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-! - H it ". 1 IT 4 . -i -ft : x - -wnK- f ", ' '.., . ' conventions, each of whomshall elect a chairnian from their ntimber : Provided, that a senatorial district rr.- committee ABau only- be elected in districts em- ; bracing' more tlian one "county. ; Vacancies occurring Within thirty days of an election may be filled by the yb;e of the, committee. , . III. .State Executive Committee. There shall be a State Excativee Committee.composed of one member , from each Congressional District in the State, to be designated by, the district delegations in State Con jVeution . assembled ; two members at large, to be ( . eelected by iha State , Convention, and the chairman , of the convention at whioh the election is held . Tney shall be biennially elected at the State Conven tion, shall choose one of their number chairman, and shall elect a, secretary who is not a member, who shall .reside at,Rleigb. v , , ; ' tIV. The t chairmen of the respective county, dis trict and State Executive Committees shall call their conventions to order and act as temporary ohairmen . uufil a perntanent organization is effected, with power only to appoint,, and receive the report of, a oom - tjtot,.tee ou. credentials. - '. V No txooutive jcoiiimittee shall have power to elect or appoint delegates to-any convention, whether Bounty, district, State or National. ; v VI. No member of an executive committee or dele- gate .or alternate duly chosenshall have power to dele gate his trust or authority to another. : VIL .Representation. Representation in county : conventions shll consist 'of three Republican voters -as delegates, and three as : alternates,1 from each pre cinct -in the county,' and no more. VIII. Representation in Congressional, Judicial, Senatorial and State Conventions shall consist of - two delegates' aLd two alternates only, for every member of the lower House of the General Assembly, - and shall be apportioned in the several counties ac cordingly. ! u ' IX. Delegates and alternates to county conventions ' shall be elected only by a vote of the republicans of each preeinct in precinct meeting assembled; and delegates and alternates to district, State and Na tional conventions shall be elected by a convention of delegates duly elected and .sent by the people for that purpose after due notice , and publication of not not less than fifteens days, tf the ime, place and pur pose of such convention, and not otherwise. X. The certificate of the chairman and secretary of the meeting, setting. forth the regularity of the pri mary meeting or convention, and the election of the delegate and alternate thereat, shall be accepted, when uncontested, as a good and sufllcient credential "for suoh delegate and alternate. XI. This plan of organization and procedure shall ' continue in force until 'changed or abrogated by a - aubsequent Republican State1 Convention. Adopted in State Convention,' July 8, 1880. ,. , A charming widow-owns a nice boy and a man c i wants xoi-be appointed deputy' father to the lad. It was u only last Sunday, that, 'while the" man' was strolling with the lad, he asked : "Bab, does your mother. bang her hair? and the fool answered: aOh, no; but you f. ought to see her bang dad's head, : Guess the minister didn't know everything when! he told pap to. prepare to die. Prepare, why he was just aching to die," thority in the -world, he left a last legacy to the medical, profession, in rtho , following lines which he requested his brethren of, the Jjancet to publish, whenever angina ' pectoris should strike his death blow : 'I die a Chiistian, in the now, I fear,; much despis ed sense of that term, a simple believer in Jesus Christ as a personal, living and loving Saviour, with out any righteousness of my own, but perfect and secure in His; and that 'I know in whom I believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him until that day.' JThe touching comment by his editorial com rade, upon these solemn and pathetic words from beyond theyeil, is written as follows : 'The physician who in his own person consciously bears about with him the poignard that shall put a period to his existence, even feels its sharp point at his heart; knows when and how it will strike , him; sees the shadow of death thrown distinctly across his path, by each gleam of the sunshine so joyous to those around him. The man whoTbeing thus haunted, is not all his lifetime subject to bondage, must have that within him which surpasses mere human strength, or be steeped in a Lethe of forgetfulness impossible to understand. We know the treasures of knowledge acquired by such men are not lost, but their own share of the fruits of labor- what becomes of that? Why. are they deprived of their reward ? f Questions like these will rise unbidden in the mind; in days of narrow-minded and shortsighted materialism, when scientists seem to exult in destroy ing the fond lWpe of immortality,' while' they have nothing to offer in the stead of this aspiration; When there is a growiag disposition to scoff at all that lies beyond the horizon of sense, or outside 1 Nature, and it is counted a triumph of intellect to believe in nothing which cannot be demonstrated by the puny appliances and processes science has already discov ered it is unwise to rebuke these questionings of the inner soul of man. a veritable eternity, albeit the principle we feel within is not to be laid bare by the scalpel of the anatomist, or brought under the phy siologists here. "In the name of science and humanity, let us have more of this spirit of hope and confidence in the Future, for it enables men to , bear the ills of life placidly, to do its work honestly and earnestly ; it cheers the spirit in life, and helps it to gaze calmly on the dread visage of Death,' and to meet him cheerfully in the hour of his triumph.' ' London Lancet, June 14, 1879. 'The time has come to speak out boldly on this . subject, and we are persuaded the good sense and .self-respect of the profession will approve the pro test against that spirit of restless izitagonism to t the claims of religion which has unhappily obtained fuller expression in a small section of our ranks dur ing the last few years, and whioh if not repudiated, must be expected to increase. ; 'We agree that the physician should not usurp the functions of the minister of religion; but he is for bidden by the spirit of manliness' 'to take refuge in the opposite extreme of moral cowardice, with a pre ' tenoe of rndifferenoe.7 XaiJuly 12,' 1879; .physician is inseparable iiv :;.nr . Not a few in our crowded Lnia cr .ia4;' E3ftdd-; ed country : homes, rarely atte Cristian worship, and to them the &ce t of rthe. medical visitor is as the. countenance of ; a missionary . of good the most elevateds influence that reaches them, in the midst, . perhaps f of igno rance, poverty or wretchedness.;; i. r t "The moral influence of the physician must be an enormous social force. It radiates by the bedside, and attends upon his footsteps in his daily rounds. By its purity andj devotion to the loftiest interest of man, it will lift fellow-men to higher and nobler lives ; or alas ! in its pride and vanity,' it will t deaden i the faith and chill the hopes of those whose bodies he would cure. - . X' ': "Jeremy Taylor quaintly but beautifully said : , 'And what greater measure can We have than, that we should bring joy to our : brother, who, with his dreary eyes, looks to heaven and round about, and cannot find so much rest as to lay his eyelids' close together than, that thy tongue should be tuned witn heavenly accents, and make the weary soul to listen for light and ease; and when he perceives that there is such a thing in the world, and in the order of things, as comfort and joy, to begin to break out from the prison of his sorrows at the door of sighs and tears, and by little and little melt into showers and refreshment ? This is glory1 to thy voice, and employment fit for the brightest angel." h "' "But the moral influence of 'the' physicians of our land must be invoked,' for "its "exercise on a wider plane than ever, for the preserva tion of ! societv against the inroads of ' doctrines that threaten to 1 reduce all limits and cbndi tions, ana ail taw, numan or uivme, to cnaos. omue it is unuer we prcusuctj ox aemgnsirauon by anatomical science that materialism is pre- paring to rend asunder the bonds , of society, a special responsibility has1 fallen ( upon the proiession, to reouKe inese piunaerers 01 tne heritage of faith, and with due humility," but unflinching courage, to defend the treasures of reveiauon axiu eierua,i uuptj. ' ? "The moral plague has alrea'dv reached the shores of America, and unlike its physical pro- j i I J ii-:' - iS... i. ' i- n .1 xouype, nnas us viuuius ursc among me cui tured, and the men of great, if unsymmetrical learning. From the extraordinary freedom of our social economy, it must be expected' to spread with more or less rapidity, and perhaps to reach an enormous development in he comimj gener ation. V":'' X .)'si , , l'. : rWhen a whole people shall' beiieWiTthe materialists succeed, that they are Jtut special and elevated beasts, born of the arksesW; ol the ibirute. and destined to die the death of the beast, unto' utter annihilation.' then will 'Uiey complete the logical chain, and live the itfe'of the beasts that perish. Humanity' sickens at "the come mpia, noii ui buw a worm as .wouia mevi tably result5' n '; : y'A u T! J; j "Who knows but that this day which' seems to us fib-lull ' of ;exci4ssd feverish unrest: years' to '' ctfmi,"may 'be looked upon, as the golden era of content ! What in- Wl4 Wa have had periodical ntp8ikB:J&i?te astnma, tne latter part ot every summer and Fall for the last six years, and therefore I could not, with certainty,make appointments to speak. Jr lease accept my thanks for the courteous man ner in which; you; have conveyed the informa tion, and assure the party of my sincere ap preciation of the honor done me. I shall con tinue, as I have been "heretofore doing, to do alKin'my ifeeble way- that I can for the success of our National and other Republican tickets, believing as I do that the Union, good govern ment and liberty, depend upon their success. Very respectfully, .. ; T. L. Hargrove. A. Living Express Package. All sorts of queer things are carried by the railroad companies nowadays, bat the oddest piece of freight that has been seen in Pitts burg for a long time, passed through on Sat urday. A chubby, round-face, bright looking boy, eleven years old, named Casay Pemmel, arrived in this city on Saturday evening, in the care of the messenger of the Baltimore and Ohio Express Company. He had trav elled as a piece of express matter from some place far away in Texas. He had a paper tag tied to him, just as though he were a bag of potatoes, and on the tag was written the address of hi consignee. He was entered on the way-bills and manifests just like any other. freight, and as he passed from the hands of one express messenger to another he was duly receipted lor This living express Jbun dle left Texas on Tuesday, and has been well taken care of. ' With Casey ; was a package containing some money, a baggage check and a ticket over the Pennsylvania Railroad from Pittsburg to Philadelphia. When the boy wanted anything to eat or desired some other reasonable object the messenger took sufllcient money from the package to pay for it and charged it on a bill which was with it. Casey was placed on board a passenger train on the Pennsylvania Road on Sunday, and is now jpobably safe in the hands of his friendB.Pitt8burg Post, Aug. 23. A Memorable Peach Stone. A peach tree grows in the , county of Rockingham, N. C, that sprang from the seed of a peach that the late Gen. Garland held in his hand when he wavshot down, and Capt. Gaer- rant got the seed and planted it on his place in Rockingham. Yon know that Gen. Gar land was greatly beloved by Pender's old brigade. He was walkiog with Col. Tom 'Baffin at the time he was shot; tbey ex nosed themselves too near the Yankee sharpshooters, and Garland fell in Raffia's arms. Reuteviue 'limes. Vr i require, To - ' 'fC. -' dik : m uoiusouro tue an asylum for the colored insane, n onfio " 26th alt., I visited the asylum,, havingSeen , " sent tor oy ur. Mopre, tjje Bapeqatenaejat, to arrange tor employment. , As 1: entered the oflice of the Doctor, I of coarse started to take a seat to talk with him; 'bat he ob jected, and informed: me v that ) each was against his rules that he did not allow nigger to sit in his office, . Then he said: You won't suit .me,, any ho. w,' At this I left his. office.,, Such, are the kind of men appointed to'wee to; the welfarepf the help less colored people by the Democratic party. A change is absolutely necessary at the Goldsboro Asy luml When the State has erected an institution, it belongs, to the State, I had "thought, and not to tne hungry officials placed there, who' exercise their prejudices against eolor ' in the manner in which Dr. Moore did. . -u w . ih . Yours try, ..... U . ,,, , , F. T. Thomas. Raleigh, N. 0., Sept81880. 1 " ilk Dr. Blyden, himself a pure African of high attainments, says the missionary soci eties have made a mistake in sending to Africa malattoes instead.of pure Africans j the former, whether. born in the Yest Indies or in the United, States, being', almost uni versally of a delicate' constitution, ahdhav ing ceitainiy no advantages as to endu rance of climate over white men, while ne groes of pure blood r wherever born, will be found better adapted to the African cli mate. Potent Advocates. Now the ma chinery ot every factory, running extra time, every crowded workshop, and ,, every prosperous enterprise are all potent, advo cates of the election of Garfield and" Ar thur. Their influence will' not be felt 'at ma 88 meetings or seen in street parades, but it will be realized when the votes of the industrial Northern-States are counted. Boston Journal.. f . 4tin)Ii Hur A yoang couple ia th'eiif honey-moon are dallying languidly with the grapes' at desert: She (archly) 'And yoa don'c find it tire some, dear, all alone a with .ime ! You are quite, quite sure that you don't wish to go back to your bachelor life again T .Efe (earn estly) 'Quitej rriy darling) indeed, married life is so jolly thatj you know, if yoa were to die to-night I'd get married . to morrow.' New York World. y,, :7 , , nr0;, 'Good morning Patrick: you , have got a new coat at last but' 'it seems to Ht-you rather too much.' "Ocb, -there t'ls nothing surprising in that; sure I wasn't there. erhen I was measured for it,' t r t 9 ti . V 1.1 , .- : . . fc- ffi .' " . ,,".