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The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, January 17, 1913, Image 1

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TWi T!AtKH_KpcNn.Kojm >ma WHOLE NUMBER 19,233
The Weather To-day?Rain.
Hillsville Murderers Will
Not Be Executed Until
March 7.
Tells Delegation That He Will
Give One Hour on February
1 to Argument for Commu?
tation?Prisoners Shocked
by Court's Refusal to
Reopen Case.
. lovd Allen a rugged produr' of ?he
Virginia mountain*, ami Claude Swan
son Allen, hisstal~art urn, heard yester?
day afternoon that t hoy would not he
put to death in the S'ate Penitentiary
this morning (or their part in the
Hillsville court murder on March 14
last. The news was conveyed to thern
in the death chamber that Oovernor
Mann had finally decided to give them
H third lespite?this time to March 7.
Karller in the day they had lieen
sv;nned by the announcement that a
new trial had been refused by the
Supreme- Court of Appeals., Both had
been full of hope, built upon the
promises of their loyal Sympal hizers
who had visited them in the grim
prison And while their hearts were
heavy and whil<? they were beginning
to realize and fear that the hand of
death would fall upon them in the
gray dawn of to-day. the cheering
word eame that a ' death l?ed" reprieve
bad given thern a he* lease on life.
Their l.a>t Reprieve.
BtH thi* is their last reprieve. lor
one hour only on February 1 CJorernor
Mann will hear the lawyers who are
pleading for a commutation?or more.
If he is not convinced on that day 'hat
mercv should be extended, the outlaws
will die on March T
Following an hour's hearing yes'er
day morning in his office, at which a
committee of fifteen citizens presented
pleas for executive clemency. Oovernor
hfapn announced that he would grant
another public hearing of one hour on
t'hiMnrv I at noon, at the same time
saving he would eel taluly grant the
condemned men a rc-spite. l.a'er in the
de U he announced that he had officially
?toyed the execution until March 7
S..r?.e time ta t ween February I and
Mar- h 7 t he (lovernor will make public
his final dectaioa la the matter.
A short while before noon yesterday,
the delegation tiled into the Oovernor s
outer of Bee and took t heir nlace* around
the Ur?e table. Riehard K Byrd who
presented the cause for the Allen sup?
porters made a strong plea for a com?
mutation and explained to Oovernor
Mann the contents of a mass of docu?
ments piled about him.
Many Plead for Mercy.
The delegation was composed of
U. Seherer. \V. B Hiadley and Major
.'s.m?-s r> f'atton member.- of the State
Pr-nitentiarv Board 'he Rev 3. .1.
S, icerer. .I. hn P. Branch, .ludge Wil?
liam F. Hhea and ludge Ri. hard
Wtagdtald. of the State Corporation
? c.remission . Richard I.. Byrd, it. M.
Smith. Jr.. Hiram M Smith and It H.
Willis of Roaaette. spec iai eaauMal for
the Alien supporters the- Rev. Cicorge
W. M< Daniel. D U . W S Forbes W
McDonald Dec, lames Stone, of Bris'ol .
and A. J. William*, a member of the
jury whic h convicted Claude Allen
Before preoentttag themselves to the
4 lovernor. the Alien sympathizers n.et
and discussed the course of action.
.Ml appeared depressed by the action
of *he Supreme Court it. again refusing
?i new trial, and a grea' determination
was made to exer' everv pofsiblc pres?
sure aw Oovernor Mann to intercede
Rut little courage could be obtained
t-'-m the Oow4srteoe's peewhyaa position
in regard to plea* tor the Aliens
The rr.is- of documents presented to
Oovernor Mann for consideration in?
clude verbatim .opus of the evidence
of the -rials of t laude Allen, petitions
trem various sections of the State ask?
ing for clemency, the opinion handed
clown by the Supreme COOTI Wednes?
day and the appeal which was pre?
sented fci the Supreme Court The
Oovernor said he would be glad te
consult every document bearing on the
matter before him
Will Ntit IHscuss Case.
Before leaving the city. It 11. Willis,
who defended both I iovd and Claude
Allen, revived the former rumor of an
Kppeal to the Cnited States Supreme
CSjSgfl for interference on the grounds
of infringement of constitutional pre?
rogatives. Mi. Willis declared that the
Supreme Court i? given jurisdiction
because the live? of the two men have
lieen talUS placed in leopardy for the
same offense, although the State Su?
preme Court ruled to the contrary. If
for no other raaaasx, a lack of funds will
probably prevent an apoeal lo Ihe
I inted SIh'is Supreme- ' our;
I Mil Pt bruare I. the day set fo*" The
second pubic h< iring fbe Allen
gaj i' -ters. Qwverawr Mann erW Bad
ShBSaaa thc.a?e with anyone. He wi!!
liefen to neither arguments for or
tcgiuns' the commutation sentence, not
intending that 'he heavy routine work
of his ofTi- e Shod he set back. Written
communications will of course receive
attention at the hands of his secretary.
Ben r Owen.
Floyd Allen was convicted in Sep?
tember- and sentenced to die on Vo
vr-r-.her 71. while Claude was sentenced
{,? the *?i e erosion of the Wythe
l outi'y 1'ircuit four' to die on 'he
s c?-e rt?v \ S-?c sagpBta B a? gran"-d
the two rr.cn N'ovemlier IS until De?
cember 13 The Oovernor allowed a
p . agnf iej; it?- ,.-i I ic*i*n:ber 12 un'il
'jn-iatv :: . j --vrday gran'c-d
the third *tav. delaying the date of
execution until March 7.
Indianapoll? Man Coming, a
His Share.
Stwseial lo The Times-DispaIch 1
taporte Ind . tanuarv I? ?Former
t o',gre??man lohn B. Umh, of 1 erre
Haul. Ind has been retained b. In "
ge|d Bowmen formerly an Indianapn
petnlcr. who loarned about a mon
ago thai he had fallen heir to one h?
Hie fortune Ho? man h*-?i'* disappeared
s> was rumorwd. but h?? gon- I o
? arthage T r ?? r I ??? ' ,
brother Mr C'oHh? Mowmnri wh" will
>.*??* the r.t?-e with htm He aays
In a letter tha" Ihre will '<-? .? ?,,.,?,
Richmond t e p">ve 'heir <lalms to the
reist* PurTteld Bowman carries a
letter of identification from Mr Umb.
h?iy hood
Basis of Agreement Fin?
ally Reached, and Old
Board Resigns.
Two Medical Institutions to
Unite Under Name of Medical
College of Virginia?Virginia
to Close, Memorial to Do
All Hospital Work -Text
of Agreement..
Without a dis-en'ing TtttM 'he board
of visitors of the Medical College of
Virginia yesterday morning vo'ed to
rat if v the at t n I** of union ?Ith I he Uni?
versity Cothstgl of Medicine, tendered
then resignations t<i (lovsrnnr Mann
and made the consolidation of Itleh
motid k two rncdi' al a hools an ac?
complished fa't. All that remains is
mere detail
The l.aeis ol agreemen' upon which
the two colleges united contain the fol?
lowing principal clauses
I The name of the Institution is to
be the Medial ( ollege of Virginia Al?
though the I inversify College of Medi
I cine surrenders its name, it obtains the
. benefit which attaches to a State insti?
I 2-?The resignation of the entire
: board of visitors of the Medical College
; of Virginia
j ? 3?The appointment by Governor
Mann at the earliest moment of a new
hoard of visitors of nineteen members.
The faculties of the two colleges will
ea- h nominate nine men. a'ting sepa?
rately, and t he nineteen' h will be ? hosen
by the two faculties acting together.
4- - The I'Mversitv i ollcge of Medi
< ine oonveyt to the consolidated school
Its plant, property and equipment
5? The Cfc?rlOtte Williams Hospital
Association conveys to I he consolidated
school the Memorial Hospital without.
The new Medical College of Virginia
will assume the bonded and floating
debts of the Cniversity College of
Medicine and the f' harlot te Williams
Hospital Aesociation.
7 The selection by the new board
of visitors of a new faculty. This will
taki place immediately upon the ap?
pointment of the boaid by the Oover
S?The election by the new faculty
of a dean, who will be the active head
of the institution. There will be no
president of the college.
I 9?The new board will close the
; Virginia Hospital, transferring its pa
< Hints and staff, as far as possible, to
the Memorial Hospital.
10? The two College? will complete
the present aehool term, the I'niversity
' t nil age of Medicine becoming extinct
' .iiine 1. 1913. and its interests being
absorbed by the Medical College of
V irginia. The schools will have scpar
! ate commencement exercises, although
the new board will be m < harge and
the new faeultv al-eady esSchetf.
11? The actual eonsohdation of the
two instituMons will become effective
at once. 1 he OuselSsUI will he asked
to nominate the new board as soon as
the rree.K, mendations are made to him.
12? - The resignation of the entire'
faculty of the Medical College of
Virginia. A faculty will be elected by ,
the new boa id
Made Merger Possible.
After years of negotiation, careful
dealing arid final harmony, the union
of the two medical colleges has become
a reality Having officially adopted
the articles of agreement already ratified
by the full board of the Cniversity
College of Medicine, the board of the
Medical College of Virginia drove the
last nail into the new college when it
adopted the resolution which is printed
below and resigned as one man To
colonel John B Harwood belongs the
honor of offering the resolutions which
ma'ie the union a fa> t
1 he resolutions read
' Whereas a consolidstion <->? -h"
Medi-al College of Yt-ginia and 'he
University Co?eeei of MaeHcian under
the . harter of the Medn *l College of i
Virginia has been prr>posed arid
Whereas, in order to effect the said'
con-olidaMon M will lie ass esaarv for
all of the members of the Board of
Visitors of the Medical College of
(I ontinued on l.ighth Page.I I
Edward F. Mylius Is Or?
dered Deported by Sec?
retary Nagel.
Friends Claim His Offense Is
Purely Political, but Nagel
Rules It Involves Moral
Turpitude, and Therefore
He Cannot Set Foot
on These Shores.
Washing'M January H ? Kdwanl F"
Mylius. t ho journalist detained at
New York, was ordered deported to <iav
l<y Ser irtary Nagel, of the Depart merit
Of Commen c and I.abot on I he ground
that in libeling King (ieorge \ of Kng
land he had committed a crime in
volving moral turpitude
Mylius was ?onvnted in London
of criminal libel against King (>e<,rge y
in connection with the publication in
the Paris Liberator of a store alleging
that the King when Prune of Wales
had contracted a morganatic mar?
riage with the daughter of Admiral
i'uirne-Seymour at Malta. Italy In
Mylius's defense || was alleged that if
guilty of anything it was seditious libel
and no' < rirmna! libel. Seditious libel
would be a political offense Secretary
Nagel held thai. Mylius had not been
convicted of a purely political crime,
but of a crime involving moral turpi?
tude, under which the immigration laws
bar an alien from admission to the
Cnited States.
I cannot assume.'- said Secretary
Nagel in his de< ision. that a law whn h
excludes anarchists ami person* who
advocate the overthrow of government
or the a-sassina'ion of V>"b!|c officials
was intended to admit the publisher
of a false charge of bigamy SfBSBty
because he advances a political purpose
or motive for the act, or because the
false charge was directed agains' a
K ing among ot h?rp or because the court
in which the fnal was held regarded the
political aspect of the case an aggrava?
tion of the offense
Friends Defend Him.
Proponents of Myliu? advaneed the
defense that he was ronvi' t?d of se?
ditious libel, a political crime, that
his trial in London had been a farce;
that in circulating a storv ar'aoking the
honor of the King of hngland he was
aiming a Maw at monarchical govern?
ment in the interest of republicanism,
which should make hirn a welcome visi?
tor to a free country.
The alleged libelous story, pub'ishrd
in the Parts Liberator, and for the
distribution of whi'h in England.
Mylius was convicted, charged that
George v . when a prince, contracted
a morganatic marriage in Wan with the
daughter of Sir Michael C'ulme-Sey
mour. an admiral of the British navy,
now the wife of Captain Trevelyan
In ordering tl,r- dcporta'ion of the
journalist. Secretary Nagel was con?
fronted with the unique situation 'ha',
a!" hough Mylius was not eligible to
enter America, h-; was not barred from
returning to England, where his alleged
crime was committed.
Ground for Exclusion.
It is admitted." said the secretary,
"that this alien was accused of having
published a ?be! charging the King
with bigamy: that he was tried before
a jury, convicted and sentenced, and
tha* he served his term. It cannot be
doubted that the offense for which the
alien waa convicted is of the character
described in our statute as a ground
for exclusion.
"The only question left for discussion
is whether the offense should be re?
garded as purely political, not involv?
ing moral turpitude' and therefore
meets the exception in the statute.
Primarily, a false charge of bigamy
is a common crime In : his instance
that charge was directed, not only
against the King, bu* by inference,
against Mrs. Napier - While a convic?
tion in a properly constituted court of
a civilized country is for all purposes
conclusive upon us in the i onstderation
of su<h cases, it is proper to add that
'he alien admits the circulation of the
libel. That upon the trial no evidence
was offered to substantiate the charge.
tContinued on Third Page )
Schiff Would Have Nat?
ural Laws Only
Financier Believes There Are
Enough Statutes on Books to
Control Situation if They
Are Properly Enforced.
He Is Strong Propo?
nent of Publicity.
Washington. January I*?Liberty of
individuals to concentrate money and
power to the limit of their ability was
advocate*! to-day before the House
inaej trust committee by Jacob II.
Schiff, of the New Vork banking firm
of Kuhn Loeb A Co.
Mr Schiff declared that individuals
should be allowed to exert their utmost
efforts to concentrate fortunes and
power, un'il the laws of nature caused
the attempted monopoly to fall Of its
own weigh' lie was opposed, how?
ever, to >oncen'ration through corpora?
tions and holding companies. Mr.
Schiff could no' say whet her com en' | a -
fion had as ye" reached a point where
it is dangerous. * \
Bclle\es It a Menace.
The New York banking financier
followed Cieorge M Reynolds. of
Chicago, on the stand Mr. Reynolds
told the committee that he had studied
the concentration of money and credit ,
and that he believed, at the point it had
now reached, it whs "a menace to the
progress of the country." He said that j
competition In banking should be :
The committee adjourned after to?
day's session natM next Wednesday
when H. P. Oavison. F. L Hine, Ciro.
F. Baker. .Ir . and other witnesses
representing banks and banking houses
in New ^ ork and Chicago, will be:
heard The committee ejpects to con
< l?de its public hearings next Friday ?
and to begin immediately the writing
of its report When the committee j
reconvenes, plans for taking of the1
testimony of William Rockefeller will
be made.
In the coure* of Mr. Schiff s examina?
tion to-day he voiced the view that de?
positors in banks were sufficiently pro?
tected under the present law "if ad?
ministered and^kept up to the teach?
ings of experience He said that he
could see no objection to one banking
institution selling securities to another!
bank which it ownod. "Prudence." he'
said, "would prevent the officers of a]
bank from accepting too much of a i
doubtful security." He thought this'
mat'er could be safely left to the "self- 1
respecting men' on the board of dlrect
1 ore. and that no further law was
! "Then you think the less law the
better for bauks and trust companies'''
asked Mr. I'nterinyrr.
"Ves." asserted Mr. Schiff. "Too
mm h law can crush the life out of a
No Concern to Him.
Mr. SchifT said that he had observed
s < ?inn-niration of the control of money
and credit into the hands of a few cor- i
DOCatfoan during the last few years.
and that, the control of these corpora
tieSM had been centralized in the hands
Of a few men.
Has this been a subject of concern
to you '" asked Mr. Cntermyer.
"No. it has not."
"Would that be a subject of concern
to you if it continued to drift until all
control was in the same hands?"
I eaa't answer that question." said
Mr. Schiff.
'Have you considered the possible
effect ,,f ?his concentration upon your
own < redit '"
"I do no: rcouire < redit.'" Mr. Schiff
Mr. Schiff said that he believed if
would be better if clearing houses were
Do you see any ob.ie?tion to en?
forcing the publication of bank assets'"
asKed Mr I'ntermyer.
The more publicity we .an have
about banks the better." said Mr.
Mr Schiff further said he would not
(Continued on Third Page.)
All but Ulster. Which Predicts
Bloody Rebellion if It Fin?
ally Becomes Law?Defeat
in House of Lords Seems
London. .laniar\ 1* --After a 1"T%M.
?fern battle the home rule bill passed
the House of Common? to-night by a
majority Of IHV Later M was read for
the ft ret time in the Hoiiae of Lord*
There were two division* in the lower
house Mr Halfour s motion for its
r. .. tion was defeated. to 3m. while
the third readme; was earned by a rote
of .tST to I">7. one n.en,her ,,n ear h side
h^- ,iib led tie House in the interval
The rt-su!' ?>f he <i?. islon was to.,
mm h of a forcirotir . on lesion for *
trrmendotls den.oost r? t i?,p hut Irish
men inside and outside of the House
did thetr best and. assisted hv the
Liberals end lahonte? save the bill
for whi-h thev had waited and worked
so lone, a artod send off on its way to
the House of Lordv. where its fate cer?
tainly a? eealed.
Brilliant Speeches Made.
The division was pres-eded by an?
other series of brilliant speeches by the
political leaders, among whom were
Krederl. . K Smith and the eollct'or
?erwr?! Sir .lohn A Simon two of the
, |e- ere?? imoni ?he \ r.'isfrr members,
ned the veterans, .lohn K Hedmr.od
Titiofhv lls.ilv end Auaustlne Birrell.
chief secretary for Ireland
I he house wa? >T'-aded ? h'ot|(fh?siit
the da-. The Nationalists were ot.lr
one man short of their full ?'r?-.,rih
Several of the o.der Nationalists who
are seldom ablr fo att.r.o came ..-er
from Ireland for the dlvietoe
The Liberale and Laborttee. too.
turned out in foroe and the Unionist a
were not far below their total as sei bar
?hin. The galleries were Mied to -hc^
When the figures were annoumcd the
I Nationalises waved hate handkerchief*
and paper* and cheered lustily l?.r
I Premier Asquifh and Mr Redmond.
The latter who. is usually impassive
was. carried away by the ent hu?tasm of
I hi* follower* and entered into the spirit
of t he d< inonst rations a* effusively as
Roar of Welcome.
I Those who < rowded the lobbies re?
ceived 'he figures with another roar of
welcome and added to thi* by cheering
the bill itself as a copy was < arried by
an official from the Commons to the
I,ords The upper house met especially
to receive the measure and formally
passed its first reading
i h< Hou?e of i .minors ?o. n quieted
down af'er the Irish demonstration, hut
outside the crowd continued to cheer
for some time A strong force of
I police prevented any attempt at or
Igamzed demonstration, fearing a clash
between th' opposing fa< t ions The
Nationals' *..ng* and cheers brough'
forth counter ? rtea from the persons
who had gathered largely out of
An ant thorn" rule demonstration was
held In th- s'reetsof Belfast to-right
and a copy of the bill burned amid
deafening cheers Intense excitement
prevailed, bu* there was no disorder.
F.xacrt? It lo Memme Us.
In ? characteristic speech tn th* course
of debate Mf Redmond dwelt feel
ingly on 'he years of defeat and dm
couregcmenl through wtdrh Irishmen
had paas-erf In their eTort? to gain home
rule and now their day of v.. -orv had
arrived We knew that the Howes of
l^erd? i* going tn throw the home rule
Mil out be aatd. bat I believe the
home rule bill In spite of the House of
Lords is going to pass Into law within
the lifetime of this rartisaiant."
Andrew Boner Law. loader r.f the
opposition, said that for a generation
tba Liberals had bean emulating Barr
phus They hart rollert the stone to
Ihr top of ?he hill for a third time, hut
the cheers over the vote about to he
; taken VveM not have died when the
stone h^rt begun to roll down, this time
to remain at t be bottom.
He declared that no bill whi' h in
eteMted I Istrr without ITs'ers consen*
ev< t could become a law. The bill as
it le. < mild not aland for a smale ?.<???
urn e thev gave Mr Redmond a Parlia?
ment in Dublin, he could alter it in
any way he pleased
Compared with Is** and 19*3. the
speaker added, the demand now for
home rule had decreased, while the
hos-il ?>? against it had intensified
The 'eal demand came from 'he Va
UOnalls' party, whieh had eighty votes
'to sell The I'nionist party, he said,
would remove more temptation when it
got the chance, reducing flee lr:?h
. representation a* Westminster to it|.i
propo: ioi,> lie ? hallepged Mr Hnreli
t?? say tha: the bill could be imposed
upon l Ister without bloodshed
Rebellion Justified.
' No rebellion would Tie better nisti
S/ed " the Opposition leader declared
The men of flat er are ready to give
up ?heu live* st the band of the Bri'ish
soldiers If they shoot down a hundred
In Hetfae? 2 aas will be ready next day
to share ?heir fate "
Mr fttrrell concluded the debate
He regretted 'hat the opposition hod
merely belittled the movement, which'
for years has been the soul of Ireland
He . ha:iet,Ced arty one to say that 'he!
KIP Burned in Belfast.
Relfas' January W Thousands of
Orangemen and members of l nioaist
clubs held rtenons'ra ions ?uteid? ' "V
Hall this erenmg and burned a eopy of 1
the hots* rule bill Rands aaraded the
etesota uatti midnight There area much
?ring of revolvers, mostly basalt oarV
ndgse. bat one no an was shot at the
back aad le la a errtteal condition.
.?* governm
Kaiser Held Responsible
Failure of Peace
Indications Are That Bulga
rians Are Preparing to
Reopen Hostilities.
London. January 11?Another dar
ha? passed without rrogrem in the'
peace negotiations The an: hast-atjors ;
of the pom rs have not yet presented
their colloi tive note to the Porte 1
Constantinople dispute hes say that the
d-lay is due to the failure of the Ger?
man ambassador to receive instructions :
from his government.
Part of the European press blames
Germany, charging that she is standing
outside i he concert of Europe and play?
ing a game of her own. The ambassa
don aT London deny this. One said
to-day :
"This suggestion is wholly unjust. I
Thank God. the most promising feature
of t he situation is that all of the powers
are marching together "
Considerable difficulty has been ex- ?
perienced in carrying r.n an exchange of
views through code telegrams and thi~
IS explained to he the real cause of the
delay The fact that King Ferdinand,
of BulgariH. with his ministers, jour?
neyed to Mus'apha 1'aeha for a counsel
of war yesterday wirh General Savoff
and the commanders of the four
Bulgarian armies, is I onsidered proof
that the Bulgarians threaten to begin
the wat soon in earnest
Dr. Daneff. the ehier Bulgarian
envoy, has received a long cipher tele
gram from the Premier, telling of King
Ferdinands visit and describing the
condition of the armies besieging
Adrianople and fa- ing Tchatalia The
Bulgarian soldiers, says the Premier. I
are in high spirits and eager again to
measure themselves against their tra- j
ditional foes.
Fugitives, all < laiming to be soldiers
are escaping from Adrianople in such j
numbers that the Bulgarians suspect aj
strategem on the part of Shukri Pasha,
the Turkish commander, to rid himself;
of the burden of feeding civilians by j
sending them out as deserting soldiers.
Dr. DanefT to-day handed to M- j
?lonescu. the Roumanian Minister of I
?he Interior, the Bulgarian reply to the '
Roumanian < laims respecting the ret ti- j
flcation of the Dcbrudia frontier and
the fatale sta'us of the Vla< h rum
tnunirje? m the territory Turkey cedes
to Bulgaria.
M. .loneer u will take the repl\ t,,
Bucharest for submission to the Cabinet, i
Turket Need- Loan.
Constantinople January IS?Repre?
sentatives of an international group
have had several interviews with tn
Turkish Finance Minister as to a loan '
to relieve the pressing wants of the. |
Turkish treasury, but it is feared
nothing can be done until peace has ?
been com luded.
They Adtanre Widely Different Plan*
et I urrenc ? Reform.
Continental and < on.men ml National
Bans and a member of the National
Monetary Commission .nslsted that
?cms >entrat power sin.liar to the I en
tral Reserve A?s -?' pronomed in
the Monetary commission s plan, was
essential to any sound tanking sys
W t \*?h ? ha irman of the hoard of
directors of the New York Corn Kt
rhange Bank and a former president
of 'he \-rw York ( learing Kons? As- '
?op\ foreign banking methods When
Chair-nsn O'aas aeked for an opinion
on regier,?' reserve banks or assocta
board. Mr" Re.rr.ol r^eVs^u.^
stich a plan would work If the surtarrta
tns board bat wutTk i?n* power and ab
aafets control over the tee re of notes.
Alleged That Dupont Company
Spends Fortune in Main?
taining Lobby.
Hereafter, if Bill Passes. No
More Than ?,-,* Cents a
Pound Will Be Paid.
Washington, January 18.?A drastic
provision, aimed at the powder trust,
following testimony alleging that the!
Dupont Powder Company maintains
a lobby here and spends hundreds of
thousands of dollars in Washington,
is a feature of the fortification appro?
priation bill reported to the Mouse to?
The bill, which carries an aggregate
of 15 :* 18.250. directs that no part of the
appropriation shall be expended "for
powder, other than small arms powder,
at a price in excess of 03 cents a pound."
Both the army and navy powder
plants at 1'icatinny arsenal and In- ;
dian Head, respectively, are making
powder at min-h less than 60 cents. '
which the government now pays per
pound to the Dupont Powder Company, i
|at Wilmington. Del
Robert S. Waddell. representing the i
lloyneg Safety Powder Company, of j
Cleveland. < harged in testimony be-J
fore the appropriation committee, "that
the Dupont Trust Companv has never!
been accused of throwing away money ." |
and tha" "they kept for some time on
the Potomac River a private yacht
[?f T. C Dupont. president of the pow
[ der company."
"That yacht." added Mr Waddell.
? tailed the 'Tech.' which the skipper
told me was for general entertainment
purposes and that the larder of it was
magnificently supplied with everything
that could contribute to that end.
This yacht made excursions between
Washington and Indian Head."
Mr. Waddell testified that he did
not know of any money being spent in ?
the corruption of anv government
official 'by the Dupon' people." but!
that It would be foolish to consider that ?
the government will ever meet compe- i
tition against a trust like that of the
His Strong Influence.
He testified tha' the armv and r.avr ,
officers ."particularly the army." tame .
.Continued on Third Page.)
Washington. Januari IK. The
nailing of babies h> parrel post Is a
real Infant industry which Post?
master (General Hltrheork 1.? asked
to foster.
In \lcw of his bachelorhood. Mr.
Hltrheork has considered seriously
the calling Into consultation of ex?
perts In the transportation of babies,
as a letter whleh he reeel\ rd to-day
presents tn him a problem with
whleh he t? quite unfamiliar. Tn
add tn his embarrassment, the
letter contains a note of genuine
pathov which appeals ?trongli hg
? he Postmaster General. This I-. the
letter tdcntleall? aa It was phrased
and punctuated:
"Ft. MrPheraon. ?.a.
"Postmaster l.eneral:
Washington. I). < .
"Mr: I have been corresponding
?nth a party In Tm- about get-ting a
baby to rats Oar home being with?
out One May I ask yea what
specifications to ose la wrapptac so
It Bahi woeld comply with regula?
tions and he allowed shipment by
parcel post as the express Ce. are
too rough la handling Vowr*
The name signed tn the letter la
withheld at the reewest of Mr.
Aa SO Me a. ,? the opiate a nf the
Postmaster General, do ant fall
within Ike eategor) of bees isd bugs,
tke only rive Ikings that may be
transported by mail, the Peer
mester-Oeneral le apprekeastee he
aaay not bo of aeelatenee to has
Criticizes Course of Judge
Boyd in Whiskey Fraud
CorruTiissioner Charges That
North Carolina Case "Em?
braces Debauchery of Em?
ployes. Bribery of Rev?
enue Officers and Suc?
cessful Theft."
Washington, January 16.? A sensa?
tional report by Boyal E. Cabell, Com?
missioner of Internal Revenue, to
Secretary Marlrarh, teeming with
raustle erittetsass of alleged whiskey
frauds In Vorth Carolina and of the
course of the Federal court, presided
over by District Judge Boyd, of Greens
boro, N. CM In dealing with the condi?
tions, was made puhlie here to-day by
the House Committee on Expendltnres
In the Treasury Department, whtrh
has undertaken an Int rstlgatlon of the
Mr. Cabell describe* t h" conditions,
in the ease, directed against D. C.
K?ster, a distiller, of Williams, ft. C
and S. Glenn Williams, the alleged
purchaser of the whiskey in question,
as a "history of frauds against the
government, embracing debauchery of
employees, bribery of revenue officers
and successful theft "
Issues Three Injunctions.
The commissioner declares that ludge
Boyd has issued a total of three injunc?
tions to restrain the government from
seizing and selling the whiskey for taxes.
He points out his authority to act under
the revenue law? anil adds in reference
to the in junctions :
" In view of t he positive and emphatic
language of the Supreme Court, it
would seem incredible that th? court
should lend itself to the consideration
of so plain h violation of law as this
proceeding is.
The case began with the seizure in
1906 of the rectifying house, known an
"Old Kick." at Williams. N. C . not
far from Winston-Salem. The seizure
was marie on what the revenue offlcera
charge were fraud* discovered in a two
year Investigation that resulted in the
indictment of N. Glenn Williams. D. E.
Kennedy. D. C. Foster and others.
Their company was found guilty and
Williams and Kennedy acquitted. The
commissioner ordered the distillers to
give a new bond and later, because of
the alleged frauds, ordered the whiskey
seized and sold for taxes. In three
moves in this direction he was enjoined
by -ludge Boyd. The last effort of tbo
commissioner contemplated the trans
re.- of iiic- whiskey to a general bonded
warehouse at Louisville. The issue is
pending in the oourts.
Heavy Frauds Alleged.
Mr. Cabell asserted that the official
r-ports appeared' to demonstrate that
the "Old Nick'* Distillery Company hi.d
disposed of i's property so that there
were no longer any assets from which to
collect a judgment. and said tha* cviej
dence indicated that during on- period
the frauds ran from also to Woo a day.
The commissioner told of heated lan?
guage between himself and R. H. Mc?
Neill, attorney for the distillery, in
connection with the case when he de?
clared M< Neill said the bureau was
allowing itself to be used to wreak
personal and political vengeance on
Williams and that Williams had power?
ful friends who would not see him in?
jured. The commissioner .-aid Mr.
McNeill referred to Judge Boyd among
others in this connection.
"There are now stored near Williams.
?f. C in an out-of-the-way place." the
report concluded, "more than 600 bar?
rels of whiskey, on which f.m.ooo tax
is due this government and there are
large claims pending If the distiller
could be apprehended and brought to
justice, be would be convicted, prob?
ably imprisoned, and hcavi!*- fined. In
addition to the internal revenue frauda
in which the claimant. N Glenn Wil?
liams, has figured, he stands to-day con?
victed by a jury, though sentence haa
yet to be imposed, on account of
frauds against th- Postoffice Depart?
ment. For a long time it ha* been
necessary to maintain dav and night
guards, at a cost of thousands of
dollars, to protect these spirite in thia
Commissioner Cabell later will tea
tify before the committee.
Courts Investigation.
When Mr. Cabell was seen by The
Times-Dispatch correspondent to-day
and asked for a statement in the matter
he said
' The letter which T have filed with the
Committee on Expenditures of the
Treasury Department is quite lengthy,
covering more than fifty pages of type
written matter. That letter tell* ail
that I know about the ease and deals
with every phase of the situation front
the tenet the seizure was ordered made
on I OS"S '.vhlefcev op f ? *?*?? present.
It also goes into detail and reisten
several conversations had between my?
self atid Mr. William* regarding the
mutter. In addrion to this I do not
bellev* ther- is anything that I can say
at this time
It was said here to-day that Mr.
Cabell is most anxious that the com.
mttlee shall take up the case immedi?
ately and court* the fullest inveelega?
tion It we* also hinted that the
Democrats in Conarres* would like a
chance to go after Judge Boyd. who Is
on the other side of the fence politi?
cally, and fh?* some interesting
. ceding* m?-. i- looked for in the
Mr i ab-ll also *taf*d that
. irt um?*snces should arise detrw
it he will make no further statement in
?be ca?* at the present time
Vessel Badly atagaaswjd la Eaewenter
rtth Harrtraae.
g ieenstown. January M -
gesr and s - *el bee It ap?
peared as if the .t?*tre ? >u.4 fowOJSxaT
' ? ?- ?rdlff 'an
narv ? f ?' New York t~on the AI?'tee
In tow January II hut ?w > ??aal ha aware
snapped and she had to gtve ap the
attempt. Th* t'-ran tSee shaped hag
course for Onsauptown.

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