Newspaper Page Text
Superior Times. Thos. Bardon, Proprietor. J. Lute. Christie, Editor. ir Vas been duly entered Rt the rv>st O >:c in Sn ihir, Wis., o- second-eia.-* matter. mm WiS.. SATURDAY. AU6. I i_j. —Several of Riel’s followers have plead guilty to teason-felony. Others v. ill be tried for murder. Riel lias written a letter to United State- Con sul Taylor, at Winnipeg, asking the ap pointment of an International coromts sion t ) set on his case, and determine as to hi. sanity. Father Andrea spent an hour with him, to induce him to make a recantation of Protestantism, but Riel strongly refused, saying it was his conviction, said he was resign ed to die on Sept. 18, as his mi -ion would be accomplished. Ho refused to give any information on the rebel lion or other matters as he purposed publishing a book for the benchtof hi family. —The annual meeting of the Na tional League Civil Service Assoca ti <ii- mot at Newport on \V hi -day, and oas-ed a batch of resolution - that wo id make the devil blush with to have it known that such creatures were among his -ervants. r J he amount of lies, misrepresentations and Presidential ‘‘soft soap" was never he rare crowded into the same space. The resolutions were prepared by Cur ti- and seconded by Sehurz, and were evidently intended as a bid for some presidential favor. Such political knaves as these two ought to be plant ed under the Bartholdi statute. —lt is to lie hoped that the presi dent ! as at last been able to heat into the heads of the Indian Territory eat tlnm •; the fact that they have got to go, and that, too, within the forty days specified in the original order. Twelve of these dav- they have wasted in vain < ndcavors to secure a modification of the order, and for this they have but lhemselyes to blame. They complain bitterly of the pecuniary loss that will accrue to them if forced to go within the fipoc’fio! time. Hud they in >ved ; t once their loss would have been much less.—Pioneer Press. —Another chapter in the Dolphin matter is the publication of the state ment of the naval advisory board dis aproving the report of the special ex amining hoard and showing that the vessel fulfills the contract. Rear Ad miral Simpson is the chairman of the advisory board and ought 10 he good autliority. By the way, it has come out that one of the member- of V. hit nev's committee was dismissed from the service by Secretary (’handler fi r drunkenness and afterwards restored to his place by Whitney. —The present year lias witnessed the death, of more great men than any other for a long time. First, of course comes Gen. Grant the greatest s ddier of the century. Others are Victor Hugo, France’s greatest author; Fir -Moses Montefmire, the greatest philanthropist of his age; El Mahdi, whom the Current calls the greatest African since the days of Ancient Rome; Prince Frederic Vi iliiam the German, soldier, and many others h eminent in their way, but still vor - . . above the ordin —TI ic Liberal newspapers in Can ada predict that the execution of Riel will .-cal the doom of -ir John Mac donald and the Tory party-. They believe that the French Canadians to a man will transfer t! oral candidates. It i- not impos.-ii 1c that executive clemency may be exer cised on the basis of the touching rec ommendation of the jury, of mercy to Kiel. In that case Fir John will come oil'with Hying colors. —Pioneer Pro.-s. The man predicting, wl. ie Grant was beseiging Donald on, that Gem. Buckner would one day he one of the pall bears at bis funeral, would liaye been called mad. Yet not only Buck ner, but Joe Johnson, will today oc cupy posts of honor while the Nation buries the body of the general w hoop p ed and beat them in battle. The Canadian government is di rectly responsible for the late trouble and .-laughter on her frontier, and not Kiel and his handful of followers. If any body has gut to hang it should be such men as Sir John Ma and -rahi. If Rid is hung they w ill find that their troubles are by no means at an end. —Ft. Paul had a sensation lost A odnesday occasioned bv the mar riage ■ t Ham M a Hong, a vervdirtv and h iiiciv but quite smart and wealthy l.uir.drvmau, to Miss Marv Fc'-.ivcder a prettv young German -;“■■■ but a few weeks over from the old country. On Sunday afternoon Miss Emma Mover of Homer, and Mi.-- Eva 1011, ol Minneapolis, were -ire! dug , n (fit tic blurt, near Homer, and found a rat lit snake id* it live ft t long and carrying thirteen rattle -. The h.dit-s dispatched it.-,* h i pent without much t guide. Brave girU. t * ii the ith inst., the now eases of cholera reiwted in Spain was 3.7 iF ami l,odl deaths. In the prison at Carthagena, there Is 200 and when the well ; r.- liters le.i -ned that fact a desperate strik ■ fi r liberty t! ' b be • ■ 't. H •- -f,;l. A i'onfetierme's Estimate. In a long article on the death of General Grant, Major John N. Ed wards of the Ft. Joseph (Mo.) Ga zette, savs of the great soldier’s mili tary qualities: There can ho no mistake as to his qualities as a soldier Three things have marie him great as a commander - -just a- they' have made all great generals of history—great-bull-dog te nacity, iron resolution, and serene courage in danger. When Grant moved he moved. It was like a tide coming in from the ocean, each suc cessive flow encroaching more and more upon the sands left hare and bar ren by the ehh. When ho fought he fought. Each blow delivered in battle was like the regular swinging and hammering of some gigantic battering ram. Brigades, divisions, and army corps went into action with the pre cision of a column of figures, accurate ly-added up. He surveyed the tight with an admirable equipoise, and nev er Imsituted. No matter how the for tunes of it van and, or what the slaught er was, or how his lines melted away und( r the devouring lire of the enemy, he held his grip, and hammered, and hammered, and hammered, until even the anvil iiself was beaten into a shapeless ma-- under his terrible trip hammer. in this he was like Welling ton, more like him. probably, than any other American gin oral. If he had cryed under Napoleon he would have been Mos.-ena, who, until the first can on-shot, rarely ever spoke or smiled, and then, at the opening roar of the battle, became radiant, inspired, and a veritable thunderbolt of war.” n:u;, sevtexto. Winnipeg, Aug. 1. —Judge Rich ardson resumed bis charge this morn ing, confining himself entirely to read ing extracts from the evidence. He finished reading the evidence before one o’clock, when the court adjourned for lunch. After lunch the judge completed the charge. He reviewed the law upon which the court was es tablished and the trial conducted. The charge was concluded at and id and the jury retired. An cath vas adminis tered to the guard to keep the jury without meat or drink, fire or lodging. At 3:15 there was a murmur in the court room and j; was whispered that the jury had agreed, and all was bus tle and excitement. Riel prayed fer vently', kneeling in his box, and Poked unmoved us the jury entered. The ver dict was guilty! Francis Cosgroye, foreman, w hile crying like a child, an no irn id that he was asked by Ids fel rors to recommend < pri to die mercy of the crown, and the Judge said the recommendation would be considered. Riel was sentenced to be hanged on the 18th of September, at Regina. Judge Richardson -aid lie could hold out no prospects for a re prieve or interference by her majesty. Biel took the result coolly'. He spoke two hoars, reviewing the troubles of 1809, and the half-breed grievances up to the present time. —The heated term of last week was not confined to Fuperiur. Near our me in s mthern Minnesota lln heat was intense and fatal. A New Llm dispatch of the 2d., says; Later r. vvs shows that the heat of Wednes day and Thursday was more severe than expected. Mrs. Anna Fpcrl, aged seventy years, was overcome by heat and was found dead in the field where she was engaged weeding. John Will fahrt of Milford, seventy-four years of age, was sunstnu-k and was found dead in a slough, face downwaid in a foot |of water, w here he had gone to cool himself. August Hitcher, aged twen ty-one, wh j was working for Stephen Gluth, in ihe town of Eden, was sun struck on Wednesday and died Thurs day m truing. A man named Brey, working in the field fur Hubert 1111- letl.eini, was prostrated, and died in a few minutes after taking him to the house. A man who had just come . and died, in (Gnash, Sibley county. M e were unable to get his name, twenty-five horses dropped dead in the harvest field- in this vicinity. The weather has e ■ ded off since. A Mankato dispatch of the same ! date, says: On Thursday Danguish, aged thirty-five, while working in a harvest field in the town of Lyra, was prostrated by the heat, and before a doctor could be suminond he died. Several horses in Judson dropped dead trom the offirets of the heat the same day. Wave TSifknkN itt i,o | Col. W. H. H. Taylor, state lihra ran of Minne- >ta. who was with Grant in Teuaerece, recalls a little incident of the great commander, illustrative of this simple piety. A day or two af ter the battle ot Fhiloh, (ten. Grant i-sued an order to the following effect: i he commandants of regiments will assemble their men on parade ground and return thanks to Almighty God for giving us a victory and preserving °ur live.-. E the regiment hasnochup hdn, the col uiei or same one designat ed by him will officiate. re met were held j ( and. Taylor adds incidentally that his reguncut, the I iithOiuo, was without c. i haplain ami the colonel himself of ficiated. 'The services consisted of reading a chapter of Scripture, the ' gbig of pi ivi r, ai la loe mg prayer, by V:yj. E. 1 HvEer. Similar were the services of the other regiments. file Fnnerntor Lincoln. Si-coinl Volume Blaines ll;>:ory. The splendor of the ceremonies which aggnuidize living royalty us ; much as they glorify dead heroism was wholly wanting in the obsequies of Mr. Lincoln. No part wits taken by the Government except the provis ion of a suitable military escort. All beyond was the spontaneous move ment of the people. For 1,700 miles, through eight states of the Inion, whose population was not less than 15,0 : 11,000, an almost continuous pro cession of mourners attended the re main- of the beloyed President. There was no pageantry save their presence. Then- was no tribute except their tears. Tiny bowed before the bier of him who had been prophet, priest and king t> his people, who had struck tin shackles from the slave, who had taught a higher sense of duty to the free man, who had raised the Nation to a 1 drier conception of faith and hope and. charity. A countless multi tude of men with music and banner an i cheer and the inspiration pf a great cause presents a spectacle that engag- s the eye, tills the mind appeals to the imagination. But the deepest sympathy of the soul is touched, the height of human sublimity is reached, when the same multitude, stricken with common sorrow, stands with un covered head, reverent and -'dent. Uoi'ioi rriiiii. If a newspaper man desires to know how generally his effusions are read, let him publish Something that is re garded as objectionable i>\ r persons who never lake his paper or pay him a cent. He will wonder how they know these tilings were in his paper; bit be will wonder in vain. There is evidently a great amount of sponging done. It might be added, that he may say nice things of a man and his family for ten years, and he will nev er say “thank you," but make an un complimentary notice of his wife's aunt’s second cousin and he will come in with a club to have the slander cor rected. —Dallas (Or.) Itemizer. At ’l'tar Fitttei'ii!. Gov. Rusk, all of the state officers, twelve members of the governor’s per- I sonal start, one justice of the supreme : court and department commander, and six of the most prominent mem bers of the Grand Army, of the Ke ; public of Wisconsin, left Madison Wednesday morning for New York j as Wisconsin's representatives at the funeral of General Grant today. Ev ery stale in the Union, we believe* will have a similar representation at these last sal rites. Kijj rohhfrj In fS*. Pin)]. St. Paul, Ang. 4. — The Merchants Tea C impany was robbed last night of SS,(XX) in money and jewelry, ami this morning Frank Honnessy. a clerk who slept in the store, is mi-sing. The following is an acurate description of Hennessy, the fugitive: He is twenty i three or twenty-four years old, weighs about 125 pounds, five feet four indi es tall, light complexion, dark hair, long nose, and turned slightly to the left, pimples on face and neck, and was dressed in light clothes. Will ?l:ikp flip Aid eio. An eighty-ton gun costs £10,075. That settles it. If they won’t knock 1 oil’ the odd £75 on a purchase like that wo are going to worry along this summer w ith the old bull-dog revolver that's id!. Still we would have liked to try the effect of a dose of eighty ton gun on t’ne 1885 crop of spring poets. Thus are the editorial yearn ings left unsatisfied by the cold limita tions of unrelenting poverty. —Sonier ville Journal. —The Supreme court of M’diigan 1 ranks among the best in tiic north west. It lias just made a decision which adds to its reputation in cla-.-i --j lying three crad monte men as thieves and swindlers: “We do not think it profitable,” said the judges of that tribunal, “to draw oyer-nice metaphysical distinct ions to save thieves from punishment. I If n.gues conspire to get away a man’s money by such tricks as those that wore played here, it is not going be yond the settled rules to hold that the fraud amounts to stealing.” As an exchange says, this decision shows an amount of common sense that is in refreshing contrast to the judicial hair splitting through which criminals oft en c-cape the clutches of the law. —Every kind of vegetable intend ed to be oaten whole, should when ; put to boil, be placed at once in boil ing water, and never in tepid or cold. But in the making of soup or where a puree or pulp is desired, the yegeta , ble should on the contrary be put on in cold water and allowed to come gently to a boil. The reason for this is that where boiling is commenced from the moment the vegetable is im mersed in water the albumen of the vegetable i- partially coagulated near the surface and serves to retain the virtues of the vegetable, while, as in making soup. When the heating is gradual the albumen is slowly devolv ed and actually mixes with the water, so adding greatly to the nourishing properties of the soup. —The Echo do Perse, at Teheran, is the first periodical produced in i Persia. The shbah -übscribes to t. —An ostrich-egg weigh-nearly thir ty limes as much as an average hen's egg; but to hear the hen s remarks af ter laying an egg one would suppose she had beat the ostrich out of sight. It i- a good deal the same way with human beings. Some will make more fuss and brag over their little thiu shelled achievements than others do over an invention of work that be comes historical. —Her head was pillowed on his breast and looking up in a shy way, she said: “Do you know, dear George, that )> “You mean dear James, 1 think,” he interrupted, smiling fondly at her mistake. “Why, yes, to he sure. How stupid I am! 1 was thinking this was Wed nesday eyening.”—Kans-.js City Call. \ severe storm occurred at Plym outh on Monday, the hail doing much damage in [lie vicinity. The lightning struck and burned several hams. —D. V. Moffett, treasurer of Colfey county, Kansas, is missing, also >lO,- t‘>lo of the public funds. A strange coincidence. —George William Curtis has again been endorsing President Cleveland. If Cleveland can stand that he is proof against any pestilence. —A marine monster, w. ighing two lons, and resembling an immense bat, was caught in the gulf near Galveston Saturday. —Gen. Potter, colonel of the Tvven ty-fourth infantry, is the only class mate of Grant on the active list of the army. —A St. Louis girl lost a §75,000 lov er because lie saw her in ihe balle t. Shape will tell. —Detroit Free Press. —A mail i> a fool if he blows liisown horn. —(Ex.) He’s a bigger fool if he blows some other fellow's—Phil. Call. WIT AND WISDOM. —“My son, why is it that you are al ways behindhand with your studies?” “Because, if I was not behindhand with them I could not pursue them.” —One-half <>{ the world does not know how the other half lives; but, in fashionable society, that isn't h.-eausa it hadn't tried its prettiest to tind out. — Somervih'e Journal. —“1 am surpris'd, John,” said an old lady, when slit* f >und the butler helping him elf to some of the lire-t old port “So am 1, ma'am, I thought you had gone out,” was the reply.— Detroit Post. “My, my, how that chimney smokes,” complained a wf-to her hus band. “Il might do wt-r-e. m v and ar,” he re; lied, consolingly. “I'd like to know how.” “Why, you sett it might chew.” A fall of so t stopped the How of convi rsation.— Chicago Tribune. —The best thug to give your enemy is forgiveness; to on opponent, tole rance; to a friend, your heart; to a clfl-i, a good example: to a father, def r -nce: to your n other, conduct that will make her proud of y u to yourself, n sp ft; to all m n, cha ity.— Boston Courn*l, —The “thought, reader" placed his hand on the man’s head, withdrew ft, and struck him a fearful blow on tho nose. When the man got out from un d r to chair and asked tho reader wh't he let him lor ho replied: “Just as I placed my hand on your head you thought I was a fool; and I don’t, allow any man to th'r.k that, no matte - if he’s as big as a house.” —Western It urn’. —“I am going to keep a tbary; won’t you kindly 101 l me how to begin it?” --Lily. "Well, to tell you t ,u honest nude truth, Lil, we don’t know mu- h ah nt this matter, but we have seen several young ladle.-,’ diaries and they all begin; up at eight o'clock; played the piano one hour; went into the kitchen and watched mother clean ing the stove; wen: down t> Mabel’s; Mabel is horrid; took a nap after din ner: am tired out; Claud called in the evening; I am so happy; () dcarl” — Be.Con Pos‘. —“What a incomprohe.nsibl. - ! M rm dy's got to bo sence she w. nt thur eademy,” remarked Mrs. Homespun to her hu-band. “W y, wot’s the gal been doin’ now?” asked Dated. “Doin'!’’ exclaimed Mrs. Ilotn 'join, “w’y, she said she must goto her room to J srol e, as she .cd to red;*' carl .” “Di robe and retire?” mnr nuired 1> ivel, “wot*a them, ma?” “1 uii:mo,” replied ma; “buts! • didn’t do nothin’ o’ the sort. Mie only n d-rssed and wen to bed. Di ! \ • ever hear o' slch p’t variation? ’ Judgng from ih • groan that came from Da del it is safe io presume that he never did. —Presbyterian P,anncr. —“I intended to tell Jane to bring a fresh bucket of wat r,” said tli wi) o: I’rof. Notllehead, looking up from i r sewing. "Von douhile s mean a buck et of waU:r,” rejoined her hu band. “I wish you would pay ,-ome little attention to rhetoric. Your mis takes are embarrassing.” A few mo mentsllat, the professor .■■aid: “Sly dear, that picture would show to let ter ad van lag- - if you were to hang it over the clock.” “Ah,” she repli and. “you doubt"e - mean if i were to hang it above the do k. If i were to hang it over the clock, wc couldn’t tell what Fine n is. I wish \ -- u would pay pome iiuk? atten ion to rhetoric. Your mis takes are embarrassing.” Arkansan/ Traveler. 51 TH T g" A S ft ” Ik I-AIR _AHsr:r) 99 ctm rroߣ! DULUTH, M!\\. Positively’ the only Department Store this ride of St. Paul or Minneapolis. 24 Different Departments: LALGEST VARIETY, LOW EST PRICES, AND BEST GOODS, of any other house in town. Stramrers yi*i(ing Duluth should not fail to visit this place and GIVE IT A FAIR TRIAL W EST SITKIUOR STREET. RffTW *’ s i' i.v ncy for t 1 I" -t - nine ix-ok out B succeedgtai di r. S Terms tree. H > let Book Ce Cortland Maine. OST ORTHWE3T Transportation Company. PROPELLERS UNITED EMPIRE, QUEBEC and ONTARIO. Tickets from SUPERIOR to all Luke ports ami inland towns in Canada and the Eastern States. 1‘ irst class to Now York, Only s‘27*sG .And to all other points corresponding ly low. Ts T U:i LSM ITI ! - A< jT Dr. E. T. GAUVEEAU, -Lv ia. nJ Cat 1:0 1 AND DEALER IN T'At,F"n o fy'Tpr inn pc- 7 v -ii Fins Toilet Articles, Pctfitaos Cigars, Pipes, ’iubacoi* Pouches Di ?sing Cases, Etc. Als T . I'rr>rp->i--arJ . IN promptly iV'D-hdR-I to re- L'tutlioss of or W'. ii .litr 4 MK’AL AkTLUMKS MADE TO OltHIl!, JAMES NEWTON, AUCTION EER, For Superior, Wisconsin, || | - i, ' vs xi a u -jvm ,u i Uith Yi u will h full Hue of nr CTIIW-TIH' Aiu-t/iiD di 11 i|j A Lid, Pons, inks a Pencils. Alburns, Diaries, Etc. A Full Lino if Daily Papers and x'flnodi cals. CHOICE BRANDS of CIGARS (ON V ECT { 0^ T E UY, ETC. A. C. BKOAVS. H. E. LAFFITTE, Real Estate ft e nicy S_> tj Homestead and Pre- Empi lon Fi 1 i ngs Made In t.ic United Mali < or Leal Offices. Wot ary Public and Convcyincer Tuxes paid for Non-resident ', ele. etc. Office on 2d St,. Superior FTis. REmjjpNfr OYSTF.K PARLOR, NICK WEJLTER. f *r< 17 1 ATT TT^TTTI IX J, mJi -WaJ AND Board b/ Day or Week. ALSO A FINE LINE OF Choice Groceries POULT! IY, Ihckled .1 >: jtxs’ Hoot, d’ont?i!P r UripG. Ciioieh Brands cd‘ Cigars, Fresh Con feci ion e ry, Fruits, Nuts, Etc. Superior, Wis. Surface Indications Wliut v. rvlnor vronl ! very properly terra • wliJ p-e ihe I’iinplcs, Sties, Soro J-lyos, 1 foils, and Dutaueous Krnptions with wliirti juoplo an - aunoyud In spring and ( si mer. The eltcto matterac< unut l:il ,1 during tho winter month - *, now i.•■!. ■<* its prescuee f. It, through Nature’s to expel tem. ! V. idle it remains, i Is upoboathrt festers fu the 1 ' Scrof ula. (.1 ttie ii_• ■ - 1 - > and assimilat 61 . with a feeling of enervation, languor, and | weariue-s—often lightly spoken of as "only spring fever.” These’aro evidenees that Namre Is ne-t able, unaided,to throw otf the rrnj atoms which weak* the \ J ! forces. To regain h< akh. Nature must ho billed l>y a thorouch blood-purifying med leiue; and uotliiug else is so effectiv eas Ayers Sarsaparilla , which Is Knfflcicntly powerful to expel from the system even the taint of Ilered iu-ry Scrofula. r l he medial profession In lor>e Ayer's Sausarakii la, and many attestations of the cures effected by iteome from ail jeirts of the world. It L, in the language of tiio Hon. Francis J, weft, ex-St:ite Sen at - r of Massachusetts and ex-Mayor <-f Lowell, “the only preparatiou that does real, iasling good.” riIEPARED BV Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; bix bottles for ?5. tssiGM is s vi.j; Tile aiidcrsigi(c-1 will offer st pit'Uc stiie ih xroith I ui.U - r Comi-any mi l | -ny wlih all the lands, appnrreuamvs ihere.o and tmildings thereon. Iceaie - ) in stip - 'ii - r( •>.• • " -s -l-iv coumv. L„.!, •‘sitdle -lie wilt lake place at the - fiiee , I I eny.oj I ■ ■ - 1 j. ,| ,y J ■ \i, \. J„ isn'>, at leu oclock In tlie forenoon of *liai day. Terms and e-mdi - ioU of sale will I>e given on the day of the sale. - ~ , t For anv inforinaii - ' ! mqrire of <. •‘i /-- Fond du Lac, or Leander L.ioate, Oshkoali, is consiu. In;:ed July 15th, A. I*. I^' <r. W , Lt SK. 1 F.vNDrR CHi > ATE -ueci of Fai?o- xmidi Lumber Company: jyf'u-'J 2 I iasaa fa TI I fcl EG 7 ..I. jink _ ij, on? With the LATEST and BEST assortment of Teas, Coffees, Canned (.Hoods of all kinds, Spices, Evaporated Apples, Berries, Peaches and Apricots, Pitted Cherries and Plums, Servia and French Prunes* Layer and Valencia Baisens, all kinds of Vegetables and Fresh Fruits Received Daily, pnnvi-WQ n wnuiiYf s h 5 OjinLl Ia At prices (hat will not he Downed! 10 lb. Gilt Edge full Cream Cheese, Si CO 6 lbs Arbuckle’s Ariosa CofTes, for 1 00 G lbs Wis. Dairy Butter, Fresh, 100 My Brooklyn CreanuHy Butler m , —\ •at. r, ~ o i -t~\ ggs t-v-a A i As*.. - V-.' W'fc A> W A. A ii A i JL Ait, 4000 lbs Ham to be sold at 10c* lb. 10 cans of Tomatoes for Sl.oo K) cans of Corn for Loo SO (4ins of Peas for Loo 10 onus of String Beans for Loo 10 cans of I Am \ flood heavy Syrup Table Peach 100 a can J u jl Choice line of cigars and Tobacco. Largo Assortment of Crockery. Plain rnd Decorated. Full line of Glassware, from 50 cents up to $1.50 per Set. Goods Delivered. TV 17 a 0 Q n f rg'j; b 1 J k.'ASi.ILA 0.1.V.i il. iL ill p TTi -T“r* /—n •an s t*- ? ■> • u u it g', r-\ ►.v — ” ' ft •” ;; | ... . ’ ■ ... - .■ - 7 V ... 4 * 1-A h.'.WW V/c'.U VC V o X \ s h|/I k. 5 Jll V. t il JD ti A_ k. 4 1 iln, i!i V * 2V2 2ID ST.. SUPiTRIOia WIS. . „ I 0 j IMAf mm i yuH: th s w 1$ Uiij GENERAL DEALERS IN PI [A IAP V I Vf II V AD AAr 1 1 i S\< \ 1 1| ill ill ih il Ini \ La Ms li hA ulull u 1 liili llj \ lUlulblliDP, Flour, Provisions, Fruits, etc. Goods delivered without extra Charge, Postoihec lilocK, : Superior, A is. Please remtiuhevthat wt purebus our PLA alv BOOK A7\ i) SiA EUY, direct from the ca t and tire able to compute wit'i FT. TAEL IX PRICES. A fresh lot of ( ARDS of all kiud.s just received. FRESH CANDY AND CIGARS always on hand. LATEST NEWS suid,geiu r :d reading matter ut Post < ‘dice. O, P, LANPHER. o GENERAL DEALER IN o DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING! SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN. JOE RETALLACK, ■ snt. l; •>mw n r.r -*rc x-a-c*-vr -1 mnw x.v .o-jer-r p IST a \kS PI PTM £■ IIILa 11 a* isf r~s u V i*see %3> fea feja J a tia e 5 o Dsale/3 in o or nr^if A awlf y a Dill fell s' ' ■ * . { C . . -*j| Ecr the Hold S o si’. .A. vale Koine; For the iit I: A J u.a-l-i'o.: .. ~s„ * - Cull :ti<! I ■ >L ui out S?<-< V. -if uinmn nilMiMi WR nVV(i!UI!\ fTI 1 S :lilHill Y lii ldlimt Ll'l uil Pvlatrasses, Spring Beds, Mirrors, Brackets, etc. SXJPDH.IOR, WISOOTSTSIISr. Passage Tickets TO AXi> FROM All Parts of Europe CHRISTIE & TUBBS, Superior, Wisconsin Represent several of the BLs'i AND MOST POPPEAR Steam Ship Lines plying between eur own ami Foreign Countries, aniong them tin* W hliv Hi 111* .• DOMINION, ANCHOR and ALLAN LINUS. ALL ’A KM. KNOWN. aI.L POITI-.VU r. ■> ALL FT LSI" e; LI NL-’V . t •" We ‘■eil On-u a-d, I ro-Excursion U! -1 Koutie! ! ;•;*levels. Aoj.'V K> S. K. Tl CIV", Vi iiu r. ; iJli.ce Oi to J. LPT I . PURISTIK. At Use i. •: :l.( e. aOW is a ~ood time to SUV. :. ■ . v - a l ctL‘i>or Uj I>. K. .v K. J Cm-iu-ld BOOT AMD SHOE MAKEIL Superior, :: Wisconsin. . A.< AND Bo; .it, or in civs Boots to Order. Repairing Neatly & Wo!! Done An I . .tis faction ilunrunleeil. cfTPAU Land TTuufUML H, Fur st. Paul, Mini'. ;i,- sCiiwiUi r and l i Daily; Kx ' i ix I Daily STATIONS. > ; e, .1. |a. 5;.! Jr. i..; ~ >l. non . Lv Minneiip'Ois At s in 10 tK) sin St Paul H 1 ., ji (ns 1 TAt N. P Jm.ciieu Lv 11 i> 30 e3l Duluth 05 . r. ! * if z\ k 9 t?,.*, n i* ■; r ■ *J ;n ARiku 1, N J’. K. :•> I;;.- -nee ■ .-ee.tjiv imr sVcm r a-m!: v • rint I ..11; :r; e. oa. la Van remain 10 II ea’ i ,-lil,s nu ll! -MU 1 il rle* I red i.F. : l>t . K. ( F . r. . El ■ E r. AUL is t> 1 $v ** & * am o HITHHiOiI WIS. hi ■! u.i • . in NORTH KILN’ M K’hIGAX, TO NEW I ON DON STEVENS POINT, LC \M> 1! \DifS, W A > S \ i , MM. ill Ii . WIN. > \ A . i.A I ■ • ■ K t ill! ITAV I IMM.3, .' !;! LV, A TE!{, HI I .-N ST.I’ALL, J! NKaToLIS :ir .’. nil j. ii.!' in MINNKaUIA. DAKOTA, anil ail pants mi i!;e NORTH KEN PACIFIC RAILWAY ami ST. PALI- MI NN FA i'Of.IS K; MANITOBA L AII.LOAD. Pit--a.gee-fnmi all poinls on ilu dlflr.W O <V nob; v\. ;:i n lailwav, imnn .-: on.m Buy 111. (1 Fori Houcul, eoimeet wilh lie- C, W.S SI : li.K I >RI HO - OU.NCT’? The SHOUT Liu,- to till v'l tlic v.• i < - Th. " ■ of li.i- to! , . . >si to- \; >i I--1 ■> tin mu! trill, ii.,--. LyCuiV-aVe i otl ..... - ’ * I! ■ . • y- :.r ircteN . \ J.. t!,;. , ie, uml to Le .-ir-. r. S. 0 1 1 ;.. ~ i- 1 in. !'.oi . 1 . I’- v. •.A VIN C \ Ml’iiET 1., (,e..'L - not, tJreeu I- y i -Lb l &£&ts.c,'4 t mr-.i v;o ’ 1 RAILROAD. ’ll::. I ■•lf ECI LIN • L! TV. I- N SAiyr pa ; /, A'/.V.V'• raU-:. Or 1>! ’TO. Ami hi! ijoliit* in MIWESO T. 1, i> ■ IOTA. MOM A.\ A. IDAHO, WA-IU.NT.TwN 11. Li;’ I. -ii V OREGON!, BIHTISH C-JI.IMIHA, IToKT-.-OFND AND ALASKA, Expr.—- tritiris daily, to wlrieli nrcatim m il rulli-aau lu-acc Sleepers —AND- Elegant Dining Cars, EG CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN ST. PAUL and PORTLAND < n any eiaxs of ticket. EMIGRANT SLEEP RIM EPEE’ The only ALL RAM. In >. to the Yellowstone Park. For full information a- lit ie. l:at H.c Glftl. I’i.f.-A*luter A TANARUS 11l • AiN 1 Pai ." vs. TUe hesl hooii toi an f;; aN-r r, a Iverlisor to CO’t - B e -ntaiiin liHWOf newapapent nd estimates < I v. iint.H t<- one Uoliur. finds In ittlie in fonimUonhereqairfSi, vhilc ’ >rl :> who will invest one hundre<t Uu.ustiud dollars in ad \. sc hem I ... 1 meet liis every require ini ut.or cun t< do so try slUjUt rjyi t (}*■* eu jibj arrival ut fy cr resjomh-ncr. My editions have Been is.-u Smu, postpaid, totny i.iHib,. tor 1) cents. Write to GEO. P. ROVv ELL & e. 0., NEWSPAFEU ADVERTISIN'. BUREAU llOSpruou St. Printing House Sq.), New York. The Wonderful \ \ the attenti. ■ - all vl .-. and good m-Mc. x . -6 Otu