OCR Interpretation

Alma record. (Alma, Mich.) 1878-1928, August 29, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038709/1902-08-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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WHOLE NO. 1224.
(Succesir. to W. tv Turck A In Hunker)
A. W. Wrlnht. J'r. - Win S. '1 nr. k, V-rr.n.
K.) Hr v I'hktT. I'ashier
f. O As-.lstttit ("nslil'T.
KstHl.lh'.i l"M
t irifHiiif"! Wl
Capital. IWMi
Surplus f l ''.
(i'ncral r.Hiiktriif Business TrHimnct.d
Safely lniit Koi for Kent
The Alma StateSaviiivs Bans
1(1 I ill! UAm T IllilO U
Capital Stock, S25.00O.
om khs am iiKt( toks
William A. Bablke. West Ian"l ! Srrar
K U Ilalliwi. V Tre t .Imv If . Ku.-i
Wco. W. Moore. vnshiei tie", t I arson
Aprrofil not. Iwiu'l't t r. HM'i.al.U- rnt. n
Mon. to loan on mmI wlnlr at lw il-"
Without Iioiiuo.
Safety 1 iMt-it loo to r 1 1.
Office. Bahlke Clock. Alma
Bost Tootli, $4.00,
ftfMTT S6.00 and SS.OO por
Filling and Preserving the Natural
Teeth. . ,t
Crown ami Bridge Work a specialty.
I" mm. ' ! i'h"ti N 3-"
Smarting burnln and
AchlriK' hi
Ln nre sun Olmis f vi- strain W ia e
pj the turn (iuipi (i'tiHi oflWi- in r
r (inili t county for lomtinir ami t'orrcfl K
Ln Inu' tbe vyr triillv If your yen ar- rvl
rvf ttti rii.v ) mi. coin' to un. "j
g Scattergood X Jacobs. jj
K Jowolors and Opticians, Q
jo ALMA, mich. ig
Insurance... t
Fire. Tornado. Plate Glass
and Accident
writer in the Lest of old line
American Companies at lowest
currant rate.
Notary Public.
All kinds of Legal Papers drawn.
Pension Papers executed.
!'.!!Hdky H'o- k llonm No 7.
Til..!,- No o
"Wt HI can't ur !, hii be enltiM i. il
well insured m -tne yood cetni.io y
DR. P. G. OLP,
Successor t Dr Purmortl
Mouths which have Wen prev
iously hard to tit w ith Artificial
Teeth a specialty.
Teeth extracted In the new Pollask
without pain. Rlock
Telephone No. 42.
...OFFICK ..
Notary Public...
Pension Attorneij
tll: General Insurance.
RepresentinR the following
A companies:
V.tna l ire
Hartford l ire
f PennslvaniH I'ire
n-trfiit V. & M. l ire
(lennan-American 1- ire
North Hntish Mercantile l ire
Lloyds Plate Class
The' United SUHs Health and
Accident of Saginaw, Mich.
Roller Mills
la always
Cost no more and is letter
than other flour of the name
Alma (Patent).
Arcada (Straight).
Hakere (Clear).
Ask Your Grocor For It,
Take Laxatite ftromo Quinine Tablet.
All drujrtfiiti refund the money If it
fall to cure. E. W. Grore'a iignature
it on each box. 25c ll&Mrr.
Important Action at Their Annu
al Conference
The conference meeting of Seventh
I ay Adventift.s stnti eMtnnmeetnn; com
nipticeil in Alnui Motiw.'iv mornitii.' ainl
tlie nuinU r in camp has ln-eti gradually
incien-m e:ich day It iaeH-cted tli.it
a out J!" ill I e in camp Jit the ei.d of
this Week
At the m if Hi (if the ( (lift -rele e
Wednesday inorninir it wa vot d to di
vide the s'nfe (f Miclnyim int thre
coii'erf ncen nnd one iuitlou lield. All
of thece art t be organized at 1 1 i - meet
inind vill iisult in estaMiidiiiiK' c liter-
in various part of the sMte.
The northern iuinsu a is to x a mi
sion field. North cf a line ruuuin east
ftlld west across the state between Mason
and Oceana countioH is to he the north
ern cipfert'c South of this lin will
bo two c nferences, divided by n line
running south I 'tween Miilnud and Is
aKdla, Hillsdale ai:d iiranch, with (ira
tiot and Clinton in the southeast confer
eucc This will mean the location of
headipuart rs in f a' h of these districts,
and a sT of officers for each oue.
The iioiuinatin coiiunittfe was n
larked m that there nre two memU rs
from each of the proposal conferences
and standi now as follows: Upjter
I emnsula, William of Sault Ste Marie
and Lewis of MeiKminee ; north confer
ence, Irwin and Hristol of Ka'tin.rt;
southwest cotifereuoe. Campliell and
Hebner; southeast conference, Hale and
Hatt; at larKe, Win '( trander.
The committee on credentials ap
printed '1 uesday was us follows:
Matthews, Hoot, Hebner, Horton and
Slade; on resolutions: lidwarls, HutltT,
Spicer, Keavis and Wiyht.
C M Mill v
Llder A. (i I)aniel, who l a . u.t re
turned from the Ktiroean eonterence
and who is tlu- hed of the peiu-ral con
ference of the world jldiler W W. Pres
cott, eilitor of the Heview and Herald;
llder V. A. Spicer, Head of the depart
merit; aud other general workers at the
camp and are assisting in the work of
Llder W in. Ostrauder, who recently
has made Montreal his field of labor, is
attending the camp.
Three new churches wer presented
to the conference this year. They are
located at Marino City, Grace, and
lit rrien Springs.
With a membership of a little over
oooo m the state, the Adveutists turned
into the conference treasury during the
last twelve months, over fll'.KKJ . The
conference is out of debt and has
f ",).) Oo and more in the treasury
Mr Wilsou, a blind man, editor of the
Christian Kecord, a journal lor the
blind iii lil sheil in P-attle ('reek, was
present at the Wednesday morning ae.
sion of the conference and sjn.ke in
half of his Work lor the blind.
Th re is a pretty prl in an Alpine hat,
A sweeter cirl in .i sailor brim,
Put the ha n rl -tomes t girl Miu'll ever s e;
1 ti e sensible girl w ho ui s Lo ky
Mountain Tt a.
'liivins i. lihoiit s. K'VO 1m
Band Program.
The Alma baud of twenty-four pieces
will go to Saginaw next Monday to for
nish music for the labor day celebration.
In the aftetuoou C O. Ward and Hoy
Teeven will each furnish a solo num
ber on the vaudeville program besides
the regular work of the baud during the
day. In the evening the following pro
gram will tie given trom the balcony of
the Bancroft House:
Map-h. "(. mry's Triunihal," !. win
Overture, "111 I'nivatore." - V' Mi
1 iiiiil.one Mil", ' Heyoiid tl"' (inie- of Titra
ill-.'."" ... Kill
Mr. Koy TYeven
Mar h ' C.oi l Mortiini arnc." Mnitu A Hotiinn
overture. ' 1 In-Kival. I'tie
oriiet M)lo. " I rij'l'l" X. ' bryant
Mr. '. u arrt.
Marcli, "Jos' ; hlii' MyJi," Ilrytnn
Overture. "A lKii'Ulii.'' IjtureixleMii
Mar' h. "Oaklittm lta,' Iioog
Hannah Carrier was born Match 27
ISP's and died August 2o, Uk)', aged
eighty.six years, six months and twenty
eight days. In lSii." she was married to
(jumes I'iper who died several years ago.
Seven children were born to them and
of that number, Mrs. Theodore Frisbie
is the only one living and she tenderly
cared for her mother for the past twenty
two years, the last year of which she
was a helpleaa invalid
In early life the deceased indenttfled
herself with the Baptist church, but at
the time of her marriage she united
with the United lirethern of which de
nomination her husband was a pastor.
The funeral services were held at the
house Tuesday afternoon and tbe re
mains were laid at rest in Riverside
The First Semester Begins Aon
The time has at last arrived when our
boa and vuls must give up their play
and work and return to school life
Monday. Sept 1ft. marks the lgiuniiik'
of nriothi r school year aa well an the
turuiug jtoiut of many a student's career.
Education is already the keynote of
the twentieth century arm it i the boy
and the girl who hi ed these warnings
that will I e adequately fitted to remain
in harmony with the muticnf the pr sent
century At this time many a boy and
girl will have to make a dec sion w hither
Iih shall take Ira place with the unedu
cated or make his station with the
more intelligent
It can easily U shown that the college
bred man can earn fa' more money than
the uneducated one. Hut even if this
were not so there is far mote in life
than the dollars and cent tamed The
culture, intellectual aud moral advan
tagea of hu education pay a hundred fold
the amount of money s, ent in attiring
it Our schools are al a ays crowded but
there is alwaya room for more" Free
t xt books, free laboratories, in fact
free everth'ng make it tosible forull,
rich or poor, to 'wjuire an edi.cat on
Niarly the Mime corps, of teachers
will be m the school next year Miss
S P.elle Marsh, Ph 15., principal of the
high school will have charge of the Mm.'
lish work This will fp Miss M irsh's
third yar in the schools La-t yar
the I', of M. examining board pro
nounced her ' lie of the beat Mnglish
teachers in t'r e state Miss Peiina I'.am
borough remains another year and will
h:ive charge of the language work.
Ibis will also be Miss Pamlorough"s
third y ar h re This year will make
Miss Cora Dnnlap three years in the
history department She will have
charge of the i'th grade Miss Agues
Hoi-, Ph. H , Alma College, P.H)-, will
teach science and mathematics Miss
Hope comes well rec mmendedand the
work in this department will be of a
high grade She will have charge of
room seven. The teachers of thn pri
mary grades are : Miss Mary Chase, 1st
grad'e; Miss Annette Mclaren, J'.nl
grade; Miss Bertha McLaren, ith
grade; Miss Stella Mugon, 4th grade;
Miss Bertha Stmble. '2w grade; Miss
Winfred Trapp, -th grade. All of
these t achers xvere in the school
last year and need no introduction It
is only by the thorough and hard work
done iy them that the teacht-rs of the
higher grades are able to do much
more satisfactory work.
Miss Zoe Kimball of Ypsilanti comes
highly rt commended and will have
charge of the music and drawing Mu
sic has long since Income oue of the
strongest dejuirtments of the school
while drawii g. lately intro. lured,
r mist a to surass it Mxhibits are
jilaced in the halls and rooms from time
to time which the public are cordully
invited to examine.
It has Wvn found advisable to conduct
our own kindergarten. The work will
lie in charge of Miss L. Atta Wilson, a
graduate of the kmdergarteu depart
ment of th college. Pure kindergar
ten work will lo given in the forenoon
while sub primary work will U taken
by all before entering the 1st grade.
The sub primarv work heretofore has
leen done in the central building along
with the work of the 1st grade. It is de
sired that all parents who want their
children to enter the 1st grade, see the
suj crinteiident at once.
Sitt. W M. H .
Makes the tires of life burn with a
steady glow. Renews the golden, happy
days of youth. Thats what Rocky
Mountain Tea does. ;." cents.
Bims & Rhodes. lm
-t il ii r t" t I
f n From our Factory I;
' to yorhead
just Tn...
tbe Hew Tall
Also the New Shapes in
$2.00 Hats.
Gratiot's Largest Exclusive Clothing douse.
Laroy Wilcox died at his home in
Alma, on Wednesday of lat week, aged
forty-eight yirs three months, and
seventeen day. The funeral was held
at hi home on Friday, Rev. N T Hafer
i lliciatuig, and tin- remain wereiuteried
iti the Riverside cemetery.
The dei-easeii waa born at Pewiimo,
Michigan, Muy -i, lv"il, and lived there
until three year" ago. when lie moved
to Alma, where be lived in. til his death.
In the winter of lv-5, he was married
to Miss Battle Holiday, ri-ven children
were born to them, i f whP'h six are
living, who with the loving wife are
left to mourn their loss One brother
of Ioniu county, also survive him. The
loving wife and children have the sym
pathy of the entire community in their
lma, Michigan,
Advance Styles...
"ihl it;
for Tall Wear arriving daily. Sty
lish, reliable, comfortable
c t
in all kinds of leather for Wen, Women
and Children.
Clearance Sale of all
Summer Shoes....
Wen's, Women's and Children's Oxfords, Slip
pers and Canvas Tootwear at Wholesale Prices.
Come in and look over our line of
Children's School Shoes, they can't
be beat. : : :
Carl of Thinks
We wish to thank the kind friends
and neighlors who assisted us during
the sickness of our beloved hu.band and
father, also the choir, and friends who
furnished many beautiful flowers, aud
the Alma Roller Mills.
Mrs. Hattik Wilcox and Family.
No. 1 basswood, soft elm, black ami
white ash logs; also bus wood lolts.
For further information, address
Tut: Gorman Bkothkks Co ,
PO-VJOw Mt. Pleasant, Mich.
Single Fare for Round Trip. Selling
dates August 31t to Septemler fith in
clusive, from points in Michigan Re
turn limit September 1 5th. For further
information call on Local Ageut or
write to Geo. W. Vaux, A. O. P. & T.
A., Chicago, 111.
My wife, Rosa Welch, having left my
bed and boari without jast cause or
provocation, I hereby forbid anyone
harboring or trusting her on my account
as I will pay no inch claims after this
Alma, Mich., Aug. HUh,
1223 4w Chester Welch.
F. E. POLLASKY, Alma, Mich.
Leading Dry Goods, Carpet and Shoe House.
rrTr Mil VtTrt
and the
Tarmer Knows Tt
We bve the
that Noods no
J. M. riontigel,
Foundorand Machlnost.

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