Newspaper Page Text
AT VIRGINIA BEACH First, Second and Fourth Regi ments Will Spend Week There, Beginning July 6. 'i- lal to The Times-Dispatch.] No. :olk. V;i . June :*7.?Everything t* h. i g made ready f?r the coming t! < Virginia National Guard to Vir p\r. a Peach July 6 for u week's stay. -fi e troops to be there will bo the j.- i ,4 and Fourth Uegiinents (. I f . i.r; y. composing the Virginia i ? , under the command of Brig n.- . . t \i <" Vaufihan. Jr This ,. tiio t:ist brigade encampment ' \ ]tl., , !:? i s since th- James tov :. !-ni' -ition. t.j, r ?-r K. in.ont. commanded by , . w-.P.atn l Percy, and made up - r Richmond. Alexandria, rltittosvilie, Lcesburg. Fredei icks i | ? ? Staunton and Dan u , ? ihe s> ootid t<> arrive, de . ' . B nt ; o'clock Sunday afternoon. ... . ; Colonel Kobert j . . 'ittnatiditig. and composed ? i - at Wa t ic nt on, _ Front t?.. ' s rash*:rg. Winchester. <.'h:tse ... i,,.. Petersburg. t'ulpeper. ?nd'Harrissonburff, >vtll ba the last to v6 it ;v scheduled to reach ? VIr ? 14 o clock that after . , . Va .in and his staff will . .. . , t . t ; t' oat: ; a day. Tho ? .alters will b?* estab ? . ; -.r a;. Jul> ?*?. ' Jencral ..i ,:; . ? ?..Tiijinsod of Major , i. \V'-ic t. adjutant; Lieuten ?;r -;s 1'" l.yneh. chief of , ? .. .. ..? . Lieutenant-Colonel . nr-1;nol a 1 of v-_ il suard Majot Allen Potts. chief quartermaster; Major Al ! ., ? -1.i?? t ordnance officer; v .. . Ttuxton. of Norfolk. \ ? o:. ..-vu.:.' ;* - ointiiissary officer ; i will arrive at the camp. - ; . make the preliminary at - ; t.. . ? ? ; a- .1 purchase forage and ;\. has l oci, made on th?* v ; : tt:.or.t at Washington for ..f,t; ? c. which will be supplied ... fir. ".islur.g Fortress K beef and vegetable ?Y- (>'.:\ . ? .- I . t t:v i amp each day ? ?r a s All the equip;- c; tent>. army wagons and ;,m! ul.inres n> w stored .it P.lclunond. "v t, -...pp'il to th? camp the first . t ; ? . \ ? wi-.-'k nt I will bo stored ... ? .. rinipmr!-. t in the building be :vg 1 op.sti ?. t? d ,;vl \'.iugh:in has made request , ? , \\ a: 1 u pa: tn.* !it for five of ? , ; s . nd tini t>-on- men?cotuntis j.. : , . .--rs from the regular army for ;;..<ti ucti'-n tl'ity at the camp This i,. .i ? . gIT,iit?11 an<l the de ? > ]...? \<<Lme ? ;ado out Tl.t.e will t three bands at the ?>n j ? nt ? ? f them will be the First Kegiment band, which is made ] My ? the famous Stonewall 1 : th?- \'.il'? of Virginia ?'on , fri. *\ ill given each afternoon, and the general public will l>e invited to attend not only the concerts, but to mm* the camp at all times to see the State militia in camp life. >1 All Ml A l.I.- WANT HOMK; 1 lltr.ll OF IKITKI, LIFE Washington June 07.?Tnerl of hotel life. Vice-President atul Mrs. M.iiM.a'.. '. - been . ? .si.ioi in? house Kt-.p.: - i.-it : ,v<? not definitely made ?? ?> <0 to do. A house which the> had under consideration "ti Ctdu::.bia Koad, near Wyoming A\? - about beer, given up by them. .-j that at present their plans are most tali. Ann" ji.i eniei.t has been made that the Matshalls l,;ive decided to take this h"iise. but Mrs Marshall's most ate friends said to-da> T; ? Mavshalls have derided nothing r ? ;>t th it the;. ; te tired of livii.u in 'e!. . nd n;a> go t. housekeepijig s ????.<; it later They had it house i a . ? ? rental of which w ould be i... ? limit announced as the ;? ...->? .-rs of this adminisfra w< uId pay {' i house rent !'. ' - house is not n. 'A looked 11-t '.:??! with fiivoi t.\- the V f ? e-i it-i.t and his wife, and they r ' i.:.' w just what the> will do." iiita en Dir.n \MT,STin iti:i*??iti: i.i lir.Mi' m\i<kia<;k M ??:. h ? ? Mass . Jul ? - T Follow l - al-eucenlc marriage on the >.;,t-:i Im ;i h. without clergyman, l"*st man '? r bridesmaids, and united tii.der ;i ritual <>f-their own composing, 1 .bert H Hutchison, of Philadelphia, hr, h.s bride, who was Miss Delia !' 1? . I'a:.a, granddaughter of the poet 1 . i.uf. '.J. - w are t-.-da v ? ? route to New - where ti..-- will study state > i sir. 1 - ::iarr:aci f the t \\ ? is believed ? >? tr.v f.; s* o! its kil;d- both ethical r ? : P.oth '? ?ve studied each or-.:-, their families and their ances - ? ;e r::ne ii order to determ ?h'-'r r'ltpi s? to have children. Fiftieth Anniversary Battle of Gettysburg (?rtt.oiUuri;, Pn.. >|H'cliil I'rnlii 1'rom It ie |l llioilll. The P. F f }'. U *> the "P> a- o:. ? ? . special nam from P,yrd r ??? S*.- !:???: hm'md Sundny. June . ? ? A. M. stopp:: u at Klba St.? - : t * ? dull i ii' ut It P. M t ,|. at- f:o:-, K;. hmond. 1 ? -a- ? . ; ;d- ? a n \ P. .'. P 1; i. Ket agent tr to the W 1- 'l '??'VIW M TAYhoR, Tta'l. M imager T. )' A First National Bank Building (Advertisement. > Wood's Seeds. I Late Seed Potatoes June and early i n July is the beat time for planting for the fall crop for winter use. Our stocks are specially selected Seed Potatoes, put in cold storage early in the season, so as to keep in fust ciass, vigorous condition. Book vour orders early, to lie jui? of getting the varieties you de?ire Write for "Wood's Crop Special*' | giving prices, and timely informa tion about all .Seasonable Seeds. T. W. WOOD a SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. We are headquarters for Cow Peas, German Millet, Soia Beans, Crimson Clover and all Farm Seeds. Write for prices. ''Berry's for Clothes." m John D. Rockefeller, Jr., probably pays $85 for his business suits. We can give you one at $30 that in cloth, pattern, style, quality is its equal. Cloths come from mills, not from banks. We have access to all fabrics ? our showing includes some of the finest. It does not require a millionaire's cash bag to dress like a leader of finance. This store is "the easiest \va y." Come and see. t Continued From First rage, i ate tii? committer would soon consider the- question. I'Vilrnild Defeated. N'ogales. Ariz. June 27.?The follow ing telegram was received to-day from! authoritative American sources in Her-; mosillo. capita! or Sonora. "OJeda, the Federal commander, wn? i overwhelmingly defeated in the battles of Ortiz and Santa liosa. "The Federals disbanded, leaving I military trains of sixty or seventy cars and all of their artillery. The where-' abouts of Ojeda. who escaped from the battle and fled in an automobile, is un known. The Constitutionalists have begun . repairing their bridges below t'rtiz, planning to proceed to Ouayamas.*' Heport* t'oullriiicil. Douglas. Ariz. .lune -7 Announce ments of Sonora State otlbials of a vic tor> over the Mexican Federals above | Ouayamas. at first questioned, were i continued to-day /rom various inde pendent sources The Federal Gov ernor of Sonora, in moving to the bor admitted that Ojeda's forces had the Califi prot r act* >rnia < iul am pa ic n ? f the night Tru ? ' iuaya i'ortance, the cltv. the Fed art lllerj. wounded returned after tlieii north General <>bregon. in comma: State insurgents, telegraphed that a detachment undfi M: gillo had occupied San .lose < mas. a suburb of strategic six miles from the centre < : < 'onstitutionalist repm ts that < rals had abandoned then provisions. prisoners and wore borne out by private advi- >-s from 11ermosillo, the State capital. a:<! other their march eaders, Ciuay a dif .atural Jtiava 'I from vicln It was Interior points. Encouraged i success in preventing toward the capital, the State plan an immediate invest met t i a mas. The town, however, preset: ticult problem because of it an vantages for fortification mas set in a range of lulls : the l>a\ Mexican gunboats in 11.. it> may assist in its dofeijse to offset the gunboats that ti.e insur gents had planned to use I ? .1 . Mas son's aeroplane, hut the Fret).p. avia tor's bomb dropping expeditions so far have been of little assistance OFFICE ENTITLED (Special to The Times-Dispatch ] Bristol. Ya . .Tune -7 Representative <" B Slemp's new post-office in Vir ginia Bristol, established in February last as a fourth-class office, which was destined to divide th^ business of i>.e Biistol Tenn., offi.?, will seek ? la 1 t;. at ion it. .July. The receipts are said have been ample to entitle the office ? ? the i;ittng of a second-class offi.-e Postmaster t'iauthler is pleased with th* earnings, and anticipates that the i i" will tpromoted to the s?e?-o\.j ??lass after its report to .July 1 is he the d' J a I t ment l.'pon th? basis of the earnings of ii<- e iii.|:i the time .' h,.s estal lished to the present it is said that it \\ !! eain probablj not less than *1*'. >" ? ?i oth"t uirds will show iiiiuh in receipts in the tun of tie tiist t weI. ? months Thf ot gani/..,: Ion of the Fnit. ! < \ | 1 ' n>"or po: a t e d with geneial eS n I ?: 1st-.I i:ie, i? and Lee o.unti. r. part the same plying a central j Charles, in L*e <v. ' '"in ri!id x\ .. i. '??I a : il.Ni-.tmf I >?< to .! tl. t 111 It tuallv n M - Ti.e office; : of ti.e COlP.ei . o,-R T|i ;* at ion are U Tate Irvine ?! Hig Sto-.e Cap. pjesident I'a.i Diiane ..f Was', i.gton l? ?' sc. i eta ? \ . and }' : i: C Wright of Wash. i. g ' ..r. ? ? ? Tv.e purpose of th .ii ? ? i'. I7.;i t ii : U l.-.k If a t .-. I?? ? ti,i opet . * ' i x in at d W ? .? ti< s , w ; ? I; \ lew to pi ? \ t I I :.g I ipltal t. d?-\elopment! n.a> be <-ai ? r:ed '.i: ???, ,;n .nport ,n" -.? ;?1?. Th new i .inpanv has an auth nzed capi tal or vy. MANY DEATHS ARE CAUSED BY HEAT (Continued From First Page.) j all heat records for a June -7 shat tered. Street thermometers registered 100. Six persons died from the icffects of j the hoat,'while half a dozen were pros- j trated. In Chicago there were elcht deaths j and over a score of prostrations. Street ! thermometers registered as high as OS degrees. Ten persons were bitten 1 duiing the day by m/?d dop? Two persons are dead, and over a score , were prostrated in Cincinnati Among other cities reporting deaths were: Gary. Tnd.. 1; Grit ml Rapids, j Mich., 1; Detroit. 2; Milwaukee. 1: St. Paul, 1. and Harrlsburg, 111, 1 Throughout Missouri and Kansas the heat was so Intense that many harvest hands refused to work. Hottest of Vcn^. St. Louis, Mo., June 27.-?This city , and the State in general to-day ex perienced the hottost weather of the year, the temperature reaching ?S de grees at 3:30 P. M. The minimum I temperature here was 7S degrees, at P. M. Twenty-two prostrations were! reported up to S P. M. 10 SEVENTY-FOUR (Continued Prom First Page ? Henry Wise. W'arrenton; J.tndsay. L. E.. Oscala; Lynch. Harry II , W:r. -es tor: Massie, Julian B., Ruse land. Mil ler, Henry Robert, Jr., Richmond. Mil ler. Leland L., Glnter Park. Ki? iimond; Millsaps, Louis Henry, fnlve'sity of Virginia; MoCormlclc, John .\t>:icr. Java; MeDorald, William l'.r May St. Louis, Miss.; Mc Lemore, .1 .Mon roe. Big Stone Gap; Paul. ?:< orge II . South Richmond; Pennington, w alter Ray, Pennington Gap; Pit- r I K Strasburg; Poland. Bernard \ ? tit. Lexington; Pulley, Junius w ivi.r. Puryear, John. Orange; laui'.h: I M. Jr . Coeburn; Rogers. Frank w Pcnd roti; Rylan%l, Robert A.. i;' I ?? vtlle; Skinner, Frederick Henry. "? w: <>rt N'ews; Smith. P. A. 1... Jr. ?' ? dwell; Trill-y, Thomas I, Richmond Ti W O.. Roanoke; Vincy, Jo! ? lr-vin. Newport News; Walker, Cm War? . Jr.. Alameda. Cal.. Walker ?? is Frank. Lexington. Wellorn. . l'.ca nok : Whittle. Kt-unon faith!!-11. Mar tinsville; Woodward, Herl.vt M -rn son. West Point, Wyant, 11?-1 ^t t W., t ?Arrisonburt:. IVES IS CALLED [Special tr> The Times-Pispat h ] New York. June 27.?General Bray ton Ives, vli'i president of the Metrop dl <in Company, was denounced as a ^rasp ing crook to-day by Attorney Nash Rook .vood before Surrogate Cohalan II- was thus branded during an argu ment by Roekwood in behalf of Laura McDonald Stallo. Miss Stallo is a granddatightet of Alexander Mc Donald. multimillionaire, from whom ; she Inherited a large estate. 1 in applying to the surrogate f"r the removal "f the Metropolitan Trust i'om pany as administrator of her ?.?state, she contends that th- company lias de pleted the estate ?? v ? i- $2,000.'"-i) by selilnc securities at less than their i value and disposing of other valuable assets. The trust company, through John G. Mllburn, denies the ehiu*gu> When the application canie before the surrogate to-day Mr. Mllburti ask ? d fot postponement until the Supreme Ofnirt has deci'b d the ownership ??f v.tii-tis partnership assets are claimed jointly by Edmund L K Stall" and the estate of McDonald. Surrogate fohalan said that he is satis, tied * !..*t the trust company Is not the prop :? party r*> litigate such an a? ? t:? ?; Att -rney Rockwuod became very . i: pliati when h- spok-.- of Genera! Iv. :tlb*c<:d misconduct in the Stallo funds He said that at the time the Standard oil stocks were being sold the trust company informed Mr. Stallo that no sab- \Vas contemplated. The surrogate >. served decision. MEETS \ li.XT AT Dl'UHAM. North i nrolitia l-'lrc L'uderwrlter* End Annual Session. I Hp e;al to The Times-Dispatch. ] . Fa ye tie v ille, N. C., June 27.?The North Carolina Fire Underwriters chose Durham for their 1914 meeting place, elected Robert E. Follin, of Winston Saleni, president, and W. 1. Sharpe, f Burlington, secretary ;$n-. trcni .rer, made E E. Emerson, t Spi i'. til >? vice president; J. Simpson Si l.? ? i~. -f !-'a> ? tte\Hie, second \. ? pr. S |. ill. and adjourned n-t 12:16 this a iter I ?o:; The ?pti.,n of resolutions report* 1 hy th ? ?!? ? ittee and informal speech makini; till, d the balance of the session The association adopted a resolut |.?? (.r erei! by Colonel Walk. : Tn In1 . . il! lo' al agents to pla-, ' ?? ? ? ;,s near!y a i'.'i 1 I -as i<? a; > litions will permit, a: ? i ? e.,niii"ie? ii. that policies not \ r / ' th ? ;p,,. month, follow !'ig tb.e , ? |l .tl. i,f. cancelled, and that ;.ll am i,is in th-: Interested terrl t-i\ to write such cancelled h 11 ? *i? s s tlj the premium shall have e- pi i j . th< agent tlrst issuing '' ' '? b' ' II nd' :>onvlllt* and Sails ' "'1 ' ? ' with I mi r ha in foi t " CANADA WILL NOT ARREST JOHNSON fSpcclal to The Times-Dlspntch.] Montreal. Que.. Juno 27.?Local Im migration officials have no intention of at-resting Jack Johnson, the negro ! pugilist, who Is supposed to havo i Jumped his bail in Chicago. The police ! informed Johnson to-day that, provided ho loft Canada in a day or two, ho would not ho molested. Johnson appeared at a local news paper office to-day, seeking informa tion on the opinion In the States on his rase, lie declared ho was ready to give himself up to the authorities If they wanted him. Otherwise he would sail for Europe Monday. llnM I *?? Kin Ticket. t Special to The Times-Dispatch ] i Ottawa. Out., June 27.?The Cana dian immigration department an nounced to-day that Jack Johnson, tho negro pugilist, must at once prove that lie holds a through ticket to Franco or St Petersburg, or he would be arrest ed and sent back to the Fnlted States. If Johnson has such a ticket, it was stated, he must use it at once. This ' announcement was made on a tele- j phone request from the United States | vice-consul in Montreal that the negro be deported. AX IS WIELDED 'ontin thi'\ :iltI. was a small amount to woi r\ about, and on the free list cot ton thread went, while committee mem bers objected strenuously. Following tli^ action, there were i?. P?rts current that members of the com mitter would insist upon reopening the matter t.>-morrow when a larger num ber of Senators will be present. All the amendments to the cotton schedule suggested by tho committee, except one. wore adopted. Including the increase on yarns, and tho opposition w .?/ less than had been anticipated since the cotton schedule is the only one which the committee increased over the t nderwood bill rates. One amend ment, which provided a 3d pei cent 'luty on cotton goods which contain thread Infrwoven by means of lappets, swivel and other attachments t<. form tigured or fancy eiTects, was stri< ken out, leaving such goods to carrv ? ;ie rluty on thf> yarn content orlv. Sena 101 Simmons, chairman of the committee, said after the late adjourn- - tnent. that lie hoped to have ti e bill through the caucus by Momla\ siirht It Will til. ! CO to the full Finance . ? mittee, and probably be reported H'cd i:esda\ in Thursday. I he majority of the committee met late to-night and agreed upon ad ministrative amendment to the it.-ome ia|Xu.?0?,O,V Providing for . i?htv-six i.'lditionaI oepury collectors of ntemal revenue and other additional employes t.ecessar> to carrying out the terms of the sections All employes ^ .< to he "ppointed by the Commissioner of In ernal Revenue, with the approval of 1 wm,o'iTtnSr,y' , ' two--vcnr "rniB. and without t ompliance to the terms of the cMl service law The estimated cost' at ?l."^fc, yV'ar,nCOme ,;'X ic ftxod! Asheville. ,v c. June 27,-Henry C)av ard, a multimillionaire lumber man ';f r???i=?o. Mich, was to-day take,,' ? t" custody on an insanity warrant "" out bv his wife, adjudged In sane ;,t a hearing before the clerk of Superior Court, and ordered confined 1 ' ',Rn 1 private sanatorium. A. j Ji-ipp and Rembert Kent, two Pont lac Mi \V-n ? 1' U h!,V? har| C,iatgO of - M-rd since his arrival in Ashe . '1 ' ,lf;" to,';omh?t 'he proceed Mr \\- i cifort was unavailing, t t'.,i i ' iL) ,se fortune is esti ? ' ?? ! fl(Wl " came to Asheville "" months ago. the two Slichi an officers accompanying him. N^h'evi'iie n> *VIrS' XVar'1 arrived In A.h. ville, engaged the finest suite of looms at a local hotel, secured conn ? and instituted proceedings to have | husband declared insane. She left o-niRht for her home in Michigan. ofl'''ers who came here with ,Un,;',i h"vc credentials from Judge ;".k l; nf r'?'i t iac, Showing that ne> were appointed custodians of the millionaire, following a hearing to test ? is sanity in Michigan. A I.HOST CA I SKS PANIC I.V CHURCH. Marine Sentenced Co Thirty liny* in .lull Ii>- .MiiKlstrnte. v -^ial to The Times- Dispatch.] oi foIk. J tine 27.?Because he 'ausing a panic In church ,? 1- i.-IIfrtous services were being ' <? ? itiohards, n marine, was to-day ??Mt.nced to jail for thirty days by 1st rale Smith, of South Carolina. ! i. ? ' h;ti ds entered the Pentecostal i "?* s s Church yesterday while the w ? filled with worshippers. He intoxicated and became disorder-; h< n on- of the deacons com - ; - de,! };ji,, t0 leave the church he j "f bottle ..f whiskey from his I ' ' !,!>d broke it on tho floor. The' ? cremation thought there would b.> ' *'1 h'-? trouble, and a number rushed ?'' '.Ik- r!nors. , ?' iloiioweU. a deacon, went for dice, and Deputy Sheriff I. D I K.iu! ar resti-d the man. Odds and Ends brom the Wire KMil l> II 1.1) AT "I DO." < miri ><?! Mrs 11 in** In ( erfmony When ( niiplo. \re Married. !-h?r iiuestlon of at :? jit i 'ii,trr!.ti?p ifrniiMiy t li ? j' ? ? - in!': tn Ifwaa passed I! Ii.llon In the CUM- of ? : ? - ?, Instate of A I he 11 I ? n- \\ >lic w?: ?.?|iik married : ?> If ? ? : ||er claim to ?.; ? "? ???' ? 1 l w ,!? ri .dxted Ii.v other r I :i l t i,;it f.i |y at I lie ? on ? ; t ? ? ? -:i '.i,j . >uld she have l.e.-n H' !.? < itl. it tlif i ?romony h'i I l I ?-I.- i ? w|,|, h f;i( h party said ;?i s" i'i the ministers ?i .in lie. : 'lir the routract . !?:?? . m . t 'lie wan ItOlltrt." - ? 1 ' . I .1 motion 1 * * r a tehe \ It *>t?.\ \ltlCI.M is sdCIHTV. Woman of I m;li*li Itluc-ISIood < Imrfced Willi I li iiiK 1'illarliox. ? ;: rr W .!.???( ? I-,. .. Mr. Mark'.iotth, ' He '.ij 'iiln II i,phr?y Ma<-kworth ? ?! ' t.e ):? ? ill Mi i. i - .!h' and only daughter i f I ? iifn ft... .i> the flrltlali < '<?>., '? ? ?' 'i. in'.'i ' 'i.i ? amht Ian <.'omhln> 1 < . ? 1 . r n?| I Mil e and i onvej e.| t ii. .'???? 11. t). - poll* e ? i a tli' i ? e\) t ? with setting fire m , ''ri \ Mr-i '!.i Ki- < I'll .11 ? e r sf.ei. Unn four ht-.t lr t ?*.: ? *:.??? #?! ' i- f,\ hall. f..i .1 h '?"t In.-. ? tu: Mi I tioman. the w ? . .i. ? father. !? in < anaii.i II KK I MUUKI.I.A IN HIS KVE. ? ?irl's Offense \gainst Masher I,eaves Him Illliid and Ilrnlsed. I'i"' ? a r?h June 27.- It wan a costly little iitti 'Lj.t at flirtation fc.i Metro Hansel when h" oj-ied Mls> li'scle Morris. an athletic girl. i.i- '".fs in the l.awreni'evllle djetrict. Me '???I.i- v.intis the sight of his left eye: he Is ..I from head to foot. and a term of ?vii' .>> in the workhouse lie* ahead of ll- Mini- drove the ferrule of her tnn ' Ills left <?>?<?- Uo.irlng with pain, ? ? inl.ted masher sprang at Miss Mor it ?he .stepped ninthly aside, and In t. ? . Peter Walter*, a vlty fireman, who n ? !?.<?? s-iriff. and had taken In the whole P* i !'?i ma nee met the enraged masher with ? i.:i th" ehIn Metro staggered l?a?-k ? ni hut recovered *iuhkly and came for . fit more, and he got It Uy the time v. . te: . In.! rtni.-hed with hint It Wti> nti?s ? alt tlii' paired and cart Hansell t- 'I- police station. AMAZINf! STAMP ?.o\ernnient f'ulU for Tirflve Kllllon n? Year'* Supp!* . \'>'ashlnRion. June 2T. -l*ostmaster-General H'lrlexm hn.-, ordered throuph the Secretary ' the Treasury. 12.071.?IvO.OO'i po>ta?e stamjis. nuiiihet est Imati'l to he needed for tho ? : j eat 1.1'Klniilns July I The order cnlls f ;] i Vfi,"''0 ordinary stampn of various *' i Ion* 20,Cifr^.0?>0 spei delivery ? t i.iipt. 70..00 "poftaRe due'' stamps; I ?! amp hooks, and 1.291.000 10II* of Mnip> to he used in vending machines. STORM AROUSED BY FRATERNITY [Special to The Tlmos-Dlspatch.1 New Yorlt, .tune 27.?The governing body of the Alpha Delta Phi Fratornlty has withdrawn the charter of Its Man hattan chapter in the College of the City of New York. citing as the sole reason for thin action "that the Hebraic, element is greatly in excess." In ordering the cancellation of the charier, the fraternity body criticised the City College for "lacking fertility as a field for Alpha Delta Phi. The withdrawal of the chapter charter has caused n sensation. The attitude ti^k en by the fratornlty Is that a largo minority of the Hebraic element is in eligible for membership in any na tional college fraternity, and therefore any college where htis element pre dominates does not offer sufficient fleld for a chapter of such a fraternity. The j act lor of the governing body was tak en only'after the Manhattan chapter had defended Itself. through four prominent New York attorneys, at the hearing held by the governing board. In order to make the decision abso lute, it was necessary to secure the sanction of four-fifths of the chapters comprising Alpha Delta Phi. This was secured. Prominent Alpha Delta Phi ! alumni, many of whom are member's j of the Alpha Delta Phi f'lub in this ' city, are aroused over the action taken ! I>y the governing board. These alumni ' declared that the action of the frater- j nlty shows that "it has acquired the ' degeneracy which goes with snobbish- j ness." As a protest against the can- | i-ellatlon of I he Manhattan Chapter. ' nearly all of the alumni of the Man- j hut tint Chapter have withdrawn from the Alpha Delta Phi Club. Uthers have expressed their intention to President Flnlev, of the t'ity College, while others are actively engaged in preparing to continue the Manhattan Chapter as a local fraternity. SYSTEM WILL BE INVESTIGATED New York. June 27?That an Inves tigation of the New York, New Haven; and Hartford Railroad system will be begun in a short time was made cer tain When the directors of the railroad late this afternoon granted the request of George von \4. Meyer, former Secre- | tary of the Nnw, acting as chairman of a subcommittee ?.f the general com- , inlttee ?>f the stockholders' protective association, that Ills committee be al lowed to inspect the books and ac- j counts and all of the records of the com pa n y. The stockholders' committee and the New Haven hoard of directors, met at the Grand ?'entj*al Station After the conference Chairman Meyer told wait ing newspaper men That the inspc. . tion of books and records was f-adlly granted. "The directors also acceded to <-.ur request that they appoint a subcom mittee of their own body to co-operate with our committee in this investiga tion." said Mi Mover. The stockholders' committee Is com posed of Geoige von l. Meyer, Charles A Stone, Y R Thayer, l'li Whitney and M M Matteson, representing '.To'.-I "00 shares. 01 about 20 per cent of the stock of the N>-w Haven company. The conference was attended li\ Directors Morgan. Rockefeller. MilliKen. P.ea, Wilson, Htooks and Hemingway. The subcommittee will report to the gen eral committee of stockholders at- Hus ton Monday next. WALKER MAY KNOW HIS FATE TODAY Case Against Alleged Wife-Mur derer Expected to Reach Jury This Forenoon. [Special to The Times-Dispatch' ] Cha' le? city. Va, June 27.- It is probable thai before the sun sets an other <ia' I".well Walk?-r. charged w 1th th<- brutal murder of" liis young wife, who has been on tr .il in Charles ?'ity Circuit ?'ourt for the past two clays, will know his fate During the morning to-day the ex amination of all the witnesses was concluded, and at 3 o'clock this after noon the first argument in the case was begun The balance of the after noon session was taken up in the ar guments by attorneys, and It is ex pected that all will he through and the case given to the jury sometime during the forenoon to-morrow Intense interest continues to be manifested in the trial, and the pro ceedings to-day have been closely fol lowed by large crowds It is the gen eral concensus of opinion that the Commonwealth has made out a strong case, and the jury is not expected to take very long in reaching a verdict Walker is represented by F. Collier, of Hampton, and St George Willcox. of Charles CStv. while the State is repre sented my Commonwealth's Attorney !. M. Nanse. assist ed l>y M 11 I '.a meg. of N e w Kent. Round-150-Trip TO Old Point, Buckroe Beach, Willoughby, Ocean View, Norfolk $1.05 Cape Henry onrl Virginia llcnch. 3--Fast Trains-3 55:30 A. M.?9 A. M.?12 Noon. Giving ten hours at Seaside, three hours longer than via any other route. Returning, C. & O. steamer leaves Nor folk 4 P. M. and 8 P. M. Returning, fast trains leave Old Point 1:2.'>, 7:45 and 8:30 P. M. Leave Ocean View every hour until 7:30 P. M WKKK-KN'D RATES: Old Point, .Nor folk, $3.00; Virginia Reach, S3.2,'.. c >n sale Fridays and Saturdays. Limit .Monday following. Heat So Intense That Many Old Veterans Are Overcome. Gettysburg, Pftju?e 27.?The ad vance guard of the blue and grav ar rived here this afternoon, when inunv of the Pennsylvania veterans, under a cruelly hot sun that stopped many of t Kin in their tracks, marched across the old battlefield. Some of the march ers lacked an arm; others a leg. and some hobbled painfully with tho aid of n stick. There' were two old <V>?fed erates who saw the short, thin blue line go across the battlefield, "Hill" ??i^iei?cn1,,n ".H!U" Braw,,e'*. from Die Old .Soldiers Home" at PIkesvllle. Md ami they raised their lints and sainted' Almost on the same spot where, tiftv years atfo. they fought the same 11;,g they revered to-day. The line of march to-day was but three city blocks, but the sun beat v"? and many of the veteran* were overcome. As soon as one showed signs of exhaustion he was rushed to the hospital tent and revived Tho Pennsylvania veterans to-day elected their ofllcers, after which " thev all rested. John Francis Key. grandson of !? rands Scott Key. who wrote the ''Star-Spa rig led Banner." Is on his wav here from Plkesville. and he is walk ing. owing to shortage of funds. Mes sages have beon sf>m all along the" line in an effort to locate him s<> he may ':e,lvs,M""K via train and in ?;?.son roniiMi ? A? dksthovko. Suffolk, Va . June 27 ?The J3.500 touring car owned and driven bv < icorge E Robertson, a wealthy lum hei manufacturer of Whaleyville .Nanseinond County, caught fire on the !?>ad from Whaleyville to Suffolk to day, and in the explosion of t*n gnl !f,r ,of Ra??lcne in the CHr WB? rom. pie t eiv destroyed. Mr Robertson jumped out and tied to the fields just in time to escape the explosion. A iiig oak tree under which tho car was standing was partly burned. Aj-hevllle. X <?. junft 27?Despite fiequent showers of rain, to-day's ses sions of the second confer, n. e',,f tlie Methodist Episcopal Church. South at W aynesvllle. showed an Increased at tendance To-night the big auditorium was -lowdod when W. T |.;ins, Ul0 religious u riter from Swarthmore. pa discussed The Turning ?{ t- x.i tlolis. Mr Ellis was followed |.y ];.-v Egbert W Smith. I). I<. of Louisville executive secretary of (|lt. foieiK.n slon committee of the Southern Pr<-? hyterlan Church, whose subject u as Stewai Ishlp " 7 h" nior ning session of the confet ence was featured by the address of l lshop E R Hendrix. of the Southern M. E. College of Bishops, whose ad 'lress on -.M.x. la,g. |> < hur.'h conditions ir M-xic. as h- found them on \isits 11> mission stations in th..t count i > P.ish..p W p. .Muri.D, discussed The Orient ' Bishop Mur i ah. hay trav?*u*'i ov?t U;* nils sionary i'-lds of the fau East, told of tlie difficulties experienced by mission ar\ workers there Lishop L iJ. Ii ss. who was sched uled to deliver ft v. address on "Brtsil ' was unable to appear, and his place was taken !??- Bishop \V p. Lamb-ith Among the speakers tliafternoon w ?? s . lis:. Elizabeth Clairhun. mission ary f:<.ni tlie fai East, whose subject was ''pen Doors in Heathen Lands a '"hal l^nge to Die Women of America Wood Arrrittpil. .'uliar Wood, lie '..ting white man, ?a:tfd f..: stabbing I :? run rd Mvet?, twent> one years old. in the neck sev ' r?? 1 nights ago was arrested this .morning shortly before 3 o'clock b Patrolnien W E Clarke. Patterson and Harris. OBITUARY M r*. Mnrv E. Humphries. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.) Spotsylvania. Va.. June 27 Mrs Mary E Humphries, widow of Hani Humphries, of this county, died at her home, near Andrews, aged fifty-five "deaths Ct'RTIS?Died. June 27. at ? 'a a \j at his residence. No |:. Nort h~T w'entv-' nmtli Street. JOHN' A CCRTIS n the seventy-ninth yeaivof his age l-uncral from St .John's Episcopal Church I HIS iSaturday; AFTER w?n. a,.r' ?'clo,Si' Interment in Molly wood. M ATT11 E\VS. ? Died, .vesterdav morn ing. at ,:;{??>. at the residence of her mother. Mrs. I. A Matthews. ?ii2 X. rwAiit y-Koventh Street. s -\ I i rp MATTHEWS, in the twentv-fom ,h yr,n r of hi?r age Funeral notice later. BAILEY.?Died, June 27. at his lato residence. 301 Louisiana Street, after J anil painful illness, EDGAR " ? BAILEY, in ihe sixty-second year "f his age. Besides his widow and four children- ?Eugene W.. of ports mouth. Ohio; Mrs. J. R. Bellamy. Mrs. M J. Walsh. Charles E. Bailey, of this city?he leaves several brothers and sisters to mourn their loss Funeral will take place f*om Mt Her mon Church SIXDAV. June 2o! at 1 p. M Remains will leave on 10:30 A. M. train (Southern Rail wav) Sunday morning. Relatives and friends invited to attend. SMITH.?Died, at the residence of his oa lighter. Mrs. J W. Buchanan 0 North Twenty-ninth Street. June ?SMITH '' "? J""x Funeral from St. Patrick's Church at 10 o'clock TO-DAY. Xo flowers. FUNERAL NOTICES BROVVX.?The funeral of PETER BROWX will take place SlIXDAY at 3 P. M from First Baptist Church, i.ollege and Broad. Friends invited. IN MEMORIAM VIIJJAM SilAKKSI'IOAR tiOODR. ?>OODE.?In sad but loving remem iirance of my devoted husband. \VIT. LIAM SHAKESPEAR GOODE, who died June 2*. 1910. In the graveyard softly sleeping. Where the flowers gentlv wave, Eies the one we love so dearly In the lonely, silent grave. Home that once was bright and cheftrful Now is always sad and drear: Loving hearts that once were happy Xow are always aching here. All is dark around our dwelling, And wo almost see thy face. Put wf* look around with sorrow When we seo they vacant place. We did not want to part with him, But God knew what was best: But some day we hope to meot him In that sweet land of rest. BY HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. Powhatan, Va. The New July VictorRecords Go on Sale To-Day I Among these records you will i find some special patriotic songs i just the thing for July 4th, and ! many catchy, up-to-date senti mental and secular songs to af 1 ford delightful entertainment | these warm evenings and make , the summer season al| the more | enjoyable. We are wholesale and retail distributors of all Victrolas and | Records. > Jhe/Jorky[on]jwny j "The House That Made Richmond Musical" | years. She in survived by f,)Ur chll dron. sevet a! brothers and sisters and j-i latgo circle of near relatives. Mr*. It. j. MiMilnnm, <,{ j Spencer. X e.. June 2V.~Mrs. R. .rjnd McAdams died suddenly at her hom? a In Spencer to-night. Her condition waihr serious only a few hours .She Is sur7 9 vlved by her husband and one vounghn daughter. The remains will be sent tok.n Lynchburg for burial. ^ tj < nptnln Henry rinr Pncit, [Special to Th? TlnU's-Pi.opatfh 1 A she v Hie, N ' , June 27.?Captain Henry C'lav Kag?, one of Asheville's 1 plonker citizens, died yesterday after noon at the Meriwether Hospital, fol lowing an extended illness. Captain I' aK? was sixty -seven years ftf ai<e. and had been a resident of this city since eat ly childhood He was a natlvo of Hot Springs, N C ; Captain enlisted as a member . of the Sixtieth North Carolina Regi ! ment. Company B. when he was but tlft eon yea is of uid served as a member of tin- Cor.federate army dur ing the four y rs of the war He was a prominent !>--'ire at all of th<s reunions, and was popular amons his ? omrades He was a number of the Masons, Hie Klks and the ? >dd I'cdlows. He w a^ on* of the first :r.ember* of the Ashe v i He tint., and was one -f the founders of the local Are department when Asheville w a ?< a city without hydrant? or water works lie ;s sur vived by one alste: and two half sisters. Mr*. Klirn I",. IlaitRh. [Spe lal to The Times-1 'ispatrh ] Belona, Va . .June '.7 Died on Thurs day at her home in Powhatan County, after a prolon?-d Illness. Mrs ICUza K Baugh ;n the r. inety-ui:: th year of her as/e She leaves two daughters and one son. Mrs V M U'llliami Mis I. '' Denoon and K A. Uuuuh. all of this county. Interment will be at her late home l-'uncrnt of Mm. V. H. I o*hy. ( S pec la 1 to The Times i Dl spa t eh ] Powhatan, Va.. June "j7 Th>* fune ral of Mis Napoleon I Cosby took place yesterda\ afternoon at ?. o'clock from her reside;.e neui here, Rev J W. Reynolds condu tii.h the services Mrs ("osl.v was >-;.\t >-three years of aire, and is survived by her husband and ten children, as follows Mrs S .1 l.oyd. <<!* Louisa Mrs J Brooks, of Louisa; Mrs \\? H I'nshv, of High land I'ark, and Miss Maud r.-.shy, of I'owhutan. Dr William I. <"osby,' . * A?'< otjia A N t '? shy. of Htchland Springs and James A. ?' ; 1'. and 'Joseph M. Cosby, of Powhatan Her six sons acted ;i - pallbearer* Mr*. Hnir j A. Wlllnril. {Special to The Times-Dispatch ] j Spotsylvai la. Va.. June ^7 ?Mrs. Knln W Wlllnrd. wife of Henry A. Wlllard, nnd dauphtei of If o Wil liams, of Spotsylvania County, died on j Wednesday at lu-r father's residence nem Sunlight, of acute Bright's dis ease, Pfred twenty-four >ears Mrs. i Willard was a native of New Vork. Mr*. 17ntinn l>. Ilurcli. [Special to The Times-Dispatch ] Lynchburg, Va . June l'7 ?Mis Km ma G Burch, widow of Samuel H Burch. who was about sevent;. -five years old. died this afternoon shortly after 1 o'clock, at her home. >..1 Killmoro Street. Mrs. Burch was the mother of C. M Burch, a well-known traveling salesman. ("nptniii Stephen llnydon. [Special to The Times-Dispatch 1 Heathsvllle. Va., June 27.?Captain Stephen Haydon. a well-known citizen of this county, died at his home in Fairflclds this morning, after long and intense suffering of cancer, lie is sur . vlved by his wife and one daughter. Interment will be in the cemetery o{ Hairfiehft Baptist Church. I^ouIm llururs. [Special to The Times-Dispatch ] | Goldsboro, N. C., June 27.?The death of Louis Barnes occurred at his home yesterday in Black Creek from throat aflliction. He was a prominent farmer and noted ns a large tobacco grower. He was a brother of Frank Barnes, one of Goldsboro's leadin. merchants. Mr*. Mntf le <Kirby. [ Spec lit 1 to The Times-Dispatch ] Norfolk. Va., June L7.?Mrs. Mattia Carroll Kirby, aged fifty-nine years, died at her late residence, 5S Walnut Street, Berkley, yesterday afternoon at r, o'clock, after a brief illness. She was the widow of J. H. Kirby, and daugh ter of the late Nathan Jones, of Smith field, but she had spent Hie greater j part of her life in Berkley. She leaves | the following children: William >1. Kenneth K.. Lewis R , Sidney G. and Martha H. Kirby. also a brother, N ??' Jones; two sisters. Mrs. Nettie C. Seay and Mrs. N. B. Russell. Mrs Kirby was a member of Armstrong Memo rial Presbyterian Church. The funeral will take place on Sun day afternoon. ' Ask you. undertaker. Price, $50,00. Write for booklet. Relnterring a spa 'jlalty Cement Burial Vault Co. OF niCH.MO.ND, INC., Phone County II2U-I. I*. O. Dni 032< T