Newspaper Page Text
SThpg?mr^ a^Bgfr ?^-patrh I ?U; TAhW&uT&W im WHOLE NUMBER 19.231 RIC HMOND, VA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1913. PRICE TWO CENTS. Dr. Clark's Daughter Quickly Answers Call for Volunteers. RECTOR NOW HAS FIGHTING CHANCE Undergoes Emergency Opera tion After He Had Been Strengthened by Transfusion. Shows Rapid Improvement, and Danger of Further Attack Is Removed. In the hope of saving the life of her filbrr. the Rev. William Meade Clark. D.D . who was MaaaJlaVI la) death in? ternally, ro'ing Mis- 'lark l r?v< ly bared her radial artet-.- ta Mid knife of Dr. t. Shclton Horsley yes? terday and allowed lurn to transfuse a ?uantity of her heal'h-gi ving blood info the veina ot the stricken minister. Iler sacrifice, in the opinion of Dr. llorsl'v and Di ?? N". I'pshur. will be the means of saving hia life After Dr. Clark had rallied from the effects of the anaesthetic, his con? dition seenied more favorable than at any tune ?in- e bis sudden attack on Sunday morning in the Sunday ?? naa] room ol St lame-' Episcopal f'hur'h. Mis ph7?"ian I >r ' \. I 'prim;, pave OUl the following etataneetll lar' night "L'nlce* some unforeseen onaapjti tion oonure Dr. Clark will get wa8. At 7 o clock his eondition was ex. e. d loglv promising, and now that all Fea? sibility of further hemorrhage ha* been removed. Dr. ? lark has more than fighting ' han'-e Baa Goad ? Innre Vow. L-e'.e last night if was reivrted from Bt Elizabeths Hospital, in whi> h Dr. < arri is a patient, that he was doing: as wr'l a- could be desired or cup.-, 'r-d after bu? h a itwi? operation His condition, it wa- .-.iid while critical. si< r.nghtcr *har: curlier in the day. ?hen l>i- dea'h seeenod imminent Mios Clark was rrotlnt ejakHly. As -<:! -ir- the physo laris e-ould determine, ahc gave about ten or twelve ounces of life, fluid to sustain the heart aefJOn ot bcr fathe'. arid her own r'rength was of cours-* nia-crially weakened W hile no eercus panaHd of the heeoie deed sere an*i itMBtad the physicians will keep her in bed fe>i *e?c:ul days as a prccau t .enary mcaejre . Third Hemorrhage Sudden. Shorn;. af'ee s v clock yesterday morning Dr. Clark ? condition beyaine a' rjte when he siifTered another hem? orrhage and Dr '. N. I'pshur. -xho ras been in c n-'at ? attend.?tc ?? at 'he bedside- e.f the minister for days, de? cayed that an llllinealanle o|>eration was neceseary if the; patient s life was to be sa-ed Dr. Horsl-y when called in e onflrmeei the opinion of Dr. I'psh and the minister was rushed to St. I , senate, a I iospitai De--idihg that Dr. Clark could ii"r?r survive the shoe K elf t ha e>peratlon ? 11 h ou f 'he transfusion into his eje ple'ed rein* "I neb ioalthy Mood. the physician* in.-'nn'iy a< eiuainfed the family of the situation and Miss Emily ? lark, anot he- member of the family an l tw?. members af the vesrrv m4 Bl **aanee CBntaa, promptly volunteered As it is desirable in auch emergencies to t aaefttaa he b'.ood of a near relative. Miss Clark was ? liosen by the two Ph-. si> ians on account of her youth and health. Mise Clark and her father were laid on the operating table side by side, and after local application of cocaine-, an incision was made in the young won.en s wris-. and bcr artery sewed to ?he b:g vein in her fathers arm. The physicians allowed her heart to pump blood into Dr. Clark s vein until the death pallor Oed from his I iieek*. the anaarrnl < olor e ame be< k to his ears and a heaithv a tion <>l his heart resulted. The whole operation required but a few moments. stomach Opened. Immediately following the tman ' riot of bl?d. Dr. Hofsley made an aneloirinal section <en Dr. Clark, found an ul?*;r in the err.all etna of the stomach and quantities of blood in the Mmal ..i -stine The ulcer was ligatcd to pre? vent future trouble, the blood elr?te removed, and a new pa-sag,, opened for the of the stomach. The patient showed no signs of nausea and f.uickly tame from under the influence el the ether While the operation ^ ?s e rtremejy delicate and danger) us under the circumstances e.f Dr. Clark's weak? ened condition, hia heart action was satisfactory a few hours after hc-ng reinoveel Irom the table, and his phy? la! tana were enabled to hop* for ?aan* pie'o re ovcrv During the course of eervp e Sunday morning in the Sunelay Scheeol room at St. .famee' Episcopaf Church. Dr.' Clark was auddenly etrii ken and w ?* removed to his home m a srnun? <on dition. A second period of internal bleeding followed on Sunday, and Dr. I psh'ir. who had been called to his isidslde. fca'r-i fatal i otiseepien'-es He abowed -lieht improvement until early yesterday moimng. when the ? : e..'rd he!.,ori huge recurred and he seemed on the point of bleeding te> tlvs'b Dtstlngalshed Minister. Dr < :..'< is .."ionc the mos* dis'in-1 guisbeej ministers of the Episcopal ? hurcri :r, :? ?? South, and in adelition 1 to being rector of the large s- lamee. ' hurt h. has lor -om?- iirne edited ?he J Southern Chure the official organ e.f the Lptecopal ch'irch in this S ate He ia a member of the general mission j ? Hoard of his church ane| prominently! i nrji' *ed with other committees. lie *a* often served ?? delegate from 'he Virginia dicw-t-se to the Kpiecnpal Oener < oriven'ion. and at the triennial toee'ing of bird-/ here iri |W); a '.-.I as ehairr??an e.f the committee on' e; range m? nfs SI lame- Kptae opal Chure h. which i has just er es. t e-d a handsome net ali i?J .re ,,n Weal Franklin Street oppoatt? Mi- hmot.d < ollege. is on- of the afrongeit < hurche-e of that denomi? nation in the citv. T)r Clark has been , ree-tor of S'. James for aixtessn years, e cminc here from St. Oeorges Epta eopaj Churrh. of 1 redencksburg CARTER OUT ON BAIL. After Belrase Arre?leH taaia. and later Treed for *?r. ond Tisae. while he war tt- ptesi.ien' -sa* t^leased 'o-day *>n tS.fflO \fi'-r h.r -eieaae ?arter van again uk?n into . ?tody on three similar e.patge* instituted by :te North Ce*crgia N..'-onai Bank, of Blue Ridge- Os. At Blue Ridge Carter %ee raieaaed I . - - TRYING TO BLOCK Aldermen Quibble Over Appropriation of $500 for Expenses. OPPONENTS WIN FIGHT FOR DELAY Resolution for Special Commit? tee to Prepare General Plan to Enlarge City Limits De? feated, Altered, and Must Now Go Back to Common Council. Efforts to prevent any 'jt'nuon of the corporate limit* of the city of IHrhssMilsfl were partially successful in the rSoar<t of Aldermen last nigh'., ?he Hoard refusing concurrence in a Couaesl lesoiu'mn providing fui ap? pointment, of a special committee on ano'xa'ion. and refusing to recon? sider its a< tion An hour later Mr. <iui;-t israpaod to the other side, and a resolution prepared by Alderman Jo? seph K PoTers. having substantially the same purport, was a?lop'ed. but must now go bacK to the t'ohiinon Coun'il tot concurrence, reusing a delay of a month, even if the Council eajajergirsV Messrs Grime*. Guns'. Mit'-he|| and Paul composed the op poi-nioii. nnd were later icined if Mr Velsen "1 he powers resolution in which ati appropriation for expenses of the ?pecial committee was eliminated, did not require a two -hirds vote and was therefore adopted without a roll call. Wanted General Plan. Some months ten Barton Heights. Highland Park and other suburban reettfMM BOtitioned tor enframe into ?he ?-i?v an<l from 'in* to time Other communities hare asked fc>r admis? sion All atJCh petitions were cortsid er?-d by 'be old Committee on Ordin BfaotaB, I harter anrl Beform, which, in !iet| oi a detlmte repott. recommended tha? a spArtal committee be named to go fullr the whole fje?tion of an? nexation and report a general plan for < fteinWlen of the dtv's limit* the com? mittee to r-onslst of four Counciimeii and throe Aldermen, the resolution providing an appropriation of g,vm to meet the expense* of the committee for man?, tabulations. estimate*, sur? veys and similar eervicc. The OOSB rssrsta Coutacil without dissent adopted the resolution providing lor appoint? ment of the special committee to go fully into the matter of extending the ? itv limits and it came up last night , in the Board of Aldermen on concur? rence. Raises Technical Points. Nearly ev*?y member of the oppo : n:ion esplalned at length that he was not opposed to annexation, that he had BO indention of building a Chinese wail ahou" the city, or preserving its quali? ties as a village, and. ihat he was not i> 'p. i he inter??t? of large land ownsrs Itrrtorssstod la preserving high tent-, hu* proceeded to bring technual objecti?>n? Mr. Mitchell, of C!sy Ward, Opened the debate h- raising the point of order that the paper had never h^n referred to the new Committee on '?rdinam.e? The. fact that it was unanimously re? ported by the old Committee on Ordi? nances. Charter and Reform he claim? ed did riot preclude its being sent to a < ommltte,- mad* up of many of the same members, to be again reported on Mr. Puller ied the flght for adoption of the resolution. The Council had a perfect right to pla'e such matter in tne hands of a apaoW committee, he showed Mr dun", as chairman of the new Ordinance Committee said he would not stand on the point of order raised by Mr Mitchell, but he very strenuously objected to the ap? propriation of two as unnecessary and ' f'lthout rhyme ,.r reason " Mr Pow? ers calied attention to the fact that Mr. Gunst was a member of the old Ordi? nance Committee, which prepared the resolution for a g?-n?ral annexation and reported u unaniasnsjgf* Puller Defends Appropriation. Mr Pul'er defended the appropria? tion item a- profiling for the BeeSB sary ejfrenses of a businesslike investi? gation of the whole system, to provide an annexation sufficient to meet the needs of the city for twenty-five yea's ? ornc chairman Orundy. of the 1 inam-* Committee said that all mat '< n at an annexation ;n his Council ex? perience, had b?en handled by special innimiiw The appropriation for necessary cvp'ii'O? he > on-idcred proper and a < onset}uent part of making a thorough and real investigation of the fata set, providing far n'ircha*e of n.aps and for making surveys snd for other legitimate and seaaer expenses and a? < hairman of the Kinance Committee he waived all objections to the item und?r any rule which might require a further reference of the paper t-*i hi* committee, a step whn h lould only mean a further delay, as it was obvious to every one that if a study of the problem of annexation was to be made, proper expenses must be paid for Me Mitchell's motion ?o send th? Bag* r tes k la the Ordinance Committee after further debate was lost. * to 7. Mr Mit? h?ll protesting again that he aal opposed to annexation, bit ?ha' the < oun?-il was stepping out oeep water, and that he "would Ik glad to see it all killed " Mr On spoke in riio?' heated !frn,. again** the resotutssn. aiming hi* remarks < hieflv again** the appropriation item. He was utterly astonished" at the dSBBT man of the fr'lnanc* Committee, and while saving he was in favor of annexa? tion would vote against the whole paper unless :li? 9V*> item were cut out. ( harges Bodging. Mr Powers pr?.'?*et*d that the op? ponents of annexation had not , ome rhe open I lodging behind tech r.o at j-otnt* he- had given no reason , r- ? delsv Onlv SlTte.v ? eight**, month* ?mam of the lit. ..; tr.o i ounci! and B delay of a few mon'h? now might till th* whole I.:..i>.,?i? ion lie -|,ai ic?*nt*d Mr As *he repre-entative ?f th? people ..: Buhmnnd *ai?l Mr Puller and as one interested in Richmond ? growth. I am in favor of expediting this matter and giving the people an opportunity to ? - h' a- i hrid of g:T r.g thi? i omml?tee <? ' ??? fa illt; to proee ote an intelllgarti inquire I do not say that I will vot* for anv extravagant report that mar be brought here but f believe the people of *his cifv f?Tic an m'rlligent and i -o ,e- r,:, n-N'n ? ?' th- .orpofar? ? evolution I* n>|*ct*e\ ' Thatg la no aaeotten of *nan< e m ?olv*d here." said Colonel Orundy "The opposition is making a great ta <Caattaeo4 aa ?genta.? s*aaa-? * WANTS DEMOCRA Wilson Refers to Sena? torial Contests in Sev? eral*} tates. HAS BUSY DAY WITH CALLERS Takes Emphatic Exception to Report That He Prefers Pro? gressive Republican Over "Stand Pat" Democrat. James. Stone and Gard? ner Invited to Visit Him. Trent on. K. J , January 14.?"I hope progressive Democrat* will be I elected in every State," sanl Presi :dent-hk<.' Wilson to-day in referring to contests in? idem to the elec'iun of L'nitci Btalaa Btinnttwg in Maine. s>? Hampshiie Illiiioir. South Dakota and Tennessee The Governor took empha'ic cxeep t.on :o editorials and published re? ports purporting to describe bis atti? tude as preferring the selection of a |H Ogl eeel I a Republican in Oeses where the othee alternative, would be the ? hoice of a stand-pat" Democrat. ' The only thing I am interested in in any State. ? he said, "is the eie< tion of . a Democrat I In connection with the Maine situ? ation, Mr. Wilson '?-a< informed .>f re? ports that ffsIUsCII who had been urging , progressive Republican legislators to I vote for the re-elecion of Senator Obadiah tia'dner Democrat, were be? ing told that Mr Wilson wished to : appoint. Senator Gardner as Secretary of Agriculture. There is no foundation for these, reports, said the president -e|ei | "So . far as I have intrrestnl myself i? has been for obadiah C.ardner for Sena j tor " The President-elec* v.-as told that his sne.^ h yesterday in which he said he would not be acting as a partisan if he picked progressive? and only pro gressives had sserveed the inquiry mt he whether he meant 'he progressive wing ol the Demo.-ra'ic pattv or included in his statement progressive Republicans a? well as procreeeive Democrats. 'T wasn'l thinking in specifications." he said. I was just thinking in tend? encies arid the state of mind of the conntiy Nothing New In Position. He added that there was "nothing novel" in the position he took, a* he had throughout the campaign champ? ioned progress! ve policies and action The Oovernor *?as busy *o-day wi'h callers, mostly members of the J,eKi? lellirs. which convened to-day Willard Saulsbury. Democratic national UOWI mittet-mari from Delaware, took lun< h con wi'h the Governor. To-morrow Senator Gardner, of Maine, has an appointment v-lrh Mr. Wilson, f-ut t he latter said it had nor lung to do with the senatorial contest, in that State. Senator-Kler t Ollie .lames, of Ken? tucky, and senator Stone, of Missouri, al.") have been lnvilcd to come to? morrow. The Governor was delighted wi'h the res ilt e.f t he caucus III lief of the Demo? crats nf the Legislature, who by a vote of I-' to .'. elected Edward E Grossc-up. Democratic; State chairman, as State Treasurer. The Governor had openly declared himself for Mr. Groescup. Will Vote Jointly To-Day. Augusta. Me. January 14.?Cncer tainty as to the progressives in the Legi-lature heightened interest in the United] States sen,orial election to-day The Republicans have five majority in the Senate and only two votes to l*pea*l over the necessary seventy-six in the House. 1'ormer Congressman Edwin C. Rur leigh and fpajaatejf Obadiah C.ardner. the Republican and Uimoora'io ran didtaes respectively, were selected at a preferential primary last June The Republicans have seyen more than the necessary ninety-two on joint ballot if members with progressive tendencies vote with theni The first ballot in the Douse to-day resulted in no choice. Rurleigh and Gardner ea' h received seventy - two vo'es The Senate vote was on strict party lines, twenty for Rurleigh and ten for Oardner. At noon Wednesday, both Houses will vote 'ointly. Three Republican members of the Maine House of Represen'atives who are fourth-' lass postmasters in their respective towns telegraphed their re? signations as postmasters to Washing? ton to-night. Their right as Federal j office-holders to seats in the House was attacked by Democratic members I just before balloting began at noon ; for the election of a I'nited States Senator to succeed Senator Obadiah I Gardner. Demo.-rat One of them. I William H Karrar. of Ripley. was de-i dared unseated by a vote of e? to "1. Vn Election In Tennessee. Nashville. Tenn . January 14 ? There i was n?> r. S. Senator elected to-day when the two Houses of the State I.erie!a!tire. \ot;ng separately ,asi the first ballot, not only lor the long term, but. the short term as well \ ote in the Sepate. long term : H V Enloe. 9. John K Shields, t. K D M< Keller. *. I*. O. Tyeon, I: res', scattering Vote in the House Enloe. ?4: Shields. | 1J. M-Keller, lit Tyson. IJ Total--Enloe, W. Shields. I?: Mc Keller, at; Tys>n. is. Necessary to ctrotoe. ft. Many members made a farce of the 1 rote on short term senator The role op the ?h..i' term Senator to ?erv from hi? ejection to Marth 4. vas no! general*- expecte-d by the House and tbe only ballot gave little line on the outcome Prof. W. R Webb independent re. eired it M. T. Rryan. regular Democrat. Ii. John R. N'eal regular Deme>crat. to Senator Newell Sanders. Repubbcan. a: Con gree?man flam K. Sella. Republican, to, Repreeentatlve bon Mcparland. regular Democrat S . others scattering. The houeee vote In joint meeting to? morrow Tae Democrats Elected. Ilrtur i olo Januar. 14 I i.rttiet G>.- em..- i h;.e|es s ~i homes and Oeev errsor John I t*h? | >.. .,. were elected I'ntted S ate- Senator? from < eplorado to rj? : he Senate and House voting separately Twelve Republi ans in the Houee and three in the Senate voted for the Democratic rardidsites in ceeer.pltancw with I he (?onUnued on ?eoond Page > MOORE ASSAILS TAX AGREEMENT Contends Compromise With R., F. & P. Was Unconstitutional. WRITES LETTER TO GOVERNOR Officials Decline to Talk. ? Work of Special Commission Claimed to Be Void Because Legislature Had No Right to Remit Debt. In an official comwu meat ion yes? terday to Governor Mann. State Auditor C L*e Moore raises the point that the act under which the special ? -ommission rcccntlv compromised the tax dispute between the Common? wealth and the Richmond. Fredertcks burg and Potomac Kail road is un? constitutional. If he is correct, the agreement re? cently made, by which the road agreed lo pay to the State tbe sum of II?. 5*1.83. and to the cities and counties through which it. runs the sum of - m\ will he void Further, the road will not be enabled to carry out its covenant to surrender its exemption from taxation and to secure such changes in its charter as will put it on a paritv with ail the other railroads in Vir? ginia The compromise annoum ed .Janu? ary s. was between the speatal ?ommis ?Hin represent mit the Stafe and-a com? mittee of the directors <>r the railroad. A general meeting of the stockholders' of the road has been called for Februar-.? g, there being prraaiically no doubt that the agreement will then bo ratified. Attacks Constitutionality. It is understood that the AudCor makes tbe point that the General Assembly has no power to compromise ? debt due the State by any specific person, or to delegate such power to u; gpgaial commission. It can only be done, be think" mf general law, appli? cable to all. lie reasons the point, it is s'a'ed. at sc-me length Seen yesterday. Mi. Moore admit-j ted that he had written to Governor Mann He declined, however, to I dt? uss the matter in any way. refer? ring a'l uetxeirtoa to the executive. Brisen the Gtosrartae* rat asked eon oerning the letter, he said he preferred to mai " no'eteteaaesri until he had c*-n farrn ' with the other members of the special ? on,mission. Discuxsing the matter last night, a citizen tvho has some knowledge of the whole affair said that upon such in? complete, knowledge as the reporter, ? as able to eonvc..-. he did not think tbe argument of the Auditor would, apply, or that the act was unconsti? tutional for such a trason. True, a debt cart Rot be compromised by special | act for the bent 8' of one party, but the amoant <)?. th- s-,,-.- m Mns instance has not oecn ascertained, sine* the j < as- M f ill pending In lb* Supreme ? < ourt of the Cnitcd Statee. While ? Virginia hopes to win. there is a possi birlty i' would t>e decided in favor of the railroad. Tales Not Assessed. Beside*, said this individual, the State has never even assessed property !.u'f against the road and could hardly b* said to be compromising a claim which has not only never been adjudi? cated, but which has never even been presented. The amount to be paid under the agreement is more than the total franc hise taxes would have been for ail the years, since the settlement is on the basis of five years franchise and property tax. the State and local- i ?tasa sharing alike. However, the auditor evidently be Iseveg that the act contravenes the ("onstItlltisin. that no compromise can be mad* vrirh this railroad, and 'bat the Sta'e should proceed Wttfe the litiga? tion atari endeavor lo collect the entire anWint. Fui'her (onfercm*s will probably ha l*gM on 'his point, and it may go to th" courts before a settlement can be reached. The *p*cia! commission -.vhteh re? presented the S'a'e m the negotiations is compo?*d nf tliivrrnor Mann, <"orp?>r aMaa 1 -mmis-ioners Prentis. Khea and Wingflcld. and Martin P. Burks. PRIZES FOR BABIES - Valuable Gift?, in Addition to Mater? nity Benefits, in New *.< i. London. January 11 ?For several days isnj babies l>orn m F.ngiaud will bring their parents all sorts of valu? able prizes in addition to taa mater? nity benefits of the new national in- I siirance act, which took effect y*st*r da> I he l.lra has ?o caught the pub b' tha' many wealthy p*op!.- are giv? ing "live- cups porr?rers. spoons and money to the first babies born in various dis'ricts under the n--w act Th* first mother to become entitled to the maternity bem-nt of .to ?hil lings na? Mr* Amy Ooulding, ' h* wife of a I'addington paint*r. who gave birth to a girl on* minute pa?r midnight. She was christened G.or giana as a < omplimenf to Chan?-c!l?>r i.lovd <;????>rg* \*r tnioirnn? * bat >.i- ta ? n chn-t-ned I.lo\d-0? orge ( h .rchill TAKES UP BUSINESS PURSUIT. Mr- t. Borden Harri man lo t-:?tah. 1Kb Brot Be ?ort. New York, .fanuary M?Mrs. .t. Borden Hirrimsn intends to join th* ranks of prominent New York so*-i*t> womrn ?Im have taken up business en ?*. according to announcement to-dsy. On a?-*ounl of the illness ?.f h?r husband. Mrs. iiarriman pr,ip,a*? to , oBvsti her ext*ns*iv* ?-vin'ry ?- a* I'olands near Mont,' Kenisco int.. a res' cur* resort for 11 red-out aM v p*"i |*> Mr- Hurrlman ha* b**n identified ' for several fears with many important mo\. to.-ti"? f.?i i r. ii !>*!?.' ?n is president or the Babies Welfare Association, a prominent memb*i of the Civic Federation and act ire tm\ many Rast Side charities. OESCHANEL ENTERS RACE. Declares Himself < sndldate for Presl desf; nf Frseee. Pnn* -lunuarv 14 I'aui Methane' who was lo ?I? ? er- o., -ed ........ of the ? ha'nhe' of Iteptfi*? do. tared The ,.h., , andida'es -ho have r-e? n niond Poim sre and n f'r*mi*- hei>x day re-cieot?d president af taa Beraete. -lean IMjpuy Minister of Public Works end Tbeophn* Dslnasss. Minister af Mariae. era uaoQicuu.> to taa rasuuoe. WILL BE INA UGURA TED TOD A Y I,Ot KK < KAlfi. (Thn ?urrrrds TT. TT. Kitcturi a? Governor of North Carolina to-day. METAL SCHEDULE IS UNDER FIRE Steel Interests Contend fur Re? tention of Present Duties in Schedule EXISTENCE OF AGREEMENT Examination Into So-Calkd Aluminum Trust Under? taken by Committee ?Washington. January 14.? The metai schedule, cif the tariff law was again under Uro before tin- House Committee, on Ways and Means to-Uay, several steel manufacturing interests contend? ing for retention of the present duties in the schedule B. I'. Ker. ot Sharon. Pa., president of the Sharon Steel Hooper <"ompany. advocated . hanges in the phraseology of the law to avoid importers taking advnntage ..f Ita ' ? r ins. Mr. Ker told of plans now under way by the t'nited States Steel Corporation to advance the wages of its common laborers and artisans and mechanics on February ! by approximately 10 per cent Repre? sentative Kordney. of Michigan, esti? mated that this would mean an advance of IIT.ioo.norc Mr Ker expressed optimum of the future of the steel industry regardless of what aetion the Democrats, admin? istration might take He said the steel manufacturing industry was practi'-ally limi'les- in i*e possibility and he urged r.-..'el-t|on against invasion from abroad He added that if the industry was disturbed, the < would rematJi and the companies would reduce l.-ili.. to the point of meeting with the compe? tition. R E. Jenning5. rojo <-en"ing the Carpenter Steel Company, of f'ennsyl vnn'ii urging the present tariff law. testified that the labor cost of prodm - tion in the crucible sfeej industry was abotit ?1 to SO per ce,,t. on the total cost, which he said m response to Chairman Cndt-rwood was much gres'er than in the Bessemer or open hearth steel j busmees. n?nn Present Tariff. E. P. Reicheim. of New York, wanted Hag present tariff retained on the pro-' ducts of the file and tool industry. During the discussion Mr. Kei advo- ? ? ated a dumping clause to prevent the sending of good- Into this country at prices lower than m the country of production ?'If we had a dumping clause in this metal schedule.'' asked Chairman I'n derwocxl. 'don't you think that the rates fixed in our metal bill last session would be sufTi< len*-*" "I don't think that is so. we don't know as te that yet Mr. I ndcrwood asked as to 'he rea? sons fol the l_ r,l" d S'H'es S'eel t o pora'ion s proposed in< rease of wages. Mr Ker said he 'hough' that the rot pora'ion was taking time by the fore lock to hold its labor Affairs of the W aitham W.T. h Cnrr panv. of Wal'ham Mass . also were taken up bv the committee which con? tinued t's seseions far into the night V < FMota, of Walthan Mass. testifying 'o-dav that the -empanv could manufacture watch dials cheaper than he could buy abroad. said the Walthann \Vat?~h Com pane was original ly capitalised at as.aat.aia. that M re? organized with a capitalization of 912. (??? otyt The wt'nes* 'old of the former ex ? e or a selling agency :.ha'. handled the Walt ham Watch company pro <fh. ?? Me said ha wir? one ..t three t?artnere in the selling agrp. y h of whom recetred aa? see a year salary. Don t roii compel wholr-eeiece to sell at a certain price to retailers < asked Representative Rainey Try to. but don t awe reed. In hard time* they amoat uniformly fail to keep that price." aaid Mr. Klteh. who added ; he "bad been pretty etrr noewa" tn try-1 tag to prevent the wate bee aent aheo?<t# where they were sold at cheeper prtree. ? ? ? s sen' back lathis ewMintry tn rnm l??te -nth dorne???, p'tces \Jr Kainer read letter* heart ng on the i.-n 'ueaof the iiimtwrit and a copy of an Uftes men' lo regulate the pr??.r-? to ihe .-on ? M. . -? I If SI'liee said he n.ot . Ii (CatrtinastaS eat aTeaaeesd f*aaTe i teetttst. Latter paraofiatle ewralaeted set.e. WaseaaSae aaaaat"aTtT' M CLERKS R FLED ARCHBOLD'S DESK - Took Two Letters and Disposed : of Them for $ 1,000 Each I _ LATER PUBLISHED IN PAPER Former Standard Oil Employe Witness Before Senate Committee. Washington, January 14.?\V"m. M. Wiitkfleld. of Chicago, formerly em? ployed", by tbe Standard Oil Company, as a aftBBBanejer, to-day told the Senat?? campaign fund investigating commit - iw how he and another employe named Stump took from the desk of .Tohn D. Arch bold, -.f the, standard Oil Com? pany, two letters and disposed of them for $1.00" . nch He also told of sailing a copy of a telegram for $1 inn and lending two copy hooka of lexers for whit h ISOO was paid. Of the amount* received Wlnk fleld said he received one third. Wink fi?ld could not rccnll the contents of the two letters or telegram*, to whom they wero addressed, or tbe signatures attached. He said the letters were taken in the fall of 1904 and published in the New York American. Winkfleld testified that in 1904 he was employed by the Standard Oil Company in New York us a messenger and.Stump, he said, was employed as file clerk The witness said that in the fall of 1904 after reading In the New York Arreri<aii a story regarding certain tele- ' grarn* sent to someonem Washington.! he spoke to Stump atet another office he] named Frank Merrill, employed IB Mr. Archbold'* office. ? Moml! salt) he knew of the tele? gram Brad i-aid he would let us see it." said Winkfleld "A couple of days 1,,'cr he showed it to us. I made a copy of it and put. it m the bands of Stump and h" disposed of it It came out in the paper on a holiday." Winkfleld said tha* he did not re-I member what tho telegram said, and did not remember la whom it was ad? dressed or whose signature was attached to it. He then taataMs subsequently as follows. In Archbold's liesk. "I had nothing more to do with this until four molt lbs later. I went hack to the office for my key* and found stump there?at Mr. Archbold's desk. He told me that the paper told him to get everything he could get his hands ea Stump was a* Mr Archbold's, desk and had po?se?*ion of some of Mr. Archbald * nrtassa I told him that he ?a< going further than I knew anything ahou* He said: 'You keep qniet and we ll tlx you up ' lie was doing busir.c..* with his brother-in-law then. Ho got IBM letters "ml I saw !hc two he got and ?. . 1 them r>.? . .. I know the ?iat?- og the |e- ? whom I hey were addressed SB oi tbo signature'" interrupted Senator (Tapp No l do pot r*mrn.??c! the date tier do I remember the ? aita< h?d It may have been t^wav or some one ?i.e. Thev were letters received by Mr. Arrhbold. These two lette-s were "he only thing* taken the* dar. according to Winkfleld Two days later Winkfleld ?aal a copy hook wss taken and was returned by r> th? following rooming We wer? asked If we c.,,|!d secure copies of letters 'hat had pessed to and from Washington? and hud been t??ld that we would be paid. continued Winkfleld Who told you thie- asked Senator Clapp Winkfleld replied that he had left th* matter of disposing of tbe .alters,] et?- , to Stump. "What did you receive aa year share '" asked Senator ''lapp -1 received lees than ?** " At the end of Wtnkfleid . testimony. Oilchn*! Stewart ws- recalled fa b* questioned ah?ut th'* ?'?ltr.Hi? cf yesterday.' No n?w f? ?? 'wri M v?|op?r| The committee will meet Will Begin Our again. Philadelphia a' i ? > i? - R?ibart I >\ \r. ?Said *Tip!*-d of hl? ..ffK* asIt udge of the commerce orurt ?r MB senate reeierde* spent last night bora, and to-day went to his home in Bcraa in rtcranton. Pa The fcrtrer lud es ds "itr>ed to b* lntervtrwed. but ALL ES DECIDE RESUME WAR Convinced That Turks Are Merely Drifting With? out Fixed Policy. NOTE OF POWERS MEANS NOTHING After One More Sitting. Unless Something Unforeseen Occurs, Armistice Will Be Denounced and Hostilities Will Be Re? newed?Outlook for Tur? key Is Very Gloomy. London. January 14.? Cnlcss unfore? seen assents should cjiange the current of affairs, the Turkish-Balkan war in the near Last will bo resumed within a week, and Europe will witness the horrors of a winter oumpaigu. The allies have flmily made up their minds to take up arms a second time The Turks las' week threatened t<> leave London and let matters rak? whatever course they might. Now the Balkan delegates, are convinced the Turks aru merely drifting without a fined policy, and i hey have decided ??> end the seemingly fruitless debater and wire-pulling and begin the bat? tles anew, where they left off more than a month ago. The Ottoman government failed to convene the grand < to-day. and apparently has no intention of meeting the allies' ultimatum concerning Adria nople. The allies do not believe, in the. efficiency of the note winch the powers will present at < 'oti-'anrinople. because t! is couched in too mild terms, and simply advises Turkey to submit to the fate of war and abandon Adria nople for fear of complications in oth? er parts of the empire at a tune when Turkey could not And moral or finan? cial support in Europe The Turkish government knows that this means nothing, because it. is aware that, the powers will be unable to agree on any . oereive measures Thus the presenta tion by the powers of the note, jt is pointed out. might mean simply the opening of a new chapter in the al ready wearisome diplomatic parleying;, and the shifting of the diecuaaion from a debute between the Belligerenta to one between Turkey and tho pow i ere. The Balkan kingdoms, moreover, are ; anxious to obtain relief from the heavy : burdens of keeping their arm'es on a I war footing indefinitely. Wishing howerer, m ..tatet v. all the diplomat*, courtesies they have given the powers a reasonable time to agree on the note, frame It and present it to Turkey. But this once done if Turkey fails to yield they are determined to ae*. Another Sitting. Their governments have aureed to call another sitting of the conference through Sir Edwrad Grey or R"chad Pasha, who. according to the rotation followed, would t-e the next presiding officer. They will then simply an i iiounce their decision definitely to break the negotiations and also thank ; England for ;ho hospitality extended and the conditions of fair play under ; which the discussions took place. Immediately afterwardf. Sofia. Bel? grade and Cettlnje will denounce the : armistaiee. and the Servian, Bulga ' nan and Montenegrin commanders will : notify the Turkish headquarters that ' hostilities will be resumed within ninety-six hours. The allies say it is easy to predict ; the courso of events. After i hey have stormed Tcbatal.ia thev prophesy Tur? key will be ready to cede Adrianople. just as after the Italians landed in Tri 1 poli she offered to make concessions which previous >- sh had strentMTBfaty refused, and as after the vfctofiee of the Balkan states she consented to grant reforms they had vainly asked for thirty-four yearr. After their second resort to arms, the Balkan delegates assert, their pence terms trill be different from thopa Turkey is now rejecting They declare that Bulgarin will not be satisfied with a frontier line from Rodosto to Midia. but will draw it Just before the gates of Constantinople and they ."uggcee a war indemnity of fSsi.tyje noo or more. The diplomats consider the outlook for Turkev as of the gloomiest char? acter. Ktamtl Pasha's resignation as grand vizier may be the n?f dvelop ment. That would be likely ro no followed by anarchv. The country already is hard pressed for money and the condition and spirit of the army are mattere of doubt. Note Not Yet Presented. Constantinople. January 14?Pre? sentation of the powers' note to the Porte has t.een d-liv. -i t'-.- < icrman government, having made certain com? ments neceasitatlng the r. sibmieeton of the note to the ambassadorial con ference at I.ondon It is now thought that the note will not be presented before Thursday. PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY. I?r. Harri .hurxton Perk ?.!\r? Total I labilities as glftl.tsOO. N'-t York. Januarv 14 - Marry rs.u's-on i ? a ee Mrne profeaaor of Latin at ( olumbta t'nivcrslty. whoer love affair with Esther Qu Um was aired in the courts not long ago. filed a petition in bankruptcy to-day. Mies Qulnn, who sued htm for breach of promise and] for libel, la named na .-hief creditor Dr. Perk owes her. img to hia petition t.MttYi of which na.aas la for fete failure to marry BLUE AND GRAY MONUMENT Te Be Raised la Basser at Both Ceev. federate aad t asoe War Herase. Ki'sgeraJd. Oa January 14 -Plana fnr a "Blue and Gray ' i.utueit hero, believed to he the first la 'ha f nited State* raised tn honor mW\\%\fX\m I'mnn and ConT-ders-- ' ivtl Wae heroes, have beet, a- ? i ?? : by mm' II* Pe of eoeh anal Ti Bereise, Da vie will etamd to a,.t he' and Oere,-ala < .rant and Lam will he '.presented ae deeping aanafev. VIany war t-it. * o.:i be arranged tat ? u> aiABjej. Bienl wtuofe ertil be aVued east ag a\