Newspaper Page Text
Greater IMchmoud'a tireatent Nen??*pcr ?Hf Simnff ttsppfr $i?palrfi GREATEST WANT AND ItRAL ES TATE llKUlt'Al IN VIRGINIA, ANU ONE OK TUK 11EST IN AMUU1VA. Want Ad Rates Dr.ily, one crut per tvorJ u'h^H paid |n advance. No ad. takcu lor let* ilmu len crutn. One anil oue-linlf cent.* n noril ?H clawHlflcntlou* except Mtuatlun Wanted lor Kuudaj. Sit ur. lion Wiuitnt, one cent a nurd. No ml. Muiilu; talieu tur lean tliHn lltteru crnt.i. No uiln. taken tor less than turuty flve cent* when phoned in or charged Bt the counter. I'houe orders not giistrniitced. ClaanlllvatloitM not eunrunltcil after Bi30 P. Jl. For puNlnrn* coulrnrtx, send tor Hir Wtant Ad. .Man. l'lione Monroe 1. 2,ost a?b Jroiuis EoHTr's'iL v e1t M atci i box' i ioliJbr at bull giounc* or on Broad Street car. If returned to 200 Old Dominion Trum Building. I LOST. X~s7lVKit' WATCH,- DOUBLE I case, No. 510, at LakCHide Park or on car Sunday afternoon. Engraved on I front of case, li. 11. Howard if re turnod to \V. U. COWAUD1N, 1815 East Ma In. BT ItA V 10 D, F I tOAlTiOM E AT KOFI EST Jill), yellow uti'J white male pointer dog, with collar bearing his name, lleward for any Information or Ills retuin Madison 3C27-J. t?flp taarueb iBuir "'^/a.NTEIJ. FOR UNITED STATES Army, atnv-?oni<eO, unmarried men, be tween the ages of 1 i and 35, citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language For information apply to ItECR L'lTl NG OFFICER, 620 Eafet Broad Street, Rich mond. Va WANTEdTm~EN TO LEATtN BAFUIER trade. Only few weeks required. Wages after first month. Steady po sition guaranteed. Write for cata logue. MOLKil'S BARBER COLLEGE, 207 Bowery, New York City. w"a NT ED. H A UN E S 8-MAK ERS: steady Job the year round None but sober men. MILLER & GLEASON, Newport N?-wrt. Va. feftnationss ttlantrb, ?sT?alr WANTED," POSITION AS ' MANAGER in sawmill. sixteen years' experience; can furnish sawyer. Address 201 West Clav Street t ?: l?rlp tClantcfc .frntdlr WANTED AT ONCE, GIRLS OVER 16 YEAR*? f>l,D IN STAMPING DE PARTMENT. AND ALSO EXPEFlI - ENCED HAND PAOKKItH. UOOIJ PA V AND STEADY WORK. APPLY ALLEN & G1 NT E It BRANCH. SEVENTH AND CARY STREETS. WANTED TO ENGAGE ~ EXPErT enced tallores.s for the coming sea son. Address G. care Carrier No. C, city. ^V ANTED A LAD V FOR H'TSE" keepet j,t Augusta Military Academy, Fort Defiance, Va. Position pays J20 per m?'?ith. board and laundry. feitujriun?5 CUaiucb, /? nnalf _ ladv of 'refinement Desires a position 1>> September l, as matron, housekeeper or companion for an invalid lady; references exchanged. Addles* S. A 15, care 1*. M., Tro viliaiif-. Va t ? feituations, pto*rs5fonal Xs EDt'CATKD." ' 1! E FI NED LAD Y~ \ wllil! r to teach and aoaume charge j "f sn .ill pupils and act i*s managing hoiinekeeper; references both re- ! quired and given. MISS G., euro post :na>t e'. Ballsville. Va. tfcrntG CUanua ACENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, to handle high grade. fast selling fipectaUy many duplicate orders, big demand experience unnecessary; spe- i cla.* contracts. Address. CRATSN ' SPECIALTY COMPANY. Norfolk, , \ a. AGENTS WANTED; J-;o'pKR' WEEK No Ui\t sti:ic:.t or experience ne. es- j ? ary II rite for mv big union tailor lit; proposition P W HonliMAN, President, S40 Regal Building, Chi- i cago Wanted." men "and women can vniiS'-rrf or ; nts to sell Sun'' dir-ln- 1 fectnnt ball and ily and mosquito pillow; sell at sight to private horres. ' office and public buildings hotels, cafes, etc.. r.t 2i?0 per cent profit to the agent. ALCATRAZ CO., Rich- | mond, Va ? 1 feolirltora anb &a!rflmfn BAD **DEBTS COLLECTED EVERY- | where. Representatives wanted to I sell contracts. Bond required Ad- j dress PINKKRTOX A CO.. UNITED i STATES DETECTIVE AGENCY. Au dubon Rldg., New Orleans, La. Board CUantrb ifSUNG <-<>r pi.E w'on.D "like to secure board and room In a private family In West End, Grace or Grovo preferred. Very best references. D , "97, care TiniOH-Dispatch. BOARD AND ROOMS WANTED P.Y brother and sister; Church Hill pre ferred; references exchanged. Ad dress C. E.. care Times-Dispatch. WANTED. R< ?< ).\IS AND BOA RD WITH private family by young married cotiple and sister. Address G 10. care Times-Dispatch. ~ ?>oacDina tYi e" X* i'rV ;'iU f A'kiTci Fen' o?(T">ia1 n. Never mind the weather. Rest for a while and meditate. A meal here will act as a tonic. A trial will convince. THE VIRGINIA KITCHEN. 920 MAIN. Forget your troubles; eat. your meals In peace and quiet. If of! your feed try a clisuigo. This Is the place. SECOND "STORY~FRONT~AND OTHER rooms; also table board. 209 East Grace. meals seTTv"fTd""at ~arViT" iioTTrsT nice dinlnc,-i uom. or sent to any part of tlie city. Phone Madison lKf.9-J. MRS. LUCY J. WATTS & SON. Home-made bread. t>ESTRABLE, MODERN ROOMS. WITH board; one unfurnished. 410 West Grace Street. 1003 wT GRACE Sl\. ROOMS AND board. Hoomo j oi' i^fni StR^rftl^rBURKE IS~MAKING RES ervatlon for September 1st for rooms and one housekeeping apartment. 117 East Franklin. TWO LARGE."CONNECTING ROOMS, unfurnished; suitable for light house keeping. Monroe 39C5-J. NICELY ~ FURNISHED. WITH OR without board. 718 East Marshall Street. 6TOP~AT" THE ROANOK E, HEART OF Richmond. 50c day up. Electric fnns, bath, phone. 114 North Eighth. FURNISH ED~ROOMS NEX"R~ LIBB Y Hill and Cliimborazo. Call Monroo 2074. LARGE, D~ELIOHTFUL' ROOMS 11 North Sixth, between Franklin anil Main. A CONVENIENT APARTMENT OF~4 roofcis. 230(5 Went Grace Street. Phone Monroe 2315-J. , WANTEdTgENTCEMEN TO <JCCU'pY two second-story furnished rooms, southern exposure, corner Allen and ParV Avenues, excellent table board convenient. Phone Madlsoi. 731. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM TO SET tled gentleman. Apply J. W. I., care Times-Dispatch. Two "rooms," furnished for houaekoeplng; also vlnglo room. 104 Weat Giaua. What American League baseball player? Auavrrr to Vr?|p rdfir'n l>ut>!r. I'll lit. ,f or &alr 0*C^Td!^VAu6N', \SUITA RLE ~ for furniture moving or general hauling. ONE TOP GROCERY WAGON IN GOOD repair. ONE ST EEL - T1 It K D, TOP HL'OGT, good as new. ' ONE RUBBER-TIRED TOI' H1*GGY, newly painted. WE f'AltRY A LARGE STOCK OF business buggies, phaetons, surreys and runabouts; rubber or steel tires. Wagon* for every purpose: largest . stock; lowest prices; easy terms. A. MEYERS SONS, 731 EAST CARY | Street- j wn HAVE A NUMBER OF LATH j model Underwood and Remington j Visible Typewriters, which look as good, work as well una are guar anteed the same an new machines, at a saving of 40 per cent. Sent on examination anywhere. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. INC.. i 60S East Main Stretu Phona Madi- I eon 0256. ForTsT!7e, new. mome-mawag- i on; painting, repairing and rubber- ! tire work. RICHARDSON BROS., 615 Brook Avenue. FOR SA l PT~ g roc e rY STORE DOINO j a pood cash business. Cheap rent; ! good Ktand and good trade. Reason : for selling, going out of business Au- | 'if!'!' <" 1M2. rare Ti mes-Dlipa'.ch. ' LOT <) N E -1N <'11 PIPE. GOOD AH NF-.wT I IJLUEORD A: CO. FOR SALE."ESTABLISHED BARBER shop, in one of the best hotels in Norfolk; reason S'-lllng. party leav- j Inu Norfolk on account of health; thrc ? chairs; rent very reasonable.; price very low to ?|ulck buyer. Ad dress L 30'.' rare Times-Dispatch. j FOR BALES, BUTTER? BOG j AND j cheese business; an opportunity to get into a good paying business with small capital Address H. A. ADAMS, Etall No. 70, First Market, city. large""antique MAHOGANY DIN-* ! Ing table, perfect order. Madison lfiott-J. fZOtlttQ r WISH"" T6""lNFoRM MY PATRONS atid the public that 1 have retired from the horseshoelnp business, (or- j merly conducted by me at 301 North < Gilmer Street, ami can now bo found with John J. Doran. is and 20 South Fifteenth Street, where I am in a better position than ever to serve ! you. Thanking all for their many i favors in the past, I hope to have a j continuance Of same at the above location. CHAS. D. I'1?SEY. j WANTED, THE PUBLIC TO KNOW ! that JAHNKE BROS., Jewelers. 312 East Main Street, buy, sell. ?xchange and REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN THE LATEST ST TLBS. Old gold and hl)\?r alwavs ln~en In exchange Krai Cctrttr i?oc fealf FOR SALE. ONE OK THE FINEST farms In Harford County, Md.; 200 acres, three miles from Darlington, the social centre of Harford County, situated on the new State Road, twent\ miles from Baltimore, in the heart of a blue grass section of Deer Creek; excellent location for stock raising, mansion containing twenty-j two bedrooms, costing 526,000, and a bain which is the largest and best built in the county, costing over j Jn.uOO, both in splendid repair; a new , post, rail and panel fence over the . e: tire farm; view from any portion of estate overlooking live different ? counties and the Susquehanna River; j malt) Virginia families have recently purchased farms sidjacent; this farm I has for years been lectgnized as the boat grass l'*im in Harford County;] the property can he bought for $25,000 I and satisfactory terms made to suit purchaser. Apply to WEBB & WHITE. 717 Title Building, Balti more, Md. TOBACCO FARMS FOR SALE IN TEN acre lots. Best bright tobacco land in Virginia. Stop paying rent, when you can buy a farm same as rent. Write for information. W. F| PANKE, Hurkeville, Va. $3,000 CASH WILL_BUY TEN-ROOM ! liotel, bost business section of Nor- ; folk; beautifully furnished through out. Rare chance. Reason for sell- j ing, other business. Address 117 City | Hall Avenue. I OPPORTUN1 TV?FAR 51ING LAND FC3r j sale, Oklahoma; oil in prospect. Sold i on small payments. Particulars, P. (J. Box 12, Petersburg. Va. 200-AC RE KAUM FOR SALE. AT A < sacrifice, seven miles from railroad i station. WM. MOSCHLElt, Chatham. _ Va. Ft>11 SA LE," 11EA UTJFI*L "HOM E. 013 West Franklin Street, east of Harri son Street. Apply 1007 First National Bank Building. Phone Madison laOS. FOR SALEj NEW GROVE AVENUE homes, 1700 block. Madison 1407, Monroe 2944-L. l&ral <?0tdtc jror Kent ~ 1703 ' PARK."'"EIGHT ROOMS. HOT water heat, etc, $50; 2111 Hanover, eight rooms, hot water heat, etc., $41.67; 2S06 Park, seven rooms, $22.50; 2412 East Marshall, ten rooms. $25; 2402 Semtnes Avenue (Forest Hill), eiglit rooms, $27.50; 1514 West Main, eight rooms, $27.50; 322 West Main, nine rooms, two baths, latrobe heat, $35; 320 West Main, nine rooms, j- 3 5; 115 West Main, nine rooms, $32.50 (reduced); 500 North Twelfth, tight rooms, $25; 522 North Eighth, tevon rooms, $33.34; 305 South Ilar ilnon, six rooms, $15; 110 South Fourth, seven rooms, $21; 310 East Clay, nine rooms, hot water heat, two baths. $50. CRENSHAW & RICKS. FOR RENT.* EXCELLENT THREE story icsldence as it whole or in Hats, in perfect condition, with modern im provements, in the city's popular residential section, 20C East Grace Street. Apply at premises or 213 East Broad street. SIX-ROOM "iiouaisi, baiYgmn; SL'M inlt Avenue. Bar Cor. Heights. Mrvdl ?*on 4932-J. Heal e-jtQtc sdanreo i.i;;t your farms with j. a. com NELLY & CO. Wilto iicsiu>* . 4?nvy bi^nk*. t WANTED, FARM WITH COLONIAL house, near railroad town, school; 300 acres or over; good land. Must bo cheap. Address Room 3, Kirk Building, Roanoke, Vo. News of Petersburg Times-Dispatch Bureau. 5 Bolllngbrook Street, (Telephone 14 S ft) Petersburg. Va? August 1?}. T h e body of Mrs. Mary Blackwelt Bidgood, wife of I>r. It. M. Hhluood, whose death after a brief illness, as announced in Th" Times-Dispatch, oc curred last evening, will be removed to Fartnvllie to-morrow morning, where the funeral and burial will take place. Mrs. Bldgood was in the sl.\ tietli year of her age, and besides her husband, is survived by six daugh ters?Mrs. S. V. V. Prince, of Wash ington, D. C.; Mrs. Robert \V. Price, of Petersburg: Mrs. C- C. Fleini.-v, of Farmvllie'; Mrs. Mary D. Withers. ' of Now Bridge, N. V.; Mrs. 11 A. DaVli ef Montgomery. W. Va.. and .Miss An nle Bldgood, of this city. One sister, Mrs. W. O. Hubbard, ??f Buckingham, CCianinj WANTED, TO BUY FOIl CASH household goods in any quantity, j l'hone Madison 3861. WANTED. TO li J"PA III TOUR MA- ' chlnery and printing presses. RICH- ' MOND MACHINE WORKS, 2400 East ! Main Street. WANTED, YOUR 7>UDS IN 6i;7<~SL"I?.?T I By parcels post collars and cuffs, 1 1 -2 cents each. VIRGINIA LAL'N- i DRV. Richmond. Va. W A N T ALL T? ' < >M E T? T1 i E11 MAN ! Chesterfield school picnic Wednesday, August 20. Automobiles free from Forest Hill. WANTED^ A ROLLING CHAIR FOR invalid. Phone Madison 3611-Y. W A NTED OLD FEATHER M AT tresses and antique furniture DEW, upholsterer arid mattress-maker. Repairing and polishing furniture a specialty 4 25 West Broad. prtsonalo HUMAN iiAin BOUGHT AND SOLD ; at HUGHKS'h North Third. 3)rf, Coal ant) t&oob YOU CAN SAVE 51 TO $5 ON TOUR wood and coal bill by placing your order now and pay weekly this month. I have been pleasing house- ' keepers in Richmond fifteen years. No extra charge to suburbs, boeau/o 1 deliver with automobile. Try me. LONG'S, 1500 West Broad BEST ANTHRACITE, ; *7.00; BEST splint. $t..00; all other coals at low est prices. W. B. REAMS, "09 to 711 | North Seventeenth Street. Madison 0434. QUICK FIRES. NO WASTE, USE PO cahotitas Washed Pea Coal for cook ing. J4 f.O per t->n delivered. SAMUEL II. C'OTTRELL &? SON. 1103 West Marshall Street. Telephono Madison 177. feuFnmrr BDarDinB PI'LM AN, COTTAGE. OCEAN VIEW. Va.. on water front; everything up- > to-date; on Cottage car line; meet me at the Pulman. For information, write PULMAN COTTAGE CO. ST. L< iris < ?' ?TTAG ]?:, <JCEAN VIEw| opposite Virginia Bay station; meals and rooms; home comforts; bathing, boating and fishing; special rates to families and parties. Address MRS. E. J. BRADLEY, Proprietor, Ocean view, Va. ORi< ;S ?>i'TAGE. OCEAN VIE^r, VA., I fronting Chesapeake Bay. Modern in every respect. Shower baths, bath ing. boating and tine fishing. Best accommodations guaranteed; on cot tage car line. MRS. H. A. DIGGS, 1 Proprietress. MISS MARY <? ELLIS WISHES A FEW 1 boarders. Amherst. Va. CRAW FOR D~(COTTAGE, OCEAN V IK \\\ on water front. Rates reasonable. Special rates to parties of two or more MRS. A. W. BOHANNAN, Ocean View, Va. Automobile# .foe fcale FOR SALE?WILL ^*SELL OR EX^ change for real estate, country pre- | ferred. one seven-passenger automo bile, one combination car truck and j five-passenger, one motorcycle, two i speedometers, good as new. C 77.j, , care Times-Dispatch. j"'lat0 j~-ot ftnu FOR RENT. AT ONCE, 150? GROVE Avenue, a desirable, attractive four large room flat; furnace, electricity; reasonable. Phone Madison 7150-L. FOR-RENT, AT ONCE. 1609 GROVE Avenue, a desirable, attractive four large room flat, furnished; electricity: reasonable. Phone Madison 7150-L. Stisinrsij Opportunity WANTED. SILENT OR ACTIVE PART ner to invest {.3.000 in a supply house in this city. Only one of kind In State . Profit will be 50 to 100 per cent. A1 chance. F 8S3, care Times Dispatch. fl IA VeTtO LOAN FOUTTtHOUR AN D dollars on first mortgage citreal estate. Address D 795, care Timcs Dlspatch. A RARE OPPORTUNITY* * T O AC Q i' IRE U. S. patent household necessity, thoroughly practical, and can bo manufactured very cheaply. Will sell for cash or royalty. Address W. M. B., Kenbrldge. Va. &f)i?crilanFO[ig SHOi-f REPAIRING ~ ' RUBBER WHOLE SOLES AND spring heels put on $1.50. All kinds of shoe repairing. DREW'S ELEC TRIC SHOE FACTORY, 716 Main Street. llfgal j^otjre V'iROIViaTTn THE LAW ANDEQUI TY COURT OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND. Grand Fountain. United Order of True Reformers, vs. Savings Rank of the Grand Fountain. United Order of True Reformers of Virginia. EXTRACT OF DECREE OF JULY 29, 1913. And it appearing from the report of the receivers herein this day filed that they have filed with Commissioner O. Carlton Jackson, who is executing the decree of reference herein, a list of the alleged depositors and creditors of said Savings Bank sis shown by Its ledgers, who number several thousand, and a large number of whom are either dead or so scattered that it is impracticable to reach them personally, it is ordered that all creditors of the Savings Hank of the Grand Fountain. United Order of True Reformers of Virginia, do ap pear before Commissioner (J. Carlton Jackson at his oilice. No. Sll Travelers' Insurance Building, Richmond, Va., on the 10TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1913. at 10 o'clock A. M.. and establish their claims against said Havings Bank. And it further appearing from said report that many of the alleged claims against said Havings Bank amount to or less, and that the assets of salt! | Savings Bank will probably be insuffi cient to pay a greater dividend than 20 pe.- centum to its depositors, and that j til'- expense of auditing and paying I dividends on said claims of $2 or loss \v :;K make it Impracticable and in expedient to .deal with said I el imn except on the personal applica ' ti'Jn of the claimants, it Is ordered .that r 11 creditor;* of the Savings Bank of I the Grand Fountain, United Order of True Reformers of Virginia, whose I claims amount to $2 or less do appear before Commissioner G. Carlton Jack son. at his oltlco. No. 811 .Travelers' In surance Building. Richmond. Va., on the lO'i'll DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 191.1. at 10 o'clock A. ,M., and r.hqw cause, if any they can, why their said claim should not be Ignored by him in mak ing up his report of the liabilities of said bank. G. CARLTON JACKSON. Commissioner. and one brother. W. M. Saunders, of North Carolina, also survive. It All) ON "COKB" ROOM. Six rnckiiKrN of Cofnlnr Found In \ Home of Xrgro. At a late hour last ni?zlit detectives j and police made a raid on a house | in (Jill Street, suspected of being a ! dope joint, from which cocaine was | secretly dispensed to negroes. Peatl | llartlett, the negro proprietress, was arrested, and between 11?? ? mattresses of a bed In one of the rooms on which a couple were sleeping at the time, six packages of cocaim* were found. Some Kin and whiskey were also found. The woman protested In r Innocence, charging others with beinglng the co caine Into her house, hut this was de nied. Other Inmates of the house were arrested. The police have kii^'.vn for some time that cocaine was being <lis pensed from some secret quarter to ne groes In the city. it is believed the drug was procured from Richmond. A MO I XT UtlCKIiV SI USCIUHEIK .Morchnntt Give Kuuil to Improve IMili lic Itnnds. The merchants of Petersburg were asked '-.ii Friday to subscribe *200 to make up the necessary amount to Improve the public road running from Mamora on the Dinwiddle line to Amelia Courthouse, and within an hour the money was given. J A Sydtior, of the Amelia Hoard of Super visors, and Secretary Martin, of the Chamber of Commerce, called on the merchants In the interest of the Im provement. There Is now a good i w from Petersburg to Marmora, and tills proposed extension will give a g<>o< road to Amelia Courthouse. The 1 e tersburR merchants have been very livrral in contributing to mad build ing in ?he adjacent counties, freelv to the counties of Chesterfield, Prince (ieorge and Dinwiddle. They never re. use to aid in this respect, knowing that Petersburg will be bene fited A It RESTED FOIt BKiAMl. Xcgro Man Held on Warrant Sworn Out by Flrat Wife. Thomas Coleman, colored, was ar rested last night on a warrant charged with bigamy. Both wives live in this city. The discovery of Coleman s sec oni! marriage was made by the lawful wife, who, on hearing reports that her husband had taken a second partner to himself, confirmed the truth of the rumors by the records in the clerk s office. It was on her complaint that rtie arrest was made. Coleman is pla> - ing the "crazy act." TO INSPECT BRIDGE. Notice Given by Judge Wlngtleld of Contemplated Visit, Judge Wlngfleld, of the State Cor poration Commission, has notllied Sec retary Martin, of the Chamber of Com merce. that he and probably one or more of his associates on the commis Hion, will come to Petersburg to-mor row to make personal Inspection of the approaches to the Seaboard Air Mne Railway bridge spanning the Appo mattox River at this point. The bridge proper is said to be strong enough to bear many times the weight that has I ever been put on It. Inspections of j both bridge and approaches have here tofore been made by engineers, and their reports have been made to the Corporation Commission, members of which will now make personal inspec tion. FREIGHT WRECK OX X. A W. KaNtbound Coal Train Derailed In Vi cinity of Windsor. An eastbound coal train 011 the Nor folk and Western Railway was wrecked early this morning in the vicinity of ( Windsor, or in what Is known as Wind- j sor Bottom. Nine carb are reported to have been derailed and piled up to- j gether. No one was hurt, but the track i was badly blocked and trains delayed. Personal nnd Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Burke have re turned from Beechhurst, L. I . where they have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. E. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Staunton Pilcher are visiting Mrs. Plleher's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Warfield, at Oalthersburg, Md. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Witherapoon have returned from the Warm Sulphur Springs, after a stay of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burwell are ut Pawtucket, R. I., for the summer. | Hon. Charles T. I-assiter and fam ily have returned, after several weeks' ; sojourn at Massanetta Springs. A window awning on the fifth floor of the Mechanics' Association building caught tire and was burned yesterday afternoon, from some unknown cause. XEW CHURCH RHDICATED. t.reat Gathering of Christians Attends Service ut Winchester. I Special to The Times-Dispatch. ] Winchester, Va., August 17.?The new Christian .Church, one of the most im portant pastorates of the Virginia Val ley Central Christian Conference, was dedicatee' to-day in the presence 01 a great gathering of members of the de nomination from the Shenandoah Val ley and portions of West Virginia and other State.? Funds sullicient to pay j off the debt were raised by cash con | tributions or satisfactory subscriptions. ! The sermon was preached by Rev. J. O. ; Atkinson, D. IV, editor of the Chris 1 Man Sun, Elon College. N. C.. ami a hls | torical sketch of the church and eon ? gi-igation was read by the pastor, Rev. j Wli'iam T. Walters. The invocation ! was made by Rev. \V. K. Baker; scrip ' lure lessons "were read by Rev. A. W. | Andes, Harrisonburg; prayer was made by Rev. J. P. Barrett. D D.. of the Her of Gospel Iaberty. Dayton, <>.. and the dedicatory prayer by Rev. W. G. Clement, Morrisville, N. C. The sixty-fifth session of the eon ! Terence, which has been in progress since Thursday, closed to meet on Au ! gust 20 next in Antloch Church, near Harrisonburg. Rev. William T. Wal ters was re-elected president and also chosen to preach the annual sermon, ltev. It. Ii. Williamson was elected vice ' president, and A. L- Hook, assistant sec ' rotary. Other otllcors were continued. A committee was appointed to frame a constitution for the conference and re ; port at the Antloch meeting. All ro ! ports showed an increased membership and larger offerings in every depart . nient. The Sunday school report emphasised j the importance of organized classes, ! cradle roll, home departments, exelu tlve use of the Christian Church litera ture, and'devoting portions of offerings to missions. During the final session addresses ?were made on "The Christian Orphan Inge," by Superintendent K. M. Carter, [ Elon College, N. c.; "Obligations of the Church," by Rev, J. P. Barrett, D. D? and "1'rlnclplos of the Christian Church."vby Rev. W. G. Clements, oth ers making addresses wore I>r. W. A. Harper,- president 0/ Elon College, and Nat tint Rathburn. of the Christian Pub lishing Association, Dayton, O. ANNUAL CONVENTION HELD AT BEDFORD CITY Sunday School AmmocIiitInn HoUIm Three IntrrratliiK ScmnIoiin In Ouo Uny. [Special to Tho Times-Dispatch. ] Bedford City, Va., Auifust 17. Tho fourth annual convention or tho Bed ford County Sunday .School Association ! was held this week, and the exercises | that occupied the morning. afternoon and evening of Friday were very In teresting and largely attended Tho report of 11? o president. J .1 Scott showed a very encouraging- growth. Organized on November 14. 1 fiio. at the Baptist Church at Redfortt City, It now htapds eleventh on the honor roll of the forty-seven associntlons In Vir ginia. for percentages on work accom I 11 fhed. I , 'n;r? arf seventy-two Sunday sc hool* in Bedford, but only thirtv-thrpe filed I reports for the past y. nt thrso | there ars 321 ollicors ami teachers. - Too ' ^wjIai;\', V\iUl 11 to,:l1 onrollni.-nt" of I J. ^.4. of these schools, most of which aie in the county. sixteen are opened , the entire year. During the past year ;?I " members of these Sundav schools I have connected themselves with the va rious churches. At tho morning session of the con I ?.0, 0n ",e ", st address was inude bv j I. C. Minor, of Harrisonburg, the au j perlntendent of the secondary division. ! the subject of which was ti e "Call ,,f j Adolescence. ' A svmpos um. "The Teacher and the Teaching." was led by Rev. T. C. Pago, of tho Episcopal , Church. in which short addresses ..n various topics wore mad<? by Mrs T D. Berry, .Mrs. E. K. Smith'. Mrs L Dillon, Hon E. f'aiker. Mrs. S. <? Uravos. ?Cuptain T. S. West spoke '<n "Iiollars i ?and Sense; Thomas C. Digps spoke on the Work of An Ktf.cient School"! morning session was < losed with ail address on "Little I'e .p|.v \,y Miss (Catherine Groh. the Star, superlnten , dent of the eiementaiy division. At l o'clock a bountiful and' dalntv luncheon was served all of th. dele gates in the handsome annex to the Methodist Church. In the afternoon reports of superin tendents of departments were made bv I Miss Blanche Tolley, Mrs. \V A Fltz Patrick. Mrs. Kdmonla Saunders. Mrs. i W I . Hardj. J. J. , riles, D. il Thomp son, Mrs. Walter Hopkins, M. E. Bays unci Mrs. Walter Fi earns Mi us Champ Noell. T r Diggs. Mips Mary C. Nichols", .1. H Wildman* of Lynchburg, and Miss Katharine Groh jail spoke Interestingly on various topics connected with the work. j At an evening session, opened with devotional service. G. C. Minor and T C. Dlgga made admirable addresses! 1 There was also a boys' conference held j during the day at the parish-house of the Episcopal Church, with a most | gratifying attendance of liovs. This , was conducted by Rev. C, c Minor. State superintendent of the secondary I division. The Colored Baptist Association was j held here during the week, with a very : ifirge attendance of ministers and dele gates, when many vital subjects to their church was discussed. The white | ministers and other white people at j tended. i Mrs. Mary McKinney and daughter, ; ABs? Florence McKinney, of Richmond, ; are boarding with the Misses Smith, I on Longwood Avenue. i Miss Emma Quarles, who has been visiting the family of Hon. 11. C. Lowr.v and othor relatives here, returned to i her home in Richmond to-day. I. N. Clarke and his son. Thunman Clark, have returned fiom a pleasant trip to Holland, France and England. ?? i ? . I\Pill\Gn)IRXTS ON PATENT. Kn*t nuiii Kodak CnnipnnT Mny Hnvr to Return Millions of Dollars. I [Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1 New York. August IT.?According to | Thomas \V. Stephens, president of the | Ansco Company, of Binghamton. X. v., j the Eastman Kodak Company will be compelled to return between $5,000,000 and J25.000.000 as a result of the deci sion handed down by District Judge Hazel in the United States Court of Buffalo. The decision declares that all the common types of film manufactured by the Eastman concern, such as cart ridge film, film packs and cinemeto graph films, are infringements on a patent held by Hannibal Goodwin. This patent is controlled by the Goodwin Mini Company, which, in turn, is con trolled by the company headed bv Ste phens. Hi" hast man Kodak Company will doubtless carry the case to the United Mates Supreme Court. Goodwin died in l:io_ without realizing a cent on his patent. ShootN nt Policeman. | [Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1 Lynchburg. Va., August 17.?George Ware, a member of the local Police | Department, was shot at twice this I afternoon by Colbert Lindsay, who was I evading arrest for a minor change i olbort made his \Vnr?* u?. . i de'athn?nthS ,lnprero<l be^vecn life and aticrion fealrc <zi)iG Dap~ The Valentine Auction Co. A net lonrers, i 618 EAST BROAD STREET. FRESH STOCK OF Groceries, Scales, Coffee Mill, Oil Tank, Show Cases, Etc., At the request of Mr. ,J M Mutter ! we?wm ^nkm,'v;i < h:u,?e ot tMisin. Hnrrison St,??><? t, X"" So"lh| TO-DAY (Mo'.S'DAV), AUGUST IS. , , 3:30 o'clock P. M., ' i his entire stock ot" Groceries ill ?c ? which is strictly fresh and high grade ; consisting of Canned Goods of various kinds, including Corn, Tomatoes, Peas | Beans; Succotash, Fish Roe. Karo and I other Syrups. Campbell's Soups, Cocoa Sardines. Salmon, Corn Reef, etc. varl 1 L,(nv<lo?f- Chaimer's I Gelatine, Mustards. < atsup, Sauces Condensed Milk. Brooms. Washing l,Vr'\erSy. va,i",,s bra nils Soap.; (Starch, (>ln Hutch Cleaner, etc.* also off,c-: Sale positive. TERMS: Cash THE VALENTINE A 1'( 'T ION CO. ' Auction fettif0 jriitiitr daf>a In execution of a certain deed of trust, dated iNth day ot" March 1913 ( to the undernamed trustee, recorded hi the clcrU s otli. e in Charles City Conn- I |t>, \a., in deed book 20, page 425. de fauK haying been made in the paMiient ! of one of the i mes therein secured and ? , being re,juue.i ;<o Jo do by the holder f will Sell at public auction, at the : | present location of the mill on Trees! 1 olnt track. In Charles City Countv Va., on *?" TL'ESDAV. AUGUST 1.0 101 ?> - o'clock 1'. M., ' ' the following property: one Sawmill comnleto one Boil, r and Engine, one I Double Edge r, one Carry one Dust Blower, one old Sawmill, one i Horse, four Mules, two Lumber Wagons two Trip Log Carta. Terms: Cash as to expenses of sale and notes to the amount of StOO, with ! Interest thereon from the 24tli day of I March, 1913. A. L. SMITH, Trustee. Keal Ccftrttc CClantcu McVeigh & glinn Want Your RENTAL BUSINESS TURKISH AM) ROMAN I1ATIIS. THE JEFFERSON llICU)IO\U, VA. The most magnyUoul hotel In th? ; South. European plan Rooms slncjlo mid on suite, with and without i Kpacious aample rooms. Club Urm'iliKl. I Atlantic Citp Kcsortfj THE WILTSHIRE VIRC.IMA AVKXl'K AM) HKACII. OPKAN J vlrw; rapacity 350; jirtvnte baths, running water In rooms, ??levator: music. Special. J15 up V7eek!y. 5J.W up dally. Open ull th? ytar. Booklet. SAM'I. ELLIS. kpENTS POSTACE SECURES FULL INFORMATION OF AT LANTIC CITY AND ITS HOTELS. ADDRESS INFORMA TION BUREAU DEPARTMENT 'M' ATLANTIC CITT. N.J PAC. Xr ARIv. AVES. OrounJj with TENNIS & CROQUET COURTS adjoin BEACH. (JupHs may no from HOUSE to BEACH In BATHING ATTIRE without using STREETS, which Im PROHIBITED. RUNMNO WATER In rooms. I'RIVATK BATHS. $1.50 and u|> daily; IS to S17.M weekly. AM. PLAN. WHITE SERVICE. ORCHESTRA. BAI.I.ltOOM. VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINMENTS. BOOK LET PAUL C. ROSECRANS. dummer Kesorts VIRGINIA. Natural Bridge Hotel Open all tho yonr. Golden seal hotel. Excellent service. Good livery. Swim ming pool, howling alley, orchestra. Write for rates. Owned and operated by Natural Bridge Co. \V. G. HAMILTON. Hotel Managor. J. MUNDT. Jr.. General Manajp' I'ENNSYI.VA ma. Delaware Water Gap, Pa. THE KITTATINNY I'ndrr Entirely New Management of Ott ner. Reasonable rates. Cuisine unsur passed. Charles II. White, Owner and Proprietor. ^cf)00i?f. Virginia Polytechnic Institute III.ACKSUtntG. VA. Degree courses In Agriculture, Ap plied Riology, Horticulture. Agricul tural Engineering, Applied Chemistry, | Chemical Engineering. Metallurgy and {Metallography. Applied Geology, Civil Engineering. Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mining Hngi neering. Sixty-four Instructors, Thor oughly Equipped Shops, Laboratories and Hams. Steam heating and electric lights in dormitories. Library 20,000 volumes. Farm of 1,100 acres. ' TWO-YBAU COURSE IX AGRICUL TURE AM) FARMERS' WIN TER COURSE. I Total cost of session of nine months. I Including tuition and other fees, hoard, j washing, uniforms, medical attendance, j etc., $281.-5. Cost to Virginia students, I $231.26. i The nest session- opens Wednesday, September 24, 1913. J. D. EGGLESTON, President. Write for catnloguo. McG uire's University School Forty-ninth session opens September 17. Lower School for little hoys. Thor , ough preparation for university, col ? lege and technical school. Principal I at 7 North Helvidere. Phone Madison 5174. Pr. J. M. Page, Professor of Mathe matics and Dean of the University of Virginia, writing September 13, 1009. ? says "For about ten years it has been . my duty to pass upon tho preparation I of students entering tho University, ! and it is only fair to say that in lio ! case have I found that a student en- | tering with the McGuire roeoinmenda- . tion proved later to be deficient in the ? ! subjects for which lie was reeom- ; mended. ... I have no hesitation ! in saying that any parent should con- i aider himself most fortunate who iuis the opportunity to enter his son at McG ul re's." Catalogue at book stores or upon a pplicntion. ?IQllX I*. MHil lHE, Principal. Virginia Mechanics' Institute Richmond's Mglit School of Technology Xew classes in Art for industrial students; Mechanical, Architectural and Free ILjnd Drawing taught by experts; shops and theoretical classes in the Mechanic Arts and Sciences. Registration September 15 to Septem ber 23. 7:30 to 9:30 P. M. For further information, apply to FRANK W. DI KE. Superintendent. I.omhardy and Park Avenue, Richmond, Vh. Twelfth Session Begins September 18. College Preparatory School for Hoys. Loner School for Small Hoys. The dean is now at tho president's 1 office, Richmond College Phone Madison 2,1-IU-if. WILLIAM L. IMllNTE, Dean. PEABO DY Conservatory of Music MidLlutore, Mil. The Landing riuUmetl iui:nIciiI coiimc rvulory iu lh?' connti'j. Srlinlurnlilii* nml dljdomu.i awarded. Olr I rulnrs milled. Tuition In ull (ixIm and I otuuchcit. Cccurtffono Dyer** Fourth Un?-U?r K.innto* to Natural Bridge I'lllHSIlAV, AlOUST at. Leave Petersburg 0 :3n a. M. Six houra at Bridge. Returning. nrrlve Peters burg 11:5') I'. M. All oxjionso*. (are, transfer and ailmIssdon, f.VOO. IMI v;-t 11 D\KU. The Confederate iViuseum TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Open 3 A. At. to 5 I'. M. idmblnsion 25c Pre# on .-aturdnv* l&afltoa&s Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 7:1;? A.?Local?DnllV?Newport Neivn S:!0 A.? Local -Dally ?Ch'vllle. Ex. Sun. Thurmond. !?:">? A. ? Ex pre** Dally?Norfolk. OI<! Point. t!0:00 A.?Local?Dully? I/chb'g. t<?. C. Forgo *12:00 Noon?l-.xcrens?Dully ? Norfolk v^..l i'olnt. ?2;00 p.?Express?Dally?Oln., L'vi!l* t4:00 P.?Express.? Dally?Nor.. Old Point E:? P. -J.ccal ? Dally?N. News, OI'I Point 5:15 P -Loc ul ?Ex. Sun.?Charlottesville. S:li I'.?l<oc?l~VS'i!fk <lays c\< ?-pt Saturday to Warren. Saturdays to Clndstone. *6:10 P.?Limited?Dally?Cln., Cti'go. St. L. *11:1X1 P.?E\presn -- Dully ? On.. Loulsvlilu. Lynchburj. .Natural Urlil?o. ? Kie?pers. t Parlor Car*. TRAINS ARRIVE HlfHllOND-Local from East: 9:55 A. XI.. ":40 P. M. Through from East: 11:3') A. il., 1:56 1*. M . <5:3D 1'. il Local from West: b:!5 A. M.. **&:5$ A. M. and 7:2') 1*. M. Through; S:15 A. M.. 11:55 A. 11. and S:Sr. P. M Jamea River Line: ' ? <? rtr? A. M.. 4:55 P. M. \vk days. Sundays ft: 55 i'. M. ?? Dally exrspt Sunday Richmond & Petersburg Electric Railway Cars leave South Richmond. Seventh ami Perry Streets, for Petersburg: ?6. 7. V -J. 10. II. *li A. M . 1. 2. *3. 4. 5. ??5:4r>. T. 3, 10 P. M. 11:00 P. M. for Chester. 12:00 midnight for Petersburg. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Sycatnoro Street, for South ltlehmond: n.:ti, 0:3:. :30. *7 :35. S:X.. 9:33, ?10:35. 11:35 A. M.. 12:33. *1:35. 2:35. 3:35. '4:35. 5:3'. 6:3.*.. t":05, *7:13. S:85. ?:3f., *10:40. 11:40 P. M. fDnlly except Sunday and holidays. ?Carrb'K btiKKng" and express. "Limited, except Sundays and holidays. All cars from Petersburg connect with cars for Richmond. Norfolk & Western Railway ONLY ALL KAIL LINK TO NORFOLK. Schedulo In Effect Septeir.oer 80. 1912. Leave Byrd Street station. Richmond. FOR NORFOLK: *a ;00 A. M.. *3:00 P. II.. *4:t? P. M. , FOR LYNCHBURG ' AND THF. WEST: *4:16 A. II 'SiW A. M.. *3:00 P. M.. *9:20 P. M. Arrlvo Richmond from Norfolk: *11:40 A. M.. *6:35 P. il. *11:30 P. M. From the West: ?4:40 A. M.. u2:10 i*. M.. bl:40 P. M.. *6:05 P. M.. *9:00 P. M. ?Dally. aDally ex. Sunday. bSunciay at./. W. B. BEVILU Pass. Traf. Mgr. W. C. SAUNDERS. O. P. A., lt.fanoke. V?. C. H. BOS LEY. D. P. Jl.. Richmond. Va. RietunonJ, Freierictsli'g & Potomac E. R. TO AND FROM WASHINGTON AND BEYOND. I.oave Hlohmond 1 Arrive Richmond ?a.SOA.X. B/rl St. St* ' *7.60 A.JI. BrrdSt.Sta. ?0.<6A.n. Jlaln St. A.M. Elba Button. ?..60 A.M. Main St. Sta. f 11.35 A.M. ll)rdSt.8lo. ?S.40A. M.llyrd St. Sta., ?10.46 A.M. Hjrrd St. Sta. ?IS.01 noon llyrd St. Sta. 12.00 P.11. Byrd St. Sta. *3.60 P.M. djrrd St. Sta. 24.16 P.M. Kllia Station. ?5.15 P.M. Main St. Sta. .'8.20 P.M. Byrd St. Sta. *1.00 P.M. Wain St. Sta. ?2.60 P.M. BrrJSt.Sla. ?8.20 P.M. BjrdSUStf ?7.30 PJL Byrd St.StK ?O.ltO P.ll. Byrd St.Sta *11.17 P.M. Main St. Sta. ?12.50 night ByrdSt.Sta. ?12.65 nlgli tMalnjt.St^. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS-WEEKDAYS. Leave Byrd St. Sta. ?.00 P. M. for Frederlcksharjr. Leare KIba Su. 7.30 A.M.,0.30 P. M. Tor Asbland. Arrlre Byrd St.Sta.8.26 A.M. from Frederleksb'g. ArrltoKlhaSta.e.SO A.M.,6.43 P.M.front Aihland. ?Daily. fWeckdaya. i Sundays only. All trains to or from Byrd Street Station ?top at Elba. Tima of arrivals and departure* sot guaranteed. Read the aitna SOUTHERN RAILWAY PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SUUTH. Trains Louvu Richmond. N. B.?Following schedulu ligi'.i es published as Information and not guaranteed: For the South?Dally; o:l<> A. M. ? Local. 10:30 A. M.?Express. 6:00 P. JI.?Express, with Electric lighted Sleeping Curs for At lanta and Birmingham. 11:45 P. M.?Exprusa. Week Dttys: 3:00 R. A*..?Local. YORK RIVER LINE. 4:30 P. M.?Dally?Connecting for Balti more M or., Wed. and Friday. 6:04 A. M.? Ex. Sun. and 2:15 P. u.?Uon.. Wed. and Friday?Local. Tralnt> Arrive Richmond. From the South: 6:50 A. M. and 8:40 A. M.. 1:00 P. M., S:0? P. M. dully; 12:55 Ex. Sun. From West l'dlnt: 0:30 A. M. dally; 11:35 A. M.. Uon., Wed. und Frl.. 4:25 P. M. Ex. Sun. 8. E. BURGESS, D. P. A.. 90J E. Main St. 1'lioua iladison i">3. Rlclitnond und Chesapeake nay 7talluay. Schedule of Electric Trains, effective May 10, 1912: Leave Richmond, Laurel and Broad Streets: b*?i:05 A. M.. *7:10 A. M., bS:10 A. M.. 8:10 A. M. ??10:10 A. XL. 11:10 A. M.. 1.10 P. M? 2:10 P. M.. 3:10 P. il.. b4:10 P. M.. 5:24 P. M. 0:? P. M.. 7:10 P. ,Vt., bS:10 P. M.. 10:10 P. M., 11:10 P. M. Leave Ashland, Eng land ar.d Maple Streets: *5:65 A. AL, l>7:00 A. M., S:00 A. SI.. 1.0:00 A. hi.. 10:00 A. M.. **11:0? A. XI.. *1J:00 M? "LOO P. M.. 2:U P. M? 3:50 P. M., 4:0") P. M., b5:(K? K M.. 6:00 P. M.. 7:00 P. M. K:00 P. M.. b0:00 P. M . 11:00 P. M. ?Dally except Sunday. "Suuifay only. bUarrles b^cguge. SKABCAR1) AIR I.I.NE. SouthbounJ trains scheduled to lnav* Rich mond dally: 0:00 A. M.?l.ocal to Norllna. 1:10 P. M.?Sleepers uud coaches. Atlanta. Blrmlnebam. Savaunul^ Jacksonville. 11:J? P. M.?Sleepers and coaches. Atlanta, Bir mingham. Memphis. 1:00 A. M.?Sleepers and coaches, Jacksonville. Northbound trains scheduled to arrive In Richmond daily: 6:35 A. M.. 1:40 A M.. 5:05 P. it.. s:6it P. il. I.ocal. ferfdinboattf Ship Your Freight BY TUB Furman's Line Operiitinij steamboats between Peters burg and Richmond and all interme diate landing's on the rivers. Freight received daily. Steamers for charter during the summer season. For further particulars, apply to XV. M. JONES, Agf nt, Richmond, Va., Phone Madison 7188. T. \V. TAVLPU. Agent, Petersburg, \'a- Phono 1360. All Travel Arrangements Over One Counter. American or European. lttillrond. Steamship nud Pullman Tlckr ? m. Haggage Checked, Taxicab, Travelers' Chec ka. HICilMOM? TKA.VSKKll COMPANY. SOU 10nht .^lulii Street. Branch Olllces: Jefferson?Murphy's? Uichmotul Hotels. "TI M K AND THOU BLli SAVERS." OLD DOMINION I.INK. Lv. Richmond foot of Ast> i5t. daily.7:00 P. At. Leave Newport News 6:0} A. M. Arrive Norfolk ?:0^ jv. M. Cjiinectrt nth muln linn steamers ieu\ln.< Norfolk for Now Vork dally, except Sunday. V:00s P. M. Connections also made by N. ,t \\ Ry. 3 P. il and C. ok O. Ry. at ? f. i.|. Nl&ht llti!> steamers stop at Claremort t> land or recelvv passungors on signal, and '.till b( mo: bj public convoyanco. \ lltt.I N l.\ NAVH.ATION CO (Effective April ?). J.'Mnes River by daylight for Nor folk nnd Old Point. Newport News and aii Jarne?- River landings. Steamer leaves Mon. uay, Wednesday and Friday at 0.03 A. M. 1'rclght rc. elved for ali ''iv?r Points. Five to Fifteen-Day All-Expense Summer Tours With Personal Kscort. including X'iiiBara FalN, Thousand. Islands, St. Lawrence an i Uapids, Montreal, Quebec. Lake Champlalii, Lake George, Hudtou Klvor, Now York, etc. "ASK Mlt. BOW MAX," Manager Foreign and Travel Dept., Richmond Tru*t and Savings Co., Inc., 1109 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va, Capital, One Million Dpllar*. AdverUsomoal.