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She SHm<y \t^3?L\^ Bfe patth SitS J^X^Ws^Zb urn WHOLE NUMBER 19.234_RICHMOND, VA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1913._The w~th? To.?.y-B..n._PRICE TWO CENTS. ?????? ? Sentiment in Board of Vis? itors Favors His Election. FEDERAL PLACE HAS HELPED HIM Members of Committee Feel He Will Be Chosen to Succeed Barringer- Search Made All Over Country Ends at Last in Vir? ginia. Krery day it kwaa] more evid en thai the country-wide search for president for the Virginia polytechnic Institute will end where r began with Joseph D- Kgglcelon. Indications point mote and more t-urely to his elec tion when the boaid meets to choose a suc-< essur to Dr. I'aul B. Barringer. who will retire from the pr<-idct, of the agricultural and naet hamcal college at the end of t l,e preaaat term The recent appointment of Mr Kb gleston as < luef of the- field work for rural schools, under the I mted Sta'es Bureau af Kdu'.uiori. has. II appeal*. grea'Iy strengthetied his position with the members of the boatd of visitors and with the paepla of the State at large Men on the board do not hesitate to say that the login of the situation is his election as head of the school. Many Were Considered. Many president* of colleges and in? structor* in agriculture and leaders in educational work have been considered in connection with the Virginia Poly? technic Institute presidency Letters ? have been written by the hundred Ap? plications have been many, and In-1 dorsations have been overwhelming. , The visitors composing the committee eat a president have investigated and investigated They have consulted and consulted. They have been to Atlanta to meet the presidents of land grant col? leges, and have there talked of rr.any poasibihties One member of the rornmi'.'ee wanted a certain man ? the- head of one of the largest at.d perhaps 'he most prosperous of schools of the kind. But he would not consent to take the matter up. ; This eliminated the use of his name. Others there arc whose qualifications have been regarded favorably, and each time there has been found some objection or else the man under con? sideration did not want the position. Kggleston Suggested. Krom the beginning. Mr. Kgglestnn, then Superintendent of Public Instruc? tion, was regarded as a strong proba? bility. He Is an enthusiast in agri celt ural education, while not a scientific expert in farim.'.g. However, he is a successful farmer. As father of the boys'corn club idea in Virginia, he has WOM l^is work grow to amazing lengths. But as soon as the vacancy was in sight, there was talk of politics, and the claim was put forth tha' Mr. Eg-: gleston was working the powers that kg for the place. There was as a j les'il: inu<. n aretes! agaim-t his election. Wanted Hlra To Stay. With his appointment to one of the i most important posts wi'h the bureau of Kducstion. there seemed to be a! revulsion of feeling. It was seen that he was in denmno elsewhere Doubt- : less. too. he was rather glad ta secure a BOOS position?better by SSOO than the one he had ?without having to spend a <ent in primary expenses nor in wear on his nervous system In the campaign, and avoiding personal attacks and criticisms resulting from the ever present local rows over the public schools. The result of bis promotion has been generally expressed regret that he has left the State. All this has not Ix?en. without its eff<*-t on the board of visitors, whu h is eomposeel of men who largely reflect the feeling af tlSS people So the result , af the whole nia'ter is that the board is ius' about ready to elect Mr. Kg geston. AUTO WAR WITH MARYLAND. Washington Raise-, Tax Against Ma? chines from That State. Washington. January 17.- ?War to! the last drop of gasolene was declarer) by ihe District of ' ?iumbta against Ntaryland autot:."t.ilist? in retaliation : for alleged bad trreatraeat offered to j automobile toun-t? from the capital, i The first move of the District govern? ment was to irn-i'-asc the automobile j tax on all ou'sid- ? an entering I he Dis? trict. I'ntil yesterday the tax here; was K. and the license was perpetual j To day Maryland's taxation schedule < was adopted and Marylanel care will be forced to pay a graduated scale, ac? cording to the size of the a r ? ranging from ti to Hi a i ad? ditional charges lor drivers Maryland motor enthusia--- who venture into the capital will be ..rrest- I ed and fined heavily if they arc not sup- 1 plied with i he aaoaaaarw lice nse tag j Government offb ials and nu mbers' eif the diplomat ? < <rps have tx-en a rested on many occasions by officials of nearby Maryland towns, and the Dis'rict has resented the alleged in? justices of the arrests NEGRO IS LYNCHED Pay* Penalty for Murder Which He Confessed. Paris Texas .Unuaty 17?Henrv Mouzon. a negro was hanged from a telephone pole on ihr public square at Cooper Texas, late to-tiay by a mob The negro was 'aken fi-r,'m a chertf and his depu'ps ^fter be bad pleaded guilty and been sentenced to hnrg for shooting and killing a I *-elve vear-old girl near here n . entiv Mooren is said to Y ,ve ~-r, feaard that be shot at a boy who was accom? panying 'he gtrl with the m ention of killing him and then . r girt The shot siru.-K the girl Mmis>h ? body was cUt eiown early to-night. plae?i on a pile of railroad tie*, saturated wrh coal oil end burred The negro popula'ion of Cooper t< excited lei-night but the crowds have left the town, and no further violence is frated BY TRAIN TO CUBA DIRECT Plaa I'aderwaj to Ban Train Perries Press Bey West to Hat ana. Havana, tannery 17 Rohan Orr general manager .f the f'nitad Reil war? of Havana has gone to Ht Augus? tine. Fla . for the p'irpo** e.f conferring with Henry Klagl?-- regarding is,. stallet ion of regular fernen hot wean Key West Mnd Havana Tb? object in view i? the transpor latloa of entire tram* or '<?-; lea reo worth, hsn 'anuary i; ' herlee N. Beam, of Minnea ..r.1e- .entaa.-W of three .-ears for . n ? pi-aey in the dynemlte ram was re? leased en bond from the federal prison this afternoon. He is th* ftrwt of tke prisoners to retrain his free doe) Porte Now Has Col? lective Note of Powers. FURTHER PLAY FOR TIME IS FEARED Diplomats Expect That Con? stantinople Will Concede Something in Hope Peace Conference May Be Con? vened?Determined to Keep Adrianople I/jndon. January 17.?The next more in the long-drawn-out game of diplo ; ma' y (or the settlement of the Turkish Balkan .var is for Turkey to make TktJ lollectivo note of the Kuropean powers, drawn up by the ambassadorial . < onfe.-'-re e a'- London, was handed lo the Turkish government to-day at. Constantinople , As the Turks for more than a week have shared with the whole world ( knowledge of the purpose of the note. BJstd unofficially were given diplomatic notice of its exae'. contents prior to its presentation, there is no reason why the reply should not be prompt Their only motive for withholding it it is thought, would be procrastination, with their oiii hope uppermost that something might turn up. Turkish delegates to the peace con i ference do not know the precise inten? tions of their government with respect to the note, but they predict its answer ( soon will be given and that II will afford no ground for accusations that Turkey is playing for time. The ex- ! , pectalion among diplomats here is that Turkey will concede something to the. allies with a view to having the powers Is?nke efforts to bring the peace dcle i gates together again for further ne? gotiation*. Should this be the rase it then will develop whether the ulti? matum of the allies is as iron-clad as ' they profess it to be. Meetings Continue. Meetings of ambassadors of the for? eign power? continue. The question of the disposition of the Turkish . islands has been set aside until the Otto? man government answers the noto of I the powers, and Albanian affairs are ' now under discussion. A proposal has , been suggrsted thst Montenegro might legate the mountain above Cattaro to Austria in return for Hcutari and as the mountain dominates Cettmje. the, capital of Montenegro, the capital might be moved to Scutari, which is a more important town. is hardiy more than a village, except for the residence of the King, a hotel and a few foreign legations KI baas an may be selected as the capi? tal of Albania instead of Avlona. in deference to the wishes of Austria, fc! bass an is in the interior, and. there , fore, could not be subjected to naval ; attacks. Note Presented to Porte. i Constantinople. Janusry 17 ?The i collective note drafted by the am? bassadors of The Kuropean powers in Ixindon wan presented to the Turkish government to-day. After the presentation of the note by 'he ambassadors an informal meet? ing of the Turkish ministers was held at the office of the CJrand Vizier. The diseussion of the note and the drafting of the reply were postponed, however, until to-morrow when an official council of ministers is to be convened. The Turkish Foreign Minister in? formed the Associated Press this even? ing that the Ottoman government could no: give wav on the question of Adrianople Nevertheless, he said. ' Turkey was hopeful of arriving at a settlement of the question without sacnflcnig her point of view SHIELDS IN LEAD. He Is Berel? ing Support of Regular Democrats. Knoxvilie. Tenn . -lanuary 17.?The ' decision lo-day of the so-called regular i Democrats in the Tennessee Legislature to support the candidacy of Chief ?fustlee lohn K Shields for Senator for the long term, beginning Mar? h 4. aroused a new interest in the race The necessary votes were not forth '. coming. The ballot to-day resulted Jobn K Shields. Democrat 5? B. A. Knloe. independent Democrat. ?. K I D MeKeller. Democrat. 17. L. D ; Tyson. Democrat. ?. lohn Allison, : Democrat. 4. Kest scattering Necessary to a choice. ?17 ! The ballot on the short term resulted : Miiton Anderson. Democrat. 52: as. ,R Webb, independent Democrat. Ashhurv Wright. Republican It; io ? seph R Wilson, brother of the President i Fleet, received one vote Rest scatter? ing Necessary to choice. ?7 Hoth Houses adjourned to Monday. MAYOR QUITS IN A HUFF. Resigns as Fieruttte of Sussex. N. J.. Because ? "uncll Rejects Appointee. Sussex. N .f . -lanuary 17 - For the firs' time in the history of this borough Its M ' of gave up his ofTbe at a special 1 meeting ot Use Borough Council because tha? r'-fu?ed to ?-onflrrn his appoint? ment of Dawcon K Van Sickle as No Progress Made in Con firmation of Ap? pointments. DEMOCRATS ASK FOR COMMITTEE Republicans Refuse Proposal on Ground That It Would Result in Favoritism?Filibuster Is Begun, and End of Struggle Is Not Yet in Sight. Washington. .January 17.? When to? day s executive session of the Senate adjourned, tho deadlock between Dem? ocrats and Hepubliran* over conflr - matmn of President Taft s appoint? ments was more pronounced then at any previous time. So progress was made and there was very little effort to confirm any one. Ostensibly, the army nominations were still under consideration, und if there had been action upon any of them the nomination of Lieut .-Col. Brewer to ! be eoksavaf, if is believed, would have beet, affirmed When it appeared that a vote was about to be taken Senator Oliver, of Pennsylvania, made the point of no quorum. The roll call failed to bring in a majority, and an adjournment was taken immediately on motion of Sen? ator Oallinger The closed session continued for two > hours and enga devoted to a discussion ?f the general situation. The Demo? crats renewed their proposition for u committee of conference which would represent both sides of the chamber, but Republicans declined to accept this proposal because, as they pointed out. it would result in favoritism to nomi? nations from the States represented by the conferees On the other hand, the Republicans suggested that they should proceed with the nominations in order, with the understanding that when there was objection on the Demo? cratic side the nomination should be passed without action. This was the crucial point of the con- : troversy and the Democrats made known their determination to hold out ? for tfcc conference committee. To this end they entered upon a general pre-j sentation of points at issue. This was interpreted by the Republicans as a filibuster, and while they showed aver-' sion. the Democrats made little effort j to conceal their intention to delay pro- j ceedings until their proposals should be accepted. Senator Bourne, chairman of the Committee on Post-offices, preeented a resolution looking to a change 0T the manner of reporting nominations. Air. Bourne proposed that nominations opposed by an individual Senator should be reported back to the com? mittee.and that those opposed by both Senators from a State should be brought to the attention of the entire Senate- No action was taken on the , resolution. Immigration BUI Passes. Washington. January 17?The com? promise Burnett-Dillingham immigra? tion bill, including a literacy test for aliens, was passed by the House late to-day after opponents of the measure had kept the House in a pariiamentary turmoil for six hours. The bill passed without a roll call, although every stage of its progress had been opposed. The fight against the measure cen- ; tred upon the provision that would exclude subjects of countries issuing certificates of character when the im? migrants fail to present such certifl , Bates On a final motion by Rep? resentative Bartholdt. Missouri, to re- ; commit the bill and have this provision ' at|gg.? out by the conference commit-! tee. the opponents of the provision lost. 70 to 14?. I.ever-Srolth BUI Considered. Washington. January 17 -The Lever Smith agricultural extension bill. whi"-h already has passed the House and re? ceived the approval of the Senate Com? mittee on Agriculture, was to-day taken up for consideration by the Senate. The measure only got through the first parliamentary stages when it was withdrawn for the present by Senator' Hoke Smith, that trie Seriate might go into executive aession. It will be called up again Mouday and pushed to a vote, according to Sena-or Smith. Senator Page, of Vermont. Who dratted the vocational educational bill whuh includes many of the feature* of the agricultural bill, to-day offered his resolution as a substitute for the bill. Ii had not hrrn disposed of when the.bill was laid BXBek CORRECTS TESTIMONY Necro I.awjer Again Appears Before f lapp C> ntmittce. Washington. January 17 - Oilchrist Stewart, a negro lawyer, sent to Chi? cago by former Senator Foraker to get a statement from W'lliiam Winkflcld. a Standard Oil messenger, about the sale of the "Archhold letters." appeared to-day again before the ( lapp commit - mittee investigating campaign funds, without adding BSSJck light to the Inci? dent II? made- some corrections m bis previous resMmor.v The commit? tee adjourned Indefinitely. Premier Is Chosen for Presidency on Second Ballot. WILD CONFUSION MARKS ELECTION Successful Candidate, Insulted, Challenges Ex-Premier to Fight Duel, but Incident Is Smoothed Over Without Bloodshed ? Result of Campaign Popular Versailles. France. January IT.? Raymond Nicolas Landry Poincare. for the past twelve months Premier of the Kren> h Cabinet, was elected Presi? dent Of the Republic of France to-day by the National Assembly, composed e>f members of both chambers of Par? liament, in succession to President Armand ?allieres. whoso seven-year term expires February IS. The wildest confusion, out of which arose two challenges to duels, marked the casting of the ballots. Premier Poincare was chosen Presi? dent on the second ballot, his Plu? rality over his nearest competitor ?Jules Pams. Minister of Agriculture, being If>7. The deciding vote stood as follows: Raymond Poincare. 4M: .Jules ? Pams. 296. Marie Fdouard Vaillant. 6?. Premier Poincare has fifty-three more VOteg than an absolute majority of tho Assen, bly. Try to Show Hlms-elf Worthy. Raymond Poincare's first words 1 upon being officially informed of his i election as President, of France were: "1 shall'try to show myself worthy1 of the confidence of the National As-I sembly. I shall forget without effort ' the struggles of yesterday and even the injuries. Be convinced that I shall seek in everything and a' all times to be an impartial administrator." Raymond Poincare's selection for the presidency of France, although made by Parliament as required by the constitution, is regarded as represent? ing as well the popular will of the nation. The new President is now in his fifty-third year. He ia of tuodium height and sturdily built. Above all. he radiates an impression of force, both physical and intellectual. He is modost in conversation, cheerful and patient, and concentrates his full attention upon the person to whom he is talking. M. Poincare's large, luminous eyes, are the most striking feature of a face | which suggests tenacity and determina? tion. He is versatile and comes of a family distinguished in science and literature. The President-elect hlnr-cif is a philosopher, a writer and a member of tbe French Academy with a notable career in French law cireles. He has a peculiarity of never sending his clients bills for legal services, always saying that they may send him whatever they ? consider to be the value of his work. Interested In I'nlted States. Americans who have met the Premier have always found him interested in the development and the institutions! of tho United States and accurately | informed upon the larger aspects of i current American affairs. As Foreign Minister. M. Poincare; greatly facilitated the work of the I United States ambassador. Myron T. j Herrick, and his predecessor at the ' American emhaesy. Robert Bacon, and i gave much attention to the Franco- I American committee, whii h sent aj delegation, headed by Oabriel taux. ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the United States last year, with the French nation's gift of a bronze bust executed by Rodin, which was erected at Crown Point. Lake Champlain. in memory of the explorer. Champlain. The Cabinet of Premier Poincare is liejsnled as steadfastly opposed to : socialism. f I Insulted h> < lemeneeau. Premier l'oln? are was insulted by ex Premier Cleuienceau at the opening of the National Congress tor tho elec? tion of a President M. Pom. are at ? ?nce appointed Aristide Bnand. the Ministor of Jnettes, and I. I.. Klotz, Minister of Finance, to act as his sec? onds and to arrange a duel. i"ht incident between Poincare and Clemenceau arose out of a letter by the lormer Premier to Poincare. tho eon tcnis of which were considered offen? sive by Poincare. The Premier prompt ly s. :.' Ml two seconds to ask for an explanation. clemenceau made a satisfactory ex- j planation to M. Bnand and M. klotz, who had been sent to him by Premier Poincare relative to the latter he re? ceived las: evening from f he ex-Premier. ! The incident is. therefore, considered closed. Deputy de Monzie and Paul Boncour. Recsnsf Minister of Labor, also quar? relled in tho corridors of the palace and M Mcnzie sent his seconds to ftf. i Boncour. Triumphal Procession. Paris, .lanuary 17.?The journey of, Presidcrc-elet I Poincare from the palace at Vereeiitea to his home in Paris was one :?.ng triumphant progress. When his automobile emerged through the ??bateau ga'e at Versailles M Poincare was greeted by the first expression of; joy by the general public who gave him round after round of c heers and ac- ' .Continued on Third Page * ILL WILL AND MALICE CHARGED AS MOTIVES OF COMMISSIONER Bynum Says Cabell Should Be Ashamed of His Attack on Upright Judges Or?>?T.*fV?r*?. N. C . ?'??nary 17 ? Aeeertina that for p*"r*onal rreaon* fommiaatoner of Internal Revenue Hoya' k < ??? ikht t'. penance N" O'enn William* 'ha* the '-omni? ?loner wa* influenced hr malice and %)?], - runt William* *n ordering the I removal of a lanre ayeantt'r of whtekey fron * warehouse at WHltama N r to IVoiiavilte Kv and that M< Cabell ' ?hootd he aahafned of hi*. iMinuailnm and refle-tio.-ie upon 'he t ?-o er- .n^-, end upright udge? srho hare haart eat led upon to pee* upon the question* rateed m raits by William* and Foeter. \n-Jm4Un W. P. Bjiiaja? to-day me***' Tlfdnag. raply to the report trane- , ml' led ve*?*rdev hv Commta-noner Caa**l to Secretary of the Treaeury Mac v each The judge* referred to are Bovtl. of tho District rotrrt. and' Prltchard. "f the < k?M Court. tudge Hvnurr. haa t>?Tn ? onneetted with tho Old Nl.-k Williame liquor '??<?? a* special ?)una?l for N*. Diana William* in ? litigation over ab?>u' JT.auri cation* of <-..rn whiakev. whi- h ?? 1 etored in a warehouse at William?, X. C ? ' and which ha* b<een ordered removed to l,out*e1He by Com mine loner Pabell i \(*:n?t *hie order William* *e?;ured an mi inrtion before lodge Boyd. alleging th<? ii wa* not bona tide in that the eommipstone' *?? acting through III will and mailer The matter is now pending tmfore <t II Price, a'anding master and William* and D | Kostk? as plaintiffs ti the < a*e. have offered rtnlori ? I'tsinitif ? het* allegation* ih?' th" a<tton of the ?w>mtnt**to*ier proered* from II! will an I malice To Take His l?eeo*itloa. 'Sperm! ?o The Tlmea-Dispatch > Win* ton Halem. S. C . January 17.? ntetrict Attorney A. K. Holten left here to-nigti for Wa.amgtou to ape, I eg In 'he prooeeriinc* in which !h?> de? position of < oromlntonw of Inter*)**) Revenue ?"abe!l will be taken in the famous ? **e of Collector floors'.' Brown ? n<i X. ?Henn William? < oiiector Brown has rafueed to laeue Mamp* to Mr Williams for hi* whiakey. Mr r> will rijereeont Collector Brown in the ca*e The takir ?- "f Mr CaBeU'e o>ba. itioi may laat two or three day* William* ha* an harret* of w hi* key In bla warehouee in Y*<lki*> County and through le*tru'*tion* of Contmteetoner < ?hell i*n government officer* hav? been pt*to,ned there a* award* for aaw eral month* William*, who alleaw* peraf i ution matead of pro*?* uti?-n repeatedir h?? endeavored to buv ? 'an.o.? from Collector Brown without Hi I i-et-fitad am< et-?'-.' ? ha coli?. ? .? allealn? that he. Wtlltar--. baa ? ustained loeaee by not beine; able to dtapoae of ha* ?oorla The cave* prnrri?M to become mere aa tha hea.-taa proceede. PRESIDENT-ELECT OF FRANCE BATMOND NICOLAS POINCARE. GIANT C CONTRO E LSTRADE Coastwise Shipping in Hands of Trust Which Crushes Independents. - SUIT MAY BE BROUGHT Comnrttee Hcarr^tory of Dis? crimination From Head of Steamship Company. Washington. January 17.?A giant combination practically controlling American coastwise trade on the At? lantic and operating under an agree? ment with the railroads by which pro? rating is refused to independent steam ship lines, except on full charges, was described to the House shipping trust committee to-day by A. 11. Bull, president of the A. H. Bull Steamship Company, of New York. Describing efforts of the combine to drive his company out of the Now York and Porto Rican trade, Mr. Bull submitted circulars bearing the names of the Insular Lino and the New York and Porto Kican Steamship Company, offering discounts of 70 per cent on for? eign rates during a week when the sail? ing of a Bull liner for Porto Rico had been announced "As Bad as the Rest." When asked by Representative Hum? phrey, of Washington, why he had not placed these fa-ts before the Depart? ment of .Justice. Mr. Bull said that he had been told tha* he was as bad as any of the rest ' because he had signed a bond in 1900 not to enter into the Porto Rican trade for ten years. He said he had decided to await the action of the congressional investigating com mitee. Chairman Alexander and Representative Humphrey emphat? ically expressed the opinion that the combination should be prosecuted Companies placed in the alleged com? bine by Mr. Bull include the Atlantic. Oulf and West India Steamship Com? pany, New York and Porto Ri.o Steam? ship Company. Clyde Line. Mallory Line and Lastern Line, and the In? sular Line The combination. Mr. Bull said, op? erated under agreements with the rail? roads by which the railroads refused to prorate with any independent lines on less than full cargoes. Ha added it was almos? impossible for an Inde? pendent company to secure wharfage fi lataea because the railroads owned or controlled the terminals a" ? gag of ?he ports, including New York, where ?he piers were leased Rate War Coadaeted. Mr Bu'l 'estlfled that after organiz? ing the New York and Porto Rican Steamship Corr.penv. a combination of circumstances forced him in ISSS to sell his Interest and sign.nd ri<>! '?? ? nter m'o the Porto Rican trade for fen veats i he line then was taken into the Atlantic. Oulf and West India Steamship Company. In ISC he formed the \ H Bull Steamship Companv. with a principal lino betweem New York and Stockton Springs Maine Since the expiration of bis bond the witness said, libs company had operated shlpa between New York and Porto !tio?. m it Ion with the .-orriblne. which, he declared, cut rate*, sometime* giving discount* ??( Jo end 7S per cent, whenever a Bull steamer was scheduled to sail for Port.. \ artous overture* had been made. Mr Bull continued, to bring the Bull line Into an agrwerr.ent to roam' un rats* The witness satd If waa almost Impossible foe .? indwpea^Seext to ' barter vesaela fe- tha Porto Rican trade because of agreement* between ship owners and th? . ..mbtne I think, forthe good of -he publn T o' I si Uk' this *he [>ep., ? of 'is'ire. said Representative Hum P*rey ?Senate Passes Heaven Bill. Washington lanuary 17 The Ken EM gall r-.,|Kaln? a plan L. ? .? one's the i aar ige ted diatrtct of Uaeh.n?gagT I mlgiV b? publieadls* sold unless the owr.-t gar* bond that |t woa'tl not again b* used fot uuiav^ua putmeea. TOBACCO TAR TO BE RETA FF NED Xo Change Indicated as Part of Democratic Revision Program. BIBLES WILL BE FREE Sub?fs3ntia! Reduction LTfcely in Tax on Wood Pulp and Print Paper. Washington. January 17?Substan : tial reduction of the tariff all along the , line in the wood pulp and print paper , schedule and retention of approximately , the existing duties on tobacco, cigars ; and similar articles, constitute part of the Democratic tariff revision program : to be presented to the coming extra ses i eion of Congress. This was the situation as viewed by I Democratic leaders after two sessions to-day and another to-night in the marshalling of testinomy on schedule "M." pulps, papers and hooks, and "F." tobacco and its manufactures. Just how far the Democratic mem? bers will go in cutting the paper sched? ule is problemat leal. So far thoy have not had a conference on the sub? ject, but the consensus of their senti? ment favors reduction wherever possible in this part of the tariff law. Admit Bibles Free. Of the incidental portions of the schedule it was probably assured that, ; the committee will provide for free ad ' mission of Bibles and of other relig? ious works. A plea of elimination of the ii per cent duty on Bibles was made today by the Presbyterian committee on publication, through H. E. Magill, ? of Richmond, its secretary. Most of the Democratic members of i the committee, if not all of them, regard the items in the tobacco schedules as luxuries, and ope of the schedules most easily adapted to revenue-raising pur? pose* chief interest of the day centered in the presentation of arguments of the I spokesmen of the newspaper publishers and of the diametrically opposed paper manufacturers. John N'orris. of New York, chairman of the committee on paper of the American Newspaper Publishers' As? sociation, representing consumers who pay SMflm.orjn a year for news print paper?the newspapers throughout the country ? - presented testimony, fre- ! queptlv marked by colloquies with Republican members of the committee. 1 in favor of letting down the tariff bars that shut out Canadian paper and the , uttng off of all r'-etrictions upon MM importation of the cheaper grades of .?? ? ,1 i i'ps entering lu' i paper manufacture. The American Paper and Pulp As? sociation, through Arthur C Hastings of New York, its president, represent-1 ing. h" said the paper industry. wi*h an investment of fan on* <?o. and an annual business of Unfl lOO.nfln. voiced opposition to a chucge in the pr- .?? i. tariff. t rge an Increase. Representatives of the wall paper industry, through Robert Orares. of New York, urged an increase from 1 K to st per cent on foreign wall paper.! which, he said, come* Into competition with the higher grade* of domestic wall j Mr Norn*, in his plea for news print paper from across the Canadian border, said that the American News- > paper Publishers wanted i ongre-s* -o ' anssire the procurement ,.f a perma? nent and adequate supply of cheap paper by broadening the paper market to the utmost " He errattvped what he called primitive I ajaathods of Asnerican paper manufac? turers and the of their paper machine* lohn T WheelwrtghV of Boston, a Paper manufacturer, later tea tided that S * Wrawtard of wanted the tariff on t He said he ?poke f Wilaaej. N bacco iw tha re'ajned PARDON GRANTED TO FOLKE BRAND! Mortimer Schiffs Valet Now Is Free Man. SULZER BELIEVES IT ONLY JUSTICE Prisoner Makes Full Confession, Admitting Former Falsehoods, and Promising Never to Ap? pear on Stage or to Make Money Through Con? nection With Case. Albany, X. Y.. January 17.?Got ernor Sulzer to-day pardoned Folk* Brandt, former valet of Mortimer % j Schiff, the New York banker, on the i ground that Brandt's of thirty , years for burglary was excessive. At the request of Oovcrnor Sulzer I Attorney Ooneral Carmody made a ! statement in which he said he favored I Brandt's pardon "not as a mattet* Od 'mercy, hut. an a matter of Justice.' ! He criticised the procedure through . which Brandt was tried and sentenced. Mr. Carmody declared that the Oov I ernor's action wiped out a "blot on the judiciary of the State." and showed j that "there is nothing that can defeat I the ends of justice." United States Senator Knute Nel : son. of Minnesota, made a speech In which he characterized Brandt's sen 1 tenco as udicial tyranny. The Gov? ernor, explaining that Brandt had prom? ised to lead a better life if released from I prison, added that Mr Schiff had said he would not oppose Brandt's applica? tion for clemency unless it was based on scandalous and main ions statements." Many Petitions Presented. Earlier in the day Senater Nelson had conferred with Oovcrnor Bulzer in j Brandt's behalf and Brandt's counsel i had presented petitions from forty-two j States ami national Swedish societies I urging Brandt s release. It was stipulated hy Oovernor ! Sulzer in pardoning Brandt that he is ! not to accept a theatrical engagement ; and must not in the future reflect upon the character of any one. Senator ? Nelson volunteered to take Brandt to Minnesota and at the suggestion of the Oovernor Brandt accepted the offer. A condition of Brandt's pardon was his confessing to falsehoods in his former efforts to gain his release. In this connection Oovernor Sulzer read a letter at the hearing from Mr. Scruff explaining that while he had heretofore j opposed all applications for Brandt's j release, "because they were based ! upon lying, scandalous attacks upon my honor." he would not oppose the present application if asked as an act of mercy, rather than one of justice. The governor's reasons for pardoning Brandt are given in a statement in which ho said in part : "Thoso familiar with the Brandt case are aware of what has taken place heretofore in connection with the matter and the decisions which have been reached thereon. The record is not in the prisoner's favor. He is not a I martyr, and as an individual is en ! titled to little consideration "I have no sympathy for Brandt, but I have got iegard for the due admini? stration of justice. After all. that Is the main thing in this matter. There is no doubt of his guilt. He admits it. His Sentence Excessive. "Having carefully examined the entire record in the case for the purpose of doing what is right and proper to the people of the State, and to the end that substantial justice be done, I have reached tho conclusion, after mature deliberation, that Brandt s sentence was excessive." Brandt left Albany within two hours , after the pardon was placed in his hands. After spending a short time in Washington with Senator Nelson, who stood sponsor for him at tho hearing. Brandt will go to Minnesota, i wbere. among people of bis own na ' ttonnlity, and with the assistance of j Senator Nelson, be says be will en? deavor to carry out Oovernor Sulaor'e ! admonition to "redeem himself." If Brandt violates any of the condi? tions, the Oovernor say his pardon will be revoked and he will be remanded to prison to serve out his term, i Tears filled Biandt'a eyes as Oovernor Sulzer handed over his pardon before the largest crowd that ever gathered In the chamber. He winked hard and fast as he grasped the papers and found himself m the centre of a crowd of struggling friends The ti>I to greet him as a free man was Senator Nelson. With the formalities of filing the ! papers in the of flee of the Secretary of State over Brandt prepared to leave tho ; Capitol. At the side door of the Oov? ernor > private room, he paused and grasped the Governor's hand. "Oood bye. Thank yi>*u." he ex? claimed. "Oood hye. mv muf mma good luck i to you." aaid the Governor. Re? member your promises to me. I will see that voj get along " 1-cascs With sfenator. With Senator Nelson, his counsel, ?and a friend of the latters Brandt rode I in an elevator to the first Hoor of tfeo ! Capitol. "How do yo i feei ? ' he was asked. "Not very well ' was the answer. ? Are you happy'" ? Very happy, but ! don't feei west.'" Senator Nelson interrupted and tkss four wer* whirled away to a hotel tn an auto After dining they wefat to tteO station and left Albany on the t o caeeat train for New York. Few rrcogxtaeet* ! Brandt as be went through the statSaSa. I roes might have been a voung business man He is slim, but Wei knit He wore a black derby and a light colored raincoat. Under this was n perfectly groomed] ' ed hs.r iai: crowd mm eioee ittn red He was fa : glossy and arm rsndt has s keen muv and he did net 1 years spent in prison I accomplished wondei ? ? ->r>*' 'in* He also ?f " Make. Pnfl ? , Movert ? Bu ssts pordoa to Prsndfj was granted on an .appeal "litter art. gjot Is *he eiecijttTs ? ?'?ev Brandt end Werden |^*J"r) ??'saxanxi Sagtet nonfe-etv-e wit*. Ooearnae_ ?eft* I aar Th* mis* as*racy isar' e?lW