Newspaper Page Text
lie total effective Frenc reach that number." explained tliat the ad toll Infantry on Muel ?? ut the centre of I'Ser ntlon. nml It lj* milled luceessfully carried out. Ira (ton concludes: i-ittK In upper Alsace ? imber of troops." I.IKliK : vrii.i, i(OL.tii\r. oi'T st 1 It Is stated that '"cp still are holding out rniuns. atid tliat troops the city have reformed I assumed the offensive. Belgians have blown tip stroked tlie railroad in liennnn forces, cut tine v wnuniM) k iti >si\v i ito\rii-ii gust 13 (2 A M.> A lo the Pallj Telegrapli an staff admits heavy ussian frontier. > \ i: mi mki.'* ?:its i o sru 11v i: i inn; Pa I'is ?. Allu us! i : ?1 in operations ?>n an ?-\ was imminent a cor permission of the War ide ,i trip along twen Helgian front vfsiting vance and talking with n are on the alert as mi- j ? >f I'.ermaii cavalry are b the country above i 11M 'ii the direction of Trend on of the correspond - N HOLLYWOOD nernl Tliunin* Hnl.lrop I In Morfiinrv I Impel. Ices over the hod\ of s Mul.lriip l.oaan. ' w ho me in New York ?*11 \ ig. were held from the >?! in Hollywood t'eme nioriiiiiK at I I o'clock, i-err conducted by the ? i'in.hi. assistant rector Ipiseop.ii Church. I'ol of those who acted as -> tv Williams, Tno.nas . Itiebard M I'll n lop, illi,iins, Hi Robert i'. \ I.? ii cast i r, l leorne ' KVed I". NolthiR, ?'ton Starl,. . .Inliii I V i Moiling, W. s Gordon i Anderson. m's !<od> a rrived in j > esti r.lav niorilitic. It ? d by his son, .lames ! Ins dalighters. Mi> I!. I d i s Douglas Korsythe: | s. Stephen I.. Siiowdeii i '? de Saunsure. .1 r . of and bv his friend. John uder, also of .Vow Vork i lv was met here l.\ < r. Mrs. Albert Morrill. ; wife could not be detained at her home ? 'oiinty h' lllnes?-' 3ITUARY I I nri-iniMun ngton Mayo, .-on oi th>- i d Kate Kalidol pli Ma> o. | r. (*ol . on Ailgust !?. . ? > ? ar s The interment ! ii I lolly wood i "emetery ! ere of the funeral party j ??i?e I*. llnrrlMon. ere tifciveil in Hii'll a n ii on i it* i ii g the a>-ci : Sharpless, W Va , of Harrison, formerly of details were given, but i I ha t lie w ,e run over <'hesatieake and Ohio interment will he mad ? larke County. I \. i rnl|t. I'he Times-Dispa tch. I j . August I". Assistant 1 ot the North Carolina | . rcof-fvoti the news thi-= death of Colonel J ,v I ? vilie. colonel of th<- ' . .N'orih 1'arollna (iuard. i I tills inorninp at hi< I I iVlV V" ' 'olo!"\l '' r a i g in Is..3. lie npany G, Third Infan ts made captain of Com ?ton. hi isfii. major ot i >a lion, I'hlrd Itegimeut, ; ? nt -colonel of :h.- Third and colonel of the ' i he p. is 11 Ion Ill-Ill .It ? di-atii. In ] jut j *1. K. 'I'ny lor. Dispatch. I \ A . Aumifi 1 - loi ?iioi| at thr lioiuo is. ?'I.. I't", III I s morn - 'K. after ;l., Ilim.ys ks. wiin typhoid fover 1 s tin widow nf William 1 s >! \ t > sj\ \oars r?t* ,j ^ t. ox M.UI\ > . ?|> ' ?urdiMiMi I If ,\|, thodist hi- h In r i uneia I will |,, itirrow iiibrnliic ,i ? i i ? y I or sui \ veu l.v t ??.. ? nd I liomns Taylor, and ? ,'V Mayiitigh ,uii( , ? ?ii iff this place, beside -Marshall i.rii S-\ JUL"' -.Marshall tJrubb# bei I (ii ubhy. of P.f new .In ne lloorr. 'lie Tlnies-Oispatch. I VA.. August 12.?Mr? oi e. u idow of Captain .1 of hexing toil, died on ik at i he home of 'not \ Moore, in Charleston, ?mains were brought to nt. i inriii. and lh e I une- ' re held on Tuctsda\ af the home of hoi ' son. onductcd h\ tin pastor 1 ' >rahaui. riif rem.tins '?st ill the fait)l|\ >n H'ometery. ?as ; i daughtci of the ualrd, of K? ii s t'reek, , born Vuuiisi ,".0. Is it' tot' -i.ii i li.ip. ? ? ,\|is? In 1 S??v v| . uy mai l led ore. and short h a ft or ? I" I .".v 11' u t on. uliore she until nea i I \ m <> \ ea rs ?. i:t to W. si Virginia er son. i.'aptHln .Moor.- , ? lerk for Cock bridge, ' ?f I.e.-..i;,, kson t'amp * '? I e i a n . a nil ser ved I ill the Win Ret u ! died \<.vembei |fi|| j ? 1 "v ? "'Oils H|||) I vs ,, ?" I1!', .lolin \\ : Icston, \\ ? |", ., nh Mi Marv ,M...i.. j'.i". jd I.alrd of S'msn Martoa L.airil wife of I' , larleston, \,. Tli i ? e : urv i\ e ? r>' \\ |; |; 1 '1 ft l.aird. >.f 4 ? >? ? h nd !t?\- \ I.' i sville. Kv ? ??. IK Kluer. i i.?? Tim. ? r?isea? i A. V A V ut: ij-i | -j m . t : last night at ?<. ?? home "Hpli Si :?'??? t. aft. ? -) b.-ii; Survive,I I,. i)lf. f0H0u J Ki?ri Atlanta. if 1'laitif. \'a , and Mr? ? < ity. T -f bod', u-ill be ' ?liester, \*a ?hero p n ' k. place at t,. ?on V el 11?? I., I r ? I nr. The Tim- >- I il.spai, 1j ; V A . Aukum ]: Th.' s- Nellie hvlne. ..f Va dauehtrr o! Mrs li. t> ' 'ha rles W Ii \ I?r ? or e hi ..'in' ( i,. ^ t ay evening for bun,] Tf.ui> I.ake, N" V Sun aged thir ty-sU year? ete accompanied to !.<??,. , nother, two brothers a: 1 k II er home U ,1 i | with her brother l,a -\ DEATHS M.U AM < A URIN'rjtON ~>t the lat? f>lw:n<1 * r, Mayo, .;ped ! r> interred in Holly ?. ood hniond, \ a Interment i e omit flowers. f your time and youi money is worth saving here's the chance. You car save $7.20 in seven minute? by buying one of these $2( Suits for $12.80. The sizes run from 33 tc 48, with extra stouts. Everything else, nearly reduced in price same way. "lit is that no hea vy fighting Is Pke ly in Belgian l.lmhurc. whore the <jor mans lm\e little or no infantry. R\ Hie opposition offered by the Bolglai I roops lit the Germans losi precious time. which was prolitablx em ployed hy the French and Britisi In conceptrating masses at convenient points. The allied forces have been so dis posed ;is to |>e supported hy fortifier positions at manj chief points, hni little or nothing has been done aroun< Brussols. and it is thought that th< city *s being used as a bait to attract i he Oernians. I he Belgian people are anxious re garding Brussels, as the German cav alrv Is carrying raids nearer and near er to Ihe capital, but such considera tions are not likely to have any effecl on the decisions of the general staff. It is certain vast preperations hav< been made hy the allies now spteailei out for battle, and they are likelv ti move quickly when the hour lo strik* cotnes. ut ?so-<;romi A \ i'Ro\'riBn Is \KH\ !?!<? II'I'I.N (it Alt 1)101 LONDON*. August 12.?The oflicial press btireau of the British War Of lice says to-da \ . "Of the twenty-six German arm* corps, tl.e bulk has been located, am it Is evident that Ihe mass of Germai troops is concentrated between l.iegt and Luxemburg. "The number of German troop.' known to he on the western side o that country, proves thai in the east r-rn theatre of war. the Rtisso-Germat frontier, so far as Germanv is con cemed. is <omparalivcl\ lightly guard oil. h\ reservists. WAII IM I'ICK lli:i,lr.VI-;s SITt VIION I'.XfKI.I.CM I "A IMS, August <3:1A. M.)?Tin following official announcement has just been issued hy the French J ?epa rt men t: "I'p to ihe present hour no encoun tors hot ween the German and Frenel forces, except those of outposts, hav< taken place. "The oceupat ion of .Mcul Itauscn was effected li\ a French brigade of infan try in order lo destroy the Gerinai intelligence centre in operation in tha town. That being accomplished, ih< brigade was withdrawn, the general It command considering the position tot perilous. I he I* re rich brigade was follower b\ the entire Fourteenth Cerman Arim Corps and a division of the Fifieemi Army Corp.*-. which were halted by our principal linos. "Our stiatogcical situation remains J as before, excellent." (?KitMA \ \ltM\ \l)\ A\('KS into iiiomi'i1 or iti:i.t.i( m BItt'SSKLS, August I".' < v ia Paris) The German army has moved uorili of l.iege and is advancing Into the heart ?f Helijiuin. Ii is ?l i ill ?-it 11 to di'termim its objective. There is a screen of cav alry in extraordinary force along; the ? whole front of the allied armies. A new army corps is investing l,icge. j The Krcncli cavalry is engaged in : sharp fighting. Hotli the ticrmnn anil j allied armies are feeling their, way. utssiA.vs ni:ri:.\T <;kiiii\x I XT A NTH A AT IIV DTK t II XI". A ST. PKTIifiSBUKG. August 12.?An attempt by Germans to occ.upy B.vdt- ' kulinen, cast Prussia, one of the points 10 which Russian troops were ilis- i patched early in the war, has failed. The Germans. comprising a detaeb * mcnt of infantry, with artillery, were repulsed with loss. ? SKVKlUO ( lliorit CIVKV j TO AI STItlAN Tltoors PARIS. August 12.?A dispatch from : , St Petersburg to the. Matin, says. "The Aust nans have sulTered a check ?j on the Dniestci Rlvor. Kour regiments ' of Austrian infantry and eiclit regi ments of Uhlans were routed. The approaching big battle probahlt will be a decisive one." * ill'JGMIK.X'l' or DIIAIiOONS StlTKHS IIICA \ \ l.tiSN BRUSSKI.S, August 12 tvia l.ondont :?A regiment of dragoons coming from the direction of i.ieire. who attempted to surprise the Belgians at Ainelfe, in the Province of l,iege, were driven olf. leaving 15.'l dead and .102 prisoners. HL'MJIIKO Hit; SIIKI.I.v rA 1,1, l.\ I'OXT-\-MOI >NO\ PA BIS. August 12.?The German bombardment of Pont-A - Moiisson. in the Department of Muerthe and Mo selle. twenty miles northwest of Nancy, commenced yesterday. A hundred big shells fell in the town, killing and - wounding inhabitants and demolishing buildings. W Ol XDHI) I'll KATH MAN IS SHOT HI IIKit MAX ' 1 PARIS, August 12.?The following ofllclaI statement was Issued to-night, j "A wounded Krench cavalryman at . 1 Mezlcres declares lie saw a German I cavalryman shoot a wounded- I'rench matt. He says he heard five or six other ' shots and saved himself by feigning . death. "The Germans are wearinc uniforms | taken from Belgians killed In battle." | I GERMANS BEGIN FRESH PHASE OF THEIR CAMPAIGN (Continued from Klrst Page.) ' crossed the Meusc several days ago. but without the prince. ? MAinmi or oiti'osts , K X'ti At; K M K XTS 1'OH.HT It was ofllclallj announced during the day that there bad been several out post engagements between the Bel gians and the Germans. and that cor > tain points occupied by the Germans last evening had been evacuated. The ' | junction point at l.andcn has been re " taken by the Belgians. The morale : of the Belgian armj is excellent. There is no information as to the ' movements or the disposition of the 1 troops of the allies. The Germans are intrenching themselves in every direc ! tion. ' A German aeroplane flew over Rrus r sels to-day at a great height The " civic guard fired upon It, but It was * useless. The Ministry of War assures the public that there is no fear of the I shortage in food. The government has purchased a great <iuanlitv, and the military authorities are selling sup I' plies to merchants at cost b Many representations have been < made to the government, urging it to r Issue one-franc notes. The mint is striking off 100,000 one-franc pieces * and 200,000 half-franc pieces daily e The latest news from the front shows that the Germans north of Liege s are removing from the west to the east. It is reported that If the Germans J continue massing troops on the Dutch- j B j Ijimburg frontier, the Dutch govern i inent will treat them as foes. > The Dutch population is tired by a desire to emulate the Belgians, despite j the German nat ionalit\ of the the : prince consort. MOVEMENTS OF MMY ! EFFECTUALLY VEILED .\i>( Kvcii in Campaign ?f Japan Against Itiissia Was There Stirli Impenrfrahle Mystery. NO I.HillT ON <> l? K H A T I O N S Manoeuvres Now I'ntler Wa.v May Culminate at Any Moment hi' Titanic lCiigngenieiit ? Airships liojit Over llriisspls. (Special fal.lo to The Tinics-lMhiiali It I ni(('ssi:ias. August 12.- it sun if impossible in iliunv mi} lifthl ii|?on ? nil tar* operations which nn eul - oinale on Thursda.v or Kriday In a "lorriile ? olli?lon I'd w con the forcer. of <1 is rupl 1011 .'tin1 those i?f civilization. Wvcr l>efoi?\ not wen during the la fanese in pa Ig n ngalnsl llussia, have movements of an array been vlirotnle.i wiilt such inpenet rable mj? irry. considering Hie number. as veils nn'neit} and the iiigciuiity of Cerinan aims. Stii!. in Uoleiuni ithese pre cautions mn\ l?e i ndispensa hie. Another fart, which is bop-Inning to J.iwii upon the public. is that the he roi ? resistance 0f the l!(li;i;iii army was offered 11 i I li e?-1 ?? to covering troops only. Although three ??erinan arm> corns have hecn thoroughly beaten. it is believed hoie thiil the hostile main ,'trmtos ma> he read} any time aft.r to-morrow right. ?I itoors xiAT I'tiiin \ni? to ai t \s (-*1:1:1, Kits yesterda.v. several detachments of tlie covering troops.were sent forward t.. Nclv*wit advanced po?t as feelers The l.elgia ns, when possible, eon ceal'-d themselves in thickets or fields and ?aptured a considerable number of i 11 v.tders i.?ne ttelgian l.ancer, named Sogarrtn. (Ic:" \cs o-pecial mention. Ills habit is t>> sally forth, iind dash forward aci'ii'."-t .? I'hl.m, whom lie generallv kills or wounds, whereupon the re tnainiier give themselves up. I11 this wa> he has taken fourteen prisoners wounded several Uhlans and killed three, without suffering the slightest injur'. Already airships of different com bala'Ms float gracefully into visual r.uu'c of tiie ftrussels population, but at .?!i' ii height that one can only guess at the nationality of each. "I iio authorities are warning the pub li?- neither lo feai nor attack the " h la 1 s Anxiety respecting; Holland's neu trality is not yet wholly dispelled. Nohody doubts the firm resolve of the IHitch covrnmeni to maintain its right to hold aloof from war. but cer tain misgivings are entertained as lo the adequacy of the troops stationed . In the district where \iolatlon of tor- | rltory by tScrmnny is must probable A Belgian Journalist mirratcs the death of tin?. reigning Prince William i of l.ippe and liln soii hm follows: "In one of tlie streets ot Settling ! about 100 i termini soldiers threw them- i selves with te,-rille fury upon a com- j pony of lielglmis, but suddenly their : commanding ollicer, Prince William <>f , l.ippi', fell mortally wounded, and Ini medlately afterwards Ills son was) Killed. The Hermans retreated, and shortly afterward the bodies of the ! two prinees were demanded of the fn". , They were deposited provisionally in ' a vault of the Seraing ceinctery. The . diamond rings which the reigning prince wore on his lingers and his . daintily wrought sword were handed over to the police of ScraliiK by a Hoy Scout." t;Klt1IA\ spy l-'ot M> l\ W4MI.4VS CMITIIKS This morning. when leaving Hie American legation. two miniicipal guards arrested a woman whom I hey politely conducted, to the police station, j A chauffeur cried. "That is no lady j lie is a ? Jerinan spy " Two men, hearing this, rushed up n lid' a 11 ompted to maltreat the prisoner.; hut the guards protected their charge j effectually. At the station I lie prisoner, who looked unite collected, was found to he a male Herman agent possessed of apparatus for cutting telegraph wires lie also carried compromising docu ments The American minister, who has i heen charged with the task ?>f pro- ' tecting Hermans. was astoui .h<? <I by the many touches <?f good nature, e\eh tenderness. displayed I>> the Belgian . soldiers, police and people toward the subjects of a stale which is waging wat against this country Special trains are conducting civil ians to Holland, and special motor cars convey ttieni lo the American consul ate. or lo centres whore they are housed and fed until they are ready to start. I \ > \SION OK IIOSMA now iv iMir.n \>.\> 1jOM>ON, August I". The Kxchanfie Telegraph Company's Xish. Servii. correspondent says a combined Serxian and Montcnegt in iu\asion of itosm.i from Plevlje (Tashlijjai, northwest of Noviy.azar, has hegiin in three col umns. liom-ral Itadnmir I'atnlk. chief of the Servian general staff, is ill. and lirneral .lankovitch. of the Servian army, has taken supreme command ?>: tile forces III NTIMJTON \ Ml \\ IKK \ltt: SAKI-*. IN M It CM lll.ltl. I Spec in I I ?? The Times - Pi spa tch. | WASHINHTON. Am.-list 12. Archer M 11 mi 11 ng I on, president of tin Am.i; ean l !eog ra phic Society, and his wife are safe ami well at t ie Crand Hotel, in Nuremberg, < let-many Secretary of State this afternoon iprcj\ei| the official announcement from the consul .it Nuretn berg. State I'??part ment officials believe it means that Mr. H11 ii11ueion is n > longer under arrest as a sp> THAR'S three kinds of men that like VELVET,? young men, mid dle-aged men an' old men VELVET appeals to all classes of pipe smokers, because it preserves the natural flavor and fragrance that has given Kentucky Burlcy de. Luxe the name of "Nature's Pipe Tobacco." In addition YELVLT, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco has an exclusive aged-in-the-wood mel lowness. Full weight 2 oa. tins, 10c. ?"vv ? WMVMV1 IIVUIVU A( thin season of tlie year, when the > it p polite lags it ml you're "nil fagged j mil." it Is not Ntranuc tlutl you do not j I'cel your real Hclf. Skipping from one , Unlit foo?l to another, (lie stomach Ih ? rarely satisfied with whatever the! palate mtIcIs, and draughts of chilly i Ice water often aid In retarding dlgeB- j lion In a point where food falls to nuur- | Isli as It sh??uhl. The success of every ! r?rganidation Is largely due to a proper! ill vision of labor extending from the , ntlice hoy t<> the prehltlent. Ami the' rllicleiicy of tlie human machine Is highest when I'vcry organ l? attending in its own work. Huffy'* I'ure Malt , Whiskey keeps up tIt? ? essential Tunc- ! lions of digestion by stimulating the mucous surface ami little glands of lhet stomach to healthy action, thereby cor- | red i hi; faulty assimilation of food, and i thus the body is furnished full propor tion of nou rlshmeii t. Since the starved . tissues are rnpldl> f??d, the blond en riched and the nervoui system reha , bllltated, Duffy's I'ure Malt Whiskey' proves Itself a food tonic upon which the strength and vli;or of bodllv vitality ?a n depend at all limes. Thousands "i !et Duffy s and Keep Well ' Why not \'Hi" ?Advertisement A Cut, Bruise or Wound will develop no further if >ou a pply Absorbine l , " iNiMtvy- ? ;j This effectually prevents Infec tion, kills the germs anil pro motes rapid and healthy healing. ABSORBINK .IR., combines efllcacy with safety. Vou need it In your home. It Is a poitrrful grruilclde, al though safe and harmless?made of herbs and contains no acids or poisons. Sl.Ofl I or.?S-.nn 12 nr.. bottle At druccints or postpaid. H. K. llll.VC, I'. O. I",. i!Tf> Temple St., Springfield, Mass. Seven Vardii, CoTerlng nrrrn Acres. Richmond Lumber Yards I.I'MHKn AND MIM.WDItK. IVnodiTKTil A Son.. 4th *nit StoeVlon <t? Anything the 1 Most Accomplished Pianist Can Play \ Ol run play w)th a perfection of lotn-li ;nif| Krliniqiic that in mir with lh? genuine Inner-Player I'm no. " all and let us demomlratt th?*ni for you ami i?ll you about our convenient termn of payment. Thefarlei/Tampans Thr llitu*e 'Mini >11< <1 r l(W-hmond >t uwlrnl. Sl.'t I"A *?T IIIIOU) STUBKTi ,'Flowers of Guaranteed Freshness" Hammond Tel. Mad. C30 100 U. Broad St. r Tbt Lff PrafM PoWy S*r? rSSHMTH MASONIC TXAtflX u NATIONAL HERO SERIES'* NO.T Andreas Hofer?The Inn-keeper Patriot of the Tyrol T-DTHISpe asant-leader Liberty was as much the breath of life as it is to the strong-winged eagles of the Alps.To achieve it for himself and his mountain brothers he gladly laid down his life. No less a personality than Napoleon vanquished him, and it was because he feared him that the Great Emperor ordered Hofer shot Every atom of Andreas Hofer loved Liberty He demanded it for himself and willing ly gave it to others In this respect he is no different than are our thousands ofTyrolese citi7ens. Personal ana National Liberty to those of "Tyrolean blood is a religion To a man they will fight for it and to a man they will die for it. When asked to vote for Prohibition they do as would do the great patriot Hofer?VOTE AGAINST IT Thou shah NOT cat this?thou shah NOT drink that"is insolent legislation to those of Tyrolean blood. Anheuser-Busch are proud to serve their thousands of "Tyrolese patrons. For 57 years these people ha\* been mod erate users of their honestly-brewed beers BUDWEISER is a favorite wherever they reside. Seven thousand, five hundred people are daily required to meet the constantly increasing demand lor BUDWEISER. Its sales exceed those of any other beer by millions of bottles. ANHEUSER-BUSCH -ST. LOUIS,U.S. A. Tattled only at the home plant Anheuser-Busch Branch Distributors Richmond, Va, Means Moderation IsYour Motor or"Self Starter" Out of Repair? We specialize 011 repairing motors and "self-starters," and If \onrs is out oi order, I,KT LS I IX IT! You can be sure that It will be in good order when we finish. Remember the name. WILLIAMS & ESSIG KI i K CTIU CA L CO X T11A CTO RS, 1208 E. Franklin Street Randolph 5(19 A Tragedy That Is Daily Enacted In Every Community Where The Fly Roams At Will And Spreads Its Deadly Poison. Kill the Fly and Save the Child With Shepard's House Fly Driver and Insect Exterminator. DR. POWHATAN S. SCHENCK, HEALTH COMMISSIONER OF THE CITY OF NORFOLK, ENDORSES IT. Read What He Says: July 17, 1014. "I have just witnessed n demonstration at Burrow, Martin A Co.'s drug store of the insecticidal powers of SH KPA RD'S FLV DRIVKR. Several thousand tiles that had been caught in one of the Health Department's IIy traps were liberated in the show window of the store: a small quantity of the FLV DRIVKR was hlown in tho uindow, and In less than fifteen minutes all the Hies were killed. TIIK PR LP A RATION CERTAINLY DDKS TIIK WORK PROMPTLY AND THOROUGHLY. (Signed) "POWHATAN S. SCHENCK." Manufactured and Guaranteed by SHEPARD'S CHEMICAL CO., Inc., Wilmington, X. f? Under (he Insecticide Act of June 80, 1010. .Serial \o. 042. It kills the Mosquitoes like the Flies, and is also Snre Death to Fleas, Moths, Ants, Roaches, Bedbugs and all other Insects. The fumes are not injurious to people. invaluable as a Disinfectant and Germicide Shepard's Mosquito and Insect Driver protects you while you fish, work or sleep. Shepard's Fly ftuard protects your stork from all lilting Insects and is invaluable as a liniment. Guaran I teed to cure sore head chickens and mangy dogs. For sale at all druggists and first-class dealers. C. W. COFIELD, personal representative from the factory, will be at Murphy's Hotel for one week. Would be glad to hear from or trive demonstration to any one Interested.