OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, April 28, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1914-04-28/ed-1/seq-5/

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Administrative Board Has No
Authority to Move Court
May Require City to Provide i
Adequate Space for Clerk's
CUV Attorney Pollard. In an opiijon j
ii,,- disposition of tne court r?cor^"',
that tho records cannot l?. j_t.
without tin- ucquieHCPneo of th<' Al{1 f4
Tho nolnt was raised on Apt 11 ' .
wli.'H tho Administratis Hoai' u"1 ' ; i
cd Clerk Walter l-,,rlsllu"\1 .,f-Vi* Hu*
tings Court, to rt-niov? th. old courti
KicordH now Mtor?ii in Ilooin No. ?? ?? ,
ritv Mall, to a room in tlio bas'smtn.
of the ritv Hall, which the hoard had
prepared ' f'>r their ?ceptlom tl o
thlr?l lloor room .[ ',?/? tor
board to provlda additional space ror
iVi?? ofllccB of tho City KnijIiiocrH Ho
Mr. Chrlntlan, after consulting with
Judk". Kb-hardson. replied to tlio board h
order with a letter. In which ho re
spectfully declined to lecogrilze the iau
thority of the hoar.l to order ??>> *?
fer of the court recordH without tho
.?on sent of tho Judge. I he Judge of t..<
Hustings ?'ourt alone, he lnloirned t he
hoard. ha?l Jurisdiction over tho dU
position of tho records.
h'rur ItninuRr ?o llrcoril*.
While Uit^ was no disposition on
th?s part of either Mr. Christian or,
Judge Kichanlson to block any plan ot
rearrangement that the board had un
der consideration. b*Hh feared that the
i oinova 1 of the pn|"rfl to a bahement
room might < tel..tiger their safetv. Jne
jr-cords stored In lloom 317 date oacK
jiioi m than .i century. H was >'ear? <.
that to Htor* thcin In the basement
would expose them to possible injury
l?y rats or dampness. or both.
(*poii Mr Christian's refusal to coin-i
p'.v with the order, the hoard applied
to" the City Attorney f"t a ruling a*
to itu pow*er* with relation to the -.is
position or assignment ot' rooms In the
i n;. Hull. Mr. I'ollard was asked also
for" his opinion as to the obligation of |
th'1 city to furnish quarters for the
t ourt", and f o su* *i other tntoimatlotij
w;,s nrce-suy to . l-..r \it> the points:
raised by the clerk of the Hustings
Court. , ,
The Cltv Attorney, In his opinion.'
recounts the r.iieinnstance* of the as
fctKiiiiK-nt of quartei* in the City iia.li
to the Hustings Court and of th?- com
plete control over the building by tJi'1
old r,rounds and Hulldimrs ?"oinuiittee.
The powers of this committee tinder
the tn-w charter passed to the Admin
istrative Hoard. < >n the que-tlons- i
raised bv the Administrative Hoard in
, onti< ? tIon \s 1th ? .lit- oversy over Hoom ?
No. ;t 1V. Mi I'ollard spe.il." as follows.
??|h -f.-tion !?-."? of the t'ofle of Vir
ginia J*VT. in for.-- a I the time of the
conip'h Ion <d' t.- <"it\ Hail. It was
mad, tho duty of tho City Council of
<?% ? Itv to furnish a courthoune and
the clerk's oflice for every court of
record held within su.-h city, arid by
f..tio:i :: ITT .,f said rode of 1SS< all
papers lawfullv returned to or nl>-d
(n the ej.-ik's ofli.-e w. required to
bo preserved in such clerk's otlb-e.
?Ti der a w ? il-cons d. i ed principle
It s within Ihe power ?? i the presiding
Judg- ,,r .i court to determine wln.tl.et
t},. t *. J11:11; 11 Ol- otlle! aUthol Itl-S of a
city hav, furnish ?! .? sufliei'-nt < I'-r.i -
olli'.-e to pr.-.-iv.- tin- papers and re.
or-Is <? the eo.irt. and it. hi the opinion
of tlo court, such rlerk's ofllce is not
fvn III.shed, ourt Mil require by
ina iida mus tlo proper authorities ot
II,.. ,-it> to fvivulfth such .-lerk ? olnce.
'i iiis -. '.w.-r tit ssarlly mathe pr? -
i, 1;.. ? - Jiid^'e ll e final arbiter '<> de
t. ??min." what constitutes a sufli :i* nt
??[?'ion t) ? forcnoln^ I am of t:ie
oplm .a th.it without the consent of th?
n'esjOin" iudi?? veil ha\e no rig.it to ,
t v i'uh e" the - lerk of hi- curt to re
IUO\, (|t. ? .rds from Itooni .>?>. . i<.
' !;.?w.V.-r ft-el satisfied tliiit '.lis
Honor'.' Iud?c- Uiehardson. w'.o pre?!d-s
, ?.,, Hurt 1X1-- Court, will. Sf you
.j. . n la ii t t < ? you a hearing on th<
hi.i I' atioii ii.ade to h:t.i asking tn*
tno-. ;.l if the r-'cords to nnother suit
able i oonii atid If tho room proposed t?
.oibut Ituted is, in the opinion of th
.ourt litahl- for the purpose. 1 fee
confident that the Judge would orrie
: r proposed removal "
Secro Youth Arretted.
I .-iirtrr, a flfte*n-y.?*r-oM r.'Rro
T i--str.l y^!-?.??rdav if.- *S' o
rtru'.uis; >-? from the Hl<-hmc>r <i C.tfh M?h
You are sure to get the
very best prices. Our prices
are the same to everybody,
everywhere, always. Send
for catalogue.
Crafts Piano \
Ilrntul nt Second Street.
Acfinlntttoii of fteiunimler of I'nnt
OfHre lllnrk by (jinrmmriil t?
lie Speedily Settled.
The C'ontireBsionaJ ' Committee on
I ubllc liiillillngH and Orounds w ill
meet Iri Washington 11?is morning to
consider the question of purchase by
trie Kovernment of the propertv at the
northweft corner of Kkventh and .Main
s.treot.s for the Itirhmond post-olllce
The committee visited Richmond and
Inspected tho property on .Saturdav,
and appeared so favorably Impressed
wl?li the need o-' the local post-office
tor additional territorv for expansion
thai Postmaster Hay T. Thornton is
? onildent that the vote in favor of the
purchase will in- unanimous. Mr.
' "oriiton gives Kicat credit to Con
Kressman A. ,J. Montague, who, he said,
had been chiefly Instrumental in bring
the congressional ?*oiintilttr-e to
itichrnoiiii, an?J inipr#'Hbhii* on th?
mem bers that the post-OHIO'S needed
room for expansion.
Should tii? comtnl11ee decide favor
"blv. tl" actual tnatter of purchase
v. ill be left to 111?? Treasury Oenari
: 11 ? r 111. which may a^r--.. to'the price
?hat li^s lifoii ashed. JCOO.OOO, or obtnin
ti.f property by ? ?oii<ieinf;;tt!u:> proceed -
I'm-' Tne property hap a frontiiK<: of
sixty feet and a depth of 100 feet. a.
i!"lrne Hiair, president of the coinpanv
which owns the property, has Hald that
tue company will construct a twentv
,",?\HV'r.y htilldlUR on t he site pro
vided It is not fj;;:- hnrcd by the I'nite.j
.States government.
Hundreds of Mi>ii and lVnnirn Inspect Heivd
tiunrter* of (hi- V. W. ? . \.
With ,r,- > hlr.l: c fro:n aoor.r iy n-.a
window .1 )?- h;*::- af I room* !!? and ?uf
? he I I! I..- a May (Avtival. the : - V , >n
* h'' i - hi til* ^ . v. <i? opened
??-terihiy nffrnoon on'! U,t r.Vht ' o th?
? hotiv.i(id your.fc- women who hold . ardf of
membership In th- association. II indreds of
r **n iir.ri "*< > rr; * T: ?. l-1ted 'he new heme durinc
?he courflft of the day. And secretat I*- show
e i rhern throUBh and ?\-p -.tr.?U the dtmr.<i
? >r i- .-o.-IntIo?> uork. I r ? - r-? t a:nonr the
in'in"erf In their nns build!: .? !? profound y
,!n":". "''d ;? ? f- nre i.' r ? dy und?r n'jv
? ? l:icr>a." the m?rn ben-hip and to expand
'? .arg't I'the I'i* Ifm ? of the lite- >
r i? bti'.ldlr.c ft: bf cr?n th? ptr^'lc
-vry d?y t nlcht 'hi- ur n pro
o' enter (hi nrrient *d!I x'^ry ?\#?rv
lleweu BeMe?r<| m I If M?n Who tTiis Shot
In 1 m r> bj ^lr,?. \\ rhh,
Cha r>? thirty-three year
v., Hrre.tf l y??ror.;..y >,y I >?!?. tlve-S'er
c?ar.ts W. -y :>???. en the <hurp? n'
'IfiU ii -ti.-pl- loti? oharaeter, b?ll"ved \>j
committed .at ?? .)?. The po:: - K-'/r
lJetvett. nli'i t? -aI i to bo an o>j of
' i :1 * man ' ho v.-.,s -hot In th- f? ?
? a a ehotjrun Mrs. \\l 11:n. \\>1>b wher.
!i? wa- ? i-JKiit 1:. ? i - ? of walking out or
t A ii"'' im'i*-* <.n M-vfr.i. -? k
t.t'i wlta .4 p.-., fcetf'.l or ?ct- Mrv Webb
" af>* I tu hirtit I fv (J, ? prisoner v lien
he !i brotich?. Into I',. .? Colli t to-d.?v
Til- po:;,e that . he u a. ^bot
Hewetr vv. n; ?., ihe Mem-.rla! H?-p!iiil for
tr?a.? i *t:t. ||? i? fftld to have told ^urpsotis
there tlirtt he ha! a- hlentnl'v inO^l
Kolnrlans Will Hear Returns.
One nt 'he f?;itur?- of rotary i.'.Rht f rh*
I.yrl Theatre rn-n!i;ht will be the an
r.oun--mer.t throuraeat the pertorrn.iti'. e of
return- from lie anj'- primary. I>t. .1. a
'"had :>r. S'lperlntendeiit of Schoo! . w'.::
deliver el; ?!?h! ? ininuto 4'ldrc?r In heha'.f of
ti.e ?? tabll?nment. in l:!<):mond of *. ptibllo
Jhrii :*v.
Collector Lowry and His Depu
ties Preparing Papers to
Facilitate Transfer.
Government Revenue From This
District Nearly Four Times
What It Was.
Collector of Internal Revenue Marion
IC. Lowry has received oflielal notice
from the department at Washington
that tlio Second Collection District of
Virginia will he transferred to his suc
cessor In oftlce. K. C. L. Moncure. before
the commencement of business on
II uy 1.
Collector Dowry's* force Is at present
engaged in preparing the ii'^rssaiy
.?ch?<itiles in advance to fiirilllatv the
work of transfer, and Revenue \gent
James T. Worthlngton, who is detailed
the department as revenue agent
| on accounts. has beer; Instructeu to
i supervise the work of transfer.
Collector Lowry was originally ap
pointed to JiiH present office on Au
| fiusi 1 j, iOOo, and assumed his duties
on September 1 of the same year, lie
was appointed by President Roosevelt
! during recess of Congress, being again
! commissioned upon tii< assembling ol
Congress In December. li'O.V
Hy a peculiar coincidence of cir
cumstances .Mr. Moncuru and Mr. Low -
, ry both resigned from the State Legis
lature to accept t lie position of col
: lector of internal revuiiue foj the Seo
j olid Collection District oi Virginia, and
i both hail from Stafford County and
are fast friends. Mr. Moncure has
; been the State Senator from Stafford
| County, from which office ho recently
! resigned to take over tbe duties of the
( colleetorship. Collector Lowry was
elected to ti;e State Legislature in ll'Ol
I and again in 1 r?oa. He also resigned
from the Legislature to become collec
tor of Internal revenue In the Second
I'ollectlon District, being succeeded In
the Legislature by .Mr. Moncure. who
now succeeds him .is collector, so
closely have the fortunes of tho one
[ followed those of the other
\\ underfill (.rimtli,
When Collector Lowry assumed
charge of his present office tin- l''f'i'ipts
were about J L', 200,000. During the last
tiscal yi'ar, which ended on .lime 30,
1the tot il collections wem more
than }7,-100,000. There are branch-staff
otlices locate.1 at Norfolk and Peters
bin g The deputies in charge of these
offices have been instructed to close
tbejr accounts on April L'O. and to
bring to the oflbe here all the stamps
In their pus region, so that they may
be properly scheduled and receipted
lor by tho Incoming collector when
h? assumes the duties of the office.
it is said of Collector Lowrv's nffio?
that it is rated as one of the best con
ducted in tho country, the reports of
examining Hti'tiis during bis period of
servi-e having always been highlv
cornplimeiitary. both to himself aiiu to
U'.e^ members of his office force.
"The phenomenal growth and suc
cess of the office." said Mr. Low rv vc3
terdav. "Is largely due to the efficient
and faithful service of the competent
employes, most of whom were here
when I was inducted into office. They
have been well trained by long v,-ars
of experience. The clerical work Ira.*
been most efficiently supervised by
Chief Deputy Thomas K Meanv."
There are fifty-two officers connected
with tbe Second Collection District of
Virginia, twenty of whom are desig- ?
tl a ted as deputy collectors and the!
others as storekeeper-causers ani 1
gaugers The latter officers aro as- '
signed to dutv ut distilleries and rec- I
tifying houses.
The transfer of the office from Mr.
Lowry to Mr. Moncure will probably
take place on Thursday.
I'oiler nm ii riotto Tendered Withdrawn!
I-'rnm Force on Impulse of Moment.
Picycle Policeman W. J. Botto, who
Impulsively tendered a verbal resigna
tion on Sunday to Desk Sergeant Jet.-r, I
was allowed to withdraw it yesterday!
following a conference with Chief of
Police Werner, Mayor Ainslle and Cap- ;
tain R. P.. Sowell, of the )-"irsi District.
Potto said that he really did not wish I
to resign, and he whs at once restored I
to duty .
Potto's action resulted whei h?
learned that warrants for his arrest j
had been sworn out by his father-in
law and iiis wife. The former charge*
him with trespassing and the latter i
with assault. When the two cases j
were called yesterday morning in Po- i
lice Court Potto secured a continuance i
until Saturday. I
yil^wCvV ^i*-; ? ?? * ^4 *>.1.i^X<
The wise man of business, no
matter how vast his enter
prise and responsibilities, leaves the management of his home to
his real "General Manager"?the wife who knows the daily needs
of the family and who plans for the conservation of their health
and strength. The housewife who knows
Shredded Wheat
has already solved the servant problem and the problem of the
high cost of living. With Shredded Wheat Biscuit in the house
it is so easy to prepare in a few moments a deliciously nourishing
and wholesome meal in combination with baked apples, sliced
bananas or canned or preserved fruits. It means sound bones,
healthy tissue and clear brain for growing youngsters as well as
strength and endurance for grown-ups.
Always heat the Biscuit in oven to restore crispness. Two Shredded
Wheat Biscuits with hot milk or cream will supply all the energy
needed for a half day's work. Deliciously nourishing when eaten in
' combination with baked apples, stewed prunes, sliced bananas or
canned or preserved fruits. Try toasted Triscuit, the Shredded Wheat
wafer, for luncheon with butter, cheese or marmalade.
Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
I've got the missis guessing now.1
Hfd Mrn Hol<] Hie Mrrfinji. tomuirmo-!
i nline Thlrt> -I'tfIII > csr.
With a large number or mucihers ami ,
visitors present, ImJianola Tribe, .Si'.
Improved Ord-r of K??d Men. i vlo-i
I)rated Its thirty-tifth aiuiiversary last
iilK'nt in its wipwain, Kleventh and ;
Hull Streets. An attractive program,
was rendered. consisting of mis>-i?- ami!
-?'nort talks 1 . prominent members of j
the order, after which the steward's
committee K-rved refreshments.
The Sotithslde tribe was instituted on
April ".'I'., l?7t'. with the following oili
cers: A. C. tlibbs. prophet; A. W. don
try. vachem: H. !l Hurst, senior sagn
niore; W. A. ijibbs. junior sanainoi ??
C. S. \\ ells, keeper of records; It. N.
keep. r of wampum. It iH the I
largest branch in tlx* State, having a
Membership ?>f 4-li, the majority of j
whom are men untier thirt>-live j cars
of age. 1
The present officers of tho tribe are }
I.. Childress, sachem. A. I '. W.il
tliour, senior sagamore; <'. A. Blanki n- !
ship. Jr., junior sagamore; K. W. I.ips
t'umi*, prophet; C. S. Wells, chief of re
cords- \V A. Deitrick, collector of wain
pum; 'rl .'in.'iy H. Morion, keeper of
wampum: M. W. Bevllle. tlrst warrior;!
II. .1 Taylor, second; W. K. Cibhs, third;J
C. W. McCanu, fourth; ,1. II. Verrell,'
first bravt W. \V. Abernath.v, second;
Ceorge Smith, third; W. J. William,,
fourth; 11. .1. Haddock, guard of wig-j
wain; K. L?. McyerhotYer, guard of'
Parrel I'ost Iteenrd.
Buperintei dent U. B. Lloyd, of Man- ;
Chester Postal Station, yesterday for- ?
warded his report of the parcel nost |
business done last week lo the Con
gress* >nal Commltteo on Parcel Post i
nt Washington. His figures show that
Jit'- packages were delivered, and I
mailed from the o'lice, postage on the)
latter b.lng $4S.99. A parcel post re
port will bo kept during the next five
weeks, in accordance with instructions |
from Washington.
Tlie government has devised a new \
plan f<? i" the extension of the facilities
of the parcel post, and lias requested !
Superintendent Lloyd to obtain a full
list of the patrons on rural routes.
The ;',n mers will indicate the produce
thev have to sell, and their names rind
addresses will lie. dlst i ihutcd among:
th ? .-'.tj residents, thus bringing the ?
marketers and the consumers in close
In Police (onrf.
John Jones was fined $50 by Mania- j
trat.e Franklin yesterdaj morning in
Police. Court, Pari II.. t'oi tiring a pistol
in the street. Considerable excitement [
was created by the shot, and a crowd i
ga' liered.
Alma King and Sue Ford, charged
with cursing ami abusing Mrs A. K.
Patterson, v> ero sent lo the Juvenile*
l?iil? Sontli?ildr> Candidate.
William W. Workman, who is seek-;
lm/ election to the Board of Aldermen
from Madison Ward i;i to-day's pri
mary, i.? the o111\ candidate tor that
otliec. from South Richmond.
?-fsir. Workman is well known on the
Southside. Me serve?l for two years in
the Manchester City Council, one. full i
term in the City" Counc.il after annex- j
ation and a pari of a second. He Is the i
Southern representative of the Asso- >
elated liillposiers' and Distributors'
The Southside candidates for the
Common Council. Carter C. .Tones and
John W. Moore, have conducted active
campaign , and are predicting victories
ut the polls to-day.
\cu *?er?1er Giving Satisfaction.
Routhsldcrs are now getting a direct
supply of water from the Settling
Basin, and the service Is said to be
gi\ in? s.i tisfact Ion. The pipes wer??
flooded from the h|g main under tho
river on Thursday. and nah-r was turn
ed on permanently on Saturday. The
old Manchester plant will be abandoned
In about si\- months, and the employe?*
(riven positions hi other eit> depart
\ ellcli (irt* \ rrdlct.
\V. P. Veltch. a contractor, was yes
terday in Hustings Court, Part II.,
awarded a verdict of $I.O0S.,'l against
J. T. Nuckols. Tho suit was over a
contract for excavating work for tho
Southern Manufacturing Company.
Damages In the mini of 52.000 were
lislced by the plaintiff.
Tho suit of Theodore Maneino, ad
ministrator of I?iuIs Maneino, against
Joseph C. Phnup, resulted In a verdict
for the defendant. Damages of 35,000
were asked for Maneino, being run
down by a wagon driven by Phaup.
Personal find flenernl.
Work Is progressing rapidly on tho
construction of the Porter Street Apart
tn?nt House, and the walls have be em
nearly completed. The ownern expect
to finish tho building' within the next
two or three months.
Miss Walking, who has been visiting
Miss Mary Davie, of Sumrnerhlll, has
returned 10 her home in North Carolina
?Mr. and Mrs. Liuwood Nunnally, of
Swanshoro, have returned hon<>> from a
bridal trip in North Carolina.
Mif. J. K. Norvell, of Swansboro, is
Improving from an attack of illness.
?*. A. Cotton, assistant engineer of
Engine Couiimny No. 1 o, who was In
jured w ho it scaldcd by steam, is much
Sampson it- Laws, cleaners, announce
111:it they will mulct' good to the owners
the clothing which was stolon from
their place last week. The loss is
aliout ?300.
I.ienn n? FrederlcksbnrR.
Fredericksburg, Va., April 27.?tex- ;
Governor Kobwrt H. Glenn, of North j
Carolina, delivered a public address '
here to-night in the courthouse before!
an immense audience, on the subject, ,
"The Issue of liie Age." The meeting
was under the direction of the State
Anti-Saloon League and the auspices
of tiie local Antl-Saloon League. Prom
inent members of the latter took an
active part in the arrangement for tho
Rev. Thomas Hubert Jones, chaplain
of Wood berry Forest School, In. .Madi
son County, has accepted a call to St.
Stephen's Kplscopal Church at West
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie II. Gray, of
Orange, have gone on. an ex_> nded trip
to Germany, and will be absent for a
long time.
lirit.MSD TO DKAlii.
Ttto Soil* of Zfpli Older I,oar Lhes la
Heathsville, Va., April 27.?Two little,
sons of JCeph Older were burned to
death when their father's barn was (In ?
stroyed by flames on Friday. Mr. Obier
had been working about the barn with
tho hoys when he was called away.
When he returned twenty tninut<e.s later
the barn was burning, and tIte> bodies
of the boys were found in thft mints.
One of the boys was live and the other
ten years old.
We placed before him
four different methods
Nearly a year ago the secretary of a Title
and Guarantee Company in a big southern
city called at our New York salesroom. He
wanted to find the method best adapted to
the filing of card records.
We placed before him four different methods,
not all of them our own. He tested them
for speed, simplicity and practicability.
With this result: He found that the Auto
matic Index was quickest, simplest, freest
fTom error. He also found?and this Is the
feature that should appeal to you?that in
a few minutea time the finding of a card
becomes almost mechanical.
Naturally, wo got the order.
Nothing would please us more than to hava
you do what the Title man did?investigate,
compare, decide. Count motions, use a stop
watch, make any test you please.
Hundreds of business house* have adopted
the "Automatic Index." Their names?
Asy us. We'll be glad to tell you.
Library Bureau
Maaufacturinr distributor* of
C?rd and filing systems. Office, library nod bank cqaipnuMH.
Unit card and filing cabineta in wood and ita?L
Mutual Building, Richmond
Telephone: Marfiaoa 4211

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