.aa ?In H? has b-en a um - i t, ? ssaji n. cenferen ? ff J Wee-? la ' et"'? So BaajSgSBJ Tb? ?tif'r?tif? Bhea pr?-'?^ td M the en?1ee nf 'h. "C r'l Ing Ar. Ir.- '*?'"? *?- ?' en**d fron Oolore^o Fnrinea ?d t^,t eit- will d" the honors next 1 im? The ttm? " ? StnS ?0 he rV?'" ' ' ? 1-' stnaj thst It ?-o,jid Petter s>iit the r?nveei. aajee et sii na iif h s sWIta ea-ir?r (">?<?> '? e f SvaSBhSW SseeajffjBpl ear? lier tb^r 'ba' m' ? t lid .'"i'I I ? wears like thl? t!lh the ramrs'O" BS teanv Governors No open se?sion nt f?1? <~1 -' fJOnferen^e was held reeterda' Th. Sar ?se spent In th* trip to NesTteSB] gnd Vlrplnts rtescn t-e p?r- no- re-| turning to the cttv ttntil 7 ;e ?v|nck j Isst night tt ?>? i o'clock when It* ftnrernors sr,.? lo*ether ?fler dlnSMSr. I The only hu-lnrss Iransacted before rir ?live ?e??!?n m ss entered uf?*?n wee the irnili-? of s telegram to *">? bsssedo- Mvron T Iferriek -etjiesting " (Continus? on Setcad Page ) REBEL GROUPS COMBINE They *ew Ha?c More I rarer Tbae Federals. Fl Psso. T*xa?. P>c*mbfr 4.?Mexl <an rebel group* under General Paa !"?) Orosco, Jr.. Marcolo i'argveo and \ntonlo P.ojas have combined along the Mexican feneral RnflWSjr, mldwa> between t'hlhauhua. City and Juarer. making a command of morn thai I Ng men led by General Arosco. These form a much larger mobile force than Is possessed by the Federals In Chi nauhijA State. Iri addition to reporting this, the refugees arriving here to-night say that in attacking tbe northern bound Mexican Central t,?. . train be? low Gallege jefteri'ay, th- r?oels b? ileveti they a ere gaagalttag ib.e arm 'ted train, which is carry tag Mi Iti fstittymrn on a cnatlaue-aa patrol of tbe pin railroads b'fv. i Ii: hauhua fit- and the border. i if the troop guard af thiity-four defending the passenger 11 win. tw?.ve including i ?i'inin t, le^ndaroa ?er.- killed, and j rig-Mean argnadnd Tar? af m? train crew and ? number of p.ias. cers also! ?< re w ounded gk) far |h< Mexican \"..rf n wentern Rai Ig/1 .11 An:?r|.?n - , 11? nrd raad. remains 00*11 between the state Capital at|d tag "?'der. although! den era] Ines la la ig r. with i?o elMI-1 t'onal rebels is operating along that1 line. , The thirteen Federal wounded arbo agvi tea 'ar*4 for by the United S*3te? Arm. aseatlcal corps of Co I am boa. New M< Meo. arrived to-day at J agree wh<re they saiered the aUH terv hospital. Their removal from the I7ait?d s?at?s ??*.?. ?armlttad bj special order from W asblngton. Tpe nine, rebel wounded from the |*a1ninaa tit BaaTesneat teniaiu at Catuatbag MRS. GOELET DEAD Famous *or|et? I esder llles st Home Id Paris. Pans. Lecember 4 Mrs Hoheit Goelet. of New York and P^rir. Jled to-day at her Paris resi jence. Robert Goelet was present at his mothers beside when ?he ,!i*.i. The cause of death is stated to hive b. .-n a complication of i'lseases. The body aril] be taken to the Fnited States. Mrs Qoalefa ms.:den rams was H*r riet Warren Rrie was married to Rob-, ert Goelet In 1*79, and had two chil? dren, Beatrice and Robert Walton Ooe >t She passed much of her time abroad, both during he- husband s life snd afterward, mck'ng long cruises on board their yacht, the Ntlitna. Mr. 'ioelet dlerl or. the Nahma In Naple* harbor. April !7. 1S.J9. Mrs Goelet rcet the Emperor William on several occa? sions during her cruises, and both he and the Crown Prince of Germanv Ii e been guests on board |hg Nahma. Mr" Goelet was tsk?n ear loualy hi in August, this year, while ?t Sottrf smpton, and ber ailment tto dtagnaaad as cancer. She Imtaadlgfly left for France to undergo treatment R?porta as- to her condition s:ne? her arrival In Farts had lern so favorable that her ,i??th to-day was unexpected. Mrs. Goelet a great wealth and social importance made her an International personage Aboard her vscht the Na>ma crowned hea-Is snd mar.v tltlei pe-jonages from time to time were her coasts HYDE SENTENCE DEFERRED former New 1 ork < haaaterlals Not tenanted to Ball. >.-.-. fork December 4?Sentence upon Cnaries H. H>de. former City Chamberlain, convicted of bribery in conne-tion with the misuse of city funds was deferred to-day when -lus Uca Oast announced that he would taice under i-or.sid?ration for one week the plea of his attorney for an srrest of Judgment M'anwhlle sn Ir.vestlgat on will be made by the special "'.lohn pne" grand hM . >d?-- orders from Justice G?"7 of the charges that Hyde received und";* favors while a prisoner In the Tombs snd of t*-?- al egat'on that emp "yes nf the prleoa 'isd knowledge of evidence tending to show the conv Icted man s Innocence. Application by Hyde's couns?! that hie client be admitted t-v bsll "us re? fused by the court, and Hyde was remanded to the Tombs until sentence 1? passed. JOB HUNTERS BUSY ?iaj?c*B of *?rwat?ra and Representatives Popular riarea. Imperial to The Tlmes-P:*pateh ) Washington l>. C. r??c*mber 4.? Among the well known Virginia poll *:%iins i:> Waaaataartaa t >-dia- pv a* former C .nKressmar. Harr; 1? Ma> nar?l. of P" ismouth. He ess mingling with tbe thron? at th* New WllUrd. and though he bad nothing special to es> regarding the political situation. It Is not im? probable te t he will be near when the pie Is cut. v h unte-s h'g-nnC to throng the f'apltol and the offices of th? N'iiJtfir? and llouse rr? mbera tw be<r?m!ng a popular rendezvous. BOTH PLEAD GUILTY Mr". Riirrom and I osssiaalea *?*e tre. rd for KiUlaa I'erwarr's Husband l.c-bon. O. December 4. ? Events assfted avaadal] to-daj .n ta* trial of M ? - f;-.-h*rd r.-.r-ow? and John Co ?urn ?:-arg-d ? ith the murder of the a -'mar's b?i?b?nd. when, within five a't'- the i-jry was Impaneled paaaa al ?mtt*i of min?isughter were . ; te-ed. the ttir' ass glOeed argU t '-? a.? ? a ??? heard ard ?.1,teri.-e ? a? pe-.nonnred Mrs Burrows was sentence^ to fire year* ? f bar: UV->r n the penitentiary' snd ' oj?.,rn given an Indeterminate sen .r- . bj -he Mans*-M Reformatory. BERMUDA IS CUT OFF l'i" i ? r fwtwwa'eatt** SHI SSllawa >nw I n?|?e??tMe Ham'lfon R.-m a r,-r,mbee 4. hs r>f Mrfi?n JamSlea r-eslfent Fl?ct M ilson 'it n i?t t? enloy ht? h-MId? ? ?->rainti??1esr?en d*r?ctly srlth *m*r Ica aii'h eab'e I* c it off and there 1? no prospect nf the defect helr.g repair? ed for some time. I araea4 Turtle fwr Beek era' Sens Xesr Toek. rveeewiber 4 - The largest fi.-tle ever brought to New Tork f-orn the tropics !s to he made into soup'for th* coming bervqiet of the Amesi<-an Rankers' Aaaortatton The turtle. eh"t arrlred on th* liner Tlsieaa. la tan fe*t long and w sag ha a quarter of g ton, ?^ PLANS RAILROAD 10 OPEN NEW FIELD If Terminus IsGordons ville, Richmond Will Reap Harvest. TRADE NOW GOES NORTH Counties of Greene and Madison, Now Without Railway Facili? ties, to Have Line?Vast Timber Lands to Be Reached.?Section Rich and Prosperous. Plans for an electric railroad to tap extensive virgin territory in Greene and Ma/lieon CouBtiea launched in MamUi'jsville, cOatafa immense trsde l">?g-t?il]t!es f'jr Ri<-tim?*nd. provided the local comtTv' i ? ia.1 bodies co-operate with the interest' behind the proposed load to secure Ms routing in a manner to lnsi> ? to this elt;. a laajor part of Hie ttafflc A? far as it has taker, shape, the project contemplate* the construction of an ?lactric road from Madison Courthouse directly s?.uth to liberty Mills in Orange County. Another hraneh Is to be built Prem Standarde ville. In a southeasterly direction, to Join the first branch at Uberty Mills. Crom that point the road is to be ex? tended for trunk line connection, ??ither to Orange or Gordonsvllle Coon the ['?cation of the terminal at one or the other of these two points depends the ?mount of traffc which will go to Richmond. President T. M. Carrlngton. of th*i Cnamber of Commerce; President T. P. bryan. of the Bunineea Men's Club, and' Gene-al Freight Agent E. P. Hotchkisa of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, after an inspection of the prospectus, yesterday declared '.i to be their opin? ion that from Richmond's standpoint, Gordons^ille ?as the more desirable terminal for the new rcaad. Thus routed. Lai > thought, t-afflr over the proponed line would tend to be deflected to? wards Richmond, because of the short? er i!.-,ixl and a corresponding lower freight rate that would be possible. I hanbser Reedy to Help. "In the absence of more definite data to work upon." said Mr. Carrlngton. "It would appear that Gordonsvllle is the more oeeirable terminus from a Rich? mond standpoint and the chamber will l>e glad, as aoon as the matter Is pre e nted to it In more detail, to suppovt It as the point of Junction I w'!l brine the matter to the attention of th. Inland Trades Committee, which passes upon this class of business for the chamber." "Gordonsvllle. without a doubt, seems SB he the logical terminus, as far as Richmond s advantage Is concerned." said President T P. Bryan of the Bual ??>> Men's Club, after an inspection of the plans. "F-om that point traffic naturally moves to this city, while from Orange most of It would be deflected to Washington and Baltimore, where the trad* of that section Is now going. The Pi.s'.nees Men's Club stands ready to co-operate with the other commer? cial of the city in securing the routing of the road through Gordons vine. "The fact that Gordonsv'lle Is nine miles nearer Richmond than Orange, and in a direct line south, would un? doubtedly deflect traffic this way. ' said F.. p. H-tchktes gene-al freight agent of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company. | On the* other hand. If the road goes to Orange, the distance to Richmond and trashineton will he about the same, but the movement of the traffic wo ;id tend towards Washington and the North. The Chesapeake and Ohio ? SBM, of course, prefer Gordonsvlll*. Wtseia i' would have the field to Itself to Orar.sre. where it would be in com? petition with another road Osesi Ts Fertile teetfnn. The projected road will tap two r?ur ties at present without transportation facilities of any kind. The country has vast timber resources In s practically Brgts srste. and la an apple, cattle -a-slnr and fsrminr country of the ? -?? Vest Sf ?~e product* -OW ;??. - way N Baltimore and other Vorthern markets by ?|v of ?""ulpeper. Rapidan and Oranre. where they are hrousht hr wagon it is believed h1* promoters o' the -nsd that It would rsv from th? Start iCo?tlnue?-: or Second Put' ? I FOREIGN WIVES BARRED Member* of i.e-man Diplomatic I urpi \ntl?ed ad lleaulatlnn. Berlin. December 4.?The entry of American-born wtv*s Into the licnnin diplomatic corpa la forbidden from now on. under a ruling of Imperial fhan cellor von Berhmann-Hollwoa. who has restored the regulation, made by the lata Prine? Bismarck prohibiting Oer man diplomats from marylng foreign? ers. In the course of rears the regulation had fallsn Into desuetude Former Im? perial Chancellor Prince Bernard van H ielnw with hts Italian wife, Pi la engl Ma- a F'.eeradelll dl Bologna. headf-1 a serv!-e which was largely graced bv American brides, who Included Lillian May T.a:igham. of Lovlevllk*. Kv . th? wife of che late Ambasssrl >- Bmt Speck \ on .aternburg. and Jeanne Lasest ease y er, of New York, wtf ?> of the present i;*rmtn a ?? ?..?? ?.<->- st Wash tngron fount Johann fistln riefe von fiernstorff and other s.mb%***.dra????.< I>r. von Bethmann-Hol)weg ha? no? informed the members of the QeranM dlploinatic service that the decision of an offleial of the German diplomatic corps serving abroad to marry a for? eigner will hereafter be regardej as an expression of his wish to retire from the service CETON FOUND GUILTY Jury i on* let* Ohl? Legislator of Ac? cepting Bribe. Columbus, U.. Iiecember 4. -Another Ohlo leglalator was found gilty of bribery here to-day when a jury re? turned a verdict against Senator Ueo. K. Ceton. charged with accepting $-''>" for hie vote on sn insuram r bill. Sen? tence araa deferred. As a result of the bribery trials Rodney Plegie, the Senate S-rgeant-at Arms. is serving a term of three year*: three State Senators have feaag con? vict erj and a Representative has con? fessed to having been Implicated in the scandal. Two sentences have b'-en ap? pealed and Ceton s cas? ?rill take a HKe course. ENGLISH STUDENTS HURT Injured While PartlHsstlng In Switzer? land's Winter Sports. Berne. Switzerlasd. Iiecember 4.? Recent heavy snowfalls have permitted the early opening of the winter sports season which is now lo full everywhere. The first ac-id?nt occur? red last night above Neucnatel F.ngllsb students were garlangty in? jured. Their bobsled dashed Into ? barrier snd the youths were thrown with great violence, all of them suf? fering fractures or bad sprains As there was no telephon- at hand, some of their American comrades s;>ed off on skis and brought a K"d i ross autom"bi.?. and the victims were conveyed to the hospital a- N-uehatei. LOS ANGELES GOES WET fits Votee Agalaat tfce Proposed >rT? (barter. Los A-ge>? fa! December 4?Citi? zens of Los Angeles awoke to-dav to find with certainty that they had no new cirv charter, b'lt that the saloon free lun^h was left to them. Botu propositions were voted on yester? day. This was the first defeat s.ffere<1 by the good gnvernrn? mt organisation since it assumed control of the city's affatrs with the recall of Mayor Har? per four years ago. The charter prop? osition was besten about two to one The harbor soce of the city rejected prohibition by a scant ?Mjarlty, HEINZE COMPANY IS SOLD rHtratoeed Of to Satisfy Rank's JadsT aseat of e-j.non.noo Butte. Mont. December 4?On a Judgment of $2.nnn i>nn obtained by the Lincoln Trust Companv of New York City as trustees December IB. th< holdings of La Copper pBianany In Butte, which was organized by F Augustu? Heirze. were so'd to-day at sheriff s ssle to T. ft Oagsy, of jjew Tork. for $1 fin ?an Mr. Crntey represented s newly or? ganized JjH France fopper Company The Lincoln Trust i'ompany obtained the Judgment when the origins! La France Fompanv defaulted on bonds. JAPANESE CABINET RESIGNS Prince Katsora or fount Terenral May Form New Owe. Tokio. December I - P-*mi?- Sa'onJ' and the ortier members of the Japan? ese r-sbf*>ef 'esisrned to-daT as a result of th* ?riais brought afeaajf. be tbe diffi? culty af aaeTlng a ???.etwrnrnwr as war minister to I/eufenant-GenersI Pre. hers Tt Is einerfed thst either P-1nee Taro Kats-ura SS ".Vuterrant-Oeneral fount Tereucht. Tapanese rovernor genera! of Ko-ea w 11 he ask*d to form a new CHblnet. GREECE EXPECTED 10 SIGN PROTOCOL Wins Point That Be? sieged Towns Be Not Provisioned. PATHETIC NOTE TO HER ALLIES I Pleads With Balkan States to Do Nothing That Will Endanger or Weaken League, Offering All Her Naval and Military Resources to Battle With Turks. London, December 4.?No news has yet been re.-eived that Gr?"o hau I signed the armistice In the Turkieh j Balkan war. although ?h" !? expected j to do so. as the protocol provides that j the hes'eged garrison- "re BOt to be provisioned Oreeee had strongly ob? jected to their being rex-ictusl-d The fact that Turloey has agreed to this clause is V id tr> Indicate that there Is no likelihood of the Immediate surren? der of the fortresses. ft Is possible that two <jonferentes may be sitting cjoncurrentlv at T/xndon after next week. The proposal for SS ambassadorial conference reached Vienna to-day. ajid Is said to have been received sympathetically B>y the Aus? trian Cabinet Count von T>rchtol. of Austria, however, is delaying his reply until he has consulted with the other members of the triple alliance. As Germany !? known to favor the con? ference. It Is expected that Austria will embrace the proposal, and the am? bassadors are likely to meet at the ?am? time as the peace delegate*. With respect to the dispute between the allies. It appears that the Greek government addressed last Saturday a dignified and pathetic appeal to the al'.:es. beseeching them to take no ac? tion calculated to weaken or endansrer 1 the league. At the same time. Greee? ' offered all her nax-al and military re I sources In case Turkey declined to j accept terms lexss damaging to what >: ?? t regarded as the allies' business Interests. It Is understood that this appeal forms an Important historical do :umsnt which will show- that Greece. I far from having any Intention to break ? away from the league, made the I strongest efforta to maintain it In Its j original form. liar With Greeee Continues. Constantinople, r>oe**mher t.?An offi? cial note issued this evenlnjr says: "An armistice has been concluded with Bul? garia. Servia and Montenegro. The state of war with Greece continues " Although the complete terms of the protocol have not been made public It Is learned that the ouestlon of re SlltllSSHllg the beleaguered towns was abandoned, the eovernment heinr sat? isfied that the towrvs were sufficiently ! supplied with foodstuffs to last until i the conclusion of peace. The only condition maintained In th? . official communication to the press Is I that the troops will remain 'n the po | s;tlons now occupied. It Is said no l'mlt has been placed on the armistice, j which may be terminated by forty eight hours' notice by- elthe- side. It : x -i.:.ort?d that Bulgarian and Turkish . delegates will meet again to-IUOfIOw I at Baarbtch? to arrange preliminaries I for the peace conference. Wag Art Wfthont Allies. Ithsas r>e-emb?r *.?atJommenting upon the conclusion of the armistice, the Athens newspapers esrpreas the conviction that Greece will continue the war without her allies. Acic-rdlng to advloee from flal'vnlk;. the GrsskS are meeting with consider? able opposition In PJplru* The Turk? ish arme wht.-h retreated from Mon lagJr l-i> BS4 ? :-rendered, hut the sub? mission of small detachments continues. SEEKS REFORMS IN LAW American Rar A aaoedaf lon'a Report rtarella on Activities). New Tork. December 4.?Efforts of the American Bar Association to secure reformation In law and legal procedure ;are dwelt ;por in the thirty - fifth a nnunl rape11 of the association, made p ,v - t-ere. The work ;s proceeding thrnuEh Standing eo-rmlttee? wbteh era r?n stsntly emplo\ ed. the repor' show*. The association n"w has S.M4 active mem*-ere In New Building Four departments of The Times-Dispatch have been moved to the new "The Times-Dispatch" Building. Persons having business with the Advertising Department, Circulation Department, Auditing Department and Business Department Will find representatives of The Times-Dispatch at the New Building. Phone Monroe 1. OPPOSE SEPARATION Deseocrsttc Clubs Sknnt President fimors la and Pageant on Same Dnj. iSpecial tu Tb,- Timcs-Diepaioh.] Washington. December 1?The, Na? tional League of Democratic Cluba coo eluded its eassions here tu-day by the election of officers and the adoption of resolutions recommending Uiet the o*remonl'-s of swearing in of the FVea ldent and the attendant pageant should not be sepa: a.led. favoring but oni term of office for President and deplor? ing as unjust and reprahenalble the manner In which the Panama Canal Zone was acquired. The following officers ?e:e elected President, Perry Belmont, of New York, tint vice-president. Senator Hok* Smith, of C.eorgle, second vl<;*?-pr<jel dent. Frederick Lynch. Minnesota third vice-presldsnt, Frederick W. Plalsted, Maine, fourth vlcft-preelder.' John 1- I e n tx, of Ohio, fifth vdce-pres Meet, e i.nrles M- He|fn-?r. of Washing ton. secretary a.nd organuer, W llllan. C. Llller. of Indiana, treasurer. L'r John W. OWi of New York, and aer geant-at-arms. Colonel Jonn I. Martin of Missouri Honorary presidents of the olub was chosen as follows. President-Elect n oodrow Wilson. Vice-President-Elect Thomas F.\ Marshall. WUium J. Bryan. Adlal E. Stevenson, Senator John W. Kara, of Indiana, Speaker Champ t'Urk. and Representative Oscar W. t ndr rwood. of Alabama An executive board with a member? ship representing practically every state in the Fnlon was cho.-en. A com? mittee of five, of which former Con? gressman Laf> Pence, of Colorado, was made chairman. was appointed to aio'ise Interest among the llemocrat'C elubs of the country in the forthcoming inaueuraUon of President Wilson. Among other resolutions adopted v** one deploring the agitation for th" compulsory purchase of "Mont I - crllo." the home of Thomas Jefferson, and another recommending that no treaty should be entered into between the United rttaoes and Russia until Russia recognizes expatriation. WITNESS FINALLY EXCUSED For Seven Bays He Had Bees on Manri la l ash Reerfster lane. Cincinnati. December 4.?After hav? ing been under examination seven days, Henry O. James, former Na? tional Cash Register salesman, to-day was excused from the witness stand at the trial of thirty officials of the National, accused of criminal viola I tion of the Sherman law James was excused durine: the aftcr I noon, but not until the defense had i made an attack upon the credibility j of the witness by producing an aJsV I davit that James admitted having ! signed In 1903. which slated that the j National Omipany did not conspire to ] "Knock'- Hallwood machines. James ! said he did not read the affidavit when I he signed It. and that he now knew ] part of it was untrue. He said that j he had been instructed by the Na ' tional Company to sign it. He also I branded as false that part of the a?Tl I davit which said that the National j Company had given him instructions rot to Interfere with the Hall wood Company. James was followed on the stand i>y W E. Warren, a former employe of the National Company from 1905 to j 1907. when the competitive deparl ; ment employed special men who were j known as ''knockers." Warren was on the stand ark as court adjourned. HARRIMAN OFFICIALS MEET They Deny Thst Purpose Is Reorgant cstlon of I Ine?. .Salt Lake QtT. ftah. December 4 ? The first party of Harriman Line offi? cials, who will hold a meeting here to. morrow, arrived to-nlfrht headed by J. A. Monroe, vice-president In charge of traffic of the Union Pacific Railroad. Otfeoe parties from the Cast and North, a est will arrive to-morrow morning. In spite of rumors from apparently suthentlc sources. Mr. Monroe denied to-night that the meeting to-mo-row was fir the purpose of reorganizing the Harriman lines In. compliant-.^ with the recent derision of the Supreme Court of the Fnlted rtfates. It was admitted, however. by minor operating officials thst the pT?l1m!nH-v work for the reorganization of Hie Harriman lines would h? based or: ?? ports and discussions made at the leathering to? morrow '"The tneetlne of the operaf'nc heads of the Harriman lines held fo-m?rro?." said Mr. Monroe. "Is merely the annual gathering of trafrV offl.-a!-. and I do not know Just what will s.- taken up. The meeting has nothlne to do with the recent derision of the Untted States j S'i prams Court.'? BAR PUBLIC DANCES Wealthy New inrh Women ? tn> la fSeeeet Vxorfcins ?.Irla. New York, ["?ember 4?Aiming to i protet t wor king elrls. s comnutteo of ! wealthy New York women will ?e i operate with ihr pol be in the supervis? ion of holiday dances of a public or semi-public character during the CsM*mSag and New Year season. The supervision ?111 apply more particu? larly to masquerades, which the com? mittee dacle res "are more likely to degenerate Into unbridled orgies than other dances" Members ?f the committee a pp. aa observers, recently attended some masquerades In the uptown amuse m'nf district and reported thet there was a ahooktns, laxity In condt: * Tb? oeTtmJ'Sa? win later aek the Shi | Legislature for several amendments SS tne existing law* governing dance GOING TO ATLANTA Masr Dielemsta \%?t< x?-.oS Panama < aasl i ?af?ren -e Atlanta Oa Pecetnixer 4 ?rtsht diplomatic representative a from Cen? tral end Poutfa American netlone win s't?nd th* Panama Cenal non*-? her? rex- ??eek. I' w as W'mi-? i ? day by th? immitfee on STSnr The meeting will deal especially ?l'.i the cba- r- I lrad? relations - result f>"e lbs np'nlne of ' ear R?C*r??ent*riv?f froen ?ut- ? - merelai nrganiiattone thua far have accep-ed Invitations to attend tne c n ferer-e in addition to ten p-rstdeete! of ratternd? and steamship '" m pen see I Admiral i* M. Cheater, ef the I'sltegj Plaice Heer, will 1? tor. na I ? aaalj tw rSMBSjeeeren with the araam tauon of I ?ae w th* w?(.- ?a'. Sl?!k werej recently anon-* to Piaxsieent Tsft sndl hie Cabinet J PENSION PROJECT IS NOT APPROVED Full Committee Cuts Out Appropriation for Ex-Presidents. SUBCOMMITTEE HAD FAVORED IT As Originally Written. Measitrt Would Have Made Fc>rmer Presidents Representative?-*t Large for Life at Annual Salary of $17.500?Com? merce Court Doomed. What the Bill Proposed tpproprlntrd l.l.-n: n.VMV Prohibited transfers |D ,h 6rd ?er?!<?<? front itir department to another nnlea* President stvee WrttV ten approval, or unleaa employe has been out of ?er? Ire eleven monthe. <???>? leave of ahtrarf to piece? nork employ ea in tne nflire nf aadJ lor for riwt.Offirr Department. ?.nollahed ( nmmerer . ?ort. Provided |.1??9 salaries. ( at out 310 salaries. Washington Docomber 4?Defeated by the full Committee on Appropria? tion? of th? House, the item for a pas? sion of 117.500 a year for ex-l'testdents, together with the proposition to gl*w them a seat ir. the House of Repreaen tatlves for life, was not reported ta the House to-day with the rest of the legislative, executive snd judicial ap? propriation bill The item was lnolud ed in the bill as It was prepared for the entire committee, of which Hepre Sen tat! V? Johnson, of South Carolina, la chairman. Mr. Johnson himself la di? rectly oppoa.?i to the proposition, bat was outnumbered in the subcoraxtuttaa when the legislation was pres. nted by, Representative Huricaon, of Texan. The report on the Dill, which ap? propriate s aearl) IJe.vtO.ttOt), araa printed i o aa to include the praaldaa tia. pension, but a hen the report waa taken up by the full appro iriatloa cammUIsc earl) to-day tat propoaad legislation was rejected. Muhjrrtcd lo ( rl tilts aa. Pensions for ex-Preetdcnts nave hesa the cause uf inu h criticism and coat j mcnt ..t the ?lap I '1 i v er since the an? nouncement of th- presidential] pension plan of the (Carnegie fund and the bur? den of the criticism has been directed against the United .Status for not hav? ing already provided eonv- answer to the question: "What sh;.li we do with jour ex-1'rcsidents." Tbe proposed legislation laeludetf i Theodor- Roosevelt an 1 IT. stdent Tau, land made theni representattwaa-ast? I larg<^ of the people of tha United j states, giving them n scat la tha i Ho Bf R- p-e ? I I w IthOttt h vote, at $17.50o a year for life. The s-etion which ?ns strickan out j read as follow a ?!<??? ?' President Of tha IUnited States shall during his Ufa ha I held and regarded as a representasrva J at-large of th< people of the United tttatea he aha 1 be entitled to a seat in th" Me is. of Representatives and may exercise all the rig!'-r* snd pri -i.esfea of members of thi Hous< ot Ropreaeata tives save that of voting, and receive for his Service an annual salary af 111 That no "hllgatlon to serve or, .??nmitiees of the ttouee shall be Imposed upon such rSpreeau tatlve. ? [now "?der cone (deration makes provtatan for tha ? ?f the several depart? ment., I Ir.t RIs SWgaatj ItlH 11 !- was th.- first of the htg supply bil's reported st the praasat s.-ssioti of Congress Tne mesa ?'? -reaae of IS19.ai7.fl ft om the cor rspondtagj bill in the previous session K?ttmataa of the Seen-tary of the Treasury. (M,il4v* 95.', .'..">. wer? than a nsHhou dollars by the committee. Tne Coaassei rt la ao) p-ovtdod ' . BlMsr ' aaked fm $.. t eoo for th- cominr fs<-al year, hut the committee wouM not allow gas) ecstava and Indicia! bill gave tli- court J?hst enough money ? f,> continue It uaatfs Mart h 4 next vesr P-?s.e. -t >'. ? Ml ? i.It W*l| for traveling expenses tha mil d r!a'U?e pnttlr-g th' cle-ks of the aaasBV? at sand pav tng them d -eet At present members d-aw- lUfgp gj, rear for ihehf (*wai clanks There as b-?t mt - easan sa aas) ga> ta fag Bhjrwj "*ht WtV -r.rm all araoTu \, i iad aase srtatte* sf c mwmn Idaho Mont", aast Palt Le1?e . The hill Will ^nStdeeed ?ja) thai e drat - ?.- ? ?? >*?? c-aata. TV -?? ? rc sr :ndus' b-'Sk tp 'he saagj aad dt t,e-e?- Mm ? -?-???? fhaaj .. re e|?ef ?f (s - lea,iUna -v--- ?hoti.d ha at , ... . . K,r? ff! Pai . a l-.te the aid ?-t*a ' \f- P'-s-r said The P?seat ratlr party la < - ? stovh d-t?iepaisat. It ?a Past . , nnn mat ss* 'apnaaVsa ? rt o'tgh whtnh tha ?>rth haa peassed durin? the t?ara An In?murtal a?a*c iM>ni oea rear ~*.?? ? -???- ?a-d ?:??*? aed Th a Uaaa tha aaaac ari4