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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
N C EME Having purchased the interest of M> Beckma n in the Clothing, Gents, Furnishing Goods and Shce business 1 wish to announce that I will remain in the same line of business and in the same place. As lam going to remodel and improve the interior of my score, and also incidentaly make room for Spring and Summer goods which will arrive in the latter part of February and first of March Iwill give you a partial list of what I will offer you for the balance of January and February: Strictly on the Square/ Clean up Sale/ Snvestiyation will prove it Jf will offer a wide range of servicaebie shoe bargains fo? f/Jcn and i/Sogs* <Tfll tShoes worth at regu lar retail prices $2.50 or over will be cut SI.OO per pair. *2)on ’t jCet this chance slip bg. Look at These ss 00 shoes will be sold at $4 00 4 50 “ “ “ “ 3 50 4 00 “ “ “ “ 3 00 3 50 44 “ “ “ “ 2 50 3 00 “ 44 “ 2 00 2 50 “ c - 44 “ “ 1 50 2 25 “ “ “ “ “ 1 50 2 00 “ 41 “ “ 1 50 1 75 ' “ “ “ •• 1 25 1 50 “ 44 “ “ 1 00 1 35 “ * 4 “ “ 44 1 00 1 25 “ “ *• “ “ 95 $2.25 ShoePacs 1 E7A $2.50 Goingat .j\J Extra Special Men’s and Boys’ Caps 75c andsl caps, all sizes at 50c. 50c and 65c Caps, all sizes at 25c. Special Bargains Men’s and Boys’ Pants. Have picked out 220 pairs of pants in odd sizes 1, 2 and 3 of a kind left. More 32, 33, 34, 40 waist than any other sizes. Prices on a good many cut i and of the better patterns and sizes cut Every pair of pants a bargain. I am quoting strictly Cash Prices on Goods. t 3 \ Thanking you for your patronage in the past, and hoping that I may merit same in future* I remain, sincerely yours, Kinneyßuilding. CASH STORE. Upper Bayfield St. Overcoats. I do not want to carry over a single heavy over coat. Will sell as follows: S2O 00 Men’s Overcoats sell sls 00 18 00 '} “ 44 14 00 15 00 ' “ “ u 12 50 13 50 “ - “ “ 11 00 12 00 f‘ *• “ 10 00 10 00 “ 44 “ 8 00 15 00 Ulsters “ “ 9 50 12 00 “ “ “ 8 00 19 00 “ 44 “ 7 00 Boy’s Overcoats: II 00 overceats will go at 800 850 44 “ “ “ 650 750 “ “ 44 550 500 44 44 “ ,4 400 400 44 44 44 t 4 327 350 44 “ - 4 4 4 300 Clearance Sale price on Men s suits, I have an over supply of sizes, 35-36-37, which will be cut 1-3 of regular prices. Good new goods both for winter and summer wear. About 150 Suits of Children’s Clothing will also be cut way down in price. $5 00 and $4 00 Suits, sale price $3 00 4 00 44 3 50 “ 44 “ 2 50 3 00 44 2 50 44 44 2 00 A big bunch of them at $1 50 and some at 75c. Special lot of Knee Pants, some 60. 65 and 75c pants Your choice at 35c. Another lot at 30c. Boys’ mitts both faced and knitt, regular 25c at 15c. fIHE&SB; More Values. r 1 have on hand about two hundred Stiff Bosom shirts white and colored, regular $1 and $1.25 values. Such makes as Monarch. Elgin and Summit to choose from, sale price , J \J\* Another lot of 100 shirts both soft and 2 C ~ stiff bosom at s J A smaller and broken lot in odd sizes at 25c I also have more than I want left of blue and black Buffalo Flannel Shirts, regular $1.50 shirts sell at $1.15. Boy’s Underwear, for mer price 50c, to close out at 35c. Fleece lined for boys 20c. To close out balance of Sweater stock will cut price 50c on each. Mens’ 3'piont double-breasted brown Mackinaw Coats. Jean lined. Former price $5.00 now $4.00. mmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmarma wu iwxtMuraK ■ ■ 11 ■— No Trouble to show you. COME EARLY AND OFTEN- SUE