Newspaper Page Text
'Jhe Trial of The Negro Plot. Plot ???!?? ? ? -mi of ~ i !]? Vi ? : :<rk N?:er" i'lot n; tli - \"< -a England Sal-m T ? wore both the mi! ? ji ? : i In ?: <? ilt'rjjyi' ? *j v\ ? i o anions pli i v .?of the r osl ml Interesting events in the .? ? ?. !? out - ? ? ? ? . ? - :??;<? t hi \\ 11 e h ? i~ In : he absu> lit\ uf th? parallel with the wit'h If iji the absurdity of the : for. 1 i > i>f tl.e t. i:, I!.- vloler ?? that wns s.-rse. reason ani th Iri the th'ody and AWfUl ro ? ? ?? j>i'i. . !:r?*s u'.i No'.v York r' ?' :t )">rtant It sson * ii half-century before In Now r ? ! ? illti; ? rat. - th< ? rih t i\ ? eni-rgy of t !.? :>-r < > t > UIDtiaR- ? * 1" ?- ' 1 ?? .i ? av?? of v ? : u ;? ? ?and sUJ-< : stl wiilch ??:?!) n>; v-i occur acain. i r: ? : >!1 ti-tt :itt's ths tine (!??>:: .. : t\ ? energy of the ? . ' ' . "f i!!' - *.i " ? - ? . .-s . ? . '.j all times ? tiie slaves hart ben u^tomod rnt'r. d-i: ' , uai'tble and secrete *h : stolen goods Hucli.sott w .n- a r. ?.f Infamous el.araetei. ; ?.-i his ? ? ? r v.i i I. .V ir> 1 '? : : ? ti. !..?? ? . nie the chief wit against het :: -' and t ). other \ t?? t i 1 *;s W! < a ..n Muri-li 1 n f.dlowii u a fire br<" . out lti the ?.>i t and ?U -? n; i the Governor's house and other build ' i ? ?? -. 1 it1le doubt ? ? t!," ? ? i- ' t: ? ? \ i: ? 11 | ? pi th. t there w ? ?! ? et plot .'II the |i;rl the '."red poopie to buri. t! ??> elty. ;.la' : Hurton cnvi. dnmnglng testimony, and la>! *.1. - < dor->1 peojd" had held r. - ' Hueh: t. - ? i 1 ,d d ? hl-d destroy all the white?, and '' ' "'a*- r. a bla-k. wa.- to bo vet ? nr. and Ilughson Kinc. er.tir. stor> v. as a f it.rieation rs- d I": >. ,i ? . -ijurlncr -? ? al ? let irytna n. wi-.h 1 ? . i. v ? ' In ?'*io plot He was .it onv" i ? t: ' i .ind - \< ? uti .. ; il l ;? t t ?-s' w.~ UU It -idcral '? iiitit-It :? tli. ? \. . (1 and di ll ; l /.ur ? . but the tv: he (It ill-feellr^ bevti i: ? ? ? .vl ? a ! ? - a the colored peo ? York. The pas ? i ve ? t rt ies v--'o ? .11' sions ? 'i hs?tr? i an<l kindled.- as by ? 1 . T- ' the West m Ha s-r. v.-ry. ?-V..S 1 : ?? r Ml t r ' ? " ? ? c 1 - ? I ?* w ; s :iT s'l!l more a:al :: sc-. t<> the whole eommunltv. USELESS CRUELTY I 'renrlirnaa \|ip?-nl* ??i I 'rtnlnitiit t tn lt?-lu*c I" II r* mill >1 n it v I-t-nllier.s. I * is no". ? .. ).>:> that p: -t - ft re boin? made against the wearing of ?' ? furs a:. [?' tj.- whi'-h e*. rout - tli- f! ._?( ?. r : r-.(i h..s 1-d almost to tho extermination of so many beau tiful and harihloss little crOatui-os, T;i. a c : t: -it Is - f " K ? : . r <1. iiii-i . r st : . ? at '. I Is- v. ? ? ; \ by -?! - * ? t oi: < I il.ii.illi urt at tlte ? :??? a. 1 f :e?-t!::i: ??{ I.a - . ?-I1'natation, calling on all women to in v ?< -.r t; ? ? th - iv,i: th i t it u a> t women de, ketl ' : - ! ... . ?.. Har;iu jurt d ' :" ? ? < ' ' ? . w;: ? ?. ? ti> . .. .. h">- ? , t iwas ' ? ' ?: : : the plvrt ? I .. hunters a.nti trappors natu:allv tv? : r? urt the: tat religion was back "And I assure you. ladles, you will * C "d '| WaS ^%en 1U* n0t bC ,0SB beaut,'ul if fewer creatures l? ? 0 ' ' ???.;'.vi.- your hats/' he cota l;jd<?d. ?n ' ? .'.' hu < rt ..t.i\ or.- s.very few Ospreys ? st.'S -* of t'.e p!um? s. f,< n ;? a robbery had been tasies and ru-hings. used are derived * *hjit wifroiri thf* or ir<?m the denizens Ilreukfant. ('?ranees Cereal !,lver mid Bacon Corn MuDinB Coffee l.Dnrliron, Croam of Potato Soup Salad anil Cheeso Samiwlchoa Biscuits Preserves Tea !>lnn?-r. Chicken Stow 111 Pnnipllnps Polled Rice f'otatoe.s .hi <?tntln Lettuce r> ri<I Toniiiiit Salad Raked Apples with Cream (''often Pu(;it?M nn Grotin. k? M* nr ? b.i'KO 1 or ' . tl' ? *t tV ??? ? ntvl h I two 1: I I ' rp . I' ,u:<? III I.'IV?TK In a 1>'V ?? i; dlsli ???;?? ? \!? p < h .< \ w'ili ? 1 ? . , ... p. ..?? ... T f.-MI- <1111; '?"* (?'. lilt'! ''? i >. it !? ? >r \< il'.t? .- in " ;sti ' jm: Into n *iotv "\?n U it!. h"' Brown r?> WORTH KNOWING Iii? v Vould ' ii .'i >!?? <1 iii scvi'nil watei-8 before cooking It. Tho best w.i . ?!?> l! i.? !?< int the i Ico Iti a i? vi* ;itiii pint ?:< it up and down In . ii: of water. Hot water t:< fur Pett or than cold, for if the rice ker ? ? hav" i t-- coafi! with pa ratlin t: ? > it water wi'.l w;t h It off. This Is impossible with th?? cold water. When rievt oooklnjr bacon, try put t T'i' it in ? sieve :,i><i pouring boilim; v . ? t ? : ov< r it; t en i ? \ ? r for a few ti ? ? - tits with w.'t* ?. dry int; tin? h ? f i? on a i 1 >*t>i Ii0f"io putting' into sizy.linp tt vine pan Some hous-wivis pist ? llttl" water in t' ? k.-ttl- i?? \ii.'< !> mil;: is to bo ? 1 t" pti-v. nt the ! ill- s. orchitis At.'.-t in.-r i!:?>t i .nl i.? to sp:it Ule in a ilt t.' l: : a tiu la t < ' i ? n<l 1 ?? t it ?*ot hut t ? fin pouring in tli" mil!;. I :??? neirihrwit' ? I' ' inc fish to line > ; * i with wax?'l i i; >? ? . then there will i t." ii' - :rt i ?l?; v stli'ky dish to Wash aft' 1W; :ii. l ist ii I'ottm "ii putt: itnife, pur chased tit a hard waro etoro for a la --- trifle. < i;. le used to i^ood advan t ,ue wl.'-n !? rtinu ! ? ttb-s and pans t<-> whir', f i 1 - Muck. Also III j ? I Mr ? I' ? - v <-ir Hiielvi s ti loosen .*i: -.ft tl at v. .11 ? ? ? ?oni" -iff v. ith Tl ? ?? -t \\ t ? w ? t-i up a joint is ?>> v. i it i- ?' !? k!y K:i ;:!'ed paper and .? ?? \ii? i while In the oven. '*>" \? r ? ?'???? ; t ti-ata wl ii pro ? :.t ? ? : ? it i a becoming hard and dry tf ; * ti wat ? t> lev rat's yellow for fiiu. ? ? :t wri-t: ? ii lfav-s in.;'.' he . i .-a. ? p p.- ?? ' !???.? ? - a--. 1 alum in water at i ?i? t? h:t? <? '' *? rai:? into it at i tl." ill ! ?? ti t i; ht \<'ll"W so : I I ;. tin ?? ?! 1. '\ y '* ? a vet s? All ? kl"s sin ild I e kept at least ? ti" til I" enit.i; til" Jars for use. By opening ther.i sooner they lo.-e t:iti'th oi 11;? dellpiitful ilavor wili'h wi'ild otherwise be theirs. J.inltig-.j 'or ? lot; ?? baskets insure '!;? . : it}'.' I > ?-- i 11: - ! -tit rttl. Til'-sO : ? :: . !? hed '.luslin. just th* v.'-.-ip" '?) th" i !:??:. at.d tied into pla ?? with tap' -. la ?? ot j'l-i 1 hi?'j 1 ? i i p. f l off lern l!:'r Iv. The pith Utider the ? :. . at.?: t tsi I at all Only th" t:i*.? i yellow rind and jui< ?? sl.'juld !"? used. \; j i< ji >' > ! mm? Make that tea kettle bright with a little hot water and AOLP fM 1C;?! The cleaner of cleaners for kitchen utensils. Cuts work in half and sterilizes everything while it cleans. 5c and larger packages. fa J/h 5EIBZ FA1RBAN ft?22?*E3 I CHICAGO I "lot tha COLO OUST TWtHS (Up your* vJOrSi" A Wedding Gown by Poire t NOTES ABOUT WOMEN 'tln? v? vildliiji Kinrn, ili-Mum-il l? j i'.ilrrt iiiul >vurii lij- (nrolyn Thomson In the sccoiitl net of "Aili'lf," In of siitlii ttii'(cor, Hiiuirtlj ilrnpnl by u (IIiiin) liti(Vim; (iiiilo ii( nlilir inwn ni'l, (In- liiiycrlf lirlni; of old Irish mill Yub-iielr him-* Inrr. ISllen Terry, who Is sixty-six years >r?iii..rt has in'-' l<"ft o-i .? lecturing tour in Austtalia ?:.i Now Zealand. ?'.-irmcn Syiv.i, the- Queen of Ctu I!' Mr i, has < n <?!??? tnl a member nf the I :i 1 S'.>>? i. t \ <>f 1 11 r e o! I '.lif land. Madame M?dba, who Is now In Iion <1- ?!?, ? ?: IJI! <)!' lit r lo.-?nt Alil'-ri iti t'Oir: "I Vr'i.t ps ii' happiest moment w:is thUt of arriving- hi New York and aud it' ? <? :? ?iw mindi people 1 ? V<? ? i Hi'* " TIii r- !i;is just hern nclvi ? : . .1 for f-ale in ! I.oi .i-in paper ''in-en Vt ? tot la's f?ir.ll? t)"- only photo evt nt 0 her Int" Majesty smiil'.u; . n ? \ u. i t ?? . ? t: < I nni-iue 1 - ? i r >? ::Mi .1) " Th.'te will I... published rhoftlv .i v.-o! i V a- ? unit of small-holding In ? i.i T ?? author i- Mr*. <;?- ritlna ,;i) ? . -'Mark, who bousl ' ami i n sin Ii a holding i-n h.-r own ;? ?nnt i >. ?; i r r.v t '..Mi AT?pell?*?-t and had to wresth vith .? full sh?ir> *>f the dll!h-ultb-s v. \ i si'- the pi tif r f i-tni r on i - al" It. the I ' -n. It will ? lb"! "W!' ? at n--.ll \Vn; ;;ir " \ n.-w J .Vrl by Mi;. Humphry Ward Is t>. appear in the autumn. An elaborate now niiditRotvn Is of striped liait.M' k and I; lapels. W hit- <mifon < . Iki - b. nded In vivid ???dors art* .i (felu-h?ful tone! \ cut l? n- w .? pve i- 11i:a wrap i net, I ldere.j v. :?h taffeta. f' 'liinpfH r<-. o m 11 ? ? b"i!L*ht ready mad. with V' St- "1 i-i' p. . hlne. Ti ?? in a" t ? ?; t b .iio id. of woven wire, wltl a llnr-tie <over. fist.', tints arc i > r ? ?! ? i ? ? 1 by lining v^bito i f t with i" ? roloi The t :i .. tb i-- n ;??? . narrow silk t i '? P.! i.-ii".i with odd rosette slides or 1 11 las-els. AIGRETTES RARELY SEEN IN CHAPEAUX .Agitations concerning tho wearing of ospreys nml nun plumage generally have the Hympathy of right-minded women, liut It should be retuotnbercd that women who wear these barba rous ornaments are In a very small minority, as will bo reallzod If ono considers Ihe matter for .a moment simply from I ho monetary point of view. Ileal "ogrot" plume.* are almost prohibitively expensive. Many of the graceful rnounlN which for want of a better word milliners and fashion writers aro wont lo describe ; as "aigrettes," are Ingenious manu 1 faetures that never hnd a remote con nection with any bird that was ever : hatched. Ostrich I'lnninge. Nino-tenths of the plumes and ! feather trimmings used are .derived from ihe ostrich and from birds that aro reared and slaughtered for food: though these last represent only a comparatively small portion of the whole, and the ostrich Is the main stay of the trade. There no more cruelty involved In robbing nil ostrich of his plumes than clipping a horse's coat or having one? own hair cut, for the plumes are sheared at tho proper lime, ?^d the quills fall out in the moulting season, to be replaced by the now growth. Occasionally one may ace an ostrich with tho quill en : tire, but that shows, not that It hns been plucked out by tho root?that would -be an operation only possible [of performance with a rope and pul ley, and from a safe distance?but >that i? is a moulted feather, seldom1 or never of tho best quality. Plotter* nnd Tulle. I'ven leathers and the made-up "fantasies" are not so fash ionable ,i t tho moment as flowers, lulle and ribbon for millinery pur p?is<- I{f>s?-.M or" I'vcry shade, Includ ing blip-, brown, olive green and gray, l"sid< tin- natural colors, are worn i:'. such profusion that the artificial Hower-makei >? must surely bo lloutlsh iiiu .as never before; while tho huge mnlmalson carnations come iksi In favor, and are so exquisitely made that even in texture and "feel" It Is dlllicult to distinguish them from real blossoms, especially those Intended lor wearing In belt or rorsage. A chiffon I'loupe. horizontally thread ? d xvit'i ribbon. Is one of tho greatest iiovt liics. Mit ???*<! patent leather collars and iffs m.ikfl a striking effect on coats f \<ltskin cloth. .Sinned necks appear on the taffota wraps, the ro\v.? of shirring outlined oy * trrow \"alen> b rines. Collars < f changeable taffeta or broad strip"* pr< vidt a bit of color on | the navy and black utility coats. The ? llridslnne collni is a little 111* th> 'd<i time t'.yrnn style Ii stands up .a t! e ba lc and rolls over a I'll. The ?-,.!rt ell 'pery of a l.'dted nf !? : r >on gown t* '.-aught up the front with tassels, with a 'harming classic effect. Kimono sleeves have actually gotten nil I . i : land {-'mall <;hl,drcn s coats !:.w> iluai, also the .-ei-in sleeve, j I'.la'k velvet mokbands ending In i kn"t on tlie ire it of the low-cut gown a:r peculiarly quaint an 1 Inter i < sti:ig A lUTTHKPI.Y MRDI.K ANI> OM! OP I'LOHKItK!) SII.K THE ARTICHOKE ,fo?t h llil About n \ r?rtnlilc of Wlllch tli<> I'rrni'li Arc I'niiil. r-V\v of us re.ilize thai wli'-n w? serve the )"<<:? li :ii -tocral of tho ve^etablr world ii i only t ho >*?*?? 11. unopened ' lit j of a i.'iant thistle v.r arc eon ?< ii in 'in: 'I In- artichoke In a Kreat, |.ri< i. 1 ?? 1' ? \ (hi. t !? like plant, with Hitch i about it lind hiicIi , h ? ? i:< I!.. I Ii 1." till a wonder ? wl.eie ?!. ? ? ih ami ?1 ? ? I i i ? I ??>i m flavor ; >.f ill- "^1 " come !'; O! 11. Tlicro 1 :s ' a tlili-k, White do W tl fin the undetsldo of the I- I'.I'S, which add; In tile Wild nn?l v.'oollv ; ('? ;i i ? life of this onee upon-a i win- w? it was then a na tive of tin* .Wedltei rani in clinics, >? i owlt.v w II i in t:real profit Ion, when ?ionic cac uttli a lnti.;e appetite and no n.iafih if ? at Inf.villi.; it. In do-poratlon pciy.ed tip'O tic f! hy M ales til the, llow i f bud 'if Ihl.s plant. Me. cooked I thcin ? 11 ?! til- '. \\i ic I That Is the reason all S"Uthern Kuiope 1 raising arttdioli<-s I ? ti e millions for the jjrfiwini: appetite uf the world, Marti ?! ha' I', iti lli< : i .ti-cnth century. *15.1 ICi. .11 (ill tl.c I'C.ileji lielnf? BO 11 1.11 ?* i ami 111 ? ? : i 1 lui itise they cotl t tin tin notjt i-11 n 11 r t f,.i the unborn little llmvi ih, wlilcli will feed upon thin'* while they ate (jrowlti? up. In Hteatl we conie along : I||| roll the pan trv for ourselves, riK.'inlle.MH of the. fcollnr of tli. plant Km without II-,e pale, yellow thistle flowers. which de velop beautiful winded fruits, there ? iii 1 ?? no plan: next vi ai The Iruit.i f in.t ili. tl.' ? ? .I" and.when ilpc are carried by tic whirl (loatitiK 1 on II.clr feathery tvinns until thev tiiiil a Miltit'ile :-pot lor starlliiK 'a now home. Delicious Fresh Fruits NOW ON SA I,re, 48c jar These fresh fruits are in a. very fine and larne vnnety? I>iit ti|' in la:r.e sanitary Jar*? ?|sc( li.l dozen. ?4 cllnu I'cnrlift Strawlierrie.i lllnek ln-rrirH I(?? it < lu-rrlrn llnrtii'tt frnrn ((tiliier. For Your Spring House Cleaning It's time for the Spring House CliMtiins??et your MilI>|>1 ios here. I>UBtless Oil Mop, OOe. ''?itton Mops. ir>e up. I'.rooms. Uando Handles, ."??<? up .sVrub Hruslics. 1Ue, l<1e, J!)v, Silver and Hrass Polishes*. Kloor Wax and IJrlKhtqner. Ammonia. * S.iim rine. Uaundry Unskets. ? 'lothes I,lues (eotton or wire 1. I"u r 111 til re Polish. Soaps, Potash, I v. Hoi a \. Tel. Monroe 101-106 504-508 East Broad Strecl GOOD, QUICK BISCUITS FOR QUICK OCCASIONS ' .correspondent of th WJ|0 h-v Woman ( good blseut and who also knows how ' wives to , bh?> lkn?'VH' aaka house I method: 'J '? fol,?w'"K easy I ru.,ru;,? ? ;;:r; Tu n,tnr *?*?? nn?nd^ V. I. .''ni ,a/'' ' th<*nrv, but t)iA ! "?? .l.1?rln I,V." bc'-unlfull"0,lilnB " I""i?ohi>ldi, : ;?r .is","- - ?*"r??3 ras ???? light and .l.-li, ,lf...' I round it trv ",y?? ' ^''^h Mi;:,,. aml to ? ln ;t-v^ V; 11 Koe.M 1:?? tho OV()n ;'::a ;.ri?? ? ami baked sort ,h" <,Ulckl?r* 'he temperaturo of the ov^n In ?n Id.1"V" ,M '-^r'tlal lor th* ?d . 1 1 ,:^r "f iiBhl I ' ; ; "'"""Id n?. Into JH.rrV halls brown t1,U ,"i"r ;i tu ? minuter* usually sulllces for their baklr ? j I'lUntd Tlp?. Pome day when vuu hau ? I thy of cold mashed potatoes 1. ft IIMI1K two cuptuls ?t the p,.t:,,<.n's , this loclpe Add thlH TO the tloui at. t.-i the short. nh.K |? rubbed i!,,. Mend it well > . tore > ?lh\ ^ ' 'It ..lit IV,,,,, >H c. ck nnd bak? ln ?? quick ?n twelve or lift ecu minutes Thin I if almost i, potato s nno recipe a.,7| i niak..H a del,< louu hr.-M hot bt.'ad ?> . ,C II,,. .lnH) much j, . than most potato s<rer|pe* '"' a pint of th. ir, half a t.-a-poon ; f" I of salt, two level tea>p,,..nfuN | '.-.klnK powder mid a scantly level " te:.: i?o.., r?l . f ; ?,lt lnlll -a 1>(>wl' Unit!' "''Kcrtips knoad u heaping thll! ?i? H? of buUcr 01 ,a'" Into I th. . iintll the tiil?. ur'- 1? pow<!. rv L., , '- ,;l,h Jt '"lx m al.out one cupfi,! r.f ?nur rt'-arn tit.til It k ^ -,f dour li onci' ?aP, ^rop-hatt^r HtaL-.. the softer the better. oive It .-I fwift hl'Tidlnn arid t .s. on fo square of lightly floured, clean paper > " ' 1 ? ? ? '* l'11"'r *!>"?.? conies In hi*-1 cu t ho.v-\w yood for thif Now with th- hand, f ha p'e It Into r, smooth sheet, without kneading, from half to three-,,uartei :. of ? lt. h thick, according to yout ||klnB for hln and .risp tll|r:v, ,,r0a(,. 111." blM-ult; 'tit into small <|r. le. no more than an inch and a half in dl t ? apart on '? ,/ N ,J tin to InMiirt* nhn i?aKing all nround. and hal.e about twelve mlhtiteH in a hot oven. If you have a well-nrrnnged kitchen with your material* r-ady to Vw'ur hand the entire process of making be got.e throtu-h Ir, thr.-^ mlnut. . w>th but one howl, a cup and a f>.rl lett to wash. The hoi-h!.?.>ult expert will usually tell you that biscuit made with sour milk or cream, or buttermilk and -u* < ?? I.if o.\?*o! tli*. baitin>;-powder va rlety. There ij, ,, diff.-,..n(? in t.-x tur.- the four milk and noda .sort UMiall-. having a v lv? tines? and ten | dern. ss that the othei nori la. ks el though 1 must admit, I have eaten baking-powder biscuits that r have mistaken for the other. lilt king. Pomlcr Illxrulta. Baking-powder biscuits are innde precisely like these sour-cream ones except that sweet milk or water is substituted for the sour cream < r but termilk, the soda is omitted and the bak it' g powder is doubled?that h?. : two heaping teaspoonfuls aro put In instead of two level ones. THOSE FUNDAMENTAL BEAUTY.SPECIFICS ' Would you be bright-eyed and clear- 1 fckinned? The fundamental specifies for beauty are fresh air, a 11mlit and wholesome diet, which should include ! plenty of fruit; the daily bath, and a' judicious not an excessive?amount of e.\ercise. The woman wlio values her looks should drink plenty of fresh water, including a tumblerful either hot or cold, last thing at night. .Spring wj'ter is the best, but if this is not available, water that has been boiled and allowed to stand for two ot three hours till it lias become re aerated Is more wholesome than mere ly littered water. About Until*. ?Many women make their hath much too lengthy a function, with the re sult that not only the skin, but the whole system, becomes enervated. The morning bath should be taken quick ly, followed by a sponge down or douche of cold or tepid water, and a brisk toweling to promote circulation .After long exercise ,or when one |. tired, and especially for sufferers from colds, rheumatism or neuralgia, a "mustard hath' Is a wonderful tonic that is no easily prepared also. On. merely dissolves from one to two tablespoonfuIs of mustard in a hit', ?t hot water, et viola! The ? cold douche Is not required after a mustard Mote Cooking utensils can ho cleaned much more enHlly when Just. emptied jtlian after they are cooled. i If the shelf of baby's high chair Is covoied with white oilcloth, II will ho imiK'h easier t>> keep clean. When lobster Newburg Is to be made jln the dialing dish, It Ih well to pro .pure It home time before anil let It 1 remain In a veiy cobl placo until used. I'so butter tathor than milk If po tatoes need,extra thinning. The for 1 nier nwko? them soggy, and nothing is ivniM! than milky mashed potatoes lodlno la a healing remedy for ! wounds ,caused by rusty nails. Such wounds, however, (should have the at tention <>t a physician trom the start. If engs are to be stuffed, they must 1 be put Into cold water as soon as thoy are taken f 1 ?>rr> 11 ?,stovo. This will keep the whites In better shape. )Uil<ed milk puddings should ho done vr rJ slo'A ly In a gradual oven If Hal 1 flsh Is required lor immediate use. Is will freshen much more quickly !f Kf'.'ik?"l In mil]; Instead of water .S"iir mil:-; will sttiMvcr an well as Af outdoor cupbonrd Will he found tif fftil 11 t il economical during the win tt r v. < itlier. It will do a'.vay with the n,.. ,.<j.11 v for |,-e f,,r quite a long time Mix stov. polish with equal parts .if household ammonia and turpentine ' ;?ti(l r.pply to the cool stove; rub off with a soft woolen cloth It gives a high polluh. lt? ? 1 ling vinegar will soften paint hrm-hes that have become hard and dry Allow them to dimmer In the .vinegar for t?n minutes; afterwards v. 1 > : them In soapsuds. .Vow earthen casseroles rhould ha ? >tk?"l In cohi water at least twenty f<.ur hours before they are put on a r.-u "t over gas flame Treated In this w.? v. tliey will la11 muoh longer. If tt." lire Kets low oti cold nights ami the h'iiire plants are badly chilled n the morning. put them Into a still .ir k < loset, all'! the r #*\t morning you will find every plsnt nice and fresh. W 1. ?* n cleaning windows in freex Mnr w atl.'-r, try using kei<->sene In stead ? f water After wiping the win idows <?!? with a cloth saturated with 'l^riiHci.o, polish with a clean dry cloth. I.-i you: l.ltchen fink clean? If It is not flushed out with boiling water and lye. It is a dangerous sink. Under It 1 v a trail where yrease and germs are , 1 slight, and u needs to ? e k?pt clean T o tissue paper which comes Into the house around gifts or In stilt !>o\es If !? Idr 1 ntnl put Into the draw 1. with the iltsh towels. will be most 1. < ful to polish glassware of ?!1 ^rts, including lamp ?hlmneys. FROM KITCHEN TO DINING ROOM Seemed a Long Way to This Lady, as She Had to Sit Down Between Rooms Madison Heights, Va.? Mr?. M. E. Veste, of this town, pays: "I hardly know how to express myself In speak ing o! the great good that Cardul, the woman's tonic, did me. I was nlmost dead last July when I commenced taking Cardul. I was weak and nervous; without any ap petite, and oven without courage. I could hardly walk from the dining room to the kitchen without sitting down, and I had about given np all hope. And th^n T saw Cardul advertised In a paper, and T sold It was the very thing I needed. Ho I got a bottle, and It relieved rne In less time than a week. Whfin I had taken three battles I felt like a new person. Please publish this letter so that other people may seo how Cardul helped me after I was almost dead." Cardul goes to the weak spots and helps to make thorn strong. It acts j with nature?not against her. It is for tired, nervous, irrltablo women, who feel as if everything were wrong, and need something to quiet their nerves and strengthen the worn-out system. If you are a woman, suffering from any of the nervous nllments of wo j manly trouble, take Cardul. It will help you. At all druggists. (Advcrtlsomcnt ) ? & To Gas Consumers: Notice You nro invited to inspect & I lie Gas Appliances shown by % the Gas Department of the city of Richmond at Manufacturers' jgj Exhibit, Chamber of Commerce ^ Kulldtng. Sixth and Main, fourth s Moor. These Gas Appliances are S furnished bv the General Gas 2 ? p sin teed to ho the best money can buy. Light Company, and ore guar ^ Don't forget the Self-Llght S ing Gas Ranges, and remember our guarantee. General Gas Light Co. \ I ^5 ilOH North l-'iffli Street. 1*1. C. Gentry, l>ro])rietor. # Hh * & I'lione, Monroe l!l)80. ^ I ^\\mVW///A\\V\y##iWA/W