OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, December 20, 1912, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1912-12-20/ed-1/seq-5/

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The Prettiest and Best Handerchiefs Here
For Xmas Giving
Nothing can bo more charming or In better taste than pretty hand?
Thousands of them her.- to c -house fiom for men. women and chll
dren In suede leather initial eases, others in fancy Xmas boxes; in
hand embroidered and initial handkerchiefs: all of pure linen of the
linest needlework, at prices less thai; rag pay for similar quality else?
Hand Kmbroideted Sun Spun Pure l,inen Handkerchiefs, embroid?
ered in colors and elalMiratc floral p.itlerns, 23e each.
Alpine and Cottage Hand Kmbroldered Linen ||andken hlefs: three
attractive handkerchief* 10 fancy box, fl.00 box.
Women's Initial Hand Lmbrolder. d Irish Lin-n Handkerchiefs; In
?IIa I embroidered, in dainty stores patterns. Box of K for $ I .no.
Men's Irish Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, with Old Kngllsh. Bio. k
and MteHOa initial; narrow hemstlt ciietl edge. Hpecial. fl..'iO. I?>\ of ?.
Shamrock Lis n ami Irish Linen Handkerchief*, a ,tli ??mbroid. | ,|
corners and Swiss eml>roidered holders. Sp.M.il gl Ik- each
Women's lr.sh i.ineii Initial Handkerchiefs- three different embroid?
ered initial? to fancy Xmas box 50-, l?.x of ::.
individuals' Handker. hiefs boxed for Xmas giving.
Social and
Mr. and Mrs. ilerberl Auit ustit.
' 'laiborne will arrlv?- In l.l< hmono t<
day to spend the holidays with QfB
eral anal Mi* William Buff in CStaVt, a
?<?;< Went Grace Street Mm ?'h"
home was formerly Mis* BnaBO
l.uid.-ey, daughter of Mi. and Mrs K.
Hughe* Ijudsry. anil her wldUing t<
Mr <*laihorne was? a fashionable even
of this mouth. They have he.-n spend*
Ina; these honeymoon at the Poxe pla'<
tatlon in North Carolina, ami will
later sail for Panama, where iti-y will
make their home for Iba Best several
vears. I>r and Mrs. John Woolfolk
Huike of Washington are now in
Ki.-hmond. where they are visiting th ?
latter's parents. M; ami MM Thorn-is
Atkinson, on West Franklin Htrm I
Or. and Mrs Bui ke have but recently
returned from theh wedding trip al I
aZPect to spend the CbristBHU s-asun
In this city.
Leave for irfsliis.
Mrs. William L, Ko>?.H. Whs ha?
t.Kfn in New vork CttJT visiting friends
for the past month will go to Trenton,
N. f . this w.-ek to sie nd the i.olida**
with Mr and Mrs B.k.-i '5 Hamill jt
---?.? '
Dunlop Flour
It Makes Everything
Is Hifhnonn.V,
Flouers of
The right remem?
brance to express
your thoughtfulness
and good taste.
A great variety of
cholre flowering
plants, tastefully ar?
ranged for Chrfstasas
gtving?now on dis
plav. Visit our store'
IO0 BaaS Hrosd.
T -l. t>hone Mad.
Kid Bedroom Ssspgapra, al sTA ?
shades; special, the pair. ?JUC
N. W. Corner Third and Broad.
.4* age PfttfjfeT&J
Use Pratt s Astraal Oil for
N. Kline & Son, Inc.
620 Fust Broad.
Mil Kawt Mraed afreet.
Special displays of new fall stylee la
Women's Apparel
- ..
Hopkins Furniture Co.
7 West Broad St
Cash or Credit.
MILLINERY Women \ and
Miaees Outer Apf-axeL
their ll'JtaV' "I 'ha' place Miss Kn.i..
Royall I? visiting M'.-x Caroline Pie
ton here for a few day* before Join?
ing her mother in Trenton, and Ml*-;
Anne Royall, who in alsa the gBOM of
friend* in ftfehinond. will a< company
bereister to Tienton. Miss Anne It,,v all
Will later go to Pau'iuh-r Coaaty,
where slie will spend the lemainder
..f the winter wl?h relativer.
lr< her??oilbralth.
The marriage of Mi ax Mary Bowie*.
Qalbralth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Joseph Wiley ?laibra-lth. of Baltinioie.
and Archibald Walthall Archer, son of
the late Archibald Archer. of New
York, took place Wednesday at 11
o'clock at the First Presbyterian
Church. In Baltimore. The ceremony
was performed In the r?re*?n<e of a1
large and fashionable assemblage by
the Rev. Alfr. d II Barr, D l>
Th< c hati'el ? j. hanked with palm'
aid a special musical program wax
heaid during the seating of the guests
The usher- were Charles tt Nichols..
Jr.. lueius k llssii, Hhirhorn? Pres
cott and James B. W. Archer, all of
New V ork. William H Ilde I SO a. of Ro?
land Park, and Beajaceta Ashton. at
Bedford. Pa., erers i?ages and wore
Kton suits with boutonnalres of gar-!
ilenlai. i
guss Klizdb-th Dloyd Lowndes. of
Cumberland, wax the maid of honor
She wore a gown of pink satin bro?
cade, combined with < harmeuse, and
trimni'd with bauds of brown fur, and
carried a bouquOt of pink roses.
Tie bride entered the church with
her fathei. by whom she was given
away at the chancel, where sh- was
met by the bridegroom, attended bv
his ben man, Aubrey B Vibb-rt. of.
New fork. She wore a gown of white
satin trimmed with duchess and point
lace ami a tulle veil with a point lace,
border. Ifer bouquet was of lilies of]
the valley and white orchids.
A breakfast followed at the apart
ment of Mr. and Mr? ?lalbraith. at the
I'n-stun, after which Mr. and Mrs.
Archer left for a wedding journey o I
their return they will live at U Fast
Seventh-seventh Street. New York.
Mr. Archer is a lousln or William A. |
Aieher. of this city, and formerly made
his home in Richmond, where h? Haa a
great many friends and relatives,
lisaaarmeat tnaouared.
Mr and Mrs. Richard Paters, of 1101 I
spruce street. Philadelphia, aanoaacs
the engagement of their daughter
Mi-s Hope S-.n>ngiiam Peters, to C
Ashby Henry, son of Major and Mix.
I.obert Raudolpii Henry, of Virginia 1
Miss I'eters wax introduced a couple of
.-?.i-''.- Slie i> J ms'.e; ,-f MlSS
Fdlth Peters.
Tl.e announcement is of much in?
terest ? to society ' here. where the
groom-elect is widely and promir.-r.tI-.
i.rrinan To-Mabt*
Tie- event of most interest to the
younger members of society here for
this evening will 1? the opening ShUSC
of the Bachelors' Cotillion Club. w.
takes pesos to-night at % o'clock. N
the new- ballroom of the Richmond
Motel. Th-- dance wilj oe a very elab
erate affair and a greut many out-of
towr. guests w-iil b- present. Patron-1
esses for the dance this evening
Mrs JL '"artcr Scott. Mrs. K. Aub.cy.
Young. Mrs Fred Pleasant* and Mrs.
Henry Igindon Cabell. a circular lei-j
ter lias b--en issued hy the b -ard of
governors of the club to aril member*.'
stating that the turkey trot and other
such dances will not be allowed at the,
Bachelors' Cotillion Club These
danc.s have received the ban of all
the most exclusive dancing parties of
fashionable society in Richmond, and
the fact that one dances them plac s
the dancer In an enviable position at ,
such places where the edict has gme :
?jo: agains: them.
Marrlagr \naoasred.
Mrs lames R.-?: f \\ ...
has announced the marriage of her
daughter. l?akota. to Stua.t Klleit
Br 'wn. of this city The eeremon>
took plac- on Wednesday. I?eeemb-.*r
IK. Mr ami Mrs Brown are now on>
an extended wedding trip, and w.'l
make their home at the Raleigh
*partTH-nts. o:i West Franklin Street ;
here after January 1. Mr. Brown is'
g son of Captain I "avid a Brown. Mi
l?f Istrresl Here.
Sa>> th Baltimore Sun of yester-1
Miss Mary Louise Franke, da ugh-j
ter of ?;eorge Franke, of ^i;i Mount!
Royal Terrace, was married yesterdav.
at noon to Harrison Rrent. son .,'
Hugh Br<nt. of Brenton. Fauquier
County. Va The ceremonv took place
at the home of the bride s brot her-tit-'
law and sister. Mr and Mrs Alfred W. |
? lleske. on Cdmond>on Avenue. Ctnr.x
ville. and wax performed by Rev. John
c. Bowers, pastor of Salrm Lutheran
Chiirrh, Catonsvllle
Owing to the illness of the bride's'
father, the reremony was a uulet one.'
and was witnessed by onl\ the im?
mediate families.
The bride ertered the pS'lnr with)
her brother-in-law. Mr dieske, by ;
whom she ass given in marriage Sh*
wore a Mile traveling gown. with
black furs and carried a shower bou?
quet of orchids and lilie. of i>e
vallev !>r. Hugh lirrnt. brother Ofi
the groom was hes? man.
A wedding breakfast followed tlM,
reremoat. after which Mr snd Mrs. j
Rrent |ef' for a Northern wedding
trip They will reside at tOe Xorth
Calvert Street."
lafsraisHy at Heese.
Miss Corlnne Samuels ha* as her
guests M:?sr. Hortense l>Ty. of <"hi.
gage. 111. and Rath Hlcklea of Phil?
adelphia Miss Samuels will will ho
at name informally on Bundav ever
Ina. neremhe? ?*, ia honor of her.
As Interesting event to take plac
this holiday season will he a h*
hrtstmas house partv at "Holl> HI
U 3am t"
3 jsat^JlaJsira.
from Occember 20 utiIU January 3,
and the guests that will attend arc
coming from all over the countr>
Tn-y will include It. v and Mr* I H
I I'.owi: Holly Mill Kann: Koqua I'oulh
, itt. Oklahoma. Betty K'-cfer. T.\as
Ortiude M. <;..?. South Oakota; Kllza
beth QM| Wisconsin; Orra Curtis
Howe. Holly HiN Faun. Amy McDea
ald, <'hit-ago: Frances Tidd. Ohio:
F.dgar liowe. Holly Hill Farm; Mary
I ?Take. Chlrago; Dorothy I.ungford.
rtatdak; Hertha Mahlum. Minnesota.
Virginia Thompson. Alaliama; Miriam
'I'uompsoi!. Alal.ama. Erma. Johnston.
Kansas; Alice Casey; North Dakota:
KMzabeth llochle. Wisconsin and
Hazel Stewart. Illinois,
lutiiafloo? tint.
! William Telrmachus Mol'Orltf. of
?raiagftan, has issued Invitations for
the marriaire of his twin sisters Chi
! 11? Wall. i. to Malcolm C. Hurke. and
Ik said Wallace to Alfred* P. Gwsta
| n-.->. the double wedding to' b- tale1
I I.rated on Igst afternoon of Januury
i hi Braiagtoa Church, in Kins and
' fiatsn County. A number of Hi< h
nond frleadh and relatives will gu to
I Hiiungton to attend tht? wedding at
', the bjiagi > MnfJasrgs
Mr. and Urs M 9 Malta, of Broken
bare .'l'otsylvnnla Countv. have sent
I out card* tart"raring the aaawaaaalad
? aiTlaJS af their alaaa, Miss Cat .ei?
ne Ophelia Partlow. to Kobeit .- n.o
\ sag, of fftrhsaond The imraaawiiji ?111
aka paaea Mi Saturday, d)eeeadher 11,
at Mali noon In Mine Itoad Baptist
Church at ftrnkaahurg Mr. Mgipaoa
n.| iiis biide will b> a: home eftet
reaeary l at Mil a North Aseaae,
Hi. hasoad
I heat re Farty.
William Walker, of this ? ity. Rave
I dinner last Saturday SVening at the
Uarraiaa Hotel in Norfolk followod t>>
i theatre party to witness '-The BriaCa
if Pilsen" at the Aciideiny Mr.
Walker's guests a' dinner and later
:or Hie theatre Included Mrs. Bessie
1 l>!\dep. Jdiss Bertha Scott and Charles
: Horland.
entertained in Suffolk.
Mri Jasasa c Caus.y wa? aas teas
to the Matinee Club and a few other
1 friends Tueedgy afternoon at her home,
<n West Braehlnglsu Btreef, In suf
| foik. Trie club prize, silk base, aas
wan by Mr> i. P HIB; (he guest prize. J
silver shoe buckle, by Mrs Herbei t
West, and the lone hand prize, an
? m riddcied handkerchief. Mrs. C C. ?
Canaan. Luncheon was meed at the]
I conclusion of the gama. The pi>.-.
? Included MesdaaasS .1 C t'orbitt. F. i.
Whaler. R. J XorftVet R. I. Weed-1
ward. II i; BhVB, K .1 Kiddick. ?; 1*1
I Barton J.E B. Hoiiiday. F T. Hollidnj i
lohn F Pinn-i. K M. C. Qatahy, Alex
Myrtch. 1- Hill. F U Harrises.
three tim&s
& day?
Ye~. stfTC liot biscuits
for breakfast?for dinner
?for supper?the kind
that will make the whole
I imilv iO'.laud.
Good Luch
Don't let the south'* fame for
bat breads die Have biscuits pip?
ing hot. with pteBt) of butter?
genuine old Virginia . uoking.
is the one best baking
,ioader. It goes far
?her?makes lighter,
rjetter biscuits.
For sale Ly allgroc
Tbe Sonthern
Manufacturing Co
Richmond. Va.
.'.i-vi Players?the finest made, at
makers' prices.
flheVebrld* COAL
CTcatest 7/r, RAVERS
J. B. Mosby & Co.
$ I 2.50 to $20 Sewing
Tables. $4.98.
New Method Gas Ranges
?graan t.?? h?-k.f.s.
Al.aSKA HKKRIM. i ? ; i :t?.
PLIs Hll kulil t ? " \ TTT ft K.
SOI l> OM.1 ST
Special prices on Dolls
The L B. Taylor Co.
Sample Shoes, Half
HIS* OS' ??oca.
Corner 5th and Broad
Men's $2.50 Silk
Trimmed Pajamas
$2 00 one* (<>r .$1.50
$1.50 raluea tor.$1.19
J( L vv.st. Claude J Riddirk, (J. II
! Hume, Charles F. Taylor. Misses Julia
LAehioOtss, of South Carolina, Hllah
Kllby, Law las Brltt. Lulie Crump. Mars
j Atku*. Bralya HtU ami Zaldee Crump
Mrs QaorgS Barton entei tallied at
whlet Saturday afternoon In
? ? allatts Marv Meade and Mar)
MlHl r, of Chiisttanshuig
Musical ? lab.
ItM tsMaad Music Club rendered a
' very flail program on Monday last.
; Toe number* were as follows.
11. Vocal daol.i WhUgoahig Hope
Mis Morse. Mrs. I'ay.
1 Piaao load."Wagsterlag Jew'
ItlaS i;o.elw in. Miss \ aileii.
K 2 Pian ? . ? lo. . . :.
selection front "Rhgoietto"j
Miss Wwodfln.
If i',ii.. i ."Modein Orchestra-1
Miss Lashei.
RoeHat'Oa ? ..."Hiawatha's Wooing'
Mmm ' d. ,m Accompanist. M ia Tilly.1
0 Piano duo. ait.."Strauss'
Miss lusher Mrs Lasner.
Miss Caldasan's number was rscssrsd
' with mil1 h favo.. Me: grai lousness of
lasaaaor tad saeellent votes tones ai<
I'.xtrernety attraetlve. Hiawatha was
? wall prsaeated as the brave, hunter, the
? ;o !? star of tribe feu'is and tne pas
islonats wooer, wh'le Minnenaha was
I never gears winsome In her sxlsan
[loveliness and surrender of heart to
I her lover The piano oMtgatO, beaut i
j ful and interpretative, was well ex?
ec uted. The \ o< al .-??d piano numbers
Iwer? 'ehderod iti true musl'-'anly stvie
I tad tiie digest on "Modern Orchestra"
[was replete with instruction and in
| tereat. ?
The club lias among- its members real
(artists, while all are talented and truly
I appreciative of the best musii. it is
I doing And educational Work f?>r Ash
OMtlSS l.leeleu.
The annual meeting of the Common- .
I wealth chapter. Daughters of the;
Aaterlcaa Resolution, was held ?a
Moaday, noemWr it, at the rasidoaco I
Of Mrs Warner MooTe $13 West
: franklin Street Flection of officers
want h?ld. and the following were j
elecfei] for the ensuing year regent.
Mrs Benjamin I. Purcell; vlre-i egent.
.Mrs. M. Allen Chambers, historian.
W .1. Payne, trupsurer. Mrs. A.
F. Haatt: recording secretary. Mrs.
William Hugh '.Nelson: corresponding
OS etary, Mrs. Charles P. Lee. chap-j
lain. Mis Ann.- W. Bocock.
The week taken up by the chapter j
tins year is the support of a mission,
kindergarten for the purpose of Amer- i
Tcanizmg ti e children of foreign-boi n ,
parenTs living in this city.
Married in Washington.
V. iliiam o. Perrin. a prospt roug busi?
ness man of tills cits, was married on
Wednesday in the parloix oi St. James I
Hotel. Washington, to Miss Mura i>.
VSaBsnt. the daughter of Mrs. A. R. j
Owens and tae late Dr. George A.
Owens, of Powhalan County, V?.
Mr. and Mrs. pen in left Washing?
ton j..:- Baltimore, Philadelphia ar.|l
New Vork on their wcddii.g tour. They
expect to return about the first of the
year, when they arm visit the bride's
relative* la i'?wuaiau county, attar
Which they will be at home to tbej:
host* of fiiend* at Atlee. in Hanover,
County. The ceremony was nerforme i
b] Rev. I'as id Hepburn, o" Richmond, j
a former pastor of the groom.
Id and Out of Town.
Miss Nell Wise, who has been at
tending school in Baltimore, has re
turned to the city and is the guest >>f
friends on West Grace Street.
Miss Mary Cockc and Miss Harrtet
Tyler, of St. Iamis. are visiting Mrs.
WUkiaa Benoist Shields, on Wes; Grace
William Hodge? Mann. Jr. who has
area hunting wltu a party of friends
:u Nottowas. has returned fo ihe city.
Mrs. K.chard Lee Lindsey. of Roa- ,
i ok--, is spending a few days visiting
friends in tili? city. j
M..-s Margaret Mic: ie who is the
giiaal of Miss Fannie Miller, ou West ;
FraakUa Street, will remain in Rich ',
mond until sjme time after Christmas
Mis Rebec, a Shackelfor? is visiting
her daughter. Mrs. Sm.tby, at iv r home ,
la Ashland. .
Miss Mars Patterson, of Forest
Hill, has gone to Powhatan ''ounty |
for a stay of several das a with Mr. ,
and Mrs HggjMggl Hohson.
Mr. and Mrs. W.lliim Jackson are,
in New York pn.ir to sa'Hng for an
extended trip abroad ',WM
M.s W.Uiam Hug'i Owens .? apend
? era! uays with relatlses in Bir?
mingham. A!-i.
Miss Kthel Marie HraUer. wno is a
student i;t lloll-ns College, will *j.en<l
the holidays with her parents. Mr and j
Mrs. John F. Braiaar. of this city.
Miss Natalie Cray Plunk.-tt. of
Washington, will arrise here to mor- j
row lo spend Christmas and New Tear j
with Mrs Mead ?'arrington Lov.ng at '
ggg Rabigh
Mrs M.r tg. m. ry Osborn?. cf Nor-i
, ? e. t se recent gjeSt ,lf 1-er
parents. Mr n.l Mrs James Werth. 1
at the Cues w rrteld.
George a Ryall. who has hern,
?t -idling music in New Vork. has re-I
lurm-d to Richmond to spend the holi- !
las? with his parents. Mr and M-s ;
lohn M Ryalk of 3 Fast Main . treet. '
In* If atloa? I ???eg.
-..].- . k-burg. \'a . December IS.? j
Mr and Mi- M F Watt*, of Rroken
gpgaggdjagggkl Coawtv. have sent >
oat cards for the wedding of their j
Pi.ce. Miss Katherin? ?rpheli* Partlow. I
? . liohert Simpson, of Richmond, the
. .mons take pla.~ Saturde). De
eensher 71. at anon, st M'ne Road a*pga>II
t??t churfh. at Bokenburg. Va The,
. ,; will make trteir home in Rich?
t-kin to r?t an i nm.no
-i \-HI - III- I si
> ,- , j . fo ? -.be- !?
last? t?i-v.eieer? veers oas. wss b
ed ?ll> a krlt. T?s??sisr stghf I?
re The
<n rh?
?wtag f?
-* . -'
Visiting in New York Before
Undertaking Tour of United
States and Canada.
Whs arrived bj New York on Sat?
urday last from Kiigland an 1
j who is staving at the tiiU-Carlton for
a short time pachte, und. rtaklng a tour
! through law I'nited State.? -and Canada,
j siiould not l?e confounded with Sir
j William Must on Young, who has wit
I only figured In the courts of ba'ikrupt
I cy atid divorce, but who also has suf?
fered a term of imprisonment.
Sir William Daa-rence Young, who is
j married to a member of the ancient I
I Catholic houss of Petre, of which the |
I young half- 1 roarings Dord Petre is the|
j chief, la about fifty years of age and
? represents the Youngs of I*en>. whose
[ancestor came from Prance hh cham?
berlain to Mate Queen of Scots on her
rt turn to her native klngJom In 1561,
and received from his royal mistress
? a grant of the Manor of lasaY. Natur?
ally Stsaacb supporters of tiie Stuarts,
the head of the family espoused their
cause in 171", and. selling his estates in
Scotland, settled In the West Indies,
where he practiced SB a physician and ;
prospered. His son became Governor
of l>omintca and was created a baronet
by George 111. not long afte- his ac?
cession to the throne.
Subsequently the Youngs of l.eny
moved to Englaad and owned Marlow |
Park. In Berkshire. But the place.
PaSSSd out of Their possession, and Sir'
William l.awretoe Young? who is the j
' eighth baronet of his line. has ? no
country seat, but owns a town house
lin Lower Sey mo u: Street, Ijondon. He
Ibas no children." and the next heir to
j his baronetcy is his younger brofhar,
j Charles Young. M V, O.. who is coun- !
Icilor of the diplomatic service, sta
I tioned at Athens, and where he has
''married the daughter of Iiis chief, ?lr
Francis fElllot. the British minister
plenipotentiary to QraecS
There is another Young, George by
J name, also in the diplomatic service,
i and who was attached for several!
years *o the British embass* at Wash-1
I ingtftn. I?e is the sou of Sir George |
i Youtig. of Formosa, who is in no sense I
j of the worl related to the Youngs of
I I*eny. For whereas the latter are of;
I Scotch and West Indian origin. the!
I Youngs of Formosa hail originally]
from Dorsetshire and were lords ofi
the manor In that county when Sir;
Francis Drake set sail for the New I
World, near four hundred ) ears ago.!
j The:- baronetcy la a' creation of i
I George IV. when regent, th^ first bar-j
lonet. Sir ?smuel Tmmp, having: heen:
I a distinguished member of the Indian I
Civil Service and a son-!n-law orj
Charles Baring, the great banker. j
Formosa has no connection with the
great island of that name lying mid?
way between the Japanese Arehipelagro
and the Philippines, in the Pacific,
whence mott of the natural 'amphor
used on both sides of the Atlantic Is
obtained: but is an extremely p'ctur-j
esque islet In the middle of the Tnames. j
just below Cookham. and nearly op- J
posite Waldorf Astor's magnificent i
country seat of Cliveden. Formosa j
i has been in the possession of the Dor-j
I eetshire Youngs for some two hundred
years, the first of their house to bei
settled there betag Adm.rai Sir George j
Young, who played a no.able role In |
the tailing of Ixiuisburg. of Quebec and i
of Havana, ^ir George Young Is aj
great-grandson of the admiial and on
several orrssloaa visited this country!
ai.Tl Canada when Iiis son was attache :
to th-j British embassy at Washington. 1
Sir George is one af the S4/VllOts
Of a memorable Alpine tragedy, whtch
took place in 1SSS. With his two l
brothers. Albert, now Rural Dean Of J
Kingston-on-the-Thames. and Samuel.]
he managed to make the ascent of |
Mont Blanc without guides. R-Mng '
deVer mountaineers they reached the
top in safety and were on their way J
down when Albert fell and dragged
hi3 two brothers, who were tied to !
him, down a terrihl- slope of snow '
Sir George and glhetl escaped wtth 1
relatively few injuries, hut Ssmuel'sl
neck was broken. The accident had '
been witnessed from Chamounitt. by j
means of taseseeaeg and a relief party,
consisting of experienced guides. Was
immediately dispatched. Tt was over- I
taken by a dense fog followed by aj
blinding snowstorm, and It n-as only I
?-ith the utmost difficult* that its|
members reached the surviving broth- j
ers. who had been reduced to the last
Stags of exhaustion, and brought them. |
as well as the d?ad body of Samuel,
down to niamounii.
Near half a century has elapsed
since then, but it it doubtful whether ;
Sir George, who has had a most dis- !
tingnished career as Chief Royal Chsr- i
Ity Commissioner and in connection
with other royal commissions, both at ?
haaea sad abroad, has ever forgotten
this memorable adventure nor his own'
altogether miraculous escape from
d-ath on that occasion. He is a poet'
<>f as mean ord?r, published a number
af volumes of verse, his gifts in that
direction probably having come to him j
Mnraaajh ass mother, n-ho was a sister!
of Winthrop Mackworth Praed. the I
poet, and he may be a-jjj to have I
transmitted his tastes to at leas; one |
of his sons. Geoffrev Winthrop Young. |
now a master at Kton. having won i
the Chancellor's Medal at Cambridge!
I'niverslty for FngHsh verse.
King Qeurge, In reviving In favor!
of Francis Money-Coutts the ai
Barony of I .a timer <reate.< h\ K .. g [
P.dward I in IBM snd which hss hssaj
in abe'ancr since 1?S?. gives i:.m. Maaj
facto precedence over all baron?
whose d'snities have b^en li.c ?? t
since that last of Kngland ? Crusad
Klngs. That is to ?s\. the new Ix>rd |
lafin.sr is accorded the "pas' of all
barons whose dignities >\A\r- \,r-r. \
created since the year 13 hi rim-'v
in more than als centuries, tt is lost ,
precisely iMt awe et ion of precedence
tof -enders the a'tion of the sov-r
elgn in ratling osit of sbeysnre peer?
ages whi- ?? b*en iormant fo: hun?
dreds of years. SO Unpopular among
the ha i oast ai j legi als tors af Gr-at
Britain. The barons of nnrland would I
not objeci in the eatgMeet deB-ee fo
the King's bc?towal .?' a ? ?? *%?
upon Francis Mon?-. ?'? >utf? But that
the man arch sho ild enable him to out?
rank all of them. ?av? tbree or four.
Jars the'r ?iis-'pt blMt'rs
The new l?rd laiitniei whose . .stm
I Bp MM barony was reported agon fav?
orably bv the Committee of I'r.v leges
<?( the l|ou?.- Is iaat Stimmer. Is
lh? hated n?phew and p-:netpal heir
of the let? Pj-nti?? Burl-it <"..utt?
throiiah whom he !? the dominant
<fii"Wl'- and ;> -,. pel dlrectar of
faults s Bank a hare . \ iCa
Kdward VII and Queen V.ctoria before
htm. keeps his money If Ixtrd laUI
m?- aa- d'sliked by his a-utt. who left
awav from him ever; vestige of prop
ef4y the* ahe could, it was owing fo
her quarrel with his mother, the \mA*
Mrs Modey-Coutts The two sisters
got oa vrjv wall teftelhar uaUl Laa_>
! B?rde? - Coutts married In IUI
MM Brooklyn-born William Ashnnal
Bartl.tt. now WUl ira B?rdet t-Cautta
Mr* Mom-y-Coutts opposed tut*
strange union of Bar ?, it.., mMM a
young man near hall .1 oeatury Bar
Junior. In the most rlgBIone ? inner:
and treated the I,l:.t>, , :. , ;>{.? 1? i
speech anent the uiai. li th.u .ill rela-1
tlonH between t'toin Bjeri broken off. i
' JjbVs. Moncy-foutts sred.ased th.
baioneas. and If Bar aaa, IBs saa Lore
Latiaaar, inherited Bis aaat's forlaae
it was by viitu. of th- will ..: i!
Duchess of St. Alban*. Whoaa Brs hu
duchess. a form--:- nSBreoa i. i
| name of Mellon. left nothing to the
heir* of her second huxbau.!. the :?u i
of st. Alban*, but beanswthed hi
tune to the s.,u:me: of the two
daughters of old To:n Courts th
hin first marriage, on the the ,i i
standing that if SSM-the Baron***
Burdett Ooutts ? left no issue. IBs prog
?? r i v should in to h. r eide. siste
Clara Burlett, married to a . kH B) atal
of tlie name of btoaoy, Lord Isltlasi
is their son.
(Copyriaht, 191.'. by the Breeta.I
Cktaagoap. >
Wi edericksbm jr. Va . PoroanBei If
Arthur Lewis Blauton. of Caroline
''ounty. ami Mrs. Inez Colbert sfaooi
of this city, were united in ?usrrtage
last night at the home of J R Col?
bert, a 'brother of the bride, in Staf?
ford County, near tiiis . ;ts Rev.
Thomas S. D?na was. D D . of t n is
cits, performing the ceremony
l mum tlu Is lajurrd.
I .Special to Th? Times-Dtspa! ? h |
ciaremont. Va . December i'.' ?? -?
Stewart, a prominent young man oi
lilaremont. while trying to adjuset a
tatiilsaw, which was in motion in one
of the mills belonging to th.- Bottth
ei n Cooperage Company. n?5i bet got
.its right hand too close to kJhoaan and
the result was that he lost three
lingers and a thumb. Mr. Stewa1' 9
removed to a hospital in Richmond,
where he is reported So be doint; nice
ISp.-.ial to The Time.v-Di.-pa'.-li !
Spencer. X. C. December It - MISS
MatLe Jenkins and David S Hlnton
were married at high noon yesterday
at the residence of the bride's sister,
Mr. and Mrs. .1 K Boone, in .pence.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
it. L Vipperman. pastor of the Bpencer
Baptist i"hurch. There were a num?
ber of Intimate friends and relatives
S-iesent to witness the ceremony,
among them being a brother of th
liride. W. C. Jenkins, of Waycr OaS
Ca.: Mrs C. E. Holton. Mis T. W
Clarke. Miss Bessi. Cterke and Mi. and
Mrs. H. C. Longwell. of Danville, and
Misses Maud and Ruth Hinten, daugh
tfrs of the groom, of .Xshevilte. The
couple left this afternoon for Aake
vllle. where they will reside. The
bridal party was entertained at an
elegant supper Tuesday night Bj Mr ;
and Mrs J N. Boone at Iheli Boi M
<n Carolina Avenue.^ the latter beingj
?l sister of the bride.
II Inton?Jenkins.
1 > r ( hn-ttn.i- will appeal most strongly.
We are leWspilto, the :niK>t attractive num
Ihi ni DMnnuud kiiiv'-. ranging in pries
from $10.00 to $7SO 00.
5CH1I \K/s( Hll.n BROS.
Richmond's leading Jewelers
Second and Broad Sts.
R. L. Hargrove, Negro, Held
Under Suspicion of Being Con?
nected With Thornton Killing.
. (Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1
Frederic kabai | Va . December 19.?
; x tether arrest has been made Jn con
? witii the murder of Mansfield
: Thorntoa and his wife, st their twins
, sear hers Mal Friday night. lt. 1?
i II.na. ..w-. a n?.'ro, was placed under
b) Sergeant riuchester and
? Kherig Waller, on suspicion of being
I oannected with the crime, and his
I premises was searched. After being
'??-?> ? ?(??? I by < 'ommonwealth's
: bttsruey T. st.jkei.-y Coleman, Har
- " was placed In jail here. It was
st.i'-d t.i.ii some damaging evidence
. was found in the search of his house.
I but the officers would not disclose
1 what it 'a. - <;.-.>rg. Scott, another
-?: ? - alreadv in jail charged w?th
the HI Order. .Miller, another negro. Is
bold as .i-i important witness.
Scott sad Hargrove win be given a
pr.-iim::..?.->? bearing .it Spotsylvania
Courthouse in a few days. The officers
ar.- still diligently it work searching
for add'tional >i kB III I
On complain; of I'm ted StatfS in?
ternal revenue oftlcers. seven Federal
w.i rants have b. en Issued by United
States Commissioner < 'haxles D. Fos?
ter, of this city, against parties resid?
ing la Kin,? George and Lancaster
CinillSJSS. ohargfag them with the sale
of liquor a Hh lint a Fnited States
IliflgMias Home Talent Froduetloa ia
[Special to Tlie Times-Dispatch 1
C.oldsboro. SC. C. December 19.?
Tuesday night at the Messenger
Opera Mouse the QoMkshefS Choral So?
ciety preaeBtoB Qaal*s famous "Holy
?11; y." for the henefit of the now
(Jotdasssrs Hospital. It was by far the
best .home talent performance ever
preseated here.
The chorus wss composed of fifty
voices, and the work showed the most
careful and intelligent training.
M:->- BteeOoaaM, as sopgano soloist,
d- lighted the audience p-ith her sweet
voice and excellent interpretation ot
her selections, and was -repeatedly
encored. Mr. Arment. as bass soloist,
sad Mrs Btssell and Mis.%Esalay, as
. ltos. aad Mr. Winstead, as tenor, in
th.ir parts were all that could he
desired The work of the orchestra
and eswsras was directed by Pretenses
J. W Thompson, and the success of all
was due in a great part to his ex?
cellent work.
Just Lather ? then Shave
with the Gillette. No Strops
? No bother?No sore face
(OET a Gillette Safety Razor
Get it today. It will save
y ou all the trouble you are now
having with your shaving?
Wiry bea'u ?tender face ?lack of
time?genera! unhandiness, and tinkers
all thumbs.
The Gillette is the IBOtl nni\ersally
efficient shaving device ever invented.
It is made in four OOURt ric >. It is used
in all countries, b\ men of every nation
and race on the civili/cd globe.
Dealers every**here are displaying assortments of
(rilkttes?Standard sets S5: I'ockc i editions. S5 fo So:
(V>mbination and Fravclcr-' sets. V t,. S.si. (Mlettc
Blades-two nzc% of PacSw - id il OM.

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