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STlir (Twit# Bfcpulrh Ofllc* II:."- ? >> ???' ? 19 :-v -ill . ? nth :-trc*t. f Slrhinwil *?-*J Hull Mten \ ; ?M! t. . 11 ri Hurcnu Mutiny HulMli.# j , ? i . r I ii - ? ?? iior?? Stir. i * ? ' - >: I ? ??' - ? * Mi :-'tr r "i VAil. Ol *. !-lx Til f ? I . .-\iili I'AID. Year V -- >l?' .vlf |?:is"> with Sund iv IS-00 $5.00 11.6*. .1 ?> it I: -ul ? ? i ? ? .. 1 -O - *'0 5'-' 1 ,?? ? .list.. I.W ?*' - ! i: flrr I) !? f'y ??' i.. ? i ?t ? r t ? <?>"* ,V""K <i* .......... . I. crnt? r. ? l - :? o:. : - fc c?ut .1 : ? n' '.' in !. V:i , ? ? .i irr ?<?: ?-f Co-IE! f> , II . If'a . w. >i.\ : ! : i, 1H. " k. ? ? 1 i l I 11 \ \ \ ? n w - t in I'olttii -? and ; ?' <v public r. I'i'it, . w ? .MiV |??-IitifiiLtls M r. ? : i i*o < ? r \v i 1 h I , !? -.lit iii t lie ? of ? ul " !iff f*? r f r. V i -t. ' -? : : ? t. ... ? ? i :? s i ?>: ..< 1 ? !?>?!>? TtJi ? j - Ivt-K ? i : ???= own ; i * ' ?' ? il i". ;i.<uri s {j'iililK: J ? ? .? '! ? ir ; ? r t:-: jioi ? Ibi ri. it - .. a :r. ?> con' *ibu : h" 5 1 of ?> ;< n \ _ . }? ?? . ' Ur. i pro ? * I - i j ? : f .'* i > '. ? ?".' ii to si '? il :.t I'j.i: .St jfpsiat- iic itti.ll , . ? . \Y'.: . v. ? . . <?''.< ? ? 1 : w . ttO! a , f his <it>: - : ; ? ? ? ? j. - . ?..:; 'Hi, and * v,a; t' ? ? > i ? l ?' \tlCl-.Hta, ,; ii rai ? i- ?' ;.? ? .iin. l.i a . r : : c i r> t. ?' -as'. * r. - , -v vi nti<Ti. US ? irocr tn that l.mly , :tfi? it- o\v:i !? . i .\ I. T. ,.:.u hi. it >-.itliotil j t" 11 y r ai . anil ? i ? ; . 1 t li ?'!: th' j ? r ; in ! ?: ' ? ' : ti -i t ?"> (! ? .is duty. . ^ ? < t. ? ?.? ??:!: (if t:i?j ' 1 ' ' :? ttor: ? ? ri ' ? i!.? ? . ? lih'.ii r-:11 ji<t < *'i in lil? :j rt.It'll I?'' ? ? 1 ' 1'!' j. . t If- 'J'h ? ! -li !.? I.', cli ? ?n f'cr 1 i; i -? 11 tva'- t at writ. i4 into Vlr . ori'.ai'i l.iw ;? vision.-- for ti ?? .t ? ' ; that ?.v I- ? ;..-j i I-!!- -??? .ir:<l to t ii'? '.'. I-..It.. u .???a. .1 .'.'li- -A* t.1 U ? ?ii ; i < , 1>: . i). ii'-i'l nm<?ii l?v a . -. ci ?' ' t r ' , If -! I.. i i: ! i ' i i ? 11 ' t.: ... t o t ; 1>r.? rati i;- an?' r t ?'oti. ? . . ? t . i' t *. ?' : : * 'iii - ' -' \ " n ?lf;ht ami pfi\ il?*^c. ... , 111 . : If. - ?. i - - rl iv .i ? in ? i ? i,. i t ? ii ai'.alu to tlie >2.1 . IT ! IS profot .-iuil ilild ! !l? ? ? or a< o I lit' . A in i' f ycur ? ? r v111 1T-. irui t, o -*: s- s-fnto ! It 1 - ? pot; 'ion i aj rrst; 1 ?y il, l.i- rflattoii l'.< his itiotlinr Stuto, ho t" ? \V' v 'indcr if ti ir .. ; V :1 n;. i ? iff! >1<U'V, It .. .t^r; h< 1 ' 'V i. 1 IS VYiTrt'-tl i'l Vir lit: *, a'i. ? . i lat li.i- jll; ?rv!- - " f i ? 1 *' ? ? ri * il"* : ? ' rt ' >!' M; ii . . on' : * ? 11 - ' . ? il' - t - i\ ' a 1' lo !?'. fI: ) it ::' hi.' I. tt' -i! : . iii t i ?.. h !' 11 in . i . ? r ? ii ' i ? ?-M llii ' ?; v.i'i ' is lainiri lo tto, t'mi.-il i. . ? on .01 Til- i :? ufllc ? *i v. 1 ? ! \vi< ;i i.ov" .. ? ? ., t. t v tio ' - o ' lu S'.'H'i ' l ll. a II li' r 1 \vI ? f - v<-r Mii'th 'i< ? i :'.r, i i -?<lv i 'I*. r.r i- i: tii* '. ' lit'. Atilxlo'in si to nil on i -in w *r up, and ha I '.rf-i- it ^ - - - li Iii ? ir ? hapi-oh < d rj> . ? f.m I: rnii} hnvo i- ? i'i'it miii M-rvatit t ? T 1: , i i i i Th" I' ?-.?li a vlrl ? in; loo! pretty it i <-r.!- r. ? ???? : h? i'iov.-? u 11 ill . i .Madafne Olllaux. I o > 'o-i li n wut V C .? ir * i.iidiit.i \ .11 -in ? mm \ mis ir. ff 1. k !.? 'it to his death Attai t. .1 w :l |: ish tt'lmso j;ui 11 t1 ? ! doc I ar> 1 him self una 1. !? t. . ? i' ui'-. but ruia ? uvti* < wa: 1 sua r r mot ?? Ui;m ljo ?Vh ' " 1'.: ? w i" 1 I ' U'Ml ri:. 'I"ii:i? : ? ialways unwill !. i t. . c- judgment un a i : it ? i ! a1 way s car.' - ? a 1 I ? > ? \ i : ! ? ? i.. ;sslo:i of - I ? ., ? ' w !ii.'h not i.. i ? o' ; t' ? !> ;;?' -! ? i reports ? j lint it ti *-t::r. <\ it u titlf >t" I III' \ i<? s ?? i ? "t ?\ a'.?in ?? (l bo oven ap ? i.'Mv t 1 i! ; 1'ianl; i!? -? rv m .? I, V. '? ?! ? ui I ai.aot lit ny nlm. V .' r' ? e\.n wil'.ir.v to take lVteo :' :! :? v < : trsi*<? aii.I ;o :tt that ? ? i?I:? s" Frank <?:? th. ? ?. < i 1' y, a. 11 ? .1 Hi'- iniinl< Wii? ? ri coo! J "' ? nt ! ill liavt T ? - u.utn'd *.ts ? t*i ?iei r ;m. t .?- of it;;-If will I .r? i. ?o give I'rank r. h'-.i" Int. Prank 1 .ui apparently ' !? .1 c\ i ??!.?: . . ">1 aEainst him i > . si h. I 1 ?? antil he was j : r? ' i ' ? ' t1 ?? little > i u :. : rl. >.? ft ? ??? th? oth? r ? I hand. . . a . ' tl the Atlanta journal as "?'t ii apt) Irrcspoiist* I !?', prt'l'f rt ? <i the . li:i re against l-'r.t: i: at. I . ' f ? I 1 ' i .?vti eot:. :tv ? 1. ? " i-.-j ? >t< dl> ; sSvorit to false 5?iatoni^iit!5. Which of l ? e t w ?? i: t?? 1 lu :io\ oil ' l'i un which ar<- r;? ? t:vt- willing t< rely? ? e t *i: >? t? > drunken i iiro or a j :? ?: white. :? an? We ask t ?? ?lit! it< no desiro to draw the race j : . h; ? ' Tt :?> pi!' t',.' I. ? r Will: ' ? ,. ; . ; ? , |; y u.* the two. it . - Fiat k b? hino. at a.:: !>? e\r a: 1, his t ito will make alt tiio more difficult the proper punish- J ti' ? ' of tfr ti who ..:? (;;iill\ beyond ; ? itt sti'a. Wo k ow t: '? n' 1 ??..!)!?? re- , Cord of American courts?we know ! ' " i "tn w- 1": " w' ? ?<? wo ? HI' 1 hang high. We Unow that in some j !- ta: f : It i t ? t c at hut font 1- -.1 - N( utloii? Bnt how r v. <? to stiff-Ti tli" backbones of :"n- , tii-o _11 i r! ? s ' clvlniy n t "w t 1 to man whos >rullt is : t 1- a t 'ttic; ? t ? c: 1 ? ' ? : It it t :n i . " w!'. icll. i- t !; whit- hem Of pas : .-n. ilabbh i their own har.<i? iti the !"oil f n man : provei! guilty? <'? ? fgia. . .l .u- (.? It court:- alul ' of its j. oil : ... ? -.tiot atToril ;>i:' l-'t t ?? .? ? v. t! -nt rivltis; anotlo r Jul' tin- privll-L: of I . -if:; on hl.s' I' \ l I VIA Ml I'll W 1)1 l<. .??.other ' ? 1 .--tin wi ('tint a *?'' " sj> rited letter from a youiig Richriioiid v v. ho e^td the re: 'ons for . j. . lie ;t . v. - h; ve .t * ? : ? ?! t In:" t o t. p ? Wli 1.* our ? i : > car : ?'.'?> nrsc et ' t!.' floUcaie perfume that pirvaiiod this ? ? ? ? : i' t ' 1 t i'.'-. t? ati at 1 i-i ;? '?!>'. ? t! " ' ' :t' o this : o'ttig w i.ft . ... . h? pi'.. ? t? a >..ner ?-!\ :?? ..f IIvi We ? !?' ? ?? fro'ti t!.??? ii? ? tli ?'?.{? ignornnee the i. ?" ? Mi't.i'c i t'O" our ? i .-""otii'i i ' " !f there :? - t ? fir! in ! I ? i V. "... or,: not poWlh' I'm : : '? ?? ' , to ? -t t lea <1, .?? .i ? uno: .: . 1: all tt ' .v? tit;-' ? two ?? ? . is, 1 l ave Uto ivn no f.'li!, and i- w wornett. who ? ii? 1 not have hei tt o:.? .???'. ? " .? v.*?ler ? ' N"ow w. ; i\. .'.Ivai; been t u 'i'. mis. takenlj, purhupSi thiit powder comes oi . '?' .it: w . ? i ? t t' it the Cat: i?..i -? who v. .sii t .;?{>??.i: [ j. are ailii'i'ted to a .<*:'? in Vilnei-?>* . .iv .. <? i? .o ; caly ' i. e i>.If ?< ;. ?? fje r. - i ? ously i la 1 ' ? h i 1 *i? ?: ci!,'' : still ' ' ? s r.. o t . ? t 1 - have 11 PC1 '.'.'?;/ .. I litk - t' e cheehs tl it blooni in tlo .too) - And t e ? ? : ;? it 1 ll . (.'ttie. of 11 - i-. t pow. t j . ,v hi .it, \t ? | ''e . -trait t.f ? . e j.t.y J.c ? r <a;' i )\ t painted. We iciticmber cleViSi4 youhf . tri w . c .i? i ? , ' ;.l f 'lot d- . . \. 111. ?1 it ret.;:! ? l tl;. : ? t . ... ? ? . ''? to ??.vrr the wrlr.kle.s ,'i i 1-; i:.g ha' l tl.* :' 1 ov* f 'OUth; We ? ct- tl it ou ? .. '. ? ? . . : l'? ? a . t.<; Voi ? Itilt the a . ? ?. \v: iii at pa ??! t i*o.tided ;. v, ? i.. ? - i fo, : ? . ., n '?'. ' '. ? .'it 'on .L*f.!tcs am. ft f ? -in'a-ahl ? if." \v'i , i. . : ? w t ?t y?n:.k! t;nl . : ' i . ? ' :i ita'-. <Jti y.'! to,- ti ?? <i ... * ! ?' . !/??::: t . ? (1 . J.e... ?ft: Ida !li to '*: s : i. l th' ..ft. * t.< i 1111 ? ? n ? i. t < : . . t a '. J i .. ' "f .a;.' ? t'? ? i v. iiiitu. il ' ? ? , ? t of j i re I ? .. f ? 11 ' i' *-t A 1 w'. ii ct the- fill - * Ing t '-U ?? , .*!? t the ta i. iwo. thl (c, ' I i.i's- Iri l Ik: l I. rooti , . at, ii. ?! t < ct ? ? .t : ? ? : I ' I * ? ? ' ' ? . a I r.oi J :. le, a t ? < ' y ' lllt.O! ll I h ' p. ? . ? .It ..I .. l'i: e We hid . tl t t- ? la.- of t lr I ? ?ii! are pitle : . - tl follow ' !(il'.n?l i ? /> men: a, nr S' cr? t: > , ! ; i t'. < tl !p, t a tin r t: ? ? ? ii>i|li). a m .!> ? ii . ' ..I . ? ?' 1 ? ? i t Arr ? i i. a 1' ii'. t . , . a ...tail .a ' w i < ? I' t hi ? a \r.vr m:\vii: iikmochatic. /The lirst test of 11-t* system of popu l.'i cli* torn of fulled Statcn Sena tots, which will l>o made next Xovcm ln>r, will be 11? the advantage of the H.-'n ? i.r It is a practical certainty t! i a i I in p ?:> wii; li t>i-?>\i fi lit about tlie aiim-ihI:!???? !i> t : the power of elec tion frosi i ?!?? l.? ::islatui ?s ami placing :i 111 t . 1;:i 11 lis 111" the people will lone nothin I'll n:::h its operation for the iir.-t time, uiil :s f Ntremely pi >l>al>le that th" I niorr.Us- will aain. M" the thirl? -tv > Si'tiat os whose terms ex pire hon : M ? h. m ventern are itepub li< s ami t,fleet: :'!?? P-mocrats. Kverv prospi I pn * - tn the re-election of a i ???inoi-rat I'! < u li ??! the fifteen Oem c.-i. !i S: He* i to the <l< f* it of llr pulV'n ?- ' r !'? ?l.i '.ion in troro than ?>:-??* ? A Pimoerat 1c majority t. t:>? I'nitcd States Seuare will in !: ? "hahllity i>e increased by t H : elections this vrar te twriv' or i.'uiii :i or possibly more. I"! ? wlii'h Instituted a great re form will trap the reward. * ;-l . t the u I (Senators w'.. ! < -.ptf- r.ext Mas'1! fur ? ish- s 1 i11 >?>'? ? :li' lit-]mh!i-ans < >f ; ? ? t'ueTi Democrat"5 who oome ?:"> re-<! 'iua ill hut twel\e are i' t re-ilected, or to i? ?? suc ; '? 'ni'-'r.r.v r. t';re. States " ...??? 1 l'.i !>?.;' : ,;'.s ;i '.opeftll i' i i ? ? . . : il - :v . 1 . : i i y wit, t; <? ? . Or, ? on. X? i ami (.'??ioiado -thc> v'.ll still bo tivn short > f tn Jorit\ in the Sen ?, even till1, ll nil FCYi'iitOi M IlOpUbl 1 t.S \r, return ,1. Oil the ot: . r hand. Demo : VJ St t< >- ? ? i ? s?ihh . a:. in y. j.n* ;y iv K-n ' s! . ? i ii . < nnecii ut and i'?:insvl. vania, t. ?> outlook Imi hr.nh' t si n..t;,y i: y leadorf an t untitle i-o!: ti lent}y IU'1'1' t' d' fent of th" 1:.;it? - :: r.n ItjiMimber.ts, v in even I ' n l K ryas t?;o> claim a ti^litir.a !i.i:iu'. K^ntncky will ? 1> ? r tlro ? Senator lirai.lley and choose ;i ' Pi: i trratiu Sea;.tor. a* i tiie Con:.- :l ?it L'' tr.o ra y Is -? t hop. fi:! that th?-r? :s w !tne?.--i-i; th>- n;,u>;i il siaht of two strn: ? l '.??norrats contending fot the Vnomlnati.":. :ytially regarded ho:.'>* '',.t !r:> an ev-i t :? I ?va, t!i 'I'.-'i : ?! pr, t faith in bo plaei"! it M em .?? ;}?.:?? rni ? As '! ? ? :! ; iMn:i now dl?olo?- ? - 1" the Democrats have ehtiticcs for fru 1 n I:: I'D States the H. pttbp. ar i ? t ' ? ?? | "ti : i: 1 w;: Vtr*h and K ? ? ? ?;? pi'l'li " r :h? r<- . r< p ft : S* i.t< i:. t!ir-e nt w": tin I " r r >t!e ??: ts I'.v -1; ? s: ate j-quallv as pre:?t ? !iepu'>llc:?t: r i*. Or??:of.. \ nia and l.'ta! 1; ayaliij-r tip -?* ' iiree "itepuh Hcan possibilities the Democratic |>os vP ii. ? in N> a York. ?w It irij shire . ? 1 l 'it.':-, we ivc left f' ir cf ? "???t;: ti 'it, O! l'et:n?yl ,i isnl K?'ntni k'. A victory :* :? the 1 ?*?.*??!?? oatvl . ' 1: ar." ? ? ne of ' i*'?'i ?? a .n : r tiie l >emc crats; ;i Republican victory Is merely :? '' r ar.i-" ' ?? ? i il- : of ; oivrr br :? ii. a : two pat tie? 1: otlp-r words, In fotir States Democracy ? as an ;uj:lty t y.iln an 1 ?; ' !"? - i" [ >: tj ' aa i.n opportunity t it -? <? %V: In (?:. ? of : h. ?; K'-: : - D- ????at'.- -?? - is '??tt iiri n- a: ythitif? i:. pollt! .- ?. h? - If a p'.-- ;l lit y, f coi::s... t: ' e IP''pul>!i' ar,.- may *\ !:i i-. ?; ti.tee 1 : ',! m.'.v r- jiv- . rr:ti-d and that t/K ip.a.iorit ?. ?!1H: will : ... . ? h< ii,- ibtful s:i ; "il>lie <ns Therf's i , ;hi! it 11. rep res i h ? ij. 1". .. ? ? llavja l.'i to he St:. ? M: ? I 'a: : : ? '1*. Iiei ?! ., t i tth si 11 ? ' I' : t.I lur.?:'. <i ; ) :s II i. ill' v ? ?. is llip T. . tuniiay ? S . ' . .i -r a H- ? ? rvi. i: ...ifd, t'j:r. oack'.vard, oh Vin r i t:: t . ! ilclyri lawyers would ? .u/..u i ? ; ? ?; : t;>at ? " . ?: ?i ! ? . I e- to sle. j. whip ? the \V1 I r t i .. we il;. Hien . .1 ? . . ? a -i!?' !wi '-ii J!n?- ta * aiiiii t ? ? '? u - ? 1 ? , ; i : '?t eve: ? worn . : ? o of an 1 Uli: -? is i onitroHsiona! can* ?' \ ? t-rs ! or '.v imi? ti' ' t: ii i da".' : ? a si ? Ti ? MIS !?:>?? I! < ?? ill . <?: a br;?\? :n;>.n JuHt ? this; ? ? ? i ?> .derta}:- to pi >it t ? t .: ? ' i. t! ? t he can remember : I. j r. ? . , . '? " ? :s . W. ? ! , nil ? "f '? ipit ! Ii !. ? ? i. ' an <? ' '? 'd. '? I,. \ ,j f s'-'t l "is ? r p. rnsirlt by Ciiarrip >i t '-fir tint; on Mr. 15 ? ' at' I ? ift. .? 'js. 11, pat'iH tiU(?k<--Hted that C'hatnp stioiihl be'j! ' ! ' t '1 '' 1 ptarn that fj.ifj. wati not oe.curiite* ? ?. ? ? n' iion'f ' ??'..'?? . ???it ? I I ir.-j ? ' pop y < i tin' ' V. i;.,I ... 11 t !.?? i I I |! m . r ? ? .? ? f J>ep;i f t !',,*/ I nov, 1 . ' p>> i |e ? **-' 111 h'-, . f;ii ? 11> .1 '1 f.f.t of /a . ? ? . j i: r. i * it 11 s ? ; ? ? : o I I .i r ijpor- 'I ri- i I /? i u V t J, ? ! i/.niti :,t :oi. 11 it, < . ? . . ? ? ? ' <.'? i- ? :? 'I ? . ' ' of I I , ' i!: i 1 Mr I try..:, t lot - Mi II-. f t; < r i v/,:: r ? or. t,? ? ? ' 1..- ? VI .?/.??r??; I || 'ill' '/ ?.. .r.-i.Kt ' '?> ii. . . lo i ; Of . .: ri i i ?; < to - r Ji ?. i ; to , it. WHAT WAS NEWS FIFTY YEARS AGO llcprlntrU from Tills ? Olllllicrcllll II flu I Unix. The 1 st ..:u; 4>i truer !?> at fron CIity Point lirou.uht up tiftc n tons of pieciou.s Im.kIh for tin* \;ink.e pris hiioijj in Iticlioiond. I>? viivilli- aim mor ions:, ?5a 'lli" Yank. ?<? jiov-i nincnt is tin' consignor and underw rit ci. ?i i:?1 the ? 'otielitei ate tiov.-i nun nt is t li? ? imsimiw! and disiriliui.i. Happy ?oiiitucrcia I i>'lations. >? I :i It. Nulliiii); DiiIiik til (In' I'ronl. I'lom i?ian:;e i nuthouse conns the report that Lho ainiy is absolutely m !? iiw. A lii-avy Miowstoii i raising, ill of t lie loans ami tin' h>-wa>:? air blocked up. ami it is all that tin- sol di. ty on lioth sides of tin- Into oan <lo 'o k> . p warm ami cotnfoi table, ami many ??:' i . m are not doiti-: that. \ ll>i|i|'.v It ill tin nee. The rapid tiansf.-i of crisonrrs to tli* in w lii'i'iiiii ?|iiarti is ami the itn m? ns. l ustm-.s iloio within tin- past month in the m >tt. i of < \rli.iiiuinu ami pal'olmv lias < - ti t down tin- I,:: i. I ?? l of V.iiik'v prisoners In 1<1 in this eit> to som. thin:; less than S.lH'l' ' ?f tins. licar!> x'"' aii- in the ho.-pilals mul ."a'P a: ? on l:.? iI ? isle. Many of tho 1 'tor ai'' employ ..i i , th" no vernnnMit shops making sl'oi i.l'lli s, seines ami oil i,. ,i, ,| ami notio of tln so -? ? 'ii ':.\it>'is iii he <-nt North, pro s': i: ? tin' awl .i :< 1 Hi IKedh ? t!.>* tniisKet . i I l in l?a* . ?<. i. IH?ci>iinlril Too ((lliek. Ilohert <; I ' st? r of Kin:; William County, Imiirteii for rclicviiii; the Colt- : f?>i|i i <? S' it's Tr. i iii;. or ahnut >1(', C"i' of the new iii.stie etirrohcy, was , l'onml i.'ii I1'- ? i llu-M ? s I'mii'i ami ?'I 1:1' i to . j.. i it i lit 1.1 I lo i two y? ir? !!? i n ?? ha.i-iliug litis m w run ? ni'y a little t..o ? tuick. I'llleiMi Men It l-?.|dlcil. Pr.-st. ? ti I i . vi* I..' s i ? ? s;? it ? ii t'l til - I t? -si i'1'n i iinilneil in c'asth Thundror | "l Till S * 1' .I'd to 1). shot III the |?r?'S e'l.-o Oi tli. ' >?: i|;...i< s ;.,'M I- i Ilia-, lot ?,!.' m spile ?. iiiih'iimt**. ?ill .' I 'It ? I ~Si . I t!'..'*. ? u! 1' l ,|| 'I l a . s -. v ? ? > I. o; .a t h?i!' <a - s is to h. ti. ni' MIiIiiIkIiI Miltelif ri. ? " Mh!ii.1:i > ni^lit th- .!?' ? . W- 1 liiL'iot, i, oih 11. i. . a i s t11 ami i'lay 1. ? ? ts. was inv.oh-il ? ?> nlutnlei e: s. Who hill, , a' il hol:>T. and carried off the llesh. leaving: tlits head. hoofs sis 'I hide Ijeaiml as ti -- ptMioti of tho proprietor. siiinll|>n\ in ItiiMidl. The sn.allpoN ? raisini; i-i litis ell County. Major Klotohor, of New Clitr* j 'ion, live of ) is fatnii.. ai.<! si\ ii"Ki'oos have .'led it It W II!: 111 t! ? ? last two "1;s .1 .!> ' >w . i. i.? : I ? ? i . nson, d:.-.l of t'i.. dis'io . . nd twelve of his fatti: 1 y ar<- ? ?? U witIt it In n lluinl?|iroof. .tsitif - M \\ ai-ter. I ?. ? \ ill- I as lu'on ? ? 1 :. ntemh. i t. ''ontmoti ? '"tt t; 1 id : . ? tows.. I i ? now in 1" ? T n 1 ? .. 1. ? .. I i.:. I In- *miom mi llir *? illrli nIk While ti." kri-at mass of ( itizens and I .?rop?-rty-hoMi-r- i.a< , fro;si their own ? i"t.\ of -'-t ami ? o|;Velli?-:.e.-, .11 jll ie. I with I I ? ?':!>' ? II ?! 1 ll.i Ill'l' re - n ? -i '' ? s-S'ow s.. i I : :'<> t:.. - i e v. a Iks, ? I.. . !? a: ? always to i ? ? i i .oS' who will evade t! ? lav. 1 ' ? ?? i . ii i a th. : than inert r t:.- trouh! . . i . \ p. - ! 1 S- II' . .-it* I'M ., eo'.i'liia': .. - 1 .w \V. ti,,. . an ? ?sr >rei i lu-dav .mani-t all Ueli;iquont:>. The Rappahannock Rhapsodist *>iiKISe.slion. | '.'i i ... a >,'i,i ;. WI 'I pnl'l ?: ?? - an alinana. . \ s'smui.i t.ur<.- liopein's Pill? Sill " ??'.li e f..< lifty-M'Vell ills' I Now 1 i' ? re; .? iinlu kv i.-haii'? T ! . J'. . In.;,, tr. .. Alrn.-iT.a" dnl j 1' il ' ir ? .; in-rtlll'. w.i .- unil \s .i. . ,.. - in; :.iii-s i.riiutso p-f"' ? i ?' 'I ; I..iol ;.-t t i ???15)1 M v.oad and my toil' :? jrrew. 1 11 ? : I I pell wr :. I ? s|l.t S-e.l A f. v\ ..or. il si > s so I,, prepared. : : e .,1 ? . s;. !j.: di-.-as. And cried, "Why. I have ;i!l .?i these!" :: s:. if - ..ii f. ? -1 t: 1. 1 . ?' 1 u- )i t, vl.>i - !??? pv. 'A lt; s o appi When yiiu've epiiMuriiOd a hearty ineal, \llil s i '.'i s'.ll^p .? J. if t f? ? 1 \\ ? ? on .tr? "Id, .1 strut d -'dri* To . ? ' :j;. closer to ' I re. Vnu \e got i?. hroth"!-!?hut thfte's I'll : . I >?;??! I' S.': ISllV I?? ? 1 ? ' 1.-' v. .. t .'?!; ? M'i:.'. .<kat - i > s 11 i:l 1 v i" It said, "I I \' Iii a pain -.oil mnntl When ti i l;.-! o: > ..'.n- .? zv hoi,-. 1 : >>?; .-??! i-.-.-vf.'d ? ?' 1 k u :th , Wi.'i t- oi,. oatnp~ u[ion yotir torn, N it : ? ni- ?? ii' in a f. ? - f 111 1 ?. ' Take l) s. 11 . '.IS d- I th to wr A.-' "i' ... 1 -w dis.-a- I r. <1. 1 111 vs.-It' rM '.v ? .hi with .II ri I ' . iii^i.t l.i"pom, ' t1 ? i". M\ oitlv hope, ti.v friei .|. Ti -n 1 rell-. -. u ihat i loo! All rn\ .i.-' .iS. - lro: . h:s l.ool-:, \ 1 tin !:.?i t l'.l rathei ha \ ? tin- 'j?. 'f t:. I old !I ".- .1 |C. | 1 ail this. ! '.11 ..!.<? wi. ? Ill on.. .1 hook to tell 1:' ? s .-tck I ? 1st Its Ko. .1 as V ell TiI' 'MAS LO.MAX ! 11 'NT! ill. V. ^ r rV TfS ?) g:: rsc::. z I aim.ilnc t'i I'iiI'mii-wi. f -i'l." Tis. ? 1 >1- :. . !. tpo I noticed .0 ? 1 i: ?: ?: Is .s. I II I . P.h in. K . I i' 11. ?? 1.-. ?. ' : ,.?r iii that we .1 ?? face powder. If there I . - i - ; ? . - I: ? : ? 1. . i 1.... fit .11,.' 1* ?. v 1. ?t. ie. )..|\ ? li- : ? 11-.,- .. ' :.::i ?,r 1 .lt,> I : - ho "oilIIKlit>- on dainty : 1 r- ' ? . I ? .el 1 .tlir c .." ? ??'!. I . -J. < .1 .>:ir . ..?.?? "I ? 1.- - | .ml ? ? ? . j: 111, : ... t>.- ,?r. .-? t'..ti- is. iai I ? . - in "I'm ih* ??!- an- I; -...? KlKe, aim that accoiiltll fur tin- liloom yotir tltor jijivke of, sue1 tli.-v n--: iio-.vder, lip I . ?! ?. ' 1:111' si. ? ? ? ? \ mi Iii tay o if 1 i'*11, tli?- ?' >s. , a . j 1. -K . I . .1'. a ni v.-r ?? ? ? 1 , xv. . .. . 1 I :?> i i'j.rl-'d ti; it >'.u 1 1 oi i: I I r< n-1 . II. 111: ,. .. 1. 1 -.v..*- :< ;i:tii- I-:: 1 f 1 .a ? .h - . t 0 . b' ? 1 :? - - art" ?: 1;? n(l .1 regulated will run as smoothly ft a ? Nou Ml.a' m. hire tip ' t, .-. 1.1; 1 > 1 run iit .ill If It v.' . * usi-i , 14 \vn I i. - ?11 ; ? *? ? I ? s..-i .. th'y iui. out ii'.l hi 1 >iiir . . . - Iv l 'i 1 ? '. .. ? res-,i' . ' . i: .. - ?.t living I h":- hiei 'i:nc. : Mi : 11. - J .1 : I Hid. W.'lo Innled I.. 1,., t? h? I oil \\'asdiin I on'.s Ini'lllilay, have pai ti .i at;in- No Mexican news is H'ni'1 l.e wh. ! Mum.rumjiitrK their "Kood tlmeC uilil vV'iV'^i mode of living with uui'H. !m.f pa!" /!,"VksV'n,r ansvv'*r?M>" r,a?,n tor ' ino"i\.r ih'.!' if'*? neiirly nil nlKht. Hlcep i1',;,!;1 ar' ,r "J,r'-"i?'???'???'*vil r I.. U . , <?! Itictr rE li ^K wri'si'v* VI u III <11. tateii. Whatever ?. <l.<*irv lo do M ... .Vo-i'r'.V-V. ""r ????'??? to M... deMrea ,I1U!.|?-. whether It 1* ^ ? ? ???? 5'i.u* "???. iSTWJS si'.' '"i; '? ".?? s su iiiV.vl ' !V Sl nossll?l#? iivltuiti*. I 11 v i'?? m (o iv . ?? Lf il. '^V l:H?U til I Ills ol loo.I. "J.. : vn,'tui .. : ., -V ,1 , '? 111 !,"s "" ,,! ?' 'l ilt-.-. . \..|, I ... * i'v 1' <?", |> i ny She I.I I } <-\i r< Ihp ,11,1 W. ; r " ' 11"'! Hiirestod " ? rv"v??'ii??Hok,rh^ "?? TuZX 7'"' ll!" < So M.-r..' > on ' " ' ,'u"* ,,ut 1 "IV *lielr InilliKi iho world l , i,' I with the Individ. 1 - . .. . ? 1 "!il ?1?? t.i'ic') vv.Vmo.. . ' " s<"uny worno on.,.? t ?i?y xhoni.h. t I. if i 1*1. - !,' r woniori foll.nv dame Ml r ?}>:r - , * ^ ^ . ?v* i IIii.i'I..- ?-on?|u?r our In. U.I.I" ? anq out of regard r,?r our health oine .,r"l.V'K" "v-- ?>"'t iroul l h" that hav- ? . I ?: . .>!?? ! i|sj ? :?<v iii? -o ? ny tluit tli? v.'.-, . 11' ',i"" ???'r,;;' " ! ? I"! "xunn>!.?' Til lor Citvcritiiifiit Owiirr-hip. "f !?i" Tim-..|?is, ? '-"u- ? ??ii?*i?ii; f, , M-iri h i; t- l i n ' , -' J,, V;vEr^f? T?l?*ra|?l| i , ... ' K -v.-riitno- t r.- ;h' ,. , HI:ivi?t >.? in i hl:i H ?? - i ? ?'; ' ,,w!ii>. an.i ? ;Ul;t .. .. ' , , a' "" '-oil for a.-.-ujning t . ' . " U> I,..I .? ?' . "? -? '?"thlnp | f. .. ")UI actloi'i r,!l ' own ujul ii! I' ll ?o?i ." ? .? . . . . ? " " aji'j oil r 1 |||M?IIP? utifI t?i?Krutihs. |f It Is Mich IT, ?? it in king-, beoauge ? - ifli h,a ' 0|,;i'<"v should >.<- for s..,' . _lh ; ,'irr opernteil. or lircat Urlialii am at t> ii >."1, "r""V. ^ak.? calU. more r..r h?r t.'i." feh? 11 >* V . XV > sh I'h ? !?!? .11 thai! l: and that Is possibly id hut*ii,to?!ufi ........ i . '? tnu^t lj?. r-. , f "it.iklt r ..v.-.. p..,,. Kfaph t o Knsllnh covern'hi'tat i at the KavlhKi tb.'ihi*'Sim''of m i'-i'' T,i-" hit"*li iV^ l'Vif :':l- 'h'" .JapiVl^of ? if t!;- ta dotn'i! "in^tiriV 'wbrais"^ "/" _t".Illif, t!.?- ? j|. . ? I why ' rnm?ut should n..t " ^ v.^rit ,.t Villi F?ys ' It' |ia! t..' the i '. Il ?'-?> \.-:k .? ? . Why r.. t ; 'i ? ha i i ., i ..... ' ?< I.- ? . . '? fit!> ?>' .< !? ^paid'1* M >. ? 'I ' .. a K'< , 1 ,h<, h t , ? " >? I ? Id II [.t":!!l|||| , of nhv-icai "v.M? "f ,h*1 ha0 50 per cent ' " 1 ' per ' ' ?? tra . i.. M r \ : - IX . ? . ,_ * ' -at or. r..-r i :r? at. much Jii Mi. ijjSe'^nd teleJr^Vh ?,:j '* ' tor (overiimcnt oavd* a?vr T' JVo.meri, Unlon?Coiit| ^ ^Jg{ *11 ? not |r hi irAW U"*'- " 'rr' ?? ; ? r ? t??k? v\ h?? ? ? in # ,:i ccnl roverJ ? f ? j .,1" ? *nd thirty years: .. 1 .'"i ? n.? " - I -Id f.,r In t v. -.,f vo , ? II. ?? -. I. I : f Of wo,W.).?Q or . .V, tel., ? i,sr ??;., . ' 8 . ",,XX .... ,I" whlf j. i o'...n > in..:.j [.?? ? -e i.o ii ore W 1 li> ' " r. -.? mi v I J. r* i a vi.on r^-j:2:r:.e3 s.nAimswejrs : Aiiul.T.nia of Water. Jj :: i;. y ! ; ? t|;o and ? |,eape?? i a \ :inftl\-.s!v tiia?ic oi ,>rri, r'*V vv ' ''' " I'ltKTl.t v.nt<- to th. ijoiiiiiiissioni-r of xlt'. Vi 11 ll"; l-U! Wins. I il hniond. ' . "r 1 Ptoliahly ;i i r .i ri tr ^ lor ?? .. j umIimm cost to have analysis mado iji te %^^^.qhT,atry auacheti - Del tinmen Parlxh. ' ' whet. Octtiiip. . Cari-n was i;""""1- aiMl.whore I may flhtl n >-""ii historical sketch of it. _ A. X. (Jl.ASS. 1 \ * ' r< Hamilton Tans i. ' ' "Vrrr-il all .if 11;. pre> ?-nt ' ' : "riri. . William at..I l-'an ? ' otitit;.-: In ilishop .M"ail<.'i ' "' ' \ olumc 11 patr?? Obituary of a Street Car f.i\iM; ;il rrivlit to I}: ? I i ichlllO! id 1 ? 1 ' pat ii. ulii. ii dclurhtfiilly ii,. ? *f>s il' iii.ii'.?! Iii ;.|| .'litoilai arli |' 'ill .1, A 1 ,ir l.itin \\"I Kihi'a '? liv a 1111?? or m> or' to th' I M'l;:, 111.1.. raldcij, o! till- "Sotlt llf.-'ri f ' ti.t? M r;. < ' lknt ?'o i>t:iii?ia stfeet car system. '! ' * In* \Vf Know," our i'loM.'T writes In part ,l? "' "v v..:|> i ij.], . r nft i.'<-|ij.i 11\- (joo i, v. in.'li v,.; i ? iot 11:' '-pa'-c to print <M ?' I an witli v.\. dir. -'S.juih 1?i?' ii!i? . \ ..ii md nut have to ', lt Ii mor. tJian mo . ; tiireei v "" l<:.< w th- '' ; 'iu-tor ami .ill 11., n r. Ia\s. ' 1;v., !- v/artneij in your 11:.. I thai t !u* y ivjiuw \ on, atxl " "" wanted to i;< I Oil, ami t!,.it ? " .- Iopp?.f| aiiUimatii'ally at y.nn , ' ' " i' i'.i I i -MH' nt 1-. ow i ra . 1.-.J , '"A". 1" privat- car. and. liioimi, " I'.'iny periiap.i Mirt'iM.d in its, "Mm.,I stati-mi nt, you Hit vonrself a' N-'- , ? i;11'11ai- 1.1, a -po. iiil train. , :i ??"inlui'tor N <hil(li-i, > <l"'.vu Willi illphllH-ria. audi 1 hi a hottli', would In- cold 1 : '' II will, liitn in til(. had' 11 dom-sti-ity iiikI.-i which ial'"i iiik. A'^aiti, you mii;lit i 'I'll mi man who was smiling I ' V ,'V^ ? i' ahov- a f-l:yscrap-r, 1 ' ? .iii'i; a M-ai wait until Hit ? ii 11 h > v . ? i i to lea rn that it wan the '! , "???' ' v-r cam- ilou n tli ?'1 ''H- dav- j ou liappi ti-.l t<> . 111".-''- coniidi'i:I-.'S i "? 1 ?' I'l'-ali d to you, you had l.i-i-n r. ' ''"'idem < s yoni sclf. Vou 1 1 "I ii"' shock, after you had 1 '"".\-i -ii and thought it just* as well "i .... 1.1 V ""'tot ma n and conductor! ;v! ''.,1 . v" ur iiai..-, which you. ' f' til ??o ?l !ia\iri,u m^nf ioiifij 1 "v ? "i ???"? alom.' with your wife i V '*!!. ijiiinJ. yi?u># .*11??I how rnanv ' , * *? iwn.'d, and what were ' , , ?"',l whether the iiiiii l?o\ .... 1 the mumps ami the little' I,..'.' ," V s. ami the , 'l.iaijer oi whooping eouirii! , '' " "f the stone Hue that : ."?>??<?? U. Wo lament ' ?" "to "Southern Shops i a , IIK" III.* passuig Of a brother, un liiimaiiil ics. In it survived . ; ' ' ''" 11 ? i ? m id I eel I up and sympathy,' "I .Ia;e u. put it that strongly?' ! ii.i i iii? . 1 "V. it Went ?round; 'f ... " a small circuit,' . ... ii.ivitiir to wait on its more ore ^ III""is in et I, ren of tli.l troilex at one P. ot ;i.i"i!,,.r. I:?t spiritually, no I V" '?i il ? i were recruited. , eould not aiYord to h< on tiiat 'one'"e; ,i,", became human sn'ilu ;.'..Sily ???'? ?r a Hi- miii "Vou wi'J <;o,,'"lii<lo that ?ei-...., i m,,n ,hem :i,c l>ruten an thai makes them is I,,. L, ,1 "AV'1 ls ,ao,< of "mo. Time -W the l'! !c-V ." '?"wcrs r.t ii i ."'V 1<! kindnesses and The SouVl'iV ri S!,,>n','.r^r K row ,. ' ""li" in Shops' car h*i?l i, '?? (,|t' 11 ii ar y. ~ e'd u ni bl \ a " ? Wr,to NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND FIRST STEF FOR SCHOOL ?'oiideiiiiinlloit I'roi't'rtlliiKK Will Cdiih I l> III 11 listing" (Hurl mi April iM. t 'onilelllllUtioli lil'UfWtllllKS WCle i II - stitutcd in Hustings Court, I'ai't II., yi'slcnluy by ('Uiwik I ?Wuyim Anut'i foil. Assistant City Attorney, against property owners whose intir ests will lie aflVcti il by Hut at ?|\il.* il inn of a fit" for tin- i * \v si hool which it i.< proposed (o on' i on ili.- not tli side of liainbinlKt' Street, ln'UVf n Ku'ieenth and Cowanlin Avi'iiu<uimI a^.nn t ilmdo who will suffer d.'iinai;o by the widening "f tin- street at this |toinl. Notices Will lie served on the dofen ? t :i lit that a motion for tliu appoint tnetil ot lolllllli slonei S to :?.Psess the valuations will be made before Jud^v ! I'll ni'St II. Wells on April The proposed school v. ill front on | liainbirdKe Street, and will lie in the leetitie ol the property to be |c.i n nascd J by the eitv. The sile will extend buck ' from the street to an alley whnli lnis been openeil botweill ltaillhrldKC an?l I'ortel Streets. 'I'ltn 1 ?u i I <1 i ft K will be of the most ImprnV'd type, :iml will : cost approximately > i immiiih. The jtral part of the buihllni; t? I he con structed an a p'lblie auditorium, with IV seating capacity of 1.000. The class I rooms will In in both wings, which will j he thi- *? storh s hitrh. I '.a 1 nbrldKO Street, .--.t the lower ej-,d of the proposed site, is narrower than the rest of the street, with which it will he made to eonform. The site ami I li> pioi.trt". nei ? it.- foi this work jv.ill cost .-.bout $ "J."!.!""). Willi, on t' inevv liuibHnp will probably not begin until next year. WANT LARGER APPROPRIATION School llitiiril \nIih S||||?T\ Uurs lor III I"er ? rnI Members <?; the I'ountv S- hool Hoard :ip|M it ed h- folc Ih' i 'lu-Sterlii-hl Uoard of SupervisoiM yesterday t its i' i;\ibv ! meet inn and asked for an increase of pi j-i-r eent ii. the sehotd 1 ev;. for the districts ol >:? rrnudu, Da In and Clover llill No tion was taken, but the board set the fourth Monday in April to conaldcr the annuul buduet, lit which will i e include l the school appropria tion It Is expected that there will be opposition to t ho increase I t i beiuilf of th<.' board I* '.van ex plained that inn" money was desired to better facilities ill t! county. A new sr hool in .needed i:. Dilc Pis til- t, and additions must !>? built to the other schools. It Is . lso proposed ? to miik< rep.-liM on the ?"hc*tc i-ulttiral lli^ . School . >liul Hog* I'* Midlothian. T it!'. ti\ ? d- us, suppo' etl tf 1 ? r . >sf fer ir.H with rabies, ha\e I" ? l I i! ? d ,n Midlothian -I !t ? vhi-.ity i .- r 1 -, It is thought' that th??r? Is an epidemic among tii? animal* Soveial ! ? ? ?-???!? ? iiave bri n itt;ic,;.-.: and hadiv fright ened. but no Is !< own have i" --ti bitten. An h ? -tiuatlon 1- h- inu made w ith the ho;,e of ch< king tin epidemic. I'reji Si-luinh In llrlmtc. Chest, r A?rh -iltural llifin i- .ool \nd i the John Marshall 11 ii;h School wilt | meet for tin* first lirni! In a debate on | h'riday nCttht ill S: Ir? o'clock at piusior. J Tim subject will be, "Itcsolveil, That. I all children in Virginia between tliu ii^i's of twelve ami fourteen yearn kIiiiiiIiI be compelled to it11?-n<I school ai hast four mouths of the year." Tho I orators foi tho John Marshall will ho 11 vint? Cialfi ami Julius Meyer, secro j Uu y of the Hoys' J>?.*I>atiClub. Ilrlt-k Tlinmrr I'lnnl. Alplionso Moruni was lined $5 by Juh ticc Maurice v?? ? tilay In l'ol;c<> Court, 1'art II. on the ohan;e of disturbing tho peace. Alplionso throw a hrick throtiKh a window in ill" icstaurant of J <> I {dehor, Ml 2 Hull Sti ami broke a number of dishes on tho coun ter. Heath* nnil KlinernlM. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. (ieorne 1. I licks ?I???? 1 yesterday morn ing at tho home of Ms parents in ?"hesterilchl County The funeral s'-r \ i* ? ?- will be conducted this afternoon a' :: o'clock from Central Hapthsl Church. Tin- tuntral s-rviee.s of Mr? Klli?n In./. Mil. I.e II. wife of Frederick .Mitch ell. will, tiled on Sunday afternoon at 1'J t."> o'clock in In r home. '."'0 Kant Tweni y-? lnhtli Street, Woodland lliic.hts, will be held tills afternoon it :t o'clock from Christ Hpiscnpal ''liiich. The burial will In- In o^k wood Ci'iiii-t'-ry 1*1 iiIii(Iir W tiim Suit. I J ii'lf .1 i? t In t! ? sum o; 577'* was . awarded vest* rday in Hustings Court, i'art Ii.. in the .^'Ht ot Charles W. Shb bis aeainvt T 'I. I'.llfch. Til" plaiutilf a* ::???! fo; li -aiai;. amount in; 5'.*iiii for I * ? :i< h ot contra-'t by ii :? ?' ?! e ml a n I, who. It wus s.tld, r fit t<> ..<<?? j.t ;,:i automobile which !.. re. d ' ? i n* lia.ii Ti.i- ,-ult of \V. 11. lliiint against tli* V i * k i ii i - i Itallwa aii'. I'ow.-t t'ompany ' x*. ill !??? heard to-day. The basis "f I thu actloh is nllugotl injuries received by the plaintiff In uti accident, f??r wl.b'h hi seeks to lecover S5.000. I'rrinnnl mill t.eiirrnl. Mrs. i'rank I.. I.urz, who has bean vl Itli.y relatives In Phlluil-lphla, ru 1 turned home last r.lriit. 1 u"v. c w M.'i::of mi Hult Street, will undergo .m operation thin w.In t!.< Memorial Hospital. i .-.I i|.'or(f" N'uuna 11.v in, returned home from Am* H i i'ourthous?. whi rr the was called by th death of hei mothp r An Interesting tneeMnir of the HudieV Aid So. l-ty of tlie Woodland Height* ilap; -t <" ur. 1; whs hi-hi >?? sterda afternoon. A musical profciurn wim ri'iub-r.-i at t I.e ? lo ?! ol tho bueitiesr! Hi > -l')l Mr- V." V f'nr,;>rr, v.1 was r^'ftr. - I". ? rat- ? >>i . t t.,- J ilinslot: Willis JCo ' al. Is Itnpi ov ir.k . \\ 11'. tin- iniant K .n of Mr. and Mrs J . r. T Wlllard. of 217 Hast Twelfth S'tii-t. much Improved. I 'r ration- :'!??" l.v the. Am .1 : Wei? nnd M. tj - . i-t Church to fjlve a dlnnei and upper on Thur <!ay In Hoi lion's Hall. News of Petersburg Ti." Tim?. -1 ?. I, Hunan, "? I ? ??!IIi!;;broi>k Stre-t. ? f ? 110 !. ?? M ? I . : nun:. V < . M in:h - T! . . J. i1. r?;?1 V- ... : a t i ? i: 1 ? in Tal.b S'r.-.-t J ? r? ? !??? ti-: . m ? ''itir.ii . i; i'i i hi. s i.lei . . I .-? ? v<-1 ;i I ma t - l-TK <>f int<-1 r-1 Th' . -mm?!:it !?.*? s-t ? ' I.? ?: ft i May i . i ? v v\ l>. :i . \ ? IV. ii t - i: . 1 I ? put I ? - it h t ? i. ? ' > \ ? r | ? rsn ?! in i '? T i r ? burg to (jo to ?6inc church. Thi? ilny will he deslKtiated as Kv- ry|>c?? Church Suiiiliiy." A committee whit t-po. r ? ? I t ? s?.i: -it t I ? ..... p ? .,'?!>?? ??; ! ti ? \I:? > in , ' p* i- - a "d t1 p 11 t }.-? m r 11% In 1 ? .. Smitten llrx-tli tu **(1111.111. i: -.1 :riI : :?! ? ?.!???? ??. ?! tw.?r. t y -? iai t, VVaketloliJ, <1 i*-<i very sud ?:. I?I> . t< i* : ?:! ? i : ' ! It).- Sti I 'ass-ii1-r Station. She canie tip from Wait- ? In .ii ? ? w.i :? I' ? V.!*uIti .i Hospital II: Uh :??: !?? .. ?I. Ul'f-'i. il ? ? I? ? ? f ?!: ii, ar.'l nl i!.- nti: : In irai < ? ? ! ? il was taken ill atui ? j i? ? 11 Aii iiiipji st iv:ih ilc iii. il < ?.111? > - ? sy;if , :-iii| tlii- IkhIv was ? ? K? :i ,:i i'Ki' !? a local ui.ili rt.??>:? : ;i:.? 1 ri Ipped Wikelblil > ?:! i ? 5a Wriipon "Tulir" 1 hi p rlnoneil. In ili.- 1' H> ? Court t..i ?? Smith, .t i olored count ry run : W. ? 'lull S . "| lllll SI i.' ?? T ' "?! ? ?. ; l 1 !?>. Ihirt v 'la>s for ??:iri' Mi;' a listol III- was arrest->i Satutil.i. ivi ?: 11: i tr just i i ?? was about t o !? iv- tyivi. I'lrsl Hut! (.lime. Th.- ? t st I ion I. ,11 p .m.' . f the ?? ? ??:. will In- play. I in >.ti Satut'iiny h'-tw<->ii !!.? N- Y : !: Americans ami the 1'etershut j: team. Tin- A tin rica n s will i in in l;.-i..l ?'oop.-r as' pi'.'l.'-i !!?- was Hold to them by I'l 'M'si. ji!- i.i -t ? ? r The llne-Up - > I tip* r-'t. -c-1.u rs; tiiia will in- it;- follows: < 'atelier l.ov. - :i new man H um North Carolina: pitelier AuHtim, llleharil an.I Humes. short -top. lli-inli- I'.us. .. til--: I as.-, liarn tt; .secoml l> Curt. ;i i i".v man ff .? ni (Jenri;la : third l.ase. Imim-.h . e. ntr Ii'l?l. I.aval, formerly of Itlrhmonil te;nti; rlK'ut fieM. I'ravii; 1- ft li.-lil, K* 11.t Mu.-li Int- r.-st i.v f 1: in t appearance of Coupe: \n I :elio tlri'tliii;. An "echo" meeiintr i> t.< I???? '.>-i.l on Thursflav oveiiim; in the W'a^hlntjton Street M. K Church. It will l>. an ??ch<? of tin annua! i->inter, ti. e of ti:>: W'omart's I'rohlhition l.eauuc of Amer ica The speak- rs 111 1? Mrs. .1 T\ l.-r .lohsott, Stat-- pn-siii- ni ; Mrs. W illiam lioilees M r. tin ami Mrs A lluvk, of Kichmoml, who will ii.?liver a scien title aihlress on ' Alcohol :s a l'oi.son.'' I.enerill \r**.H Notes. .1. J. Westiiidielatul, an ehii rly ai.n r' spe.-t. ii eltizen, is conliui-il lo iiis home on l.awicnce Street from the ??! feet.-; of injuries cutiseil l.y a street car striking the iv;ignn he was driving Several days at" The niunieipal catnpaii: n is progress ing very iiui. tly. The tirimai '. will not take place tijit'' May 14. and ihe can didates ha\ c plenty of tim< in which to do their canvassing. T'.uihliiiK opera I ions have heen ma terially in!"i fercil with linritu; Mi.- past several we.-Us of scv.-re weather. on account of the absence of house number; ami the inadequacy of street I'Mintr. ??: . the post-nfl. <? ,.t \Va*l ????-? ? on i'.' s ut i iii 5 a port i ? ? n i ?: 1:1a i i ? ir <i.-livet: f ; t li' Mi.i 11 I ????? I 1.1 trl-'l i-ru 1 ??# l:.?\ - y ??r?!?-r r< voke.l, t.nt without av:tii i<'. t).< iiollfcs ufi' pi. p. iiur.i 1 ? ? f p 1 o v ; d? *! t. i : t y Kill.: nice, : !? :i\. ?>!' t < mails I ..-!*? v. ill be 1 >.- ut!:* il. 'in.' ? hioth.:?. -Alii.*. l;i(h<ir?J :.d Si'!:: -y 'rcilH a <li tiirb r. I'-iilliim'ti: ook Sir* ? ? Sir u: .lav :. nr.I, and fouijl.t a Ml resisted .hi* i. 'I' v !.<-a\ !y lined in the I'oln.ft (' ? ? ? j r t !? i; :i:*>! ill r.t:. nil.l.M ? I I i/.r.\?? I \ I.K l.OOII llll V l?v : Sp. i.ii :*?* Yh- T:Ml< ? I ?: i .t .. I A?.?-ha. Y.i. ?. :???? N'uiu ith ntu tiding wintrj' condition's ttnil low t ? i i* ? .1 vi t-i*. iio'i: t m . t v -1, v I - ' < ; ? ? ? ? . it.- c.iit-? T ? !?!!. ?! 'i< i: ?.f ? ? ? i : . to .,! t.-nd the ;.<>? "I ri?.i<! - ii ? ' vvh ' ?. the llll.-i-M of li 1" < ? i ? ? ? ? n. pi * iitl.-nt . ii ai'i'i>*.ir.t of ivii.-.-.i. was 11r? M'l*-.| ov-r by ?' \V, Sta>y. Mr. 11 r?? r? s<-i.t .? written -om it.-ins. r * ? <*tii m * -II.. ^ irt*.i'-i <?! t. ? ? ;. I. t 1..v ? i i. i ti.l '.win l! h ! -a . .- i i.ut miiIv mi) t)i.- Si a t< built r..:nl. |.,i I f.t all ..til.-! l oa.!:' which, < : I - its us-", Mv?'; aIi:... ' i;oo<l i. iii-- Sr i- road !I? isUol thai I ? till 11. ? > ;; i t ? t :.>!ns.-l v.'H i:. \..-i ..r.^ tli?- h.;(i1m iii ti t." maiMi' t. an.! ap; >!ii' oil'.- to lit.ti ... ii road >:i i? ;.tl'-ruioii assuring thein thai tii>- 11;? ? i vi ?? ? ? rm iv. til.I In ? ii. li work pa v for ih>- work . ii. The ircmb.r.s living .iloin; tho ri. . i". with iii'- unanimous up poival of t!i?- fucetlnir, insisted that xvI.; ' was ? >i - l" lie. ?|.-*| was prote. . l ..f ? ?? i fri't.-i v . i v injudicious liatilinK ut 1 in;.' wis. n ilir-v ar?- par ticularly soft, widlo tltawini,', after v. 1 r* . /.( TO .-?? lire t iii>- ,i .run in It t'*p nay ele. t ? d. . . ? >?. :i:, ..I I >i .1 \V Marshall, .r. <i .1 ? ffct :mn. Jr.. 1. A. < <?!'? ma 11 and ? X. Sta?'v, to pr.-pM" r-'.-?*! <i t ions. A talk was mad- by I' W IjOiik. who tin;. (|U<MiMn "Is then- any Ihw i--.-v.-i :;ii.ij tiu* in.- <>f t!i- public roads' If so, ilo.-s th>' law i>rovld>- (or the proti l iinn Hi th'; r??a<l? from ii.-strut' ti'.n iiv injudicion.s use'' and If not. why arc thoy built by taxation and by sub.s'-ript inn : And If th'T.- i.- protfctiori. thfti why not di-:nand it in the natnc of justice ,'itid coiniiiMn sense'.'" '1'hc com liiitt.i- was Instru.'te.l to ask 11 s.- I'.oard of Supervisor}! foi every reasoriablrt protect ion for tb>- ro.'ri.y from mat.-rial injury bv li.tull'ii; at injudicion.s times; also from hauling txec.s.sive loads ,U any tune. 'i'he <|U.-stion of road-hiillilln^ in pieco at different points Mas discussed, but tl ? si ns.: of the ine.-tinn was in favor of huiblii!'--. e.>ntinuous roads frotri point to point thiMiiuii tiiu county, and not In fa vol of little patehcH here and there. The ni'-et ini* was one of absorinnj; int. rest, and adjourned to meet at Ihs -?nil of tli. jii.sid.ut. I'.iiunitemeii t \nnonncrd. TSpecial to The Times-Dispatch.] I^ytn hbur^, \'a . March ifMr. and Irs. l'r:nl \ariicy, oi tiiis city, have announced the entT:u;etn. at and ;. | >pi oa 'di i n 1' marriairo r.f their datiuli t.-r. Miss GU-nnie Martiiiret. t.> Unhurt I. Mover, of Kdipse, Vn. Tiio inar riane will take place here April Business Transactions Facilitated By Banking In every business transaction. whether large or smnll, there is involved in a more or less direct way a financial cons iderat ion. It is for this reason that the service which a well equipped hank, such as the National State and City Manic, can render is of'great value. Commercial concerns and private individuals find that the handling of business matters is facilitated when close relations are established with this institution. National State and City Bank 1111 East Main St.