1 Hm. WtllUtH TU IAV?* mit.
Morgan Asserts That
Such a Trust Is
Tells Investigating Committee
That Representation Is Not
Same as Control, and That
He Believes in Combina?
tion and Co-Operation as
Against Competition.
j? .
iMorgan Calls Money
Trust Impossible
I .ion I fblnk I ? "nl'1 rarri any
pTopottllnn through any hoard of
director* again*! Ibr nlihra of Ihr
stork holder*.
( would rather have oimlilnaliiia
than competition. I like a little
enmprlllltin. htlt I like . o rn hl u n ! i o n
better. I SSSsald like to say aomr
tblng right here that I may ml
hate a chance to say- ?tum H Ith
out control you can t rio a 'hint
t ootroi la the irniMertant Ibtug.
\oo you apeak of a .n. i trust
No man can art eoalrol of all the
The question of control !? per?
sonal n* to money and credit. til
the money lu t hrlstendom and all
the hank* In t hrlafrndora ? MM not
enatrol money. There eould be mo
money trust_J. iMerpont Morgan.
Washington DaehMBB* -r i'??J Ml
pont Morg.tn tu-dav t.,ld in-- .noney
trust Investigating committee 01 the i
House that all Uta money in Oor.aten- 1
dom and ?<ll lac tanks in Christendom
I ould not form a monopoly that would
cyntrol money Jlr Moru.tr: disc ?Biased
Hiif knowledge that . alaldail a vast
r.ower lu modern B?? rial circlet: and ;
ne tared aiaaathrally taavi fa- aaasjkt I
n<> such power.
Poj nearly five hours the chief wit?
ness called by th- committee in its ?
probe >rt the intricacies of modern
finance wlthatood a tire of BBBBtl>Ba j
that ? oxer.-d many phases of flr.an' ml
operation. In some respect, it >. as on* '
if the most r. inarkaole hearings aooul
Hal halls of i*onnr?-ss in recast! years,
with Mr Morgaa <>s th.- type a ml ciii
Liodim-rt ?! hnancal ttperaiaone or.
a colossal scale, and the ceananlttoe'i
-ounso) Samu. ! fntetmver. Use iWfl
sentatlve of tlie ale men! which, seeks
to prol.e to tic inn-.irnost raaaaaaa
tlie conditions under which, vaat linaii
cial operations are roasdnrtod
Mr. Morgan gav. St length -.- vl?ai
tr. competition, comh.nation. < ? <.;?.ra?
tion and control In muistry and fir.a: CO
particularly the latter. Be Sorts.rad
that he "did not nurd -omp-t.tion. but
that he preferred combination" in his
operations. He aas ? mpliati in his
declaration that 1 fher.- is no way one
man can Ket a monop sly of money." ?
Throughout the long examination, to .
w.iich Mr Morgan Babaatttai with an
evident willingness to answer, there
wae not a momen? alien inter-a'
lagged. Mr M-.r^ ... ? a rt ady f
aponse t-> qaaaShana, dlt.hoi.gii there
was often a pat'.:, of wits as to tha
meaning and effc * of various franc.al
conditions and operations.
l ilt V* Ith I nlrrmyer.
The sjfjaafjati af competition and i
< f.mrn-.at! >n brought ahout a iit.-ly
interchange between the noted Anan '
eler and Mr I'ntermyer. Ota latl-r
opening the tilt with the suggestion
that Mr. Morgan was op.'os.-d ;?. com
petition. Th- aHarem d.n.ed thin but
said ha faxor. d ' .-o-..|.~rati.>n."" Bddlag
that ha was ir. M aray >t>;K>sed to com?
petition and in fact "liked a little
competltiot, " He .i....gi cd with th>
views of Mr. I'ntermy. r on MM '|U's
non of int. rlo k-\g <?-.?:.,- ??. . w h h
forms the La-is f.-r a I irge par; ..f the
staMstfai .v.. ? if makes u.p t .e
re.-ord of the m >n. y trust" investigation
up to dat?. Without aefial control.
Mr Morgan claimed, there Is no con?
trol, although aeane directors may he
common t ? several cn-poratlons
?You and Mr. Hiker i Oeavrsp f
Hakeri dominate t!i? anthr.i l?. oaj
road situat.on. do \ ?u not?" .t-V.<l
Mr. 1'ntrrmv. r af "n>- pofn? tU the
"I don't think w i dr'' rsld M- If .r
gan "At |e*>t if a-.- do I .... not
know it."
? Your power in any dlr- ti n la en
ttrely nn't.nscious t? |?m hj it not?"*
"It is. st-. .f land i? th-- ena ? said
M- Mat | ?
? Von d m l thank yoo have anv aawer
in any department ..: n.-l i .1. .
country, do >-in
No. 1 - -ilg it.-st '
"And you are not looking foi any~
I am not a.-elr.ng- it. either ?
This consolidation ar.d am?liaml>
1 ton of systems and industries and
iitnkf does Bat look t? any oartecn
tration. .I<>. * WT" -">krd Mr. I nter- '
niter, with a smile. , t
?%?. sit. aaaaPaved the witn?-s?.
"It is for the pui pane af aeari-s |
tratins Ih. mi.*ts th-ii ? ?u do am-i? -
.am.tte is it not""
t ar Istrreaft ttf t sastfr'
*Tf It is good huslnesm for the In
irrests of th' country to do it. I do
It "
?But Mi. Morgan M not a msi- lib'
? e.ked. 1 . asrrer I ? h -n
oeio.isiv to Imasr'n- that -htnas t'?
for the Interests or lbs cnantry a ben
th.? ar> gao-l h-rain aa""
\r. atr"
"Ton th'nh f t rnn sr. able la
.?sstlff and impaillally differentiate,
wher?- your nwti Interests are . ?t?
?-? r.rd lost as .lern It a* though fit
(Coshni'd on fcccrnih Pag?.?
?In Three Weeks Taft Has
Made Over 1,300
During Whole Three Months of
Last Congress in Cleveland's
First Term But 400 Were
Sent In?Senator Lodge
Threatens Democrats
With Retaliation.
H asl.n.gton Deiember !? Csagrsaa
Bel oaraed '??> tag ciiiif"ina? boltdajrel
1 ..<1m> ?ft< 1 aaaM lively asBiiaiaeraa
to get Prescient Taft's ices-age into
.i:< recot?t. ?ears action >.n I he praal?
..cut's reeent appointment* and b. ing |
1.-eedingr la the \r> hhaM laaaaaaa*
itit hi tMHl 'o a point where th'-v may ]
be disposal of early in January. The .
Ha teas w>< ??able to get a >, imtaas j
.'id ad.ourned after a ??venleen-uii'
'? M?Inn without even having re- I
ceitred tbe Presleteat's .essage
The message watted for four bears
la secure entrance into th.- Baaste I
Wbea th;.t l>ody ronvened at noon the|
IVepeS lican Senatot* asked for Im
o.iliat. 1 oiiholera' ion again of their'
eV n.aiid for an exei utive aasatoa la
tike up appointments The Democrats
conssatsd to the alaa, and until the.
Impeachment trial automatically took'
the floor at l:M o'clock, the Senate!
fought over the filling of presidential.
Oflces with the debut-- carried on io - ,
hind t4Br*h,'v close.1 doors It was .
not until the impeachment court ad-j
jo'irned about 4 O'clQch that the Praal-I
n?nt'.? nie?sat;r waa rec ived and read ,
Heel tsaln l?mrr
B..'fi hot.se?) of Congress adjo.iii.ed;
la meet again Jaauary _' The sitting j
as a caart of impeachment aril] raeoa*
rene Friday. faaWII J .*. The House'
nsssj trust committee, winding up its!
session with I P Morgan at f:4?, ad?
journed until ...lock Mor-.lav. Jan
nary PresstscaJJ) all business of
i '.'Ugrcss wiii stand in ab'yanre
throughout th. houdays. and a ma
ority of the members of both houses
will leave Washington for the vaca?
The Senate confirmed but one ap
; ?;:.'ment. that of John H. Brown, as
postmaster at Concord. X. II.. In the
i,our and a i?alf of executive debate
V ssTtsag was taken on the reappoir.t
i.ient of Kdgar E Clark, whose term
:i? Interstate Commerce Commissioner
? x pi res peeember 31 Senator BalSS
smith, acting for many Democrat.-.'
offered a resolution for the confl. m- ;
atioa of army and navy appointment.-',
bal tba P"pi/1 lean Senators insisted i
? ?Ii starting at the head of the list for
??? ? onsiderafion of postmasters.
OSJJII tlaaa bv Serf-tor Hit. hcoi k
; entocrat. that the post-office appo.nt
nents had not received consideration
be the full membership of the Post
Odea '"ommlttee, drew the declara-;
lion from Senator Lodge that, if this :
i.oint was forced, it would be em- j
..i-s.nvr throughout the admit.is': a
t.i.ii of Woodrow Wilson. Senator,
Lodge declared that ib.- Senat.- had .
:.iwa\s foliow.-d th. p .-ie-lent of (oli-l
lag poat-eaTsaS sppointments or the.
? : .mendation of the s ilicnmmlttfn'
.-.dividual Senators to w .;. h I ?
i.ete referred. Senator ftlt-h. o. k '
f.iislly withdrew his objections, but!
SMS action was labt a on any Off the!
i'ther post-office appointments
?.et skanl Reply.
Figures pr-sented by Senator Sen
? snow ?hat In prev.ouw changes of ad- ,
Ministrations the Senate always . ?>n
tirmed the appointments of the retir
i'is: Presidents, met a sharp reply from ',
Senator lljke Smith He declared that!
PrcatSjaM Taft had setit over UM#1
ppstatsstala to ths Senate dunnt
.lire. weeks of this session, while i
President Cleveland sent In ' ut ????? ?
appointments during IfSS whole three |
ssoatbd of the last Osasjsasa ..f the
? -t Cleveland term
Impearbmrst I ourt tdia.aras.
Washington. De. ember ?.Vtl?r
V a l!lk e. al Witnesses fur the d-.-j
f-nse. th.. Senate, sitting as a ' o irt ol
impeachment In tbe trial of Judge i
RoSS \V A:, hl.ald. of the Cummer. ?
Co iri. to-day adjourned for the holi-i
(lajra, t" convene again January .. when '
.111 ge A-chhal.l will take the s.and
in his own behalf
Tiie ,-ourt session to-da. lasted a .il
;1- aeat three hours during which'
? ?umsei (in.- Judge Ar. hhald ma?le a
-.sin effort to conclude ti^mioUig wU
? - '? tl.. def. PSe Wh"n It b' - '
came evi i. n? that this could not be
? omp!ish?d. the court, on motion of;
S?-.?ator i;a.llng-.. adjourned
lohn W IVale. of New York, wss I
lb. first witness He identified several
L it. ?? ti'at passed b-twi-en nim Judge
Archibald an 1 John Henry Jones, re?
garding the pur. hsse of the Oxforo
\i oli.n nea- Sc-anton. Pa. In which'
Jon?-? and Judge Arch bald are alleged
? . hax. i?e.n interested.
.lohn llentv Jones of Scranion. was
||? ..rt ..'.orated eviden.-e be
? id Knet, before the llogse Jijdl. |ar> j
ut-, Thomas r.llsworth Davle*
mining engineer of .*?< rantofi. was
i tin ii. , .- to th< w (.:!'? of the i jlm
"Did ion estimate what the dump
was worth"' asked tttorneT \^ ort h -
i ifcion. fo- the a? cnsed Jurist
v - aal p.m. - "and 1 reported
to in ? Merits not f? touch it It was :
not worth ?1st was ?Sk?"d fo- It ?
las Meg te> Teetlfc
?h., i ?ton. Der. mee-r !??-The sub
issasslii. e of Mb Ranking; sr.d Cir
n m v I onimlllee of |he II ? :pe of llep
resb ntstlvr* of whi. h Cbjrfssf >.1*??. of
||sJl ? -msn. ha* sea; oot 'a
illations la an sd?tlilonsl list of fswr- (
sons repr* s-ill ? ng tarloua pur?B'ls to
appear before |h< . ommlttee ,n Jaaa- I
mi and render oplrlms s? ? ?
sir. il.l be done with the , urrwn. \ .. SrS
InclsKtert in Ibis ord list sre OB- ,
e. . Wileor. president of the N^l ...nsl
i.,.r,?e |vm,, 111 William Cr-isel
masler of the Pern soy IVaaAB Aisle i
(l^Mawssf^ti^Tt. ed Paste >
President Indignantly
Denies That He Is
Playing Politics.
He Deeply Regrets Failure ot
Congress to Wipe Out "'Spoils
I System,'" and It Was to That
End He Placed 36.000 Fourth
Class Postmasters Under
Civil Service.
J Washington. Daaaanbai 11 l*r??i
j dent Taft to-da) gave '"??ri*c?*??? his
xp-Mon "t tha .Large that he had been
'playing aalltlci in his recent execu?
tive oider putting ':6."'ki fourth i ha an
postmasters under the rfrtl aoriKa
; The president made the countercharge
! tl at hia ai raaciI on the iloor of UM
I House were telling "untruths." and
iBTlTOd that he deepiy regretted tlM
fail 're of Congress ?o pass legislation,
which practically wo'ild destroy the
"spoils system."
"Criticism has been made of tnis
order on the ground that the motivo
was political." said the President.
"Nothing could be fu-ther from the
truth. The order was mad* before
the election and In the Interest of
? ?fro ient public service I have several
times requested f'ongress to give me
authority to put first, second and tht-d
? labs postinasfe-s. and all other local
officers, including Internal revenue of?
ficer*, customs officers. I'nited States
marshals and the local agents of the
other departments, under the clas?iti
c.ttion of the rivll service law
taking away the necessity for con?
firming su-h appointments by the Sen?
ate. I deeply regret the failure of
Congi ess to follow those recommenda?
tions. The < hange wou! i have lake*
otit of paiitlca practically everj local
offl. er and wou.d have enti-ely cured
tha atrlla growing o :t Of what, under
the p.-esei,t law. must always remain
a remnant Of the spoils system"
Third Message ot tear.
The President's advice to Congress
was contained in his third message af
the year, sent in to-day. It s>|. de?
voted largely to a review of the ai -
complishme-it* af several government
iepartments not touched In Previous
messages and to recommendations for
legislation. The President advocated
I^-g'slation which would r?erm:t
members of the Cabinet to sit in eith- '
??: House of ?"ongress. with the- right
to enter into -iebate and answer i|Ues- I
tioi.s. but without vote
The adoption of Iba Postmaster- .
? i-neral's pan for a readjustment ot >
ompensation to railways carrying
mulls, especially in view oT the on
ditions '.vht-h will exist under the par?
cels post law.
A revision af the land laws to secure
prope; i onservatioii and at tlo same
time assure prompt disposition of land '
that ahasaM be turned over to private ;
o? nerablp
le-g.-lnt ... .iff. ? t.: u A la ski which
v sabl provid ? for leases of coa' lands
ami in respect to mining claim*, liie j
d.spo-.t.on of Oil phosphate ?n:d pot- !
ash lands in tile I'nited States.
A t of Congress winch wold legal?
ize a <ohrt authorized to review declB |
1 ions on the pure f >od law such as are ;
now made by the lienis.-n Boaid. Iti j
thai i M :ie tion Use President approved
the creation of the Hemsen Hoard by
former President Koosevelt. i? it said
that the time had come 'or C outre*.* !
to re octiize th. necessity for "a tri- j
ounal of appeal " in pure food cases,
??tf'file w/e are struggling to sup- j
i preew an evil of great l?ro> .rtlons
I labe that of impure fo .d." pafsl tlio
i President, "we must provide th- ma -
caeasrry la the law it?eif to prev< ne
it* becoming an inatrjment of oppres- !
; sion. and we ought to enable those i
?hose business is threatened with
annihilation to haxe some tribunal and .
s ?me form of appeal in which th'-v
leave a lompiete day in court"
iippoaes t:iee|lve rrtsrilv.
The President closed h!s m?ssaze
ait'i a recommendation that Congress
: a Bag a t?- f-<r a government building
at the Panama - Pai ifl. International
i:\;io?ition at S,ti Fran-isen and for
the bea'ftiflcat! >-i of Washington. In
, his disc ission of the > apltal he said
that a oiiblic utilities .-ommissio y a**
ne.-d?d. The Presdent expressed aaasj
position to the granting of aba elec?
tive franchise to citizens of Washing
ton and Indorsed the plans of the dm
niissl .-ii of Fine Arts for ? ity .m; rove.
, ii" nt
I lamination ot tag hsrrss Prisoner*
was He t ?arlaste? l.-llsy.
Seul. Korea. I ??-, ember I*?The con -
? lusi- n of the examinations of the
' s* Korean prisoners under trial for
conspiracy against the li e of <'??-.. r
n.ir.Onrr?l Count TeraU'hi of KssTssm.
will, in .-ill probability, be reache 1 to?
Ti. statement* on the w-tne*? ?
of the alleged leaders, win. are under
going esamlnatl< n. *ho? they had a ?
general knowledge of the S-n Mir. Il'l.
the sec "I society organized bv
Korean* In America, with branche* in ?
s**haa*a and Korea.
Vearlv all other prisoners ha I ?!. -
nied the\ had e,ven heard O t e ???
?eft. and assorted that tha poll e bad ;
for??.l them to admit be*ng members. '
IN th. men now tept'rvlng e ere ,
?mnllcat..! by Rar on Tun<aihi. a for-,
mer Korean i'aMnet minister in his
confession Thev now ass-ri thev
were ignorant of ant ? ?paplrai v Th'i
do not allege that they were -1
t hat W I see la ?alUaa Metenseat
t? H??*e
r aliai'ran*lidate 7er Conttreaa from the
r" rat !*o.,th tmhota ithstrtrt. Bd M
larwhson ?f t'onx Peile, eawat 2
. enf* for hia campaign according <>
hts renort to the House to-da This
was th. t?r'r* of the stamp fha? I
v- ..,?s. ???. iiwuai ltalr.nav>t J
'iovcrvir Mann did not attend the
Informal ereptlnn 10 William Jen- I
nlngs Bryan at MM Business M. a s '
Clun yesterday afternoon, because the |
Neliraskan had not performed what
UM Governor regards as tile cuslc-mary '
courtesy of railing on him.
A v'sitor to a State capital is sup- ;
psastsd to call on its Governor. In order |
to pay his respects to its People, the '
exei utive being regarded as its oflVial
I head. Wl.en Governor Mann goes to
?n?.titer ."tale, he calls on th* Gover?
nor, which he -IM when I ampaigninS
in the North in October
It is recalled that when Fitzh-igh
l>ee whs Governor or V'rginla the
qneetion of interchange of comrtMfea
between bint B?d B visiting President
of the 1'nlte-: States was raised. I: 1?
not believed that <>overnor Mann
; would hold to this point should the
! Prf aldsat < orw to trlchnsossfl, hut be
! does bolsaea that a privat?- cltiaon
f should pay the ? all first.
Friends of Mr. Bryan said in this
''connection that he was in the hands
I of the local commute.- while here, his
i movements being dtrOCtad The Qor
i ernor was on th- stage last night at
j the Bryan locturo, and the iwo not
ami sh?>ok hands.
McXamara Brothers and McMan
if;al Held KcT-pon^ihle for
Dynamite Outrages.
Jlold- That Labat Unions Uad
N'othhtsr to D<? With
Indianapolis. Ind., Dei . inner If,?
Vmmm tha sfi11s i?ia brothers and < ?nie
K. McManigal. "the confess.-, dyna?
miters, who in the name asf lajjaar
unions committed crimes against wlich
civilization revolts, but in which la?
bor unions took no part."' Chester
H. Kriim. arguing'to tba jury In tho
"Tdynamlt- .onsfn\tcy" trial to-day.
reste.I th- responsibility for the series;
of explosions, towards which the forty
? lefen:ants are .barged with hav'ng
Mr. Krum. associated with I":iiteu,
States -Senator .lohn W Ke-:-, as . o'ln
M I for ?M defense. tol<I the UBTy th"
government had failed to show that
Pi evident Frank M. Hv in ami other
officials of the Don Workers' I'nion bast
violated the Federal statute prohibit?
ing the carrying at explosives on pas?
senger trains, and that last government
bad based its charges chiefly upon the
admissions of th. ii>i.umtteis .
The defense s . otiose] attack.--: the
otifession of M>Maiiignl as given on
th-- stand 'because this same McManigal
is an admitted thief, who testified in
court thai he stole 1 -'">? pounds of
dynamite and hi i il in the sin d of hl?
unsuspecting father at T^mn. ?ihn.
?'It 's n"t within the power of the
Keek ial government to pMssWwto for
at .s of intimiilatori committed against
employers of nonunion labor.-' said Mr
"These defendants are clouted with
conspiring to .airy prohibited .\plo-,
s|v?s against the Federal law?, and it'
has n<>t been shown that they did SS
conspire, or that they met together
speciti- .l'v with a view of ffalaatssss'
that law."*
When >|r Krum told Use i irv ttWt
? he siatute of limitation hail r if
against s?n> of the sets ? hurge.l l .o
eral Judge A. B Ander??? interrupted
him. saying "Von tell that to the
;ury Mai I shall instruct them it is not
the law."
I D Fredericks, distre f*alioi ney of '
l.o- A'lg.l.? Cunt- !? ft '01 I/o? An
gel.-? to-snlghf Bflef hexing been M
consultation aSBTe with Federal ofTtcers
identified with the trial. ?*apts'n
Frederick* ?ad he was returning ?-?
t...s Angel.-, to ot.T.ir- MM th.- asaausSj
trlal of ?"la-en<e Darrow on a Jorv
rliilng rhars? which I? s*~t f?.i .'snu
*r\ <
rtrtle K McManigal will Ke kept in
Indianapolis until after the trials here
are en-led. and then he |? to be r*?
t'irn?M to lx?s Angeles Although Mr
Msr.igsl pleaded guilty here h< was
brought to Indianapolis on a writ, and
It Is sssif I stood he never has bees
ie|inouishe.l from :r. ctist.wD of la.?
\nge|r i-omtv
I I?. .-I X"> > ?eV 1 r?ros.rt?lr? Saarl
f..c Its Pan taaoa.
(Special to The Times.Irlspsten I
V.? \ ,rh D.. ember l?- The Hoard
of Estimate to-ds> appropriated |A ewe
to per. haee the famous mttale In
Whtoti tbe poet. Fdgsr Allan I*. f n?.-e
M-ed The .oti^af 'a Best! MetMesJ on
Ibe es?t side o Kingshr'dge Rose)
ir. In- Brow* It i? inter ieit to remove
? be cottage te> a *it< Ir P?e Park, at
Ibe o.to'ion of Kingsbrtdge Kogd and
th. 't.^nd ftoiilevsrd and Concourse
The' . otlsSe is now owne-d by a rest- ?
detit of t'ordhsm. w h. i? said to ,. |
W P-s to se'' it . tor tVSvA.
Turkey W ill Permit (ireek> to
l ake Part in L'on
ierence. ?.. ?
? _
Jn Same Position a> Port>:nouth
Meeting After Rirst
Week's W ork.
Vice-Admiral Killed
and Vessels Damaged
ttbrnv I).-. em be r |?.? \lcc-ld
miral Hnlll i*:i*ha. formerly tllu
l?lrr of Marine In the Tnrklah
I ahinel. vta* killed In the naval
enKnuetneut between the t.reek* aad
lurk* the Dardanellen Decem?
ber |?. Thin I? the report received
from a I.reek captain, who had ju?t
armed ir.un the Dardanellen and
made public throuah a aeml-omVtal
? Sl'tl'J .
\ Ice-tdmlrai Mali I Pasha wan oa
' hoard the flagship Khryr-Kd-nia
j llarhamxa. ?hieb according to the
' *nme authority, nan lfry seriously
?lamased. II nan Decennary in use
<-o!lt*loa mal? t? keep the veaael
Knur other oMeera abaard the
flacnhip nrrr killed, and ? larae
number of soldier* were killed or
n.led. \ hospital ?alp Hn?
?ent to take care of the wounded.
Three of the other TaekUh ship*
eaaaaed in the battle anatalaed
?etcrr dnmase The flagship era* '
plerred Hi shell* on holt the port
and starboard aide*. I ire hrnke
out. hut ?*a? conlrolled. The t.rrrk
captain ???erteil alao that three
I urkioh destroyer* nrrr hit dar
l?K the H?hl
I>?nd.?r.. December 1??The pear,
conference was in Session only a short
rime to-day. The Turkish delegate*
jnimunr.N) that freah 'nstructions had
h.en dl*p.<tched from i'onstantinople
by ?ii. e .?I . ..ii ier therefore adjourn?
ment until >aturdav ia> takt-i. by
??hu it time the ln?tru< tion* I I ? i" .
r< acb lemdon
News comes from the <rt:oman .gpi
: >-:c-i.t that the im-rnra-m ..?
ei lowering the delegate* :., ???
with the negotiation* with the Oi ? k
a* Wei] a.? the Balkan p|eniDo|?n
tiarie*. This decision tends .owarls
peace. a? there ha* I? m .< ?u?; ?
ilsal t o T-irks were manueuv ring fit.
time. s>> lhat* they m.ght strenath'O
their army.
Th ? conference noa .? ?. e\?.-tly the
same ;o?itlon aa the Portsmouth con
f*ren . . a.ter the ru?t week * work
Th.- dir? rent parties ar e dallt fe. Mg
th ?? ay before ?tr.kina a deci.tve
IN-, had Pasrh.1 ?tr inal-. ? -. all* i '.la:. ?
VV.tl's shrewdness* whrle the <?reek
l'retii.? r. Wn.xelo* .an he . ompared
with Komura on a. ?>unt of hi* coo*
attitude and unshakable calmness
There are other very Inter**-u.g ?w?r
eonallttes l?r Dane*. ch?-' of th
rtnlc.ir.nn*. '? Ilk- an .\tn--ujn poll
liotan Novsk<?\ Itch th ? e> Pr. ire ? .*
BVerrla I? an e?n?riepc...| ?taie^raaa
th. Mont, legrln. Ml- if ? *?' i keen
sttaloraa I let
tfler the sifting to JBJ . some .?f the
Balhi'i d. legates r,jv.?st?d dl..'ts t
ette aa- affairs we., dia^y. .?.h.h*
etc ?rmirt and three h??! .? I ..>???
v r. ?ndnriag all jn>e ?iffeiing* jsfj
v md |h< ? ?r? ' \ ? ft: , ??. t. |
it^oe'ia-raJ aa Tenth IJkne. ? '
I're-cuts to Wilson Oualiiicatioiis
j of J?i>vphu> Daniels tor
I'o*tmaster-( ieneral.
: rrcr-idcnt-iilect Will Meet Bryan
fur i irst Time Since
Trenton. X. .1.. Dco-mlnr IS.? Presi
wSBd'SiScl Wilson pored, studiously for
s-v?>rnl hours r.<?re to-day over the
corporation laws of New leiscy with
a view of recommending radical
changes in them to the ta.-gislature
After he had worket| most of tits day
i in his capacity as Governor, be lis
' tened to a formal appeal ' y I'nited
States <Se-iator < ?verman. of North.
, Carolina, that Josephus DaalalS. na?
tional c ommitteeman from that Stat.
; for neariy twenty ] ears* l?e appointed
Postmaster-General In the Wilson
Cabinet. The President-elect made no
? comment He added also I Bast m* w.Mii
, meet W J. Bryan for the first tlass
' since the ele<-tiOn on Saturday or Sun
J day. either at Trenton <>,- Princeton.
Basis af Maar \Ms<ks.
i The Governor's day was .muri -
tiated for the most part on the eor
' poratton ((uestlon. Repeated ? harges
were made during the national i.nn
. ,algn be both Colone! Roosevelt and
; HVovernnr Hiram Johnson that IP. Wil.
! "On had failed to put into effect an;.
' legislation curbing trusts that wert
I chartered as Jersey corporations.
; Tiin-mh ..is oppnn. nts .l-rnt.,1 many
i speeches to this argument. Mr. Wils ..;
! never ma.ic a speech of r. p'.> ? Bai ?
." h? telegraphed briefly to Senator ?.
? Gorman, of New Tork. howevei. an
answer that was made public in which
bC declared that as the State legis?
lature always had been Heptihliran in
on-- or both oran.h.s. he had '.en un
?abl. lo put through the promised
. miiraiii mt (?form.
M- added also that -vile Complained
of :;i e,mneei:on with the trus . i.ios*
lv concerned Federal jurisdiction.
The Governor took no fu " . cog?
nizance of the -luestion during the
ratnpoijrw. telling his friends, however,
taat be always had intended reform
i-o1 would begin it if be could g? t a
legislature thst was 1 "??motratie in
i I.ran. '-.. ? His wish being ful?
filled, the Governor stari-d to w. \k
?i .arn-?t to-day raping; f h.s aid
Klwtn Walker. Chan, ello- ..f t:,. >tj".
and Jndre Bennett Van fflckel. f... m. r
1' of the Stale Saprem- Court These
:r-ii. with Governor Wilson, will draft
the new legislation
"We Went over ?n lnf.aip lot ..f l -
I l said the Governor after he t.sd
spent nearlv two hoar a With them
t? all ..th-r . .????? . ,.
tlon statutes have been amended snj
I'?r tave s.-e. - . r
complicated We BOSSe SO SsB.BIangle
tbem Both lodge Van deckel and
Chancellor tt Jlk.e are egget Ii n.-ed and
?4V. ? a.I i i : t |.
1st :ig to the corporation laws, oo Iber
are valuable ?rvi-de? to ate.**
?tefloeot tea \attowal r?ll.?e.
i">n rational polttbs the |*r. ? d. nt
ele. t was most reticent He hau ....
ins <?? say about bta approaching ?
Ing with Mr. Bryan and In re ..
the crem? of tbe dav pass, d . - - ?
over the mention of '"?h . :
?sienstor Overmar. ?ante w i:
ernu? tot .f represent ?? ? ?? ?
no'I of Mr Daniel? f.-r ii | SOS ?
generalship.* ASM the Go\ rn -r and
sdatesfl shrwpsap- "Then Ma'- lew cot i
m\ hair
Gordon ?? tbe ? V..c. r ..or ? ?? ?? g r
st the State St..us. w I
iCoBUaUSd ua s?rcoa4 ???*? i j
Predicts Every State
Will Popularize Its
- TW
Hopes Virginia Will Ratify Fed?
eral Income Tax Amendment.
Praises Tucker for Work in
Congress?Growth of De?
mocracy Is Sign of
Popularisation of .??('nation, moral
awakening and growth of the spirit ot
democrat..' in dealing with the prob?
lems i>f government, were adjudged
by William Jennings Bryan to b?*
?The Signs ..f the Tunes" in his lec?
ture .f that title in th. fjty Audito?
rium last night To the latter of the
three propositions he devoted more
than half of th" time consumed, and
to it he gare the original thought of
his address, the remalnde! h?!i;_; a re?
view of the ad* aic emeat made la ali
lands in throwing off tha h'ight of
Ignorance and in reaching high r moral
I standards. Beside a, In treating aj
political matters he was on familiar
ground and showed thai he was at
; home.
! The lecture was thoroughly enjtyed
! by the audience. Mr Bryan was in
good v dee. spoke w ithout effort to all
i the people in the great ball, l.-Ttipered
Iiis remarks with humorous an.'dotes
and witty allusions, put enough lire
[into it at times t> arouse cut n'lsiasm.
and received a full meed of applause,
lie is i|uite evidently still a prime
I favorite with a Richmond audience.
About f.500 people paid to bear him.
t IrK'nlfn tppltcation.
? hi some questions he made local ap
pife atiou of his remarks. So much
time was devoted by him to a discus
si tn of the initiative and ref. n-ndum
as to create the Impression that h?
j was making sentiment for these mod -
I ern principles of government in tlile
Slate. Saying bo knew thai ,n si>m?
localitlea the npattcatiea af thia doc?
trine had not taken i.o'.d as it has in
the West, he told his hearers of the
old l'omlnijn that they might as well
"i -Uder it, as it would laavtabhly be
:.i ed, Me predicted tiiat every State
j in the t'nion would In time adopt the
initiative and referendum as part of its
system of government.
Again, with perhaps a touch af local
atgasaeilt, b*j discussed the Federal 'n
coaae tax. Thirty-four State*, he sait.
hive ratified the proposed amendment
incorporating this principle in the Con
-titiition. Only two are needed, and
Virginia, lie piedicted. will be one of
Passing complimentary reference
arai made to llarrt St. tleorge Tuclccr.
bTbea the propoaitioa to elect I'niteo"
Btatea Benatori by popular vote was
tirs? before i'ongress. Mr Tucker was
chairman of the committee to which
it was referred, and by his earnest
work helped to secure the first vote
of indorsement given It by the House
..f l?prescinat it.-, twenty years ago.
Mr Firv.ui was presented by John
Oarlaad Pollard in the hriefeat rc
laat 11 lie ..aid it would be an affront
to a Pichmond aud'enc to introduce
to It th.- great N'ebraskan.
Trouble* of Ueforiners.
In hi- Introdu. tion Mr. Br.van spoke
of reformers an.| their work?how they
.ire lonely a: first, be/w hard their task
ssjaaatlaaoa i-. haw some of them he
iiscon , . ? .? , ? .! .-:>,? !:..w some
haw par.tceas of their own. and are
dsaaaasaaaand and mutinous tf their
specific remedy is not adopted. how
eomt af them stop when one reform
Is accomplished and how others wlP
strive only for the iireat reformation,
det lin -ic to take minor relief as it is
present- d.
Tb.- ablag of the times he Cro
? ? dad. are in leafed in three direc?
tions? progress in intelligence. fn
inastalitt and in dealing with govern?
mental affairs. He sketched the ad
ranceaienl af learning In the countries*
..I the world. 01. . the flight of ignor
Then r,?- spoke of the moral
reforms tnat have come and are com
i insr?temn-ranc?. honesty in big bua
: mess, national awakeaing*.
I>ealing with these two topics. Jdr
Brvan said nothing that he has not
said man) tlsnes before, bu: he said
it in a Bra] tnat BO one clae could
hate don.
I'eoplr I rsrslsc to Kale.
fernlag to the political side of baa
addres?. hi spoke Of th- growrth aC
??' ?!? niocracjt
and the .f. ..f th. i i|e ..r arista
rra H< ha bean la pollt ;e? so laaff.
i i.|e." n a? - ? ? ??:<'? 11 at IV?
ts to afaraya be m positivin to prove
asore than be said. s>> that he was not
afraid to maintain the assertion raw
at r and a.lste
*.,?.. i . i - .? ? ' - less a?t??
. ,.f the World was
1? and then he ? aaae to that
w .? hega
- ,.ath?American paaV
ssa the pi spts havd tataaai
f ?i- "ig
-.. led thai the anwndasent to th* t"oB
... I spsx Ot j atiBtd a rut
leant*, would he mast*
l'.e hlgge?! |.?l?lt n. >..Mlt .rt h*?
??cid an. aoiild b- no snore nsest
I? pre,p^,e4
abasssbal t eatceuva. tau? by