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i :S.w Their Way Out of Jail Hudson, The notorious horse thief, Sain B, Tripp, and George Hurt on, a well know St, Paul CFO;--k and train workei, broke jail here. With the aid of con federates from the outside they cat. a hole only seven by ten inches through the vire screen in the west corridor window, and through this made their escape, Tripp was held for grand d Burton fcr )eingoi e the of St, Paul gang, who, a year ago on an Omaha train, held up George Markham while at agame of cards. He forfeited a bond of si,ooo last spring, but was recaptured ast fall. Sheriff Adolph Johnson and his deputy, Hans Hagestad, had just been sworn in and this was their first official experience. Xempf Takes His Office Madison, —The state treasury depa rtrnent was formally turned over to John J. Kempf by Thomas M. Purtell, the retiring treasurer, a letter acknowledging the transfer and receipt of sun dry sums of money and certain otner property of the state. The transfer was made after the accounts of the department had been checked up. Shortly before 9 o’clock last Thursday morning, the hour when che treasury department opens, Coi. John J. Hannan noti ced Purtell that the governor had approved Kempf’s special bond of $500,000. Therefore, when Kempf and his deputy, Walter S, Denning, presented themselves at the department, after it had opened, and asked that they be allowed to proceed with the work of checking up the accounts preliminary to the formal transfer Purtell readily consented. Kempf announced his deter seination tc take possession of his department and the srovernor hastened to remove any further obs tacle by approving the special kmd as soon as he heard of the new treasurer’s intention. Three membersof the old force of the office, Purtell Assistant Treasurer Herried, and Corres pondence Clerk Niles, retire. Denning succeeds Herried and j?. H. Madigan takes Niles’place.' Regarding his office force Mr. Kempf said: "The only assistant that I have formally appointed so far is Mr. Denning as deputy treasurer. On his advice and that of my attorney and others I have re tained for a time most of the present force, if the men will stay. Of course Denning takes Herried’s place and Madigan will succeed Niles. A mailing clerk will be appointed later to succeed the two university students now holding the place.” Tae men who will be retained, if they are willing to stay, are: Arthur Pugh of Racine. ~.head bookkeeper, SI,BOO a year; James Sexton of Madison, assistant book keeper, $1,800; Joseph Smethurst of Seneca, deposit clerk, $1,400, and Rodger M. Trump of Milwaukee, commerci al clerk, $1,200. Saved by a Living Chain. New York. —A peripathetic goat became angered this aft rnoon at a little red riding hood suit worn by MiUicent Adams, aged 6. The goat charged, head down, at the little girl when she was standing near the brink of a rocky incline in Harlem. Simultaneously with the rush of the goat a magnificant St. Bernard held in leash by a young woman, started in pursuit of the other ani mal. Her escort brought up the fKToe&ssion also moving rapidly. The goat struck little Millicent squarely in the back. She would have been knocked over the cliff if the goat’s horns had not become en ti&Rgied in her dress. She would have been dashed to pieces anyway if the St. Bernard had not grabbed the goat by the hindquarters, and it icot unlikely the two animals and the child would have gone over but ietr the fact that the young woman retained her hold on the leash, acid her resistance was intensified by a youag man, who ground his heels in the snow, threw his arms around the vonng woman’s waist and pulled back for dear life. When the human-animal chain was disentangled it was found the only serious damage was to the goat. Tuneful Tale of Beaver Tail. Lacheue, Can. —'Trench Ed” Lie fevre is going down to Montreal as soon as the snow crusts, with what he thinks will be the musical novelty of the season. Shortly before the moose began to yard, Lefevre snared four young beavers while they were hanging around a trap cn which he captured their mother. They were little ones and as their pelts were worthless he resolved to keep them as pets. He had a habit of whiling away the long evenings by pounding out “La Pul oma” on an old xylophone one of his summer patrons had left. Cne night when Ed was outside his shack chopping anew back log he was par alized to hear “La Paloma” some what out of tune and with a “bum uote” ever so often. Creeping up to the window he peeped in and saw his four little beavers sitting on their haunches, with their backs to his xylophone beating the Spanish melody with his their stumpy little 'ails. Ed put in the time until now train ing his pets and with a repartory of six long pieces and three short ones for encore?, he thinks he opened the door when opportunity knocked. A Good Fish Story. Woodbury, Wis.—What has been regarded as a peculiar phenomenon of nature was explained to-day. Ever since Rice Lake was frozen over it has been noticed That a nar row channel was always open at the entrance to the thorough fare lead ing into Alder Lake. Tom Miller early this morning no ticed that a thin coating of ice had formed during the night. While looking at it he was astonished to see a big musku'onge start from the east shore and acting for all the world like a tug bucking heavy ice, break its way to the other shore. Reaching that, the big fish which, according to Miller, must have weighed seven ty five pounds started back, trim ming up the rough edges of the channel, Mr. Miller says it wes the most re markable sight he ever witnessed. Catarrah Caunol be Cured i By local applications as they ejan uot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription, It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifi ers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh, Send for testimon ials tree. F. J. Chenney & Cos.. Props,, Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, Price 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. A Legal Antiquity. The feeling upon the subject of oaths among the earlier colonists of Mary land is shown by the following extract from a petition of assemblymen of the province, addressed to the lord pro prietary in 1649 and “signed by all the members present:’* “We do further humbly request your lordship that hereafter such ;hings as your lordship may desire of us may be done with as little swearing as con veniently may be, experience teaching us that a great occasion is given to much perjury when swearing becometh common.” Quick Turn. “Did you ever make any money on the board of trade?” “Yes, I made $175 there one day in less than twenty minutes.” “Whew! What did you do with it?” “Oh, they got it back before I had a chance to see it.”—Chicago Record-Her ald. ■. “Mother thinks you’ll make me a good wife,” said the girl’s intended. “Indeed?” replied the girl with the determined jaw. “You tell your moth er I’ll make you a good husband.”— Philadelphia Ledger. Entirely Useless. Agent—Buy a burglar alarm ? Mr. Man—What the deuce do I want with a burglar alarm when my wife hears them every niglit without one? Spend no strength in worry. You #?ed it all for duty.—Anon. DUTCH CHEESE MART QUAINT ALKMAAR AND ITS ANCIENT WEIGH HOUSE SCALES. A Town In Northern Holland Which For Over Two Hundred Years Has Had the “Rights to Weigh” Every Cheese Made In the Realm. Though Eidam, on the Zuyder Zee, gives its name to those rose red spheres we know as “Dutch cheeses,” which are instinctively associated with in digestion, yet it is Alkmaar, in north ern Holland, that conduces to the week ly importance of this edible of com merce, as any one who has ever stood in the quaint old market place upon a Friday, and about the hour of noon, will have speedily come to understand. For the Dutch cheese producer, in deed, “all roads” may be said to lead to Alkmaar, likewise all waterways, and there are many of them. Thither come the cheeses by rail, by cart and by boat; you stumble over the?k inside the station as you alight from the train; they dispute the right of way be tween the rows of narrow, many col ored and curiously gabled houses; they stand in solid stacks upon the landing stages —heaped up like cannon balls in readiness for an immediate bombard ment and, if ’twere not libelous to breathe aught savoring of disrespect to a friendly country’s national comesti ble, as deadly, possibly, also to an un accustomed stomach as their leaden prototypes. But, be that as it may, the cheese market is a rare good sight in quaint Alkmaar when the peasant proprietor and his vrouw come in to drive their bargain at the weigh hoouse with the wholesale agents from far and near, and every hostelry does its own brisk trade with both parties. Across those rounded bridges peculiar to Holland come shoals of peasant folk in pic turesque attire. Who does not know by now the dress with its glorious cap and golden “corkscrew” ornaments, the pride of many a generation, making pretty faces doubly bewitching and lending some subtle attraction to even the hardest featured dame well up in years? On they come—clatter, clatter, clatter, voluble with their guttural flu ency we somehow feel we ought to un derstand because of its confusingly familiar sound, but its very kinship to German sends us astray, and we listen and listen till the jargon about the weigh hoouse becomes a more hope less jumble of sounds than ever to our ears, and we content ourselves with turning our attention to the building itself. It stands where its richly paint ed facade can be seen clearly reflected in the cool, smooth waters of the neigh boring canal, a dignified old pile, built in 1651, with an especial eye to the growing importance of Dutch cheeses, Alkmaar having in that year received its “right to weigh” from William of Orange, and thus every cheese chang ing hands from that date onward hav ing passed from the producer to the dealer across the Alkmaar scales. The present ones, by the way, which have hung in their place since 1692, were made in Amsterdam at a cost of 858 guilders and, having conscientiously performed their duties without a hitch ever since, certainly speak volumes for the workmanship of 200 and odd years ago. Though the little town is thronged from earliest morn with orderly crowds of heavy Hollanders, it is not until the musical chimes within the all important weigh hoouse turret have signified the hour of noon by breaking forth in melody, generally from some well known comic opef*a, that the ac tual business of the day begins, al though, “unofficially,” both parties to the coming transactions have probably already taken time by the forelock over a glass of bollands in some inn on the maaikt. Now, however, the cumbersome ware is carried within doors, the time honored ceremony is gone through and the ticket stating the correct weight of each given, after which act the money changes hands. It is a study in temperament, this weigh hoouse scene in the little Dutch town. No “hurry skurry” mars the calm of the place or disturbs the phleg matic, pipe sucking individuals pri marily interested in the transactions here going forward. The cheese alone seems riotous and inclined to wholesale insubordination, with a mind to roll hither and thither, possibly resulting from some “subconscious” memory of cows, gree meadows and buttercups and a disinclination to coming bondage upon the prosaic shelves of some pro vision dealer. If so, we honor the “last kicks,” fu tile though they be, for accustomed hands soon pounce upon and gather op the stock, of which each single cheese weighs from two to six kilos, and they are swiftly carried out to make way for the next lot. And so on, ell through the day, does the traae pro ceed until the last “Eidamer” has been disposed of, but the extent of the busi ness done In so quiet and orderly a fashion on “cheese market days” may to some extent be gauged from the fact that no less than 5,000,000 pounds weight of Eidam cheeses are computed to pass through the Alkmaar weigh hoouse annually before proceeding to Amsterdam and Rotterdam, where each is duly invested with it familiar red coat, prior to more extended trav els, by land and by sea, often Into the heart of the unknown, travels, how ever, which almost invariably end within the inferior of man—Pall Mall Gazette. His Request. “Papa,” said little Arthur after his mother had punished him, “will you do something for me?” “What is it you want?” “Marry somebody else, and I wish you’d pick out grandma, because she’s always kind to me!”—Exchange. Suits and Overcoats fill Reduced to OuOillU We offer no cheap or shoddy goods-all strictly First-Class and designed by our prize cutter. OUR NAME on Every Garment. Levinson Brothers, High Art Tailors. Ashland, Wis. Wanted. We would like to ask, throught the columns of your paper, if there is any person who has used Green’s August Flower for the cure of Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver troubles that has not been cured — and we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual costiveness, nervou dj'spepsia. headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness—in fact, any trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This medicine has been sold fur many years in all civilized oun tries, and we wish to correspond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try a 25 cent bottle first. We have never known of its failing. If so, something more serious is the mutter with you. The 25 cent size has just been introduced this year. Regular size 75 cents. At Frost & Spies. G. G. Green, Wood bury, N. Y Team for Sale. Pair of nine year olds, 3200 pounds. Will sell team and harness tor $275. Address L. D. Perry, Cable, Wis. HOLLISTER'S Stocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Eugy Medicine for Buoy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constiootion, Indigestion, Live and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczenn, Impure Blood, Bad Breath. Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It’3 Itocky Mountain Tea in tab let form, 85 cents a bow. Genuine made by Hollister Druu Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE AND HARDWOOD AND GREEN HARDWOOD. For any kind of wood Call up THOMAS L. BBKELOW. Bell Telephone. SERVICE IN CHINA is as desirable as appearance. You want crockery that w ; ll wear as well as look well. There are some kinds of ware not worth closet room. The glaze will wear off around the edge. It will craze into those very fine cracks that are so annoying. It will not stand the heat. THAT’S THE KIND we do not handle. We guarantee all our crockery wili be free from these defects. If you have even been annoyed with such ware, you will know that our guarantee means something. FINSTAD & AUNE, Washburn, Wis. The HE.ADLIGHT Cigar Factory. 10c Brands. HEADLIGHT RED MEN Subscribe for Bayfield County Telephone Co’s. Phone. -Home Institution.— ** TANARUS, # No F arty All Long Distance Phones. Up-to-date Equipment and Services. Note Toll Line Commeotion^. / J r fnest {turnouts ... in . . LIVERY In the City at , C. L. Willey’s Stables M WILLIAM GUSTAFSON, DEALER IN Pictet Fp6in)££ Picttipfc <2y\o<Lildm6j<s . . Window Shades]. . 420 W. Second St. ASHLAND, WIS H 6BIPPE Pneumonia follows La Grlppo but never fellows the use of FOLEY’S StS It stops the Cough and heals the lungs. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. Me. G. Vachhb, of 157 Osgood St., Chicago, writes: “My wife had la grippe and it left her with a Tory bad eoagh on her lungs which Fodbx’s Hoxbt and Tab cured completely.* 0. A. MERING, 5c Brands. Union Smoker Diamond B. Red Ribbon Pompeius Peanuts. Calumet Baking Powder Perfect In quality. Moderate In pric^.