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Is Peculiar to Itself. There is no real substitute tor it. Don't be led to take any preparation said to be "just as good," but insist on having JJoodV Get it to-d?iy in the usual liquid form or in the tablets known as Sarsatabs.? Advertisement. UN mm JUDGE'S ML NG lie Orders Sheriff to Clear Courtroom it There Is Any Further Outbreak. PARRISH CASE ON TRIAL This Morning at 10 o'clock Is Time Set for Argument by Counsel. Special to The Times-Dispatcn I | Suffolk, Yu . January 16?The case o' Pa'nsh et Pamsh. wherein lames Shepherd Parish, of Chicago, formerly of Richmond, seeks to obtain custody, o' his .-even-year-old child. Jamc? Par? rish. from hif divorced wife. Mrs Kan-: Bie Crumpler Parrish. OODUpled another entire day in court hcic to-day trout i ?do. k in the morning until 6 o'clock ] in the afternoon. Argument will be1 heard by tho court on Friday morning j at 10 o'clock. j The court room w-a* packed to its c pa ?:? v and when women present ap- | p.'audeei a ruling of Judge Mc Le more in , favor of counsel for the defrndair. the' judge gave them a severe call down.: and ordered the sheriff to clear fhe| Court room ?hould such happen again About twenty men and women and) gome ministers testified as to the good character of Mrs Parri?ti and her mother Mrs. Crumpler. Rev William Moshy Seayof Kentucky, i former pas'or of the Suffolk Baptist Church, was called to testify as to an! alleged conversation that tooK place on December 29. I9?K>. when James: Shepherd Karrisb Is said to have prom? ised 'he mother that he would not try to tak? the child from her. He testified I th..- c.niv Mrs. Crumpler Mrs Parrish. i 141 Seay and Mr Parrish were present | jM-s Parr:sh testified as to her ability | go ? at.- for the child, as did her brother. , William Crumpler. who gave as her in? come $T5 to f*J per month. Lee Holland testified that he was presen" in tho back office of William Crumpler when there was an alleged conve-satioi. along the same lines u.'.d only Mr Partien. Mr. Crumpler and himself were present Cartol Parrish a fifteen-year old boy, son of W J Par? rish. of Richmond, testified that he was present at the meeting in Mrs. Parrish a room, and a- William Cruni ler s office R. J Felonie, attorney of Chicago, told of J. 0 Parrish'? excellent char? acter MeCLERNAN D'S NOMINATION IS CONFIRMED BY SENATE Washington. January 1??After two hours' aebate in executive session, the ISena'e to-day confirmed the nomina? tion of Colonel Edward J. McClemand. of tbe i irs* Calvary, to succeed Oen eral sVatkefSpOOB as brigadier-general There wa- no other confirmation, and the Senate adjourned with the under standing that immediately after the; routine business to-morrow another exec utive session would tie ordered to i consider lur'her army promotion?. FOI R INDICTMENTS tun BLAXTION FKMUS i Maren. Oe-a Jaauary it?Four indictments j were returned here this afternoon by the Blhh < ounty grand Jury in connection wlih the prob? of lb"" Sc4ie primary election In ihi CaaBtJ last Aagaet. Those indicted are Jesse , C H?rns chairman of the ?ubromoiMi.. of ' Ivr appointed lo bardic- ibe election of the county exe>utite> eomralnee Jobn Harrison and R A I mphsc k :-lect ten elcrkv and T. E A-tope a campaign manager Harris in ths Incli. tment. i? charged with perjury, whiie th? other three are charged with ice orrerily , cumins and recording ballets 1 ami making incorrect returns. BS. Clark Belter. After spending * very comfortable dav. i be Rev William Mrjdr Clark fj D . ns-tor or ft James Bgesosaal Cbareh, wbo went fcrourb a *e?. err . rids Tuesday iu Si kli/a heifc - Hospital heeanie restless U,i m?bi. but bi> general condition remained fa\nrablc I"aless unforeseen, conrplicatious occur, bi rscoseiy a can ai a AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Music Dark. Bijou Ward A Yokes In "A Bun on tbe Bank.' I olnnial Vaudeville. I m pi re Miniature Music al fomed?. 1 I Mn t auderllle. * harming ? nnrert for (harlM. lais1 t.igb' at the Jefferson tudi t ri la, for the benefit of one of Ri. h Jaond s charities the Sheltering Arn - Free Hospital, one of J rginia'a -cm daugh'er? Mrs ? harles Dana <?ibsor. poatod out her ??-?uler.c voice befo-e one th? largest a > id fences -ha' the hali has ever held With;:, Its ><i.> Mrs Oibson lives in other arid foreign ? rhiefly in New York, tec when She s?eppecl :,;mi, it,,- i-lage ,?st mgr. she waa not only in 'he hou-e of her friends, bu. ?: hen ?. ia he: own hen the bouie that wi.i always , ?.. . claim be- as ir?r.e Langhorne even though she he.,-. rtr,n*he- honored name made famous by r? ar'i?t owner And wfcen she appeared last night gracious and iovely iaaffacted ancl exquisite tbe kouae neukl Indeed nav? risen Ht bat tave oniy fot its weo ,.. be r-d ners. As t w?? e";.r>se.n received it wei onr.e so beartv so wa" -.gly glad tl.a" t r: .-? have j c-a.-eg even het. t. . s'omc.j as she is to ad .'at.or Beginning wi-r. mr. a- a fron, y \<, ;..rd ; -i O s opera ,,e lie i, y -?n j .- and Her reeotid y heaped wttr. |.ci?ir.( sates her beauty. p#i ' La e Sa. ei and only 'h< raa appreci c- ' manner v she endowsl Mlea He e display* r ' tecknt-. e r .o? rssaaJy r 'abir in tl it e Mati ft Wei\?e. a a-i< ,-t;ai-.--.'? ?era even more ? '.ir.m#ni?M? Oitr, t^ at eatr nee ei tue i-uy erasaaaaetk> eaaa ? t-ovliiiiiasallht aasjsaeasa oematooij a. ppiksa. wT Dsaclai fjsaafaa. LOST IN WATER Five Men Perish in Bay When Their Launch Blows Up. BRITISH VESSEL SINKS _ Sixteen People Thrown From Basket and Die?No Hope for Eldorado. Tampa. Kla., January 1?.?Three ? Into men and two negroes are believed t.. have been killed late to-day when the launrli llattie May. of the Tampa shell and Sand t oropany, blew up off Gadsdrn's Point In the Htllsborough Uat and sank. The missing: Captain Clifford MeMulltn. Th'nglneer James Walsh. ( Safe Henry ? lark. Two unidentified negroes. When the explosion on urred the ' Pokanoket, of the favorite Steamship l.lne, put out to render assistance. , The wrecked launch sank before the , Pokanoket reached the scene. None of the fl\e men composing the <re? ' of the launch could he found. A lighter loaded with shells which was being towed by the Hattle May was found floating nearby, the tow-line having been burned In two. The Hattle May was sixty feet long and "as engaged In lighterage work. Steamer (Joes Down. Vlgo. Spain. January 1?. ? The Brit? ish steamer Veronese. ?Ith I.'t9 pas? sengers on board, was wrecked at an early hour this morning off Lelxoes. the outport of Oporto. Klghty-four of the passengers were saved by Ufe-llnes from shore, but It Is reported that sixteen were thrown out of the basket and perished. The steamer Hollandla stood by the Veronese all morning, but the tre? mendous seas made it Impossible to render assistance. The stranded vessel could not be reached by boats, but finally the life saxers managed to get their lines aboard. When the Hollandla left the work of rescue was still going on. hut it v. as feared the ship would break up rapidly. The Veronese was bound from Glas? gow to Hrarll and thenre to New Vork. she (s owned by the Lamport and Holt Line. Hope Is Abandoned, (inhesion. Tex.. January D>. Cp to a late hour to-night no word had been received of the Morgan Line steamer Eldorado, eight aayi oveidue from New Vork to Galvrston. and General Manager J- W. J?rgen speak? ing for the officials of the line, ex? pressed the opinion that the x essel. with a crew of thirty-nine, had been lost. "I have no hopes of the ship being found." said Mr. J?rgen, who arrlxrd to-day from New Vork. The Eldorado carried a cargo of -,000 gross tons of steel rails. Captain W. K. Wood, mastrr of the xessei. and William (Inner, chief officer, resided In New York. Charles Herbert, chief engineer. Is from AI- ': gier?, La. HIS DECISION IN AHHEXATION SUIT Will Be Announced by Judge Gordon at Alexandria on Saturday. i Alexandria, Va . January II J ltd go Bennett T. Gordon, of the Twenty ninth .'udicial Circuit. Nelson County will tome to the Circuit Court for Alexandria Count r on Saturday rnorn ing next at in o'clock and announce hi- decision in the annexation suit instituted by the rjrty j0 obtain ? part Of Alexandria and Fairfax Counties. The decision is awaited with kr<-n in? terest. Final arguments in the case were made before ludge Thornton in the Circuit ''our* fof Alexandria November I: and 14 l.i = t. Afterward, the (ojrt took the case under advi.?e men' ; This city desires 'o annex a part of ! Alexandria and Fairfax Counties. In I the evenf H gets what if 1? after, the : P'esent arra Of the city will be more than doubled. ?Judge Goidon has written a letter I to I orporation Attorney I ir-hci ' ir.g that he will be bcre Saturday I It is expected that all of the attorneys j Intsrsstsd win he prentni when the de< ision In this case is announ' od. THE WEATHER. t'orrravt : Virginia Continued warm Friday ; Saturday generali? fair, eolder In west and by night in Saat I moderate south winds, shifting to west and north? west Saturday, becoming fefflak. North Carolina Fair Frida): local rains at night on Saturday: r older Saturday In nest portion, moderate south ami sunt Im est nlnds. ?spe.ui l.o< al Data for Vesterday. 1.'noon terr.perat ure. . SI 3F M temperature . fS Maximum temperature up to ? 1.1 . . .. . ts Mitumutn temperature up to I I I. ?: .ear. ten pemture ... . :a Normal tea aeratata . ;i*> Exces* in temperature. .. ic in 'eniperature sin-e Match I . . 7? Ai i nit: ex. e?s in temperature sln< e ? 'enuarv I. . ., . M '?>?" ?? v in raitifatl -in ?? March. .1.#*? A< Irs deficiency :n ran.'ail since .'anuary I. ... 0 I.e. ai Oliser? allen I? P. M. Ts.trrdu Tempera! ure. . 54 Hucaktll v.m ?I Win?1 dire, ?ion. \\ rod eetw -v. ? Weather .? feasj < ??dio?a? is Imavr'ast GMsa, Ham The- H T I, T. Weather Asheville .... ? I,; 4 , ???. "iy Max re .... -is t -St clear Jai ksonrtlle. ... S2 71 .*4 c:- .dy Kan>?* f ity_ H TS M > loudy Lou is rill* ... ? . M ntaorrsre. . . St TS at # l??r - O-Uar? . 1. ?? '? o-rk...... at at n ? oudy ? 7? at Ctc, ,4y at " Igtar.ipeg . I ? j Cloudy I nsytbevi-aa. tu at u v ciondy From All Quarters Men Are Coming to This Sale! Verily, we say it again; never such superb garments ever offered the men of Virginia before at such fractional prices! Ye tailorites, ye good dressers, all, awake to this really great clothing opportunity. $50 and $45 Overcoats and $45 and $40 Suits reduced to $35.75 $35 Suits and $27.75 $38 and $35 Suits and Overcoats reduced to to to $30 Suits and Overcoats reduced $22.75 $25 Suits and Overcoats reduced $17.75 $20 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $12.75 $15 Suits and Overcoats reduced $9.75 Boys' Suits and Over? coats and Coats for Girls and Young Women That were? $6.50 and S7.00 at. . .$4.75 57.50 and 58.00 at. . .$5.75 S8.50 and S9.00 at. . . $6.75 5 10.00 and Si 1.00 at. . .$7.75 $12.00 and 512.50 at. . .$9.75 $25 and S28 Coats, for misses, at .$18.75 Manhattan Shirts That were $1.50 at...$1.15 That wore S2.00 at...$1.45 That were $2.50 at...$1.88 That were $3.50 at...$2.65 The Berry Shirts are in the sale too. Si.50 Gloves at.$1.15 50c Scarfs, 3 for.$1.00 51.00 Scarfs, .it.85c $1.50 Scarfs at.$1.15 Take Your Hat Off to Hundreds of $3.50 and i s4oo SOFT HATS AND (jj 1 OC ^DERBIES ro on sale to-dayt *P This 3^=4'.) Need Shoes? 115 pairs $5 Gunmetal and Patent Leather Shoes; button and Biucher styles?sizes somewhat broken ?at just. S3.45 O. H. BERRY & COMPANY. News of South Richmond. FARMER DISAPPEARS. Draws Dividends and Has Not Bern Seen Since Wife Prostrated. Since drawing his semi-annual divi? dend" trom the Man-bester National Lank last Tuesday morning, Otto Koch, a prominent and wcli-known ( hesterfleid farm* r has not. been seen or heard from by his family or by any Of his friends. Stranger still B team which the nan drove to town has also disappeared and not a trace of either can be found Koch recentlv fell heir to ? 01 -iderable property through the de?th of his fa-her "He is the r,wner of a flne farm on Hopkins Road, -hree miles from ?his city, and is well-to do He left home in flne spirrr- after planning with h;> wife- to use the dividends, amount? ing to t2t?. for improvements on the homestead He was driving a nulls hitched to a light wagon. He was last seen leaving the bank, headed home? ward Officer Oeorge farrell of Chester? field, has been requested by Mrs Korh to make a fhorougn sear, h A trip to Petersburg yesterday was without is ?Ult. The Richmond police will prob? ably be asked to assist in solving the n retery Io d ay Ko. h is thir'v-flvc years of age. He has beep married for several vea;- end has two children His domestic life is said to h??e heen idf.i! Mrs Ko< h is almost prostrated by bis s'ii.nge ab? sei,' e. ACCENTS CALL Stork to a street ? hun h Secures Ser rlces of Rex. < W. McKlrm. f|e.- i w McEhroy, who was last Sunday nigh: tendered a rail to the Stockton t?-ree- Haptist Chur<h at a meeting of the congregation, yesterday notified the pulpit committee shot he wouid a- eopt He wi'l he installed as pastor next Sunday morning If ar nge meats ian t-e completes before then Mr McElroy eM need no intro d iction to hi? new oonsjrnaattoa, hav ii'g prem he.j in this city several times. He a grnd -???? Richmond <~oiiege. i 'rozer I keoioiktal Seminary and the t'mversitv of the Pacific He has filled several email < harges in 'he S'.as' hir , hief duties have heen in ''alifornie and Washington He is married, atid w.;t hring his f^rnilv to South Richmond a- eoor. as suitable gaiters ran be In fraternal < Ircles. Maple r'ari p No is* Woodmen of the World is planning an elaborate entertainment to be given lanuary 2% at Masoni' 1 em pie < owardin Ave t .e ?nd H ill stree* Musn. speak ir>g end recitations followed by a sup pe- .. pa:' of ? he [ - g-am Mat ? safer i odge No ato. p p o K E l??t right ?' KTka Home. Kleventh and u.r a'ed two candi datOS ? ?? the n.ysteriea of the order AftOt the (Oal (on ?. id regained thejr ron posijre 4 so. -.a session was held District Ijepuiv (irand Kialted Ryler ' \V ho e; w?. * g ,e.t .,( i.- r,.,T Parrel Post Resort. 1 : portale adeal L R Lloyd rewer ?e.i -o s'ttng Poet master ? r the ? ii \?- ..* parcels ban died In .Ian. ti-'st sine* the establish ? - ?'. 'he |...- ^ ?- ,?,?? system or. lary I The rep,... ,n. I ides up to ? ? !?? ir .'ar.uarv \\ and will be * ' _ Pos'mastei Oeneral ' ' ol ; els re.-elred for ?' <s 444 The average w eajh- was eighteen and the s-riage was SM 14 ' '* ? packages amour 'rd to ? ??f this inVr twelve were for ? I - use ,,f the far ? ?' f.? been gradual, aroording ? 1- Lloyd The larger number of [''?r.r.s >.t 'h? Se.j'hslde hava |St ?was.-.-.: the pososkeWda* at * erat? ra and ?r? not taking ad rar,.-#e ... ,,Pport?oitw to gat ' ' ' I ?? ? r d i n d a i 1 y Death aj teed Negro. ?? si old and highly tgsged h* had -ears h ' I I colored The burial will be in Mt I Olivet Cemetery Get Alleged Murderer. The Southtutje police are highly elated at 'he capture of Cowan Clinks dalf colored, suspected of killing Jeff Kobinson. ? olored. in Star. S. c . a-' August The man wan taken Into ? ustpdy yasterday morning by Officer W. E. Waymack. who noticed hin Mia pic loot actions near Kighth and Me Oonough Streets, and who recognized him from the printed discription at headquarters. clitiksdaic wa? taken to the Third Station, where he admitted his guilt and agreed to waive requisition. The South Carolina authorities have been j notified. Death One to Negligence. That Howard Heed, colored, came to hi* death through his own negligent S was the verdi. I of the jury summoned yesterday morning by Coroner John W. Broadnax to investigate the death of the young man who died Wednesday . morning from injuries received the preceding week The man attempted to board a Petersburg car from the inside track and was rnughl between it and a car running in :h?- oppo-ut" dirccjon. In Police Court. The cnae of John Brooks, colored who shot and killed his wife thi?? weeJu, ago la Swansboro and then made a desperate a"fmpt to kill himself. -v?s continued yeeterday bv Justice H. A Maurice in Police Court. Part. II. Brooks, in addition to his wounds, has had an atta' k of peritonitis and is now down with append!) ins. His recovery Is ' in doubt M. C Hertford, a contractor, charged with violating a city ordinance, re? garding the disposition of Miefes was fined $2 SO and costs hartes White colored, charged with n.ahciou? shooting, was finer] ISO and costs and placed under ICV> bond for tweive months. Transfers Property. I Alfred K Cohen, trustee, yesterday. a< ? otdmg to a tb ad of bargain and sate recorded in Hustings Coaft, Par* II. transferred to Francis h i'?hen a piece of property fronting ? feet on Jsemrne* Htreet. between Ninth snd Tenth and known as Sis and ??0 Street for consideration plated at II.tin. Holding Revival Meeting*. A aeries of revival services are being coadut ted this week in the Clopton stree- Baptist Chun h A large con? gregation has attended each service Ttev Daoafl Ed wards pastor of tbe ihur. h, is conducting the meetings. Personal Mention Mrs Kato Coniey. of Washington who has been the guest of her sister. ! Mrs D. C. Ballartf wi'l return home to-morrow J H Pat tenon < ashler of the Mer ? bants' and Ms hanb s' Bank, and who ha? been confined -o his borne by a severe illness i? mu< h Improved. IDENTITY IS RIVEALED Aalraet* Faead ai Bieltea Pres-ed te P.elaag ?? I altsawa Mdtc 'Special to The Tines-Dispatch J Orange. V? . January I?.?The tdeettty of the uaknowo aoMde of last Friday was re? vealed to dai Twn ?atchel? left ta the hag ??#? room h> a ?trana-r proved lo rewong le Ihe suit-Ids The ofersea of the town ordered the satrbei. to he opened \ hey ?a? found || ans i ' t.i. r - ?'i> ati. h - peeed th- ?at . hei? l?tter? were foe od addressed I? W M ???muh sVwjgM ntaaaaa, a?-otiand. and ? letier ?ddreed to hi? i>r,.th?r is Buffalo. N i HB miEMiN *T Ml?iMts. I rgee lm*?rt?*,?? ?r Ma at tat as* Is PaaWr 8chaal? af Maaasaaa Special lo The Tim? Dagalrh > Maaanssa. Ta. Jaaaary M.?Thar* was a lar?s aadtenee la ib* roegty raert room to ntelv to tkaten fo the addreaa of Dr Allee W Floard f-f Ree'th before the farsaera lastltnta upon tbe an Meet of aaallatloa la the p SS III waoola ?3d of a proper seesrae* system for the leva ef \fana~a? t proper ?????!? .t ten- for ? ?t said aoald greefti rsdae* the ans ..' death mil. east aonid he a '?liiiW' aaae' pa ag *? a er*** ras* Me a-m rh?at,-d ih? danger at the com mo* erlebtes CROSSES OF HONOR FOR CONFEDERATES Crosses of honor will be presented I to Confederate veterans by Leo Chap? ter. I'nlted Daughters Of the Confed? eracy. to-night at the HOBM of Needy Confederate Women. 3 Kast Graro .Street There will bo a public recep? tion Miss Mary fust is Lee. daughter of General Robert K Lee. will person- : ally present, the crosses to the fololw- ' ing veterans M A. Allere courier. Kourteen'h North Carolina f avalrv . to his widow. Mrs Alice Went Allen. ?lames A Chittum, private. Com-i pany K. hirst Virginia Cavalrv Lemuel links, private company C,I Kifteen'h Virginia Infanrtv Loren DiokinaoB, private. Floyd Rifles, to his widow, Un Virgie Kind-, ley Di.-tcinson. Wiilian. Perrin Kemp. captain. Con- ; pany H Ninth Vitgi ma C avalrv : to his; daughter. Mrs -I St George Bryan. Charles i. Moebjr, sergeant-major.; Fourth Virginia f avalrv . to his widow. Mrs Charles L Mosbv. S P. Mavo. pnva'e, Smi'h s Bat? talion W. T Newbi'l private Company C. Twenty-sixth Virginia Infantry. ?harles T Q'Far tall, lieutenant-col? onel. , avalrv ?lohn W Rawlov. rr.inor North C aro? lina . to his widow. Kdwarcl I'endleton Turner, raptain.' Genejal Magrudeis start , to ?. P. > Turner, his son. Gardner G Thompson, corporal. ? Purrel! Battery. I Valentino, private. Harris Guards. Sir'h Virginia Infan'ry Philip Whltlocic. private. Ri' hmond C. ? a v . ?lohn W Walton, private. Company K Thirty-fourth Virginia Infantry George f Deitri'k. private. Rich-' mond citv Home Guards Hiram L Walker private, Company D, fourteenth Virginia Infantry. II~nry Briel private, < ornpany K. Twenty-fourth Virginia Cavalry Charles K Booth, private. Company O, Tw?-lf?h Virginia Infanfry ?'ames Rennet Gregory private. Com? pany A. Fifty-eisth Infantrv; to his daughter. Mrs I M Prrrv. of Chase; City Wi|t|?rn Walker private. Company K. Thirty-fourth Infantry Rober' Wngh'. ihird assistarit rn- I gmeer. gunboat lamest.?wn. Precedent to the reception the home s' annual linen shower will be held: f'-.m ? to e, p \1 when gif's of table and bed linen will de received hv Mrs A .t. Montague and the other members of the mar.agemenr. Knhmond Chapter ? rn--e-. Richmond Chapter. Tinted 1 laugh tare of confedera. v. will present eraeeea ''' honor to-night at Camp Hall ' [uaj ' _ WMemom 11 Shoe Polishes 1NKST QU A LIT T LARCEST VAMICTw the eegf laaan'ekee dreaaanj 1 " seks st f. a ? loss '-V" ?aaUaga torumbo?. *>4aVT~alre.l i?err aaa aadseoeaavv heut? end eh TtEsci ciosi "tTtt* resales etloe fgrclesaJagaad asnahlBeall t KI aWTT" ti pqaai??rta w"h spot**>?e*r? 'v rWsa? ?i 1 waarat ?*. ?? - uinn shoes. llcaisc ??tr tint- eaesakaahni ' r aaatkaaea who take p'tSSl a having i?>? r?bese:e?aTaL BsSs-i-a rolor sad lustre leellKetk she. . ev> ist wrl.a tissker elwtk, 1 Ocean gUTC" I f T*mr Scalar lew a ? a?sr> ts? ?' ?4 T? ' ? fsrfsifsisspalara i ajMi 11 uioac aaog. a co takirrr asaf imtn* Vaw ? sav-fanse mf Samt ?**/u*xr ft) tmt sMrekt direction of Mrs Robert Clark as? sisted ny h*r daughter. Miss Adele C lark: M:m \ iena Ramos. Mn. S. G. Meredith, Reginald Walkerand other* All Confederate organisation* are in? vited. The following veteran* and descend? ants will receive the crosses: Veteran*. I Li Be. k- Shoemakers' Battery William Brook. Comapny K. Third Virginia Cavalrv. I M A Barner. Company E. Four- . Virginia Infantry. R H. Dalton. Company K. Twenty fir-: Virginia Infantry. Duplicate. G Brook* Doggett. Company I First Heseivei W A Elliott, company E- Twenty- I third Ragdment, Virginia Infantry. w H Fnrrer. chambics* Gray*. J II Clifford. Company K. First Vir- i gtma Art i ler Q r. Harne company D, Thirtieth Virginia Infantry A K Motley. Company D. Twenty Dfh Virginia Bat'aiton \v. B. tujtmar, bane* Detached Ser v;- e I, W Phillip- Company C. Put h I'.egin.en'. Virginia Infantry. .John P Ouar>s. Company O. Third , tirgir.ia Infantry .l-ar-ob Spoi/e company B. Forty eighth Virginia Regimen' r w rtaund<-:?. Company A. Eighth Virginia Infantry. Richard Houthard. Company K. Fifty-fifth Virginia Infantry W. F. Pirns company F. Twentv flftli Virginia Ba'talion E. A Tha- ker Company A. Twelfth Battalion. Virginia Artillery .lobn Taylor. Wyattg Virginia Artil ' rft R Wilkinson Company I. Fifty ninth Virginia Volunteers ? M Willis c ompany A. Twenty fifth Battalion Virginia Infan'rv L W Whcley. Company A. Forty fir*' Virginia li.fantry Descendants. Mrs Mllhient c Broa<ldus widow of .tames Mordecai Broaddus. < ompany II Thirtieth Virginia Volunteers Mr- CarTte Carter Tavior. daughter ?f I oionel B F. W. Carter. Eongstreet s ' ^William A Clarke. Jr . son of William A Clarke. Company F. Third Virginia Cavalry. . tlllS- AUSS M.irgiel Drewry. widow or Or s D Drawry, Assistant Burgeon Confederate State* Navy. Kdward L Gibbon, son of C ha?rl?* Gibbon. company H. Fifty-third Virginia Volunteers llc>ward C lohnston. son of Robert V .lohn*ton. Battery B. retrain Artil !rr\lr* Nelte Kitchen Tiller, daughter of George Morgan Kitchen. Company ? Mood ? Battalion of Infantry. W Peyton ?on of Cantatn George M Peyton, ?ompany A. Thirtieth Virginia Volunteer*_ DROWNED IN POOL A THE Y. IB. i.A. Second Fatal Occurrence in Norfolk's Recently Com? pleted Building. Norfolk. Va . January It.?Vernon H Eppes, a member of the T. M. C A., was drowned la the swlaatutng tvo<>! of the association here tonight. HIS body was not recovered until some one found hi* clothe* In e_lecher A search Ity Thl* make* !B? sec or s< fh? Y M ? A sir., e ?> ing was completed two yea 1 All trains of tha Norton. * Western ' Railway ?so the splendid new I'aion LDepo* at Norfolk ? Advexuscascat. army officers ' defended by hak He Replies to Bitter Criticisms Made by Helm, of Kentucky. ALWAYS STAND TESTS House Still Is Considering Army Appropriation Bill Carrying $93.830,177. Washington. January 18?Criticism of the army officer* of thin country and the army in general by Representa? tive Helm, of Kentucky, marked con? sideration of the army appropriation bill In tbe House to-day. Mr. Halm charged that the officers of the army were inefficient and incapable of per foiming the duties expected of them. ' I doubt very much if there !? an officer in the army to-day who in tbe line of battle could direct the fire of that line/' he declared. Tho measure had progressed as far as the provision for the pay of tbe officers when Representative Helm opened fire. He said that the officers were "jealous, touchy and bad to he bandied with care" and charged that they had entered Into a contest to see which one could get the most out of tbe army appropriation bill." Representative Hay. of Virginia, chairman of the committee having the bill in charge, resented these statements and declared never had the test but that ths officers of the army weie able to withstand It. An amendment offered by Repre? sentative Hay creating 'he ofjen of ' personal aide" to the I'resident. went out on a point of order. TIM measure still was under consideration when the Ifouse adjourned. The hill carne? IM.130 1:7. an increase of nearly t's.000.000 over the last appropria pen dss ?- tfaVS ??--s?>iT Ftn Cot*, ewe. Banks. Washington. January I?.? Represent? ative Carlin. of Virginia.has asked tha House Committee 011 Banking and Currency to give ? onsidcratton to a bill which he has just introduced by re oueet. to establish land arid com banks and to in, rease the 1 urren.y. The b." Is quite lengthy, but in the mail. :t ? provided that any ten or more citizens of the Cmted States may form in any county therein an organization to be known as a Cmted States Coin and Land Bank, and upon paying Into the treasury of the I'nited States a sum not less than 155 000 00 nor more than S3M.000 in legal tender. I nited States com. the Treasurer shall issue bis certifi? cate therefor, and authorize them to organize a hank in ?u<h manner as r,afional banks are now organized, and all laws governing such organization and inspection of national banks so far as applicable are made to appiy to the United States Coin and Land Banks It Is provided that should the bt'l become a law. arid tbe banks put Into operation, that all loanf would be for thirty-three year*. Su> b an institution doubtless would be of considerable value in many rural communities. Congressman Flood, of the <~oinmiV.en on I-oreign Affairs, to-day made a repor' favoring the olnt resolution providing for a commission for the investigation of rural credits in Europe. It is proposed that this rommitte? shall leave the I'nited State* in April and return In Julr after having been abroad for about two month* studying rural credits. President Taft to-day nominated Thomas C". Bunting to be postmaster at Li more. Va Richard Christian Scott late a mid? shipman, ha* been nomina'ed a second lieutenant in tbe Field Artillery of the array. P. H McO. TILLMAN ATTACKED Blesse Also Assails- t.onrales. F.dltor of the State. Columbia. S C . January 1??In a special to the I . gisla'.ure to dav Oovrrnor Cole L. B ease bitterly afacked Senator B R Trllman and Captain W L tlor.zaies. editor of the State The attack was the reeutt of the famous I'lilrnan letter pihiisbed two day* hefora the recent primary, and ?he part the edi'or of the State played 111 it* publication Newspapers gener? ally were attacked and restriction upon the prets. in th? way of legisla? tion, was urged bv the Clover-.or blow?eIsa~fb ? at boohe's mill Special to The Time* Dispatch ) Lianvllle. Va.. January 16. - Last r.ight or early this n.orm-.g < ra. ksnien effected aa entrat.. <? to -h. N"rf"* and Western Depot at Boone * Mill. Frauklin County. blew the safe and ?*< u'red the contents about t*\ and made a get-away The robberv wa? was not discovered until this morning, when Depot Agen' R L Wl l:am? went to work Entrance was effected through a window Efforts *?r? ?L on.e begun to trail the robbers, but without >w nioodhour.ds were a?Keci from Richmond, and every be made to apprehend the fugitives. EXTENDED HE4RIS?. _ WILL BE BELD ON BILL Washington. January lt.?Senator NeUoe ? hill, intended 10 make owner* of \ easel- ir*n? porting airrrhandKe or property between it I'aited "teles sod foreign countries liable fo loa* or damage arising from faults or error? In the navigation or management of the vss ?el? according lo the market ?alue of ine property affected win be Ike subjart of an extended bearing before the Senate t omsjerc* Committee beginning January a The measure 1? propped as an amendment to the Harter act of Fehniecy U isn. asd ?? * mailer of stmple Joatlee long delay, d to IB* ?htsnwrs." according to Seaaior Netsoa Special for This Week Corned Pi. ni' Mams per lb.12 l-jc Imported Sour Krout, per qt.*c [jrge can* Tomatoes-....- . S New Mominv and Grit*, per lb. I l-Jc A lbs. Va. Pre pa trd Buckwheat for 2&r ->ug*r Corn, four can* for. Vs Pride Coffee. 1 lb. papers.?c tfood Lard, per lb.J**" Good Salt Pork, p.-r lb..?Je Ceood Carolina Rice, per lb.f*f Va- Comb Honey. 1 lb. packgfps. t?..g Large ran* Csltfomia Table Peaches *V Purr 1 luntry Crdrr Vinefar, per ffal. 2h> Good Corned Salmon, three for. ?c Special Attention fo Phone Ordern. S. Ullmans Soil, Inc. Sr.. tftM-lftlU B. Main Streng, No. 5#* ?? Marshall Street.