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THE TIMES PUBLISHED WEEKLY. by J. E. JONES. •2 A YEAR, Advertising Rates made known on application. Entered at the post-office at Washburn Wisconsin, as second-class mail matter. NO LEVY FOR STATE TAX, The apportionment of the state tax has been made, and the tax-payers of Bayfield county will get off light along with the other counties of the state, as the Governor, Secretary of the state, and State Treasurer have found that owing to the accumu lation of moneys in the general fund for many years past that for one yea.* it will not ba necessary to raise a tax for the support of state institutions. While of course, it is always good news to the people to know that they will be able to get out of a small proportion of their taxes, yet there is nothing so wonder ful in the action of the apportion ment, as the figures given out by the state officials show that in the natural order of things that there had accumulated in the general fund up to the Ist day of October $1,515,701.06. There can be no claim made that this amount has been ‘‘saved,” and no such contention is made. It is simply the result of figuring “plenty high enough” year after year, with the result that in the accumulation process that has been going on, it is found that the taxpayers have a sufficient balance on hand to run them through another year, by close figuring, and the officials have wisely concluded to give back to the people a little dividend in the way of no state tax, for their long-time investments. The officials have used the good business judgment which —al- though uncommon in public affairs, would be not only expect ed, but demanded, in the manag ment of large concerns. It has determined to pull the state treasury downto a few thousand dollars in the general fund dur ing the coming year. Noouecan kick upon the action of the offici als, yet there is nothing to espec ially commend as they simply used common business sense in deciding to raise no money for general purposes. They might go a little further in the work of curtailing taxation by doing away with extravagance that is -commonly known to exist in some of the departments, and thus avoid any possibility of go ing “bump” against an empty treasury. In the statement sent out to the press from the execu tive bureau at Madison the tax levies of 1902 and 1903 are com pared. Pro ratio with the average of counts Bayfield county is high er than last year—that is the percentage is higher. In pro portion with last year there is a decrease of 2.374 per cent. Some counties run nearly 3per cent in the decrease Why a county practicaliy denuded of its timber should be raised— when compared with other coun ties, is too much to understand. So far as Bayfield county is con cerned it will share with other parts of the state in no levy hav ing been made for general pur poses, but it gets the worst of it when compared with it’s neighbors. The deer hunting season will open next week, and the usual large number of hunters will take to the woods to look for a piece of venison. It is probable that the hunters will find fully as much game abroad this year as in years that have gone by, whiie there is no question but what there will be lully as many hunters as ever. The county cierk of Bayfield county has Issued fully the Usual number of while other northern clerks report that they are re ceiving the usual number of sil ver dollars for the licenses which they issue. There area whole Lot of people who go hunting and get no deer, but there are very few who tramp through the woods for days at a time but what feel that they are paid for their work and trouble, owing to the health and vigor that come from the work. How is it that since the Mil waukee Free Press was first started that Governor LaFollette, of whom they keep close tab, hasn’t done a thing but what was “just right?” And how is it that during the past two years, according to the Milwaukee Sentinel, the Governor has not done a single thing that was right? Such blind factionalism, if continued, will sooner or later find its solution in a democratic governor. The Iron County Republican has closed its career, and has been merged with the Miner. The paper under the name of the Miner and Republican will continue to be published at Hurley, with F. B. Hand as owner and editor. School Board Proceedings. September 14,1983 Special meeting of executive board of scl 00l directors. Present: L. A, Simonson, pres ent, J. A. Sheridan, secretary. The following bills were audited and allowed: Scott & Taylor, lumber for Woodland school, Swain’s contract $313 15 A W Swain, bal on contract Woodland school, diss 410 2b N O Ledin lor fnnce aiound school lot Dis 2 17 72 Meeting adjourned. J. A. Sheridan, Secretary. September 22, 1903. Present: Simonson, and Sheridan Having examined school site, sec. *9 48-5 and found said lot stumped and cleared according to agreement, | the board audited and allowed Andrew Gliddie’s bill of $45 for said job, also $7.50 to Frank Torbob, Nels Palm’s helper. Meeting adjourned. J. A. Sheridan, Secretary. September 25. Special meeting. Present, Simonson and Sheridan. The following bills were audited and allowed: Win Olho i, freight and drayage ... $37 48 A W SvMin fitt’g up closets and wood sV ed In old f*eh< ol at Woodland. labor and lumber as per l>ill 47 45 H Johnson, pain'lnir and calc'.minlug Pioneer scbool, rooms in Walker and church schools, bal due 61 40 Finstad & Aune, 8 chairs for Hoveda and Soutu branch schools 8 10 A P Mt lstrand hauling stone for foundation for Benoit school to be built next year 19 00 Meeting adjourned. J. A. Sheridan. Washburn Oct. 2nd, 1903. Regular meeting of executive board of school directors. Present: L, A. Simonson, presi d >nt; J, A. Sheridan, secretary. Absent: A. P. Melstrand. The following business was tran sacted. Payroll for teachers and janitors for the month of September, was audited and allowed. $1899 58. The board then took up the matter of hauling the children to Cherryville scbool from around head quarters. The ooard finds that the road to said school is in such a condition that children cannot travel it without getting wet and muddy and en dangering their healih. Hence the board by unamiuous consent agreed to let the hauling of children from Beacher’s place to Cherryville school to Mr. Beacher and that said Mr. Beacher be paid for said service from October sth at the rate of $22 per month until further notice, the board reserving the right to cancel said contract at any time. Mr. Nels Wesrerland having ar rived to report on the furnace in church school said manter was con sidered. On recommendation of Mr. Westerland the board decided to put a box stove in said building in place of furnace now in use there, And that the stove now in said furnace be used for said purposes if found tit, and Mr. Westerland was authorized to attend to having said change made. The following bills were then audited and allowed.. Hels Palm, bal on contract fur plaster ing Manual Training room and other * votk .... .Vm.. 38 00 W IJ. Wfßeha, - for 'building school at Moquak an 4 l®ktj of one aere ef THE WAbHBURN TIMES THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5. ground on which said school stands for five yesrs.... 225 00 Morgan & Axelberg. insurance 78 88 L N Clausen, insurance 61 00 Akeley & Sprague, lumber 80 q 8 >Visconsin Telephone Cos., rentals from July Ist to Aug. Ist 6 95 John Walsh, legal services 5 00 L P Denoyer. globes, maps, etc 133 43 Arntson & Simonson, mdse 283 W H Smith, taking census 8 00 W H Kerr, cleaning chimney, stove and wood work 5 00 M II Van Kirk, hauling stove to Wood land 2 00 ItOEvens&Co. school furniture 157 20 li Ungrodt. hardware 20 82 Joseph Winezel, cleaning chimney, stove pipe, ete 5 00 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. J. A. Sheridan, Secy. October Bth, 1903. Special meeting. Present: —L. A. Simonson, Pres., and J. Sheridan, Secy. The following bills were audited and allowed. George Hagen, labor and irdse diet. 5 10 00 Wm Foley, cleaning anc; fencing school lot at Junction 32 60 F 8 Colqulioun. pump,stove end hard ware 41 83 A Paulson, mdse for sc>ool 2 77 E Bergman, stove, oil and hardware.. 67 98 Angie Gienertlabeling school b00k5.... 600 Estahrook & Olsons carpet for school. 57 26 Herman Johnson, painting school at Junction 41 00 Meeting adjourned. J. A. Sheridan, Secy. The Salva That Heals Without leaving a scar is DeWitt’s The name Witch Hazel is applied to many salves, but DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, is the only Witch Hazel Salve made that contains the pure, unadulterated Witch Hazel, if any other Witch Hazel Salve, is offered .you it is a counterfeit, E. C. DeWitt invented Witch Hazel Salve and DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvs is the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter or blind, bleeding, itching and protrud ing piles. Sold by Fox Bros. A Dozen Times a Night, Mr. Oen Dunn, of Benton Ferry. W. Va., writes: “I have had kidney and bladder trouble tor years, and it became so bad that I was obliged to get up at least a dozen times a night I never received any permanent benefit from any medicine until I tried Foley’s Kidney Cure. After using two bottles, I am cured.” Sold by Frost & Spies Wateh the Kidneys. “W’hen they are affected, life is in danger,” says Dr. Ahernethy, the great English physician. Foley’s Kidney Cure mades sound kidneys, Sold by Frost & Spies. SMITH © SMITH, Always the Best. CLEARING SALE will continue for another WEEK. a Great Bargains in the Grocery Line in order to reduce our immense stock before we move. Buy now and save money. Yours for trade, SMITH & SMITH. Good Furniture Can’t be Made in a Night. And that which is can’t be sold in the daylight. The furniture offered here has not been hastily constructed. It is made of well seasoned lumber in factories where the quality of the output is of more importance than the quantity. This furniture will be in use when the children’s children of our cus tomers are setting up housekeeping. A few prices will tell the story of values. Wei 1 made furniture is not necessarily expensive. FINSTAD 6 AUNE. A Mlbhkrm. Wi*. KNIGHT E3 LOCK. About Women’s Walking Skirts- Tvl and. Light Golor^. Our early Fall purchases are about closed out. One Hundred New Skirts will be added to our stock this week. About every wanted weave will be found here. There are a good many styles represented. The prices range all the way from $4.00 to 12.00 each. THa Win+Ar for Women. New arrivrls every day or two. About a dozen I 11C Wllllcr nobby things just received by express. To keep posted on Coat Styles visit ouo cloak room. TUa Of Misses’ and children’s Coats has not been neglected. Big selection of new I 11C O LUCK, styles in the latest materials, at from §55.00 to SIO.OO. George .A.. SjD&rliingf, Knight Block, - - Ashland, Wi®. NORTHERN PACIFIC Excursions to the Coast Begin ning September 15th- Fare to Billings, Montana, $l7. Logan, Montana, $2O. Helena and Butte Missoula, $22. Anaconda, $22, Mullen, Idaho, to Ellensburg, Washington, $24.50. All N. P. Coast points $27. Southern Pacific Portland to Ashland, Oregon, inclusive $27. Reserve vour Berths Earlv. % Fall Styles J iN/\. Now in on mt IH/ Hanan Sc Son’s Men’s and Ladies’ Shoes iKpsSa soros is LaLonde’s Cash Shoe House. - Wisconsin. f finest turnouts 1 • * lit •• • LIVERY In the City at . C. L. Willey’s Stables A We Study the Art of Fashion. ■ We devote a great deal of time in studying the art of fashion. Our garments have been compared with the best tailors in the country and ack nowledged equally as good in every way and you only have to pay us one half of metropolitan tailors prices and no more than the charges by tailors whose qualities and styles are uncertain. Give us your business and we will do the rest. Largest line to select from. Levinson Bros., Ashland Nat’l Bank Bldg. High Art Tailors. HEW ENGLAND STORE. THE DAYLIGHT STORE. ASHLAND, WISCONSIN. 50 ■■j&X Years v of Success This is our record. From a small beginning we have grown until our fac tories now cover many acres. Many of our machines sold forty to fifty years ago 're still giving their user* faithful service. Can anything ba mort con vincing of their merits and durability? Did you ever hear of any other machine With such a record? Note a few of the many superior points of the Wheeler & Wilson il.. q Sewing Machine Wliu The Rotary Hook displaces the old, out-of-date, unmechanical and trouble some shuttle. The Frictionless ball bearings and per fect mechanical construction enable it to be operated with one-third less exertion than is required by ordinary machines. It sews three yards of goods while a shuttle machine sews two. It makes the most elastic and most perfect stitch whether sewing light or h*&f y goods. With our superior attachments the greatest variety of work is possible. Do not make the mistake of buying a sewin< machine until you have given the Wheeler & Wilson No. 9 a trial. Wheeler t Wilson Jlfg. 80., Chicago, w. For Sale by A. Paulson, Washburn,Wis.