Newspaper Page Text
Local Personal. Dr. Sprague, Optician, at Fox’s Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. John Conuei have returned from Hawthorne, Miss Nellie Geisert is visiting with relatives at Menornonie. Vivian Paulson returned from his visit at Fall River Saturday. Miss Helga Erickson of Eau Claire is visiting at the Mortenson home. Max Helmer and w'fe, of Iron River, were in the city last Friday. Chas. Morris, of Iron River, is the proud father of a son, Sat urday. Mr. J. C. McCreight is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Marsden. A son has been born to Mr and Mrs. Charles Rummel, during the past week. Elmer Oistad returned from a visit to his grandparents of Black Earth Saturday. T. H. Hillman; of Spooner, spent Tuesday in the city looking after business matters. Joseph Riley has been, here from Chippewa Falls this week looking after his farm, at Sicux River. >• Mr. and Mrs. John Baxtrom have been visiting in the city part of the time during the past week. C. B. Simpson returned the last of the week from Lac du Flambeau, where he has been on a business trip. Mrs. Shannon Scanlon is packing her millinery goods here, and is preparing to move from Washburn, Gentry’s big show will draw the crowds tomorrow. Pick out your babies to carry along to see the big show. O. E. Olson, who has been having a serious time with appendicitis, is recovering, He escaped u idergoing an operation. Mr. andMrs.J. W.Spear were here Saturday from Iron River. Mr. Sp*ar is operating a board of trade in that place. Frank A. Lamb was here over Sunday and visited at the hom of 'f- and Mrs. E. W. Bruce, with his wife and child. The Ladies Aid Society of the Congregatoinal Church will meet with Mrs. George Calder next Wed nesday afternoon. < T. S. Robbins, of Rhinelander, looked after business interests in Washburn and Sioux River the fore part of the week. James Ames and wife, of Kaukau na, relatives of Clarence Wright, have been spending a week with the latters family in this city. Miss Mary Rowe came home from St. Paul this week, to see her nother, Mrs. A. L. Rowe, of Engoe, who has been very poorly. Attorneys J. J. Miles, W. M. Tomkins aud George McDonald were here from Ashland Tuesday. They were looking after lega’ affairs. Captain William O’Neil was home "rom Cass Lake, Minnesota, over Sunday, visiting with his wife, and 'acidentally calling on old friends,, Circuit Court Reporter E. A. trong was over from Ashland Mon lay, looking after some matters in connection with his official position. Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Lampson re amed from a visit Carlton. Min esota, Thursday night. They came own from Duluth on the Steamer toore. Eyes examined free at Fox’s Drug tore. Dr. Sprague, Optician. Parties going to St. Louis via hicago can secure stop over at '-hicago of ten days when buying ckets via the Northern Pacific. SMITH <3 SMITH, Always the Best. is stranger than fiction But it is the TRUTH ’hat Reception Canned Goods re among the best on the f arket. Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegtables lways the Best. SMITH & SMITH. Mrs. Fosshage of Mount Iloreb, and Miss Emma PauLon, of Black Earth, sisters of A, Paulson, Mrs. Oistad and Mrs. J, Kinney, are visit ing in the city this week. Assessor L. H. Lien is preparing to run a blue berry camp, and ex pects to have it in operation just as soon as he can get through with the work of the board of review. Judge "William H. Irish performed a marriage ceremony at the court house last Saturday, the contracting parties being John A. Keith and Miss Ada V. Decker, both of Bay field. Mrs. Sample, formerly Miss Tessie Bowes, has been visiting rel atives and old friends in the city during the week. Mrs. Sample’s home is in Milwaukee, where she has lived for several years. Wlil Hellatid was here trom Ash land the latter part of the past week. He is spending his summer vacation assisting Dr. Dodd. Will has been taking the medical course in the Minnesota state university. The family of E. E. Kenfield, with a number of guests, have been spending the past ten days at Mad line Island camping. They have the Angus cottage, and expect to re main in camp for another week or two. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Lincoln and family have returned from a pleas ant week in camp at Houghton. Mrs. Wheeler, of Chicago, who has been enjoying the outing with them has returned to her home in Chi cago. The steamer Barker took a big excursion around the islands Sunday, making a stop at Devils Island for its party. The weekly excursions of the Skater are becoming very popular, and are being well patron ized. , Mrs. Smith, mother of Mrs. Jay Spear, left here for her home in Marquette, Michigan, Saturday, after an extended visit. Mrs. Spear, who has been in an Ashland hospital for some time, is back again in Wash burn, The camping party at Houghton, which was composed cf a large num ber of youDg people, is gradually disolving and the campers are com ing h}me again, feeling greatly re freshed as a result of their restful outing. - - The board of review has been in session this week, and have been go ing over the roll, making a number of corrections. The matter of the assessment of the Hines Lumber company has taken up considerable time, bnt has been adjusted. Uoald Ebacher, Dave Deline and family, Jerome Roy, J. Baker, John Cadieaux and Fred Contain left last week for the Shrine of St. Anne D’Beaupre. Canada. The annual pilgrimage to the shrine is attract ing people from all over the country. The finest crops the northern part of the state ever had are being grown this year. The yield of hay, which is now being taken care of, is something immense, while vege tables, berries, grains and every thing else are yielding very heavily. A.L. Lamoreaux and family of Minneapolis, have been guests of Mr. Lamoreaux’s brother during the past week. Mr. M. S. Lamor eaux of Chicago, another brother, has also been here. He was on his way home after a trip through the Yellowstone Park. Constipation, headache, backache, feel mean, no appetite, all run down. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well Money back, if it fails. 35 cents. Tea or tablet from. Frost & Spies. f ffiich S*ind L// a/ _ /or the Jfcousewife . By trading at our store you get the best goods for /Of the money. J Our s^oc k- strictly high \ grade throughout and we r*s\) \\f//// would like a trial order to J f rW conv i nce y° u that here is fJjS pl ace to y° ur trading. Prompt Delivery and the best of Treatment. We are sole agents herefor Hubbard Milling Compa.ny*s Superlative Flour the best on the market. Washburn Co-Operative Store. Ashland has already start* and the ball rolling for a Labor day celebra tion. If Washburn is to observe the event its people should l, egin to get busy and prepare to arrange some thing just a little bit better in that line than has ever before been pulled cl* on this side of the bay, The Bayfield County Teachers’ln stitute will open at Washburn, Aug ust 15th and continue two weeks. Prof. S. A. Lynch of the West Su perior State Normal School and F. W. Thomas, of Medford, will be the instructors. Examinations for teachers’ certificates will beheld August 29th and 30th. The new boitleing plant at the Home Brewery is in operation, and bottled goods for the home trade is being prepared for the market. The brewery has been contemplating this addition for a time, and now that they have it in the\' feel that they are supplying anew branch of business that has for many years been neglected in Washburn. Mrs. Nelson Young died at the home of her daughter in this city last Wednesday night. The funeral services were held from the Catholic church, of which she was a devout member, Saturday morning. Mrs. Young has been iu poor health for a number of years, and for the past few weeks was very poorly. She leaves a husband and a number of children to mourn her death. The blueberry crop this year is said to be splendid, and although the berries are hardly ripe enough yet for general picking, still it will not be many days before they will be ready to be harvest. Local people and some of the big blueberry Pay ers down the eountrv have been getting the biggest fields located, and there will undoubtedly be an increased shipment this year over previous years. James Sullivan, a brother of Mrs. Charles Murray, died at Stevens Point last week, the result of an accident at Spooner a few days be fore. While riding on a freight train he fell peueath the wheels taking off his right arm, He walked into Spooner, but not until he had lost a great amount of blood, and was in a dangerous condition. The Spooner authorities took him to his home at Stevens Point, where he died. Mrs. Murray was*present at tho funeral. The boat men say that the Wash burn people who attended the Maia Brothers circus at Ashland Monday were not large in point of number, perhaps not over one hundred go ing from here to see the attraction. Those who did witness the perform ance were quite well pleased with the circus. It was clean in every respect, and although not very large yet the performance was good in every way, and it contained many new and intersting features. The Times has received a letter trom A. E. Bronson, one of our former Washburnites. Mr. Bron son went west last winter with A. Nickerson, and the two engaged in the saw mill business at Troy, Idaho. The firm has dissolved. Mr. Bronson retiring. He is now located at Spokane, Washington, has a good position building anew saw mill, and is getting along nicely. He re ports that Frank Colquhoun and other Washburn men who have gone west, are apparently all getting along nicely. Harvest Hand Rates. The Northern Pacific will make a rate of $6.00 to all points in Min nesota and North Dakota as far west as Bismark, N. D., for party of five or more. Call at Depot for further information. W. B. Duffy. S£>°T HEW ENGLAND STORE. CSSSSS. THE DAYLIGHT STORE. ■ KJPE, for the picking: 7 Here area few Special Bargains that are good choosing. This word “SPECI VL ,; wo mean in it- Broadeat, Fullest sense, for every one of these lots ARE SPECIALS! Each item to be sold iiist they are advertised. ‘ J k Shirt Waist Suits. A lot of pretty Shirt waist suits, waist and skirt, that will be sold for about the price of the waist $4.89 and $5.00 suits for $2.98 6.00 and 6,50 suits for 3.98 8.00 suits will be sold for 4.98 12.50 suits will be sold for 7.98 ' Parasols. Worth 75c and SI.OO for 50c Worth 1.25 and 1.50 for 89c Worth 2.00 and 2.69 f0r.... 1.39 Worth 4.50 for 2.69 Cravanette Coats. Just received anew line. dM f~\ -j-p. d'QYX popular prices, from LU Lace and Tapestry Curtains. If .you have a Lace Cartain or Tapestry Curtain need, make your selection now. These prices hold good for one week. SI.OO curtains 80c. $1.25 curtains SI.OO. $2.00 curtains $1.60. $3 00 curtains $2.40. $5 00 curtains $7.50 curtains $6.00. SIO.OO curtains SB.OO. $15.00 curtains $12.00. Ladies’ suits, some half price, some one-third off! Shirt waists goino- at2o per cent disennnti Carpet and Matting Romnants, One-third offf (5/>e Nectar of the Soda fountain is to be found at f)olAn § Qo’s. Confectionery and Fruits Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, School Supplies and Notions. DON’T TRY rn Don’t try to iron those lace Curtains at home. You only make yourself a great deal oi trouble and they won’t look good when they are done. ; Give them to us. We know how to laundry them, because we have studied and thought over it. Let us use our know ledge on your curtains. Washburn Steam Laundry. G. F. Richard, Prop. W. G. Maxcv, D. M. Maxcy. C. O. Sowder, President. • Vice President. Cashier. Bayfield County Bank, Washburn, Wisconsin. ORGANIZED 1889. Capital fully Paid $20,000 Transacts a general banking business, pays interest on time deposits, loans on farm mort gages. Has a savings department. Bank Opposite Hotel Washburn. Pilgrim & Brown, Painters and Decorators. Carriage and Sign Work a Specialty. Buildings painted. Inside work given careful Attention. TOWN LOTS BARG AIN S KSrs Parties wanting Lots for Building Purposes orfor Gar dens can find what they want at Low Prices. M LOTS Will be sold on &MALL AND TERMS. The same applies to the towns Bayfield, Iron River,LOrienta, Pratt and Port Wing.' Call on or write D. M. MAXCY, Washhi<-, Wisconsin, 90000009000000X000900009909 Yes Its Hot, But Seven walls preserve the ICE in one of our Wisconsin 0 Peerless Refrigerators & The only refrigerator made with this perfect construction. The Ice Rack is made of Galvanized Steel and can be easily removed for cleaning Perfect sanitary system for carrying off the water by our glass drip cup. Y/asbbarn Hardware Qompany, Washburn, Wisconsin. F. Tetzner, Dealer in Fresh ana -Salt Meats, Fish and Game in Sea son. Always reliable. The Pioneer in the Business. We Satisify our Customers — That’s why their trade. WLLIAM GUSTAFSON, DEALER IN Pi<Wfc <y\oddine<s . . Window Shades . . 420 W.||Second St. ASHLAND, WIS Ladies’ Kimonas, Ad closing’ prices right when, you need them 46c and 60c Kimonas for only 75c and 1.00 Kimonas for only 1.25 and 1.90 Kimonas for only B9c 2.00 Kimonas for only % 39 Walking and Dress \ odes, mohairs and all summer weights at the following prices: 5.00 and 6.00 shirts for 3.89 7.50 and 8.00 skirts for 4.3$ 10.00 and 12.00 skirts for 5 gg Street Hats. orth 1.50 and 2.00. Choice (jg^ Any sailor hat in the house. Choice.’. .255