Newspaper Page Text
THE TIMES ..... ■ !? .■ > \ n ~ f y jj tf — PDBLIfHKD WKKlit* BT- — J. E. JONES. %2 A YEAR. Advertising Rates made known on application.' Entered at the post-office at Washburn Wisconsin, as second-class mail matter. POI’E LEO’S POEM. The whole world has watched for the news of Leo’s sickness from Rome, and the bulletins re garding the condition of Pope Leo have commanded the interest people of all classes and all denominations. There is some thing pathetic in the following whic h was written by the aged Pontiff last winter, and which is . now bein g published in the news papers all over the country: The westering sun draws near his cloudy bed. Leo, and gradual darkness veils thy head. The sluggish life-blood in thy wither ed veins More slowly runs its course —what then remains? Lo, Death is brandishing his fatal dart, Ar.d the grave yearns to shroud thy mortal part: But from its prison freed, the soul expands Exulting pinions to the enfranchised lands. My weary race is run —I touch the goal; Hear, Lord, the feeble pantings of my soul, If it be worthy, Lord, thy pitying breast Welcome it unto everlasting rest! May I behold thee, Queen of earth and sky, Whose love enchained the demons lurking nigh The path to Ileayen; and freely shall I own ’Twas thy sweet care that gained my blissful crown! Bayfield is still engaged in setting out shade trees and a large number have been added this year. The one thing that strikes the visitor to Bayfield more than anything else is the abundance of shade trees, their beauty and the shade they furn ish. No one ever goes to Bay field hut what remarks this. And still tha village does not tire of its efforts, but keeps on add ing more shake. Other Bayfield county towns could well take pattern after the example of the Harbor City, and the result would certainly be very benefici al- Washburn kecks shade trees —and needs them very badly. Now that the cows have been practically closed up there is no reason why this city should de lay the work of setting out trees any jonger. It is late to begin, but “better late than never.” Lets make the start. This may he fittingly called ‘•the rose summer,” for never in previous year have there .been such an abundance of roses as are to he found this year. The fragrance of the rose fairly permeates everything, and from every bush hang great bunches of the fragrant flowers, while there is hardly a home that is not decorated with them. There never have been more roses in a single year, and that they are appreciated is shown in the fact that everyone is making se of them. Other flowers promise to materialize quite as abundantly. A few sweet peas are already to be found, but it will he a few days before they are plentiful. The first number of the Hay ward Republican under the management of Mr. R. B. Man ning has been received at this office. It is well filled with read ing matter and shows for itself that Mr. Manning has learned journalism in the school of practi cal experience. The paper gives a long sketch of the career of Hon. R. L. McCormick, who left last week for the west, wherehe will make his home in the future, and will engage in the lumber ing business. Town Board Proceedings. Special th Boa.’d of Supes-v visors halt! attbe otficaiil the claJrH( July if’l##} H if & || Meet called taford|| by ltM£harraap FredtvYates at 8:00 o’clock p no, J Present: F T Yates, chairman; Moae Je rome and Mike Thoreson,, supervisors, The minutes of last meeting were read and ap proved. Overseer Helckhoff announced the com pletion of a mile aud one hundred rods of the Stockstad road. The clerk announced that the oostof said road an shown by the time rolls was |328 26. The following bills were audited and al lowed : GENERAL FUND. Wm Olson teams at. Cemetery-work $ 73 75 Wm Wilmarth labor on cemetery 27 10 Hans Norum ** “ 6 Ole Mickelson “ “ 6 13 sawss* •• :: ij James Peterson 8 /*> F T Yates chairman 25 00 M Thorson supervisor 16 66 M Jerome 1® 8b UA Hering clerk/ 37 50 O Wescott chief ol police 35 00 Gideon Chauvin. police 3O 00 And Johnson “ 30 00 A Beausoliel, fire warden and pound master 25 00 A Lefd jan. bank build. & town hall 17 50 Jas Peterson “ sexton 25 00 L Stevinski keeper damping around 20 00 John O’Sullivan special police 500 Ch&s Brunner “ “ * 500 Wm Downs “ ' i* 4 750 Probert Hose Cos, Semi-annual salary 62 50 Nelson Hose Cos. “ “ 62 50 Central Hose Cos '* “ 62 50 Hook and Ladder Cos “ ** 62 50 L H Lien Services assessor 100 oo O Liam assisting “ 107 50 C L Willey rigs Thoreson and Wescott 650 FT Yates fare Ashland, Benoit etc 290 VELA P Cos, lights 395 60 Wm McMeekin water for pound 105 Wisconsin Tel Cos, tolls 80 Frost & Spies wood alcohol 15 John Hanson Work on sewer 20 00 F Torboli “ 14 50 F Johnson “ " 18 00 John Walsh three legal opinions. ... 10 00 News & Itemizer printing 29 70 Chas W Olson part payment on lots 9 and 10 blk 39 500 00 HIGHWAY FUND Name. For what purpose. Amount Fred Rickhoff overseer $32 50 Jas Tracy “ “ 28 00 Stenz Mosinak “ “ 17 00 Jas OConners “ “ 28 00 Sam Olson '• “ 28 00 Ole B,amstad “ 28 00 J Musolf “ 44 27 00 A Halverson “ “ “ 58 50 John Score *‘ “ 12 00 Mike Larson overseer 35 00 .1 Biork grading and stumping $ 75 00 K Ellison street work 21 00 B Olson “ “ 14 87 Ed Simoneau •* “ 15 75 And Johnson “ •* 22 75 J Halvorson *’ “ 22 75 • Michealson *• “ 14 87 Ole Holgren “ *• 22 75 JasCasDereon “ “ 2100 Jacob Schneller *• 44 l5 75 Aug Johnson “ “ 10 50 S Simpson •* ** 21 00 Amos Nelson “ 44 15 75 G Anderson 44 “ 17 75 J Free berg •* “ 22 00 ALiustrom •* “ team 2100 G Olson *• ’* “ 44 00 J Score “ •* 6 38 H Rickhoff 44 “ 59 50 Ole Haugen roadwork 24 00 P Anderson “ “ 18 00 Clif McLeod “ “ 6 00 Joe Tracy 44 44 3 00 B Ungrodt hardware 27 98 C N Cramer A Cos. cement 135 Thorson & Stock blaoksmithing.... 17 20 E Bergman hardware 38 64 POOR FUND Name. For what purpose, Amount Mrs Legacy assistance 5 50 Gertrude Mosinak - 44 209 Mrs Krouse " 2 00 Mrs Geo Nichols 44 ... .... 400 Sophie Shombo 44 4 29 Mrs A Norgren *• 5 00 Mrs J Barney 44 3 00 Mrs 1 Oousineau board and care of T Philleon 8 57 JobnTeriault care of Mrs Shambo.... 429 FReickhoff rent Mrs G Nichols 350 J Score board J Werticene&u 10 00 Mrs O E Bell rent pest house 400 A pß.ulson mdse 300 Mrs J Starr board Jas Thompson ... 30 00 E Laviolette fumigate Richter house 150 T N Kinoey rent Mrs Norgren 300 Illinois Trust and Saving Bank, bonds 3,262 50 The following applications to sell liquor by retail were read: Name Lot Block Ed V/illiams 10 50 Jos Schlitz Brewing Cos 10 45 John Donahue 5 ,• 50 Louis Holte 16 42 Oscar Johnson 17 59 E G Morgan 1 35 John Overby 16 59 JohnSundell 9 21 C Swanson 13 50 N Emard 8 & 9 3 J Rockstad 2 & 3 21 M Sandstrom 3& 4 35 C Peterson 22,23 & 24 58 Otto Jones SW NE Sec. 35. T 48. N. R 5 w It was moved and seconded that the applications be granted upon the execution and filing of a bond required by law and upon the payment for such license of the sum of five hundred dollars. The following resolution was read and upon motion adopted. Resolved, that the street commissioner be instructed to notify property owners to cease putting wood -or other obstructions on streets or avenues abutting their pro perty. Any obstructions on said streets or avenues after July (sth, 1903 will be re moved by tbe commissioner and the same charged up on the assessment roll. Signed M. Jerome. The following report was read and same was upon motion approved. To the Honorable the Board of Super visors of the town of Washburn, Bayfield County, State of Wisconsin. Gentlemen: — In compliance with section 1, of Chap ter 310. Laws of 1901, we do hereby re port to your honorable body, that at a spe cial meeting of the Board of Directors of the Washburn Free Library, held June 23rd, 1903, a contract was entered into by said board of directors, with Charles Wm. Olson, for the purchase of lots 9 and xo blk 39 Townsite of Washburn, for the sum of $1300.00 SSOO 00 at the ensealing and delivery of contract and the balance SBOO. upon the delivery of a good and sufficient deed in fee simple, free and clear of legal liens and encumberanees. W. H. Irish, President. N. M. Oscar, Acting Sec. Upon motion $2,000 was transferred from the Poor Fund to the Highway Fund and $25,000 from the poor fund to the general fnnd. The bids for the construction of the road along the section line between sec 27 and 28. T 47-6, commencing at the center post and continuing to sec corner are as follows: John Oiander Benoit $365.00 J acob Ludin 44 365.00 Alec Ledin ** 354.50 THEn.WAMPORN TiHJBSBAY, JULY Vb. The bids were considered too high by the board and the was instructed |p notify the above tp thas: ijjnd fthj|(jpa bid not exceeding $<50.00 sidered. - -‘'J j?' W There being no further business the board upon motion adjourned. R. A. Hering, Town Clerk. Last Notice to Cattle Owners Notice is hereby given to parties owning cows that they are for the last time warned against letting them run at large in the unincorporated village of Washburn. The time allowed for getting them too and from the pasture is from 5 to 8 o’clock a. m. and from 5 to 8 o’clock p. m. All cattle found on the streets at any other time will be taken care of by the Poundmaster and all fines will have to be paid before they can be released. By the order of tho town board. R. A. Hering, Town Cleak. Notice Id as much as Chapter 378 Laws of 1903, requires that the Mortgagors and Mortgagees interest in Real Estate be assessed separately, all parties having mortgages on their real estate who are desirous of tak ing advantage of tbe new law are re quested to notify the assessor in their respective districts and furnish him with the necessary information. In as much as the assessor will be greatly pressed for time to make his assessment, especially for the present season, owners of mortgag ed real estate desiring separate assessments of mortgagees interest should furnish the necessary infor mation as early as possible. This will not apply to mortgages held by Building & Loan Association, Insurance Companies, Banks and other Corporations that are taxed by the State Board of Assesment, or that taxed by license fee or other special methods in lieu of taxation. Geo. F. Morgan, Supervisor of Assesment Bayfield Cos. “If” a woman ever gets 90 “hora ly” she isn’t worth looking at, she’d better take Rocky Mountain Tea. Bring back the bloom of youth. 35 cents. Frost & Spies. A.L.Stevenson. tfSuLV g[ JUBILEEFy , 111 : SALEyj^ Of course you all know the price of cotton has advancee 25 per cent within a short time. A goods manufactured from cotton have 5 followed suit. We are more fortunate than most stores and placed our orders for muslin underwear with the manufacturer before the rise. He was obliged to deliver to us at the old prices. He probably lost money on the transaction but that is his lookout, not ours. Every garment is clean and fresh, thoroughly made by healthy, rosy cheeked New England girls in airy factories where disease could never creep. The stoles are perfect and the trimmings are marvels of dainty beauty. The prices tell a strong and powerful story of ; unequaled money saving opportuni ties. If you have never attended any of our Special Underwear Sales. You had better come and see how much you can buy for so little money. If you have you will not need a second invitation. Every garment perfect and worth regular price but the price you pay will hardly cover the cost of material. If the saving of money has any charm for you, call early and take your choice while you may. 1$" a Ladies’ Corcst Covers I /XT I and Children’s 3 tuck B heavy muslin drawers You can not offord to 9/~y a waste time making ■ TCJ they are + worth much more than we ask. ¥ h covers. Full Lace Trimmed. I A-| MCorset Oovers, Full tucked front Embroidery Trimmed. I U I WCorset Covers, Short insertion, lace trimmed. X 4 Corset Covers. Round Lace Trimmed. Ladies drawers, tucks l&ce trimmed. /?Ladies drawers. Cambric ruffle Hemstitched. Ladle s Night gowns. Square neck hemstitched, Truly wonderful for so little ▼ money Take as many garments as you wish except gow is, only Ito a customer W id If Corset Covers, Full embroidery trimmed. corset Covers, 3 rows of In i' ft P {tLsertion and laee trimmed. Corset Covers, Short Insertion lacr trimmed 1_ „U V Covers, lace trimmed, hemstitched. Ladies Drawers, Tucks. Lace Trimmed. Ladies drawers, tucks, embroidery trimmed. Ladies drawers . Insertion, lace trimmed. Ladies drawers. Insertion and tucks, lace JCM I® fC trimmed. Ladles long shirts, deepwhemstitched ruffle. 39 cents seems J U I for such garments. They are exclusive in design and costly in w adpearance. while the low prices areipossible only at this sale | 4. This Jot consists of a large selection of Corset Covers, Insertion. Lace § ftr *■% Embroidery and Hemstitched Tbcked Trimming. LadieS drawers. Tucked. X W L tembroidery lace and Insertion Trimmed. Ladies Gcwns. Insertion. Tucks, Embroidery and lace Trimmed. J| „ Ladies Long Shirts. Tucked Flounce, lace trimmed, also tucked flounce Fancy hemstiched, K W# Ordinarily there would be uo profit in selling good underwear at this price, but its the manufacturers loss aud you receive all the benefits. *■* AC Here you will find a big assortment of Corset covers, Gowns, drawers. 1,01 ■■and shirts trimmed with ruffles, tucks, Insertien and embroidery and TT • . X— You will appreciate these seasonable bargains more fully where you J 3CISs see this assortment, Only at this sale can you g-t such good bargains m So get over this week or send a mail order. TT If The assortment of gowns, long shirts, djawers and corset covers to be I J found In this lot is so large that a description would tire you to read it. need only to see the remarkable showing. The prices are certainly phenominal. A.. L. Stevenson, WißConein. 1 Treat Your Kidneys for Kbeomstlim W|ien yuu at c ewfsriiig frpp rheumatism, the kidneys m ust be’at tended to at .{pfiog bo tijafc they will eliminate thto uric frOjtt the blood, holey’s Kidney Oure is the most effective remedy 1 for this purpose, ft. T. Hopkins, of Polar, Wis., says, “After unsuccessiyely doctoring three years for rheumatism with the best doctors, I tried Foley’s Kidney cure and it cured me. I cannot 8 peak too highly of this treat medicine,” Frost & Spies. If you have a bad taste in your mouth, feel bad, nervous, fretful, pain after eatii g, nausea, Rocky Mountain Tea will cure you in 30 days. No cure no pay. 35 cents. Frost & Spies. Whim Other Medicines Have Failed take Foley’s Kidney Cure. It has cured when everything else has dis appointed. Frost & Spies. Sound kidneys are safeguards of life. Make the kidneys healthy with Foley’s Kidney Cure. Sold by Frost & Spies. The Valne of Solitude. Solitude, the safeguard of mediocrity, is to genius the stern friend, the old, obscure shelter, where molt the wings which will bear it farther than sun and stars. He who would inspire and lead his race must be defended from traveling with the souls of other men, from living, breathing, reading and writing in the daily time worn yoke of their opinion.—Emerson. Better Than Art. “Yes.” said D’Auber. the artist, pat ronizingly. *Tm selling ray canvases now at ray own prices.” “You don’t say?” replied Sharpley, whose works had not yet caught on. “Yes. indeed. I suppose you’d give a good deal to be a great artist.” “No, indeed. I’d rather be you.”—Exi change. Qnite a Different Thins. Naggsby—Would you regard it as im modesty in a man to speak of his own good looks? Waggsby—Well, it depends. If it were you I should call it plain lying.— Exchange. Painfully Matter of Fact. “If a fairy should appear to you and offer you three wishes.” said the im aginative young woman, “what would you do?” “I’d sign the pledge,” answered the matter of fact man.—Washington Star. I 4* covers, full laced trimmed 1 Af X Corsets covers. Emb, trimmed. 1 U I fc®Ladies Drawers, Cambric ruffle vk Hemstitched Childred’s Heavy < Muslin Drawers. Hemstitched IVo A Rufflles. These goods are Jail JLC#I • made up m>atly and well worth X the price asked. • t v Wanted. I ~ We would like to ask, throught the columns of your paper, if there is any person who has used Green’s August Flower for the cure of Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver troubles that has not been cured — and we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual costiveness, nervous dyspepsia, headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness—in fact, any trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civilized countries, and we wish to correspond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try a 25 cent bottle first. We have never known of its failing. If so, something more serious is the matter with you. The 25 cent size has just been introduced this year. Regular size 75 cents. At Frost & Spies. G. G. Green, Woodbury, N. J. TOWN LOTS. D ADP A TMQ IN LOTS IN THE ORIGINAL TOWN l_>rVr\VJ/-Vl INO SITE OP WASHBURN AND IN ALL ADDITIONS. Parties wanting'Lots for Building Purposes or for Gar dens can find what they want at Low Prices. LOTS k- Will be sold on SMALL PAYMENTS AND EASY TERMS. The same applies to the towns Bayfield, ron River, Orienta, Pratt and Port Wing. Call on or write D. M. MAXCY, Washburn, Wisconsin. finest {Turnouts 1 ***in • * , LIVERY In the City at , C. L. Willey’s Stables A Did You Ever Stop To Think of the Great Risk you are taking when you carry no W r ire Insurance .. We Represent twenty-eight of the Leading companies and can Insure your dwelling and household goods at a trifling cost ! L. N. CLAUSEN- The New Livery, F 3 ETER JENSEN PROPRIETOR. i If in need of a First Class Livery Rig for an hour, a day or a week, call at the New Livery and look over their rigs and get their prices. You will always find them both to suit you. Telephone, No. 120. Morgan & Axel berg, Fi r ycl0 „. Insurance. Special Attention Given to F'intst Mortgage Loans. Real Estate Bought and Sold. JONES -• ■ L/C "$•-#' •'* :C, -i JOHNSON h PHOTOGRAPHER. Fine Platino Photographs, Views, Etc. Only First Class Work ; Turned Out. Qotne fetid see t’j. Washburn, - . Wis.