Newspaper Page Text
The Superior Times. SATURDAY. ;al af —On Wednesd *. morning a man fishing at the Duluth dock, caught on his hook and brought up the Immlv of a negro man who had b eu drowned from a ste.a H*-.* n some six or eight davs befote. The body was interred at ')uluth. —-The steam ferry Sdliman Witt, lying near Stone’s. do<*k, Duluth, sprung a leak from sonic unknown cause, Wednesday night, and sunk to her guards. The or w had re tired for the night, and Wore awak ened by the settling of the boat. We regret this accident to that ac commodating steamer, gieatly in terrupting as it does, travel between Superior and Duluth; but urn that her enterprising owners, Messrs. Edwards & Iliidiard will soon have her up and running again. General Antidote for Poison. The lohowi ig antidote for poison is publisin*;! ■ “ W i eu it Genomes known that a pois m 1, is been swal low 1, stir s mud man of each ate spoonin', into a glass of water and ha\ i ite ]y. It is the qmc test emetic known. It mould vomit In om; Then give th whiter of two <u* three eggs in ac u p > - fee. It u * coffee, swallow the eggs in swe.-t cream, and if no cream, sweet milk; if neither, d-nvu with the eggs,” Oi ii County Bonos. —ln the sail of Doug ;is Comity to recover its bonds, advanced to Mi -srs. Wa 1 - bridge, Bro. fc Sargent in 1872, on t’.jeir prom so to bund the railroad from Superior to the Northern Pa cific junction, the case came up at a late term of Court at Madison, and judgment was granted in default, in favor of the County, under which the §275,000 ot bonds placed in trust with the First National Bank at Madison, will be returned and cancelled; this will leave the £75,- 000 retained by Walbridge, Bro. Sargent, still outstanding, but a suit is pending to recover them also, and the Attorneys f>r the County at Madison, we learn, are confident of huccc'S, when tlie entire s> : >su,ouo wilt have been retired and the Coun ty free of my bonded debt. AXOTJIEJt EA ELY SETT LX It UOX E. Thomas 11. Hogan, died at ln> resilience in tins pbiee on Monday the 17th of August 1 74, aged about titty-live years, lie was i native <>t Philadelphia, I* ttn. With a good common education, he had by stu di hi? puisuit- acquired a thorough, practical knowledge of the physical sciences in geology and the miner als. liis first field of observation was the coal measures of Pennsyl vania; then in the Texas war of In dependence; alter that war, up the valley of the Missouri as fir as the American Pur Co.'s boats plied, to the 4 ellow Stone post-; and in 18 49 he came to Lake Superior, and be came an efficient explorer for vari ous companies. He was among the first to discover the value of the Ashland or Penoka Iron range. Though without ivl i.. \n- •, present, numerous friends and a ajuuintances look melanchollv interest in the last sad duties ol his burial in the No inadji Cemetery, Superior. Death r.v Dkowmxg.—During the tearful thunder storm of Sundae night last, about 8 o'clock, 0. Frank E osier, aged 22 years—second son of Dr. Thomas Foster, Ik under of tile Du. ul a J/( iii >'• l {,t Was drowned in Superior Day near Du ll.ill. iid was returning alone in his sail boat from a (Jerman picnic on ■ ■ ■ s vo or thrt below the Duluth canal, when the storm overtook him, and it is sup posed the boat, which carried a hu‘gv sail and hea\\ stone ballast, swamped an i immediately sank, as it was found nex m nming with the top ol the mast above water, near the eana . It w mid seem that young Foster, alter the sinking ol his boat, attempted to swim a-dior*, but was earned out by the strong current through the cana into the hike, as cries of distress were heard iu nr the mouth of the canal, but it being so and irk and stormy it w ;s impossible to render him any assistance. Since the s ul occurrence every el fort Iris been made by his relatives and friends to recovi r the bodv, buts > far they have be-, n unavailing. We sympathize i:li the atiiieied family and friends. —The Beecher scandal has worn the average N \ ork uni Brook lyn reporter down to the dimen -ions of ;i hair pin, whde tie* W ext ern boys !• el a goneness that is only oven* nne by a liberal use of slimu !an s. I' - Plymouth Church will give ns i rest it may have Beecher Innocent and in: ke an archangel out of him. —Mil ini tufa < AY/rs. —The United States first ac knowledged the present republican government of Spam. On the mo turn of Germany, all tin* nations of Kurope, except Russia, now tollow our example. Had a do/.eu years France wonhl have resisted (ferttiany in such a procedure, even Jo the edge of war. Now she re ceives a hint from Bismarck and complies. England, too, follows tin* ie ;d of a greater a id more pros perous power. Russia is more in dependent and slower to acknowl edge anew republie.--—.]/V/(ra/?/£ce Dews. Tin: Si:Ki> Business— Our read ers may be pleased to lea; n that Briggs Sj Brothers, .Seedsmen and Florists, oi Rochester, N. Y., have opened a seed house at Chicago, 11;., the S mSiwC't rn, Western and Northwestern trade "have grown to such immense proportions that the distributing facilities of the great Western melr -polls are required to further dispatch in the shipments oi the goods of this extensive lirm. B *si ies the mail business oi lids Louse, which in the busy' seasons a\u rage tiro tons pev do;/ ! they claim, an I truly no doubt, to have 10,000 customers in the United States who receive their Seeds to sell again. .Mauv of our readers have seen the CJ i.vr er y Illustrated Floral Pubiications and Chromos ol Briggs & Brother, and have tested their Seeds, Plants or Bulbs, and have not found them w uning. We congratulate the distinguished Seedsmen upon this important step and wish for them that success which is the sure concomitant of business integrity and energy. .Mils. Lincoln. — i'iie following news item inis been going the rounds of the newspapers for sever al months, and inadvertently ap peared in i!ie ‘‘Personal” in yester day 1 ' Chronicle. “.Mrs Lincoln, widow of the late President Lincoln, is in Paris. r The distinguished lady referred to has not been abroad for several years. If any bdy is in Paris, France, representing herself to be tlie widow of the late President Lincoln, Bie san imp >ster. — ~\Vash ■n'/ton Chron iefe. f he Cheney Case. —ln the well known Cheney— Wliit -iiouse c.isc, •Judge Williams, of the Circuit Court at Chicago, Saturday after noon, decided that Bishoj* \Yhite imuse had no legal power to depo>e Rev. Chas. JL Ch eney from the rec torship ot Christ Church, md tlierc tore dismissed the case for want of equity. Set fled. — Tlie libel suit of At torney General Sloan against the iMiiwau .ee Sentinel for an article published during he last the .eg*Mature, embracing serious relicetions on the honesty of the At torney G mend,has been withdrawn, the Sentinel having disclaimed anv Ir. '. in wii h eoi! ;;otion, and made the umende honorable. DisllO\ Tukasuuy Clerks. —- Alexander Delmar, in Appleton's •fourioil , and; Ncribes on** class of dis honest j>ersons wito infest the Treas ury Department. They are those who tak • clerkships “as a means of a livelihood while thev are prepar ing tiiemseives for some other and more promising career, such as that of lawyer, physician, civil engineer, architect, Ac. There are mam of this class in office, and as a general thing they make tolerabK worthies?- clerks. All ih ir thoughts are for the profession for which they are preparing themselves; none for the m at pays them. T - moment the eye of their superior is removed, out pops Kent's ‘ Com— m ies or V\ >od’s * . herapeu tics from their desks, and the theft oi public lime, which has been hit r rnpied for a moment, is renewed.” There strayed into ray meadow on the Aminie >a river in tbid county on the 2oih hist . a large red and white ox, about eight years old, and having brass buttons on his horns. He i? im.v in mv possession ul Supe rior, and the owner can have him by proving property and paving charges. JAMES BARDOX. Dated Superior Aug. g‘g, 1574. au_ - J2 ill hAM HAi£S, JL. an cl g\ <_>■ eii t. SVV K K TOR, Wise 0 X SIN, sepii.TU ... ... LAFFJ ? . Surgeon Dentist, *JXD sT., - - SUPERIOR, WIS. nail,73 Oflict- Hours fr.-m 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. “For prompt payment 1 make low pnc..-. Geo. JSI. JSiiiitli, ( OIIIimSSIOII PROD UCE ME It CTL I N'T, Second street, SI PlißlOll - WISCONSIN. 1 1 1 • • in I''i!, (lli.llN K ill, ill ITKK, EC ’-S I'll!;i,Ti;V, STAPLE am! FANCY ALS.AX IA'SIZ. jy| <i \ line ai. Stkamshii’ (V -iii in-nil Wontwrii <>l ; e, Chi a ■. liiin i- D ;.:;tch "I* if th-lr Find Clu-, Fuil-jiowi-n and - , p. fnir time* every win V in -mini , mil iliKeiiin -very w. U in wn.t'T, e.< li wny between ' ivi ifiii | un i 'if-.- ;u\v mu! ipmbtt". Portia'd, Haiti* UI •-1 • , IT '.II ! 'in. I’A'-ACK I'll NETS, ul! • l i**e*, between priacii .: lm I itea Special Inducement.* fir Emigrant* iiP' ivd to pa - ties wield a* to send for liiend* in the i dd Couutr,. Our Aifi-nlii tlii'oiijrhoiu Tin- Nm tbwe-t ran nffr. the same terms in nurse!ve. ALLAN & CO, 72 mnl VI In."-n lie Si lent, flu.'.l E. W. Anderson, Jr., AGENT, ----- SUPERIOR Book £ Variety Store. CoiMiunton block, SECOND ST., - - - - SU I’Ell 1011, Wl?., Keeps ronstiin ly on barn} a good aM-mriaient of l.'-li-iS. ST AT! tNKHV, YANKEE N .(TIONS COMES. CLICKS, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, A LIU MS. I‘ICTiUE FRAMES, LOOKI.Mi CLASSES, < ; A KEKS, ami CON SECTION LUY. Ats i Fnnrs in tih ik SevSon, Cheap for Cash. ■ J-. VP. I ■. ■ : [ . A r TUT VVTP’O P r *JO < JLffjLm JL JJ JL-£ S.l* v> VR • No. T. West Super or Street, Duluth, Minn.. STAPLE -**■>- FANCY fy, • 4** **% laßuttHlLO. Cr) Choice brand* f Winter Wheat FLOCK st ant ly on hand All kinds of Canned Goods and I<nVd Finiis. iny3o Go al BUTTER a special v. -w'A Superior House. INX. Xi. AVERT PROPRIETOR. Sir. .1. s. Graiium. Office .'li Second Street,betim en Becker and Nt ttlet ui Avenues, next door to th- Times’ Office, SUPERIOR, - - WISCONSIN. May 3th, 1872. junl SAIL ROAD MEAT MARKET: You can have HI*.II LIVING . c-dlirg . ii v day at THUS. S’BBETT'S A Lent Aiavker, 421 Second St.. Superior. h !*• v.-u a ;i alw T:nd a full f Choice Fresh md Iteu M ats i every kind. Also Sugar Cured Hams, Fresh Rutter, I.aril, Eggs and Poultry. Good Hottest Weight and Measure Giv. u i*l3 TKO3. GARRETY. D. GEO, M< Itcg'ister <>l* i)ccds. TO WN CLERK, NOTARY PUBLIC. vxd commissioner for Minnesota. 5e8,70 Office No 2h3 West 2nd Ft., Superior, U is. *v. Cr, Bertrand, Boot and. -hoe Maker, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. Si 1' Street, - Superior, Wis. TERMS CASH. J\ULUIH AND SUPERIOR S T A (J IZ —AND — LIHE. OFFICE AND AGENCY AT GID. M. SMITH’S. n0v29.T3 ESTABLISHED IN 1857. W illiti :n Cranwell, HEAL ESTATE AGENT, 0(1; 313 Second St., scrr.iu o i;. w i sco >; r i v. Bep^.TU Superior City Brewery, KLEIN A DESIMVAL, Proprietors. We have rect u Iv added extensive and valuable improvements to our Brewer. md are now nnniufics 111; ing a Ui *t class article ol laaor 3 Jeer, which wo win 10 our customers around the ht-.i-i ol i iK.-Mii cn- ri-r ii di-ihc Northern Pacific K K., ii. large 01 -m ill orders. V N •fi vt- ai i .!t* si . n hand which we hi • selling at I w.tsi ratfrt. Iry us l-ei-ft> denng elsewhere. :|.*rlstl KLi:L\ a Scribner s Monthly, THE SUMMER CAMPAIGN BEGI S. “ANOTHER GiiEAT LITERARY SENSATION,” THE MODERN Houinson Crusoe !!(.'/ 15u Jita.if./ul Illustrations. Messrs. Scribner <.V Cos., have secured for -■ rial publication in SCRIBNER'S MONTH LY, M. Jules Verne’s latest story, ni. . tut , • t i , ~ xiie iuysteiious Asland, m which, not jontent with the old stories of ‘‘ROBINSON CRUSOE "and the “ g TAMILS KORIN SON," the writi i undertakes to show how a party of men cast upon a mysterious and desert Island, may live bv ■ 1 s- . ■ 3 a . h tout t • of any wn-ek to draw upon tor the mate rials of life raid comfort. In party are Americans who out from Richmond, during th seige, in a bal - accu ■’ate scientific knowledge, an exuberance of inventive genius that has Fascinated the World. The tin me of the present story affords the author the finest opportunity for the display be pro fusely illustrated, and is begun in the April N umber. For sale by all Xews Dealers liouhstUtrx. Price *4.1• a year, 35 cents a Xuml/er. SCRIBNER A CO., 654, Broadway, N.V. WEST WISCOSS& RAILWAY. S; r.,ii! Uti.l Chicago Thi.) uli IJi,. running through train- between Si. Paul ami Chi cago—via Elroy— passing through Eau Claire, Bamboo, Madison, Beloit, Hat \ aid. ami connecting in * hicago for all points East, South and West. The unit line running the celebrated Puhnan I’a.U- e day am] night coaches between St. Paul and Chicago. \\ estinginiuse Air Brakes ami Miller Safety Platforms. Through Kxpiv-s Trains daily each way be tween St. i'aul and t hieago, on and after .) nne 21, InT 1, heaving St. Paid as follows: Dav Express, daily, except Sunday, ;:3() a ID. Ni dit Express, daily, except Saturday, 7:oit p.m. Arriving in Chicago, Day Express, Sam, Night I \pi vs- p.m. Leaving Chicago, Day Express, daily, except Sunday. 7:77 a.m.. Night Ext'n'ss, daily, except Satin Jay, 8:Oo p.m. A riming in St. Paul, Day Eipre-s 5:2u a.m , Night Ex press, ti;3o p.m. 1 (trough ticket.- to all important ooints for sale by VV. Kkmon, Tck Agt, M inncapolis, and by Chas. Thompson, Tck Agt, <'or Jd N Jackson street, St. Paul. Wm, <L Sm vN, Den’l Sup',, Hudson, Wis. E. I!. Ci..\ kk, Den F-t Agt, St. Paul. C. M. Hi x riM.fow, Hen Tc.k Agt, St. Paul. fcb2l HAYES. ATT OftKEY AT LAW, Si pkriou, - - Wisconsin. si-jS,7O Sberifl i Salt. By virtue of an execution to me directed and delivered, issued out of the Circuit Court of the County of Douglas ami Stale of Wis consin in an action wherein William C. Hite, Charles il. Rochester, J unin- Caldwell, lames Stinson. Samuel Magoljin, Joint 1!. Knight, Susan I'. Marshall, William L. Hat-bison and Moses tJ. Knight are plaintiffs, and Edmund Rice, Paul Rankins, David R. Burbank, James 11. Powell, Charles Powell, Richard Powell, C. E. 'tVhitall, William Aiken, \V. W Bi yee, Joseph James, Dav id B. llarrima;;, Ccotge C. Cocitrane, unknown heirs of J. A. Me Ciurnj, John Karrington, John Cornwell, Vv. C. lliiskin.-, Leonard T. (luthrie, Hiram Rob bins, ami Thomas Kocher, impleaded with others tire defendants in favor of the said plaint ills and against the property of the said defendants, I did on the both day of April 1 STf levy upon the real property hereinafter described,-How therefore, Notice is hereby given, that on Monday tin. 15th (lay of June, A. D. 187*1, at the hour often o’clock in the forenoon in front of the Court house in the town of Superior in sod county 1 shall offer for sale at public vendue and -haii then ami there sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the interest, right, title or estate of which the above named defend ants or either of them, were or was seized and possessed on the loth day of August 1873 or at any time there fter in and to the following described pieces or parcels of land situate in the said county of Douglas and known as Lots N il, I . . , 279, a 330, t 11, 344, 414, IU. 11’, 510. .517 a.J ."it I, on west First si i j4-t. No. s, 21. 7.5, (il,, 208, 210, 418, 42u ,nd 477, n? West Second -i -et. 443, 4 41. 4 15, !17 .m i 14s ..a west It. nl street I.- ’ . 1 1. 154 10;i, 7*3 285.348, 350 307. 303, 355, 3s‘ 3SU 4 75. Jv!l li West lo'irtli street f, .3-1. lit; lib. pit). ; 7. 210,212,213,854,330, 358. -3).', 3CI. 71. 3(1.5 n it -t . iflli slieil. 1. -is No i5. n, -:.i 775. 73u. 777 731 777, 775, 7 75. 777, 280, 3SS In* mam *.u iv, -t Sixili -lie, r. bo:- No 87. bit. til. 77. 34 !i, ITii, 177 INI, ls 7, Ist. 18(5,371 on west Sevenli sir ,t. b- li vo 13. 15.17. I. (>‘a. litl 133, 15 172 11), 1 in. 372.375 fr,.ci o>ll.l >■ll ~ -I Kiplil h street. lets Nc. IIS, UrS. IU, !(tn 11 S. )lil, 7 is, 73 ), 737, -V, .7.1 701 335 3-y • itonul . n West -i tit -ir-er. Lot-* N , 101, ,171 1, 5. 107 Hit) litl. Itl3, IU.J, 107. 10:1, 311. 343. it o - 1 ’ in , -I; .t. I . No. :;on we , I .i Ir el. I ii-N . 1,3. 5 7, 1! 13, 15 17 111, 71, 73. 75, 77, 1. - ■ -7 1- '7, to 131, 33. lti.s. 113, 115. I IT, 11(1. 171, 173. 17.,, 17 7. a. nv- H r n- reef. I. :> • i-s on w>- si. ti.■ i -i- v i. hot .N ~ 1 1!) o:, \V I*7j 1 ■ .-Il , el. Lot No. 553 o,i w -t 1.,- street ! i t- No. 5 ;i'nl 73 oi vv si in,tan-, street. Lots No. 113, 145 175, 343 f ctiona] 3so, 3o;t on tiive i. e, t. Lot .No. 11 on f 'hi • , pi. r. l*ot ' o. 10 on 0 w ..a pi,*r. but No. 20 (ti To j,t r. Lot No. 20 in u: < ,1 pier Lets N I, Hi Oil ti ll.ill L, pier, bols No. 7, (I on K;i e-lo.i pier. Let No, s. 11, IS ei. s:i.,liu.-ky pier. Lot No 71 on I’. tut to pier, iil k No. s the ia-t y, of block No. 10 on St. Pan! street. oat aud be ■ 7 1 I No. Ui on vv.-st Kiev* nt b -I * e l. Ihe w fot Block No. 4 and the whf of Block No. 25 on we-t lliiilecn h- ieet. id (Ii- N >. 77 I 11 WP'i I tteelltll street. , 1 1 * - , N, I, sod tbft 86 I eel. Block No 14 ( n West Iwe ty- r.-l street. B . it! tl bl ' 1. No. 1 true. Block No 8, aud the vv lif of Block No 70 on '> ist 75th St. I’l'k N 11111. 77 on west vveoty-seventh St. 13 kNoin 13 Bl’k 1. 15 and n it h street. Bl'k Nmu. 31 *>ii v e-i i hirt.v -li, - t .- 1 . Itl cu Num. 11l on west Thirtv -third St. BI ick N mi. 35 a west Tbirty-litib -irect. 11l k Nidi, is. Block Ni. 1,1. 70 ir. 111 *■ ,* !,( .f Block Nuib, 3f, 12 I ic. on wen , street. Ihe e bf of Bl’k Nam. 1(5 11 west Thirty-ninth St. Bl'k Num. 0 In,<7, on w.-st Fortieth street. Bl’k N .. : it B . - rd street. Lots Num. 12 n I 48 <n vv, st Itasca gl. Bi K Num. 50 fia** ui.d Bl'k Num. 57 i,n e .-t First Lots n mu. i■ ; 6 2uo, 202 22 , 222, £24, 57(1 573, iij east <•mi ,-t. Bl s Nam 73 n cast Se i St. lit ks .n iiMi. s'', 55 I ,*5, 1 (i. (iV. (is 'n e ;-l Third I St. Bl’ks Niim. in. 23 a"d ( ',6 o , ea.-t Fourth ft. Bl ■ 33 54. 56, 58 <>n ea-t Filth SI. Bl’ks Num. 35 tml M - nth St. 11l k Num. 3 • ii eii-r Sevei th St. ■i east Kichth St. Tin.- jw% of t!i’k Num. I, the no ud tne shf of iJS’it Num. Hun oust Ninth -1. t'l'ks Num. 34, 45 ' ■ \ 17 mi n-t I'levi iith'St. Bl'ksNmn. Iti .uni 48 mi oust Twelfth St 'd’ks Niiui. 13 itii'l 1 ■ on ea-t Kuuiteoiith St. Bt’k - N ll in. 3 :> . is c.i-t Kifi'-e th St. I*i ks Num. 31 ana 3li on e.i t vioouth St. ill k.< Num. ,:'l.|||J 31, on put vmite-.-uth St. Bl'ks Nu teen th St. Hl'k Num. ii o >t Nineteenth St. Bi'k .iri'. ii 0:1 ■ • Two.u; •1 ii St. Bl k Num 21 enra- Tivriv first St. The 11 w 1 | . 1111 1 ili * lit of itl k \urn. (land the sw : . i ! tv-third St. if sl.lofll.i; " nu. 12, <ll < a-t Twenty-third St. i> V - Num. St, 34 nd 86 u st li sci St. Ih'k Num, 6 fr.t ■ on <• Crix St. Bi'k Num. 11l .ii o.i.i Michigan Sr. l.*‘t Nlllll. :3 on i 1. gOl S' Bi'k- Niim Mi and S' n oii-t Huron St. Bl’ks N uni. 43, 44,4 7 I 93 east ,-t. 1 lair St Blocks Nu .. 41, 43 47, id, S5, s7 89. ..1.. 91 on east Kt ie Si. Block- Nurn. <Hi. 6S, : ,nd 72 on .-■ m■ a -t. Bkk- Num. 67. 69 71, and I ■> on Winnebago st. Bi'k N 11m. 1 (>T "it I! illic si. Bl'ks Num. 81 and -3 on C i pi 1 n St. Bl'ks Num. 73. '75 an 1 S5 on Pepin st. B k- Num. 74 .01.1 76 on Azof st. Bi’k Num. 7a t <• . B 4eu st. Bl N ui. IIS true and li • line on Amazon -t. Til ks .Minn loti, P S. H 7 fmc >n Hem v i et. Bl'ks Num 10.5. KtT.oii Foutcha train si, ’ N Bt’k* Nuiu. 71 1, 89 190 on Peatnaala ht. i ' N ui s. 9fp. I3i - i! 11 45, ~nd Id on Waaß s - . I. N. m s.i*l on west Bay si. Al-o Di :‘ji ioi Nnm. 8 t ut lining 6.V-10 acßes. Ihag'm ! t \tn 1. li,. c , laing l.i lai Re.-. Ihagm I't Nnm ut ■ 1 z 1.07 1 Res. Hiag'm lot Nnm 53. * itg i ; . lies, lo.gni lot N ll m. 8<) 1 .1 Inil gik .. '.,-s. Diaa'm lot Num. SS 1 outaiuuig 5 acms. I ■. ig'in !■•* Num. 97 cm.tain ug 5 .1 , ; .e-. idag in b t Num. li't c . .tan. in .10 E"“. The east ~ -4 Di.ig'm lot no. 156 >• mt lining 7).j ci, - ud 111 g N'uiio 17S. containing 5 a Kes, All of said lots, blocks and parcels of land ant situate lying and being in the towi oi ir, Counly of Douglas .1. i ■ Mte of \Viseuo<in, according to the survey and jd t ui' -an town, as the same was sur veyed and platted and the plat thereof re corded in the office of the Register 1 !’ Deed in ; I<l for hi Dough - County. Dato.j Sheriffs office, Superior, Wisconsin, Ap: il itli, isy ; JAMES XEWToX, Sherill ol Douglas Wis. 11. X. 8, T/KK, ri'ltf"i Alt’y. im2jun]3 Dn.l 1 11 4DVKBTISKMEXTS. ii'irst National Bank 1)ULI i 11. J. B. Culver, Geo. C. Stone, 1 RESIDENT. Cv IIIER. BAin BP CAPITAL *IOO,OOO. UORNKi; LAKK AVKM’K ANl> SLPK' lllit STKhKT. 0i19,72 332VM2K; OF •B W Ha ■ j j 1 si CCE-s.>}ts TO E. W.CLARK iNC'( DULUTH, MINNESOTA. Interest Allowed on Deposits Lxchanck Sluccur and Sui i> On ull points in the i i -l i e-, F.ur.,, . and < ,u da. LOgVNS MADE UN Gr iin, Flour and General Produce, Particular attention paid to Collections. B. S. RU.B.SELL, I’lesidenl. C.P. BAtl.r.Y, J.Q ADAMS. Cashier. Ass'l Cashier. Sa\ Transact a General inking Rnsiui- . The highest rate ' I interest allowed on .Saving" Hep --its. Agents for tiie ANCHOR LINE, CUN.MiI) LINE, WHITE STAR LINK. Drafts ou all Cities in Europe. JniitMim a. R. MACFAIILANE, Cashier. S. s. BURNETT, I joclivmith £uperi i £t., DULUTH, - - - MINNESOTA, Third -I >• r • f Expiv.vs office. Hojtflil 111;' .'ld LcltCTill •H-btlliJ' t-Oli f* il [ivji t U lilt*. w. v\ iLLi . dealel in ftsady Made Clothing, GFNT& FUJIMBIIIMO GOOi>s, Rats, Caps, J. oilct rticles, THUNKS, VALI-Ks, TJ! AV K; 1N C. JJ.v.;-, Su’ieriui Street, bet .. .ke and West first Avenue- IX LI Hi. MINN I. OTA. One Pricelnv.. t.oly. inaj2o,7l MunsoTi poat drug more T. B. FEW SON, Proprietor. Lat“ with T. Smith, Graduate of Ontario College f Pharmacy and dealer in Pure Drugs, Chemicals ami Patciit Medicine, Soaps, Hrnshes and Toile t articles. IV *<-ia .> presm ipti ms „■ •: f.i.cli re •.•n.ts accurate ly i-i eased. ' Tdets i.y mail j.r'injitly attended tc. f-' _oct*i 71 EYS I’EH & BR ) . Dealers in 4 irdki's, ChcniicMils, 2. N* J out AS (‘(lifincsi, A X 0— TOILET ARTICLES ■ f all kinds. : l.v C, C .nji an.led with care ad de-pa in Pr mat aoeuiii.n •."id or ers la ge .r small, sei iMTi SUPERIOR sT , ! n.U’i •*. MINN. James i±. Fly at, PUACTICA I, Watc]i m a k e i* IS'S Supeiior Street opposite Cl irk House. Wind nv in Kinibsll's Knrnishing S or e. DC LOTH. M f X N ESt >TA. 1 am prepa ed. after many years’ prHCieii expeii ence, to either .M N C KAt. TURK or REPAIR any description of Water. or Cloi k. A trial ..f my work manship is askeJewelry of .SI kinds repaired. Spectacles and Eye Oia-s s—soiled to all eye. and coudith is if the e. ■ —always ou hand. jii’27,72 o. poiiciaic, Manufacturer an 1 Retail Dealer in .11 kinds of l{oot> and Sli oes. This firm has employed from fifteen to twenty it en ou Custom Wi rk, toi tl.e pas: three years. Tin stock laliiy, t that find in every way <u this House, i- n< t to he sur, . -sed at the Head of the hake. C. POIRIER, Superior Street, Duln h, Minn. 1 •■, . ! OLI 1H - >LBT. WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED 1) I C T 1 O V A 11 Y. IU,()UU 11 ora's and J leant nqs not nt other Diefiomiric*. 3<oo Engravings. 1840 Pages Quarto. Price SP2. ’tTT | i'^U‘ r new i.s -l .ri uif.—i' le.iv-j i. i, • le W <iesirt-(J. [Pi fs. Ibnm >n<i Vn-.- tr College. Eveiy schol.r knows tin- value of il.. . ik. I W. H Present I the Historian. VSoen one of my •! ti I y compauionM. jj tfotlej Ct iperior in in ■ -t re>[>et ts t.. any .. her l.omvn to me. . *(':. ire I‘. M.u Mi. rptse l est gui.le <if stmJent- >f ot- 1 j*. John (I. Whittier. V. xcels all othei in if f.til• ci' utiti ■ terms. Si i Vi iin .rkulle Conipsi hit in <>t inintan L . •, t . ' ,\ ii. eee i : -fa .student I | ■ . | . ; . pli-te without the best English Ilu t binary ? ALSO W£B ‘TER'S NATIONAL PICTORIAL I >ictiomi rv. 1 * •-to Ihujcs. Octaro. 600 Enyravinys. Price |3. The work is really a gem of a Ihctlonary, - tl u . Kd io nt> I nud . I [untidy. Published by G. &C. MEERIA2I. .1 nut;. Id M i-. Solti 1., .ill (iOOkStflltTß. S 1i) E 33 s ! THEE, FIELD, FRUIT, (GAR DEN & FLOW Eli SEEDS, RELIABLE ami STANDARD. Catalogue free. Apply to L. B. WAIT. Seed Store, Fourth St., St. Paul, Minn. feb’JH I*. 12. Ui iuSsh in A to., DKa. Lm.a > 331 EY E<H3BS ? Groceries & Provisions, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, FURNISHING GOODS, AMD— c Xj o t jhe i jst g- . STAN DAHL) Family Groceries OF A L L I) ESC \l I PTIONS. Alt* nl iii is cal'e ito n I;u-ge rttsTlment ol T i : A. S4 A snperii rin tit !** ;it a I*\v 1L ur<. A trial will satisfy all I hut t lit v a: • t liu Lest and Cheapest Teas in the Market. OV aim to sell <:■ ul ) 1 G-OODS aS fiiir i'ri jn n 12 I>. 11 ( ITTE, Conici of Second St. and llollinshead Avc., Sui’KlilOK, WTs., Wholesale an i Retail Dealer in I I x> t'\ C* ■U X) T X ; C* %X ;U \J Xx XX AXi3 9 AND Provisions, FLOUR, MEAL , & FEED. Canned and Preserved Fruit, CRC CKERT ANI W )... El HAR I. —ALSO— DJIV GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, shoes, AC., AC. For sale by the Barrel, Case or Bottle a large selection of Choice Wines and Liquors, • BRANCH STORE Tn Duluth, ox Bay Douk. 5ep22,70 Third and Wabashaw Sts , St. Paul. We would beg leave to call your attention to our imme: se stock of Foreign and Domes tic Dry Goods, viz: 75.000 yards Dress Goods, from 15e. 12,(11)0 “ Dress Silk-, from AI.OO. i.oOo “ Black Alpacas, from 25c. 15.000 “ White Goods in Victor Lawns, Nansook Muslins, Swiss Muslins, Cambrics; Jaconets, Check and Plain ; Piques, Strip ed and Lace, Victoria Lawns. Laces and Lace Goods, Cambric Handle rchiefs, ,Vc. Table Linens, Napkins, Doylies, White Quilts, Ac. 12.000 dozen Ladies’, blisses’. Children’s and Men’s Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. “Haris’” Seamless and Alexandres’ Kid Gloves, in all colors, and in 1, ‘2, 3, 4 and 6 Buttons, Ac. Samples sent on request: orders promptly at tended to; prices low. Two America a Magazines. The excellence of American Magazines has become so well recognized abroad, that one of the leading English Papers, the London W eekly Register, in a recent issue, thus Speaks of Scribner's Monthly: “R e are constra and to otru that Scribner's Monthly carries off the prize against nil onr shiUiny monthly serials fur brilliancy of illus trations and variety of contents. It is sirup! </ a wonderful ski I liny's worth, Nothim/ ran be more charminy than the cats—full of force and nyor ; the Inyhl and shade are niouayed irilli a truly artistic pencer. Oat of its •ne and twenty original articles , realty do not Know which to choose as best, for each and all are excellent .” Not only is it true that Scribner’s Monthly excels the English Magazines, but it is “The Best of the Ameiican Monthlies.” In the extent, vaiiety ami artistic excel lence of its illustration of Am rican themes, it has never been even approached, much less excelled. It has a larger page and gives a greater variety in its conta ins than anv other ot the Standard American .Monthlies. in literary character, and in the brilliancy and ability of its Editorial Departments, it enjoys an equal pre-eminence. It- conductors started with the definite aim v,. making ir the best tnugeizi ue iu the i' >rld, ol which the\ have never tor a mo ment lost sight, and thov point with pride ami j/J, ..sure t< the May and June numbers, recently issu< and. and isk for them a candid examination and a caieiul comparison ot i aeii merits with those ot other inn tr azines■ i and they i nicw their pledge to the public, to strive for -till higher excellence in the future. A considerable demand has recently arisen in Eiigl.ind for St. Nicholas,’Scribner's New M iga/.iue for Boy- and Go is, one publisher i> siring to secure an edition of three thou sand ot the iir.-i hound volume (when com pleted), with bis imprint. H ,e success ol St. Nicholas in this country has been even more remarkable than that of Scribner s Monthly. It is pronounced to tie “an ideally perfect Magazine for children,” and, as is the case with all the best litera ture for children, it has been found to pos-ess surpassing interest for grown up readers, as well. I he influence of the periodicals of the day can scarcely be estimated, especially upon the rising generation. Parents and teachers cannot afford to be indifferent to this influ ence, or careless in relation to the character ot the literature furnished to the children outside of their school les-ons. In St. Nich olas not only an History, Natural Philoso phy, Literature, fine Art-, and Manufactures presented in an attractive way to young readt-r-. but, the children are stimulated to seek ndiu tjialiuii lor themselves. lat 1 üblishers will send to any address a a -pecimeu number of St. Niehoia-, postage pre paid, on receipt of ten cents, the bare cost of paper and printing. The magazines a.e so and by all fir-t-elass Booksellers and N e wsdeal er s, eve ryw he re. >ei ibiier s Monthly, > t a year; hoc. a number, fct. Nicholas 3 “ 25c “ SCKIBNEII Si CO., 654 Broadway, N. Y. ESTABLISHED IS 157. WILLIAM (PANWELL, Eeal Estate Agent, Otlice 040 Second St. SUTEHIOBj I fcesi 1 IBs-it ii e Houglit and ►Solti, LAND WARRANTS LOCATED. 77 7 L ES EX. I MIXED, . 1 BS TIL 1 CT>S El'BN Jsi/EIJ. TAXES PAID FOE NON RESIDENTS. and Gknkkal Information Commimcatko respecting the value of property in this sec tion of the country. [CORRKSrO.VOEXCK SOLICITED.] IVon-Residcnt Capitalists, w ho contemplate investing money here, will liiul it for their advantage to address the un dersigned for advice in the matter, as bv m> doing they \\;il gain huotchilgi respecting th •ee important things— -Ist. Io Jnww UKCTSEI.V llu locality or spot when to inn si thi'ir inoui o. 2nd. To /mow torr.Ki n v the value of the property tlay desire t:> p-u\-h-is<. •>d. ho 1./tow KK Lla ntV tin mi/j ,>/• uotnner in chick to proceed to yet it at the lowest figure. VS I'LL. ; & CO. sun: mo u, In: \uils ix I I 1 tin |C Kj' .. •• ■ riMBEK, Vi e have extee.-avo 1' cil’tirs at onr Mill on Conner’s Point For the manufacture of lumber and timber of all hinds,'a id always keep on hand a lull sup ply, both green and seasoned, so that we arc enabled to till all orders at very short notice and low rates. Our location on Corner’s Point, witli our' dock on the steamboat-channel, gives us su perior conveniences for tiling orders from Duluth or points along the river or along the line of the Northern Pacilic. We paj particular attention to sawing timbers for houses, docks bridges, &e. i aprl.yi E. G. COBURN, Wholesale and retail dealer in GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS, Second St., - Supkkior, Wisconsin. I have now on hand one of the largest stocks of groceries and provisions, on Lake Superior. To < numerate the articles would be supeitiuous. My stock is complete in every branch and will be sold at a small mar gin for CASH. My stock of BUTTER IS A. HO- 1. I have also a large supply of K'eed, JVleal, Corn, Oats. &c., CALL AND CET PRICES. i would also say that my £ Mu Al ii | On the Superior City dock is in good run ■;i:order and working up dailv the larire supply of Beaso xed Lumber Which I have just received. Contractors and others will find it to their advantage to Wi make Ooors, Sash. Window Fr -mes, and window blinds to okdek. A. ZACHAU, DEALER IX Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, YANKEE NOTIONS, Crockery, Glass Ware, Willow Ware, Roofing and Bulging Paper, STATIo IT E B Y - CANNES FRUITS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Wines and Liquors, A. ZACHAU.