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VULTURES OF MEXICO MOW THESE BIRDS HAUNT THE ARID ALKALI PLAINS. Whirring: Black Cone of Saver Desert Scavengers and the Way In Which the Circling: Mum* Descends Upon Its Carrion Prey. At night the moon looks down upon a desolate, arid plain, stretching away to the great Sierra Madre mountain chain, deep, shadowy blue, against the western sky. The air is chill, and a bleak wind searches out every fold in our blankets—we might almost be spending a night on the tundras. With scarce a moment of dawn the aun Roods everything, a most welcome warmth for awhile, soon to make one gasp in #• breathless beat. Long be fore the rainy season actually begins vegetation seems to feel a quickening in the air; the plants scent the coming moisture weeks beforehand] the rush ing streams, swollen with the melting •nows from the lower mountain tops, bring life to the lands through which they flow; spring is awakening every where—except on alkali plain. Where a thin rind of red brown grass roots partly covers the white dust, parched meequite bushes find root, and strange, uncouth organ cacti rear their columns, like mammoth can delabra. Here wild eyed cattle roam uneasily, nibbling occasionally at the bitter grass stems. Farther out In the desert, where even the mesquite and cacti fall, we ride •lowly across the parched surface, wondering If a single living thing can endure the bitterness of the earth. In the distance move the whirlwinds of dust, tall, thin columns with perfectly distinct outlines, undulating slowly here and there, both life and death in their silent movement Most remarkable it seems to us when a stray great blue heron now and then dies silently up from the desert (what can possibly attract these birds to such a place of death as this, distant even from the bitter pools?) and flaps slowiy out of sight. Twice a great ebony raven sails through the dusty air over our heads —the same bird repa suing. No other life is visible save the bal anced black specks high against tbs blue, as invariably a p&rt of a Mexican day as are stains of the night. . Herons, vultures, raven—all move slowly, seem ing less alive than the distant dust columns. " • But we feel the real spirit of the eternal desert when, as we turn to re trace our steps, we spy a something white, different from the surrounding earth, and the spell of past ages falls upon us. The bitter water is ever dry ing up, the whirlwinds carry the dust from place to place, the birds come and go as they please, but this relic of an elephant of the olden time brings past and present into close touch. What scenes has the desert looked upon since this mammoth staggered dying into the quagmire which proved its tomb? Our eyes smart from the * dust as we reluctantly turn our horses’ -beads on the back trail, tot we should like to stay and search out these fos sils—more fascinating in a way than the living beasts and birds which peo ple the tropics beyond. One of the most wonderful of the exhibitions of bird life vouchsafed to tis in. Mexico comes as we leave the alkali plain and ride away among the 'mesquite scrub. ' A confused mass of black appears In the air, which soon re solves itself into hundreds of individ ual specks. The atmosphere is so de ceiving that what at first seems to be, a vast cloud of gnats close at hand is soon seen to be a multitude Of birds— blackbirds, perhaps, until we approach and> think them -• ravens and, finally, when a quarter of a mile away, we know that they are * vultures. Three burros lie dead upon .the plain.„. This we knew yesterday, and here are the scavengers. Never have we seen vul tures so numerous or in such order. A careful scrutiny through. glass es shows many score of black and tur key buzzards walking about and feed ing upon the carcases of the animals. From this point there extends upward Into the air a vast inverted > cone of kirds, all circling in the same direction. From where we sit upon qur hqrsqs there seems not a single one out of place, the outline of the cone being as smooth and distinct as though the*birds were limited in their flight to this par ticular area. It is a rare sight, the sun lighting up every bird on the farther side and shadowing black as night those nearest us. Through one’s partly closed eyes the whole toass appears as a myriad of slowly revolving>wheels,, intersect ing and- crosing each other’s orbits, but never breaking their circular out line. The thousands of soaring forms hold us spellbound for minutes before, we rede closer. Now a change takes place, as gradual but as sure as the -shifting clouds of a sunset. Until this moment there had been a tendency to (Concentrate at the base of the cone, that portion becoming blacker and blacker, until it seemed* a solid-mass of rapidly revolving forms. But at our near approach, this concentration ceases and there is perfect equilibrium "tor a time. Then, as we ride gen tle slope into clearer view, a Wonder ful ascent begins. Slowly the creeping spiral wings upward; the gigantic in serted cone, still perfect in shape, lifts }clear of the ground and drifts away; the summit rises in a curve, which, lit tle by little, frays out into ragged lines, all drifting in the same* direction, and before our very eyes the thousands of birds merge into a shapeless, undu lating cloud, which rises and. rises, spreading out more and more until the eye can no longer distinguish the birds, iwhich from vultures dwindle to mere motes floating and lost among the clouds.—C. William Beebe in New pTork Post. HOG COTS. Coining: Into Fnvoi—Good Is Both Hot nnti told Weather. By It. S. SHAW, Michigan. During the past few years there has been a marked increase in the advoca cy and use of cots for sheltering swine during the entire year. We are be coming convinced that under Michi gan conditions, with our rigorous win ters, a combination of piggery and cots is more desirable tor the swine grower than either alone. The cuts represent two out of the three forms of cot now in use at the Michigan Ag ricultural college. Ibe first shown, Which has been in use for some years, A SIMPX/X FORM OF HOO COT. * Is desirable In that it is warm in win ter, but objectionable in that it pro vides little protection against the ex treme heat of summer. It is also con sidered a good form of cot for the brood sow to farrow In in moderate weather, as she cannot lie down close enough to the sloping roof to crush her pigs as against a wall. A general mistake is made in fastening this form of cot permanently to the skids, or runners, on which !♦ Is built These are the first to decay and along with them the lower ends of the boards, thus making repairs impossible, even though the balance of the structure remains sound. A separate pair*of skids should be constructed for this or any other form of cot so that they can be replaced. Its own weight will bold the cot in place on the skids while being moved. . The second cut represents a form of cot recently designed and no’w in use in our hog lots. It is 6by 8 feet at the foundation, with the sides raised perpendicularly three feet before re ceiving the half pitch roof boards. The center boards on the sides are hinged so that .they can be swung open in hot weather. The opening thus made is covered with strong woven wire, clamped above and be low between inch boards. The inner clamp boards project an Inch beyond the outer ones, thus breaking the joints and preventing any draft when the openings are closed. The two ridge boards are also hinged so that they can be opened during hot weath er. These openings permit a free clr- A MOKE EXPENSIVE COT. dilation-of air, which not only lowers the temperature but greatly relieves the oppression of the pigs seeking shelter. These openings close down tightly, leaving warm quarters during the,, coldes<t weather* The cots proper are supported ou skids, to which they are not attached, being held in place by th'e blocking of the ties across both ends. A. two inch bottom is used or pot, as desired. This flooring. ,js cut in .lengths to (it crosswise andrest on the kids, {which are wider than the sills. This form of cot is not desirable for the farrowing sow without the ad dition of a railing around the perpen dicular .walls a few inches from the floor to prevent her from overlaying her pigs. Probably the chief objections to this "structure are the expense of material and cost of construction;- It contains 160 feet stock lumber, 60 feet matched, 20'feet 4 by 6, 12 feet 4 by 4 and 44 feet 2 by 4 ahtl required- two days labor, in construction. Figuring on Sugar Beets, Reports received show further in creases! Jn beet sowings this season in the United States as compared ; with those of last year. In Colorado, Utah and .Idaho, where the conditions are especially 'favorable at this time, some factories have reached the limit of their capacity and have been obliged to refuse further contracts. Certain factories in that section report 00 to -100 per cent Increased acreage, while In other parts the area planted will be about the same as In the previous sea son, the present Indications pointing to an'average of 35 per cent increase in the sowings of the whole country. Based upon the favorable average yield of 1004-05, a total production of 285,000 tons of sugar might be expect ed this .year, but with conditions like those of 1903-04 the outturn would not exceed 245,000 tons of sugar. It must be borne in mind, however, that sow ings in many sections are not yet com pleted and that final figures may make a different showing. The actual pro duction of sugar last* season (1904-03) was 209,722 tons.—Sugar Trade Jour nal. Annual Spring Excursion. Via the D. S. S: <& A. R’y, and the D, <& C. N. Cos. Steamers to Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland . * and Buffalo, re turning same route. Xhe following round trip fares Will be in effect: From Saxton to Detroit SIO.OO, to Toledo $10.50, to Cleveland $11.50; and to Buffalo $12.00. Tickets will also be sold to Cheboygan, Alpena, Harbor Beach and Port Hurou at the same to Detroit. Dates of sale June 6th, 9th, 13th and 18th. and made good to return until the steamer leaving Detroit June 26th, 28th, July 3rd and 7th respectively. Cleveland and Buffalo tickets will be valid for return, leaving those points on the day previous to return limit, for Detroit tickets in each case. Meals and berths and stateroons. Apply at once to A. B. Noble, Ticket Agent. A FuzzleWorttt Bating Dr. G. G. Green, of Woodbury, New Jersey, whose advertisement appears in our paper regularly, will mail to any one sending a two cent stamp to pay postage, one of his new German Syrup and August Flower Puzzles, made cf wood and glass. It ‘amuses and perplexes young and old. Although very diffi cult, it can he mastered. Mention this paper • v Your Eastern or Southern Trip Can be comfortably made in Wis consin Central wide vestibulod trains, leaving Ashland for Milwau ee and Chicago every morning and evening, Pullmau Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Modern Coaches. Meals ala carte. Apply to nearest agent for further inform ation or write Jas. C. Pond, Gen’l Pass, Agent, Milwaukee, Wis. Liverita * the up-to-date Litt e I iver Pill; 5c boxes contain 15 pills 1 )c boxes contain 40 pills,; 25c boxes contain 100 pills. , Sold by Fox Bros Washburn, Wis . ~ The Wisconsin Central Ry Reaches the principal points in Wisconsin, offering Pulman Sleepers Free Reclining hair chair; modern coashes an 1 dining and afe’ service between hicago, Milwaukee, Mani towoc, and St, Paul. Minneapolis,' As ill i 1 ill Djlj.n. OTfieeciba are made with diverging lines at all terminal points. Mqals served a la carte. For tickets, sleeping car re serservation and further ioforma tion apply to agents of this company or write Jas. C. Pond, Gen’l. Pass. Agt.,Milwaukee, Wis A Card We, the undersigned, do herebf agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Greene’s Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure you cough or cold, We also guarantee 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. Fox Bros. Pharmacy. Cleanse your system all of impuri ties this month. Now ,is the time .to take Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. It will keep you well all sum mer. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Fox Bros. , . aT vUKJbSI ISffOHACHjf ■ •*• •• .•*. •* , • ■ *'T r HE body gets its life from a* 4 food properly digested. Healthy digestion means' pure ’ blood for the body,-but stomach - troubles arise from v carelessness in eating and stomach disorders upset the entire system. Improp- - erly masticated food sours, on the v j stomach, causing ‘' distressing I pains, belching * and nausea. | When over-eating is persisted in J the stomach becomes weakened fl and worn out and dyspepsia I claims the victim. ■ If Thedford’s Black-Draught I ■ cures dyspepsia. It frees the 1 I stomach and .bowels of congested 1 I matter and gives the stomach. 1 I new life. The stomach is Quickly 1 [ invigorated and the natural [ stimulation results in a good appetite/with the power to {bar oughly aigept food. & You can build up your stomach with this mild and natural semedy/TryThedford’s Black? • Draught today. You can buy a - package from your dealer tor > 25c. If he does not keep it, send ■ the money to The Chattanooga Medicine C 0.,, Chattanooga, , . Teim., and a package will oe . maileand THEDFORD’S' BLACK-DKAUGHT BAH ME ff? SalVE t IhtffrnosfhsrsSlJi* salve fc to* wards! A Well Groomed Man M ▼** • pic 03icg ami wtlcom# ingkt. j * ou Jf< ** w ay gl*4 to met ud Lure* ft bui wko u mtly ntj kffcmngly Arc you ft well groomed man? Do you wear clotbes that Lave snap aJ ** IL-- If you den't, our einccrc adrift ig : * '~ > WBk Wear tkc guaranteed, etylisk Kaufman Garment I I, Jwlrfl No matter kow extreme or coaeerratm I 1 JKsf *+i ml POftoea, we can fit you ia tkcoe moderate 1 ISllii Efe||§ WffHm priced clotkee to your complete oatiolactioa. l| Ini/m We aot oaly fit your body witk tkeee pt* p*nf vT IrM MR eerrieeaUe KAUFMAN suite, kut we alee %*£{M wm-K \ I .y 1 ’Jf.ra fit your purse witk eur cxtreaMly reasoaaUe uf HI 1 Hare you seen our CAMPUS TOGS* y j r<ra^r f°* Teuag Mem f THE DEMON OF PAIN JOHNSON’S 6088 IT HAS CURED THOUSANDS-IT WILL CURE YOU. We receive unsolicited testimonials every day in and doctors prescribe our remedy frequently, s when all others haVf failed. ' £&■ " ' V W‘ READ OUR GUARANTEE: W , - & We guarantee 6086 to be free from ail mercuries { Irons cocaines Opiates, salicylates and all poisonous drugs. For sale and guaranteed FROST & SPIES. from Lift. RE VI VO VITALITY the of Me. ‘ ‘ • FUBUOZZ XIBM33ST produces the above results In 30 days.. It.acti powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will re- over their youthful vigor by using BEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous* ness. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or excess and Indiscretion Which unfits one for study, business or marriage. If not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but Istgreit nerve tonic and blood builder, bring, ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re* storing the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having RE VIVO, no other. It out be carried In vest pocket. By mail •1.00 per package, or six for 55.00, with* port Wve written guarantee to ear* or nfuf the money. Book and advise free. Address MYAIMEDICINECfc, SESSSEu* ppost Si Spies, Masbburn, Mis. HOLLISTER’S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Susy Medioine for Basy People. Bringß Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. ▲ specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It’s Rocky Mountain Tea in tab - let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by Hollister Drug Company, Madison, Wis. QOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE figyt for the man and the woman WHO KNOW li\X There's no liirfit rifle like the Merlin .28 repeater, fop eiths* target I 4 vj) /\ shooting or small game, because it has Marlin accuracy. If you shoot J t / /jL \ 11118 means ® Ter yth in g- The Solid Top, with its wall of metal always be-* I twe<sn you and the cartridge, and the Side Ejector are original Marlin features, which make it the safest to handle as well as the surest. .It shoots short, long and long-rifle cartridges without any change. The MarJ'n 16-gauge Shotguns are the smallest and lightest re peating guns manufactured. Anew, well balanced gun of great > accuracy. Handles stiff loads tafely.and well. Writ* us about any particular repeating rifle or shotgun \'^B7 r needs you have. .Our. latest Catalogue— 3oo illustrations— and our Experience Book , i hat tells what MARLINS axe doing the world over, free for 3 stamps postage . THB MARLIN FIRE ARHS 09. relaxes his hold upon his victim '? when the poor sufferer of *. Rheumatism finally gets hold of nature’s best % remedy, Nature*® Own Jnvigtxrant , .y—p. The Only. Tonic Ever By Discovered that Will tjß give Instant Relief and , U POSITIVELY CURE. These bitters are not a patent medicine but a tonic edfremi selected roots la Ipyitt W PI T T ians . They are an ' Hll Stomach Troubles, Indi- Un IM Intermittent Fever JDiz ■S Hi plaint. fi’owel Trcuble, ■H Llood Diseases, and u val- HH fo* F* M| iv o* c J igSBB uable lnvigorant for gener al win. •^Salfarailyuseandcon/ales ■ W cents, Cuban Bitters have brought relief at once and permanent cure to thous ands. These bitters are for t. : : sale by druggists and deal ers. If you cannot procure them of your local dealer, send direct to us. Price ffsl.oo per Bottle; six but* ties $5.00. Register your letter or send postal or express money orders. Accept no substitute; there is none as good. • LOUIS SIEVERS SONS CO. 139 Grand Ave., Chicago. r\ A fVMT TOBACCO SPIT LJU N I and SMOKE ■ YourLifeawayl You can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking MO~TO-BAC f that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over SOOIOOO cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed Book let and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMED v Chicago or New York. 437 Years, ® of Success This is our record. From a small beginning w have grown ..until oarfac- > lories not? cover many acres. Many of our machines sold forty to fifty years ago are still giving iheiir users faithful service. Can anything l>e mors con vincing of their merits and durability? Did you ever hear"of any other machine with such a record? • Note a few of the many superior points of the Wheeler&WHspn f| n Sewing Machine Iwj 3 ' The Hotary Hook displaces th ohi, ftmt-of-date, unmechapicc] and . trouble some shuttle. 1 " The Frictionless feet mechanical constriction, enable be operated witli one-third less exertion than .is required *by ordinary machines. It sews three .yards of goods while a, shuttle machine sews two. It makesHhe mbst' elastic and most perfect stitch “whelhet sewing light or ' he’ayy goodp... i9 ,v> C J •\. ii r ; ' h. < - ; With pur\ £uperi<or attachjments tk®' greatest Variety of work is possibly. Do not make tfie mistake of buying a sewing machine until you have ghrett' the Wheeler & Wilson No. 9 a trial. Wheeler 1 Wilson JJfij, Cg m Chicago, in. , For Sale by FA. Paulsoii, iUi Washburn, Wis. ■' - ■ .4 ■. ... >( .A: 4.- it'. -VV( S . '**' . -dead model, sketch or 1 1 oto ‘free report-on patentabiflfcyV Fin MfilSbuki-t 1 How to Secure TB A ftC Sfi A £ . ", ri.U A ' lO .teats and 1 j to; 1 Opposite' ti: S. Patent Office'! WASHINGTON D. C. j LIPPI NCOTT’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library • The Best hi Current; Literature. 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS. A COPY •NO CONTINUED STORIES # EVERY DUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioine for Busy Pecrple.. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigsr. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, I,iv# and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, impure Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It’s Rocky Mountain Tea in tab - let form, 8.5 cents a box. Genuine made by Hollister Drug Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS. FOR SALLOW PEOPLE