RECORD DEVOTES TO THE 1NTEHEOTO OF VLIwE.'i. S-2.Z "7 un: i-.: Alma, Mich., Friday, Apr. 6, 1888, Vol- 10. No. 3. Whole No, 470. THE ALMA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. SOOIKT I KS. m. k. oitir koii TV TO UN' IN ( S -rvUr. ll;; unlay School XVX lUniu. F.venintf wrvlc ;ni( F II AHT. Pastor. CO.VD'L OlItTKOir. CfEHVlF. -it 1:3 a m ninl T ::J p in Sill. O bath school I2-.00 J. V N NT WFHP. Pator EPISCOPAL CHURCH. CM'HVICF-s me held at the FpUcopal church O cv'iy isutiU iv 'Von"ir. llKV. (iKD. VkSOR, MlfSionary. AIM K LODCE, F. A. A. M. RKOHIi H Meptlntnn Sat until von or before each full iiuioii. M. I'm.HSKV, W M, VV. . It wii.k. cc y AL M V. II?C 2 1. 0. E. S NO 43. Din ilit 111 t in j" n tli" fl r-t Friday ot JbCi-iU'h month MUS. I'KOK.V I JAMS, MK. NX MF.SI'C,F.t. W. Matron. O. A. Ii. MnviT Pot. No. IV. lpptnf Mlch..f! It., meet on -'ml. an t 4th. Thuixlayot w piu'h month. . , Fiusrn I' ll. mku. toiml. E. F. Movku UJ' t. II v N K hi 11 S, WW1. S. TURCK &. CO., A General IttniiiiT tt iin --- Tronii te 1 iMalersin l-'or.-imi ami l.m-sth' F.xcbaiiKc l.'cia I At tent i'i (I i en 1 U-i-l i n. M. S.TCUCK. . W. WUKiMT, O.S. WAIlP, J. II. AfH( C.K. WKIISTI K. l,.li.-.-4i'.. J. F. SUYDAm, M. D. an-l Surjr-on. llic-- in rem- of A; Co.' Urii;' Mniv. IT .Mill.- C. L. DOWNIE. M. D. &ENEI!.U. Practice. Ollicc; In-nt room in S. D. YERINCTON, lUACTMMNfi Physician. til). c h-u r ; '.' t' II J to 4 p in. omcc in fi'i! urutf m ) o. front ro nn up tairs. E A. BAGLEY, M. D., ttomf.opotin Phvician anl siirueon. XI K.-M l.-nce t it- -tie. t. lliliir, room .No. I. Wru'ht't M" "i II 'u-'' block. . ou-i iioor. (Hike hour-, '.i lu lu a. in. ; - to ;i aid to s p. in. A'ri'OKN'llYS. francis palmer. rro'tsEV t lvw. u-u Lstate Lit'.' a:ii Fire tiwnoice Atf.-nt. AluVty (r'fittt'iit C J'.7. A J. L.CLARK ATPtHNr.V'.Miiis.'lor nt ,nw All l".':il hu:tc hv l.'tt'T t ..tli..i.-. will be P'-oMiptlv Mlt. ii li .l to, Hlii t- iii Opera II ..iiM block, upUin JOHN D. SPINNEY. ATiOHNF.Y T I. W, s .licitor in Clian- cry. an I Ke.O F.-taie At;, nt. Ai.M v. 1k vnor Co., Mic ii. MIS:KIiI.AVKUS, F. A. LEONARD I nicely iixl up in tht LIVERY STABLE. formerly occupied bv Mr. Carnahan. on Superior-t. vi't. iiu.l proposes t koop a lirst-ci iss ri:i:i. uoaud.s.mj-: uii.l LIVKllV ST AH LI-:. Kis ;it l f;is.)ii.ill liitfs. him a call. (ioml (iivi Wood tor Sale D.-Iivi'i-o'l frcoto anv part of the city A. J. WESTON. West Superior, cor. (tr.uit St. W. A. BAHLKE, A T T O It N K Y A T I. A V Solicitor in Chancery. former bunk buiMinir of WuMby f'o opposite Writrht llouvc. o:n or: All bu"iiit' b it in my b'iivt will ncfivo prompt an'l r ful ntli-ntion. I hav th.- fol fowlinr Ucil Ktiib- for alc. owm-.l by Marru poll i-kv at Mronifly low Hirim-H: J i n rc! ot liOi.l bftwiTti Itlvrnlnlp nt Vf-tatnirtf vi.: ' f n w of s f :::. town north, r w. AIo n t ot o ' of - '. town I'.'n.r.'.ttc.t. Will mH in paiv N or 4 m of J iicict. roil HW.V Oil KTCMANfiK 0" KAY TrilMt. Two lioiiH. im. I 1 .t on I '' ml lition iilcn li'l hoinfs tr -mall lamlli-e. hNo ix va cant ot. yoo l buililintr -ib'. I "Ib r for sale a jroo.1 bouf on Fly tn t, wi ll located ami ni.-clv nnlh'-.l nt I w ll.riin . IMiftlc d'irinir lb il F.tatfin Alma hlioiild co thc prcmi". b -fore purchalnf. ALMA INSUUANCK ACJKNCY. HOME-NVw York . UN tF.UW HITCH -Now York, . IIHTFOHI- ,, KIHR AS-0 IATION-Fhila. . AMEKICXN- ArmiCUr.TlTHAL-W:i!f rtown. . MICH. FIHi: A M HNE-H.-trolt Vi It AN D H VIMM-i firnivl H ipi'N NEW YOltK LIFE . ACCIDENT INS. CO of N . N. Y . Conn. Pa. N. V. Mich. . N. Y- nh A mcrica Justice of the Peace. ANDCONVKYANC I'M. All le il p ijir rs Mrau n mi 1 li-i.itcli. vit'i neatness Heal Kstalc Aiicy. Will handle Ilenl Kstati on reason, iliU turm. O lice one dooreut of B. W. A lliv.n tore. f THE ALMA RECORD. I'l'ltMIIKIt kvehv rum v. C. F. BROWN. Prop. . TERMS 1 1 -" Pt ymr In H.lvnneo; :: forix in 'nlh: .Vie tor thn p nionthi HtH of ii lvcrii-.lnur nia'lo known on npplieatlon. GREETINGS. J. A. Stuttz was in Detroit lat Mon day. Full line of Kubbers at W. II Kinch'?. Dr. ShafTcr of Elm Hall was in town Wednesday. Dr. Lancashire, of Saginaw, was in town Wednesday. Mr. Alfred Thomson of Ithaca, was in town last week Friday. Mrs. U 'aves, of Lake City, is visiting her sister Mrs. 15. C. Button. llert. N oodnard has moved into the Tinby house on Suiierior Street. Hamlin & Green t-tarted their factory last Monday, employing-- hands. Dr. Hunt ing will preach at the College Chapel on Sunday next at 3 o'clock. Died, oti Thursday last, after a lin gering illness, Mrs. Lewis Van Leuvan. I)n't you see those beautiful Brus sels carpets at McCullough & Button'u. (' 11. Moulton has a pet ewe that has trive;) biith to twins six time in Micce? sion. Next! Don't sulTer with tooth ache now that Dr. Kelly has his new electric machine. W. L. Nelson, the gentleman in charge of the surveying of the new road, is in town. The largest line of Ladies' and (tents shoes ever brought to Alma at McCul lough A Button's. The examination of Charles Wood before Justice Yei ington will take place the inst II. I'. Clark and .1. W. Frestel of Sheridan were in town Tuesday, on their way to (Mare. Don't forget that D. Vonght will do your Fainting. Papering and Kalsomi ning in first-class stxle. Steps are being taken to organize a lodge of Knights of Pthias. We hope they may prove successful. IIae you read that letter in the Bee Hive column? If not, turn to it. read it and think it over it is for jour benef.t. The letter received by Max K. Fob lasky, a copy of which can be found in the "Bee. Hive'' column this week. Explains itself--don't fail to read it through. The Mt. Pleasant Demockat rame to us lat week under its new control Some vast improwments have Already been made and they promise more. Success to them. Monk A; Baughman. the Drv Goods firm and Findly A: Morden. the Har n ess Dealer and Butcher Bros, have newadvs. this week, luck them over and potit thereby. The Woinans' Home Missionary so ciety of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. J. W. McLeod on Saturday, at 2:30 p. m. It is necessary that all members should be present. Hodman A: Walbridge, have purch ased the handsome four year old Stal lion raised by D. B. Sullivan and ask the public to call and see him. Look at their adv. elsewhere in this issue. We hope our new road commissioner will see the propriety of opening the the road towards St. Louis, and do his duty in the premises as wc believe he will. By all means let us have the road. L. M. Winters, our new crockery man arrived Wednesday with his house hold goods and expects to be ready for business in a few days. Mr. Winter's , i comes to us highly recommended as a horough business man ajul we wish hi.' success. Miss Merta Sherouds, of Brookln Mich, has been visiting Drs. Flowers the past week. While here she visited the Wright House and Sanitarium; ex presed herself highly pleased with the improvements of these fine establish ments and also with the city order and the fine appearance of Alma. Dm ing the fire at St. Louis recently, the authorities sent to this place for some hose and because the nozzle was not sent srme of their ungrateful cranks are making a big blow over it. If the.e had been a little more whiskey there, there would have been no use of any fire company. Attention is called to the advertise ment of the new hardware firm of Bear A;II.dl. These gentlemen are placing in a full line of hardware, and tools. This firm comes well recommended and we are glad to welcome them. By hon- ; orable and fair dealing tl.ey will try to merit ami will doubtless recvivu a shore There aru two case of measles in town. Bert Crawford of Ithaca.atteuded the party at Miller's Hull Monday evening. Bemember that Dr Kelly extracts teeth without pain by the use of elec tricity. The M. E. Aid society will meet with Mrs. W. O. Johnson on Wednesday April 11. A. C. McG raw's Ladies Pebble But ton Boot for $2.00 sold by W. H. Kinch. The spring term of the Union School commenced Monday with an enroll ment of 401. Miss Alta Wilson has returned homo from New York, where she has been visiting friends. The Alma Orchestra was called t Eilmore to furnWi music for the dance Tuesday evening. J. W. Bulkhead and wife have re turned from quite a protracted visit to friends in Ohio. N. E. Belbeck was in Ashley Wed nesday engaging men to work on the T. & C. gravel train. Born, to Mr. and Mis. A. 1). Amden on Monday, a son. u is no wonder that Arthur is happy! Bead the letter in Pollasky Bros.' adr. columndon't miss any of it as it will be of interest to you. Jay Alverson left last Tuesday for Saginaw, where he has accepted a po sition w ith D. Harding & Co. in their factory. Mr. Hall our new hardware mei- chant, late of Eaton Uapids, welcomed Mrs. Hall to their new home in this vil lage last Saturday. George McCarty moved his stock of "firewatu.i" out of the saloon in con nection with the Angell House, Monday night after twelve o'clock. Parents looking for children's school shoes will miss great bargains if they fail to call and examine the tine assort ment displayed by E. L. Stark. W. L. Brigden engineer of the new It. B. was at the Wright House Wednes day and spoke very encouragingly. The survey will soon be completed with every prospect that the road will be built. A very pleasant social event was tit presentation at the M. E. Church, Tues day evening, of a very fine book rase made by Ilutchins and Benner to Bev. A- F. Hart. The presentation speech by James Kress was very appropriate Uev. Hart responded. Announcement to the ladies. Mrs. S. Messinger has a fine stock of milli nery goods in new styles and at reason able prices to which she invites your inspection. Call and examine thi: stock before purchasing elsewhere. Mas. s. Messin(eh Miss Nellie O'Hagan being about to leave for her home in Ohio, her friends gave her a farewell party at Miller's Hall on Monday evening last Miss O' Hagan by her pleasant manners has made many friends during her stay among us, who regret her departure. II. J. Hatfield has bought Frank Murdock's interest in the marble works St. Louis who will continue the business under the firm name of Hatfield A: Son. Parties in want of anything in their line will do w ell to give them a call. And now comes the yearly house cleaning. Bemember that D. Vought is prepared to do first-class work in painting, graining, sign-writing, kalso mining, paper hanging, ceiling decora ting in paper or paint. Orders left at B.S.Webb's or T. A. Millers stole will receive prompt attention The donation party at the house of William Johnson Wednesday evening for the benefit of Bev. A. F. Hart was a pleasant event. A purse of about $40 was presented, Bev. Lynd making the presentation speech F. A. Leonard very generously furnished means of con veyance to the party, gratis. The M. E. Woman's Home Mission arv society will give a supper in the Berry building on Monday evening April 9. beginning at 5:30 and continu ing until all are fed. Supper will con ist of nancakes and manle svrun. fried cakes, pickles and coffee, all for 2 cents a ticket. A liberal reduction w ill be made to families. This Society has done a good work during the past year in lelieving the nerds of the poor in our place and now our funds art nearly exhausted and we still find those who need our aid, we propose this supper in order to replenish our treasury, as we cannot do much without money We alio hope to be able by this means to raise the deficiency in the Life mem bership fund of Bro. Hart. A word to the ladles: Please do not get supper on Monday eve. but come with your families to the Berry building and get amo pancakes and 'lasses: Voting men. come and brine iourlady friends and patronize ua and" we -will ever bo, Republican Club- March 1st, IhSS. Fireman' Halj inic to order with M. i'o'.Iasky as halrman. On m tion A. Yering'.oti elected S 'c'y pro tem. Proposed con stitution and by-laws read. On motion the said by-laws accepted and adopted j y this club as their constitution and by-laws. Pn cee h d to election of ofiieers? B. Green, president; G. S. Ward. ice-president; John I). Spinney, sec'y. riie following vice-presidents in the respective school districts were elected: Wm. Bishop, 1 fr A. and E ; Jas P. King, No. '2; W. S. Bangs. No. S; D Beid, No. 3; Adney Dobson. No. 4; D Sharrer, No. ; S. W. Peck. No. Adams, No. 7. On motion A. Yei- ington. elected tie is; on m t on ad journed. M Pom.asky. A. YniMMiTON, Chairman pro tern. Sec. pro tern. Constitution and By Laws of tbo Arcada Republican Club. Article 1 Name. This organization shall be known as the ''Arcada Bepub lican Club.'' Article 2-Objects. The objects ot this club shall be to advocate, piomote ind maintain the principles of Bepub. licanism as enunciated by th Bepab lican party, to interest in polities those who have hitherto been indifferent to their political duties; to encourage at tendance at the primary meetings, that honest and capable men may be nom inated; to guard and defend the purity of the ballot box; to promote the cause of good government, and to perform such other work as mav best conserve the interest of the Bepublican party. Article 3 Headquarters. The head quarters of the club rdiall be at the village of Alma. Article 4 -Membership. Every Be - publican resident of Arcada tow nship ver Is) vears of age shall be eligible to membership, and may become a mem - ber by subscribing to thee by-laws t r in writing, authorizing the secretary to atlix his name thereto. Provided, that ifter the first election of omVcrs all ipplicants for membership must fust be recommended by the vice-president of the club of the school district in which they reside, or one of the olluers of the club. Article .r Officers and their duties. The officers of the club shall consist of i president, vice-president, secretary. treasurer and one vice-ptespleiit tor each school district in the township ot Vrcada who shall constitute the ex- cutive committee, to be elected an nually by ballot as hereinafter prov ided md to hold their respective offices for the term of one) ear and until their successors are elected. The duties of the officers shall be such as usually pertain to such officers respectively. and such as may be from time to time pro vided by the executive committee. The executive committee is empowered to adopt such rules as they may deem necessary for the government of the club. Article fi Annual Meeting. An an nual meeting shall be held on the fust Monday in March of each jear after the vear 1S8S, at such hour and place is shall be fixed by the president, at which the officers enumerated in article 5 shall be elected and any ether business transacted which may properly con.e before such meeting. In the election of officers each member shall be entit led to one vote. Article 7Monthly Meetings. Meet ings of this club shall be held monthly. or oftener, as may be from time to time demanded by the executive com mittee. Article 8 Amendments. These By Laws may be amended at any meeting of the executive committee, provided notice that an amendment will be pro posed at such meeting shall have been previously given to each member o such executive committee. Article 10. This club shall become and be a member of the Gratiot County Bepublican Club and the Bepublican League of the State of Michigan. McCullough & Button has a full line of Ladies and Misses spring jackets. Call and see them. Hear & Hall are putting in a tin shop in connection with their hardware stoie, in the Church block. Wiig t & Hooper offer two young short horn registered bulls for sale, any person wishing to purchase will do well to call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. 4 wks. A violin obligato solo entitled "Light from Heaven,' was sung by Miss Lelia Stevens at St. John's church last Sat urday evening in a manner to e!cit much praise. She possesses rare talent as a singer, and needs only to be heard to be appreciated. John Dunham of Ilartland Livings ton has taken possession of bis house, on Forest Street, recently bought of Bert. Woodward and is now tolenuni ibred among the residents of thispleas int village. gladly wclccs&o Uiw ELECTION. Arcada 1 ad two tickets tl e Ii 'pub lican and Tnion. :he eut ie rep iblican ticket was elected exc pt treasurer, vote as Jollow s: srPKi: visok. Darius Beid. B . 2sf) Isaa- Bu.vel I cm-: uk. John D. Spinney. K Dr. Leland S. Weaver, C TUE.WUEH. Virgil M. Wilson. B Fled Ely. lT at s ri( i: on ii pi:ace. Almou YeriiiLiton. B , Francis Palmer. U school INI'ECTOi:. Daniel II. Ad.ims.B Chester J. IViliin, C 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 W A Y COM. George Willard, B Daniel B. Sullivan. I ' in i n CM. winiield S B ings. B Ephraini Mctcall. I" .".ii" .271 221 P 311 V.) i .311 . Is2 Constables E. N. Chad wick. How aid Willard. Jacob Merchant and licwj. Miller, impolitic Horn 14 to 1j). Pino Biver up. its a l.vely time with three tickets in ihe r u e, "Bepui. lican. Greenback and Piohil itiou, Vote a- follows: sci i: :vi-oi:. Frank M. Fra v. K D. miel Cuff. G J. W. Doau. P ii.i:i:k. Albert II Lowerv. B Enoch IIolli.I.iY. G E. L. Beaes. P T i:i:.sfi:i n A J. Mclntviv, B V. Now. G (bin Gates. P .irsTici: op Tin-: pfai: lull term Joseph A. Cran bill. II Hiram X. Woodin, G Newi 1 Leonard, p ar.s i h i-: to till vacancy. II. W. sandall. B .". -jj;; 312 2 s ,7'a .is: J. D iv. G j Emilia Brooks. P j HH.II WAV COM. ! V, V "7- ""u . ,l ,.. j, iv p dhain com. ! Staulev L. Nichol. B . ... ouiii 1 1 j.ansnaw , 1 1 . Thomas'! ialluher. P M'llooL INsPIXToL. Frank B. Ilullinan. B Ileibert N Bobinson, G Neil Band.-iph. p SO 101 co.Vsi Ar.Li-: i:u cted. James E Men ,11. Ben. Gorry L. Fields, George Bice, George Ilugmau ' The tow nship of Ithaca elec'.e 1 the fo lowing: Supervisor. William y. B Clerk. Ah in I). J'. tt t. Treasurer.--Darw in S u;th. Justii e - - i 1 1 i.i in L. ;i:Jips w lb Dem B School In .e, t..r Y . B ntliiT Higliwav ( in. F S. V n Buskiik. " Drain Coin N. G. Mitl If Constable. '. A. Ur....ks, Jolill A. IVrry. (J. S. Smith. Ilaivey B. Mitlilf republican. The board of supervisors for the en suing ear will stand S republican. 3 greenbackers and dem cr.tts, as fol lowing: Ithaca M. u. Biisr..vv Bep. r.n-a r.'i. .Meaciiain. Lafavette-P,. F. McXall, WbeJderL II. P.illsh. Bethany W . J. Miile.', Area la I). Beiil, New Haven, SnmiH r Burcress Hall, Hamilton C. S. Betts v ashington B. B McEn lei Dem. ?r North Shad E. L. Kinies Fulton 11. Still, Newaik Frank Muno a. North Shade II Hami.gton " Seville W T. Pitt. Grcfiibacks Pine Biver-D. O Cuff, Emerson G. Holmes " Our Citv Dad Alma, Mr ii.. April 3. la. Common Council met in regular ses sion at cleik's office at above date. Present. E. B. Gieen. president, and trustees Hawkins, Bagley, Smith, and Montigel. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Claims piescnt d: W .. S. i S.. water power. $ 33 SO C. F Blown, piinting, - is 2-j On motion the two above ciaims were allowed at footing and clerk in structed to bsue oiders for the same. Trustee Tinker appears. Committee on salaries ask for further time in which to lep.ut which was granted. Such committee appointed to consult with Wiight. Schneider A; Stuttz with respect to the construction of sidewalk between race and rival lu idges, report that they have consulted with Messrs Schneider ;md stuttz. and Schneider and Stuttz have agreed to build the walk across their lands in accordance with the instructions iriven your committee. L. A. Bacley, ) r., M. Montigel. Umy On motion report accepted and plac ed on file. Committee to audit accounts of treasure, report that owing to sickness of trustee Pulliey, tl.ey have been un able to audit the claim and accounts as vet and ask further time, which was granted Moyed and supported that clerk be instru ted to issue order for l in favor of U ritdit, Si hneider A: Stuttz to pay for use of water power for February 2ath-can ted. On motion the proposition of C. F. Brown in respect to printing as report ed by committee at last regular ses sion of council was accepted and adopt ed. On motion the street commissioner was instructed to construct sidewalk on Prospe t street near rail road. On motion council adjourned. L. 13. Green, W. A. Buhlke, XYiiiknt, Clef. ALMA COLLEGEJEPARTMENT It' iii-iiil( r im li hiv koI .cited from ull n. int. -r- oi tim r, u!y and a h uud er -t j 1 -1 1 1 . Html Hi. -in in nt l lie oltc or p Hi 'in in t lie 1 1 mii I hi x w i th ii. mic of writer w nt en int. i I inl mr nil bcatiou but for Kiinran tee (jfK'ood t.otli. 'ieioj- Xthis. one of the students is t iy sick. Prof, stuart spent part of lfs vaca !i--n in Muskegon. B"". Mr. B m.s m of Muir has been biting his m ihis week. Prof. Ewieg will return Saturday from a tour among the Colleges of Ollio. Again we behold the pleasaiF face3 and h.q py voices of stu lents on our i r.'ets B -v. Mr. B anehard has un ve 1 his family to Alma, and still tl ey come. Of cour.M' tiie College looms the town. Alma college is booming! The spring term opened 'A'edi.esi'aj- morning with eiiit new students, making an un lollment so far the tirsl year of U. Miss Boss. .t Chicago, the great Kindergarten te icher. woo has been a-oi.-.tingat a teacin is institute at Horn- j er. has letuincd to the College to pro- i ng tier rest What is the tioub'e with our tele graph svstemi' Several telegrams ar rived for students and members of tht faculty a: the clo-,e of the term and for some unaccountable and inexcusable reason they were sent through the posioilice and consequently were not received until too late. New. Prom Ithaca- The Ed. Paine r murder suit has been adjourned until June term. The circuit court was adjourned last S ttunlay foieuoon sine-die. The next term of tia: court vv ill convene June o The jury in the ilopkins ease for barglary 'one ol the famous New Hav en cases; brought in a verdict of not guilty. The common council of Ithaca nu t at council hall, Fiiday evening, April 3d. and appointed James Orvens for village marshal, Lary Knickerbocker for uuht watch for the ensuing year. Tt:e following are licenced to wed: Dad ley M. Hovt, Pir.e Biver, - 22 Jennie E. Cohoou Isabella Co., - 20 Bobert J. Fisher. Elba, - - 2") IVai I Dunning, Washington, - - l'. Frank Gilb-rt. St. Louis, - - 21 Jennie Bichlnond, " - - - IS Saturday Judge Hart sentenced John ! Bennett lor larceny of a horse, to hard labor at Ja -ksuu for 1 j years. Arthur Mctuade. convicted jointly with Ben nett, was granted a new trial, based upon an affidavit of Arthur Fowler, of Arcada. which, if true, will tend to establish the innocence of McQuade. I. N. Colein in. of this place, who was s sacce .sfuUy operated upon by Dr. J. II DeMay a short time since, and had his left lg amputated above the knee, is now convalescent. Mr. C. contracted a knee joint disease while in the army and has suffered ever .since. He is past 00 vears of age. A prohibition county convention was held at Ithaca, April 4th, to elect dele gates to the State convention to be held at Grand Uapids, May 2 th. SlOO was raised for campaign purposes and the following delegates were elected: John Fuger. C. Levering, Newel Leo nard. Alex Chiholin, J. L Miller, Sam uel Gordon. Several dcciples of Blackstone were usheied into the arena of judicial life last week in open court before his honor. Judge Hart, and our obliging county clerk handled out "sheep skiiis'' to the following persons: Den nis K. Sickels, of Sickles; John G. Scott and Arthur G. G.irbutt, of St. Louis. this county. The examination was conducted by Edward L. Wal l i idge. Byron II. Sawder, J. L. Patts and J. T. Mathews. pKor. vii: counr ruoci:F.niNos. In the matter of George Grant, I'lvsses Grant and A. I. Gridlcy, al leged, dependent and neglected chilcl- ren 1 tit ions filed to send said child ren to state public school at Coldvvatcr; order made for hearing April 10. Estate of James Ellsworth, deceased. Petition filed for appointment of Ad ministrator; order made- for hearing April 23d. Estate of Mary Ann Ilenson, de ceased. Claims in said estate adjusted. Stolen- The party who stole Miss Nettie Kress' Photograph from my gallery, will save trouble by returning the 6ame to me, as they are known. L. W. Miller. Dr, Kelly has received an Electric machine, for the painless extraction of teeth, without extra charge. I am m iking a specialty of collar and cuff laundiying and guaruntee firstclass woik. Parties wishing such work or fine shirts or general laundry work, please leave the same at 13. W. Ellisons stoie. J. B. Sheldon. 407 4wk Lucky Star is a ten cent Cigar told ly WvbU for five CU4U. 4?Bl