OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, January 10, 1913, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1913-01-10/ed-1/seq-9/

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1'Shoe Polishes
?.ltr E5GE <hrlOnlylaslsiaboerireaiine thtt
R1(?*,"??''?? *i. Bs?.u?mp i>..-?r;,}.?,
????I , . . ?, rtlne? wlt'loul roh-1
5T*-#"r*e?" ? . i, ..??ine all
OUHKHfUTf H-.Mfrrmw .e .?Ick
..^ rr^/llTE"''v f<" gentlemen who
eek?Badleetss to. | hlae k ihor,. To .h wi-ha
bru?b or elotk, M eeata 'txirt" ?>?'s re.? ,
IfrniiMnW iv t koep'h. kin* ? ,,?. ..-a ... '
-0-2? "?'?"<>*E BROS A CO..
?* C,'{'" *"< /f'a?< .V^HHfcrtutfTi of
i>kor #MbA*l in the Ifotld.
Joseph Smith Sentenced to Ten
Years in Penitentiary for
Killing Wife
i.^r'-'iai to Th.- Times-Diapatch.]
QtOMCOattI. Va . I.il.uai} I -Jobeph'
Miiith. who lias bu n M trial in th- \
> ,Iou. ?fcter circuit Court Oat tlM ohas^eI
of killing liia w'cf e, was found a ult% .
of murder la Um serend decree t"ls
morning L-y the jury which has been j
sitting In the case, and he was sen?
tenced lO s. rve ten years in the Stale .
I'--nlt> ntlai I. Th? courtroom was
crowd-d at the time the \erdbt was;
a iiiiouii'-?-1|, out ihtre was no demon?
stration. Judge Jones hav iik issued a
warning before the jury entered the,
room that he would not countenance
any outburst.
Smith was apparently the most nn-|
lohcerued persos in the room H< Tieardi
the efcrdlet read arlthss! th. least show J
of emotion. Following the poll of that j
jur> h< was taken to Ihe county jail. I
where he will remain until a motion j
for a new trial to he made Uy his J
counsel is acted upon. If tin motion!
is overruled hi will be taken to Itich-'
mond to the penKentlar) pr?habi> the
latter part of the week
TtM tr.al o' Smith ???)! in the
Ulottcester court on Mondey. the Jury
having been Impaneled that day. The
taking of testimony began on Tuesday,
and the closing arguments were made
on Wednesday, the ease hating been]
given to the jjry late that afternoon
Commonwealth's Attorney Suietp war |
assist'd in the prosecution by It
*entati*.e Wiliroy. ami J. U Stubbs|
conducted the defense it. t ,. .ibBenr.
(J Judge J. JU Taliaterrr.. wk. t? an k !
This was Smith's second trial on th<- j
same charge, a Jury at th-- Novembei
teim of court having failed to agr. e
Smith n..ird..-red his bilde of a few
w. eks last Septem>-er. While on the .
return to their home in the ilulnea
section of the county from Norfolk.
where they had been an an exLMSieaj
Two More Petitions in Bank?
ruptcy Make Average of One
a Day for New Year.
C. H. Woollc.. a gro?erv anC meat
merchant, of _"*?*? 1 W.st Mala Street,
filed a petttlea in voluntary baahraptey
>eaterday in the (Jailed states Iltstrlctj
e'ourt, naming liabilities amounting to[
?1.32?.!<?- In the assets, which total
tl .*:S.:J. are included household fur
nitore to the amount of 1575, claimed {
.nder the exemption laws
The largest single ST adit or is J.
C Nugent, with a claim for ?'? ?.'? Ot
this amount. Il?? is represented by a
bill of sale for the stock of g >od?
contained in the store, which mas for-)
merly operated by Mr. Nugent, and j
subsequently purchased by the pet'-j
tioner. The balance of the claim kaj
for rent on the store at :**1 West
Isaaks Krw t
The Me; chants' National Bank hob.',
a note for drawn by ?? B Wool-"
I.-, an I indorsed by II. W H i'oerd.l
Sayahse V- bruary It, IMS. There are)
nfteen -t more other creditors, most
?f them from this clt>. Among these,
dpeace & Wannamaker hold a eaatsa
for $19?.;*.
A petition in voluntary bankrupt-> ]
has also beer, tiled by Henry Alley,]
aiapclelar of the luiton Cornice j
WOrks. of MM Seventh Str. . t. PettO?
Tie schedule lists liabilities amount
ing to $l.:.<c* ?.'. with a?sets totaling j
$?>?? .1? In the latter ire inelndeal ;
copyrights and patents valued at $?00
The principal credltora are Kicbmondl
firms Th<ise holding claims In ex- !
? < sat of $]0A are: t.ordon Metal ('''in
partv. Victoria Metal foe,.
pasty, I;*;, hhraal Paint a f.ias.? <haar*
nany. ?IT7 4? Dr. A o. Franklin'
$i;.V and W. f l.indaa>. Ill m
New Kulm for Kialkrra.
Spen<-er. N. C. Jaaaary ?The
Soul hern la receiving forty er mere!
i.iia? locomotives from the Baldwin
I .. nmMiv? Works a? Philadelphia arvl|
d sirihntliAg them to various points en
toe system. Th* engines are the
largest eser ?>ro?ght to Spencer, and
WM, It la said, draw tons njtnre
I nan the largest now In the Service
he tank ipaelty Is ??So gallons.
m i. h is niu? h larger than any en the
New Rc-i'li utial and lJu>inc>>
HOsMCl iJnug lirccteil
in l\;tc^burj'.
\\ li- rcahouts of Ncjjro .\\.t
Known ? Mcctinc" of Hank
? SttX klioldor-.
Th? Thnes-nispat'li ll.r.a'i.
0 Rolliitnghrook Street
VfUpm^mm liti>.
Petetaburg. V.l.. January s.
Building- '.mpiovenirnts are In a'ti\?
progress all over the city, both In thf
line of residential and h islneas hon**?
j Among the more important is a Moek
j "f to.ir staras, i.eing i iwtui on syen
: more, n-ar Washington Street, or. r
j whirb It la in i <>nt?mpl*t'oii to erect
I a apa. lotia Hull. Th. Watson RaaltJ
I Company is building a tine >>i?ek of
I stores at the corner of I'nlon and
Washington Streets. However, not.
withstanding al: the building In the
CM li-t >c;.r. there In rat(11 grata*
'? man.! for residence* at moderate cost.
Disappeared With florae.
About three weeks ago a stra n;"
: negro hired a saddle horse from 0 A
Pitts, to rtde four miles Vn th? country.
Since that time Mr. Pitt/, has heard
nothing from either the negro or MM
? lock holder.- MeetlaaT.
The annual in.-ting at th< stark-]
hoideia of the American Hank and
Trust fompati. was lield wstcrday af
1 tirnu-in and th'- following directors
B/er< elected William R, MeTlwalne
Mis art Flgcnbrun. W. f. I:shily.
Charles Lunsford. J W. I<onc Ft B
1 I.iim<ford. .1. K. Perkson. II T* Munt.
William F. Poole. Dr. William Pilcher.
[ Paul Rop.-r. Philip lingers. W. W*. War
I ren. H S. Sc ward and ? Wright.
The report of the prea'drnt i-howed
the . institution to be in hlgh'y satis?
factory condt'ion. with largely in-:
creased business and profit a-count
during the past fear. The hoard of
directors subseciuei.tly met and r?
< ;? ? te.j the following officers: Pres!,
dent. W'Mllaui R MrT'wa"n?-: vice-->??..si.
?sat, w* t Rshlly.-ashler, tratlace D.
Blanks So change was mado in the
. rfl hi fared of the bsnl:
xntiual Meetlog and '*ao?|uet.
The annual meeting; of tile Cham- j
af Commerce of Fetereburg Hill
be held on Tuesday asoalag next in
Ike A P Hill Camp After b'.i?.i;e?s.
UM meeiing will adjourn to the Strat
I ford Hotel to parfake of the annual
banquet, which will be an elaborate
rtHalr. with a number of addresses to
interest to crie occasion. Tt"
? 1.ember made great progress in its
work last year, and the reiKtrts Still *
b< of interest.
ill ?nallpni Ipoae.
The five cases of smallpox diScOv
I ered SS *Sial weeks ago in one colored
family in this citj have all been dis
1 charged as cured, the quarantine
I raised and the house fumigated. This
famil) had but recently come to Pe
, tersburs and the members had never
been rmtIf/asllld Owing to the watch
fainess >f the health authorities the
t.i?-ase was not commJtjJeated to any
other person
Ts Be Taken In Klchaeoad.
Councilman K. Q. Stratton is some
wliat improved in condition. As soon
! as l.e shows s ifTl< ;eiit improvement, it
j is contemplated to take nun to a hos?
pital in Richmond to b*** operated on.
? aiMala RaalSBd III.
A message 1 stained to-day stated
that Captain Kmmett Raglano. of the
Atlantic """oast Line Rail.v _iy. is cjJite
sick at the home ef Mr ?Joodw-yn. near
I Stoney Cr.fk. threatened a-itli pnen
uionia. Captain Ragland is a popular
. oiiductor on the '"oast Line trains :>e
tareet* Richmond and Petersburg, an-:
Is very popular :n both cities. He is
a braQMl of Chief ,,f police Racial.!.
Heath of i leer? Klag.
i'.o-rn McG. Kn.g. a weB-fcaSag ?n'l
reapacVed citizen, died this morning at
his home on Halifax Street, after a;
i long period of HI health. He was a
?sail J ma j ..f 01 laRas F.pshrdlu rd sn
?'hureti. am for many years was one
of tin nanag?is of Watson McGill's
tobacco fa<tor>. He was in his forty-,
sir.th ear and is survived by his'
wife and five sons.
Hraeral News Notes.
Hinwlddie Countv Is to buUd s one-'
story brick Jail 3e by "?2 feet witn(
suitable plumbing and heating. Korj
some time past and until the new j
building is . ompleted r.inwiddie prls- ;
oners have been and wiM be confined .
in the Petersburg jail.
Henry Jefferson. negro. atresteJ1
last night on >-.spi.ion <>f being one'
of the party wh > some weeks ago as- .
faulted and robbed Oa.i.l Bulllfa .t. 1
of <"iiesterfi?ld. in tills city. pr-?\ e .
an alibi la ?o t this mo tuna attl
w is d;schsr?e l
t . M C \. Reorgaalses.
I. The Toung M< ti's Christian A.-so.-la
?orzsi.lZed cere to-nlghl w'th
the .l.-iton of the*.- director.- R \">
Pi* Laid. IC. S Seward V. >. Bow?
ing. P 11 Uresrv. .1 M Mullen. i.i
C Renale d. W. Ha: rison. K C Kent,
r R Talley. W M Rticker. R V Jack?
son. R. B- Wilkox. J. W. l?nr. If R
Smith. A B. Rradslier The dlrecto:s
will name a building committee at ?
once to awsrd contract* for the er?-e->
t*r.n of a ir'.SOd huildinc.
hi i i> i >nv it sm?.?.. nii\n.
I.lkla aerehaai i ksranl With BgMBBB
Firs to store.
Char! cie. N C. January >?Daniel
i; t\'as."-.e a mer. hsdl <?: I>lkin. X
c. has keen betp; to the next term of.
- -r? ?ui?-r:or Court old r a !'? *>?'
....rd ? harseri witn setting flte to thei
stoie <>f winch h was a partner or'
the ni?ht of rve'-ember I?. In who h
more than liS.'oMi worth of propsrt?
was d.-stroyed. VVagonef was a- rested ,
at the insngitio.i of th? ft?te Insur?
ance n-^rriment II- de. I ires his la-j
?ftectr?-? tor MwWly mmm ?mm ?t ApprtH*.
, Recommended ,a TUBERCULOSIS,
r~ rwicm a re, aa
tat. ?*>w vor*.
Burk & Co's Mid-Season Stock Relief
Unloading Sale
The Money-Saving Event You Have Been Waiting For
Commencing to-day, January I Oth, we inaugurate our Semi-annual Stock Relief Unloading Sale. Our entire stock of
[ ligh-Grade Clothing for men, boys and children, as well as our entire stock of Furnishings, excepting Interwoven Hose
and Arrow Brand Collars, has been recklessly cut in prices. No store in Richmond offers the legitimate, bona fide
reductions that we quote, and you will not be disappointed at our offerings, as everything is exactly as advertised?No
Boomerang, just plain reductions to convert our surplus stock into money. In every instance reductions extend to and
below cost of production, while every value quoted is way below its true worth. Come early and get the best selections.
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Choice of $1250. $15.00, $16.50 Suit* and Overcoat:-. $950
Choice of $1*00 an i $20.00 Suit? and Overcoat?.$13.50
Choke of $22.50 and $23.50 Suits and Overcoats.$14.50
Choice of $25.00 Suits and Overcoat*.$16.50
Choice of $27.50 arid $30100 Suits and Overcoats.$18.50
Choice of $32.50 and $35.00 Suits and Overcoats.$22.50
Youths' Suits and Overcoats
Choice of All $1000 and $12 50 Grades. $6.75
Choke of all Si.; 50 and Si ; 00 Grade*. $9.50
Choice of al! SiS.oo and S 20.00 Grades.$12.50
Choice of ail $22.50 Grade-.$14.50
Choice of all $25.00 Grade?.$16.50
Men's Separate Trousers
Choice of all S4.00 Trousers.$2.45
Choice of ali $4.50 Trousers.$2 95
Choice of all $5.00 Trousers.$3-45
Choice Of all $6coo and $6.50 Trousers.$3-95
< hoice of all S7.00 an.! $7.50 Trousers.$4.45
i hcMce of all S8.00 and $8.50 Trousers.$4-95
Chr.jce of all S0.00 and $io.oo Trousers.$5-95
Entire Boys' Department
Submerged in Reductions
Choice of $3.50 and S400 Suits and Overcoats.........-.$2.45
I Ii.-il c of $4.50 Suits and Overcoats.$2-95
Choice of S5.00 and S?jOO Suits and Overcoats.$3.45
:Tioice of S7.00 and S7.50 Suits and Overcoats.$4-45
Choice of 558.00 and $8.50 Suits and Overcoats.$4-95
Choice of Sqoo and $0.50 Suits and Overcoats.r.$5-45
Choice of S10.00 and $1.2.50 Suits and Overcoats.$6.75
Boys' Knickerbockers
AH 50c Knickei bockers.39c
All $1.00 Knickerbockers.69c
All $ 1 :.o Knickerbockers.98c
All $2j00 Knickerbockers.$i-39
Boys' Fancy Hats
50c Rah Rah Hat*, all colors.39c
All 50c Child s Hats.29c
All $100 Child"? Hats.59c
All Si.50 Child's Hats.79c
All S200 Child"s Hats... .$1.23
All S2.50. S3.00 and S3.50 Child's Hats.$1.48
Includinrr Fur Beavers and Chinchillas.
Furious Reductions in Children's Furnishings
15c Meeced Cnd*~xwcar.17c
50c W right*- Fleeced Cnderwear.35c
?jc and 75c Puritan P'ousc Waist*.33c
Boys' Stocking*-. 20c >aiues all sizes.11c u
Boys' Wool Sweater-. i"i.oo and Si.25 grade*.79c \J
Boys' Si.50 All W ool Sweaters.98c
Boys' 50c Xegligee Shirts..39c
Genuine Black Cat Stocking*, J.sc grade.19c
All Wool Juvenile Sweater*, ages from 2 to 6 years, sold from
Si.00 to Si.75; choice.79c
Big Reduction in Ali
Felt Hats Including
Genuine Velours
Burk & Company,
Big Reductions in
All Fancy
Ofiicer Poitiaux Anxious for
Workhouse for Drunkards and
Family Deserters.
I'iobal <?n iriRcer R K. Poitiauv ves
, t- f?<?>- submitted Mi annual report to
MN J 1 J>lsaw:i aecietary of IBM
Mate B<>ai l of CMWtMBJ and Corte.
:i-n?. Ir. ioii?i.i?r!fis the report the
vpnascd ?he hope that tiurnt*
the ion:.!!? >ear the City 'oundi a ill
? Mi an ordmauee which w;JI tMtHpJ
tiie establishment of a workhouse for
ti.i confine Hie ut of pel sons convicted
u:j:.?,aids and i*::
?i a to auppoi! '.heir families
"h' r?port tn d?Ma'l follows
Number on probation list January
I, l).
Sunih-- enrolled duituc th* >eaf
. n h'lna J - unk. 131
Numlw t of females enrolled during
>>at for being drank. I.
Number of boys enrolled for betra
M ..I rls.bW. i.
Number enrolled charged with lar
pSte ?- ?moiled for fa'ilag to pay
t.-ard Mil. 1.
Number ?< nt to Jail While OB Vf
l.ation. Id.
Number released from the road aud
put be< k on probation
Number enrolled during yea' for
nc n-suppoet of their families I*
Nnmbrr of men rele?a*d from pio
batlon on tcrevnt of non-support t>>
requeet of their families. It
vuns-er of non-aapport cases en
r'.l ?d fot nvestlajatIon. 4?
\ mb?r of non-aupport raaee dis
mlaaad by coart It.
Total aumber enmllod during year
Total number released tro*n proba?
tion for isisr??' rnent aad good bo-1
oaTier. nt.
Number of times nersons on p-.> .
,.i|..n list have Bjeen slatted and In 1
l.rviesred 7.?J I
jieasber of tissee iaUrrlearrd try
P*~sons in distress, seeking inform?
ation outsid* of probation list, ffl.
Number of arrests, 31.
Amount of , ash collei ted from per?
sons SS probation list charged with
ion-support of families and turn??l
over to their wives. I4.CM!
? til Nil ?I nan i*im? Man*.
WIM \ppl< for s.o.on., Mate lid for
rrnuant lt.im.! Inp^.trnrtl.
spe, al to Tiie Timee-l>tspstch.l
I ? "h.it ;?am. \*3.. Januar- 9.? A' ?
meeting of tiie Board of ?'ount> Ss
per\isors on Tuesday. .1. K. rliles aas
re-elected mail no.i. for the ensuing
year. The partridge season for ti
. i' 1911 was < losed except dunnc
the moot it of Iiecember. Hawk atid
I owl heads, except sparrow hawks and
se-h.-eech owls, will in the future be
Paid 9mt si the iate .,f :\ . ?nta each
for all killed within bounds of the
WSSt] llooms iver the "ront of the
jad building were or-lered to !>e rttteo
with furnt.ire io be used b] Juries
?hen in c ist od J of the sher'.fr
Application will be mad* for $;*.
??ea State aid for permanent road int
I pio\ ?rient. a Ilk* sum to be ?xpended
I by the county The form of bond for
j the Issue b-, l>ar Rlie: l>l?tr|< t f?o
Iroi-. initiri'veiTO nt was iptc n?l. 1h?
I bond* to bear ? per rent interest, an'i
I to be in '''nominations of ll.eee: in-!
ler.?' , r>e pal-l sem|-?nnua|l\ r ??t
the ensulna ???8'- salaries wete allow - i
a* follows ?'ommonwesfttu'? atlorne>
STf-a sheriff ?1 ?o? and foi keep'ns
. our i >>o.iee. |M#; additional for maca
lam ro?d to?ar ?'halham. $1 "?" for
feedtn?. Psntl .nie?. $s:.?. for vaccine."
IT.* tsevera! hundred dollar* w is al
lov ed fni various small accounts '
against the . mint).
ha? been the regret of those- |
and" *iftcr death ol the l.ive.l 1
ope on aay. "if or.lv I had'
had a bottle of <^>n w -
I NKI MONI A ?IRK in the
hawse f coast Serve saved the
I fa of the one we loved.'* ,
Where-er there la Inflamma
; on ilotl AS"> oil: ??ire ,.>
ternal All drugs'"!' -?c, la,
|i Mu> to day and uu
the i?|i(t aad if only.
New Live Stock Indemnity Com
pany Applies for Admit?
tance to State.
The roiaolid.-tton of MM only two
I-/e stuik inauran. < ornpanies In
Amern ? hrc4in? elle. live In Vit gin i
on y yeat*rdav. when the Kentucl:.'
Live Sto. k lnm;r?nee Co. of 1/ouls
' ville. mad' ?ppliotlon for license to
do k :?ine*? in Virgin**, to state cm
misaioner of lMMN Joseph Button, j
A: th'- un* time lb' Comn.;a?loner ?
? i<? told that ihe Tennessee fndemnlt>
i'o. a ltv? mo. k Insiranee . ?mnan>.
?oi]i.i withdraw front iMMMV in this;
State 'rtirneoistely
The Ke.K . k I. ? iMft Insurant
<'??. ? Ml h is eapllalised M #-'<"'.?0.\
will par a fee of $*???> foi t.|mlv?n e
into th<- >t^l? Inrtesd of posting n? ?
bond* with the Stat* Treasurer, the
new company will have the fia.se?
>,..n.i? giv-ii h\ the T?nn*saee company
? , ? 1 ? t? ? dil The appll. i -
Mot. for ad m'.salon to the State will
h !?? granted Immediately.
I ? i . * th.- only two live
?to. k i-is'ifii. e companies in Am. ti- .
have fought ea' h other bitterly In com
jwtltlorj for b??1n?a? so that flnslH
amalgamation h?(?ir? the only solution
If t '/iher w?re to >e it-ade prafltnhv
Investmente. T'rira were re<-entl\
agreed .pon. and th< merger effected
under th* name of th* Krntuekv U*l
Stock Insurance <-. The Tennes?-c
Indetml'T Cn had Ii? heado?-1 rfers In
The i . w erst? nlaat Ion trill Insure
i,w v ? .. ? k*Imi Ions h\ death
of valuable ?tt>. k of frtrv rhnracter
* h ots?-? %Vm\ ? ? i- 11? v
brond ?nliss.? 's ? featn--. mt I ?? ?'
n- s? although urge ra'fV r%'."" e
Insure themselves ?g*m*T postslM. loasj
bj duesa. i ad dM?Mr. __ <
All? 1 ('ort Co!? Bott'i.ifr Works.
? potated, I.v in hburar. V.i. K W.
I.upton. president. <'nattar.ooKii, Tenii :
I. W. lVipton. vicc-pr?>sident. I.rrh
t-ura-. V*.; Ii. K. 11?v. -. r.-farv
? hattano.ora. Tenr.. Capital $: .
Southern WM-. k.nir and Met.tl i'om
paar. Incorporated. Kjchn;rtr.d. V? G?-o
Smith. president II. F. IVdlard. ? h a>
president. K T. I'-ulai.l. a*. retsry ami
treaaijier. all of Ri. hnjo ttX <*apMal
tii.uw? to ll.'v.oaa
l'lson'r I-icorrot..itaa. Suf'oik. f?
M. TV. Rlson. Jr.. prra'dent: 8. Isabel
RlML ?M'-urv. .Um** F. Bunt??, all
H Suffolk. Va. -'apttal: ?"?.???? to 93V
Ku hniond ra?h Meat Market. Tnc-vr
lii. !im?n*J John tndr-w
K< ^resident K. Bowman, secretary.
ai?l treasurer. Nathan White, all Of |
R aaaeeai ?apital ILMM to M&jpM
Vm<-i?Oiin?njt to Advocate p-ibllnhinr i
????mpany. of Croaot. Vi. chaaain* I!?'
-pal office IM Ria hmnr.d. ar.-" -
?an- its mtilmur- capital f- *
o tjn ????*
111 Imr-iv-n >i.' f ? po- 11
Roanok?. Va. 'um? P Woo.t? pr. ?? |
?i*nt II. T Hall, vtcr---.r--siaa.nl f 5" !
lvrr>. aecretary and treasure- all ofl
Kolnolle. Vs. Capita I.-1 ?"??> t o $ ?
Ike ' 1- ? ? i ?? ??? Taeal qaaUK
?f BaM
ha? aroused the adeniration aad
? on the unqaaufi"! ? ' ?
entire mualial world If VH
haven t heard It. 'a I ar.d l?" aa
plav It far you. It a in* plane
a-ant -and 'h're'e antv MM
Pia.? m VitKn i wli-r? > u eaaj
?et IL
TO* l?*rBaa?a4 ? fa-tar ll-p-'
? 21 t Braaa ?? . '< ?>awa??' ? a.
Both Take Effect, and R C. Sorx
rell Lies Desperately Wounded
in Richmond Hospital.
ffn??rtaJ to The Times-Dispatch.]
Mineral. V? January *?B. C tmwn'
.?..?* l man of spotay.Irani*
i'ountv. and Lucius w alJrop. of aTfatal.
txi im? Involved in *. ?ontroveray ???r -
asaae thing wi;ch fc*d been said, when
Soirril atru<a WiMrop sith gr*ag
?? ? Waldrop led I warned
hia assailant no: ? advai -e inon him.
< a ie
or. that
1 lodged tn the ?*!<-?, pan
ndition was ? - it.esl V
:n"Tl ^Valdrop ?ras fane . Lettiaaa
? u i . . a ?? 'ml ?..>-.oar
Man. vMh - ? awtd :??>??
.Ig m?n ?I Stff-lgtH,
While he is u-ipefat.lv w??g?dJcdaj
PiiTalelans said laa* mailt that
a chance of recovery.
tn nat ?n flal<

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