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I'uhllxhril r?rrr ?I?? ?" ????? ?e?ir '?> The 'riuic?-l>li?l?n?<'h IMililUUluu Co., l??*. TIIM TIMES Founded INNS ?rule DISPATCH Founded >850 Aildrrnii nil eomtniinlci?tlon? Til TIMICS-IllSl'ATCIl. ? 1'rlrpliiiuc Mtmrof 1 l*iilill?-n 11?? ii utile c. ... to N. Truth Street South Hlehmond 1020 llrll Street ? JVtcrnluirK 10!? V. Sj?-nmore Street K) m-h InirK ills l'ilKlilll Street llnnhrii'ik. Story .V llrooUw, lite. Sjiecliil Ad? ertl*liiK Itepreiientnt I ve?, Nevi ^ nrk -??" Kittli Avenue Vhllmlrliihlfi >lut?ml I.lte ItullilluK I'htcnKo l'eople'n llullillint SITIISCHll'TIO\ It ATI'S i IIT M AII. One Sis Three One i POsTAOK V \ID. Year. Mo?. Mm. Mo. Iinll* ntnl Sumlfcy. .9(1.1X1 JII.IHI SI .50 ..15 Dfillj only 4.01) 2.<N> 1.110 hunilii; only. i li.OO l.OO .5(1 .??? (It TlnteN-Dlftpntcli t nrrter Ilellvery Service In Itlohinoud (nml mihurb*! end ? I'rlrri'liiiri;? Ono \UoK llnllv ii HIi Snndny 15 eentB Dally without Stiudny I" cents htiniiny only '' cents I'ntered Jnimnry 1!", 1005. ?< Hleh munil, \n.. n* Hrconil-eliiM? mntter^nn ilrr net of f'onixrcMH of March II. 1STU. Wednesday, may :t. 1914. Richmond extends welcome to tl?c pood roads bullilcrs. The Why of It. Huorta's belief in Ills divine right to rule Is another evidence of liis un fitness to rule. So long ns there are men in Mexico ho bellevo in the right of the few to govern the many j without their consent, and so long as they arc upheld in this anachronism by the nations of the earth, so long will there be turmoil and strife in (hut uufortunate country. The Juvenile Protective Society haa' declared for oompulenry education. Next! No Ciiaus Belli Here. It does not He with this country to become outraged that Mexicans lired at our army aeroplanes, if those aeroplanes were over tho Mexican lines. Mexico has the right to pro test against the presence of the aero planes. Who doubts that a skirmish ing party of Mexicans caught within ; the American lines would have been hred upon by American soldiers if they did not surrender upon demand? An army aviator is a scout, and his presence over the enemy's lino is not likely to be wclcoiued save with bul lets. Does any one really believe any thing -will come of the proposal for n combination ilbrary-oourt-nudltorlum building? Does any one believe It was intended that anything should come of It? Not un Unfriendly Act. Premier Asqulth has announced Great Britain's final decision to de cline to participate In the Panama Exposition. This action will furnish additional ammunition to the Anglo- . phohlsts of the United States, but others will remember that the 1 Louse of Commons and the business men of Knglaud favored participation. They will be Impressed also by Premier As qulth's denial of unfriendly intent and his rcferenco to tho fact that Great Britain will take part in the j ceremonies attending tho opening ol the canal. Whatever the reason for the Cab inet's refusal to have the Knglish na tion represented at Hail Francisco, and however mistaken we may think that policy to be, we have no reason j to BUi'pect in it any unfriendliness. I Investigating committees nrn not al v ,iys? made for Investigation. More Aid l?>r Democracy, Colonel Roosevelt and his Progres sives have determined to attack the Democratic administration all along the line, but will direct their heaviest ?verbal artillery at two points. The Panama tolls question and tho Col nmblon treaty are the two points of attack selected. Tin Democrats' could ask notWrtg better JJven Colonel Roosevelt caii j.ot stir the country against the pro po il to reimburse a weak nation lor properly conl'e.-sedly taken Iroiu it bv a more powerful nation, liven Colonel ltoosevelt cannot arouse a people to indignant protest against a redemption of treaty pledges. If the. Democratic party 1* to be attacked lor the crime of being hon est with itself, with its country and with all tho world, it is a matter of indifference if the assailant be a }Icar l or a Roosevelt. -'uppobe the Council doee i ccommend half-million-dollar bond Issue for a Tn?.-nftroolty' Doch any ore believe iho people will approve? The Outlook for Pan-Americanism. Ciiarhs H. Flint, United States repri . '-niativc ot the First Interna tional American Conference, occasion al representative in the United States of many South American countries, arid with long business connection with Latin- \inerica, believes the me diation proceedings at Niagara hold the germ of a great force for good to North and .South American natiom I'pn-Aiuerit anit in, In think s, will prove the only means by which sta bility ol government can be estab lished in Mexico, and It Is this Pan Americanism which he expects to sec developed from the mediation j ro roedings. Mr. Flint, who is a warm sup porler of the Wilson policy iu \!i \ Jco, believes that the trouble: o: ti:< administration and of the Constitu tionalists will 'oe but in the- beginning with the capture of Mexico City by t'arranza and Villa. Rrlei'.y, hi be lief li> that, will) the ciimiiu.iioji ( ; the Clentlllcos, which <!a. fiirni !.-?? the inor-t able adminl: trator: , lie Constitutionalists will fac? great iiii jiculty in tho pacification and gov ? rnmoyt of the country Th? will need outride aid In re torlng order, inaugurating a new ivst< ni of land distribution and In putting ii ?.<? ? >n the many reforms n?:'-?'..siry 'f itrong government Is to he ? tablish < 1 and peaco maintained. Such lib slstance, he thinks, could not bo given by the United States acting alone, as suspicion of aggressive in tent would bo Inevitable*. "A inor or less united Mexico in opposition would be the result," lie Kays. "Fur thermore, wo, as a nation, do not understand the Mexican mind," and would bo at groat disadvantage, in aiding in setting up a government suitable for the Mexican people. With other Latin-American nations join ing with us and assuring the Mexi cans of our disinterestedness, Mr. Flint Is sure tho required assistance could bo given the Constitutionalists in their task of restoring Mexico. Tu dor such conditions, he tells tho Now York Evening I'ost. confidence would l?e felt, and tho best minds of the United States, of Latin-America and of the Constitutionalists would be equal to the great work. Mr. Flint's confidence In the ulti mate success of President Wilson's policy Is encouraging, and his advlco is worth careful attention. Few Americans are bettor acquainted than ho with tho nations to tho south of us, and what ho says is f^om experi ence and knowledge of condition and character of the people with whom we are dealing. The mediation pro ceedings at Niagara, ridiculed us they aro to-day by some Intelligent peo ple, may not havo any great imme diate effect, but it is possible that they mean the beginning of a Pau Aiuericanlsm which will strengthen the ethical sense of the Monroe IJoc trlno and finally bring peace and prosperity to all Latin-American na tions and good will between those re publics and their great brother of tho North. Three thousand educated children moans 3,000 educated citizens. We need them. Renins Not tlie Greatest. Mr. Mellon does not lack In astute ness nor in courage, though some people think Ills candor in testifying before the Interstate Commerce Com mission 1s a blend of the instinct of self-preservation and brazenness. However that may be, Mr. Alellen does lack one trait, and that la a clear perspective. "Tho greatest force In tho world Is brains," ho said the other day. "and Mr. Morgan had them." Tho greatest force In the world is not brains. It Is. Instead, a combi nation of morality and justice. When to these is Joined brains, tho trium virate is Irresistible, and always will be. In abstract brains, Napoleon led his time. What became of Napoleon, pitted against the morality and jus tice of an outraged Kurope? Call through history tho role of tho Illus trious ones, from Home to to-day, and tho answer Is that one and all they fell, unless the powers of mo rality and justice were engrafted ou to pure Intellect. The final proof is this: Mr. Morgan and Mr. Ilarrlman. had they lived, might, as Mr. Mellon thinks, have had the power and re sources to control every mile ?if American railroad. Their dominion would have lasted only while the American conscience was chloro formed. Brain-power is excellent. !n the world's work It Is Indispensable. Un- I ] oss buttressed and balanced by morality and justice, it becomes a vain or a destructive l'orco. ? The Democratic progressives stand pat on the canal tolls Issue. (Yedullty. Almost at the same moment Rear Ad miral Peary was receiving the gold modal of the French Geographi cal Society for the discovery of the North Polo, Senator William Alden Smith was presenting to Congress a petition rrom several thousand citi zens of Michigan, who want Hr. Took ofliciallv recognized n.t entitled tit that distinction. Evidences that sentiment for Cook still linger are not unique. On his recent leeturo tours he has often been greeted by large and enthusiastic au diences. As a rule these people were not driven by more curiosity to see the man. as John Burroughs puts it, "who stole the North Pole." i'hey believe in the validity of Cook's claim:', and they will probably go to tl.eir graves linn in that conviction, unless the .. ood doctor himself re cant:? and there is little probability of that, development :to long as ho is a good drawing card. Persistence of loyalty to Cook is further testimony to tho American love of humbug, the vast capacity hero resident for credulity concern ing which the late lamented Barnum made his famous epigram The news papers, with their exploitation of Cook, are partially responsible. The unfortunate temperament of Peary a factor. More dominant sliil are tho e vagrant peculiarities of human viewpoint which are constitutional!;, opposed to the accepted view when there Is any plausible way around It. I'leeanse Paris wom?*i? showed diversity of opinion In unswon::;* th.? cij? -lion a;? to what man tl.\v prefer ?'? he, I.o Pl^aro prow ?.?i i.i: tic and ehuslc. quoting "Yarlum ct mutahllo semper fc:nlnB.'* Vet if the . amc question had 1?m ii asked < f men the result would have be<*n the name. cS=r-.*=?r -- ? - ii .? The New York Kvi ?< Post wor (>r? what will be> the effe t or th.i present dance epidemic upon the l.*w\ f.'ua:-e of Americans Of more ic.i !? .(i-taveo is it> eiltfct upon tho const! tutl": i f Amer Ion' ;? Ve- l.'.ti h pili. ?? always hets on 11/ V.! ? l."i: >. Uui.'hy nhowlng hi> !;!?:? h'p t > ?? <<( <ommon clay. The Col -.el ? come bnck Aiiierlc: \ ut riui he come back from : JI f It pa Oct mark In l'->13 grow 11," < b-ihhels '.f carrot*. nays an oxcliange till, tli .t i i ;? < for win The editor of the Outlook now gets u vacation. Wayside Chats With Old Virginia Editors "Wlicn tho President and tho Colonel afe lunching together," asks tl\?> New-' port News Press, "what would you give for a record of their innermost; thoughts?" Nothing; wo can guoas. ' Kach Is thinking, "I'll beat you to it ill 1916." i The Danville Iteglntor, tlx* fjyncli burg News uud tho Norfolk Virginian Pilot are carrying on a three-cornered debate on the aeiioti 'j? the Methodist General Conference in prohibiting tl>? uh' of tobacco by its future min.utera. 'J ho ltegistor quotos tills from the News, calling it "one of the most eon- > scrvativo statements" It has seen: ; "livery church has tho right to adopt ( j rules which those who would enter its iuiiiis;ry shall observe; and tho o.\cr- ; else of that right is bonellclai Just to the extent that the rules adopted aro . : wise. Whenever indulgence in any habit or form of amusement is deemed j ! wrong by nu considerable iiumber of persons, that such indulgence on the : part of ministers might tend to weaken the Itillucnce of the ministry, then, In oiu opinion, it Is wise for ministers to , refrain?this not as a mailer of morals, t but as a mallei ot" expediency. Wo confess not t'k have seen any signs 01 such widesp: ? .id aniilobaccu sentiment as lo mall)- the action taken by the : Methodist conferciico necessary or do . suable, but 11 the delegates to that ! conference hnvo seen such signs, or ! believe that In the near futuie such ; sciuiiiient will become widespread, then was their action wisely taken." I'iidouhlcdly, it is a clear, sane stato in.'in tii ihe case, but J-t. l'aul put it evfii better when ho said, "if moat make my brothei to olfend, 1 will oat no nitiut." "Ho far, tho Washington Post hasn't j threatened to close up shop and ex i latiiale itself when the exemption pro ; vision of the I'anaiiia Canal act is te ' pouted,' notes the NoriolK Virginian i'ilot. No such luck; wo will have to be satistivd with the passago of tho repeal act. "In tho meantime." nays tho New | port News Press, "the cause of i.'c mocracy in the .Ninth IMsiriot Is suf fering by the delay in dealing out the plums." That is a matter which those I people who are taking sides In the ' j squabble lip at Washington with I'ost ( master Burleson cannot down. it . ' stares them in ihe face, whatever the> say. It is time for the recoiumcmin tioiis, or piiue will go before tho laii of tho democratic party in the Ninth iJlntrlct. loot's have the recommeuua- j t tiona Tho Charlottesville Progress, speak ing of the len.cni tieatuionl accorucu the konuon militants, seems to ilnna that, "(io, sin some more," has been substituted for "Go, and sin no moie." That is usually the case with tho sentimentalists l'hoy attempt to quote tso words of tho .Saviour, but twist them to the meaning of tho re vised quotation of the Progress. "The home town newspaper." says the Buchanan News, "is as essential to a town as the retail merchants." We give the full quotation: "The ex tent nf the prosperity of the town de pends upon how well the merchant and editor pull together. Once lu a while the remark is heard that the life of the small town weekly or the lifo of the small town merchant Is threatened by Interest now centralizing in the large cities, but this Is 1101 true. The community is safe, iho local merchant Is safe ami the editor In safe, so long r.s we are olive and alert to our neighborhood Interests and do the things that should be oone to promote community welfare.' Hut tho small town newspaper needs the support of the citizens of the town, it needs llnanciai support as much as the mer chant, but often it does not gc-t It. QM WorM Gossip IIV l.A MAiKlDlSH: Oic KOSTKA'OY. OF the foreign envoys now leaving Washington, some for seaside and mountain resorts on this Fide of the Atlantic, an;! others for Ku ropc, there Is one alone whose farewell to the President and to the Secretary of State will be of a filial character, ami who \\ til not return to the shores of the Potomac in the ffll, namely, the Marquis Ciisanl-Ooiifiilonleri. in tnak ing his adleux at the White House, he Is at the same time presenting his. let tcrs of recall: letters from his sov ereign. bringing to :t close his mission a- ambassador of Italy to the United States. His departure is deeply regretted, not only by his diplomatic colleagues and bv society in Washington, In New York ami other leading cities, who have found In him a most witty, gifted and always sunny-tempered friend, but also by the members of the past and pres ent administrations, with whom his re lations have been particularly cordial. Hv his charm of mannc r. by his tact, and above all by the mastery of his calling, namely, diplomacy, he has suc ceeded Iti smoothing away every diJll eulty that has arisen between his coun try and the I'nited States, since he tir.'t came to America three years ago. This Is something of an achievement when i: Is borne In tnlnd that his coun trymen furnish far and away the larg cst foreign population In America; a population which is constantly ebbing t.i and fro across the Atlantic, and which pla> s so important a role In the Industrial life of tho United States there nr.- questions affecting its inter* .lis a:ul its welfare which are < instantly cropping up, and that have to lie eared for with a duo regard to American life, conditions, views and laws. The marquis's concluding ollicial act as envoy has beet) the presentation to the President of Commissioner-Gen i ral Nathan, formerly Mayor of Homo, ant! now on his way to San Francisco I" take charge of Italy's exhibit at the Panama World's Pair. Thin is par ticularly tilting. For if Italy has d< - ( lined to Join Germany and Great Hrlt ain iti holding aloof from the exposi tion ni tho Golden Gate It is largely owing to the efforts of tho retiring Italian ambassador. Among his achievements have been th- successful negotiation of no lens t :? n three treaties between this couri iiitil Italy, the most important of rhcui being undoubtedly that concluded in February of last year, and approved tiie ram,! month by the Senate, which provides that "the citizens of each of tie two nations shall recelvo In the i-tates nd territories oT tho other the i i>t constant security and protection t >r their persons and property, and for lii' r t.elits, including that form of protection granted by any State or; tii<l law which establishes a civil r< -p"ti-Ibility for injuries or for death caused by negligence or fault, and ? v. s to the relatives or heirs of tho !? Mt . i party a right of action, not ie - tri, t. ? | on account of tho nationality <?!' ? ud relatives and heirs" Ti s is a treaty, or rather an anicrid ! < i the original treaty of I n 71. u iich is of far reaching Importance, ? 'i< ? rtiing as it does not only Italians in America and Americans In Italy and her dependencies, but also niout other foreign countries, under the moat fav ored nation treaty clauso In their re lations with the United States. Under Its terms It will bo far eaalor from henceforth for Americans to obtain re dreas abroad for Injuries to person ami property, and for Italians and other foreigners to aoeuro analogous rodreaa In America, than has hitherto been the cuso. The Marquis Cusaul has likewise been successful In demonstrating that despite the much exaggerated conflict of authority between tho Federal ad ministration at Washington and tho ?State governments, of which so much has been made In connection with tho Japanese problem In California, It Is generally possible to Induce the Statu governments to listen to reasou through tho agency of tho Stato Depart ment at Washington. ? Of tho powers of dlploinatlo persua sion of tho Marquis Cusnnl, striking illustration may bo found In the fact that after a poor Italian widow had sued one of tho great trunk lines of railroad for damages for tho litiling of hur husband, and had been defeated, owing to proof that the death was duo to his own hogllgence, tho ambassador managed to Induce the railroad, as u matter of policy, to make her a present of a couple of thousand dollars, al though it had been put to considerable expense in defending tho ease. If the Marquis Cusanl has taken but little part In the galctlcr of tho past .season at Washington, It has been owing to the sudden death Iti January last in Italy of a brother, to whom ho was very deeply attached, and It was only a sense of patriotic duty that prevented him from hastening home to attend tho funeral. But for all that, ho will be much missed ut Washington, where ho leaves behind him nothing but good will, and Imbued with a sin cere liking and comprehensive appre ciation of American life and people, will prove from henceforth a useful friend of tho Trilled States In tho coun cils of his King and of his nation. A very curious suit which has Just boon tried In tho London Court of Pro bate, has had the effect of bringing to light tho fact that wills and testa mentary dispositions cannot bo mado the instrument of ?;pltcful allegations, or of po3t-mortem slander. Wills are. so often used for this purpose by per sons who wish to give expression to their animosity against surviving rela tives or acquaintances, that It Is Just as well that It should bo widely known that such refer- iicea are not allowed by the courts to be Included In the probate, an I are, as a rule, ordered by the presiding judge of the Probate Court to be eliminated from the testa mentary document before It Is probated und placed on record. In extreme cases, post-mortem at tacks of this kind on the living arc apt to Impair the validity of the whole will, or at any rate of portions thereof. The case In which these facts wero brought to light last week In London, was that relating to the will of tho late Itobert White, who In his testa mentary dispositions held up his widow to obloquy. Tho Judge took occasion to stato from the bench that the words complained of In the will were untrue, libelous, and could not bo considered by the court as In any sense testa mentary. Testators should nlwavs remember that attacks of this kind In their wills are superfluous, since !t Is possible to express nil that one wishes to convey by menus of the bequest. Thus, when one of the heirs is cut oft with a shill ing. everybody knows tho testator's opinion concerning the legatee. Just In the same way that Shakespeare Im mortalized his lack of regard for his wife when he bequeathed to her noth ing but his second-best bedstead. Perhaps tho most libelous will ever mado public was that of the First Napoleon. For in ?t ho makes charges of treason against Marshals Marmont and Augereau, against the great Tal leyrand, and against Lafayette, whilo ho accuses tho Oomto d'Artols (after wards Charles X., of France), of In stigating murder, by maintaining at his expense sixty assassins In Paris, paid to take his, the Kmperor's life, and that of the principal dignitaries of tho realm. He likewise bitterly as Falls In his will the Duko of Welling ton. and bequeaths In a codicil 10.000 francs to a man of the natno of Can tlllon for having made an attempt on the life of tlio victor of Waterloo. (Copyright, I'.ilt, l,y the Brentwood Company.) The Bright Side The Proper Mefnl. Our battleships are built of steol. In ono way that's not right; Scrap Iron would more fitting he. Seeing they're built to fight. ?Boston Tranucrlpt. Knslly Ununited. Creditor -Still no money? Look hero. I'm mighty tired of this cvorlu&tlug w aitlng. I>ebtor?'Tlrod? John, fetch a chair for the gentleman.?Fllegendc Blatter. Clinched It. lie?They say, dear, that people who j live together get In time to look ex- j actly alike. She?Then yon may consider my j refusal final.? London Opinion. Xnir Fatality. "An" >ou wero at MacDougal's last nlcht?what kind o' malm Is he?" "I.eebral wl" his whiskey-?but tho quality n' It's that Indeefront I verra near hit some!"?Kxchango. The Shopping So* Woman (popping into mourning shop)?That's a nice little 'at In yer winder, my dear. Yer might put It by for me, will yer? 'K'snot gono yet,but you never know, do yer??Tlt-Blts. A. Modern Pierrot. "Frauleln Hose, If you only knew how I loved you! When I meet you oti Monday morning, my heart wnzrs with joy till Saturday evening like a lamb's tall."?Fllegende Blatter. Hlltrrnlnn Wit. An Irish farmer was naked If he used any of tlu> commercial fertilizers on his land. "No, sorr," he replied. "To my notion there's nothing like tho old barnyard kind." "Nonsense man," said the other, "the time Is coming when a man can carry tho fertilizer for an acre of land In one of his waistcoat pockets." "Maybe he will sorr," returned Pat. "An' he'll bo nblo to carry the crop In the other pocket, I'm thlnkln'."?Boa tori Transcript. Fnte. The sky Is clouded, tho rooks nro bare. The spray of the tempest Is wlilto In air, The winds are out with the waves at play, And 1 shall not tempt the sea to-day. The trail Is narrow, the wood Is dim, The panther clings to th<- arching limb. The lion's whelps lire nbroad at play. Ami I shall not Join In tho c.haso to day. But tlii- whip hailed safely over the sea. And the hunters eamo from the chase ill g l< Anil ?b< t? >w ii that was buMded upon a ro swallowed up in nn earthquake shock. ?Bret II arte. What Was News Fifty Years Ago From tho Hlchmond niHpatch. Muy 27. 1901 i ** ot c,ccll?n took phico if n .. 8? QU,el' ln tCiCt' W0 <lwubl 1,. "y 110 500 Pouplo know or '"Olhlng about it. lloiiry K I ton Wtt8.,rtAe,CUlod uhf?rl". Jj'ttlo ; ion ruzewell. Cuiuniomvealth's attor ney; k. ^ Howard, dork of the courts. son"31 rtuu;lBCO- Jobnson ami 131ly wcro elected commissioners of ! revenue. Two hundred and fifty prison??, i8. M.10111 Ura,,t'H front, wore lundod ?? . . 1>rlso" yesterday, among thorn thirty-sir olllccrg. On Tuesday last Mrs. Sarah JiX I lerco, of this city, died of typhoid ie\cr. On tho name day hor husband, * outoniiiit Hubert t?. I'lerco, wont Into battle with Uonorul Uo9 army, and ? "jortally wounded, dying the noxt ?lay. Tlio numerous higher olllcurs had aliQuOy ijlgncil the papers for a fur* lough for Lieutenant i'lcrco to coin? to the bedside of Ills dying wife, but the bat Ho ou?no.I before the papers reached hi in, and before the imelll cenoe ?( ti?- crltleal Illness of his wile could roach him, and slu> had passed to the beyond without knowing of the Jute of hor husband. The Interment of the husband and wlfo took (dace yesterday afternoon. General .sent the body of the l tilon Cenerul Wadswortli through tlio under a flafi of truce, together with a considerable sum of money, a Kohl w;il< h and other valuables, r.und ? <>n his poison after lie was killed. : All hi nuiet on tho Southstdc. and trains are again running regularly on , tho luchmond unit Petersburg ltall j road. General Winder's transfer from the I'cpnrtiuont of Richmond Is to tho ! Military District, comprising -outhern \ Irglnla and a portion of North (arollna, embracing Weldon, 1 (.oldsboro, Washington. Klnston, I'ly ' nn?. 1 w. othcr polntti In tho last ( named htato. ? s,?co tho death of General J. 12. n. 1 ? tuart, his staff has reported directly j to General H. !?;. and are now I ?'"ty with him. Tho cavalry now has no head, except tho com. ma inler-In-chief. They report hv dl \ Is tons directly to him. It Is rumored brnL.lf n.Cral l?e Will bo of tifi J r? I""1 ,,1,1CC<I ?wmmuiid of this ami of the service. j To ,u"TH!n rimrrh Trouble i v?ecu repoYt u"?ll%xecwerro,nf,Jfrbf1i,,,7 'h'" tfi" hied I., the Chm.Sory Court of 'v'V" soma of tho memberi-. t?n be ,,,orl ?..u ??" W ?'ii too detrimental and dVmaJlr ' ?. V"""' u,r fjnioHijiji illm to iiavr ?oiVverVe.'rt? ,l1ha, lhey bt"" ? the,,co, contrl^^^^ ?I ",a!" to the ?:n!i ^ VS:y Axi* aVrgf J?treetlt" Krowl S 'li't dollar.'!. oria nmri, liiuusanda of t?^U^Veasi7rar.'!a\\tho?h^vi?lrecHv?d'' "V out the funds ol 1, , . ^ .i,nd " l,'l dlrpi'tUm lhe (lrUMlr^" fh the'0Jl' ir.',V? I" turn made yo.irly rcnor!? .i, 1,0 by"th? ui'urrh. UUr? rcce,vei1 "lid Adopted nmlibit ^mVlo/',rt,,IOcor.M?,,ch 0"Kb,.?ed lb? I act Ui'lt there <lu' l? rimr.ii0 ?1!^:,-! iriis>t??o, i lr rk. trfasur^r 4 r? Va i" lift the church to n, ninJWCnty Jtara leading ehurclie.s 01 th-?' cln ir, tho o?Z:l"Ud- Which 1 ** Hchen^^vh^ tihZ CI?;,;td,r,i?.,? "efUte ,hrt? l<> ruin my reputation and 1,1!? o'^is>h 'ssrss I lilttrr. 1 ha? ?vi;,e!" ^ey .elected tho -tatcment. a,,d w?, p^oduce Jt ^Jhe^pVope? j mV;;t" ;;r "?>? ??.? of ,h. " lie liilo.s ;t nd n...|; .i ^r l b|tt"r "?;i ?;d chnroh t.ull.lInK lui t>nev?rUbKr thnl ,h,, the mrniliora or , barn*'l lo;lro,i t,-, atton'l ..'rvi", ; \ one v h'? all who want I.. h,?'*i irt ?1,(" I?> 'nJ.-Uoii^Vusue.'V.u'' Ihe'lu'r,?*14/1 on ,h" ' Of the city of Hlchinond. Va. ,Unrery Cuurt Itlchmond.r May'''^,n,"'n ' "^{a^effch. I Dinit Thou Art. Slr.'?If'''th,?re' u T 1,0 '''hues-Dispatch: country than' Illchnso'nVl' I* xvhn l'" S" e- ?? nii?nd than of mhP' , * U ',,rb" ,,f ni"!" ^ruv[j ^^IU"ne ??? here. Wliat*.h''1 he lllchmond. Va.. Hay y,, 's> J . .. rfalfttttV l.'n I'mnln 1-ur??' t>-nple have <>{ hlorklnr tif? ~i . e s?f"e ?itroo, rare? | h?; of "<?' comfort bv b-'lni' niiciip.i 1 , ''very ill.-, on a o.-! 1. while i coul.l 1, ? *paee "?? tho front. My one r-nJf ?! V .?f r"n,n ?iudv .?r tho nnrhfiinui .1 \ ,H the It !>r? s?nrs wViMioiVld i ,,rohJf?fn which j stand In the middle of nil. ?i V- or ' tho d!.?i'oiufort t>r hi-vlnr o'ViTJo. Itnrt M'rfpr ! J11" his fee, In n.aklnyS,h??r "'RV" iVV "" "orifldor i tlon for other? li . '.'S from th;it h* woiitd li'.v* .^.. 2* l. Wo"M I cannot --olve tho nrn) r himself, i I woinot. Hotlnjf thus fniJi ?fJ10 ,nen ' MupMly ipnnar to bo pe plV of it le! V. "W" i K/iKr-jrc rV?:i!sx "?ss:! u"uk ?" U,? Mn"" whl-h ^eTlh;.n"e?v^ ! Itlchrnonil, Va., May ?.'<! SUl'Fi!m.m : ?UrFl3ftER. Queries and A nswers tr, >1 . .. Hunt. Kindly tell nie the rensnn i.. ??, of rum "as an iuljcn 1 ve in i o L as mm hat," "a rum playact,1^ "'S amniiK KngUsh booksc'lU-rs^ iltirlnK iiC5 eighteenth centurv was >?... V . ''1 books." anil the lendtncv lo fo!8 ?be colonist grades fS t?ora,l?h eat en son whlcli were nnt n iU , ?'?and .'t Jiomo would atvot nl fm c,',l0.' sugguHtlon i.f lr.rk ,, ''7 'ol F,>ch JKllu reil to the phrase. ,US fioon TI1 J?, 1870. r lease give nic th0 dat0 of the be ginning of tho I'lanco-lTusijInn War T. M. DEANU. THE STRENUOUS STORY ONB Ol'1 TUB DAY'S HKST CARTOONS. j THE PUBLIC PULSE (editorial Exprraatona from I ratline ^>Trapaprr?. Inevitable ns Denth. "The Inevitable retirement" of Bee J rotary Ilryan Is now the phruso used ! by the Hryan-balters. It Is it perfectly ! safe and accurate phrase, too, r>xt ttic j baslr thai If a man's death In onI> , in ??dieted often enough th<! prediction | will come tru< some day. At ;i!l events. .Mr. Bryan will retire when the Wilson administration enda.?Springfield lte publlcan. I'fnrnsr nnd Itnnnevrlf. And yet on the two loading issure of the campaign Mr. Penrose ami Mr. Koosevelt are in substantial agree ment. Both are protectionists. Ilotn j are opposed to what may he called. for conven 1 nice, the foreign policy or , the administration. Mr. Penrose wtll ! vote against tolls repeal, as would Mr. Roosevelt If h" were a member of the j Senate, and will also vole aKalnut trio trea'y with Colombia If that Instru ' ment Is submitted lo the Senate. Mr. Roosevelt's hostility to Mr. Pen , lor e Is based on bossiain. And yet trie ' bull man of the Hull Moose commit ; t'-e In P cm n sylvan la In William KImn. '?f Plitsbuikh, who Is numbered anions : the Pennsylvania bosses. He an.I Mr , Penrose received their political train ing In the same school, and at one time wc*ro close 1 rietids. Indeed. Mr. l'ltnri | ?ie.slred to be Mr. Penrose's colleague ? in the I'nlted Slat's .Senate. The war ; far.* between Ihern dates from the re fusal of Mr. IVnrose to support Mr i PI inn's aspirations.?Washington Star! A Sound Doctrine. A newspaper may make mistakes or ? spouse the wronp side, but ir Its read ? ra regard It an honest unit sincere they condone such errors. If, on the other hand. It Is well known that a newspaper is operated In the interests ' j "f "ome political ambition or public service corporation, even a delude of J , money cannot overthrow public su.i I plclon. We can look nearer home than i the "Poston Herald" to find examples I of this Inexorahlo truism.?Bridgeport ' i <Conn.) Po.'ii. 'Mir Mlstnkr nt Dlna. j In the estimation of foreign busi ness enterprises Diaz Is the only great ! | nan Mexico has produced In contem poraneous times. Put the verv .mat- I t s which Ingratiated Diaz with tor ' busijiohh Interests are at bottom the cause of Mexico's present predtca- ' incut. jr. not only permitted, but en couraged the exploitation of his own peoplo by foreign business interests i exacting for himself ami hie Suction a I generous toll for the lie. nse he gnvc. I'orclfrn business Interests may, with' ?jome show of truth, deny that tnr-y j Inst Ieated the oppressions which Diaz practiced against the peons of Mexico- ! but they cannot deny that they shared ! " ith him in tht; profits of that oppren- ! slon. The policy of Diaz was to en- ' courage the Industrial exploitation or ills country by foreigners, a policy that I would not have been un.sta tesuianltUe i and unpatriotic If meantime he na.l t endeavored to tit his own countrymen ' to share Increasingly in that exploita tion. Hut Instead of doing that. Drae, as ii to put a bonus on an opportunity naturally rich enough to assure its being cultivated, held his own people in vassalage and ignorance as a further ! incentive to foreign enterprise.?Gal veston News. Argument ?>f l-'oree. A curious feature of 1)10 time is trio tendency of certain classes to resort to violence for the furtherance of their views. Wo do not refer to the Insur t oct ion in Albania against the new government or Chinese outbreaks manifestations of people of a low grade of civilization whose only Idea or a protest is by physical Insurrection, "t ">e tendency of people in nations .'if!vnneed civilization to oppcul to brute force to assert their views is oec.ming a feature of the day. In Ireland a small minority is arm ing for the express purpose of assert. Ing their views against an overwhelm ing majority for home rule, and they ."ire matched In this country by the I W. W, who propose to destroy Indus try if It in not made over promptly In accordance with their opinion The Colorado resort to anarchy for settle ment of an Industrial question Is as deficient In logic as the militant de struction of paintings In public gal ierlft, to prove their qualifications ror the sulTrnge. This has even spread to 'ho Parliament, that Is the model of deliberative bodies, where the proe icss of a bill that lias b^en argued for years Is temporarily blocked t?y mere uproar. Of course, experience with this belief In brute force will prove what sensible peoplo know already and havo known for oenturlos. If Ulster can prove home rule wrong by arming Itself, tlio home rule majority can prove It right In the r.anie way. The doctrine Is a tempo rary Insanity. Whether It takes moro <?r less time, It will Anally reach a demonstration that it iH better to car ry a point by shooting logic into tne ?i?l . r"thcr ,h:in Perforating them with bullets.?Pittsburgh Dispatch. "rom thn Washington Ctar Great Trials of History. I Till A1. OK (.KMCRAIi HAI1COCK. j . ? An interesting trial, the outcome of tho whiskey rtnK frauds during Pres ident Grant's administration, wan Hint j >.f General Orvlllt* 10. Hahcoclf, who at tin- 11 :ti?* wan acting ;n private ree | rotary to tho President. Although Itaebcock was acquitted, ho remained 1 under a < loud, and lirant was forced to dispenso with Ills services. I Babcock had served with distinc tion during the Civil War, and In 1.S64 j Giant appointed him as an aide do I camp on his staff. On March 21, 1&?>7, he wan promoted to be rnnjor of f:n gln'-ern. When Grant was elected I President, Generals Uattcock and Por ter ?? re appointed military secretaries and attach*;* to the Wlilto House. If December, 1ST-, Mabcock succeeded gGeneiai Horace Porter as secretary. It was nnfortunati tor General Bab , cock's reputation that he was asso ciated so long ivlth the White House ' under Grant's administration. During ; the winter of 1ST1-7'J his name be I came very prominent In connection | with the "general order swindle" I". | NViv York, during tho trial of the par - i ticipants, and four years later he w.-. I even more seriously involved '<y the | revelations of the whiskey ring trials ; at M. Louis. On account of hin implication In this ; business he demanded n court of In (iuliy, which request wan jrranted in Detv iMlior, 1S7I>. As General B.\t><.: was himself Indicted by the grand Jury of St. Louis later, the court of m quiiy wa;i hehl In abeyance until tho trial in the civil court was end- I. It tool; place In February, 1S7C, and re sulted in a verdict of "not guilty."* The trial cost Mabcock 540,000, at-el ruined him linancially. Put ho was not at the end of hi* troubled, fot In April, D<G, he was Indicted for com plicity In tins famous safo burglar' conspiracy at Washington. The trial <>f this c ???! came off Iti September fol lowing, and icsulted oiicu more In hi* acquittal by tho Jury. During 1S75 an iMi iiilvB whiskey nn>?. organized t<> control revi-nuii legislation and avold ano of revenue taxes, vas discovered ? n the West. It wn?j an association of distiller* In collusion with Federal officers, and for a time it succeeded In defrau'lln;. the government of the tax on distilled spirits. This-, form of corruption, utter the declaration by President Grant "Lot no guilty man escape" ? was traced by detective:! to the portals of th* White House, but even partisan rancor could not connect the President therv with. The Babcock trial began In tne Fulled States District <"'ourt of St Louis, on February s, 1S76. BabcocK was defended by Kmory A. Storn. Judge Porter, Judge Kruin ami nx-At torney-General Williams District At - tortiev Dyer, special counsel James e. 1 .road head and .Major Lucien Katon ap peared for tho government. Luring the trial District Attorney Dyer made a strenuous effort to show that K.ibcoelt not only aided the con spirators In their work, hut that ho re '*e I ved money directly from them. At first It was expected that President Grant would be called to St. Louis fo testify, hut Instead of that lie received interrogatories upon whlvh ills evi dence was required. His depositions wore undo on February 12, befor* Chief Justice Wnite. These were main ly In reference to tho question of ap pointments and transfers of internal ?c venue ofllclals. In which tho ailega 'ion Is that General Babcock took un due Interest. The summing up began on February $8, tho district attorney made tho final ?ippeaI on behalf of the government >n February '-'3. On February 24, af ter the Jury had bt'en out two hours, they brought In a verdict for tho de fendant. After Babcobk had resigned ns Grant's secretary, he was engaged In government work In various capaci ties. On May 19, 1S84, Mabcock left Baltimore with a surveying party in a I v/o-mastud schooner for Mosquito Inlet, ninety miles off the coast of Flor ida. On June H, most ot the party were drowned, and his body being recov ered it was brought to Washington, where lie resided, and was buried oev eral days later. A recent ruling regarding the valua tion of second-hand carriages imported into Canada required that tho amount declared on tho Invoice, and on wiilch duty must he paid, shall he GO per cent of the original value. This rul ing Is applicable also to other mer chandise which has been used or which is termed second-hand. The effect will ho much greater . than the mere Irrigation of a few moro hundred thousand acres of farm lands. It will mean the opening up of a groat water highway for nearly 1,000 miles up tho Murray, and probably (later, if not immediately) several hundred nilleB up tho Murrunibldgeo and -the Darling, too. The announcement from Sydney lhal llic Australian States concerned and the Commonwealth have agreed on a Joint locking and storage scheme for the Murray River Is probably tho mosl Important over announced from Auo tralla.