''irM . Chief of Constitutionalists
(Tails Hall on Warlike Prepara
tions of Fighting General.
Villa Makes Known (.'oiiilitions on
Wiiirli He Will Insist Before Con
seutlng to liiiy Down IJis Anns, j
Federals May Join Hint.
WASH INGTON, Aiikuhi 12.?General!
'.'armnsu lias ordered held at Tampico 1
t largo shipment of ammunition con
-iif^tiofl to General Villa, according to
>ni t;tu I advices to-day to the Washlug
Oil HOVCI'lllllt'llt.
For many weeks Villa has been it
milting <"'<? buying am in (tuition, and'
arranza has not objected to .shipment
>f in it ii i t ion h via Tamiiieo. Tu-dav
lowcver, lie called a halt.
Itcports of increasing friction he
ween the Constitutionalist leaders'
?cached hero to-day from various'
touri oh. General Villa stent to per- .
tons here a synopsis of the reasons
vh v he Ik displeased with < "arra n/.a's
11111tide. lie sets forth that lie will
nsist on carrying out the a a reunion!
?ecently reached at Torreon, wh'ti the
ireach tentatively was adjusted. Villa's
lemaiids, In brief, are
First. That a civil instead of a
nilitary government be established .
hroughoiit .Mexico, and a ueneral elec- i
ion bf conducted by it. that no mili
ary chief Imi provisional governor of
m> state.
Villa himself is military governor of
'hlhuahua. from which post he is will- |
ng to retire, and h?- wants Carran/.a
o retire as first chief.
Second. I .a ml reforms should i?nt
nto effect in accordance with th?? -Mexi
an Constitution and in a lawful and
irderly way.
1'litrd. The present Federal armyi
liould be dissolveii, but ii* meritorious
dlleers and men in- taken over into ih?
ie\v iirmj of the icpiiblic, composed of
ho Constitutionalists forces.
Fourth. Amnesty shall be given all
lOlttical offenders, except those direct
y responsible for the overthrow of
dadero aud Huare/..
The Urst of Villa's demands iu ex
ictly opposite from ?'arran?a's pre
viously announced program. The eti
lire plan as given out by dose friends
>f Villa shows that the fighting ueneral
tas drafted s. scheme with which tlii>
uesent Federal army, and especially 1
h>- generals now supporting the Cai
lajal movement, arc entirely in gym- 1
Officials Incidentally have been ad- '
ised that, while the Federal army is]
[vacuating .Mexico <"lty to allow a 1
?aceful entry of the Constitutionalists
Ithout silbjri'tint; i:??iieomliatants in '
jhc capital to the dangers of a battle,
llio Federal forces, estimated at 40,000,
liave not llually determined what to do.
'he I'ldci.tlh want guarantees, ami
iiener.il Velasco. .Mlnistet ?,f War to
rnrhajal. has Intimated ;i an official
fommunlcatloii to I'airaizt that if
ruararitees arc not given and amnesty
(ecla red. a ? mutter revolution llndoubt -
dlj vv 111 follow, and an effort he made
i> Joll: forces wit It Vill a
Prepared f?r I'encrfnl latlri.
.MKXM'" i'ITV, AukusI ! \iia HP' -
..< lit-: fot the pVaeetlll ,?? l|\ nf the
'oust i t ut lona II' t army ii-to MeM ?<.? ? 'il y |
rre iniiiie i? ? ria\ i v foreign diplo
1.1 a t: who ?<h|erda> went to Teolovu
and ?'inferred with General <t
an/.a, tin t>i,-titutlonali?t leader.
I This information \va g:\ei <_>? ir ?
he Hra/.iliau b aa 11' i ? n I lnj ! < t n ; ? ? I
he <| i plonta t s - p? cia I trail
No ?lat?- fin ? i '.?iisi i t titlonnJi.?1 rii -
?y lias in .i.
The I', i|e il a rn\ I ?(lliet|\ moving
tally -troop; and 1 l-* <|u.i .tit.. - >.f
hmnuntttoii and other war material
>llt of the ?'.! | > 11 :i 1 1 t' \le\ie.i
Railway. Thelt destination ha not
?en made public, tut it Is nelieve.l tin
novcnient Is the foierm ner . t
ra I i vsi'iiailo1 'i ? I i j :d> <ii i>?
antry already ha; -? o i. < .Mid nu- ?,,??
ro -ps of olhci braiiel:<-v tit,
re le.ivlnt
Millildeliihln I'litn Into I'orl Willi I'lrM
? ?rent I riinil ol I'coplc llri>cn
I'riim i:ur?i|?c.
NIW ViiliK, August 11'. The Anier- I
can liner Philadelphia, with th< tirst
at irowd <if Niiierfcans who rushed
front liuiope after war was declared,
irrivfd in New Vork tn-nlght. T)n>re
vere "ft:! t.-ei ui*. ii the eahm and 0'?
n lln steerag?-. \'irtuall\ all were
vlthout baggage, many without money :
ill'! all told stories if hardshi|s
The Philadelphia salb d (: oin South- !
impton h few hours aft, ' Unuland de.
Ilarcd war m '".o'liianv. The in-t
y out a fleet of seven l-'remdi tor
do hoa t S and three .-u lln.; nil n. -
Igllted ? ?i of I lie torpedo ho.its Vn
led after tio- liner. Hi, lest follow
low | j l-'l n.? 11 > the to pedo-boat. the
t-7. came alongside and ordered the
'Inladulphla to stop
The war vohsel circled tho line.
hal times, its ofllcers b,ol inK .-Icsei
it the faces id !i.e passengeis crowded
I'll the decks. When the French naval
t'ftlce is Wen Mile the Philadelphia Wa
American vessel an-.l that the pas
leiigi is were Americans, one ? ? t thcut
111 oil t ed ill e \ . ? f ? 1 I e |, t Kllgllsh that tie
'h I la del |?h ia might pro.ecd. 'I'm ii,-.
lotigers cheered the French ships The
Forecast! Vlrclnlii ? Fnlr Tli nr?illi> ,
Iirceeded b.v uliimrrn .snut beast |inr
ion; cooler soiifhciinf portion. I'rlilii>
.North t arollna?laical thunder slion
frs ThiirHdiiyt I'rldaj gjem'rnllj fair.
>peelal t.ocal Data for \csterdnj.
|L' noon temperature SSI
M. temperature
klaxiniuni temperature tip to
P. M 92
liiiiinuin temperature up to
P. M t '2
?Jean temperature..... .
."ornial tempersitire <">
Excess In tempera lure I
leflcieney in tempera t tire since
March I - I ^ :
fvccumtilated i|ellcienc> In tempera
ture since January ! i:t7 ;
I'f llciencv in rainfall : niic March
I .' ti.'.O
|\ccuintilated deficiem j in rainfall
since January l . ... . . .V7f>
horn I Observation S P. >1. \ csterdn.v.
e ni perat lire VS
Cumidity ^ S.'l
Viufl ? direction N. F..
Yind-?velocity >>
Veather P. cloudy
taiufa.ll last twelve hours Trace
talnfall last twenty-four hours... .23
OMHTIOXS IN mpttit'l'A\T < ITtKS.
(At s P. M. ICaslern Standard Tinie.t
Place. Tlier. H. T. I,. T. Weather.
ksheville 7'.' r.l Cloudy
Ulanta 7 1 ss 70 Pain
Atlantic t'lty.. 7J .SO 7-' Cloudy
(loston lit; 7" 7o Cloudy
tbiffalo <jti 70 :">t? clear*
'algary lit; lis Clear
Charleston ... S'j ;in 7?; clear
'hicago 7t 7f. lis Clear
>enver si !?" tin p. cloudv
>nluth ....... lit 7<i r.l Cloudy
ialvestcn .... SI sii so p. cloudv
latteras 7v vt 7 1 Clear
Cavre 7" 7J r>r. p. idoudy
acksonvllle .. ;cj 7r, Clear
.otilsville .... xs firt tis Clear
lontgoniery . SO :u 7t Cloudv
vevv Orleans. S'J *m 7rt Cloudy
s'ew York.... 7-1 7S 7n Haiti
s'orfolk so !'j 74 Cloudy
>klalionia .... 71 Sii 7^ Cloudy
Mttsburgli ... 7'J 71 li- Clear"
talcigh >>- '.mi 7 i P. cloudy
it. l.otils si '.n? lis clear
>t. Paul 71> 7S art Cloudy
^an Kranciseo. ?S <;o r.j Cloudy
iavatinah .... S2 !i- 74 Clear
Spokane 9-1 94 aS Clear
rampa Srt M4 7fl Cloudy
Vashlngton .. 71? si 74 cloudy
iVInnlpoe .... !>S 7fi Ro P. cloudy
Vylhovlllo ... t?s 7K tis Cloudy
?falNIATt'ltK At.MA SAC.
August 13, Hill.
n rises 5:25 Morning.... !>:.">.*!
sets 7:0f> ICvcnlng... .10:10
cheer was returner], Htid the war ves- |
sels Htoamed away.
Itefugecs in the steeraRe were given |
the freedom of tli?? sdilp. The men were
separated from the women, however. 1
ajiti In some case* husbands were sep
arated from their wives by tins regii- '
lation. Itatlier than sleep in the steer
UKC-, scores slept in the smoking-room. '
on tlie boat deck. under the boats and
life-rafts and In steamer chairs. Four
persons were in every cabin.
As the Philadelphia neared her pier. |
the crowd waiting on shore shouted
a welcome to the refugees. Then for;
a iiuarter of an hour the whole river \
resounded with cheers.
The regulation preventing a ship
which arrives after Jrtintlown from pro
ceeulng io her dock until the next
morning was waived to-night. The
Philadelphia did not reach quarantine
until after !i o'clock. The porl au
thorities did everything possible t??
have the ship and Its load of passen- i
gcr.s move <|iiickly, and an hour and a
half after she arrived in the lower b/ty j
i Ik last of her passengers had gone
Hundreds on board had rushed from
the interior of France and Germany. '
Travelers from Paris told of mobs
swarming through the streets, break
ing windows and looting Herman shops, j
others told of Hermans in the Krench
capital being beaten by genarmes and
excited citizens. I
Streets near the railroad stations ;
were piled high with abandoned bag
gagv. .So great was the rush of Amer
icans fiom France to Krigland that
small steamers, constructed to accom
modate from i'iOO to !>')<) persons, car- '
tied .'<,000 aien, women ami children ;
across the channel. .<
Mrs. I'. Itliickmore. of Cincinnati, a
passenger, left Hletsch, Switzerland.!
.Inly ul for Paris. She was forced to
occupy a third-class compartment with
-obliers and peasants She sat on th" ,
Moor of the ear throughout the trip.
In Paris she was informed sin had just j
time to catch the last train for>*4'alals, i
where she could net a boat across the
channel. She abandoned her baggage
in the street, and reached a railway
station a few minutes before the train'
Five thousand American and Knglish
men and women were trying to Bet on
the train sh? s;.i<l Some rode between
t lie coaches lather than lie lei.. There
was no watct on an> ol the trains.
iu:i.?;it m u> m i*i.i iti'i i si>
(iKIMIA.N V'S S|;( <IM) ItlMit HST
LONDON', August 12.?The Dally
.Mall says it learns that on .Mot^lay
aftei the Getman's fruitless assault on
the I..lege forts, the Herman govern
ment again approached Belgium
throuuh Holland ?ir intermediary,
liolnting out that Herniany had no
quarrel with Belgium, and asked the
Belgian government to reconsider its
refusal to allow the Herman armv to
traverse Belgium to save useless ex
pendlture In hlood and treasure.
The Helglum government, according
to the newspaper, again refused the
Herman request
The Dally Mall says It !s understood
Turkey has assured the British gov
ernment and the Herman cruisers.
Hoebliti and Dresden, which are in the
Dardcllanef--, will he disarmed, hut
there Is reason to believe Turke;. lias
purchased the cruisers and intend- to
put them in commission.
\m;nir.\vs ahh imuimittkd
LONDON, August 12.? Ivlward Hell.
-i co-id secretary 'if 1' - American em
i>a?s\ h? ri . !n charge " the working
o| the alien act, so far as it affects
' :uericamm. said tn-d.i ?
'S ? far as we know not a slnal*
\m?*ri<:an has b< "n prevented from
landing in Hreat Britain
Snc i e; a i > of State Bryan's cable
gram to the ambassalor h< re was pent
?? 11 x* eelpt by Mr Bryan of delayed
j? i .? t? >t - from I 'hristiania and Havre,
tr im w'cich ports steamers sail to clos
ed port*.
But Mr. Bell alread.i had arranged
with the authorities to admit Amerl
ns ^ ii h ports on their .iniiuiinc
ing their American citizenship
I'tiltcii States Mlnlstej- Van Dvke. at
T ie Habile, lia- informed the Ameri
can relief cimrilttee here he will send
.small pnrtl??R of Americans by boat
from the Netherlands to England every
live days.
CO.1131AXu ok iii:i> ntoss suir
[Special t<? Tin* Times-Dispatch. J i
WASHINGTON, August 12.?Hear- I
Admiral Ward, retired, accepted by I
cablc to-day tin** command of the Red
Cross relief ship. Admiral Ward Is !
now In AI \' les Rains. France. He will J
join the ship at London Every mem- i
ber of th?? part> on the lied Cross ship !
will be immune from typhoid fever and
cholera. Hoar-Admiral War Is familiar j
with relleT work and speaks French, |
German and Russian llucntly.
The largest contributions yet made !
to assist the American I ted Cross in j
financing its chartered ship relief <x- j
pedition to Europe came to-day front j
J. I*. Morgan, and Kuhn Loel) & Co.. I
of Now York. .Mr. Morgan gave $10,000 I
and Kuhn Loeb &- Co. -55,000.
I'lil* <'on it try Will IIr\c to llnlne
\ liuu I 9100.0ll0.0w0.
WASHINGTON, August 12.? How to:
raise something like i$100,000,000 to!
offset the loss to the l.'nited States in !
Import duties to result from the war |
in tSurope. will be subject of a con- j
ference to-morrow between Secretary ,
McAdoo and ilepreneutative Under-I
wood, chairman of the House Ways j
ami Means Committee
Treasury experts to-night completed !
a statement showing Imports from the
war zone. They did not hazard an
estimate of probable loss in revenues,
though Informally it was admitted that
the total might be nearly $100,000,000
for the year. Figures also have been
prepared to demonstrate what might
be raised "by increased taxes on liquors
and tobacco and by adding to the in
f-on.e tax.
Representative Cnderwood and Sen- ?
atoi- Simmons, chairman of the Senate'
Finance Committee, vnro making a j
thorough study of the situation, but 1
will not attempt to frames a definite
plan of action \inti 1 Secretary McAdoo1
has outlined actual conditions. Thep ,
ihe advice of President Wilson will Vie:
The normal revenue on importations
from the countries now* affected?Gcr- !
many. Croat Britain. Austria-Hungary.'
Russia, France and Belgium?approx-I
imates 511000.000 a year.
Among tli<? schemes being; informally i
considered is one to change the In- j
ternal revenue tax on cigars and to
bacco, making it an ad valorem tax in- j
stead of a Hat lax on amounts. In
this way. it Is estimated about $40.
000,000 could be raised. From an In
creased beer tax. it is estimated $30.
000,000 could be brought In. No change
in the Income tax could be effective
until after July 1 next.
They l.nr SucRfiitlonH of Knxlng Prod- i
fill Mtunllon llcfnre f'edrrnl
llrnrnr Hoard.
NEW YOItK, August 12.?Radical J
slops were proposed to-day by New!
York bankers for settlement of this !
country's international obligations. J
' >uo Kuggcatiou laid before the Federal
Heserve Board was suspension of the
law regarding reserve requirements
for national banks. An alternative
was enactment of legislation by Con
gress permitting banks to count na
tional hank notes in thei|* reserves.
Either would lessen the amount of cold
banks must hold, and enable them to
ship gold from the country.
Frank A. Yanderlip, president of the
National City Bank, telephoned to
Washington to Charles S. Hamlin, so\ -
ernor of the Federal Reserve Board, j
suggesting suspension of reserve re- j
quirement.s if the board thought it
feasible, and asked if it were possible i
to take such action before machinery
by Coffee
"I am satisfied," says a prominent physician,
llial coffee is responsible in a great degree for the
premature breakdown of our active men and
"They suffer from caffeine poisoning.
"Of the truth of this, there is not the shadow of
a doubt. Our common sense tells us tjiat the daily
swallowing of caffeine" (the alkaloid in tea and
coffee), "powerfully affecting heart and brain?is
followed by nervous depression, and finally by more
oi* less disastrous results.
"I believe if people in general would use a harm
less, nutritious drink like Postum as a beverage in
place of tea and coffee, their physical and mental
condition would be much improved."
Thousands, troubled with nervousness, bilious
ness, sleeplessness, headache and heart flutter, have
done precisely what this physician advises?given
up tea and coffee and adopted?
with happy results.
"There's a Reason"
Postum is a pure food-drink, made from wheat
and a bit of molasses, containing the nutrition of
the grain. No caffeine?no drugs?no harmful in
gredient in Postum. A delicious, nourishing bev
Postum comes in two forms.
Regular Postum?must be boiled, 15c and 25c
Instant Postum?soluble?made in the cup, in
stantly, 30c and 50c tins.
Grocers everywhere sell both kinds and the cost
per cup i? about the same.
"There's a Reason" for Postum
oT the new law had been put Into oper
It t ion.
Mr. Hamlin an Id, according to Mr.
Vanderlip, tliut tho' matter would be
b roti Kiit he fore the board.
These matters were brought up at
a meeting of a special commlttce of
tin- New York Chamber of Commerce,
attended by Mr. Vamlerllp, .1. I*. Mor
gan .1 II. Schlff. K. K. Outer- '
brklKC, Selli Low and others. When
news of the plans discussed by the
committee reached the financial t world,
fear wan expressed that the refeult of 1
liny such action would be to start once
more the drain on the country's uold 1
supply. The proponents of the plan,
however, fell there was no such dan
ger. One interpretation placed upon
the proposal to include bank notes in
legal reserves was that it would mean
I In- .suspension of specie payment. Mr.
Vanderlip characterized this as iin
t rue.
At the meet iuk it was said that
nbout $i,UOO,iJOO was immediately duo
European creditors.
Members of it lie committee expressed
the opinion that, whereas, it recently
lias been impossible to settle foreiun 1
obligations in gold. such payments now
were possible, at least to English
creditors, tlirouuh an arrangement i
whereby Bank of En?land koI?I is to
lie held in trust by the Canadian Mill- .
later of Finance at Ottawa.
The day's developments Indicated i
steady improvement in financial af
fairs. Stock Exchange authorities
made a ruling permitting the purchase
or sale of securities for cash. Inn
barring marginal transactions.
h ound Dead In Ofllcc. K? lilently Victim
of Murderer."
CHICAGO. August 1?Edward P.
Arnory, secretary of the Western Kail
road Association, late to-day was
round dead in a pool of Mood in his
slllce in a downtown ofllce bulldlnc.
There were two deep cuts on his lioiiil. t
The police believe he was murder.'d.
i'apers and books; scattered about the
room indicated a st ninth; had tuUe.'i
A. M. Thompson, all employe, who
Jiscoverod the liody, was taken to ih^ .
police bureau for Identilicatioii. where 1
sn Impression of his linger tips was
Miss Janet Schohen. Amory's steno
grapher, told tli^ police she had i;<>ne
lo the office at the usual time to-day.
but had been unable lo enter.
A note in Atnory's handwriting was 1
tound on his desk. -It was scribbled I
on a piece of yellow scratch-paper, and
read :
"l*ibel and scandal .7 Russels and |
%S. Will he malice?"
The police believe the note was
Amory's dying effort to leave a mes
F.ago to identify Ills murderer.
lie apparently had made a desoerato
Thirty-Fourth Street East at
Park Avenue, New York
An Ideal Hotel with an
Ideal Situation
Summer Rates
^ J
Zetr/s /fifAc'S*
' The <|iiestions answered below arc
n.ner.il It. eharucter. the symptoms or
?1i.-e.tscs art- given . 111 ?l (Ik- answers will
apply in any of similar nature.
Those u islihm further r??!? *'????. free,
III." > ;i(lill''>M I ? !' l,oWIS liilki'r, i 'dIIcrc
IMdg., ' 'ol lege - Kl 1 wood Sim.. Dayton, '
j enclosing self-addressed stampod 11
volope for f??|?I\. Kull name and ad
; dress must be given. but only initials
or Ih-tltlous r?ani?? will be used In my
answers. Tin prescriptions can be
filled at any well-.stocked drug store.
Any druggist ran order of wholesaler.
A lis we r
the need
whl'-h in
??lis the
Mrs. Helle (' writes: "f am informed
that 1 have kidney trouhle. and that it
Is fast approaching a serious stage.
What would you preserilie'."
Aiiswci If your ??\ nipton.s are the
usual ones. such :<s puffs und' ''
eyes, swelling ankle*: scant. copious
or foul-smollini; urine, accompanied
(>v headaches. pains. depression. fevei.
?bills. etc.. I would advise the initiie
liat'* use nf lial'.iMVoi t tablets, a verv
dnt* remedy for .-.mil ilirtieulties. sold
in sealed tube*; with full directions for
self-adininist rat ion
.lames .1 asks l-'oi several months
I have not been f???? I?i '? well. My skin
is sallow, i.iy t" niiue coated. have
Iw adaehe. am slet-ple nervous and
liollei.-d with chronic const i pa t Ion
I "lease help lue
Aiijwi" V oil need i !
idealising treatment i ?
!hrcu-firain sulpln rb ial?
lihvr). I'vercotne lh"
I'Oi'st ipat ion and gradually ?.our good
health and pure blood will return.
;*\atlve blood
the form of
lets < not sul
ieiidencri% to
"Poor Nerves" writes "Is It possible
lo lin'l a medicine whleh by its tonh
ir nutritive powers will bring the
crlow o' health and nnibltlon back lo a
man who has everything in the world
l>ut health and happiness? 1 tun dull,
forgetful, despondent. weak. trem
bling. short of breath, and suffer moro
or less with pain lti spine and hack of
head "
Vo-.iv condition indicates
of a strong, harmless tonic
to restore nerve eiju? 1 ibrlun .
turn tortlfies and stiongth
Ot'gans oi nu'rition. thus
? itall/ing the Jjloo.i and promoting
t.cw cell iino tissue to take care of the
waste force.-: Three-grain cadomene
(abb ts. packed in sealed tubes with
full directions, are rccoinmended in all
such cases. ? ? ?
.1 K asks "The weather being so
hot, causes -tie to puff and pant with
an e\c-s.s ?<f t'esh on ni> body. ?'an I
saf-ly reduce my weight, and how
\nswer: <?o to a well-stocked drug
gist and get live-grain arbolone tab
lets in sealed tube with complete dl
t-eciions. Take as directed, and you
dioiild soon f-cl the relief you desire
Many of my patients report t-piick res
rults wilh'iit any harmful action
whatever. ? ? ?
KUen .1 askr "Tell me. please, how
1 ? ? >'i increase in; weight aii'l improve
my color I seem to he .ten -tnic. w -a k
.-?.nil t i red a ' 1 tie l into."
V-swei- liogln taking t hree-u raie.
by po-ntu-lane tablet.- with your meals
.-?lid - oon you will feel yo'ir strength
r->t'!rniiig and gradually your weight
and color will improv.v This is a most
? ffe iive remedy if persistently used
.!. \\ W. asks: "'"an you prescribe a
reliable treatment to get rid of dnn
druif. itching und feverish scalp""'
Answer: t know you can set Instant
relief and permanent results by using
plain yellowy niliiyol as per directions
which accompany each 4-oz. jar.?Ad
Blankets at special prices in
he August sale.
Write or I'hotic for I'rices.
ItlCH.MOM) CO., Inc.,
Itirlimonri. \'ii,
% ~ s
s \
I Metal
\ Ceilings
1^ For buildings of every lype
? Wo -can please you in both
? quality and price." 3jj
^ Thos. N. Kendler ?
I !o7 Brook .\vrnuc. "5
t &
"For Better Acquaintance" Come
Which Is now on. We have sacrificed Forty Thousand Hollars'
ERATORS and RANGES so as to make room for our fall stocks.
Uon't miss this opportunity to save to 4" per cent oil your
1418-1 120 East Main Street.
This is India-Cey! on tea
more refreshing than
green tea and goes
Rountree-Sutherland-Cherry, Corp,
Furniture and
Cash or Credit 111 W. Broad
5 &
Our patrons who expect to move September 1st or
October 1st will avoid delay in getting service al new
location by calling at our oflice at once and arrange to
cancel existing contract and execute contract for new
Contract Department.
Rothert & Co.
Fourth and Broad
Vlrtroln \ I..
Other st> les SI5 to $200^>?
The Victrola is a Source
of Endless Pleasure to
the Entire Household
It ulvt?s everybody the kind of
music tlicy llUo hi?nt. <"> nie to
our stor<? ami lot play your
favorite nolertions.
Walter D. Moses & Co,,
HKt I-:, ilroatl SIrpcl.
Illilr.it MiinIc llniinr In \irulnin
mill \nrtli t'arollaa.
Cut prices on all low Shoes from
i!)<? to s:5.sf>.
northwest Corner Third nwl liroml.
This nip:
National Bank will
safeguard your sav
ings and pay you
3% interest com
pounded semi-an
Capital S300.000.00
Surplim Jk l'rotlt*,
SI ,500,000.00
t\ntr tlip Proportion.)
Don't Jiggle The Hook
Wo havo large and small
automobile vans, and can movo
We can pack your furniture
and store it In our Fireproof
Huilding or ship it to any part
of the world.
Monroe 8-18.
Main and Belvidero Streets.
you quick
Should you desire to recall the operator after giving
your number, move the receiver hook slowly up and
down. This flashes her signal lamp.
If you move the honk rapidly, it does not transmit
the signal, and the operator does not know you want
her. Jiggling the hnok does no good and is likely
to iniure the instrument.
When you Telephone?Smile
^ A S>A
.A ilT V
Over .Newark Shoe Store.
Our Patent Suction Teeth
anteed 15 Year
I'iH'y ar< a priceless* posses
sion -neither health nor beauty
Is possible with defective or
imperfect teeth. If you suffer
with your teeth we want you
to lot us make them right. We
will give you the benefit of ten
scars' study and experience.
The efficiency of our SKILL
I-TIj and T'AINLESS methods
is best indicated by the many
people in this city who havo
been made well and happy in
our office.
FILLING in Gold,
Silver, Platinum and
50c to Si .00
Crown and Bridge
Work, $5.00.
Over Newark Shoe Store, <107 Kaist Hrond Street.
Open I>?il> to <>; Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Evenings Until
S; Sunday Kl to 1.