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THE TIMES Nkwbpapbh AND Commercial Printing. J. E. JONES, Editor and Publisher. Published Every Thursday. 82.00 A YEAR. The Only All Home Print Weekly Newspaper in Bayfield Count\. P THREE SHORT Modern Children Who Are In Toneh With the Ways of the World. A writer in the Outlook, after lavish ing pity on the little children of the rich, who by modern educational meth ods, he avers, are made blase before they reach their teens, continues: Listen, you who are murmuring “old fogy” under your breath listen to three short but pregnant tales: Past the spectator’s window’ one morning loitered two chubby little lads, their arms around each other’s neck. The spectator thought to himself what a pretty picture of childish unsopbisti cation they made. When they spoke, however, he caught his breath. “I won $3 yesterday,” remarked the younger of the tw’o, who may possibly have been eight. “Honest? How?” demand ed the other, big eyed. “Oh, my father and I bet on a race, and my horse w’on,” was the nonchalant reply. Before the spectator had fairly recov ered from the staggering effect of this speech a group of little girls drew up before the house. One of the littlest of them w'as in difficulties w’ith her hair, which had been dressed in some occult feminine fashion beyond the spectator’s power to describe and had slipped its ribbon. As an older girl struggled to re duce it to order she said remonstrat ingly: “What miHces you try to w’ear it this way, Glairs? It’s much too short.” The little tot turned on her a withering glance. “It’s the fashion!” she exclaimed, with crushing finality. To these disclosures of unblinking so phistication may be added the tale of a neighbor w’hose little boy is just six. He had hoped to keep the child uncon scious that he is the heir of millions and had brought him up in the strictest simplicity. And yet the other night, as he climbed on his father’s knee for a good night kiss, he electrified the father by demanding, “Papa, how much are you worth?” NEW MAIL BOX DEVICES. Bell Will Ring In Postofflce When a Box la Opened. The Washington city postoffice, being under the same roof with the depart ment to which it is responsible and un der the scrutiny of the department offi cials, is regarded as a model office. Whenever any new device is proposed for the postal service it is first tried on the Washington office, says the New York Times. With the beginning of the year a number of entirely new devices in post al business will be tested. One is a new mail box, which is said to be the most perfect arrangement yet made to keep tab on letter carriers and collect ors. The boxes will be arranged on a regular route and numbered. Each will be connected by a w’ire with an annun ciator board in the main office, and as the collector opens the box to take out the mail a bell will ring and an index on the board will tell the box that is open. The electrical work on the new bos is so fixed that if the collector fails te open a box there is a wire -which pre vents his opening the next box in the series, aiod the fact is also announced at the isain office. Tlune is a third novelty in the new system. In each box there is to be hung on the inside a telephone transmitter and receive , and if at any time the col lector should . °ed to communicate with his chief at the office he can do so, or the latter can tell from the annunciator just where he is and talk with him if necessary. 8100 Reward. 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that-there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cnre in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constilu tional disease, requires a constitu t-ional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectlv on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture in doing its work. The pro prietors lave so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cjiro. Send for list of testi monials. j Stray. A brown calf came into my en closure about two weeks ago. Owner can have same by paying charges. Henry Christopherson Engoe. ‘•Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. ‘Force’, a ready to serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates.” t*M Ye*!* ** **•*, K, Or*y 4, OafevUie, Imt, wrilps; “Flp tea yn*m I waitwti* fined to my Ihhl with iUroubo af my kidneys. It was so sovere that l could not move part ot the limn, I consulted the very best medical skill available, but could got uo relief un til Foley’s Kidney Cure was reeom‘ mended tome. It hot toeu a God send to me*" Frost & Spies, TrT*Ung In Unugoruu*, Constant motion jars the kidneys which are kept in place in the body by delicate attachments. This is the reason that travelers, trainmen, street car men. teamsters and all who drive very much, suffer from kidney diseases in some form. Foley’s Kidney Cure strengthens the kidneys and cures all forms of kidney and bladder disease. Geo. E, Hau sen, locomotive engineer, Lima, 0., writes, “constant vibration of the engine caused me a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and 1 got no relief until I used Foley’s Kidney Cure. Frost & Spies. Manager Wanted. We desire to employ a trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage our business in this County and adjoin ing territory. Our house is well and favorably known. $20.00 straight cash salary and all expenses paid each week by check direct from eeadquarters. Expense money advanced; previous experi ence unnecessary; position perma nent. Address Thomas Cooper, Manager, 1040 Caxton Building Chicago, 111. Liverita the up-to-date Little I iver Pill; 5c boxes contain 15 pills, 1 )c boxes contain 40 pills, 25c boxes contain 100 pills. Sold by Fox Bros Washburn, Wis. tf Was Wasting Away. The following letter from Robert Watts, of Salem, Mo., is instructive. “I have been troubled with kidney disease for the last five years. I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with leading physicians and tried all remedies suggested without relief, Finally I tried Foley’s Kidney Cure and less than two bot tle completely cured me and I am now sound and well,” Frost & Spies. Cheap Rates toMinneapolls. On account of the Minneapolis June fair and carnival, the Northern Pacific will sell tickets June 4th, Bth and 11th from Washburn to Minne apolis and return at one fare for the round trip. These tickets are good to return three davs from tune of sale. 50 A v# Years of Success This is our record. From a small beginning we have grown until our fac tories now cover many acres. Many of our machines sold forty to fifty years ago are still giving their users faithful service. Can anything be more con vincing of their merits and durability? Did you ever hear of any other machine with such a record? Note few of the many superior points of the Wheeler & Wilson U. Q Sewing Machine iiUiU The Rotary Hook displaces the old, out-of-date, unmechanical and trouble some shuttle. The Frictionless bail bearings and per fect mechanical construction enable it to be operated with one-third less exertion than is required by ordinary machines. It sews three yards of goods while a shuttle machine sews two. It makes the most elastic and most perfect stitch whether sewing light or heavy goods. With our superior attachments the greatest variety of work is possible. Do not make the mistake of buying a sewing machine until you have given the Wheeler & Wilson No. 9 a trial. Wheeler Wilson JUfg. Cos. , Chicago, 111. HOW MANY HANDS ■ V'V’t do you suppose dip into that bulk coffee before you buy it? Lion Coffee comes in sealed, air tight packages; no chance for handling, or dirt or things to get in. Cltan, Fresh end Fragrant TUK wanuihihn TIM Bin, -rut I Item A V’, ,n ink ar, IhtfPttNlhNVtYNt l * hy |lnm>n FM'-D'H': Tins tQurilt bav via Da Ottuthtt fthd l!uUm*FatUn“. U Lae Dalis far ilia hue brmi dietum tinned Fittur Cm tn n of OmueT lottos, MftOl* JttßQ 11-. July I, Out* Juno 24th, ybth, and Ifitb iiht> Omaha will well exouraUin tiokntH from Wuahburn to lUmtou for ono fair for the round trip, For furOiar particulars null at depot. Annual Meeting,—lmperial Coun cil. Saratoga Springs N. Y. July 7th, 10th, one July 4th and s‘h the Omaha will sell tickets from Wash burn to Suratogo N. Y. at one fare plus $2,00 for the round trip. Annual Convention Baptist Young Peoples Union Atlanta Ga. July Oth, and 12th 1903. On July sth, 6th, and 7th the Omaha will sel Excursion tickets to Atlanta Ga. and return at one fare plus $2.00 for the Round trip. International Epworth League Convention— Detroit, Mich, July 16 and 19. On July 14 and 15 the Omaha will sell tickets to Detroit and return at the rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Annual Meeting of Grand Lodge B. P. O. E. —Baltimore, Md., July 21-23. On July 17 and 18 the Omaha will sell tickets to Baltimore at one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. International Convention—Unit ed Society Christian Endeavor— Denver, Col., Ju'y 9 and 13. July 1 to 10 the Omaha will sell tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo at $29.35 for the round trip. Annual Meeting Educational Association —Boston, Mass., July 6 and 10. On June 30th to July 4th the Omaha will sell tickets to Boston aud return at one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Do Sou Enjoy What You Eat? If you don’t your food does not do do you much good. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure is the remedy that everyone should take when there is anything wrong with the stomach. There is no way to maintain the health and strength of mind and body except by nourishment. There is no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must be kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will let down and disease will set up. No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, sour ris ings, rifting, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are quick ly cured by the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. Sold by Fox Bros. A Woman’s Complexion. It is rank foolishness to attempt to remove sallowness or greusiness of the skin by the use of cosmetics, or “local” treatment, as advocated by the “beauty doctors.” The only safe and sure way that a woman can improve her complexion is by purify ing and enriching the blood, which can only be accomplished by keeping the liver healthy and active. The liver is the seat of disease and blood pollution. Green's August Flower acts directly on the liver, cleanses and enriches the blosd, purifies the complexion. It also cures consti pation, biliousness, nervousness, and induces refreshing sleep. A single bottle of August Flower has been hnown to cure the most pronounced and distressing case of dyspepsia and digestion. New trial size bottle 25 cents; regular size 75 cents. At Frost & Spies. Effective March 17 and the follow dates: April 7th and 21st, May sth and 19, June 2nd and 16th. Round trip home seekers tickets will be sold via Northern Pacific to points in Minnesota, North Dakota, Manitoba, Western Ontario, Sas katchawon, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia. Rate one first-class fare plus $2.00. For berth reservation and other inform ation call at Depot. Good for re turn 21 days from date of sale. We promptly obtain U. S. arid Foreign PATENTS Send model, sketch or photo of invention for free report on patentability. For free book, How to Secure TQ an C If AD I/O m rite Patents and I nMUL"mMnIVj to CASNDWc, Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. UtfMhly Ultl * ei 6 Mm.l* 1|,.l iltiUfl J&fe l loacMKoi f g , Aif W lii, lnaw GLi hof Gfiruii. Omu l l< A lull • ij)t A Mj|, uaj/ A VV, Nu *m liilniKlnnl uf fllmola • M 100 J . hinll.h Giumnu, . , . r Au.irU Hurvuyor* . . . b. tf.OluviJ City Officers, Olmlrnmu . . . Nel* N#Uo, Hu pm-vino in t * * • TANARUS, A . m., * *• ” SKtt. ( ’Kj/lIOHI Inmmirtii- " ■ - Eels L < Murk - OharluN O. Howilnr uiiief of Folio# / • - - 0. Wuhcott School Boards, L. A. Simonson, president: J, Sheridan Secretary; A, 11.I 1 . UulHirttnd, vie©-president Washburn Public Library Board. W. H. Irish, president; Nels M. Oscar ▼ lc e-prpg|<l!Bnts Mrs, Wm, O’Neil secretary; T. C. McWilliams, Mrs. D. W. Corning, O. A. Lamoreaux. Mrs. Wm. O’Neil, D. E,Cam eron. Chas. O. Sowder. Chris Peterson. ATTORNEYS. W. MCLEOD. Attorney at Law City Attorney of Washburn. Office:—Over Bayfield County Bank. JOHN WALSH, Att.orneya (Law. Office next to Paulson’s storey Washburn Wisconsin. PHYSICIANS. H, G. LAMPSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Post-Office. Washburn, Wife. WASHBURN HOSPITAL. FRANK B. HICKS. M. D., Resident Physician. Washburn, Wisconsin DR. A. O. SHAW, Practice limited to Diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat and Chest. Eyes tested and glasses correctly fitted. Office Rooms 15 and 16, Ashland, Masonic Temple. Wisconsin. CHUKCHES. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN REV. C. MICHAELSON Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30p.m. Sunday School at 2p. m. irisyer Service every Thursday at 8:80 p. m. English service every second and *st Sun day evening of each month. SWEDISH LUTHERAN. Services every other Sunday. Pastor's residence Cor. PiDe Street aud Seventh Ave. West.. C. J. Beckukman. Pastor. ST.JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services everyc Sunday evening; at 7:30 Sunday school at 4 p. m. Rev. C. M, Hitchcock, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC BEV. FATHER ULRIC PETRI First Mass Ba. m.; High Mass, 10:30 a. m. Baptism, 21p. m.; Instructions, 2:30 p.m.; Vespers, p. m. Friday 7 30 p. m. Stations and benediction. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. REV. D. M. SINCLAIR West Fifth street. Services every Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and.7:3o p. m. Sabbath School at 12:00 m. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. All are invited. GERMAN EV. LUTHERAN. Services will be held at 10:00 a. m. except last Sunday of the month. Sunday School every Sunday at 11:00, C. GutekunsT, Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Thomas Barker, Tastorr Services everyJSunday at 10:45 v. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath School at 12 m, Christ ian Endeavor service at 6:10 p m. A laie cordially nyited. Easy Pill Easy to take and easy to act is A that famous little pill DeWitt’s i B Little Early Risers. This is due to j| S the fact that they tonic the liver in- f| V of purging it. They never gripe B B nor sicken, not even the must delicate ■ lady, and yet they are so certain in I results that no one who uses them is A disappointed. They cure torpid liver, I constipation, biliousness, jaundice, B headache, malaria and ward off pneu- H monia and fevers. H PREPARED BY B E. C. UcWITT & CO., CHICAGO W Don’t Forget the Name. J EARLY RISERS For saleby Fox Bros The Wisconsin Central Railway Offers up-to-date transportation facilties to Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east and south. Pullman Sleepers, dining and cafe cars and modern coaches make up the equipment. Agent can give you complete information. Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pass. Agt. Milwaukee, Wis. I I MIC M ABU E S ft I. A 8 O N 190 3. T IV A INS?. C, Hi. p. M. Al Q, Hy. fAfcK KMfiKli Til AI W<lUril NORTH *M; *, m. dully 10:516 it. j, dally A e*£wd*y Olb p.m. exHonday £! t* m - *jwd*y sniff p.m. exHunday ]>•*• Hunday only a 6Hunday only Wr:00 p.m. dully Connect at ArhJand Junction with south hound 'rains. *Connct* at Ashland Junc tion for Ht. i uuj or Chicago, at Depart Depart Kx Sun. Ex Suu. 3:05 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 4:55 9:00 5-17 y 9.37 y R Daily 6 T 9 zrl c , Bru] e 5:39 9:37 fi :iX iV'Xn Superior 4:35 8:35 fi-55 • West Superior 4:15 8:15 b, ° s 11:15 ar. Duluth lv. 4:00 8:00 yiM. mQA P ' m ‘ lv ‘ Buluth ar. 2:10 6:30a. a,. 7.10 a. m 6:30 St. Paul 8:55 a. m. 11:10 p. a. 00 (:UU Minneapolis 8:15 10:30 tor full information, rates and folders, call at depot. W B. Duffy. Agent, Washburn, Wx. BOATS. CHEyUAMEGON BAY TRANSPORTATION COMPANY" STEAMER. MARY SCOTT. WEEK DAYS. Leave Ashland 6:00 a m 9:80 a m 11:30 a m 2:30 p m 4:90 p m 5:30 p m a , , triPs leavi K Ashland 4:15 and 5:30 p. m. boat will not make stops at lumber OC , s <l * as iburn. but will on return trip and all other trips. T:ls a. m. run makes ec l ®- nection with Wisconsin Central at Ashland for Gogebic Range and all other points south, F. O. TARBOX, bec’y. steamed Lv Ashland for Washburn 8:30 a m “ “ 10:00 am 1:15 pm “ 3:00 p m “ “ 5:00 pm 7:15 pm Steamer Lucile can be chartered for evening parties at reasonable rates. Arrangements can be made with Captain Brower on board the Lucile. STOR MBITS WANTED in each town to take orders for our new High Grade New £903 Mes£@£& “BeiHse,** Complete $Sm75 ** CoSSacb/* Guaranteed High Grade s££s*7s “Siberian/* A Beauty $22*75 “Neudorf/* Road Racer $24*75 no better bicycle at any price. Any other make or model you want at one-third usual price. Choice of any standard tires and bust equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guaranies We SNIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. io anv ow without a cent deposit and allow JO DAYS Pii££ TR9AL before purchase is binding. 500 Second Hand Wheels taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores, SO pgiitf, flfl ftSHY BUY 2: bicycle until you have writen for ora MU Sing mi FACTORY PRICES AND FREE TRIAL OFFEt undries and sporting goods of all kinds, at half regular price try catalog. Contains a world of useful information. Write for fc, EAD 6YCLE CO., Chicago SiL ■ I have had occasion to use you ru Stock and cine and am pleased to say that I never ■ used anything for stock that gave half as I good satisfaction. I heartily recom. S mend it to all owners of stock. 3 J. B. BELSHER, St. Louis, Mo. I Sick stock or poultry should not eat cheap stock food any more than sick persons should expect to be cored by food. When your stock and poultry are sick give them med icine. Don t stuff them with worth less stock foods. Unload the bowels and stir up the torpid liver and the animal will be cured, if it be possi ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine unloads the bowels and stirs up the torpid liver. It cures every malady of stock if taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine and it will pay for itself ten times over. Horses work better. Cows give more milk. Hogs gain flesh. And hens lay more eggs. It solves the S*oblem of making as much blood, esh and energy as possible out of the smallest amount of food con sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. @TIME CARD —OF— TRAINS. Stations. Ex Sun. Washburn 7:35 p. m. Iron River 6:05 Leave Washburn City Dock 7:15 a m 10:30 a m 1:15 p m 8:15 p in 4:50 p m 6:05 p m Ashland with Non h western train ter Chicago. Wife KNTRAL TRAINS ‘ ritOM AHHI.AWD. IBK. DKP*T. Through mall and Ex press (dally 4:80 pm *:4< i Limited (dally) 7:46 am 7:2spK> ..Orders for tickets can oe procured of® W.brost, Druggist. Washburn, Wis. Arrive Arrive, SUNDAYS Leave Ashland 7:45 a m 9:30 a m 11:30 a m 2:30 p m 4:15 p m 6:45 p m Lv Washburn for Ashland 9:15 a m *• “ 11.30 a m “ “ 2:00 pm “ “ 4:00 pm. “ “ 5:30 pm “ “ 8:00 pm How About Your Heart} Feel your pulse a few minutes* | Is it regular? Are you short ol J breath, after slight exertion jl as going up stairs, sweeping,*! walking, etc? Do you have : pain in left breast, side or between shoulder blades, chok ing sensations, fainting or | smothering spells, inability ta* ■ lie on left side? If you have any of these symptoms yott'; certainly have a weak heart, } and should immediately take MUeV Heart Cure s Mr. F. H. Oaks of Jamestown, N. Y, whose genial face appears above, says: “ Excessive use ox tobacco seriously I affected my heart. I suffered severe pains about the heart, and in the left shoulder and side: while the palpitation would awaken me ff’om my sleep. I j began taking Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure and soon found permanent relief.” Sold by all Druifiats, Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, Ind- ! Ex Susl 12:05 p. eel 10:05 a. m. Leave Washburt City Dock. 8:30 a ra 10:80 a m 1:15 p m 3:15 p in 5:15 p m 7:30 p m