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TUTO 1 IV KP FOUNDED IM. TUB PISIVATi H r< 'UNDKU | WHOLE NTJMBER 19,227. RICHMOND. VA.. SATURDAY, .?AM ABY 11. 1913. IHK ui lllll lt T?-DAV-Kala. PRICE TWO CENTS, BULK Of ESTATE LEFTTOMRS. REI? Will of Late Ambassa? dor Is Filed for Probate. WIDOW RECEIVES ALL BUT $110,000 She Becomes Practically Sole Owner of New York Tribune, of Which Her Son Will Con? tinue as President?$50,000 Is Given to Fresh Air Fund Association. >!>??? dal to The Tinies-liispatih.] N< w V-Wk. .January 10.?The will of Whltelew RMd. American ?n: I'ascad'.r lo Great Britain, which wan filed fee i>robete m aTrntfkeain Oeonty, lanves all but $110.Qon of the estate to hit mldow Mi? R<ld. who la named aa tola executrix, tiled a petition to-day asking that the document h? admitted to probate. The a/tU 1? liolograyinc. and every word of It except the signatures of the two witnesses is in Mr Rejd's own hand. It was written an Korembei 1?04, on three p?f? of a library Ktt?r pap? r. i-e-f ? lo Mrs. Held. ? At the time Mr. ReU executed his I will his son. <>gd<->i Mills Held, and all .laughter, now the wif. of th.- lion-' nable John HtrSert Ward, of England.I wit' young c.hlldien Mr Held CX-j presses tin v. ish that eertain real ea-j t?te in Ohio anJ the 4dlreadni ks shall| ultlmat. |y pass to his son and daugh? ter, and that his son should succeed him in the ?.,nttol of the Jf.-w York' Tubune. But th. disposition of I bed) toatters is left abaelutetj with Mn it. id. The will make, tne followinc be-| anrate BUa Spencer it^id Man.". ? a |5d,dnp; Robert Cverett Smith.] atpbsw, *:..oi..i Donald Nicholson. X?-( ihaniei TattH and Henry Hall It.>; ? ach. Wiillam Cenle) ..i:d Ft. 1 i M. ?.""n-| ? ?. 1.1s wife. SUCk fames To<l and Sunan To.iman. his wife. |1SS ?ana Krnaol Birch and Ceette Bir. h. his Wife. $1><0 eaeh. Th. Tnlonie Fresh Aid Fund Associ. atjen gets a r***wv?* of l*'.'1*0. The win concludes: "All niy prop? erty, of what so sort and doUeriP* tion. I leave (subject to t"e fnjmeal of these speejflc I?. uu'Slsi to tnv bs love-f w.fe, Ellrabet'i M?ls ResdL 1 dsalts my wife t.? i.e th?- sole axecU 1- Is of this wiiU and reOjUOOt that she mug serve without giving bonQs.' The witnesses were >>g.len Mills. Mrs Heids brother-in-law. and Mar) BV rthn. Scott. I'reClballr ?nie PaSt| nl Tribune. Colsasi iier.r; H Sa^k'tt. of eounuel for the estate, said to-day th?t Hr. U-ld ?as the largest stockholder of the Tribune Association, ss he ha'l been si nee 1?T* Mrs Re! was trie n*?t largest stockholder, ami uni.-r the will she becomes the sol* owner ?>f this stock. Colonel Sackett said: Mrs Reld will therefore not retain the control of the Tribune, but will t:?"d nearly all the stock, except what la held by other membera of her family Her son <>g.ien Mills Reld. is OaS of thre otter stockhOl !e|-? He :,.iS been actively e-igaged in I ? publlca :k>n affairs of th* newspaper for sev? eral yors. at fi:*t as a member of tl I ? tty staff, and latee- a? maBUftUg "ii t ? at the same fttui being a dir. ? * and officer of the Tribune Association. He war seere'sry prior to Januatv. ISIS, and sin. e th?n has been pragpnsat, ai.d will rontinue as th? head of the . . eporatlon." '"olonel Sack?tt salt that Mrs. ri . ri?on. on* of the legate, s. and the. nenhew. Robert K Smith. Irre ht ?' . .. Mr Nicholson was on the editor: .1 staff of the Tribine **? mauv >.-ars. ar.d is now vice-president of the com? pany, whtfe Mr. Hail was also oa the staff Mr Tuitle was for a long time the treasurer, while the other Individual legatee were employes Of Mr. Reid ."olonel Sackett said that Mr Reld halt alwsys tak-ti s deep interest in the Tribune Kresh Air Fund |.. wh'ch : e left J. nOO.t. BANDITS" STIlTaT LARGE The? SPemmn bs Pear PWHee ?nreailaonuht?." t'hi.ago. Jaaaari :?? From sundown last night to sunrise to-day Mvi auto? mobiles carrying h.inily a".ocd. des ... oSa men. threaded the boalevards of ?"hi. ago. In four of them sir., th. pick of the rJty*a poSkfcj force Fa the flfth were the t?o -antomoh tr baud;?s"* And for some reason Hies. t?., parties never never met Th- four po::r<- M e.idnnuzht?" ?er.. scouring th< haunts of outlaws. s..n>. -.t h< .-. !r> th. sUbtiib?. early 'n the . vemni.. w i ? th.- nthe- .tutninob !<? baamrefy tram ap to a jew?irv stor b.ilf a bio. k from the police station Two men smash, rt fh? wT'k**s*- |r? the PMlti I mal I valued ?? $t .no and .1* o\ e off taking STRIKE VOTE ?|?l? Vtrerk. Mreewa. ?.s.. Januar. IO.?I Mtrea I felramebrra ..( the >....IS. rn ?lallna? are isPac ea a atrtke. If m a? learar.i here to-4a< ????>.. Ibe rrOre ?eatatlte* ret ibe telrareebera. Tbe teleareaibers densaatfetl aa Is ereassr la n?> "* ,s S*r ..?I la \n\rm Ker. Ma rsafrrr?? in \??eBaber *t lb|? reqoeat ?> ?? ri>fl?M'rol seal eetlna OwtowacO ??III Heer m Wer T7. Then 'tt- erajMesI e. mm rrfn?-H ami at a eo? 'fteser ret lelearapber? tbr strike trete ..?? ftlaaeed Wamst ea Mrellwa. bradoearters err ? ? Vt asklantrea. um* Pat ?Irlke ?rete will be . H ?beer. I? staled bere I i re metal a ret ike ?rereihet? Nsll. assr admit a strike vete ba Helen lakea. House Asked to Investi? gate Van Valkenburgh and Pollock. ACTION STARTED BY CITY COUNCIL Kansas City Believes They Had Ulterior Motives in Appoint? ment of Receivers and Sub? sequent Increase of Rates by Gas Company?Peo? ple's Rights Destroyed. Washlrgton. January 10?The inces tlgaUon ,,f th' ouid .ct of tarn Ked- i era) Judges. Ii/dgl Van V alk< nb irgh. of the Western Matriet ?>r Missouri, and Judge. Pollock, of the OVtrlct of Kansas, was asked foe to-day in a r>e- ; tltlon of the Common Council of Kan- , sas City. Mo. pres. nt<-<j |sj the llou?; by Be pre at atatlva Bortaad. of Missouri The reeol .tions chars* that .iudK? Polle o> aad J dg. van Valktaatu1 Sh appoint'd receivers for the Kaaeaa Natural 'las 4?oiupaii>. whlfh, it is ex- i :> ? . ro d .:i controlled b> the I'nUed I (Jan laipraeeaaeat Cons pa ay, of Phil-j aderphia. arha ware "frleadlj in the 'n tereata dial a a and purpose.1 of thoee. two companlca. a further charge ? against JadSe Pollock is that he is eu<>l an urd-i to th. re..|\ers direct-| las th. m to eharse an laereaaed price! r-.r gas delivered to the Kansas Cityi tJaa Conipan\ I nfalr I ae of fewer. The- resolutions fhajge that the ac-? lions of the fudges is at' unfair use' of judicial power and d.-str ;et ive of j the fundamental rights f the people. It is further charg.d that .fudge Pol-, ach is depriving the people of Kan? sas ?'it. of light and fael and that a< i- hi I na "aided and abetted" i,n his purpos.- be .ludg.- Vart Valk- nburgh The ICaaaaa Kataral Uas Company irai a pipe line company, and furnlsn Sd aataral gas from Oklahoma to the Kansas City <:a:- C-.mpi-tr.. which dt*~j tri halted it for ti cents per lion crblc I feet. Bath companies are alleged to he owned and controlled by the t u I tad Gas. improvement Conipan. . af Phi adelpbtj, which. ;l is said, also ctitrole the W.Isbach street LighfJng Cmpaiiv of America, upon the application of n"htehi the appointment of receivers waa made B) .ledge Van Valkenl.urgh The Kansas H*atOral 'las T'ognanri claimed the natural gas in Oklahoma was becoming ex ha .at ed and that aj hlgbl ? price sliouid be charg'-d The resolution declares that testlmon:' taken in judV -al preceedlngn d'-nton-, stated that an adequate supply of i ;! gas still was acc-sslble. I'rl'-e of Gaa It ?l?ed On Ottaber I 1)12 aecordlng to the resolution, th.- Kansas Natural Gas i ? 'ompany obtained from Judge polio, k the appointm-nt of three receivers. Th?i reso:ution claims the a-iplleatlon was made to force th- consumers' to pay, a much greater price for their gas. and | that the design and purpose of thej reee'vershlp was ao plain that Judgei Pollock could not possibly have been Ignorant thereof i in ix-cember 5?. I*??. Judge Pol-j lock made an order dire-ting the re-| ceivers of th- Kansas Vi' tr?! Gas i ''ompany to refuse to sell to the Kansas City Gas Company unless they, received at least 11 -ents per 1.0e0| cubic feet. BATTLE WITH POLICE gllBlUa and linicer? ? la?h I? I- ree-for Afl rlaht j New Tork. Tanuarj in T'nion p-.rk.-tsl and striking garment w orkers Joln-d i forces to-day In a fr?-e-for-al! fight : with strike breakers, private detective : gaa N ar.d .< co ipi. of Vew Toork po-1 l'.remen on T^afayefte Street As a re-1 suit, one picket's neek was slashed w!t*i a razor, another's head was laid open' with an 'ron bar. and fhe majority of pe-tt-s weee rtttrsln;: rarTnus . ... hefare o-d-r was flnaTly re Sto* d. The pickets, led by a woanan were marching up and down In the clothing district persuading strike breakers to i join them. On? party of twenty-five j going into the building at :?T T^fay. t:. .... - d to lt?ter ro th- pleas fn i few minutes a general fight was bl ?s wVcS ?-or? b-i-a ??oT<es - ? finall> the razor were need. Th.- man most serioasl} hu-t was Patrick i'artone. a picket, whose neck was laid open by ?h% razo Complete paralysis of the ciothlnr trad i greater \ew fork was threat ?aed t"-dav. wken th' leaders of the1 ' Brain makers* union?the last of th garment workers to remain at BMrit posts declared the vote of their woefcrre had heen taken and that the - entire bod". BBBdhl IiOS between IBJBf aad If > . > would walk aat Mon dav morning. V. :h the control of the walt'rs' strike now in the hands of the Indus Work'rs of the Wor'd. and -loeeph -i BJM and AnTuro GrovannltTI. af f?awenre strike fame, preparing to re i.indb the enthusiasm of the strikers at a mass-m-eflnr tn-tilch?. the police! to-day doubled then zuard Brnaad thei pal hot-Is and restaurants in an-i p.'';fi -.* l -T ?al e\t -s- .-i of the Th. Waiters' and Cooks- I'nion? have taken new cnurag. f-nm the assump? tion of control by the Indnserial Work-! .m o MV ??'?rld traders, ar.d th? sfTlhel was fip ct. d to spread to half a do*eo| new hotele i.erasaa ? enewl a ??lel?|, ' N.aao. Janaarr 1? Krnes' Badjap 1 ni f?iitv.foi|e yea-* eld vl< e -.- onaul for the Kr< n< ?> goVr'Mtjieni at ''??sei. '??mam .'? d <>?? ?<!. ?t i hot. I to-<1e\ h\ ?h?.eflrig hboael' In the bead. fvaponden. ?. due ??? ?!' hea'lb Is be. i. V'd to have , auS"t him to end Ms l.fe He !? said t.. bave been weallb' -"?I was traveling in this country far the heaefft of Iiis health. FATE OFARCHBALD NOW WITH SENATE Upper House, Sitting as Jury, Considers His Case. DELIBERATIONS WILL BE IN SECRET Balloting Will Be in Public, and Two-Thirds Vote on Any One of Thirteen Articles of Im? peachment Will Bring About Removal From Office. Wasl .nston. J?iii ?rv 10?Impeach? ment of .l'irt?..- Robert w Arcnbalu. eC th' United states Coahmeree Cnart. ta-nigiu become the subject of r>-n ?l?eratioi tot the Senate sitting as a jury. The trio: that hss -nirosj"! the attention of the Senats for more than fear hours a day sine? December ': < ame to an enu when Repiesentatlv?? Clayton, of Manama, concludes! the final argument of the Hhj? manage-s with another appeal for the removal Oi Judge Arehbalrl beca'ise of allegea ilacaadaat. Just as the Senate was about to ad k?UTB, Senate Baad, of Mis?uuri. askct Permission to submit one more ques? tion to Judge Arrhhald as to w.tether of not he had altered tne record of t--timony la the Louisville and Nash? ville rat? < ase before the Commerce Court. Mis correspond^m ? ?Ith At? torney Heim Rruce. In this case, f ;r nishe.j the foundation for one of the article* <(f impea> hment Judge Archibald's attorneys declared that if the question wer., submitted. tbe\ would re.julr ? an opportunlt> to in^ke further arguments. A secret ses si"n was at once ordered, and at the end of more than an hour's debate it announced that the Henau- de? clined to order the question ? Behind ' Inaed Door.. The Senate win resume *i- '?ony.dera? tion of the enaa behind closed doors to-morrow.. No vote upon an> of the thirteen separate rr?argej is e.\p. > tc.i until Monday. While the Senate will ? onsiler the ease- in secret. It will vote irt open sesalon. As so<'n as the time for voting has been set the Mouse will be notified, and the House ami sze ? snd J-wlffo Arch'oald's, att-.r neva will have the oppo't unity to wit? ness the . . presston of the Anal decis? ion Th? full penalty that may be im? posed by th? s-nate includes not only remova: from SPeCe, but -'isbarment <>r .ludge Archbald from e . er holding any position of public trust in the future. eV parate vote? will have to be tak? en on each of the thirteen artlcU-s of impea -nment. A two-thirds vote wOttld be neces? sary to convict Judge Archbthi uyoa any of the . ounts Two new Senator?. T. N Heiskell of Arkansas, and R. M .lofTftston. of Texas, who have not heard the arguments, of the case, will n^t vote, and two vacanciea exist, one from Illinois and one from Colorado. A Malceesfu: two-thirds vote upon any article would he sufficient to bring" Bbodl J : Ige ArchBaild's ramoval from ?Boa, DOCTOR TO MEET HIM He Will tiamlae Raefcefeller for the vi one? Trust I oaaanittee. \\ aafi'.ngton. January 10.?The mone. trust committee of the House to-day ordered Chairman Pujo to send a phy mV ian to meet Wil.iam Rockefeller, re? turning from ibe Bahamas, as soon as he reaches Miami. The physician will endeavor to ascertain whether thai oil magnate is physically able to give the committee test'mony. Mr. Pujo declined to make publle his plans for intercepting Mr. Rockefeiler or the name of the physician to be employed by t.-.e committee. Mr Rockefeller will be examined bv representatives of the committee on American territory.'- said Mr. Pujo. "Further than that I can say noth? ing at this tVme ' It is understood that Mr Pujo has ?Trantte?! with a physician to examine Mr Rockefeller. Mr. Rockefeller sa*"ed for M"?ml to? day from Nassau. New Providence on the steamer Miami Foodstuff Prices Still Are Soaring vtaahlnaten. Jaaaary in.??a>ariag prices of foodstuff* are otetered la a ae?? set ?f asurrs . ..mplle.l Bp the tailed Males Ihroartaaeat of < aaaaaaaa ?o.i i ab?r frem n< ha. veatiaattoa of the coat of lUlaa la tbhrtr-nlne taaerleaa cities. Betweea taaraat. 1011, aad \e Baat. ?mmVaBSj <?? tblana <lorri.rii ?a a>rl>?-pota aad sugar Vfeaa wblle es-er.thlwa elae adTueceO. la Bo.ios atriale steak ha.I ad vaaeeO H per eeatt la RaBate. 10 ??er erat: la ?flaeta. K per real: la ? hi aa? IO per eeat. aad la Blr ?alMsbaaa. IS per rent. rbe Beare* abewtaa the advance i> pamaa 4?ri*t the i?? tmx fmmm ? hoi. the fnllawlat larrraar>t ?na?r 0 per erat: batter. .11: mill. .1". Saar. Mi oatetas-s. M: eaaa. ?f. larH. f.T i bras, a?i alrlolu steak. ?2: bam. Bsi eta roast. OS: eorameal. 04: rwaaO steak. ?*ti ? aaoked haraa. lae. aad porhrhope. IgB. Wit hi a rbe tblrtr-ela* elftru the depurt asaaf la vee tana ted live ?ee ? flh mi Ibe total penelattae ef Ibe I pi'rd at at oa. twa-aftbe ml the ?. mmm population aed ?Baruale.etel. ?aa*third af all the people euoaged la nalefnl e>ea an Clean, eat lac iod? ise fasmsra. Wives of Three Presidents Will Dine Together in White House BBS. Bi;>J*MIN BABaUBOK. MH?. \? IUI %M H. TAFT. SHIPPING RATES FIXED IN LONDON American Agent? Have Nothing tu Du With Prien Charged. COMPANIES IN AGREEMENT Only Antitrust Law Prevents Pooling and Rebating <>n This Side. Washington. January 1? -Most of the sVamehip lines trading b.-tween the United Ptaf-s and ports In Soiifn and f-ntral America. South Africa a-id Australia, use identical freight rates ."greed M in conference, a^co-ding ' ? snipping men who testified to-day be. fore th' law committee lnvesti.rat lng the so-called shipping trust. The witnesses were Paul Gotthe.l. pr.-. dent of Punch. Edye A t"o. freight iirrntu ;n New York for a number of I?rg. steamship companies Paul W. Oerhard'. New York agent for the i Prince Lane, and William P.. H in. New Yo-k agent for the Houston lehr All the wltnesaes Insisted that no : r ha - <?* *?'? - "en on <? it^c ' ? K ? a: - jc m from America by their rompa |. v or those associated with them 'n ra' conferei.. . s. but It was not d - i. . that relates probaMv were glsea on . re s emlng from ?Vvith Af ' .i at Roath America i>ral understanding to maintain rites hetwe.-n the laimpnrt ar.d Holt the Hoii?r..r lar" the Prince lAn ; the Harber Line and Weir and Bot'? t ? carrying > omme:c? between New Tn. k and I? Pla'a. Monterldo. has .listed since Janiia-r Mt, according to test-. ir?e?n> of Mr ?.erhardt HI? lice r.~ further tesfltlsd. had another under standing with lines doing buaines? ?. tween New Vork and Mouth Afrvea. In the \m Plata trade he declared, them a. ere no rebates and no distalen or trrrlton halee Si^f lai I **fiH.-e ?Tri. time was when we New York agents of the lines Were permitted to ? ?k> rates on certain articles ' ?a Mr. Gerhard? "Now tbey are ? In 1x?ndon " -When wa? 'bat change made" .ok..i i.. M mr' ?re -I should aa? ?? "nl fwe? rears at" Mr i;erbardt t. .rifled Ihet wlfb I f.ii' or live largopt N?w York ?? porters to Tjt pia?? \\\%nm\\ ?eta <? fCcaUaeed en SeconC- Peer-.> UK* ?.k??\i:h t i.i;m:i ?mi. Washington. January 19.? Kor the first time in the history of the country, three women. < laimlng the distinction of having been the wife of a man who was the president of the Cnlti-d States, to-morrow nlaht will gather under the roof of the White Bouee, and will be seatc-j at Use isips dinner table. The dinner will als.? mark the meet ing for the lirst time of the widows oi two former Presidents and the wife el a President at the Whit'- Mouse Mrs. Benjamin Harrison and Mrs Crover Cleveland win be the dlnnei KUests of Mr.- William Howard Taft Mrs-. Cleveland, for n< art] tare preal dential iTmf. tne mtst-ess of the Whit I Hon?*, has been in Washington sin- ? |W?4? ay as the guest of friends Mrs. Harrison reached Washington this afternoon. Tin y will IM Ureotc I by Mis Taft to-morrow ?lv n the* ge f? ;r.. nWlU) and ahII h.-shown through that fonions structure. Mr - llrover Cleveland Is now a guest in the ban.f Mr. and Mis. John l!a\* Hammond. -nd M-s. Ilariison I arrived at 1 o'clock to he the gOeat of BOT sister. Ura Parker, widow ?>( t ommandaat Parker, c. H x. Hra Harrison will oe a ^uest to-aserran at the dinner ,">r i i na 11 y planned l>y President and Mrs Taft far M-s CleVO I laud, and aha will then return to her ' home in Indianapolle. "BIG TIM" SULLIVAN HOPELESSLY INSANE NO COMPROMISE FOR REPUBLICANS They Reject Efforts of Dento-' cratt? to tici i'Vcther on Appointments. T% asliuigioii. Januurv ; K - Kfforts by! Democratic Senat-- leaden to make an j agreement with tne Republican ftsrceej tor a Joint tWBialUsa to go over ITcs-: ideJiit Tafts font appointments ami .select certain appointments that vjpafttd be confirmed l>y the SenaU.-. met wlthi failure to-day. Attempt a: ? compromise- was the result of the meeting of the WM* etal committee appoint. ?I by tbe Deaae c ratio caucus in Di-cember to evolve a method of handling the hundreds1 of appointments that have been sent in by thejfitaddtml .?inte December 15. leaders informally proposed t-> the "e ptaMicana til Saj that five member.-; ha selected by each party to take up! the task of "weeding out" the petol-' insr nominations. A number of Re-j publicans were called together to con-j sider the i roposal. and promptly re? jected it. The outcome of the failure will be a renewal of the fight between the two parties next week. It Is expected that an executive session of the Senate wilt be held Tuesday or Wednesday. Tlio It-i.jbllcan forces then will insist that nominations be tak- n up In their regu? lar order and that no discrimination b- shown against any of the Taft nominations. A conference of Demo? crats will be held to-morrow to de? termine what action shall be taken. Republicans declared to-day there would be no attempt to filibuster acainst the Democrats or to keep the Set.ate in continuous executive seeslo:-,.; but an attempt would be made at once! to force an Issue with the Democrats as to the methods of procedure upon the various appointments "To submit the question of nomi? nations to a commltt-e would require the holding of a Republican caucus." said Senator Smoot to-ntKht. "That was not practicable and we concluded for that and other reasons that the preferable pjan was to allow the nomi? nations to come before the entire Sen? ate in the usual way. We shall In? sist that the calendar be taken tip in the order in which the nominations apT.ear." Th- refusal of the Republicans to make any . ompronim.- upon the Taft appointments will have the effect of baiting the plan of the Democratic leaders to support the confirmation of army. Pgr*) and diplomatic nomlna t ions JEALOUS- TURNS MURDERER ? -..Merman Kill. Ills Wife. Thea ?ro.l? H?llet Ml net Rrala;. y i January '<.- While h.* s.x--ear-old son. Orman. and hht three. *d danrhfr-. Masel. ?l?pt in the -oon- Kdward Burke twenty-eight ft] spe ,ai pnT' shot and killed hla w fe m their home to-day if. then nred a ballet Into h'.? irmrn nra'n Both wer? dead and the . h'ldrep were ? rj rue when Pnlicrmati Thomas brnVc down lbs do tr and enter'd the hntiae Jealous! - was ?a>d -o be th. ran** the it'<- , Bill He.-.rted b. Hay. Washington. January 1?.?Carrying |at?t?i-. an Increase f .l.nne.f>f>* ??t the amount appropriated las' year th? army appropriation Mil was re ToMad to the Ho ise to-night bv Bep jronentatlt? Hat. of Virginia, chairman of the r*nmn.?Mec r.-, MIHtarv Affair * i< l-sif of the anpremriatinn Ibis r<?r n.n se apad e?r ?i\? - fear pav of ib s tt ? < ?? - cent n f,. ? ala-les .f ?\tutors Is p <?? Id- 4 ? c ,;,? ,.t ?n? aviation corps |r la afr?eopr'a?ee1 thta Ovan belnn .onsylerably bjajft than Ihe imomt asked for. J l'as<inp; of Famous Figure Brings Sorrow to Count? less Hearts. COMMITTED TO ASYLUM For \ car- Me Has Recn Pictur efeaewej Representative of Bowcrv District. [Special t.i The Tipsse Piepnteh.1 New York. January 10.?Then- was many a sari heart among the, the Jews, the Italians, Use Americans. Uta Bohemians, the Slavs, the P->*aces, the Germans, the Hungarians and all creeds and ra<-es in the Thirteenth Congres? sional District tp-aisbt when they learned that Timothy I >. Sullivan, their Representative in Congress ? "Big Tim." who al^o had represented the Bowery district in the Hangln and Assembly at Albany for many years? would he wifii them no more f irever. Sorrow Is l>eruoern t Ic Hanks. The same fe. lina: of sorrow prevailed in the Democratic Nuiional Ctuh and in Tamnian\'s rank?, from Charles 9*. Murt>hy. Its chieftain, down to the humblest follower. when It became known that upon application to-day in Part 11, special term, )f the Xiipfttl" ?'ourt. made on the petition of rela? tives, a stepbrother and stepsister. Justice Amend sinned an order com? mit t.nir Representative Sullivan to Or. G. P. M. Rond's sanatorium, at f'6'? North Broadway. Tonkers. iPtherto Representative Sullivan has bee-i a vol? untary patient at I>r. Binds establish? ment. The disease from whl'h he Is suffering, however, nas taken sip h strides within the last few weeks that It became necessary for his siep hrother and stepsister to make a per? manent arrangement for his physical restraint in the sanatorium I'n.ler ti e arrangement by whb ii Representative Sullivan was received at l'r. B >nd's sanatorium he could at anv moment leave the establishment without let or hindrance. While Representative Sullivan has been a docile and resigned patient, he has become a victim ->f marked hallu? cinations, wh:' h Indicated than In the near future it would be necessary 'o put him under restraint Th- step? brother and stepsister, after consulta? tion with a number of Representative Sullnan's Meat* wer. advised to take the step they did to-diy !n making the.: application to TusMee Amend, and the Justice sigred the order. M?> to ?sattyvllle. Within a few days t >-day's order w!l' be snordemented hv an order on reirnlar application appointing a com? mittee of the person and property of Represent Ml e Sullivan as an alleged incompetent. This will he necrssar>. if was stated to-nlrht. for the prote - lion of R?*?re?entatlve S.illlvan's vast ;,? ? pe.s etitertH??? wh "h are said '? h?'> snffei e?| stcre h - ? "1 mtirv cor-rtm tnet.t in Pr Be:wl'c HMMMtasl After the committee has b. ? n appoint? ed to tske charge of Me Sullivan s ?tersonal affairs he w'll w'tho .t doubt be removed, perhaps to Aroltyvllle. where Maurb-e Pir'tmor' and lohn Mc <*t.Hough, the fam-us actors died a number of years ago. Representative Sullivan Is s ifferng from the Mm' malady wl.i-h h:n-glit to an uatlmeiy e:id these two famous member* of the rhaadrtral pmfeaaiea With tb?*e coi'rt p-?eee4in?si kWOtn t-? i> es - ?tat ? ? taMtaadTh '-anal ? . i ?? a-r ' to his friends In tt-- I ?? ? - 1,,-rittr Nstbmal Club and to Charle* f, Maral .? an ' oM era i" Tstr nsr.. H' l all were awa -e that Uepresen'at!?? g i'h in had departed fre--n t - fTa.-? f tMa life a-d would no Ttore ha ?een b?- them ant.ll after Mi Guvernar Hulier. In die re-irse of ttire. win dlre.-t a sp-. lal rle. ti>n far a Oaa gr?a?man to paa ? i Mr ahJlaVj >:?? tto Thirteenth Pietrn ' ri ?.!>. Her-ese*. .. - iitwan is BS) da the atirsat true tim ile ? V..-V pj ,eet t-? .-n TV -r ? rat who ha"'' attended th. State and natlemal coneen?lor? of their party, lie stands over six feet in be;g it. (Continued on trweawfh Peers) ONLY SAFETY IS II PERSONNEL' Of FINANCIERS ??Bad Hands" Might V\ reak Great disaster to Nation. SITUATION NOT ? ?COMFORTABLE! George K Baker, Money Kingj Admits That Concentration o? Wealth "Has Gone Far Enough"?His Testimony i Comes as Climax of Two ; Days' Examination. Washington. January 10.?That thn present concentration of money and credit "has gone far enough:" that "in bad hands' it would hav" a Kid effect upon the nation, that th.- safety in the situation lies In the personnel of the men in control, and that "present con? ditions arc not entirely comfortable (or the country'' were a few of the statements mad.' to-daj i>.- CJeor?- K. Hak. r, master ftnanei. r. as the . limaat of two days' examination b?forr the House money trust committee. But Mr. Maker d iclared that ? bad hands'' could not retain control. Th. se statements, coming at the end of a da) of routine examination, dur iii-: nhieh Mr Baker reviewed in de? tail operations of himself, his bank, tin- First National of Kern York, and J. r. Mnrgan ?c Co.. in the isannnca of bonds, startled the committee and Mr. Baker's counsel. Foster A. Baker and John C. Spooner. The committr. had gone beyond its usual Hour of adjourn, meat in oider to conclude the examina? tion of Mr. Bak. r to-day. Samuel L'n termyor, counsel for the om/nittce was arndlng tSrough a mass of statistics r'lating to bond .ssu. s handled by Mr. Baker s associates Soddenb h. paus? ed, leaned forward in hi? chair and shot a question at the eeventy-thrce-year oM Snancier. who, d> spite his long ex, animation, aas cheerful and conhdent. Thinks There Is \ci trust. "Mr. Haket., \ suppose >ou du not think there is a money trust'.'" demand? ed tic lawyer. Committee, spectators and counsel sat forward In their chairs, and the Hear? ing room, but a moment since dull and stolid, grew tense with expectancy. The witness leaned ha-k in his .-hair, smil? ed quietly about him. and replied: "I do not think there is." ?What do you u;idci?tand hv a money* ImatT" Mr. Dntermycr continued. "1 give it up. I don t know," said Mr. Baker, with a chuckle. "Then you do not know w hether thrraj is one or not, do you?" d manded Mr. ' 'ntermyer. "No. i do not. I do not take much interest in that." 'T>? you think there is any kind of* trust in anything?'- queried th:- law? yer. "That is what tiie>- call them?al| these combinations." said the witness. "Thor,- are sonic, are there?" They call them that, yes, sip' "And whether there' ig a money; trust or not you would not like ta say?" "No" "Suppose ? said Mr Cntermyer, "wn de;ine a money trust as an established identity of community of interest be? tween a few leaders of Snan< e which has been created and h, Id together through stockholders, interlocking d!? r ctorates and oth -.- forms of domma* tion over banks, trust companies, rail? roads, public service and industrial corporations, and which has resulted In vast and growing concentration and control of money and credit in the hands of a comparatively few m-ru Taking that definition, is there any; doubt of the tact that there has be-a of late years a vast and grow-ag cons centratlon of credit in the hands uf a few men*" w.u. there ?? a great amount of money that has come together, more or leap concentrated." replied Mr. Bate* pr, after a pause. I dealt s Great Mergers "There have been great mergers ot financial institutions, have there aatfJl asked Mr. Cnt-rmyer. ' V s. sir." Here Mr T'ritermye- reviewed some of the recent comb;nations of financial nstitutions in New y,.-k. "And th"re have be.-n a great nuns* ? ber of those consolidations In d ffersj en; parts o:' the oount-V ' continued* "Yes. Mr BaKer responded Mr. OaStlmyer asked Mr. Baker as tat s "change of policy ' on the part 9% the banks in the last ten years looks* I *rg toward the cotW<:r atlon or cone : trol of financial instttntr -r.? Mrs Baker said be had btca con-e-ne-d abtnlag some bar.aa and kneve of son v Sa>d ii. knew ..f no .hinge ?>% p >. i: at rcnne.-tlon. I Tins ? ' .->. entratlin tbae, 1 has been grin* on of late venra cant has It no;. In very la'gejj amounts a?ked Mr. t'ntermyer. ? I dn-bt I' " said the witness Mr Taker coqld not nay In doUarOJ how tn m h ba had been a party la tola i oo.-entration. 'T s ir-pose, yon would ?f? no harm* ? ? \i l ri-erniyer. ??!? bavins i*d s*JH further samassjPMataatl 1?? fag think thai would ?.e danarer * jaf*t a Mr Baker pondered the quest an f?d i a time and then answered ' i dink It has coae abesst fat) er -ugh * The B?k - 'twrera s ?Cng aearbO) -.t? "t " . . > *il i^iked In* tereoted a ? ? - s -i ? ? t - ' ? ? ? taj j i lias tesae raw ?TwameB. ? bat aaajs | It baa gene about for eaoaddh bands I do pat say taat It arm If ? ???< late bad hood* It weald he eery and.' If It ?ot iato pad,