New York Stock Market NV? York. December II -Thcr? was an unmistakable i ui|?r.?v < im lit to-da\ n: t..i t. -1 tli. >loik ina'kit. Att.i a bu< f |>. ri?.il nt un>? ttl.-nn nt ? >ti tats Herrlasan v',., ?- P.,.t:i I'iiIoii 1'acltU and South? ern Paciflc were weak nt tne opening. L'nioh Pacl?c sold al lea, a loss of two palnta, and Southern Pacific at 104 1-" , ,\. . point "t the r. " cnt decline end , :i-i,.s.- ov< uighi al oae ami oae-foartaI points. ,-:??! in the rise, which reached one to fOUl points among a number of im porta t laaaea ITaloa l*acHk raaa nearl: four point* from its early low quotations and the copper ulia'.-s. st- i and Amerleaa Tobacco develop** I . i strength Alttmutrh there was Intl. . I.ami- in tli- local momy market. bank< ?> an aawllllng to re i, funds, in vi. w of Ifta n quire nenti -f th? year-end period. Bonds Irregular. rnited state? bands sa? cke need on call. New York. December Ik?Money or. i all easier. 4 | 4 1-2 per cent, rilling rake, I l-C: closing. 4. offered. 4 1-1. Time loans easier. s)xty and ninety days. I I-r cent: six months. .*. 1--' Clcae: Prime mercantile paper. 6 per cent. Stelling exchange easier, with actual business In bankers' I,ills at gl.gllt and Slaty-?lay hills at 14.8538 for demand. Commercial Mils. |4 M '-4 jiar -ii\.r. I 1-4. Maxicaa dollars. 4!) l-l. government bonds steady. Bai!road !><>n It Irregular. Kit n>K>M> STOCK MARKET. By Richard W Maviry. t. I sad H'.nd Broker, Ml K. Main Street Iti. hniond. Va . Uecerr.W Ig Mil PAUCfl AT BOAMDl \ rglala Railway aad Power Co. ptd ? M i:,. .i'lioial Trust and Savings r.v-lft at l.v. .-' IT! BECURITUt* Bid. Asked | Vlrgiaia la i?:d. G and K , MB.. Kim ? V. Ceatarioa C and B-. Ifcrt. W:? I RAILROAD BOMM A C. L R It- c'ou. Tr. I p c... 95 i- aad O. Oea'l 31. 4'??. IMC. Ml Oeorgta. Pen and Fla., im;. km 0 ! gia and Ala. Coo. ?s. IMt..? in* Bsaleard Air Line is. 1*J>. at b- i?- -i Railway if: Is, tm. Iii ... | ?Afwstrrs N. C i?t ??. c. L?14.Ml STREET RT. .-TUCKS Par. Va. Ky sad Power Co. pfd... .100 ?S !?? i Va. n> sad Pesrei Cw. esm_luv SR? n \ RAILROAD BTOCK& Par. Atlaatk <" a*t Line com.WIM ... [ ?' istsptska at.d ouio.iuo T> ... ! Norfolk :d Western eea.poll. ... I Mm f. and P. Dtv, oblig.Ml Ml Ml I ? . ird Air Line ptd.M ?.". ... j Bei ...r.l Alt !.:r.e com.tftr 1? ... j Beat hers Railway JS .- ... I >? ithera ITsl'sssy eeea.Ml Eh ... I BANK aJiO Ti:L-T CO. STOCKS. American Xatiwnal.Ml Ml -j? I I rkreet. . Lf. g. hrt-k ?: Oommerci and Trusts.ha? IX ? ... Rational Bank.100 140 ... | ? ? sere th Bank .bM tkm% ... M tnti National..-.MS Ml ... | M ' ales Sad Mer. haut?.'.?. .??, ... , > ? :.a. State ai.d C.:y ljank Ml i Tr :r- aud Save Co .1?'i>. frr. ?? inra Bank .?, 11 "i ?? m n n 41 -jt?, M u\% :>f n ?tt :i--? K !?* 1*> 19? lit* IK-* 117*4 13?*? Uf% n'? IHM j S?le?. Stock. Alln-f halnif r.?. IS paid AJll -Dial . ptd . 14 paid ... 'tlWt SaialSSinstlid fopper ... 7I'4 "3"? Am.r. Agri. fhem., coin. . ? ???Auer Hei Sugar, , um . *-\ ??" Tilt hainrtcan Can . -T-4 We I..*" Am? ri< an ?'?' Am.-. Malt i it. [iM. . !".? tftVK ' American lanHlal . Ml Ainei >i aii StuifT. com. 1*> Ml Am. l ican Sugar . ll^'i Ml Am r Tel. and Tel. iV . Ml I Ml Ann r cul ... , om. ?-'71 Ml HI Ml i'?<' Amet ii an Tol.areo. pfd . 10?T? MCT? l"'-':? 1"." ?4sM \n.i. i nda fopper . ?'"'? :-*'S. eftt ?'?x'? *ttt ::.?*?? iVtcaiaon . Mttt **?*4 Ml l'"-*? !?> H. till, hem Steel Co.. com X 3-e* ?'?i'.i HU Bethlehem st?. I Ca., pfd ?4 t-Vt ?4 <4 ?7 -?-?i British-A mer. Tob. i'o... MHj * -":? MM 2?'? Ml Hi oklvn RaaM Transit. ? ft*M ? ??? Mi UM Central le ath.-r. com ... it*? Mit SB? ? -""?'.t CM* Canadian PaeiSc . Ml SM MShJ BTtt 99% R,7W> California Petroleum _ ?" tft\ f' 1.00? Chesapeake and Ohl?.... 77'j ?>'? litt B W, MO Chicngo t'reat Western. IT IT IT 17 IT^ 30? Chi. Qreal West., pfd ... :31 3t>S ;:i M 1,900 Chi., Mil and St. Patt*... 111 IM "1 111", IM ?S Crucible Steal Cor., com. it>'t MH K'4 it>;4 M% 1.melde Steel.'pfd. 93 !? !? IC"? 98'a SSO Colarade Fuel and Iron. MM '"- 33'x 31 Colorado aas] southern. ... ... a: 3t Ks) Conaolidated Oaa . is?-? i? HS? IM IMtt MW Corn Producta, '-om. Mtt i::*4 13'? MM M* Inn. .-nid Rio Qran., com. ... ... ... Sf? -l e.v?. Erl- . 30-4 51-4 ?'s Mi ?% 1-'h H* If! 1,300 lnteil.oro-Met.. 171? !T^a 1T^4 litt 1W4 f;'.j i Laaisrh Valley . MMt i'"'t LlgTatetl and Myers, com ... Idggctt and Myers, pfd. ... 3M l.orlllai d Tobac. ... com :i?> JOu l.ortllar?! T.iba. Co, pfd. ... Iaiw. 47', MM bMK HSti MH ? MM 41 \ 1J1 6f. MS}| :tl?, i MVj (MH l?tt 'in '?? 34 .11 MStt MSi >4\ tana MM Ml. r." l?7?t M% iistt IMM mtt MSAi l"4'j Mtt r.4^4 1"9', 19.. iu l?'a til. Ott is lf.'4 (Mtt 110H IStHs n% j3 I? M' laouisvltle and Nashville l;*9 V&\ iw 1 M. v can I'etrolcum . ?' ?>n Miami ?'opper . Mtt i'o.M... K.t'n. and Texaa ... Mtt " Missouri 1-ucMc . 41 tv.? NatloaaJ Btaeadl . ij.' j Ml National la-ad . H \. m York Centra]. lie. i " N v . <>nt and tVestera :tis? tt?> Norfolk and Meat em... USfsj I M N irtaera Pacific . iit.??. Pari Sc Mail . I.SM PeiinayHrania ., Ml Ml i'coi la'a t;a? . in r. >'. C and St. 1., com ... S.TH PlttabarsTh foal. caaa... hi Ml Preased steel Far. .ti?4 JC'i tty. St.-cl Siiring. com... MM 71.7'.' Iteaittng . 1>V^4 IM Republic Iron and Steel 24*4 sM Repohtic I. and S.. pfd.. M?t 1 :??' l:.., k Island . M !?? ? ....ird Air Line. pfd. ... Si. loins-South., com. SIo: .- -Sheffield .x. a Ml Southern I'Hcltlo . Matt 1.x. Southern Hallway. ITTij SS Sollt BS I'll Kall? ay. pfd. T1.??* Standard oil . t. \:us Pad Ac . 4\:*?> Union Paciflc . irdi? 15? F. S. fast I Fipe. com. ... United Cigar stores. MSK Ml MM! United States .. .r.'s Ml 72.209 L'nlted states Steel. Mit M 3SS United States st.-. l. pfd !??'. MP ."?'. Vi.-i'ar. fhemical . 43 4.: Va.-Car. Chemical, pfd. Va. Ry. and Power, earn ??? Vit. K\ ami Power, pfd. ... Ml W ii.asn . 4 4 Wahash. pfd. Ml Westen. Union . 7:5=4 7? TStt We\.-Biu. To i'ii., com ... ... ... Ml Total sales for day. 4MJM shares. Total sales for week (four dars), t.lM Ml sliarcs. v.. 4 I ', lisi }(XH> IT'i nj M , 1 c"? 4:: 114'? U ^4 X. h.7 M Mtt M MM i SM sate*: st.x-k. MUM bal**! export to Great Britain, 7.TM va *?; to the Cor.tinest. ?..r.-t. CpaMwtoe. ",l*> baie?. Total to-day at Sil ports-Net receipts. bag el export to Ureat Britain. aua! balaa t.. Prance. bal**; la the Oonti nent K,7K balaa; stock. LHUM Ua>?. .Consolidated ?: :.'! ports?Net receipts. MSt> ks. lar?e. voung. lb. '1 14 j DuckA Mil!', young, lb? n tX% | Turkey s, lb . %t 17 I DRK-sFD POULTRY, liest! sr.d feet Off.) I ;rk. ?-. :t>. IT ? 1? ! : .tioLe. 12 a 14 1 . k-r.s. lb. 1? ?? 1? j !?i ks . 1? ? IT j ?'???sr. lb . . . I* L-s OAMB. Rsrbblts . M ? JO rice-r-rate*. 1:: < rates, nearby, 'r?/?h. dor . 9 X .... other stttlsai dos. ty M , . strs dot . m 11 Bt'TTF.R *r"-?h. :b. 49 * Hen baate*, .air. a. . 4p a 1 UVM STo. K V. a s. .hohe to fane, lb. ? : Veal*, p' or !?? fair. Id. 7 ? %% ? ? ?. 1 ska, rassasra. lb. 1 u * \ Sheep, lb. MM 4!?' Usibs sprtag, ib . ? g 7 I . ?'. 'air to prime, .b. 2 % -'i Hags ?. fjfcg s=. COCNTRY rfp.ETi BACON . ... mssfeei, sm*:\ a, ? I :i ?r. well smok-d. 'arg-. !">. 1? g 1? ..V ?r*ll smoked, lb. 12 W 14 . ;. - Well s:r. >k*a\ lb- !J 9 14 innf3 I>r\ flu??, lb. -? '; .. ? damaged, ib. t >i a ? SEM lOU I Itom ( t Mtlikl 1 S York. PlllSSkll M r..u: u ??? I ' ..i- Irregular; No . r. . j. i i< MRMJNM HUn MtKKl.i g 1 ? Hit t< ?. Idgjagji sjajaauj , I v . 4? Ii 49?? 49", i?.-. . sr. S. M?\ . Mi 3.? : ? ju:V . Mi Ml Mi Mi Ml->s PORK?Per bt>! ja?.i7 v. n?n it :g it.; May .IS m 1" ? 1S-42 M.B LARD?4Per 100 !!?? I>ec .io re MM 1*00 1"'C jjn .HS?* ?9* ?.n? Ml .May .SM SM Ml SHORT MBS?*H Ml IS* .Ina. . SM 9 73 9?; ?70 May . 9.7M 9 7i *.70 ?7: Cash wheat eioeed. No. J red. $!.09s11'); N<>. 1 hard. t7tt#Sl*-i No. 1 northern. B*?#) Me ; NV northern. .?7 Vi s*>- Oaae? No. 1 ?rillte, r.?ri.".j<" : standard, 34 ^ 34' -e. Baltimore. Md.. December M?Wheel? >-.ady at IHl'j. Torn-Easier at Mb Outs ? Meetly; standard white. "*?ti3V. _ Kye? Du '. No. ^ western. domestic, BajTMe, uk bmobm bay markkt. ItKhinoncl. Va., Dftimtjer 1?. UU I'. A.nif are the quotations on the Rich m. n.i Hay Esrhanre: Car lots? Xe 1 Timothy. 0 190? Standard . Iv?l0 n.. . Timothy. if 17 ?o No c Timothj. ll.ue | V:>v Light Ploi-er. mixed. in UVfJ Be. t mover, mixed. '1 17 uO No J Clover, mixed. 13 00 ? ILM Nu. 1 Over. rt 17.?9 No. z t'iover. Nominal HAT?samp> . Nominal I STRAW- .i'orn pressed . | SM Loose-pressed. isree bates.. . "o ilm niHTmrs nssnpi eeaed .1100 P mi I. -pr'WiJ. large bates., 'u Il.ts? Load your cars so that hay at doors rap n nrs eOatoaM anil tSnaf avoid rejection*. market grades hay ;n accordance aitfa th-r Nariona: Hay Association. CATTLE MABKBT& RICHMOND :*I\"E ST4XBC kfARKMT. I gales at T"nion Steck Tarda* Itkhmond, Va., Litccmber l.\ MIS, Report of th.- live ?t<-ck market tor the a eel eal taa P.-.mber 1C. 1912: H ??? steers. 7 t%b?ii remaon to fair, S'iitl. . best io?s. t-..i , medium to paed. ' iu*4-.-'- coasmooj *air. ; best o.'.-n. :',??;?,?? ; me- ' r :o gaeS. 4', it\ common to tair , bn::?. 4*aaM*4c.; be?t ralrea IS - ^ '?S" :o ^o"d. <'ii?0?O p< r h?-ad B?sr easy hog-. 7.9?; aght hogs. 7w7??c . shoat a-.d p!;s. 5*r 7'". . aiv. s '.i y 7. H is?Market genera;: hiijiwr. Hulk.. . e* 17.? fsaeea?Market nio?-:-. MC , inker a- MSSMS.M fcsaeks, M M#l hi Ne? v.irk. Deeeasher i? ?Beeves?n\, naAV las. '"aiies--Vests steady; Sar:.>.ir,i ra res cjutet: ??stein? easier Wals. | i JO; j' ?! : ??. barn>ard rjii?j. si?? : ??.7*S7t?> .-a. e|? and Limte-! ealet but Headj; 'am >s higher j - P tewea), i:?!.-.: en at, $. ; ??. ti. ' ' !? ?as.Se; enlta ? h.,?*.- \ *< idy _at ?7..i-^T>* ?eieh-s. pigs, i MSSCELLANSTOI'S SMSODsTS. r:it | \\.x rmjj: t. Va . De..--uI.. r H PA .i Its Market .im.Ii . ..rru> ?? epanis'i.! *? ? ? !?? ? . jot... ?s..ini.?h. ?I .? j. bus et. \.. 1 shelled. SS .il-... 7nT... per; ptsead; Jte . MkMksS, Paiaaeaa. i',c pet ? 1 niglaaae Meieoi srai ? sat M l>V pound, tar-y hsn.i,... .t j?r pre e\rra P' Irn.. 3',.. p?r pound. j pi fail r pound rneehft .? "i .< t \ pet poaadi .?h^,? Mark, .* ic. j>-i . pour,.I. I DKT BOOMS STARBST I New |*Ork, | M -T!.e ...i-..n so.Je' \t ataa. n C Measj i ? In? sreaa? ?? ??k? SjoaSi Bat .? !? Ml I Finn at S?'?c : sale* 2*1 cask*; receipt* R> cask*; shipments . I Special to Tag Times-Dispatch J Heeat Tille, Va.. December 19.?In? teresting exercises were held in the htaTh school her.- i. Bw^srnsake. ol Surry: Al . rf Hill, assistant BBporln leadkVnt of the Kichmond city sehssl*. aad] -I H Bmford of the Ca Opuntie* AeOOtlatioa of Virginia Re. ?idea tin- adktrenaen delivered by tkeat visitors. there were well-rendered .-onus, drills and recitations by ISM children of the sc? .. s ?, was tke delivery, by Sitper !? :it Kdwardsh of the prizes area* ,t the ensrnty scknni fair by tke pnplla of the Ho:n. rftkt Hitth S. hool The] ? upiis winning tkeae prtaed were !**l-| ? i. f.ihb. [Parts and Clifford Parsons. PardU a MfdhasSSgr. Tim Sax-edge. Nannie rHrsksoeag. Mai sip FarVi, Mamie Yam* i.i. N.llie Bl.i. Merman Head,. 4nueeS e.ive.lge and Philip Blood. The Honievill. School Ix-agm. Mis :? ? - if B!.i prnsaaVaC, ;s m a ?Mat fto-trtshlnT condition, while the I.??ispatch Bureau, .". Bollltigbrook Street. 1185. I'.-tcrsburg. x'a . Decemlirr 19. OtM Neal. the negro '?t alas. Two other negroes were convicted in .'luwiddlc ?Circuit Court yesterday? ana of them. Jackson Canaries, for un snarfkfj shooting and sentenced on the .-"ads f ?r IWetri months, and the other, Thomas Clayton, for larceny, and sent on the roads for six months. Bank Dividende. The board of directors of the Peters ffears. Saving?! and I?fin Coeapaaj lias declared a dividend of 4 *-i per Cent on the capital sto. k dr tin i|ii ir tee ending Pecamher IL The other ? ?auks of the city will announce hand . some dividends later. The year has j Been a jirnarj>erous one for the hanks. t.eneral Xewa Notes. Tiie public and private schools of the city .lose this week for thet'hiist mas ; .Inlays, not reopening until Jan nary 3. Paaaatfl anal tobacco have been me hod In large quantities to market this week, ?and the warehouses and atorea >if aealera have been sc. n?g of ?treat business activity. The lieccmber term of the Hustings ? 'ourt was opened to-day. but very little business was Iranoartsd ah . .iseS on the criminal Socket were con? tinued until the January teriTi Dur? ing th? rush of the holiday trade the c iurt is not disposed to take men for jury service from their business. A r.umber of the Petersburg adtnir- j ers of trie sreat Commoner, went over to Richmond this evening to hear Mr.] Bryan's speech. I*. K. Woodward, of Re< lortowr. Fattcjuler County, a mem! er of c tlanel Moshv's fatno'is command, is in the city to spend some time. Farmers' unions have been organized in three of the five districts in PrtaV ? George County, and organizations are to he formed In the other two. They win join with ti.e State in working for the advancement of the interests of the farmers. Notice Change et Schedule of tke Tidewater aad Meartera Hallruad. T*iian iiji.i train running between Farrnvllle and Moaeley. connecting with Southern Railway, to and from Richmond, will be dleoentlnu ed arw i << oxnber 81. MM. Beninning January 1. 1 ?13. mixed trains will be run between Farmvllle and Moee.ley. dally ex.. opt ."hindiy. con? necting with Southern Railway at .Moscley. on the following schedule' Leave Karmville T OO A. M. arrive at Mose.l?y. 11:11 A. M arrive at Richmond . via Southern Railway), . M P at l^eave p.-^hmond ivii Southern Ra:l aray). II 4." a at; leave Moeeley t*** TMewater arid Weatern Railroadi. HI P M arrive Parmvllle. 6:25 P. M. V B tiRIGG. General Passenger AgeaS, < Advertisement., iS.dtIrodDB EicMond.FreilenclBli,? & Potomac R.R. TO MMO FROM WASHING TOM AMD BiYOMD. I^eave Richmond ( Arrive Richmond ?' I a. Byre St. Sta ?L40A.B. Bain Si. sta. ?VOU A.?. lala st. ha **.40A.I. Byre" SuSle. ?I0.1SA.M. Brri St. Ma. ' I _."l anon Rjrd St. Ma. 't.OOP.B.Bjrd St. Sta. ?3.?.. P.a. Bjrl SI. Sta. (4.14 P k Mbe h tat loo. ?S.16 P.M. Bale St- sta. ?s.rO P M. Btr4 M. Hta ?7.50 11 Bjr.St.sla. I 1 A.B. Llbsgialloa. ?11.:.? A.B. Hjr* SUM*. ? P.l. Bain si. hl?. ?LAO P.a. B;r? St. Sta. ??.'aj P.M. BjraSt.Sta. ?7.S0 P.B. Bjr4st.SU tt.OO P I Brrd st.Sta. 11.17 P.a. Maust. Hta. li.^inlrht HM alestBala St. Sta. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS - WEEKDAYS. Leere B/ri SL Sta. 4.00 P. a for Prederlekakar?. l-eare ?ha Hta. IM A. B..?J*> P. B. far Aahloed Arrlr* Byrl St. Sta. i.Ji. rress Frederltkah'e. ArrtTetlbaSta.?JO A B .t.4t P.B fr?? Atklaal. ?Daily. 'Weekdays. ?Sundays aaly. All traias to or from Byrd Street Station step at Elba. Time of arrivals aad depart a raa Bot (ttaraateed. Read the etgae. Atlantic Coast Line i he " lr u.l .. the Seatk. EFFECTIVE OCT ?, ir.t TRAINS LAVAVt. RICtfSfOlTO U.MLT. | For P irlda as J lie a m. aad t m : on a . a For .Noriolk ?a m. 3d P m . i ll P M For n d w. Ry W?at Sdi \. m.. ? m a. at : as r X . * ? P u. Kor rauiakasB: ? I m . ? m k: at . : x v u . ; t ;? at. Pi i I, a> o nod Fa>rttevllle: '4M P M. . ahM arrive KKbraond 4a! j t a> A ?. I at a M. atdl a. at.. n.JT a. at., ?ne at a. s; 11 ?? a. at . mm P e?. "1 40 P. BL, ? M r m I* 9. aVj ?3? P. M ? ? r. at . :i.? p a r'at ?*P':nda> oa.y. Time o' arriva and departure aad co? nt ? ? ' ? jaranteed. I C. to. campbell. D. ?* a . Richmond & PtMersbarg E!ec?nc Railwa; cara .ran ataai bester, srvro'.k aad . trr, ? . a. - i ? rrsbarg. i ; n. m. i. ?u a a., l L *t> a s ? ^. * is P- M ? It a* P. at- it Chester, lie* m.datgbt let ? a ? .? ?? r foot ef Sycamara s(r. .i. 'or atanrheatec: -. ; ... ??: I ? ?I? II. eaaam II? a m i: ? *. a. a av. * a. Ma. tis, I a. ??. > a. Ma urn r. at t- ? a ?ni ro idara ? ?ii. i BOgaaas end ?xoresa ~LJrni" ?_ , ? a mead aad Breed | ??*** t. a a. mh t \ M " ?? to a N , 11 a a. M a r as 'Ml al.i^P M MstP BL. (Ji r at Bits P a twi aV te-M p. a. M ;? I l.d > t^ari aehiessL Ca? Maa end Baal a. A AL. ? A .a .??? ?. a?a)a m ieaaa ?.-u?t a at *m at . **t a> P a . tk P LI* a. at ? ?? p a . a. a? ? a ? et p If.. r I imf m a** P. au UrOJ P M. ?Dam eaceat r?Mn?er "?? ?*t eela a\ ? -a ??S*e>a. financial financial Little Things count as much in hanking as in other lines of commercial activity. Our officers and well-trained clerical force give close attention to every detail of our business. Capital and Surplus $3,000,000 First National Bank, Ninth and Main. A BANK with the reputation and prestige such as that enjoyed by Richmond's Strictly Commercial Bank obviously must render services of an exceptional charac? ter. May we not explain to you the advantages of an ac? count with thi? .-trong in-titution.** We solicit Commer? cial, Personal, Checking and havings Accounts. *> per cent, compounded semi-annuully, paid on savings accounts. Planters National Bank of Richmond, Virginia. Capital . $300,000.00 Surplus and Profits._.$1,400,000.00 I Always Feel Welcome: AT The Bank of Commerce & Trusts Said one of our lady depositors. She is al w ay s wel? come; so are you. We believe in receiving our pa? trons courteously. You will never find tis too busy to attend promptly and politely to your wishes. What is more, at this bank we do not expect every woman to understand all about the little techni? calities of business. Why should she? It is our place to explain, to suggest, to facilitate. It is our pleasure as well. Ladies, you are welcome: Give us your business here. We will give you in return Politeness, Promptness, Protection. Incorporated 1832. VIRGINIA FIRE & MARINE l^HrUalK COMPANY OF RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. Eightieth Aaaaal Stateaeat. Jaanarr 1* 1*12., .?.-. ai.eii.ais a* Net larpala. aoe.e3i.a* Saralaa te Petley-heMere. t?S?,*31 M TVM H PAI.J.ER. Pre.ldeat E B ADDISON. Vice- Preatderit ?tV h McCAP.THT. Secretary. OSCAR D pitts. Treasurer. BaUroaDe Chesapeake & Ohio Railway ? :?f A.? Local?Daily*?Newport Mat ?.U A Lc a rajitj ' QU .? t!l ?.10. Thurmoed ??? A Kxprraa-DaJ.y-Nor.'o k. Old Fatal t!? g? A-Lo al-Dal >-Lchbt-. La? . t_ y rt ?L?0 Xwaa i:spn?< Da lij - Nor'->:a. Old Ft *. I Expreaa-D?i:y?Od.. i. rill? t* W P Expr*a*-Dai:y-Norf?:a\ H, N.w? ?:?? r.*:-Dat:> ? N. NVw% old Poiai < < F. L?. a - Ki. sun ? OordoaaviiM. p ? Lota:-Ex. Sun -Ljrn< bbur,. ?? ?0 p-Limlte?-D?::>-Cinclo\i Cntcacx. ?11.00 P.?Exprca? -IM ) -Clricinnaf!. ?.'Villa. ?Sleapara. .Parlor car*. TRAINS ARP.IVK RI< HXO*n-T.oeai from ??at: a ii A. X . 7 at P. X Tbroatrb 'r?m : aal II* A a . : a P ? ?50 P. at Loca: Wut 1.9 A. X. A at . and . A P M Thro.ah. IM A. M. 11 a a at M . > P X. !.m?a Rtvef Lire "f X A X., T it P M ? Dal ? eirtp: SugrltT SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIE!'. ? ARLIER ur THE fOlTa Train* Lra%? Richmond v R t ; oarlap ach^da:* Rcurae awhOaa- ' ?6 aa l-.torroation and aot guaranteed. Par Sr. ;-.-. Da; > C 14 A. M. Loea: L ?i A X Express. ? :?? P X Eiintx ?Ith taactflc ich??d S erpinc (in lor At-. i?n:a and H.-minaharo attt r. 54 Exprcaa ! tt ?'.. Da .. .- v> r X t^ocat T RK RIVKM LINE. 4M P. X.?Daily? il Polat. ?:? A, X dally. 11 M A. M-, Mo?. TS ?4 and fri . ffi P ? Ec Saa. a C Rt'ROE?s-. DPA. aar E. Mala St Fbora tt. - , Norfolk & Western Railway omlt ALL ft AIL LINE T? ? norfolk. I >?p'.ml?: 5* iKl L??w E>rd str-?; Ptati.n, Rl hn ind. FOR VORFOLK: ?fa* A. M.. *? ?? P. M . ??:? P at kop. I.TvrtfRt-rrj ?MP THE WF.aT 111 a hi ?? * x> . t m r at. ?? at p m Ar::?? Richmond frota *inr'? k *.l *> A X ?tMPX.'IXPM. Frata ' r> Weal. ? ?? a> A X . aJ .? F. M . bl:?a P M . ?* BJ p. y ? ? ?, i X ?Dali> aDary ?? *?oaar- b??nd?r aaiy W W RrTv n .1. Pa?a Traf X? V? * ttu a? a r Commonwealth Bank Your account is welcomed, be it large or ??m.dl. Manchester National Bank Om of our Home Savings Banks will help you to ^ve money. San Francisco i ???MIMM toi r iompuv >ff r.-tn.iaaa Intrraaftnnal I ?eooltlon M tmr Itwllar ??.? Itollar Plan. CMta now Irftnc fr.rm"?t for Itl*. Writ'- or <-all lor program. I, ||. mow msn. i.rtfrnl ?erat. m Ea*t Main .*tr*?): .hn ond. Va. Winter Trips "By Sea" NORM I K TO tn?ro> ?M> PK???li?E\fK. Jt:??m<-r? Vir'?:? to Boat on dai:y. ?*<-*pt Truredey. t? Pr'.;d??r?. 'Monday. T?jra? day and !?atur*aj. * P. ? 'Frraht oaly. Through tl-h'ia ?a ?a!? ta p'.n<-.t.? polaia. Pia? *t?an>?r?. 'cr?i f?l arme?, tew rar*?. W.r?i?*a ttieerar*' f*nd fer bo?h'?t Ap?y C 4 O Ry . r: * W My, 9. M. Roo-man. So Tai e. Main f?r?*i. ar* Rlre aaooJ Trmmm'rr t oatpar.y N-> J?* C Mala at. L? Rlrnaaond fact ?f Aeh *H- daly ? Of P M. Maaaea \??aon Meere.? e* a ? ArrtT, Norfolk.IN*. K toBB'cta wlik ataia Mar t-.a-r.-. >a*U? Xoro,h n?? Tora ?ai:y. ?i??et ^a4ap. :.*? P ? l i?"'l?i a.e? ie*l by M. ?j W Ry. j P M aad 0 A o Ry II I P ft Ki?ht IIa? ???"!"? etot> at r arvaaoat to land or r?<*i?' a?e??n?.r? oa ?i?na.. am enu W an?i by *?"'>'' - *IR<.jx|? x??l< It. Norf? a eed O l P ai. James Rl'?r I? Mortar, e. ?4eoe4ey sad Frida? at ? ? a. Ml < ? ? -'--?? ki?.r The Confederate Museum TWELFTH A*r> CT?* T RTKEET? Qpea ? A. M to i V M. tdmieeie**. :ie. Free at aYataramp?,