Newspaper Page Text
THB TIME6 rOU'N'DBD THE DISPATCH FOUNDED UH. WHOLE NUMBER 19,206. RICHMOND, VA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1912. TUB WEATUUl TL JAY?Fair. PRICE TWO CENTS. No Announcement of Importance Forthcom? ing Until March 1. WEIGHS MERITS - OF CANDIDATES President-Elect Does Not Feel at Liberty to Make Any Final Decision Until He Has Heard and Considered All Claims of Various Aspirants. Trenton. N. J.. DMtMkW ] I ?Wheth? er William .?. Bryan or any of the other prominent Democrats bt ii.jr men. tione<| by politicians pMnSy for Places in the Cabinet of Presldent Btd Wilson will be appointed to port-] folios probably will not be definitely, known until .-i f*w daya before in-; auguratton day. Oov^rnor Wilson said1 to-nlgM that v<ir> likely he would not | -.-ilk* a ?int> amoLinctsient of Irr. s*T*JMM until about March 1. Within the next twenty-four hours he will talk with Mr. Bryan, and be? fore New Tears he expeete to see Speaker Clark. R^pr?-s>-ntat! t e Uasaar w??.)d, Senator? O"'lorrna;i. Hoke Smith, irore and oth-r prominent '?emocratl' leaders, but h? indicated that he truant t<i ke. p strut silence about appoint :n-nts unt.l ready to rnak' a g.-neial statement <'ii the subje-ct. att.-rinr announcements would 1.? foolish." lie said, 1MI If 1 had them! to make 111 wait until pretty late.! Thf !im> will depend upon the letters comma: ip All th?-se l'-tters. repre? senting individuals for office, .ir> being | i. ..'jped and will b?- tak?n up sepa? rately. Mt Wilton indicated he wouM :.?t f*?J at liberty to make final de-r.nion , until 11><- merits of all possible candi- j ilal.-s nad >M| set forth to him. "II hat I am sincerely trying to do." j he added, "la to see the field of choice-j and t- try t<> ;ret as many opinions a* ' ,...-s!61e that .ire worth whil- .'? T.i President-elect likewise made Ifl ? ;.a. though gossip may b?- heard: far and wld<-. he would maintain a, . 1 of silence, and nothing would ??< d< mutely established until lie mad.. th.- announcementa over bis o? n sig? nature. KipKt? N? MMasjttr. M:. Wilson was asked || he beloved; h.- w?'Uld encounter any dilBcuIty ml v-ttiug 'he MM deaired lor Cabinet i puilfedseo to a< c. |.t It had been sub-I jtested that ;n IM case of the attor :.? v-gene ralsh ip lulled lawyers often had oeen reluctant t<i |?Va their prai.-. tire, and fur this reason many able men were not pusi.ed by their friends "Tiiat has tiul BOM tny experience j i nus far.' replied IBM Governor witii ? ??niile. -I've asked MM people and they have been ?atte ready to allow | id)' use of tiieir MMMt lie received a ? all from Rolla Wells. I who brought a bound volume showing] ?amnaiK-'i '?otitributions. a facsimile o: . which was recently tiled with th Homm of ITecnaaentatlTaa The Gov-1 ernor po;nte.| with evident pride lo lh* neat tabulations af the contri-j l.utiotik with the nani'i. "I ventur- | p. .-ay. he sa:d. "that Us a better look-' intr rcj?ort than the other two fellon ? ' f>d. It is the best conspectus of Its Irl Ml I ve ever aeen. and It Is an in tereatina MSMMA l|MM It Is kept t;nder tic law requiring the pubii ? ation of campaign funds " Mr. Wells said as he left the Gov e-nor's office l.e come merely to have Um satisfaction of prea-ntinK The repo-t in person t'> the President ? leet. Ife was asked if he wotild con t MM In national polities. "No. I merely did a spe':9c duty to ??och I was called." he said, "and do :-..? e\p?it to take an active part any mot e." The Governor seemed to be pleaded with the wide territorial support tfca financial side of the campaign re . etved Ife ran hla finger over the list' ??? plac-ea. calling attenIi..|, M the fact1 HHM contributions were from Ame: - csna in <'anada. Kngland. M-\ a sr\pt. tcuador. Hawaii. I'anama. t'uba. Honduras. th>- l'hilippln? s MM ?*o:to Kito. These foreign contribu- 1 t ons totalled nv.n- than i lark to \ |?u Him. '"i in-etf>B. X. J . l?eremi?er 2<*.? Governor Wilson MSJtOroa h?>m.- :roin Trentuti to-night with .i packet of documents and letters, which he said he intended to read to-night. Mr Ms* Trounced that Speaker Champ <*lark ?oi;<| v'm: hi:n at Tp rt?n n?-xl T..? <ay. and that he bad telegraphed t:~p reaentative l"n?|erwo'?d and was wait? ing to hear from him as to a con? venient date for a conference. THEY ARE NOT INVOLVED I mil <i?-mm ana Wife Hart Xofhtag t#> no uiib \ MmIwmj kVMi V?lle)o. CM. I?ec?mber Th. ..f t>< tal report to the y?i v !>epartment at Washington c. t?-r ' .j-Ocr on board the gunboat Vlchsl..,:?: DsKlssil .. will make no mention <>f Kmii swen aon. chief gunner .>r the S .uth Pakota. or hla wife, whose names were ,..n nected in puhllshed ?c. ?.-ints w'lh in* : Injurie? snsiainerl t,j Mrs Andrew Muller. who was taken from the vtrdta i -irg that liignt with a *rsctured sk.:il A telephone call to I?r I?oran. of Wi Irjo from t>.< Sou h Pakota. ws? wrongly attributed :?.> the police to ' Mrs, Cwcna??n Shf -i-id her hosb^nd were both at their h.?me in ValleM tn^t night entertatnlnar guests "HIKE" OF 3.000"mILES sts?irr< < . m4 \e?i llrleaaa. Will Wa to laooaoraHoa. Ihm Orleans, lav, berematr Ji Ratterv ?' of the Washington Arttllarv ? ?' \. w <?leans, will fa. ? the longest 'Mike' la the military htsinry of the r?nntr\ Whrn it sets on! f'om Ibis SW] on January < for a V^e-mlle r-i/ir-h lo Washington to attend the lri-i ug ira' ion <?' W..,.iiO?. Wilson as President The mar? h a ill ? onsume i > n$ m days This ?n owe of tha oldest military organizations of the] Houth, 1 SOLEMN SERVICE IN FAMOUS ABBEY .High Honors Paid to Memory of Ambas? sador Reid. i CONGREGATION IS NOTABLE ONE Royalty, Government and Every Class of Public Life Repre? sented in Sombre-Clad Throng i in Historic Cathedral?Arch? bishops Conduct Impress? ive Memorial Ceremonies. landen DiriaWr Id.?-Tl>e avetaarldl service loi 11m late Ambassador Wnite. Ia? Held celebrated to-day in WeBt*| i.mister Abbey, ?a? .in Impressive J NNMV' The l.onor of auch a ???r ?lea in Qreat Hi Hain't most historic ? i ntliedra 1 has on only f"w OOCM<oss>| ?-ri a<-'ord?-d to any ba1 British sub- I j.-. ts of great distinction In the congregation of I.".00 whi.hj ? seejnDlSS! thin morning nearly half] were American residents In England j including tka staff at the African! i mf.assy and consulate genera!. Royalty, the (tov?rnm?nt and IWfT < luSB of publi? lif?- together with the .i-tiptlo and literary worid?. were re !?; ? ?-riteo. The day was a gi.iv and gloomy on?, j typical or Loadaa arlnter. All the son-J -? '?gation arara Jrsseed In the deepes* i lack. Th?- robes or tlM clergy andI tlM choir and the flumes f:orn th.- t-i u - - l-ri <.f candies b-foi. tin ?P:?r w?-re [ Iba only Baata af eoler against the) ..ark stone wall lm-d with tablets and j !>u?ts at handrads .>i the noted j.-ad j Funeral marches were played while the great ui^aKit^n aaa? RaawaaaaitaMvaa of MoraM?. Pataea Arthur ..f <*orinaught. a.? rep-1 I r.-sentative of Kins; Oeorge and Ci'-itcn i [Mary, I/ord Hawe, representing <juee:i i Mother Alexandra; th" representatives! of Mkar royal petsoneges. the l>uke of! Argyll. Prince Lotus of Ba^'-nberg, I On Oriand Dak* Mlcnail of Russia, the vita naaawlkm af Oxford arid Cam-j bridge Universities* Premier Aiquith. ? Foreign Se rftajry Bit Edward ??rey.| j llorne Secretary Reginald .\1<-Kenna.| i Colonial Secretary 1/ wi5 Harx-ourt. j j Ijo: iI President of Council Viscount I Mori.-.. Indian s.- -et.irs the Marquis I of Oewe and President of the Board of Trade Sydney Bumoi, were s-at'd in the front pew* ?f the chancel. Others present Intruded Attorney Oeneral ?Ir Rttfus Isaacs. th? I?uke and Duchess of Roxburghe. the Da?h*as of Marloorougri. ihr Ouches* of Welling? ton. Princess ffalifeMl. I^ady Paume fote, T*dy Strathcona and Mount] Royal, the American cavalry oommif-l anon, headed r>> Brigadier-General Ed-' ward J. Mc*'l. mand. and Craig \V. Wadsworth. American s< ?< r tary of 1-- J gation at Teheran. Mr. and Mm Ogden Mills Rcld. the I son and danghtor-ia-law of the late j ambassador, arrived at Plymouth thisj morning, but tin. Kronprinzessin Ceei-j lie docked too late to permit th?m to! reach Eond-on for th?s service. Shortly aft:-r noon a professional j i was played on the great orga:i, and' I the A rchb.s iops of (.'?nt-rhury arid ( I York, in their robes of scarlet and! j white, with the Rt. Rev Herbert Ed-j ward Ryle. dear of Westminster Ab- I bey. in black and gold, went to th<?ir, places, while the choir softly chanted j I the opening sentences of the burial! ?service. The ninetieth Psalm was sung to j Purcell's music. The I*sson was from.; the flfteemth chapter of the first book of Corinthians. Afterward Wesley's ar.them. 'H WiU Swallow I'p Death in Victory." was surrg. and then I?ean Ryle read part of the b-uriaJ service. The rrrosicj was sung by the abbey choir, rein? forced by th?i choir of the chapel royal, and the g-eat rrgan was played by 1 Sir Frederick Bridge, who had a band ?of drums and trumpets t-> assist. Preside** Taft ProTldr? VA reath. I The sonorous roll of the drums and: the bursts of th^ trumpets In the I'ee.d j March in "Saul ' and in Chopin'?1 "Mareh Funebr?. ' and thejr acroni-1 paniment of the many bare' voices in . Wesley's hyrmi. "I^t J*aiif.s on Karth j I In Concert Sing. ' was unsurpassable j : '.n aoleninits and b-aut; Wreaths from j President Taft and Ball Mai j af State K ..? x were displayed In th- abbey. I Beside.? the wreaths from Pnsidmt Taft aril Hecretary K nox. tbe on'v i other wreaths n the aj>bey were those ?from King '".->-e. w?een Mary and (j:ieen Moth?r Al<\andra. Th< moiirn?rs were John Hubert ; Wj'd. ?or-.n-la? M MM late ambassa jdor. the Earl and Co'int-sa >f-^:raaard. Miss Bre.-kenridpe. of San Franclaeo. ' , ?n-l the staffs of the United Statea ?*?- j hass> and ? '.n?u!ate-goneral. Many of j the members of the diplomatic corps, ! mlth their families, attended the aer I Vii e. rMM *?tead K.aer.l. j Washington. Dtrtsafcee ?Am a, Hnal triliute to Ambassador Re?d. i ? 9mA Ta't has expressed hi" In t-ntioTi .if attending: the funeral >n N.w York, unless s-?methir?: mf.jre- , seen at ar"sert arises t? prevent his ? ! go.n?. The Piesidert reached this da-| ?? !?;.ri shortp Lefore hl? d-r-irture J for Panama, a. soon as he lenr-.f d that | the funeral would not he held until hit return. ? He experts to be |n Washington ( attain New Year's K>?. and will er? r?nge hla engagement |n order te, make the trip to New T .rk. if public business permits. , other distinguished offl "lals of tiie} j g->v? ri.rrenl. among whom Mr. Held , numbered many friends, will w>bablyj . atlend the f ir?ral RICHMOND SELECTED I ?"rr??r ( Asasalealew ?111 Held Meeting la 7 < Mr I Athens (Is . r>?cembe; Tr.e T'ni f i'n emission irn (*> i(h?if| Race I Problems Ip the final meetlnd of Its .orference here '"-"Ight saleetod K cHmond a* "? meeting oleee for .next raar. It ??? decided to ceneene 'an r>ecember It. 1*1 U MAKING ADVANCE AI SNAIL'S PACE I - Diplomats Progress Slowly in Solution of Balkans Puzzle. ONE MILESTONE HAS BEEN PASSED Ambassadors of Six Grea: Powers Agree on Autonomy for Albania and Adriatic Seaport for Servia?Turkey Consents to Meet Greek Delegates. l?o!id <n. December .u. Tic- ?ton *? l devious processes Of diplomacy art tadl laeilC toward a solution of Uta near K'asle.n puzzle at a snail * pace The only definite achievement of the day was Art agreement by the amiuMa d 'is of the six greitt liuropean powers that their governments would accept i.i principle autonomy for Albania and t Rua.-ant. M to S.-rvlit of a commercial port on the Adriatie S'-a Having pars? ed this milestone In I heir deliberations, the ambassadorial conference adjourn? ed over i'lir:s:mai. The Kalkan patVCd delegates MkJOJTOd t ' .fcospitallty of the Lord Mayor at London at a aMnsion House luncheon, a f?get ton which traditionally Is given in honor of the members of foreign misgion?. : epr*.?eritatlves of f riatedly nations and former Presidents of re ptlbiles VaO visit Ixndon The peaee. delegates Btlagled In the most friend? ly fashion, partook of the famoc.s Mansion House turtle soup and listen? ed to an optimistic speech by Premier Aaquith. of business the delegates transacted none of a formal chaiactei. but t*aa emiias-|es and the hotels where th? delegates are quartered were buzzing with Informal f IKfaniltsla The Sublime Porte has en.powerei its envoys t ? include the Creek dele, gate? in tlie negotiations for peace, and a meaaenger with tiie documents con tiiiring this decision is expected to reach London to-morrow. Dispatches received here from Constantinople say the Turks ere confident that they now o< cupy a bette? military position to? wards the Greeks than wh?n the nego? tiations beKan. and that Turkey would not sign an armtstiee with them, even if the Greeks requested it_ The Turkish del-gates have been ir structed. according to another report, to raise the question of the status of Aunanopl.- immediately, and If Bul garia persists in demanding its sur-' render to break off the peace negotia? tions; but diplomats generally ai-e1 skeptical of this story. While th- agreement of the ambuss;.-' dors on autonomy for Albsnia is an Iin-1 poi-tant step, the working out of the details for the scheme will be one of the rn?>st difficult problems any Euro-' pean conference nas ever grappl'd with. The IflOamialal notifies financier* and' itvesto.-s to e\eep; i>i the coming year t.? furnish funds totaling 9AMt*ssd,dM with which to repair the losses caused br the war and the mobilizations in Russia. Austria and Italy. The news- | paper estimates the cost of the war at SIT'.or.i-, using as a basts of reck? oning the fact that there are i.090.0v-i men under arms?tdCfsM Turks. 3 " g Bulgarians. SfstVdM Servians. 1 .">". 0"'> Creeks and 4". ?09 Montenegrins, r.t j an average expense of ;n shlll'ngs dally for each man. Flag Presented to Battleship. 'Constantinople. December ML?The] Turkish flagship Kheyr-ed-Pin Barba-! rcssa, which, according to reports! Trom Athens, was practi-ally destroyed by Greek shells during the recent sea j fght off the Dardanelles Straits, was' presented to-day by the Sultan of1 Turkey with the historic flag flown by the battleship Mahmudieh at the bombardment of Sehastipo! In ISM. The. . aptain of taM flagship wss presented la the Sultan, who concratulated Mm an.I the rest of ?he Turkish navy on ? inr outcome of th" action. It appea-s ?nar Um Tuihish flagship v.-a* struck uy two Greek shells, but :he damage done to the vessel was; ?nsisniflcan' < >:ie man on -oard was killed and -icht others wounded. -I Durir.g libs so-ca'.ie-l ?battle"* fCr.r.t'nued on Seventh Page > Liovprnor Defends PaivJon of Convicts I Itfle Kock. \rk.. Hecember J""?.? ' karinrrirlDs the ttrksases peal fenfiar* -onder I he |r-a?e votra as a htralnt. neefklna kell, roaanealag knnaan beings." s?o sre -helog fed Info It In a manner which revolts In nothing hat snaking fnrlaaes for e?n tractors," <.n*et-n?r feeorge? W. Itnnaskr* tn-da? lesned a leads' ? talraest to defense of his set ton last Honda < In lasulnc pardons to 31? ?inte mailni. ?karg eristetnan nf tke (aoraert action from ?t?te offcrlala and rltl ren? had i.revtownl* drawa from ike eaeeatlTe :ke statefaent thai "all tknae *? k*> oppose the atreltffoa Of Ike Inkoman eon*let ???fem. ?Mri we now h.ffe In Irkamai are In nay opinion. Wonod la the direction | of tfcnt I.-.- e spoken nf hy f,OV- I . ernnr Rlense In "?nf-'i;?n nHI the ( onstlfMilon of at* Mate, and It fa | aay heHeff that they are going to land there. !n aptfe of rtfn egort of natne to peeeewt tbeta doing m "' ?.goto, tke (.overnor was sharpie assailed, aad hla Malriarat to-day followed. 1 eeordtng to a nets a paper compilation, baaed na tfee ?t?te reeoeda. f erty-lkrer of fhooe pardoned hy Goseeaoe Dooaghe* were eoavteted r.f mnrOer or anao alaaghte-ri rm en. grand loreeayi foar. aeoaaUi are. rokkei 11 a has teen, forge' 11 thfety-two, kaulart ? I woatr-ata, aoaaatt to kin. aad eo?.ii of iifieaia raagtag fi ia I bog-ore*.! ag to kegnaat. MOVING SLOWLY AGAINST MEXICO Ambassador Wilson Leaves Without Note 1 of Protest. i BEING PREPARED ! WITH GREAT CARE Government Hopes to Produce Brief Which President Madero Must Answer With Promise Fairly and Fully to Protect. Americans and Their Interests. \\ a?i!in jlon. 1 >*-.-oinb. i M. ? Henry l?ane Wilson, tne American ambassa? dor to Mexico, who lias, been here in ? onference with State iJeuartrn* :.; of? ficials regarding r ?tiltloni growing out of it.e M.-Mian revolution, left to nay foi New York, preparatory to sail? ing foi bit past, without lb* . xpected note of representations which this gov? ernment, la preparing to b.- sent to the Mexican government demanding pro? tection for American citizens and prop*! ty. This action !? taken as * further f-vi ?ienre of the Intention of the adrutn brl ration to oeal with this delicato and difficult situation with rlrrumDji-ctif1;! and In a spirit of deliberation Th ? communication is being prepared with th' greatest Care at the State licpar' - ment and \r:U be transmitted to th American ambassador siiortl* aff-r his arrival in Mexico City early In Januar?-. Will Make It laiaillliatll The deliberation with \vhi"li the of? ficials are moving in the preparation of the case of the United States versus Mexico is expected to result In the production of a briti" that Is expected to be well-nigh unanswerable, except by a ptotnise of prompt and adequate action on the part of the Mexican gov? ernment fairly and fully to meet the demands of the Cr.ited States in the matter af protection of American in? terests i:, .Mexico. Justification for tiiis demand by the United States gov? ernment is declared to be found in the numerous reports to the State Depart? ment from, every quarter to the general I :hat genera! conditions la Met? co have grown wor?.e since the dispatch af fletialai j Knoxs note of aj i)Iaal laal September, gad that there has been ;i marked increase in brigandage and In . the kidnapping of Americans for ran? som, end in the levying of forced war loans by the rebels <pou American atlnee; and plantations. , Senator Stone, of Missouri. ? ho is a HMenber of the Foreign Relations Com? mittee, issued a statement to-day in srblcb be expressed the ,pi:iion tiiat the present sdministratlon a ha aid leave the Mexuan situation la statu quo until Goverr.or Wilson assumes the presidency. The Senate Subcommittee on for? eign Kelatio-.s. which has been en- ] gaged |b investigating conditions along | the Mexnaji border, held a meeting | to-day t . afford an opportunity to ?Jeorge Fred Williams, of Bogtaej, to lay before it a number of letters bear? ing upon the situation. , Mr. Williams .8 president of the I-os Arena Smelting and Mining Company. whi< ii has extensive property's fifty miles from Tolu. a. in the State of j Mexi' o. The letters presented w ere j from a Mr. Traeger, manager of the > I<os Arcos Company , and des-i lbed a ' ? ondition of continued turbulence and ; battling bandits for 'he last four er five months. left l nProtected. Mr Traeger de iared the S Didiers ? which nere sent to las assistance by the government last November hart been withdrawn, leaving the impor- ! tar.t mining cen tres of Zacualpan and ' fk lit a a a I and the surrounding x>_:.-: entirely unguarded. He sard That Iss: .Ur lit a pitched battle was fought wuth rhe -bandt'g IP Zacualpan. ??> wh! fe the mine had its bu.idings were burned and ever-.-t hing ruined that, could Bjat he rarred away, arid a mm hag a Mr. Platt, was taken i ;er. Aft- worl Mr Plat: escaped. I ard upo-i info-ms tton supplied a] bjga Traeg:?: ?f>./< the government soldiers; to the MaM of the trouble and de- j f?atei Tre landit* in a pif-'.?d battle i Sir r ? '? ? -. ' ajararer. tne s'!-'t nr. l av ' eer? -?r.-i-vrd ar.'l UM r*v been let aaprot rted. T i". r also ' Ml It. '. lett-r hat *?? SJtfc >'-% taut ;-.e had that cay received from Ike bandits a d- .'and for $?.0a0 as Ma) money, w'.icli was to have been pa:?l within eight dajs. The demand was not met. and up t ? ; t'eoen.ber ?. when the last latter fror. h;m was anritten, he was still holdi Ms position i!e tells of atiother min? ing mar named Paacho Tel? hes. w nad been :ak-. : t isoner and who w?s then heid 5 .'? ????? viw tmrm fa Intestinale, lir Williams sa'd he ntended to g > I to Mexico to ioveatlg-te cordit 'n? Senator William Aldan Smth. -har of The subcommittee. r?m?rstri1?d against rMs sa: !t g for Mr Wlllsms o ndertske t ., st this time o ld lee n risk ftts Ilf becasaae it tb* ewndtt; >n? in fe see. tion which he proe>o*ed viertln* He said, hewevet. thi' :f Mr. r> lliams should ir.elat upon going he w ?uid in- ' vest him with sufhon* to -oak- an : ????vT?#*.on '? - '' .f rornsntttee ?teste? He, lee I *.<>?? >?htf?*?o-.. I>e.?m'-?r r*. ? Report a nav* res. ' d the ata? department to tbe effect t et the Mexican govern- ' meni is ??,.. ??> ui.i-.tMk? a revl?ion o' Its er-ato*;? tariff aaviut the same t'sse twat t*?e Arr.eri?an Congress ?r torn Its M'sadaa Ig that aal}^ t. ui- I tie Information a< to the animating . p irpose ha* le-eloped. though gathered :o%re arUI oe a a um Oer of j tnereases " ??',?', '? item? of imports. ' rail. Nas. iv: Daagajaai asrernor Hooper, as President of tbje entherr ?-" iog,al ? nirw*. n? liiod a ftteetlrig '?f 'he etecutl' e cot's >id tba next aanaal gather lag la JOHN E. BUTLER, DISCHARGED DEPUTY, NAMED BY NEW BOARD TO SUCCEED INSPECTOR BECK JEN vA'ire Sys /. Won't ?? ;ht JO A WEEK Plant rly in De FIRES ASSISTANT "1 Am'N'ot Running a Barfoojn/' ,He Says. Regarding Dis? missal oi Butler WHARTON GETS T>fc PLACE Chief Deputy, Absent r From Office, Sent Away on Short Notice. 1 GA, Men's L Men's H " which were n 11.000 per .tee oh Eiec i the contract * Company, of jetton of the item for the iT/he contract ?nd - as based ; approxlmate I. '* Consulting iu inrtruoted. aat arms and ibralt a report tea,tris. so that' % work at the i racttcaliy . a;i y. o. representing ? s heard at notice rrora borg; ana fo tnat a car a3> for dellv. it had- been hat ho would ? rH to get FINDS Fll First Deputy Building Inspector John j E Butler was removed from office yes l terday by Building Inspector Beck for I absence from his post a/id dereliction J in the performance'1' of hie duties E t> , t B Wbarto-j was appo nted as a ?attaiion i deputy |n tbe office and qualified at! once. I \ ' "X am not running a barroom.' was the succinct comment of Building In? spector Beck when asked for a state- I ment In regard to tbe removal of Mr } l did no. Butler "He bed been ' repea:ed!> i ^atded as uni warned before, and the "office Is tooj ?ilmore K T Attendan m busy just now aar-.?ce further.'* The action of the tor-Is flu-. 1. he being put up with such clal who$f ? T. . 1s> stiper Building Ir-spec the oaif oJty offl oair vised trolled by no Courxll committee, the ?2 round a .and .Buildings Committee only navlag supervision of *?har part of his work which relates to the care of ?>ub ?tc buildings grleade CoaJd Not Help, sir 'Butlsr halls "from* Clay Ward, ind b!.' friends there, who arc- Influen? tial politically...were prompt to Inter? cede " .th the Building Inspector In his oehalf. ? But Mr. Beck was not to b* -"aught napping He had already filled . the vacancy 'by appointment of Mr ? rty He? also I Wharton. a'foreman in tho employ of twenty- [ /. J Tlgnor. a carpenter and builder I Mr Wharton was an applicant recent? ly when the office of thiid deputy Wae ?treated and for some time the cho'ce :ay between himself and James P. Phillips. W*ho was appointed. Mr. Beck has no; indicated whlcJV of bis deputies' will be made first deputy, the ordinance providing that one of them shall be so designated, and shall have power to act 'a the absence of. the Building Inspector Mr. Butler was- the. oldest member of the Building Inspector's feurth Cnite? conclusion of battalion. Kir. ?light "Were and con- | AOuid. be wini is ordered toad ?ble to gi\e no when tne work' norj couid i he would ba re* ooild advance telent to pay ed. .[ j*0 for work I ? nd February7?; that ha was! ucher for less Jtinuarv ?ry had" e win, the not certlfy cls . ? * , i of the con. e committee My Attor mar.ner of >*ar -as I coujd. . ? The bettaj "aggart. Is Ir Jeny that I ?teeing men ..?lent, physic rjiat -they at. 1 think eve cculd stand . ? Major Tag? aelt to the ? which he inspe In splendid cot oeen better.' ctQclal report ? Department Atter A good t matter ot at &o men liatlTt had only ttvo men *tre ab. A made the Cw live ?allster? ...... , . . hand Con* I staff In point of service having been I forty eigb -In office more thari two years. He is I Coniparj. a bricklayer, by trade, and was chosen I threec^'onl In a competition for his knowledge of I nine .inen men ktta Hla>. r ?ntraet '?ich the '-''nr. or ?hi his >bat practical construction work* In the dl i isioh of duties* of '.the Inspectors lie lias been In charge-?"f tbe wester? part of the city, where an enormous amount of residence building has been in prog gress He has been regarded as a.feer- . ?. less snd Impartial official, having twice , senier" reported Councilman John "T.- Powers; . ar for vlolatlona of the Building Code. trir.*" The-new deputi*. is ^carpenter of long j y exoerierlce In hoase "construction, njid j > The -co; rately- or Sevent* hail it? oplnio be asslKned to the game d .-tr'ot. ' raotocraph an account of Uutl er'? ?l?fbarftc from orticc of lirpiity Huilflin-e Innpector. which appeared Iii I hr ! imo.-lM.pnl. ? March N IUI THE HAGUE PUCE FOR SETTLEMENT Refusal to Arbitrate Canal Ques? tion Would Be False to Coun? try's Traditions. Wellington. December 20?That thc T"nlt<-d States should submit to arbi? tration the Panama Canal controversy between Great Britain and this coun? try was the declaration made to-night by Everitt P. Wheeler, of New YorK. at the opening aession here of the American Society for the Judicial Set? tlement of International Dispute?, ?'It is inconceivable " he asserted, "that after the rnited States has settled by arbitration far more important controversies between Itself and Great I'.ritain than any that can possibly arise with reference to the Panama ?'anal, it shoubl refuse to refer to an Impartial trlbtn*.. formed in pursuance of a treaty whl? h the 1'nited MgAas. itself propooel. this pure question oi lav. as la wnat the Hay-I'aun. ? : ? ? troaty means. The speaker .< ?<>ut? i the idea that it would be Impossible to procure unbiased and impartial ar? bitrator*. He sold this was doing moral in? justice -0 atsa judges who l..rm ;h jaaaiI of Use high co?*rt at The Hag-jo. who are not arbitrators put forward i>\- each nation to maintain It - own interest*, but Judge* of Inch char? acter, learning and .ihtlity "In so far as Ti e Hague ?-:*- ? i concerned.'" itr. Wheeler ' most of the ,'idRe. eg .It sjf na? tions that have nn ? trifling in:.-re?t in Hie .-ontroveray. or perh*p" "OMM gt all. But If It were otherwise, it WOO Id he hett?r g thousand tim-s thmt tie I'rtted States should s--bmli its ras to this tribunal I! a", thsf It ?hot?|/? he falae to Its plighted faith and I he haasrable traditions of ' :S ye-r*." afore than usual Interest atta. 7-e t ?o this voar's meeting of the bo, lot\ heca,?e ..f tt*e It - .-? -? '? 1. questions at stake. b..|h at home and antaa L awtni. them the Raikai Pan? ama and Me\l-*n -.Una' -*n? *U .jrld-wlde puMI* opinion wouM support the |i:dgmen< of a wise an?T oopnblc Internal local ro.irt lr the ma? jority of eaaeo whi< h i -la-'t be hrougnt ta ft fo- sot tie met ? declared Joseph K t*ra?!oa of Madison WIs T-.o- ? '. "!:? - ItsVh. of Phils lei. ttt?pro\ements might be n*ade i Co? existing ? ?de of International lite, and that Hi ich . .? lid br i. ii|.Mailed through constructive leg.slttton b>y* i fnfare peace .-orre-e-,.??. j AIDING DEFENSE NO SIGN OF 611 Attorneys Argue That Defend? ants Were Justified in Help? ing McNamaras. Indiana poll-?, ind. December Denial that aid hi raising a ?u-fcns? fund for the JI.Naraa.a brothers by tu? labor union ofli-ials now on trial should be taken .<s an vidication of guilty knowledge of a dynamite cutisliira y' on the part of Das forty d-fenrtants, was mail-- by attorn As fat the dv f ?' ua-a In their -argumenta, before the fi dural jury to-day. "It has been rejieated'y cliar^.d by the ?..% ??! nm- nt that these defendant* i-how. ; tuj;r i:ni>lic:;tin dbj dyna? mite plot* be. a se of their efforts tu help tftM McXajasatTM while the M<.Na maras were locked at* in laM Aa*a***a gfea !" for*- they plead, d guilty." said M. <". Tiff;. >-f Minn, .ip.ills. continuing the a-Kument for the defense "ita'.'ais eve ry . ontiden-c .1 .1 MfXamarj. their brother union official, was in no-1 ? ?ni. it was the duty .>f th? s. d r. nd ants to hel|. ihem > "The very enormity of the crime a? : os Angele?, ti c r"*Tj oidncsa an-i ex | lent t-> nr-i. h . \p "'i. ns se-r.-tly haul' i.eeii tarri'd ? n for ; -am. made It -un-j ? :..-? M pa ar-. t.f the a on ' orker?' r.jal o.,ji l inoii commit? ted theea ?.r caased thcin t*. be com-! la ... i .en-lint* ra?*?.d a defense after the M< Naniara '?rother?' pleaded auilty. when they Would have ?een subject to erltic?*?m. hut not other. ? ee John B SI. Xamar.i was itae i> lairs of the plot, and i heg?, men seat -' ed <??? ? r the . it.tri Were not tloae ? noiiah associated with him to have' ; . a-->|uaint'd with h-s criminal ? ' riding fhatles N Beim Or ^ Minn* a pol Is. and Kied I Moore\. of! ? i. ? h< m he specially represented.' M- TifTt an id they rod no know edre of rv |l.too. , month used by M< Namara ? il< namltinr ?xp. nsea. \ttnrn-?' -I II l^-ff I? r replied to .?? ments l?v the district attorney that' ? st ..f the defendants we-e "walking ?I' I. sa'1-? and business agent* who tod not w<>; h but who need Ihe funds ? IbIht unions to tloir i>? n aml'H The ;??;?!neas agent hau. a rni??i... . said Mr l^-ffler. "If is ail sal on la to| pr?k-ure for laboring men th? w*g. ?. nbi.h laboring oner. otherw?i?e wonld' ??..? get ? I'nlied .?taten sv-iator ??hn W b***w Will argue tnt Ihe defense next Mond?. Me (ill Be foiig-sedj h\ to- *f statemenia of the t ?*.->? ? | -e th~ argument I* to he aaag lude<| t*v ? next Thursday, when the onl- detail' remainlrg before the Jars' ratlee-* arlll he the Instructions of federal J.?K'i Alban B Aaderaan 1 Bricklayer and Politician Is Choice of Folkes, Hirschberg and Whit tet for Building Inspector. COUNCIL MAY TEST COMPETENCY OF NEW OFFICIAL Civil Service Plan tor Examina* tion of All Candidates Gets Scant Consideration at Secret Caucus?Cut and Dried Pro? gram Rushed Through, Despite Request of Architects' Associ? ation and Real Estate Exchange for Selection of Best Qualified Man?E. W. Trafford Is Named as Permanent Superintendent of City Electric Plant. Affront, oavs Beck l'celin;r asxured that I na, elected tn thr \ilr:ilnUtratlt<- llonrd larnlr <>n Ihr NNffi tbnt I bmr made an ItiiihlliiK lu,|irrinr, and hreausr of Ihr kriui.Jrd^r ( hutr nf ihr alTalrn of that ?flirr, I rrrl tbnt Ihr people <if Kichiiiontl nku elected mr ha,r bern irivrn n flnrl affront by Ihr rlr-tion this nftrrnuiiD hj- thr \ il - minUt rniitc Hoard, as IluilrilnK In ?l'rctor. of a man who I <1? aot think is flttrd for thr position, rltbrr It, trnlnlnc or halilla. and nhum I disrhnmrd as ?mi,, of my de .?mir?. I Manse*)) imi i?. hkck. Jona B. Batter, a deaatj once dis? charged from the Onset of the Building inspector M niiarses nf drunkenness, araja >esterday afternoon elict-d ? B .tldi:iK inspector of. iti. hmond by the 1 nea Admlnlatratiae (foard. Mr, Butler is a bricklayer by tiadc, I liaring once been president of the 1 Bricklayers' L'nion. The accompanying lUuatratiaai is a reprint from Tbe Tim, s-Dispatch of Marcii S. 1811. giv ing Building Inspector B-ck's reason for the discharge of Mr. ButL.r. slat? ing that be "taut rnnning a bar? room" and that "after repeated ?im could do laager tolerate such) service.'" Hon Thr> \ oted. The on!] b:illot taken !? the. Admin? istrative Board stoou: For Hr. Holler?Messrs. llirschbere, Pat*SB nnd \\ bittet. F?r \llrn J. >n,illr. an .1--1M.ini I My ilricfiirrr?< aptaln Met orthy. I'i?r Wat I liana K. W rlsht. the mnm Inre mi Ihr \ rcbllrcla" \?s<M-latloa of lllcbmond?ilulltilns Inspector Beck. I By a vote of four lo one the board I then elected F. W. Trafford. the pres i t ist acting superintend, tit, as Superln [< aaetll of the City Electric Plant. Cantata McCarthy \ >t>d for Cnarles Fi. Winston. In Srrrrt Srasioa. The m. ??tine was held in Secret :rt the eaaca af captain MrPaslkj. at the Capitol, if *k?pap<T men who applied for admission being excluded. At Its rlaata CaeUraaaa fTbtttet aaerolj antasso batd Iba statement th-at Meaara Butler and Trafford had be>n clcctod, declin? ing to stive the vote in either instance. Ml W ? itt.-t stated that the meeting was ha: ""nlnus and lasted ha-eiy mor? than thirty minutes Kr ,m other sources it was learned that the pro Kram was cut and dried and that llrst ? s'eain raaaav methods ?>rc used. Nu ?,erl?H? riiDalilrrndiia was atvra to tbe pmponltlon nf Bolldlas laapee nae llrrk that a ??!,II Baretos rtnminn llon ''e adhrra tn all aapiraata. Mr. Heek |. - ?? ;m.. ?? ?! that an ?ral cvaanina lien be ultra hj *?car disinterested H,??rd of rnislnrern <?r that a aerlen nf written attrition* he propounded, the ?asnrn to be anbmittrd Iw thr anper , Isinii anhltrrt of thr I tilted -latea noirmmoil nt \\ nah'naton to deter? mine nh< na, th* bent rrnallSed man. Had Barklaa. There hat hern M 'i:ar?. irowght at any t.m. aaraitist Mr. Itu tier a per-* sonal int-Krit-.. lie ?j> regarded aa a \ m man tat Inspection of brick ?ra k aaj small d? ??Ilm? housea ? bra i rasten the ??i Knd. ->-it Ma fre ajatari abaeneoa w*th..'jt !?atc together With rrnorts of his habits, caused his dismissal Sin., It hsa kn?wr. that he mas a andidate f.. ? i position ,.f Balldlag Icape.-tor. with the baikinr ??' nanr pollt'etaaa ..f flay Ward. in. 1 -i-n? several of tNo Conn- ilmen from that section, wao ka>*e ?..rk.-l bard t-- se? urr kin election. ?ii Vte.-ts" kgaorlattoa baa taken action oratina the eppolntmrrt of a ?tea, wltfc tc'.ni al it!-?n and tT??t>-r akill In th* ??arird modern forms f >mi Idug It .-se.l ?i"s fo-er tttat, Richmond an? langer hallos only ?rr? 1 stores sad 4wel Inga, hut that freqaoatta; tliara are Rk*tl hi the BalMlag Inaaai lac*a .*fTV,. mtrf-i,' *ran nss f ?- ? ab? ? sciapses and aparttaeat hnaaaa af ad I it pe of (easti in II >a. faaairma t -ehalcal knowledge both to k the plans and tn saaerrtse cn structton ? Prnsstned Hrfnre t'rtanar, w*. o pai tl cal sr.oinds rstier than oa a has is at merit apprars to roall at a weM-ss tkeattrated I aaia' generally "cu ?'-d prwmia-d Mr BttWr tv-fore ??r ?Vtard prlaaarg. ?iMm this raaam. M *a ? UimMl that in to a 4as- or tarn, ago Mr Whittrt sat pledged t0 rate tar Contractor jnhn I'tft", ard faillaaT Ma ateocioa. to threw k*a rsjaa i i ??