Newspaper Page Text
STheSim^ ?SS^ Bi^p?trh TH? . im Bf l oy.nded mm 1 uk DISPATCH POCXDSO MM, WHOLE NUMBER 19,210. RICHMOND, VA.. \VKi)N KSDAV. I >K< KM \>\ Al '_!">. VM'l. THB WKVIUtai TO JAT-r?!/. PRICE TWO CENTS. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year WILL MEET WISHES OFPARTY LEAOERS President-Elect Wilson in Conference With Speaker Clark. DISCUSS EXTRA SESSION DATE Tarif! Is to Be Foremost Subject Before Congress When It l Meets. Probably in March, j Cabinet Possibilities Consid? ered, but Bryan's Name Is Not Mentioned. I.'iilon. N- J., DtCMkktl II?<"???! Ii>H probaWy will i *? culled Into extraordinary session by Presldent alact Wilson shortly after his iiiau-| KUration . ImMM Ml MavTCtl I ", and the particular legislation that will com? It will be tariff revision Aim a two houra' conference with Speaker Champ Clark, the PTealS sat-sleet Sa-j clared to-day he w ould endeavor to j meet the wishes of Democratic leaders in Congress, who he wan Informed) ?.re anxious that the Interval B*r?| tween the two sessions of Congress be' ar brief as possible. Mr. Wilson announc. -l sefere left for Bermuda that hi would call the' ril.a seasion to .convene "not hater j than April II ' As to the exact uat? . hat said, he wouid consul: the askato* ? f tk? Democratic leaders :n congress >lr. Clark Is llaWltintOlWl tofavoi Mai h IS as the day to begin work. "The sooner we get started the tt ter." he told the I'resident-elect. W hile the Speake r said the ul I 11 a praaePt session ?ould he consumed v ith appropriation hills, leaving ike! bulk of the Democratic program and. platform pledges to tb< tiew Congress.! concurred with Mr. Wilson that tin. tai iff should be th/- foremost subject !?? come before the aneclat session. The Speaker was delajed by the MW?? ?tonn In leaching; the Slate1 Ho ise He found the Governor wait? ing f%f him for luncheon* howevei sod the two leaders sat alone In the p naie dining room M the Capitol talking; earnestly "for two hours. When the conference was over Mr. i W llaon *?-ld the talk "nad been along universal Hnes." legislation as arel] as Cabinet poaslbllttlcs being tak. n up. He added that they had 01? ussvd the "general ?? hsracter of th.- extra see* sion and the prafaaradutess ot general, b gislation t.. . o:n. b. for. M lor in la Main l-lrrml. We l,.,th mf}I S< S tiie lar.IT should he th. mam interest ?f the; extra sessloi.. said the GoCernOr I'rging an ? arly meeting ?f Congress, the Sneaker tod Mr. Wilson that lie j bcMeveo" members of Congress ougoA . not to he kept WaHiag too long be-1 taeen sest-ions. The rTsasSiat sWrl d-d not Slstlaa<i I xrliat inin's he and Mr Clark d:>cusse\. ! for the Obi n't He said at the out-I set, hou< .er. thJt the speaker i>ad ] not <oin.- "wirii SSggest'on." but Vather hesitated to express himself ' ?n the subject of the Cabinet, because he < onyclercd that I soil of family re-] lxtionship existed between "the 1'resl-, cent and his Cabinet "I asked ti.e speaker for his opinion, as to several names.' ?md Mr. Wilson. ? and the names we did mention he went over in a ver; judicial spirit. He ; has had so much experience, and I ' knew he CO?Id tell nie sohl things j ?hont th? public men that I otherwise! would not be able to get. chiefly as to their experience." Hoth the Speaker and the Governor! ? V- I' \ an's" ii-td I'Ot hit Ii locution..I during the conference. When th? n'wspaper men so-' Sri .ache.i th<- Speaker he declined to give <%:it any inform Mion as to ids ?ith the riovernor. They pressed . "h.m. hAnM-fr. as to whet' ej Mr. Bryan ! ha-i beep aaacaaaasf "No." he answered "I'll gi\e SWS that much information He ? as not."' Wh< n he ws?'e.! later a Seat Mr. Bryaa th- Speaker said: plainlv that he d .1 MM like to be In- j t~r\lewed ab.cit the Nf iiraskan. "I am n??t going t i talk nh.nn him." j he said. 'You c-<n mark that down, and there is no use tn talk aewvf it. I 1 don't ?an? t" ass m mkind or dls-| . nurfeous. but th.-r- are some things' I ? ill do and some t won't This Is j ?nr ..f th. tblocs I will not do." Tell, terr Cordial. Oarsiwat w :i>on .?. nt-ed i,.s tak . WSta Mr Clark as xerv .ordii! 'He afaaasg p..v lad t t mos? ner- : oil-, ?red eordisl attlt'id'.** Said the! President-eleet of h?e vl?ttOI T?ie Governor l.eard from Mr. Clark that .Represe.itetlv. L'nd. rwood's ?ie.,|i i ?as improving. A lentetlx-e gppoititme; t h?s oeeri arranged by the G?"rrii.?r with Mr. I"nd?'r? gas] fo? ri' \t Triesds- .Vfler tlic iiHif'T.-nee ?? Hi Mr l''dcr?ood the President - rt< ? I said be expected to r. c.tve many tn'ronei* of Congress hv appof-itnv-nt. ? In ?II these conf. rcrices." said Mr. Wilson, "we da not dls. uss ??>? Ms fitnt- Sa mneh. bnf 1 try to get as nvph conns 1 n* 1 .an with r<t-ol pj men and pol'-''" With Mr. Clsrfc to- i Any. for instanC' I w.-tit o\? t ih- ?II wat.on es t? m> n for the Cabin, t and |sa eorerlng t.racti. MSJ th>- sense w ind as I did with Mi. Hr>*n." SUSPENSION ORDERED \ 4i nmrrm to I ?i>l? Kate? x ... I gee Ill e I Mill Jeer m Washington. |i-eerriKir .'I -S-rspen-j ? |nn ?es o- er?d t?-ds? ?-> I he In- | lerstate Com re- . e i ?..niii'?"ioi. '-.m tH-.ernt-er St unill iun- '??> of p -opo-e.l ] sd>?n. e? In the i ^n--...'iailori rales ..r ptglr .ti from Itnctis Vlets sod other! ? Me i ?"? t? ??? n?ileS>ipmrn ssj-i tain other IjisI" rn <?<stmtt'.???. j Wilson and Underwood Soon Will Meet in Conference. I DATE IS NOT YET DECIDED UPON Kange of Subjects to Be Taken Up by Congress Likely to Be Determined Upon Basis of Suggestions Contained in Incoming Presi? dent's Call. f Washington. liftemWr IN?l'lana for I tin. extra session of Congres?, to be railed some time >|WMI Ma'cli 4 and [April li next, will be d'scus?* . anti ' may be tentatively nw -at a cun | foroBCa at Frinet ton prof.ably late this ! week b- tween rr-sident-IJIect ??'ii*on i and Bapreaoatatlre rinifm-ood, of Aia ; bama, i'eiiox :at|. ,.ade. of the Hon?.-. Mr. I'riutrwood i? glBdWgllj ifc"v Eorlng from Hie grip, an-' he has ?1 i\i*. I Mr. Wilson tliat t'.ds prevei te.j , bis aec. ptaii' t of an luv nation to con If?r with him at a definite date, but it i is piooabb t.-ie time will be deter- ! I lH m d by Mr. Wil.-on within tne n.-xt I twenty-four hours. aii Uta Ibjaggtiraflt leaders ara I jgieed upon the calling of an extra . naaion. tt-.e ealy uncertainty hem* as 'to the ate. Th?lr position is that the range of aabjeeta to be taken up ? at ti.t- extra aeeassa caa b?- deter-' 'mined upon the basis of Hie truomit g i I'ttsiden. s s Ingestion in his vail for 'i Mm se?s t>n. As voit ed by one aif tne leaeVtrg, if President W.l?on should t ali I t. ?? rxt a "-ession to consider d the : tariff and trusts, ti e House probably , aril] ba falrl) goverrit-d by tnat re* I nm.nen Intioii, and the leaders point, it: this conneetlon. :o the last extra Baa ? sion. which convened on April 4 as a Bract-lent for the ability of the House . Desaocra ? to refrain from ruimiiiK ; ! iimii'-k on general legislation sraoa | 1 salb . fo.' a specific purpose. Iliavrearr la V lern?, j Views differ as to just the ? \ [tra session sbouid begiu. it is under I stood 'bat tbe l>emoi?atic majority, ? on the Ways and Means ?''ee. :< Inuaaber of whom were at the Caadtotj ' la dajf favor the policy of the f*re?l [dsaat eleet'a deeision as to, ? tbe date of the rr.t. a session until | ?trey ha.e had an opportunity to close' Jap toe coaslag hearlagi on tbe van-) ?iis s. Iiedules of the tariff, and t? i frame the fntatie. tat ItT revision b'li ' I for tht eonsltlei atloii and action of tne I lac ?cnii ?- i lostg e ? Tl.. hi an-,us IN schetluled to cott ; tlntie Basil th.- last of January. The Datae rats of th. loinrnittec tuen in aeaadoa arm hold constant -n? fnvs1 i femulating th^ draft of a s nera.1 w' n b th* Ineesaiaa vTayaj aast| M.ans Coaaailtlae caa nad pre- j s- at as a aaeaarttttee aaeaaara f t the tii . ision of tile House ??- to wlo tli t 1 it is feasible for pressing thi< igt. . this legislation schedule by sciicdult 1 oi as a geneml b. 11. An lateraathag b.t of gaaatg to-oav sras a flat den al that w. j. b raa, on ' his re? ent visit here, in discussing the tatff. advoeatttl earr.v ng oat the L'n- ? derwo >tl program if tevsion '.-g.sla ton schedule by s. edule. as m the la?t session of Congress, and !?) fol? low that up by a ce-jeral revenue bi!!. making still farther reductions. Id the r venue basis, the idea being, as M . Bryan was nuoied. to pievent "dicker-; ms" among protectionists. The Ways ami M -ans Committee ? majority ? xpe. ts to have the tentative hill ready b> the . xplralion of th.a t'ongress. but as it may not ?? ? ready | at that t i no . the dt .e is .?xniis?el I to hold off the date of ti.e ?\l.a BOO* sion until tbe tiuisli of the tiriff ?? rk ENTER PLEAS OF NOT GUILTY Melles and ? nsntl?erll? Meies? at nm sii...Mm Hall Ilm?. Jgt . V..-k. ln-cember "t.-Chailcs .*. HV bo. praasssreM . f the New votk.i N". n Haven and Hartff .1 Kailioed. j <??iiupan;. and K .1. Chsmlierlln. pres-' ' ident of the .irarvl Trunk Railroad <>t I ?' noi*. indicted yesterdav for criminal 1 violation of the ftne.-rnan law. enterrO ; ' pi. as of not Kiilltc fo-dav and wer? i Ireseaoad in lie.999 hail earn. I I Bsw* Hough was loath to demstiti , ball in either case, and said at first be would rt leas-- the defendants on) .their own rrrnsniu nee. f~oiin*e| for the ? \ urnc nm tit. however, obb?tet to tbtsj ;...ol .all I Cie court's attt-ptlon to the; f,.i to.,- io it In tt-sidi d wit'.in the' ? urisdi. tb.i. of th- innrt. Bstl was furn'sh".! by a seeurity company Frank la Crawford. Mr. Chamber - lin's .outtsel. sstd before leaving the! i .nir! ro ?-n. J "No law nil' ever my rtlent. f T.o only reason wh\ the work en the! [tflraa TriNBs extension was abandeneitj .^u?. of tiig'' mon? rates, tt e I I are su e ??f scujolttal." Mr Mellctt deellaed to make a state-j rrvnt. _ ATTEMPTS TO KILL PRINCE When IMaitorrnl hl ?er? aal? ?.??? ? st Iii? fo . oiaa.ll ?uteltSe. Toko rw-eemrter "I -tb aMetnpf ?.?? made to-.|a? to aaaasslnate Trmte v ? ?. Vamatrsla. president of the lapao.?. Privy foenell slid Supreme .Mil tar 3 I'ttanrtlor of In pan The prinre ?<-aprd sn.boit Hia a??ail? t attempted to rowtnil ?uici?te The , Woe Id - be s ft as set n broke In;.. th' . r-atden. . |q?t sfl-r mWolght ] i t I ..w.| r.i approa. b t *i prin. lb ?.n oheeered be attendant* a lb-n tried to Vtil himself with s Vnl The man was par , H nod.r grtiag, a an investlastWrn now la Umi ma*V I Yamaarsta eagg in. ? Mef 1 kv general "t a ft daring Ike Ress J.tpetit s* V\ ar. CHRISTMAS GIFTS III WALL STREET Tidy Little Fortune for Employes in Bank? ing District. MAY REACH TOTAL OF $1,000,000 Growing Tendency to Substitute Salary Increase for Other Bonus. Brokers Engage in Old-Fash? ioned Christmas Eve Snow? ball Fight on Floor of Stock Exchange. New York. n?TW?ll Si. ? A ti<ly iittle fortune in < "hr ist ma * gift* was placed to-day in Wall Btreefs Chrlst i.ias Btat sThet It 1? estimated that about tl.tM,.> will b.- paid out this year in Christmas presents to the army of salaried employes In the fi? nancial district. The distribution has ;'een going on f ir a week, but in the naajaffty of eaaea the payment mi bonuses Is made on the clay before Christmas. The year now ending, al-l thcugh a fairly prosperous one fori bankers, lias been a lean one for stock j i rokers. on account of the dullness la] sgeeatatloa. Wmt this reason thei < uristmaa total wit: b. Mual.e. than is. some of tin- former >cars In VaVtekl t rasUas- stocks was heavy. There is a growing leadtacj) hi IB* j laaaclal district to substitute salary '? increase at the first of the year for CaraMaaaa bonus, on the ground tb.atj disci laalaats distribution of lump kuni^ ' inlaaaa no premium upon merit. A j lumber of large Wall Street institu? tions also have introduced the pension.; s>stem for superannuated i mp!/; In] place of ''hristmas g!fts. Huge placards on the Ho tr of the Sto.-k K\i hange to-day reminded the httaasna af the tlaaa-lsaavtmA Gtofasasaa fund of the ?s-iiin(fi- for the employes, who aim :aly MOjrftra several thousand ' dollar*. stv. kts a'id bonds w.-rc forlotten on the See York Slock Kxchange t > I day. while lookers ? i in an old fashioned Chrietnias Kve ?nowball i nght. Orsat basket* of !-r.o? ?.ue , brought in lrom tue street and dumped 99mm the floor of the exchange. Mes j Senger boys were < >nsc: intcd and be-' i lass ' powder monkeys.'' and for a time there was a battle royal. A corporal's guard of wealthy bro- ' k?rs took up their position in the vis? itors' gallery and from the-ir point of v.-.ntage. bombarded the members on lhe floor. The latter, organized under half a dozen leaders, attacked t'icni from every side and forced tiie little band with.n a few minutes to retreal. ; aTaaatlnaa the attendants and messen-' gers had been organized into an aminn- \ nition corps, and w irking on rela>s. i brought in mo.e snow. After the battle was over ex'erybody m b lilding a giant sri .w man on th l floor, i The ? restimi was an object of wond. i faj and extravagant archilecture. ??Nb for While House Koiployrs. Washington In-, ember .'?.?Althoucli President Taft M in Panama, he MBMlj arrangements before his departure I ay a.l ol the faithful employes ( of the White House should receive Christmas remembrance", and to-day eaeh of the 1 employes received a] large, (at turkey, the gift of the PVSaf dent an.l Mrs. Taft In addition the! PtaaaSsMM made score? of personal re-I Bteaearastcee sn l presents to While ; House employes. The only menib-??% of the President's family who will I spend Christmas at the White House! will be Robert and Miss Helen. ? I t?tor'? I MnsBMBM "orprlV. Khinebeck. N. Y.. 1 loi-mher 21.? | Vincent Ast ir, the new head of the ! wealthy fa-nil>. has ordered an Increase of wage? fer employ es of the Astor ? e?t.-ite. to take effect tie first of the" > ear. There are MsWg than 1.0S? em- j plnyes on the estate known as Fern- , < Hffe. and every clsSS of workman Is to be benefited hy? the Increase. \? a further Christmas surprise, nimr Astor hss announced that for the last j t?o month* experts have been at BN ?? k on a pensi-n sv stem for the employes. Use llm-er for \nlller.sie?. Newport News Vi.. Ite.-ewber ? i -f'c. n '.Hindi..! arti'le-" men ?t l'ort-i i.?? Mot t.x will sit down to-mor ow; to a big dinner furnished from I'n. l.-' Sem's larder Ho the menu ?III be ? ? ream tomato s-oi'v roost tu-kev wttn] ..i -i. - dressing, gild't grsv > c-ranb< sauce, green p. as. sw.-et corn, ol'".' mash-d ;eotatoe?. a'l kinds of . m'-ice ;.ie. f-nits. nuts ..indies . offe. . iga-? and cigarettes It is one of BS1 roost clabo'-.te dinners ever given tie, m :i In the set Tere The fort presents i a Ch-i?t:i.???i I ? ? ne. ri< h company. ? inaiter? tw log de?-orated with hol'i. I MM toe BfBj .edar The dar ?ill MJ d. I ot.-d to athleti. ?nort? g I MMjSaMai Ml ?oe ? Iseisea. Atlant*. IIa Hecen.oer ~t In In , . . ss? of siroroxtTnat.-ly* ti per ceot In the wage* of |inerc< n rniPlm . d I. lb' ?o.ithen snd ' umrvrl.iod Tei? U i 'oi'io- no s t" MJ elfective l?n.nn 1 wss announced I?. .?v The iniini' ?as grt'ited 'oluntsrliv. ass*. ?a !n I'ti'' wttb th. rc- ei : estsbPehment of a : ft* eon S. i e'flt b? the \meru?:i Tele? phone ?nd Teleg.airh Cos?pen;,. to ??leb the Soot hern B> II .oror??nt?. ?? silrsldiarv. More than l iso linemen TMroug'.o-:' the Sniiih'tn Stetes will bencfi I from to-day's Christi??? KiH - .. . . . . Meat ?enkf to tsW?st?. ???od?-? er tee rast letter pi issastb -..Hi .-a ? Sssst iassa>' daftr. ??or' ????????. Werth SS WS?a>'>t-P??.?rt Msetr. SS. g. Mal? -Ad.. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY DEVICE T u r k t y 's Delegates to Peace Conference Procrastinate. SEEK TO PREVENT POSITIVE ACTION Allies, However, Are So Confi? dent of Successful Outcome That They Agree on Boun? daries for an Autonomous Albania to Propose to Conference London. Parriaber zt.?Turkey's d-l egates to the peaae eoafgreat a al? though they realize that eventually ttiey must accept the conditions laid down by the a Htm to bring about peace in Bajulhaialain Barop*, are r >i loarlaff the course of proerastinattea and will take advantage of every diplomat! ? djatrfea to postpone me In ev table d .-meii'bermei.t < f the terri? tory which na* b ?? ii the :irn,. | cittup for l ears. Meanwhile, i.owrver. the a...'es are a ? conjffletrt that the outcome of tue peace negotiations will be in line with their demands that they alread. have agreed on tbe boundaries for an auton? omous Albania. Thes.- tspaaaarlee will be submitted later to the ambassadorial conf.-reii'e. whl'ii lias adjourned to meet early in the new year. The <|i,e-itioii Imming sinleter before Kurop, now is gat wlien peace will '?? atgraas] by the Vll'gerents. bat w-hy, III View of the settlement of the onar rel between Austria and Serrta Austria does not demobilize. The alli-s have agre?d to ;.ro,.o*e te tbe .imbassadoriPl conference the following frontier for ail a itonornoue A1 ha nig: Kertb .-long- the bft bank of the Rlres l'l in. leaving a fee miles on the kfft l.ank of that river to .Montenegro. ???* it i eprt sent.- the only ?ansage fossible from the Interior to me sea. The rfontier as proposed wil! foll w the Dim until the White Dtrfa joints the Bla -k In in. The rdHtaTT fapattai is marked by toe water-h d Ii tween i Albania and Sfrvfu. leaving to Hort a both I'risriiid .1: '. Monastir The southern frontier consists of a line practically straight from S011M1 Ita lona to t':e watershed. I earing the town >t Krglierikastro to Oltate. Proposed I'rnatlrr. Tbe j.ropof>--u frontier between M011 tenegru and Sfrvia will be aionsr tlie White l?rin. leaving PJacoea to Mon? tenegro aad passing through the source <f the River Ibaratiz !n a straight line to th" Kiv. r, leaving the town of l'l.vlie t.. Montenegro. The Aegean Islands will g > to Qrei .. they having a population made up almost entirely of Orcek*. Bot Athens pledges t M neutralization of these islands, desiring to guarantee to all the powers free passsjre and liberty of commerce throughout the archi? pelago. AMaragh th.- Bulcariat s vesterdai ask"d to he peimitted to ac upy terri? tory on a line from Hod^sto. on the s. rt if aTarasara, to Midi*, on the Blu'k aaa, It hi besawred thev will h.% satis? fied to have the frontier eta it from Koos, a port on t a .Vjwin St a. an.r follow the Maritza. Hiver until it tenches a point r-outh of Kouleli Bur? gas, and then cut across eastward to Midia. It is supposed, however, that if piessure is brought to bear in the way of saving Turkish dignity and for the sake of peace, the Bultrarims mitrlit act ept a situation whn n. while It wou! not give them Adrlanopb-. would prevent it hein^a menace in the future. It It proposed to make Salon? iki and the s n roundlna ti 11 Hot ? with? in a radius of t9M miles neutral, under' the protection of the allies. The Kuropean chancellories an j watching with the keenest anxietv foi -0111. sign ?f d? mobilization of th. a art* in tan t s. ENJOYING LIFE IN LONDON IVci-r l'lra>?.'rnt iar|*? ."Vloaaentarllv t aat < a I ?0? >-t ?>a?or. ijnr on. bi.-ITiher fl. -IVtce pb nt - 1 oti nti.i' ? of the ottoman Umpire ( aiHi of the Balkan allies bavr for the most part momentarily ca?t off tbe| car.-s of offtci .?nd are .-nj?ving the liosplt.i iiti. s of their diplomatic rep r. ?eitativ.'s in l^imlnn Th.-rc r? males little doubt in dipto malie . Irrle* that tbe . 1 isis ult'matelv will I? snrmonnte.l without a r, suinp tton of h.mtlllttes. I?eapite the out? ward aPre-aia?.. e of a Unit? of -. I. ws. It is known th. re Is const .eraMe latent train 1? amons the mWmti nations. ??**] gg time to shS'pe.? Ihr diffrrenr. ? ... |.. the amoi.nt of .r..l,t d-o to the worh of to. rr?o?itiv. armies there a-e indtestler.s of a desire on tbe gart rm' -rs -.f ?he Balkan Uas ?<? !?? .. n. the demand*, so s* I? hasten S arttlement. To Press at Midnight The Times-Dispatch goes to press this morning shortly after midnight, much ear-1 lier than the usual hour 3:30 A. M. This was done on ac? count of tbe Christmas holidays. MAJOR-GENERAL WOOD WILL LEAD INAUGURAL PARADE VI aablnaton. Ilf.fml.rr S4?Major-f.rarral Leonard \\ und. rhlef of staff ?f Ihr arm), will lend thr InauKural parade In eo? section oiiu ihr Indue ?l?a into u*3c-e ?f r?rr?idrnt-tllect Wilauu. Ilia appointment es rrsatl ruar ?bal waa announced to-diy hy . hslrnts? William < urruraa 11 eat la. of tbe iuseKural ter. Tlir same of W. II. Udwaral*. street t Iraulnt ?os* ntl??tonrr .?r >r? lurk tlt.t. and furmrr football champion at l?rla<-etaa. kari been aausrated for Ihr place, bat < lialrotaa Kunlia decided tbnt le tiew of ike fact Ibat a parade aa large a? that of Ihr Inaiisursf h.a. lo wkleb I numeroo? rolllfart a? swell a? eMt nrcanUiiiiiiia err to take part, node it ?rrfwarj to hate a mllitnrv man aa grand marshal. Mr. Knall? al?o fill.-.! thr four rrmalnloK taraal rhalreiaaabips to do;. a* follota?: Iruialafltr commit Irr. I.rnrxr 11. Hamilton: aoutrnlr? and ti.'krl?. .1. H. lie Mhuur: hull room sk)fitSJllSsis. Wali.-r C. Prtrr, end ati .liiinu. t apfiiin .lame? K. l?y?trr. < onf riltullnna to thr inaugural fund I? dnlr hair rra.'brd SI I.KOO. nrarlr ?IsVMd of wbirh waa rrerivrd lo-ilav 110 VOICE RAISED IN THEIR BEHALF .Miller l IiaUengcs Lawyer to ArgtK innocence ol -Mun-e\ ami llockin. DRAMATIC SCENE IN COURT I until States District \u<_>rnc\ Sams Up fer I jt?vcrnnient in Dvnaniitc Ca>c. Ind.inapolis. lud . l?eeeinl?cr z'< .-'Isiiding before the jury at the tri?! ??f th? forty accused " bomb yluttei .<.'' I'nited States IHstrict Attorney Charles MT, M.Uer i ha itepg? .| any of th< dt - ? ? twelve; lawyers tu speak in he. half of f K. Miinsev. ..f Salt laik- C*tJ ??r "f Hi-rhert S Ho. kin. form.-r WTf. t : \ of ih. work. is. union M ? i :???? \ ?a* a. ensed ut harboring tames R Mi Namara In the lattei's ?i aht fraaa baa laqEsfea ?iter Maayftag i-j. -Se Times l.inlding th?r. an.I ?.i ? taaaaed i>> Hie district attorney as -op.- of tlo- nu n who ought now to be in Sen ijurntin orison for inurd.r along with the M. Namaras." II.-.kin w?< d-clarcd to he *"tl?c lajaa af Mm caaaaslfary, who mtmwtmA the dir.ainit.' ? mispira toi s and then ? ? .;?.?! oth. pj t>. promt,:, his own am . ition " N'^ie a.-.-, pi. .1 Mill, r's ntt-Th The dramatic eeene ?am. ?fi i I n'te.l State? Senator John \V K.rn' had finish.-,| his argument. ?If It l"noi..d % ee on-. i-?r ? ".. ? .?'*.'. I'urrow to hi iiig the tilal of the Mr " imij ? as i ? I \ i g. I ? , .*. ? ?ss'iii psaa mi pMti ?in- aaaat ttaee < oat to retain mens el here, with e\-jiidge? ar.-l a I 'n't- .t Sit.? hat as lawyers?" ?hmtnl M- Miller. '?|fow can m? n for in. re m.>i'.-\ raise i their rotcee for si|. h consummate ? n mine Is* ? ">ei. in all th's long trial I haerj heard tin voice raaaaj in aaaaM of t?ol ?*f the defendants Wl o of lh. law . ?ers will 1'anH op slid ?i\ l|...B'n is n?t gtc. '\ 'I ? Who -'111 sijr. th?. Minsey |? not guilty- I will tWentv aalltatea of the (im. mn" ill < t'n*? in aar] lawyn who ?III argue | that thes. mer. are not guilty " lh. diste .-? attome. Inrm d flom I he ,,|- I*.* looked ?ith .-lit-; strejeh?.| hand t..? ird the ?rt?iii> ??! ??.?! p; i?. .1 Vr K.rn r .is n-d ml. Tor a morn, ot Mr *,!!. r waiieaj with tar eowrt meat la aileare. -Jto ansaei Th. i ? i? not a lawver pi.s . nt who win defend Ilm kin or Man ey pot a ?ei. e In behalf af faear He I rHIehei Here. ? Kon pahl h\ the ptrlb to IT'"". ? P'lblti ?ritrl ? ~. ?b.. ought tc'nn tinned ea Mara Page > REJOICE 11 LONG YEARS OF PEACE Public Men of I'nitcd State-, (ircat Britain and Canada Express Appreciation. ONLY GOOD WILL NOW EXISTS . Niaet] ?Eightll .\nni\er~ary of; Ssgsnag .>!* the Treaty of Ghent. I Belfast. Ireland. Prccmber 2*.?The j < ? Irbrat ton of the ninety-eiehth annl I T??l WKty of peace between the l"nit<.lj Malt I ..rid tl;e British empire was I . fiiiib- ll.e occasion to-da\ for e\pies-l I sions of .ippi < cMtii.n by many of the j J hading publi. men in Great Bntmu. i tin- 1"ruled States ami '.inida through ;h<- m..|iutn of the B-lfasf Telegraph.' Karl tlrey. former tjovvrnoi -IJeoei a| of .'un.ola. m rot. "The hundred I years' pea. e has. hern of lint old value, to the ....iitieal and develorment ? alik- "f ? it ? ? <t Britain, Iis* Called State? ' ;.nd Use CassheShh r>omiti!on VW hope. 1 to have a Worthy celebration of the I . v. r,t two years hence." Th. Call of Meath wrote- "War lH ? I iwe. u th. two nr. at lan'h.s of Use] ?.iii:|.. s.i .on rac lot us lirmly be-1 iiev to |... an impo??il.i lit y In the fu-! t ?err. Su< h a be! i f will go far to! tcik- it lmpossibb Bei ?' W Brewster. bishop of i"on-' ? e. ii. it w rut. ' \' M it-oe\. | wars * n?l I i inii.'s ..f wir-, ib.-,. may he. we I know that tin n n? ver can be war' again Msi-.ti thu republic anj the! I nit. I kingdom " PI Igstl I M... K> n/ie. of Pslstouslel Pi \.- i' . Halifax, y. 8. wrot- | ?i".?oaila may wll r- ,oi. .- tbst ?he has* been fortunate enough to to-.' be: I r? i tod <>f nittonal fgggrh from HM j staattag Intl.ieive of war. ghe ;otn?. ih. I'roted Stall? and the motherland, in -.ilrnp lb- mn> f> -rlgi'th a \.-*aii of the signing "f the ties' .-' i.hent. which baa aa a?a< h.I to.t oiili- for i'.in.ids. the empire, and '?? I'lStled -lit ?. I. :t also fer tbe ;.... ;.:? ?? of . iviii/stioa " ? ?ham..'- M. ? of Mew?st. : IT Wll Hill . Toronto wrote \uiet? ?-Shi > of gssgga and Ro.?d will ? hioiiKiiout tge Anglo-Savor, w..-M 'tax thi sngel of pea., eont.n'ie I? ? tatesinen of the fttltlsh cm ? I ti,. f? ted -Hates." gecrrtsn of 1*1 ale Philander Ktwi ii"'' -This anniv- ??? to remind u? not of Ihr term1 n?iion of . * ? ? a i si i :<? 1? bu r ,.i ihr ?,,1.? i ..?- ... ..f air?io?t ;. itnt jri ??' r- ? ? gast air tn tnaa bssag era of aa ? nt?hip w. Bag ao-as in* ,.- ?in? have r<-ejtard and brn" died from on r hiwabta. Xriah',..-,> at>4 t.arf? S?v? <f<eli pad (Continued on Third l'?g* ? ATLANTIC COAST IS STORM-SWEPT Blizzard Born at Mid? night Grows Rapidly Each Hour. STEAMER ASHORE ON JERSEY SANDS Revenue Cutter Seneca Reaches Side of Stranded Vessel and Will Take On Passengers This Morning ? Three Masted Schooner Also Driven Ashore. New York. December it.?A ollzaard bora at midnight and growing rapidly tarh hour, awept New York and the North Atlantic seaboard to-day. By noon the storm had blanketed the city with ten inches of snow; the wind had r'sen to a forty-mile gal*, and had t'nven two vessels on the treaehei Weal sands of the New Jersey coast. With i he snow still falling ferloasljf at mid? day. New Yoik was becoming st?rm '?ouiiri. In the open places the snow was dnftcd to a depth "f many feet. The local weather bureau declared that the storm would continue with? out abatement for several hours at least and that the wind would raaea still greater Velocity. Indications were that New York would be buried under the heaviest Christmas snow in a generation. The two vessels in distress Were the Tttrriai a. of the Fnlted Fruit Com? pany, and the three masted sch?ner John H. May, of Philadelphia. The Ttirrial ia summoned aid early |e the day. and the revenue cutter Seneca was sent to her rescue. The 'ohn H. May. with her crew of six ianded. was pounded by a heavy sea bit Sandy Hook. The snow in the harbor was blinding, i-our ocean liners, one of them with Mis. J. C Morgan aboard, lay at an? chor off Quarantine, fearful of brav? ing the thick weather to their docks, 'j'liev were the Rotterdam from Kot terciam. the George Washington from firemen, the Surinam from Parama? ribo, and the Catherine - Cuneo from Fort Antonio. Earner in the day a ferryooat and a tug collided in Iba upper hni-o.. injuring four men. two of them fa? tally. Across the Hudson the railroads yverc choked with Incoming passenger trains, some of them hours late and all heaciiy laden. Reports of snowbound suburban train?, of street traffic blocked and of vessels stormbound were receive i pom many Eastern' cities as the day i - v a need. Sandy Hook. N. Y.. December It? Aid cases to-night to the steamer Tur rlalaa as she lay hard an fast aground on the Jersey sands aaatk of. flSIasgsl. po'inded by a sea still heavj. though falling, and with more than ?1st) passengers on board, anxious./ awaiting esues. Summoned to their ai . by wireless, the revenue cattST >eneca. after a run under forced, draught from New York, reached t-.' side of the DaataSl Fruit Company liner Shortly after nightfall, prepared to give wiiat assistance might be neces? sary. As th--> Turrialba. though beginning: to list badly, was not taking water an the falling ae.i and wind combined to mitigate the dangers of her posi? tion, it was decided not to make ,,ny attempt to remove her passengers be? fore morning. The assurance that toe ?Mp war in no Immediate danger of gS position, it was aaatMai not to make any attempt to remove her Pas? sengers before morning. The assur? ance that the ship was in no immedi hrcaking up served to make their rhristmss on hoard, even if not exactly merry it Isst bearable Nee s from the steamer by wireless via Cape May came shortly b?.I >re is 0 . !?> k to-night in a message to atsi officers of the line. It ratal "Seneca ?rtived. Wm h?v- de- .del to hold passengers till davlight owing to heav y swell. Sen"-!! and I:fe-s iotV boats standing by. Ship dr\ ? Signed) I.INDSKT. 1? ? i .?? :sly mach tue eaine word had been sent from the stranded x-ss*l t<? the .leamer Prinz August Wiih-lm. e hicli had in<r>. .d i-v w r-l-while ncaring the T'irriaiba s p aSttaa ?nd ask.-d :f ior rapta.ti wanted the i>e msn liner to remoie th. fruit >t am?i? passengers. 'No. thanks the Senoea will take them off In the morning." Ilil the r.plc 1 m my hours sfler Ike -t- ?mer grounded the life-savers were .neble to f-nd her In th* Minding ?i ?> ? ?torm whin ??s raging D?ring the after noon. boweeer. a llfe-seving crew made its way out to her and st ?od hi. I? g:*e assistance Th* word that came fr<>m the steam*- t ?n wee reassuring Though In a t?ri ia>leas 1 ?nd'tion and pounding raaeteV'at't'' w <? intact Bef-.-e T- s.o. a reached her. haw*T*r. the co^t lowest surging of the seas bad rend n| tH* lot ..f I hose on board de. .d?ijly mor* foitable. An urgent sara??g* ssklna ?ssletan-e as speedily aa r-w? .1* s?nt at e a'eleeh. sssf I we * later th* foil oj.,ng ? ?? r. ret?-**i "Ship hss t?fc*n ao ?i;er h*as r 1 < .?. - e s'nlW Hiera frsm* n?dd?i psal arssl a l ; " 'S*d Weather , ond tlens Were .m--oViB? toi ght This, with tr* sr?a*aaa th. sv o*?-s. . and the fart 'hat tna steamer was taking mm water reaa sored snsiaaa fneada mt theaa ?* hoard arr*. Ving 'ug* fraaa >??? T?r% ?. ? - Itaaat aesj I .-'eg the day. and this ev*ol?g th. ?-ri??l af i he r< P?f boat from tat? ritj wee reeortea. The wrremleg ?ess-la "sad