Newspaper Page Text
Local $ Personal. Emily Sundwall left yesterday for Minneapolis. John A. Packard visited Spooner for a short time Sunday. Miss Helen Moutbrien left Sunday for Eau Clair, fora visit. The steamer Buffalo loaded at the elevator last Thursday afternoon. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Carson during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hovind left Sun dav for Chippewa Falls, to attend the fair. Miss Sadie -Sands, of Rice Lake, is in the city visiting friends and relatives. The schooner Heivcsha loaded lumber at the Hines dock during the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Fluck returned from a week at Milwaukee Saturday. Miss Olga Herring left Sunday for Chippewa Falls, to visit with her people. Miss Nellie Williams, of Ashland, spent Sunday in the city the guest of Miss McKanna, Ed. Starr returned home from Drummond Monday. He has away several weeks. Mrs. W. J. Maitland aud Mrs. E. C. Stevens returned Sunday from a trip down the lakes. Mrs. F. A. Buol came up from Bibon last Friday night to visit with her relatives here. Ole Rowe, chairman of the town of Washburn, is at Chippewa Falls this week, attending the fair. Miss Ethel Mcßeath left Saturday for Winona, Minnesota, where she will attend school for the winter. The Ladies of the Maccabees were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Jaka Segal Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. V. T. Mann left for her home at Sun Prairie last Friday after noon after a short visit in this city. Byron Harris is in the city again, aster having spent a part of the past year in different parts of the country. Mae Waite, who has been employed on The Times force for the past five months, left Friday for her home at Drummond. Miss Eva Axelberg left Monday morning for Northfield, Minn., where she expects to attend the St. Olaf’s Academy at that place the coming year. W. R. Payton and wife, of Duluth, were in the city the first of the week. Mr. Payton is a member of the whoierale firm of Go wan, Payton, Twohy & Company. Ole Holgren came up from Hay ward the latter part of last week to visit for a few days. Ole is located on a farm near that place and says he likes it first rate. E. C. Stevens and W. J. Maitland were at Ashland Sunday where they went to meet their wives who re turned on the Steamer Hines from a trip down the lakes. O. BRAUN, M. D., Specialist of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses scientifically fitted. Braun Block, Coyner 4th Avenue West and Second Street, Ashland, Wis. A reception to Rev. J. E. Cooke and wife and to the neAV school teachers was given at the Methodist parsonage last [evening, and was at tended|by many of our people. Mary—Sponge the pimples with warm water, You need a blood tonic, would advise you to take Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. It drives away aT eruptions. 35 cents. Tea or tablet form. Fox Bros. SMITH 6 SMITH, P Iways the Best. Truth is stranger than fiction But it is the TRUTH That Reception Canned Goods are among the best on the Market. Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegtables Always the Best. SMITH & SMITH. The Steamer Plowboy is now on the Washburn—Ashland run, taking the old time card of the steamer Lucile, and will continue in the ferry business until the season closes. Albert Lemieux, alderman from the eighth ward, and Alfred Leroux have recently returned from Port Arthur, Ontario, where they worked the greater p.rt of the summer. Mr. G. W. Smith left Monday for Carbondale, Pa. He has been at work for some time at the dynamite plant putting up machinery for the Carbondale Machine Company, Peter J. Bestler was in the city a few days the first of the week visit ing old friends. Peter expects to build a store eight miles from Cum berland where he intends to engage in business, The republican county convention to be held in this city next Monday promises to be a very entertaining affair. The candidates are all busy liuing up their men in their interests of their causes. The grocery store of Smith & Smith has gone out of business, the proprietors finding business too dull to warrant continuing. John Walsh has been named as trustee for the creditors and will close out the stock. Quite a number of people left yes terday for Esau, Arkansas, to make their future home. The members of the paity were John Murphy and family. James Johnson and family, Mrs. Robert Sweezy aud Mrs. Irviug Morse. W. A. Loveland, accompanied by his wife and son, left Sunday for Sioux City, lowa, where the family will remain during the winter. Mr. Loveland will soend a short time at the latter place looking after busi ness interests. City Clerk R. A. Hering has de termined that the total assessed val uation of the city of Washburn will be $1,191,512 this year, of which $471,337 is upon personal property. He has iust concluded his report to the county clerk. Mis Mabel Pederson left Sunday for Chicago, where she will spend some time in the study of vocal mus ic. Miss Pederson has considerable natural talent, and her people expect she will be able to accomplish a great deal during the coming year. The republican caucuses will be held throughout the county next Saturday night. There are all kinds of candidates. Some of the candi dates for the different offices will make a struggle for the delegates from their own wards independent of any of the aspirants for sheriff. These candidates claim that to make a showing in the convention they must have the local support of their wards. In former years the sheriff ship has been about the only thing much attention has been paid to. but the other candidates say this is an injustice to them and are making a fight in different parts of the city. The county convention will meet next Monday to nominate a ticket. A Power fOr Good. The pills that are potent in their action and pleasant in effect are De- Witt’s Little Early Risers. W. S. Philpot, of Albany, Ga. Says:“ Dur ing abilious attack I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any other pill I ever took and at the same time the effect was pleasant. Little Early Risers are certainly an ideal pill. t ’ Sold by Fox Bros. . t f / Dry Wood for Sale. I have a large amount ol dry hard wood for sale reasonable. If in need of a load or more let me know. O. J. Olson. We are sole agents here for Hubbard Milling Ccmpany’s Superlative Flour the best on the market. Washburn Co~ Operative Store. DRUMMOND Mrs. Taylor and daughter Gladys made a business trip to Ashland Wednesday. The Royal Neighbors are going to hold their lodge in the afternoon hereafter, so more of the members can be able to attend. Mr. A. Geselle, traveling for Ginn & Cos., visited with his cousin, E. Geselle and family, a few hours last Thursday. Our new minister, who is very sick with typhoid fever, was taken ts the Sisters Hospital at Ashland. Mr. Goodwin, manager of the Com pany store, returned Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hare and chil dren returned home Friday evening after a months visit with relatives in Canada. Miss Maggie Bohn entertained the reading circle club Monday. The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. P. O. Berg Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Mikelson was taken to the Sister’s Hospital at [JEau Claire Thursday morning for medical treat ment. Rev. Reed and family went to Cadott Thursday, where they intend to make their home. Mrs, F. Fitz returned home Sat urday morning. Mr. Carter transacted business in Cable Saturday. Mr. Geo. Fischer, who works in the company’s office, is taking his vacation. Mr. Towle is to move in the Reed house on First street. Miss Grace Mowers ishomefrem from Ashland. Mr. Jones was down from Wash burn on business Friday. Miss Mae Waite, who has been working in the Times office, is down from Washburn. We are glad to see her smiling face. Mrs. Herne is away on business. She left Monday afternoon. Mrs. Mowers and children are vis iting at Mondovi and Eau Claire. Father Patrick, of Bayfield, will hold services here every second Sun day of each month. Norwegian services were held here Sunday. Mrs. O. Marten and son Ralph returned the latter part of last week from Eau Claire. Mr. Olson is attending the St. Louis fair. Mr. Mikelson returned from Eau Claire the latter part of the week, saying that his wife is getting along nicely. Mr, Thorp spent Sunday with his family at Cable. The Wisconsin Central Ry. Reaches the principal points in Wisconsin, offering Pulman Sleepers Free Reclining hair chair, modern ciaehes and dining and afe service between hicago, Milwaukee, Mani towoc, aud St, Paul. Minneapolis, Ashlaud and Duluth, onnectio.n are made with diverging lines at all terminal points. Meals served a la carte. For tickets, sleeping car re serservation and further informa tion apply to agents of this company or write Jas. C. Pond, Gen’l.Pass. Agt.,Milwaukee, VVis f A New Jersey Editors Testimonial M. T. Lynch, editor of the Philips burg, N. J. Daily Post, writes: “I have used many kinds of medicines for coughs and colds in my family but never anything so good as Foley’s Honey and Tar, I cannot say too much in praise of it.” Frost & Spies. THE DAYLIGHT STORK. 1 I ■ ■ ■ **rßl 1 For Monday, Tuesday an I Wednesday, Sept. 19, 20, 21. #|#|o IJf r p A for choice of about a dozen suits, ali this years styles Av |l JL Jr • Lt v<* and worth S2O, §25, §35. S4O and S6O. I * Ladies’ Voile Mohair and Serge Skirts. Ladies’ Voile, Mohair and Serge Skirts, worth $6.00, 7.50, 8.50, 9.00 3 0 j “ “ “ ££ ££ ££ “ 810,00, 12.00 $4.50 Emb’d Linen Waist patterns, worth $4.50 .-19^ Pretty Shirt Waists. Shirt Waists Worth $1.25 and 1.39 49cent “ “ “ §4.00 4.50 4.69 and 5.00 9g Kimonas of ali Kinds. Kimonas, Worth 75cents 25cents $1.50 69eents £2.00 89eents George A. BSr-i i’ 1 i ngg, Knight Block. - = -Ashland, Wisa, German Syrup We want to impress on our readers that Boschee’s German Syrup is positively the only preparation on the market today that does relieve and cure consumption. It contains the specifice, such as pure tar, ex tracts of gum, etc, etc., which have been so highly endorsed for the cure of coughs, colds and consumption by the great medical congresses. The consumptive, whether his disease is in the throat or lungs, must have rest at night, and be free from the spasm of dry and racking cougu in the morning. The diseased parts want rest, healing and soothing tseatment, and the patient needs fresh air, good food, etc, German Syrup will give free and easy ex pectoration in the morni.jg with speedy and permanont relief, Smal bottles 25 cents; regular size, con taining nearly four times as much, 75 cents. At Frost & Spies. XLe Stomach is the Man. A weak stomach weakens the man because it cannot transform the food he eats into nourishment. Health and strength cannot be re stored to any sick man or weak woman without first, restoring health and strength to the stomach. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive the tired and run down limos and organs of the body, Kodol Dyspep sia cure digests what you eat, clean ses and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Fox Bros. Louisiana Purchase Exposition At St Louis. April 30, to Dec. 1,1904. For this occasion the Omaha will sell tickets at the following rates: Season tickets, $31.05 for round trip. Tickets on sale daily until Nov. 15th, and good returning until Dec. 15th, 1904. 60 day ticket, $25.90 for round trip. Tickets o:i sale-until Nov. 20th and good returning 60 days from date of sale. 10 day ticket $23.30 for round trip. Tickets on sale daily until Nov. 30 1 h and good re turning 10 days from date of sale. For further information call at the Omaha Depot Omaha Excursions. North Wisconsin State Fair Chip pewa Falls, Wis., Sep. 12 to 16. 1904. For this occasion the Omaha will sell tickets to Chippewa Falls and return at $4:65, Tickets on sale Sep. 11 to 16 and good returning until and including Sep. 17, 1904. For further particulars call at the Omaha Depot. MODERN WOODMEN. Bay view Gamp No. 1029. Meets on the Second and Fourth Fridays or each month at Wood men hall. Visiting Woodmen are cordially invited. Avoid serious resuits of kidney or bladder disorder by taking Foley’s Kidney Cure. Frost & Spies. F. Tetzner, Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish and Game in Sea son. Always reliable. The Pioneer in the Business. We Can Satisfy Our Customers — That’s why we hold their trade. Open Season For Partridge, Pheasant, Prairie Chickes. Grouse, Plover and Snige begins Sept. Ist We have a complete stock of sin gle amc double barrel and repeating 0 Shot Guns 0 & Also factory loaded shells for all guns. If you are going out for BIG GAME take one of ot rifles with you, any caliber. 22 32 Special 30-30 303 32-40 35 38-55 and 30 U. S. A. We have ammunition for all of them. Washburn fkrdware Qotnpany, Washburn, Wisconsin. TOWN LOTS P A DP A IMQ IN LOTS IN THE ORIGINAL TOv3 : DAIaGjAI i> O SITE OF WASHBURN AND IN AL ADDITIONS. Parties wanting Lots for Building Purposes or for Gar dens can find what they want at Low Prices. M LOTS h- Will be sold on &MALL PAYME,NT<S> AN® EASY TERMS, The same applies to the towns Bayfie and, Iron River,' Orienta, Pratt and Port Wing. Call on or write D. M. MAXCV Waslihnu*n. Wisconsin,