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DRUMMOND Mike Bonus and ittmily were in town tliis week visiting at Pinions. Pet Mtlli.i is in town again after spending the winter in the woods at Hayward. Inga Gkmum, who has been, in "Washburn for the past week, re turned Monday. ■Olga Martin returned to her school work at Am<t gt > and last Sunday night. n' e o?s and Mai ten Berg spent * ft-- lavs in Ashland last week and iv ll home Sunday night. Th VA itiei; with Mrs. Tom Bohn this wti'k. v ' K* S Oh In arc! Nels Nelson were fixing the turner last week and they traded the punks- on which they were stanoing with bricks. The bricks aid t ■ weight of the men was too much, arid the planks gave w , v let ting the men drop a distance of thirty or forty feet. Nels Olson was unconscious, but Nelson wa.ked* home not knowing he was hurt as much as he really was. Oison taken to the hospital at Ash land. ’• ( Grace Clock went to Ashland last week. v Miss Jessie N. Smith, the county superint •ndeut, was in (town last week. The club met a* Mrs. Chas. Back strom’s ttiis week. Vera Olins and Anna Hanson went to Sweden Spur Friday. More Settlers for Town of Belt Bayfield Pres: —Dr. C. 0. Young, Chicago, who is engaged in getting, purchasers for lands adjacent to Cornucopia, arrived in the city the latter part of last week with E. Guthnailler and Geo. Frederick, of Tripp. South Dakota, and spent a couple of days with them at Cornu copia looking over the lands. Mr Gutbmiiler purchased two hundred* and seventy acres, paying cash for ihe same. The land which Mr Gu than liner bought joins that owned by T. J. Stevenson, of this city. Mr. Gutbmiiler is an experienced farmer. He sold a la -, ge tract of land at Tripp, which he had under cultivation, to come here, and will >tart in as soon as it opens up in. the spring to dear up his new laud und-niake an ideal farm of it. Jos. Bniz, uisofrom Tripp. South Dakota t has bought part of the Keystone jarm and wiil move onto it in the spring. Mr. Butz moved bL family io Bayfield last week and will reside here until the snow is gone in the spring, when he will move unto his iand and commence preparing it for tilling. * Notice of Election. COUNTY OF BAYFILD; CITY OF TV ASH BURN, —SS Notice: is hereby given that an ■Hectic nis to be held in the several wards of the said citv of Washburn, in said county on the first Tuesday of April, A, D. 1905, being the fourth day of said month, at which ihe following officers are to be elect ed, to-wit: — A Justice of Supreme Court.. A State Superintendet of Schools. A County Judge. A Supervisor for, each ward of said city. * The polls of said election will beat the several places in said wards heretofore established by the com mon council of said city and will be open at six o’elock in forenoon and close at five in the afternoon on that day. Dated March 23.'d, 1905. R. A. Hering, City Clerk. t Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the under signed committee, up to the first day oI May, 1905, at ten o’clcok in the h-r< noon, for the purchase of furni ture and building, known as the Bar k of Washburn building, located at Washburn, Wisconsin; said bids to be fiiec with any member of the undersigned committee on or before ihe hour and day specified above, and to s ate the price in cash the bidder will pay for said property. The right, to r ject any and all bids ! is reserved. Dated March 10. 1905. E. C. Steven/, O. A. Lahoreaux. Tobias Oscar, .Commit the Common Council. f 11 you cannot eat, steep or work, j fee), mean* cross and ugiy take Hoi- j lister’s Rocky Mountain Tea this! month. A tonic for the sick. There j is bo remedy equal to it. T<.a or; Tablets. Fox Bros. Flora DeVoss Company. The above company win open a week’s engagement at the Wash burn opera house next Monday evening. The company is headed by r Miss Buby Rotnour, America’s foremost Juvenile Star, who has won for herself distinguished honors in ihe north. She is now in her seventeenth year, and one must see her to be convinced of her rare abil ity as a Juvenile Star. She is a handsome, graceful little miss and her first appearance will be next f ■ . . ... ; M* nday evening at the Washburn opera house, in “Prince'S Lou. ” The company is pr smiting a rep retoire of plays that, is entirely new to the patrons of th s vicinity, either well known successes or popular h’ts. Illustrated songs, life motion pictures between acts, together with polite vaudeville goes to inakf. the evening a pleasant one, and the Jrelct mar ce a continuous one. Nc waits between acts.• The prices are popular and the la dies are extended the usual f*w tickets for next Monday evening. The seats arenow on sale. Prices 10,20 and 30 cents. / Guest From Wisconsin. Danville. 111.. Commercial News: — Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Owen, Logan avenue, have as their guest this week. Mrs. L. N. Clausen from Washburn, Wis., the former neighbor of Mr. and Mrs. Owen. Mrs. Clau sen. who is the wife of Representative L. N. Clausen in tne Wisconsin state legislature, has been spending some time at Madison with her husband during the session of the legislature. FLORA De VOSS CO. Supporting Miss Ruby Rotnouf and Mr. Edwin Brink At Washburn Opera House ALL NEXT WEEK, Beginning Monday, March 27th. Ladies Free Monday Night. OPENING BILL “PRINCESS LOU.” Prices, 10, 20 and 30c. Is All Going One Way. 1 A Hurley paper says: *‘The judicial campaign is so quiet \ that it is hardly attracting any at tention; but whenever the question i is talked one has no trouble in seeing* | that "the people are strongly in favor Jof retaining Judge Parish on the bench. The fact that he has been endorsed almost unanimously by the attorneys of the circuit, is a strong recommendation and good reason why he should b > re-piected. An other reason is that he is well known as a thoroughly hone>t and eonscien j tious man, consequent!} ihe people j —those who have no “ax io grind” ! —wii; not take kindly io a change. His opponents rev, perhaps, well quaiilhd. but ex peri men Is with the jud eiary are sometim * detrimental ti Ihe public good.” (i. Mlieial Pablie/itlon. Bank Statement. Report of tln> financial condition of the Bayfield County Bank, located at Washburn, st ate of Wisconsin, at the close of business on the 14th day of March, 1905. RESOURCES, Loans and Discounts $98,174 59 Overdrafts 1.609 06 Bonds 11.009 00 Banking House, furniture and • fixtures 6.400 00 Due from Banks 6,5,63 4P. Checks on other banks and cash i,toms 620 00 Exchanges for clearing house 728 55 Cash on hand. *. 6,505 92 Total $132,003 49 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In 520,000 00 Surplus Fund 1.217 47 Undivided Profits, 1.2C0 61 Due to Banks-deposits 859 13 Deposits. 108,726 23 Total .. $132,008 49 State of Wisconsin i -of Bayfield I. C. O. Sowder. Cashier, of the abovy named bafik. do solemnly swear that, the foregoing statement is true to the best of m.v < knowledge and belief. C. O. Sowder. Cashier. ! Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 21st day of March 1995 Arthur W. McLeod (Notarial seal) Notary Public. . (March 23 to April 27) Notice for Publication DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Land Office at Ashland. Wisconsin, March, 20th. 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of Ilia intention to make final prof in support of his claim, : and that said prof will bo made before the Register and Receiver, at Ashland. Wiscon- ; sin, on May 4th. 100r>. viz; Elmer Danner, homestead entry No. 446.’, for the K*i NE'f, NVk JVE|4aud NE‘4 NW)y, section 34, town ship 43N. Range BW, He names The following witnesses to prove ■ his continuous residence upon, and cultiva-. tion of said land, viz: George Hellems. John Ed Anderson, Albert Hoffman, James Welch all of Cable, Wisconsin. Aug. Doexitz. Register , The '‘Knowing Ones” Read the Duluth News Tribune AND KEEP POSTED. THE NEWS TRIBUNE PRINTS THE BEST Te! egraph News Political News Maßliißaßto. * Northwest News PH# g an S® News *• Sporting News Market News Editorials And the Little Bear of Cartoon fame discusses timely topics in his own inimitable way. 1 >ut a dollar (paper or stamps) in an envelope with your name and address and get the News Tribune three months, seven days a week, including colored comic supplement on Sn 1 ly Wanted. We would like to ask, throught the columns of your paper, if there is any person who has used Green’s August Flower for the cure of Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver troubles that has not been cured— and we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of fo >d, habitual costiveness, nervou dyspepsia, headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness—in fact, any trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This medio‘me has been sold for many years in all civilized ountries, and we wish to correspond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try a 25 cent bottle first. We have never known of its failing. If so, something more serious is the matter with you. The 25 cent size has just been introduced this year. Regular size 75 cents. At Frost & Spies. G. G. Green, Wood bury, N. Y Liveritu the up-to-date Litt.e I iver Pill; 5c boxes contain 15 pills 1 >c boxes contain 40 pills, 25c boxes contain 100 pills. Sold by Fox Br<|s Washburn, Wis HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine fo? Susy People. Ering3 Gulden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion. Live nd Kidi.ey Troubles. Pimples. Eczem* l , Impure Blood. ITvl Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It’s Rocky Mountain Tea ia tab Jet form, 5.5 cents a box. Genuine made by Hollistrh Dnro Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDLi! fk’CCSTS FCR PHLOVV PEOPLE AND HARDWOOD AND GREEN HARDWOOD. For any kind of wood Call up THOMAS L. DDKELOW. Bel! Telephone. SERVICE IIS CHINA is ;is desirable as appearance. You want crockery that w : ll wear as' well as look well. There are some kinds of ware not worthclnsct room. The glaze will wear off around the ed<’e. It will craze into those wery hue cracks that are so annoying. It will not stand the heat. THAT’S THE KIND we do not handle. We guarantee all our crockery will be free from these defects. I; you have even been annoyed with such ware, you will krow that our guarantee means something. FINSTAD <3 AUNE, Washburn, Wis. The , HErADLIGHT Cigar Factory. 10c Brands. 5c Brands. HEADLIGHT $5 Union Sinoker RED MEN T ' sia“?v5 ia “?v, a nd, B - Tjr . ‘ Pompeius J* Peanuts. * G. A. HERING, 4 3 A small business can be made .large and a large business can oe made larger by being connected w with over 0 30 0 0 Subscribers in Washburn and Suberbs of the 0 Bayfield County Telephone Cos, f\ Gall Manager’s Office, Phone No. 55. VBtSKO',* .... - jfincst turnouts - ... in . . LIVERY In the City at C. L. Willey’s Stables . C. O. SOWDER, INSURANCE AGENCY. tF General Insurance, af Special Attention Given to Insurance on Farm Buildings. Rates Reasonable. r AN , ;W. \ Office ah Bay Kelt i County Bank, W ashburn, Wis.. by/ <' -Cla ■ ' ■ ■ Pneumonia foHov* V a Grippe but follows wo use of Oil EY^oney lULEI and and Tarl It stops tba Cough and heals the lungs. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. Mu. G. VACHEn, of 157 Osgood St., Chicago, writes: “Mu wife had la grippe and it left her j with a very bad cough on her lungs which ! Foi-ar's Honey and Tae cured com pie tel/. 0 I*%||w HI J *V 6 Waste your tal |B p p gjR-b 9 ents in the store jfl IV I or on the farm. BE A DOCTOR. discovered science f “*• ISO'ro.sloo*EiwtEitN outline Of egurse aadh f . V V ffRTH WESTERN CSIR 0 Pf* ACTTC"! NS^fillE. Gi i New York Life Bldg., • MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.