OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, December 20, 1912, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1912-12-20/ed-1/seq-10/

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(Continued Krom II??! l'ug> 1
the prey of de?_>ls:ic:i ;>i ? ? :ana
A Bulgarian de>??;.- -.'.?. i v .! tiiat
tue Turks wen -pu- h .1. 11 ,! th- i
i-Iayed th?. /*T. ??(.' "i' ii;
irengthen their arm. r?ti tradnd
from AahV Th?-*e reinf >? :.t art M
i.ntly composed of ,1 ? >> ?>!:?! -J
Macht-Babouks. who would prow
ser'ous danger to the Tur < i.
I'o pirr r??r l?< sumption.
In th-- Mteaatlme tht slliei ale ? <>n
cent rating grcattr forces along the
l.ha!?li.i foul t.aide t.'iein. jl Hal
h ifsuniril. M III lit at t' ristantiljepje
? ithm .1 lea d.i>
Tin- prevail hag opinion bj that the
V il nius p.1*. 1 onem* nts are aiming at
intervention by tin- powers. Tarhey
hopes te ol tain bettei tanas through
the Bearers, sunn- ol whoai nave pre
Uana'aani Inte reale la the -JU"inaii
1 .uipi re.
Ti e It llv.in ?1.>Kat>-.-. i.sp, ,;:i!iy the
dervta i> end M01 teaegrina, expressed
lilaaa tief action with the stateaeeat
m Hi- Wedneada) by Marauds DJ im>m
tluUigae, i'n Italian Foreign Minister,
? oaeeralng the alma 01 dhe tuple ii- I
liaace an 1 remark that it.>i> bad a
niaae position towards tht Balkan |
states, having herself risen m noth- 1
in?; 1?' * nationality in: ugh 1 ?'? anioa I
? ?' kingdoms. Thaj expected :?. r sup- I
pari in a similar movei ?< nl > the I
In voicing their abjections tiiese J
delegales point out thai Italian I
goveinnaeni ii.?s llovred : ol'c> I
itrengl) favorable tu Austria by re
aeartng the triple alliance ?< fen
nontha before the data <??" its- xplra
Che t:r<ek preposa 1 s w| j ? mere
eanayltested than Iboae 1 th< other
.iliet^ because they Inc idt fhs ijues
:ton of capitulations, n ?:. Greece
? lone among the Balkan er..ioys
1, Turkey with the grot 1 ;? .. -. ' riie
capitulations, origii illy ?. I on
J'urkey by the republic of il .111
05J. laclude exemption from 1 1 on !
? >r foreign subjects, sp-ciai c and
>ther privileges. Oreeee Is to 1
LCCapl a c!n use in the treat; with
."urkey. promising to renounci the
ight t?. capitulations when the othei
>owers iiii the same.
Chicago, December is -Tue < use of
?eor.Se \.. Fitsgerhbl, foraaer teller in
he ITnited state.* Subtroasury here,
iccased of emhcssling ?173.000, wenl
a tiie jury to-day. after being on trial
;ve weeks.
The government attorneys rharge
..at investigation of Fitage raid's a'
airs shows that lie s.i Ideal}' r-'-came ;
Tito possession of big sums of money
iter the dlsappearaiict of tht pa. k
ge of largt bills from ti.. Bubtreas
ii?'. FitzK? ralti baa offered evidence
show that he obtained the mone\
egltimately. He asserted many other
?eranaa besides himself had access to
?S cage m tin money vault.
It is estimated it has cost the Fei
ai government about tlCd.ees to i
iroaei ute ! Itsgerald. This includes the ' ?
??< years' prelimlnar) investigation
nade .h.. government before Kitz
al I '? p)a< e.l on trial. I dit
Becau. the illness Marold C. c
lus-. II ,,i- fro n lU-wego. 111., tit* .
urors S"er< t-"k>n to their hotel to- '
?ight. !? erations WO! be resumed l
morrow morning if Russell's ron
ion permits. H? if riot thought to
?er'ously ill.
Btsal Barl<*r Supplies.
nirprj house at CIO Wes; Broa.i Bfraet, yes
ttrday morning; reported to the polk* that
tlieir place had be?n catered durlns the
nlSM ah<l H?ml dotea razor*, aclBCCis.
.t*> ead ... ..ins Waif 'i'iia io*i ar;:c.o
I . it WH
tVQ a
% M 1
^Ihis Christmas ~
It Is The One Gift That
Is Sure to Please "Her"
ich Assortments
What to Give Her What to Give H m
Mesh Ba?
Puff Jars
Jewel < ases.
I mbrellas.
Manicure Sets.
V;?nitv teases.
Card Cases.
sil\er Purses.
\\ at* hes.
< uff Buttons.
Ill WhlH.
Etc., Etc.
Shavinft Sets.
Cigar Case*.
I mbrellas.
Cuff Buttons.
( ard Cases.
Stick Pins,
shirt Studs.
\\ af< h Charms
Reliable People Are Cordially Imilcd to Open Accovn s W ith Us.
The Diamond Merchant
Visit Our Store \ou\ M e Arc at Sccenth and Main Streets
Geo. W. Anderson & Sons
215 Last Broad Street
Special Sale of
Oriental Rugs
Most Attractive Line, All Sizes. Low Prices.
Your Inspection Cordially Invited
Anderson's Carpet House
iQftestiori "f Criminal PruceediiigV
in I lands of District
j L' 'ti rt ?>?' lin|uirv Will Rc-mnej
Commissary Iiive-tiga
tion To-Day.
Ii (Special tu The Ttmea-Dttpatek.]
Norfolk. V.?.. DecnMher 11*?District i
j Attorney 1? Lawier.ee <;roner to-day
I nti mated that criminal proceedings
may he iaotrtuted at the Jaaaary tena
? ?: the Federal grand lory in Alexan?
dria against enntraeteei alleged to
have 11nepI red with and bribed eosa
laaanan stewards to defraud the sov
i ? mment la the pnrchaa* of food suu
? iies for battleships of 'he Atlantic
I rieet. Mr Oraoer, !epie?rnt!ng the
!>.partment of .lustire. has at'ended
rery session of. The naval court of
. . :it>. which aas < onv?ned about
'i'ree weeks on board the battlesh p
?'?rmont to investigate allege.! itra't
.it the commissaries
When asked to discuss the 'Omm's
1 lary affairs, the distri't attorney de
; cllaod to state his plans likewise re
' fusing to say whether he ronsidereo
MM evidence secured so far sufficient
to get convictions, lie explain*'! that,
though attending the court of infiir'.
OS district attorney he was hard!;,
more than a spectator, the matter ie
ing thus far entirely in the hands at
the court of inquiry. However, the
district attorney gave the follnwiim
written statement:
??i>ev. |opmenta to this dat? Is M
warrant a statement from the district
attorney a? to his intentions with
I legard to the question of criminal
: prosecution of government rontrac
\ tors.
j There will he r.o regular gram! iury
, term of Federal eourt here before
. Ala; . l>ut i; the d.strl. t attorney is
' if the opinion that he has sufficient
i evidence to secure convictions li? ma>
?irn.i?. to pr?sent the eases of th* con?
tractors alleged to He implicated !n
J grafting to the Federal grand Jury
I n Atexand:l? which will be In Mtnfoaj
I there after January *."
Mr. ?ironer djagftood absolutely fo
say positively whether he would tak?
fnis action or not. but it Is generslly
,no?rs'ood ,n Norfolk tha? h? BjfJj
c.o so. if after reviewing the treat
mass of testimony taken by the court
?f lnouir> b? considers if sufllt 'ent
->er which to ask for convictions
Th. ' our* of inquire did net meet
i . r \\'r.li.?s?la> o to-dar. but
i.?:ime Ih. heartp? ef testimony to?
morrow, ?'aptsin Arthar T. atsri\.
udg? sdro,ste general, has Wen SWSy
'? ace To'sday nth! and it said that
? ro.lor onferring with ontrlsll of
toe Nsvy r?.pnrtn-.en: and the pepart
meet of Justice he has l??rned im
I i'l'Hn' n. w evidence during his sb
| seroe He la expe<ie,i n Norfelk to
| <-r-..w morning.
OfJh ers of ftie eSSjri of* Inquiry are
extremeH reticent con-erntn? the tti
>estlaeti<-n but It la t:rflT*r stood here
I on a-'od authority thai the principal
I en,.:-* of the government at present
I a e ..Ireetrd at the .oniraetors. tr.1
J th.-?t stewards of the haMleshiiM are
I being gl? en immunlt. in e\. hang* fnr
I ? al'.able evidence aga.tnst < ontricto??
Sinr- th. die-co *rv of |rregulsrit>
on the psrt of Ceorge T l?avl?. corn
{ mtsaar% ?tewsrd on hoard the bettle
Ishlp l.ov'Sana. the d lief of the rom
? . steward hs'< been tempofsnh
i.?r?e ft Charles aVaigM. a ses
I man r*o *ha~p haa beet. 'kf contrast
I between IV? fare gn en by ftenlcht and
?v 'I - r ? said ti have been fu'
' | '.Ve^ nl I ???. 1? that the cren has sl?
| pointed .ommlttees to wait on Captain
Welles in the interest of havine; the
s-atnait* sppoirite'l steward permanent
1\. Davis has heen reduced to rank
of yeoman.
The men iav they ar* retting bet?
ter fare than for a lonjr time preceed
injr removal of Da via, who was confined
in ti e r.rlg of the ship last Septern
nier suspicion by '"aptam Welles.
How Did You Know
I Wanted That?"
"Why everyone
that likes good
tin ngs to eat
want* this. I
know you want
the best flour that
can be had and
here it is."
it the one thing ibove all others urn should he sure
t i insist upon get'ing. W ith this flour every baking,
wliethrr lireati. pas-:-.. ? akes rr anvthing else in which luur is used, will
"come out nice."
IVsides. tiungs made wifB "Seal of Minnesota" Hour ate so palatahir end so
The. entire farm!) will notice an improvement in \our haking 'he moment vou
begin to use. "Sea! of Minnesota." So 'phone lot a sack now Of put it on your
market list.
At ;itl grix rr- Guarantee.).
New Prague Flouring Mill Co.
JXMfcs-C ARTER CO. In< . Distributers RICHMOND. YA
("orre-pondence Solicited A. S. B IAME; Stale Agent
During thin confinement Ljj\ iy COB
fe.saed to having been Roilt-. of graft
lug. and it in said implicated at
stewards This confession is said :?!-"
to have been i be basis of i OVelal Ions
uhbo braucht certain contract an at
several aortal from Boston to Norfolk
j under suspicion.
- j
T. O. Ranier and W. H. Y. Hud
gins Wounded After Encounter j
With J. T. Christian
[Sped*] to The Times-IMspat ii j j
Math? ws. \'a . December ]??.-- \n tlo j
i jesult el an altercation nhicn bj al- J
1 lej;ed to have occurred at B'ake k. hi j
tins ? >un:y. on last Friday nlsr t. T 0 ;
I Raalat and H" il v. Ifiitrtiaj aren
' s.tot and injured b) J. T Christian. ,
iearaaantalias la the last Herne I el '
Aaaanialy from the counties of atatkears j
1 and Middlesex. Ranter is sa.d to be I
la a serious condition, with a hallet ,
1 in his groin, close to his abOornen.
Huogir.s's injury IatsllaH Sf a slight
flesh wo ind
The shooting is und? ? .tood to h^-. ??
I been the result of so . i counter be?
tween Ranier and ChrtBttsa, wni-ii
:oyk place in II udgiiis'.s store, at
Blake s. Ranier. it la alieg-d. at- '
leapt*** to m ? - <?t Christian, i>ut liudu
mi' took MM n in away from h'm. ami
left MM store Within a few inn..
ut-? ? *hi istian is said to ha\.- obtained
90ea< :. "f Mm ;.istol and he rm
aft*r Raaler and shot hirn, the Hiki
I ball t.ikii.K effect, in the s urie u
: take the gun a way fr-mi Cartel tat af
tei i .? had shot Hanler. Ilioiglns re
I celTed m K-sli ?ound.
Im martlet el] after the iiaoaMaa
| Christian, it Is asserted. ?! .?appeared
! from t e eeeae, and bt baa not yet
returned to this neighborhood.
no waf I Ill
i n the case, hut some action la Lke'v
when II - known ?hat the result of
ISan.er s wound will be.
Knows Tatbiaa ad tffair.
[flperlal to The Tlaaao-Dlapnteh. 1
Newport Newt ... :?? en,her If.?
Mtorne; T J Christian, !.m?h?r of
the man charged wltb ehooting Hudg
.us and Ranler, claim* t ? ..a-.. heart!
nothing of the affair neither nas an ?
tntng heen heard here by oth-:s
Sew Y-<rk. December if.?Tbi
of i:*d Crone Christmas seals through.
ed 81 " teaaon wilj
bring between l4ff.<K>n atol *? ?
I ihe fiicht againsl tuber.
? ? . r . \ .
tier.- ta day frona all earei tb< United
. ? tb< Nation i. .. - - atioi i
, . .
, ila. fi teal!
. . t
among ]..?>/.(,. agents
? ; a I .. i r b) from I fM "" I to IS,
? _? . -_
^ You are trying to decide
what to give your relatives
and friends for Christmas,
tJYou want something that will
keep you in their minds every day
in the year.
^Something that never grows old?
that's always new and never wears
fJSomething that interests, amuses
and instructs; and, best of all, some?
thing that every educated person
wants and needs every day.
tJWhere can you find such a
Christmas gift ?
fJThe answer is?a daily news?
paper; which means a year s sub?
scription to
Call Circulation Manager, Monroe I.

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