J'reparation for Wilton Inaugural
l'a?caiit Already I nder
W ay. *
Appointment* t>? Varinii?. Poat
ti<?n< Made Without Refer?
ence i" Party.
? sYasMaaTtea, Deceaaher th? With the
appointm. tit of i 'orroran Tliotn as
chairman of tii. Ilnif a nirnmlttce and
UM opening of headquarters at the
' New Will.ii.I (tatet, chairman William
1 Igustla, of the Inaugural < om -
I lillttee, djOWa to business ?Ith a
. reaps to-day. Mr, KajaUs and tha aaa
?th or tat romatlttee that he has ap?
pointed realise that only a short tlm?
Intervenes before the Inauguration of
Wilson and Marshal!. March 4. and
I that a vast amount of work uii't be
I done.
While Mr Eustls already has se
1 lasted. :i.any niemhers of the li.-'.ugural
( oeauatttee, he is withholding the sn
nouneemerit of these a ppo 11: r rn e:,' s un?
til as is :i-al; to announce the entire
Mr Thorn's appointment was made
and annennred ImnaofTlatsly. to that he
could quickly vl tottelhtr a flnanc,
I committee and b?;rln th* collection of
I the large fund w.nii ,i w .11 be needed to
make the coming iiaugural cV-!.-bra
tion the grestei svar held In Wa?h
ington. Mr. Thorn la prominent In fi
, nancial c!rc!?e !?: Washington, and l|
l raatldtlSU* a Raa selection as cha.rman
L of this impo.tar.t eal>ceiawilltin.
\ >eeiU Two or Three Kur?.
I Mr. Thorn announced tliat lie would
not at abb t.? appoint his committee
f for two or three days
As soon a? Mr Thorn's appointment
was announced several business men
called on him and tende-ed sub.-icrip
i Hons. i? tliat by : o'clock this aft?t
I noon he had already received rontri
I buttons amounting to t?.s^ '
No effoit will be mad.- to ? hange
. the usual forms observed at tue inaug?
ural ball. It was said to-day. In the
past, the grand ma-. :. a- the baausraral
ball, in Which the Ivesldent^ the Vl.-r
I'resident an. then ?lve3 have no part,
las always bees Leaded by the Pres?
ident, eseortiag his wife, and the Vice
President arlth iiifc wife. No other
women have t.iken part in the grand
inarch. The others in the ua'a>-e nav
bean mwuwrh ?..' the aaee <omm!t
te.- an". spe-ialJv designated member*
of the inaugural committee. The re?
port that thi wife of the chairman of
the mauruia! ?omroittee was to walk
with ti ' pie ,.i?n( in the grand match
at the bail was. therefore, erroneous.
Place for Hoben V Harper.
Wm!< no official annour. -em< nt has
yet been made. It is underatooi that
Itahart N Harper, one of the foremos
Christmas Eve for
The Convenience
Patrons This Store |
Will Be Open This
Evening 'Till 10
Walter D. Moses
& Co.,
103 L. Broad St.
Oldest Music House in Va.
and \. C.
.lida?? 1 fat UM position of chair?
man of the 1 na Jg . ial committee before
[ Um appointment of Mr. Eustls. will
occupy a. prominent place on the corn
? n.lttee \V W Vlck. aecretary of the
inaugural committee, was in eOnfer"
I ?nee with Mr Harper to-da>\ and it I?
I hel'eve . that It was in reference to
! mi h an appolntmenl
At the temporal y headquarters ot
the committee In the Corcoran Build?
ing Mr. Kusti* and M- Vtck were early
.i v. f.rk to-d3y. K. .1. St-11 wagen
? hairman of the Ipgllgtlial fllinlltll
; four ifari ago. and Corcoian Thorn,
who wan secretaiy of the committee
at that time, called on Mr. Kustls and
gave him their advice regarding a
[number of mutters relating to the ar
rangaflsSntS for um Inauguration. The
appoint?nl Pf Mr Them as . hairman
j of til* tinaii'-e committee was male
i soon afteiward. and aboue 2 O'clock
! th's afternoon the committee moved to
i the New Wl.iard Hot?iL
Baps St Korl> I oat rt notion..
! It is anticipated that the funi BOCePs
I sary for fiiiar.'ing the Inaugural cele
I bration will be quickly forthcoming.
I Foul : ears ago the guarantee f und
I wa? paid back In full to the tontnbu
I tors, and a balance was left in tno
hands of the committee. The com
; initlee geciewd to use this money in
I the Inte-ests of the proposed change
in tlie inaugural date, and It was
! tWrned ever to a national committee
j on the eh arge of inaugural date to
tee last Thursday In April. This corn
I mittee. headed by Henry B. K. Mac
I far.and. is compos*. <?* the Governors
SI forty States ami about fifteen res.
? dents of the District.
Mr. Macfarland stated to-day thai
'only gl25 of the balance of the lnsug>
j oral f-nd of four xeara ago ha: been
I exoer.d. 1 by his committee, and ttttt
j that was all that had been requested
I from the treasurer of the last inaug
I _raj committee. F. N'orment.
A welcome ?uest in
At world-famed resort hotels
California resort hotels provide
Broadway luxuries. Stately palms
and acres of roses recall Arabian
Nights. Golf links and tennis courts,
outdoors; ballrooms, private dining
rooms and luxurious suites, indoors.
A Santa Fe train will take you there.
The California Limited ? king of the limiteds ?
exclusively for first-class travel ? runs every day
? sleeper for Grand Canyon.
Santa Fe de-Luxe ? the only extra-fare flyer, Chi?
cago and Kansas City to Los Angeles ? once a
week this winter ? America's finest train.
California Fast Mail ? al->? the Los Angeles Express
and San Francisco Express ? three other daily
trains ? they carry standard Pullmans, tourist
sleepers and chair cars ? all classes of tickets
Fred Harvey meals.
Visit Grand Canyon of Arizona en route.
?av which train you prefer. Will mail booklets.
To Tiejp ?Ur friend* who wish to make appropriate arlfn to *un.|a>
arhoo! scholar*, teacher* and group* of voune friend. we hate
Selected a choice lot of Xrna* and New Tear Post >~xrAr Booklet..
r.|f| pooka. Juvenile, and Calendars, which we will suppt. while the
Stock laata at a d;?> oint of one.half off of regular pr)r?a
A few special MiMe. are also offered at rrdu<--d prices
Ask to a. ? Stock - -h \nnss
2*1-214 Narib ?lata street.
Wife of Inaugural Committee Chanman
i I
sr.d aii, therefor*, that he pate
Mr. Macfarlanl eta tee '.hat the I aal
inaugural eotBBJitttee had, at its list
meeting, rated that any balance of the
Inaugural fund remaining should be
utillaei. if necessary, for the cam?
paign fir the .hange of the inaugural
I cate. which the committee hsatftlis ap
I pro\ e'l
j It was not expected, re state 1 that
I ?r>y considerable part of this money
i would be expended unless Congress
passed the resolution providing foe a
constitutional amendment to change
the date. In e/hteh event it would have
heea necessary to send representatives
of the committee to present the mat- 1
ter In every State Legislature, and j
the money woul - have been used to,
icfray their traveling and hotel ex-,
ler.ies. But as Col ft?I as not '?
icssed the resol- tlon t.o-:.- ., ;? i.e.-i
occasion to expend any more t r.a n the1
srr.all amount required, tor laaadeataJ t
Mr. Macfarland stated that he was!
tuthorlzed this morning by Mr. Nor- i
rr.?n: to state thnt the remainder Of I
t'm of the las: inaugural fund, j
$3.3IS.-*'>. la still in his hands as (:??.??>-'
urer of the last inaugural committee.!
subject to the future request of the \
committee on the change of inauzural I
Political I.Ines Ignored.
Tha: politics was to play small place i
In the perspnne! of th'- inaugural com- \
Britta* became evident at a meeting of j
Chairman Eustis and :rc iF;hvr r fficr? I
of the committee yesterday. It was !
decided to select as far as possible ;
rr.en prominent in Washington who had!
had charge sf tire work of the Inau?
guration of Preatteat T.-.ft four fears]
ago The time In which to BU?tS all!
th" arrangements is short, and It was |
believed WtBC to make UPe of 'he ex- j
pcrlence of the men who w- re In |
charge four years ago. I
It is expected that Congress will be |
asked to grant peffBBtBBBaa fir the use.
of the Pension guildir g for the In.iu
(aval ball A requ-?: will he made
also to the national legislators for
permission to quarrer visiting troo-(s
in the halls of the public halhffhXSJB
at r. . This permission w.ig refused
four years ago. so far as th c-i-.-t r
Ini of troops in the hall.* of tlie bulld
,:ig* was concerned. Although Con?
g-ess grant-d the use of the f\ .
Palldlag st that time Pee tha laasra
ra! ball, it was vigor-.t ??-??- ;rd hy
many members of the Uou?- this
was to be -'the i*?t rjaaa
But men in a position to kaew
-lare.l to-day that In view of the fact
'im: no arrest eonvenf'on hall, suit
.:?<'.?? for ?u< h a ball, has h en -r-? ?? .1
in Washington during the f;.ur years j
j :?t nassed. will be the ?t (fa Bfl ? I
congress again to allow th' use of th,,
pension Ttalldtng.
The fs'-t that Ihe I-.dian Bireiit ??'
the Interior l?epurtm?-r.t h s o n
m'ced tr-to the pension Building -ind
? , hi '? mu h of the space on th
floor, which was glv, n o\c: to rijfea f*B
ti-.ities at tee iime of to- baM has
made the pr ?o|. m of lendins IBS ? 'Mh
ins even moee difrlc-ilt than t was be
?eeretar? \ lew's aBaBBBBBBh
it was decided veateasht] um .>*-k
Smith, a Baltimore newspaper mar.
shojld h- the personal a.*?i?tant
S. . rotary W. \V. Vic*, of the j? ig.iral
? ommlttee Mr Smith Was connected]
With the Democratic puhlt.ltv btir< iu
m the last campaign. Thomas I
'Pence, a Washington new spar? i man
; who had charg. if the public :. work
' for tloxernor Wilson in the prr
; vertton campaign, .s to be , hair-nan
1 of tbe press cmml'te. . ft hj e\[...'..|
tsjit James K Mafhstl will be the
chairman of the committee ball
ro ?m decoration* Majo' Richard Myl
vester. ?aperinti ntlent ..f |?'i. ?hslr
man of the committee SB public order,
i Percy Sv lost-? ? hair man of th. ?o-n?
mute?? on music, M. I Weller. chair?
man of tiic committee on public com?
fort; W V. (us. chairman of the com?
mittee on historic spots. The last
office has always been held by the
pr< ' i lent of the District Society. Hons
! >T the Ameiioan Hevolut.on. the posi
i tion now occupied by Mr. Cox.
I -
K\e< utiie Committee Will Arrange for
Meeting Ittthin a leu l>u-i?.
I The next meeting* of the Virginia Ar.ti
.--a l.t?{L?. v jiich Will l>e held on some
?Sil derlog :he BSSMtl o" Feirusry. wll] be
aged foi at a meeting of the esecutive
i eensasUtea ir. thle city not later than .lan
uary L ?"harl&ttem lite, which has received
the . t.-:d:tlor.a; Indorsement o.' the torrwnlt
lei irel tTs-McasVOfa' and Komokr are in the
rui-r.:ns frr the contention whi~h usually
attracts eeeet ?e ssjrseasi Secretary VeAl?
lster willi in the mssnttase, invesrirate the
I eVeiiwMUry ?>; a:: tares eitle?
1 It tl sei >., i.easue will hold its DM
Bltos In IBchassaa. since the custom
' I? te have tit- meeting in this city when
i the gfatlatsi* is In session. Toe mestice
ear:- in t.tls .<.eur was attended bv ebo-jt TOO
?-^ively indi
mild, pleasing
cigarette. A
quality that
|| has success?
fully met the
critical Amer?
ican taste.
20 in plain pack?
age?that's why
we can offer them
for 15 cents.
Baptist Ministers' Conference
Gives Luncheon in Honor of
Dr. Ryland Knight.
Dr. Ryland Kniff/::t. who l?avo
hue present charge at Calvary Uaptist
?'hurch on January 1 to assume the
pastorate of the first Baptist ChUCkj
in ClurltsviMe. Tenn.. was tenuered a 1! luncheon yesterday at noon
? by the members of the Baptist Min
. isters- Conference.
All of the eighteen ministers preser.t
made short talks In appreciation of I>r.
K night's w ork during tils stay In the
? eit;.. and at the elise of the hour he
j responded with a word of regret a?
, leaving. Itev. Samuel Templem?n
! pastor of the Northslde Bsptlst Church
land president of the conference, acted
' as toastmaster.
The banquet was served la Iba new
Forecast: \ irsinla? Rata or soon
leaaari >i<m west trortloa Toesda p ;
. M ctineaday fair.
\ortb < arallaa?Rata eaot; rala or
?s?n writ portion Tuesday: Wedaes
; da, fair.
>pccinl Local Data for \ eeterdey.
I 1noor. temperature . .17
[." P. M. temperature . 39
'MaMinum temperature tip to S
j P. M. Zt
I Minimum temperature up to ?
I P. M. :t
Mean temperature . Zft
Normal temperature . 40
? l>. :i. ency in temperature . IS
lOeakrsnsry in temperature sine?.
March 1 . 75
An urn. deficiency In tern pesos tu re
agape danuary i . ;o7
I'efi? ien, ?.? in rainfall since Msrch
I .I Cg
Accum, deficiency in rainfall sin. I
January I .c it
Local nbaervetloo ?? P. M. Vesterdoy.
j Temperature. 1*
j Humidity ., 71
i wind- -directlea . v..
'? W'nd velocltv . a
I Wrathci .Snow
? At i P. M Un-rn Stsn'srd Tin? ?
Place Tber 11. T la T. TV ?all? t.
?a?steine . zt r.? re se-?w
Atlanta . 24 Zt 3? Rain
, Atlant .? CP-. 14 40 ;? Clcjd
' K ?ton .. . *'? j* fa r. <
B.tiTaio S* $? St Ch I I
c.-u..e\- . nj 41 P ? |?udy
Cberlettoti . . :? 4k U ?'louJy
'?'hlcago . X? 45 ? le.t
PSSJSdl ...... 2% 44 .4 <iear
t>.. th . sa .?; clo >o
?',sKeMon . . . . 4e 4 1 t" t 1
H ? t tera? . M If 44 Boar.
Me- re . ts ;.<? T.% Clo -dl
J .cksonx ille .? ?? *: J,' I.
Kansas City . I? 4? .'.5 ?"lear I
LsssareWa .... Jo ?? '? *n?r
H .itKeer,..,-! si (I i? UaIn
N? w ??r|.an? . ?? 7** 4? ?'.ou.|>
Vew \ork .1? *< ? ? ond
Wr.olk . J* ?? 3- Bain
Oklahoma .. J? ** 3* ?l?>?r
Pittab?r*fh ... ?? r? r4 ci??u-iy
( Kalelgh . 34 3a Kaln
I ft !x>uts IS <"lear
ifton Franc leco. ?p M 15 P. cteuety
Savennah ...4* 4? *" r.x't
Xpohane ..... 91 4S :t? GtaWsff
I Tampa . 7s TS pp P. cloudy .
Washington i* <" -"loudi
! Wlnnrpep _ I? ?* 1? Cloudy
? PVy levlfie ... Zt 22 Z$ Paets
?inisTi ??i ?i -a w ?.
IPecembri 74 IP12.
?tt<ih Tinr i
Pur r*?ea .. 7 24 Morning . 4.14,
Pun seta.4 St tven'np . .4 41 I
Jingle, jingle, jingle, the phone hells ring;
All day lonr,' thi? message they bri:ifr:
HIca-e till niy older without delay.
Foe I nius'. have MILLER'S on I hristrruui Day.
Last Call
Ve?. I'm bu-y. and jrettiiit^ btiMer every hour, but am still
booking order- for
Liquid Delights
and delivering promptly. lt*i not too late for yours. The
heavy sales for the holidays have not depleted the big Mock
to anv great extent?plenty of good thinp;> left for yon. CaH
.Monroe 8rV| or X84. Say Hello, tell u- what you want,
and we'll do the rest- and get them to you on time.
REMEMBER, "there are no disappointments , in
The World's Best
Rare (>ld \ v ines. Brandies. Cordials, Scotch and Irish
Whiskies, Jamaica and St. Croix Rums. Imported an 1 Do?
mestic Champagnes, Old Whiskies of antique mellowness.
Phones, Monroe 882, 883. 884.
' private dining-room A DbcfcUasoa'a
: Restaurant, which was used for tho ]
; first time >esterda>. The arrange-'
' ments for the event were in the handn
] of Rev. J. J. '?'Icker, pastor olt tho ,
! L*igh Street Baptist Church; Dr. T.I
, Clasett Skinner, pastor of the 8ecaae]
BaipUst ?Tjurch. and Rev. J. R John- 1
: son. pastor of Venat'le Street Baptist
i ?"hurch.
I Other ministci j present were Dr. ?
j W. C James, pastor >f Grave Avenue J
!?'ilur<h; Rev. A- B Bagby. Rev. B. i
Lacy H?ge, pastor of Immanuel Church.
Bar. R. W. Sale, pastor ot Weath-rford
Memorial Church Rev. W. R Hibson. !
pastor of Broadd;:s Memoiiai Church:
Rsv. Lloyd T. Wilson, past >r or" Cirac
? St rex* ti'lmrch: R-.V. J. T. Bow den. i
pastor of Barton Heights Church: R. v ;
j E. S. Petty, pastor of New Bridge j
' church; Rev. J. T. Watts. Sunday school j
secretary: Rev. Mr. Brenne,-, et Tay- I
lorsvlllc. and Rev. K K. Skolblc. of the !
Colored The/logical Seminary. r>r. [
j <Jeorge W. McDanlel was prevented ,
' from attending by an indisposition. j
i Pre\ ious to the luncheon the reg- j
i ular meeting of the Min'sters' Confer- J
ence in the First Baptist Church was'
! addressed by Dr. Knight The su'vi" I j
' of his talk was "Tibi Ml.-sionary Con- |
; tr.bution in Bible Translation."
(harter? I? < '
n.-r.d. Bmok Sewe.i Companv <lnc.?.
rticrmorJ. capital: Haxintaaa, l-..?*s: miri
i isiaa, ?2.a? R " c-rio, ?**>;. ur> sident.
TrhsterassB. vs.: C. .?. Hasses* rsee-prssl
AjMBt; J B. Hand, aecretarv and trcaaurar,
b'th of Rkntnond.
! W arwick Truck Farm? i Inc ?. Xeaport
Nt?j, Va Capita. Minimum. 110.000; nilni
rtim. ll.OOc. P. W. Pa \ aon. president. WOC
f'i.k. W. J X(im?. ?# e president: O. W. M.
Taylor, secretary and treasurer, both of
Newport News, Va.
Tba Rea. Ksiete and IIHMaatt COipsrS
Usa o< Virginia. Alexandria. Va. Capital:
Mi.\lrnu:u. $.T..tW. minimum. $1.000 J. O.
flislasis. pntMMt; v. W. Boaueii. ?eerc
i.-.r- ind -.reHturrr: G. Washington Lc?t???
all of Alexandria. Va.
Rul.airs' K\. hange ot Raanoke. Va. (Inc.'.
Bossnsa Va. It A C-'iggett. president: R.
K. Stewart. wmUlll! W. It. En-le-by?all
o." Itoanok". Va
Amend::.?n: ;;sued to charier of Pat
z....f L*ru*; i'mn'uay tin.-.V Newport New?.
Va.. ebasgtag -laou to Dlrlciison Drug i'jiii
pan> line. I.
Foreign rtartSM domeaticated : George L,
.-i. >n:i i Cm., .: New Vork corporation, witii
S-Kv.OOo ratplf I: Ii H Edmund?. Jr.. statu?
tory agent. Richmond
Baaaoaa] PTofKam r i icd.
The trn kSbotsra who ??-rr found a: work
-j u soar Virginia Railway and
Pssrer Company'? building at Se\enth and
I-'-... Streets w. re convirtrd yesterday'
in I'oli.e "'ourt o' working on the Sal-bat i
anil each fined
I.. -n.iM Nesro taiuratimial ( nnferrnce.
The annual conference of the higher col?
ored aehoo!? will be held at Virginia I'r.ion
li.i.erslty on next Thursday at II ? and 7
o clock and on Friday morning at S o'clock.
T )? general f-tairr: of discussion will be
the colored high schools and trie Mjrher
giades of the grammar schools. The lead?
ing colJVed teachers of the State are ta
dlrcuas practical phases of to* subject,
'loins Is>'.? the schools. All friends
of negio education will be *?::om? at :ha
^Mm^^^^K ' ^ Comfort
-j^^^Jgj' to Old
*^r^ Perfection
All winter long?on the Zero days and the
windy, blustering days?the Perfection Smoke?
less Oil Heater gives them real solid cximfort.
It saves them many a cold and sickness for it easily
warms the rooms not reached by the ordinary heat.
The perfection Heater is made with nickel trim?
mings (plain steel or enameled turquoise-blue drums).
Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts tor years- Lastly
moved from place to place.
Af BaaSaaj Baaasaaaaai
(?im?Baal ?> P*wm Wt
H~mm+, It, A ? ? I . Mai