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Death Gomes to Sec’y John Hay. Newbury, N. H., July I.— Secretary of State John Hay died at 12:25 this morning. The signs immediately preced ing his death were those of pulmonary embolism. Mr. Hay’s condition during all Friday had been 1 entirely satisfactory. The bulletin of Mr. Hay’s death was signed by Charle 8 L. Schudder, M, D., and Fred T. Murphp, M. D. Secretary of State Hay had been ailing for several months. During the winter he went to Europe for a course of treatment. On the day of his departure from New York he collapsed at the steamship pier, but quickly revived. His oc i voyage carried him south to the Azors, and he put in.- part ofthe winter there and in the south of Europe, fin ally going to Germany, where he was treated for kidney trouble. It was thought that this was successful, and lie returned to America two weeks ago; apparantly cured and took up his. duties at Washington, declaring to the press that he had no intention of retiring from .the cabinet. • Yesterday there were rumors that he was ill, but these were denied, and there was not the slightest suspicion, even by those of his own family that he had not many years to live. . About midnight he began to sink suddenly and soon be came unconscious. Dr. Murphy, the Boston specialist, who ha£ been with him since he had as sinking spelJ a few days ago, did everything possible to revive him, but without suc cess, . His death was painless. Despite the suddenness of the call most of the members of his family were at his bedside when the end came. - Vh'*r H FtU Mcßluff— See here, •If, I better* you're the man who on the crowded ear last night deliberately stuck your umbrella In my ejrel De Staff —Do yoa know, I waa wondering what bad be come of that umbrella. totfT# brought It back, bare you?—Ctoretaad ladr. Tlm Y*rr iwtrtwt. Husband (on* hla wadding tour)—l want rooms for myaetf and wtf. Ha tot clerk (p©tltely>-BuU? Angry Hus band—Of course she is; perfectly lore kl The sweetest girl In England.- ISSdOQ 'httSf. Fvesdge Is a fickle thing, baefl to and herd to maintain. The mw Chant or manufUctiirer most eonttooe bis leadership as an adwsrtiner or he will surely drop from the public mind. —Mobile Register. Tired out, worn out woman cannot sleep, eat or work; seems as if she would fly to pisces: Holister’s Rocky Mountain Tea makes strong nerves and rich red blood. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets, Fox Bros. Subscribe for the Leading County Newspaper! •“•*, - : . - THE WASHBURN TIMES V• ’ • OUGHT to be in every home in Bayfield county. Every person should take the local paper. This week’s issue of THE TIMES con tains more news from throughout the county than any single issue of a newspaper ever before printed in the county. Nearly every section of the country is represented in our correspondence. Country correspondence will be a feature of THE TIMES from this time on. We want new subscribers, and for a short time we offer to every new subscriber, and to every old subscriber who will pay a year in advance, spejcial inducements. The price of all newspapers in Bayfield and adjoining counties is $2.00 a year. See what we'will give under this offer for $2.00. Subscribe Now and get six the news ii New Farmer lamed. William J. Egbert of Ham mond, Wis., has been appointed Indian farmer at Odanah to suc ceed Roger Patterson, who went out of office Saturday. Mr. Eg bert arrived at Ashland Friday. He has the reputation of being a conservative, reliable business man, kindly and yet firm, and a man of strict intergity. He is a veteran of the civil war, with an excellent record as a soldier He has not only had considerable experience in army life, but is quite familiar with the needs and peculiarities of the Chippewa Indians, of whom he is a firm friend. It is understood that his appointment was not a politi cal one, but that the president and secretary of the interior ap pointed him strictly upon his merits. —Ashland Press. THE TIMES, weekls $2.00 The Wisconsin Farmer, weekly .75 The Farmer Gazette, monthly .50 The Home Maker, monthly .50 All. for One Price, $2.00 per Year. * Or you can have THE TIMES AND MILWAUKEE FREE WEEKLY PRESS FOR $2.00 A YEAR. THE TIMES AND MINNEAPOLIS WEEKLY TIDENDE FOR $2.00 A YEAR. , Jq lake. Long Cruise. X- •'* * fi- i , -SV ' •••!• ■■■ y J ; Milwaukee, Jqly )i? s,,T~Sqventeen thousand- miles. - ■ v: -a long' voyage for a AnidU ’boat, but it as the jCrtlthey Will tip uqdertahen in < September by the little steamer Chequamegon, which for the last two summers has plied between Milwaukee, and the White Bay resort. And Capt. C. C. Fowler, commander of the staunch little yess.ell, say’s that he will make the trip in the finest kind of shape and will be ready for active service when she reaches San Diego, Cal., the objective pefint of the cruise. ' , Captain Fowler himself is an interesting personality. A young man, hardly' thirty, he has been on the lakes since boyhood, and holds an unlimited master’s commission on all freshwater. By the time he completes the,long cruise-he has in cdnt&fliplation fie will be. able' to secure a master’s ■commission on-salt water also, and will continue in command of the Chequamegon in It’s new home. • - ; For the.little boat will never return to ..Ar riving at San Diego, r owper, Louis A. Cartier,* of;Luding ton, Mich,, will engage in business in San Diego, apcl the vessel will become a part ;df the merchant. marine .of the Pacific coast. - > Y ' •* - - • t 3 A small business can be made large and aiarge business can oe ... made laVger by being connected Vi/ • with over 0 30 0 0 Subscribers in Washburn and Suberbs of the 0- Bayfield County Telephone Cos. Call Manager’s Office, Phone No. 55. If in a kind ot bilious fmood, You wish an aid to digest food, Nq otner pill is half so good As DeWitt’s L\t\\t Early Risers. The famous little pills Earlv Risers cure constipation. Sick Headache, biliousness, etc. They never gripe or sicken, but impart early rising energy Hood for children or adults. Sold by Fox Bros. Why pay $3.50 for a ladies shoe when you can get a better one, at Paulson's in a Queen Quality at $3.00 LA SBIPPE Pn#umnl L Srlppa tout navar fallawa 3i aaa af FOLEY'S ?S It ttopi thi Ooogl nd htftli ton lai|a> PrprtnU Pnttuaoftla tad Conesmytloo. M. Q. Tioun, tff Oapood Bft., Ckieapo, wriftMt “My wifi kad U gripp* ud ift lid kr wilk • vwr kid ma<h mm br Imh wkiak louw’s io— AMB Tam mmrmi pluftrtp.* • SERVICE IN CHINA ’ • .... . is as desirable as appearance. You want crockery that w ; ll wear ’as well as look well.. There are some kinds of ware not worth closet room. The glaze will wear off around the edge. If-frill’craze into those very fine cracky that are so . annoying. , It will not .sta.pd the heat. • THAT’S THE KIND .„ r ... „> w... - r. ‘V. we d0.80.t handle. We guarantee all oiu>cDoekery will be free from these defects. 'lf you have even been annoyed with such' ware, you will, know, that our ..guarantee,^means something. „ . FINSTAD 6 AUNE, Washburn, Wis. * ' ’ • '■' - " :■ ,-v> ■ • ~ •• ■ t:-,\ v .. * • V- ... - NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY YELLOWSTONE PARK LINE, * ' Northern Pacific to the . . \\ '■ 2/ettowstone {Park \ ■ .< -r Northern Pacific to the {Portland Exposition *, . ' . v i-. *■ . • Northern Pacific direct to ■ ... .* j,. i • '*•_ {Puget Sound Country u The Comfort Route” u Every J (Me an Education” Low Ws£t. Booklets—Four cents for Lewis and Clark Booklet; sir cents for “Won derland." to A. M. Olaland, G. P. A*St. Paul, ,f lnformation--Addiass C, E. Brison, Dlst Pass, Agt., 3ftPark Bldg.. Pittsburg, Penn. \ ‘ . H. Cl/LAMPSON. M'. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ,o*Vr 'M',. ! : r ‘ Next to Post Office* Washburn. Wis, 1 ... \ . !, . , • A. W, McLEOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Bayfield County Bank, Wash, burn, Wis. - DR. A. X). SHAW. Practice limited to Diseases of tlref'EYß, Ear, Nose, Throat afadCHE^r. Eyes tested and glasses correctly fittexi. Office Rooms 15 and 16. Ashland, ■Mason, 1c Temple.- , ■ * Wisconsin. ;V- J, /, ~u, • „ \ *■* • v • ' * • ;? *'* ' , .x- Three Physicians Treated Him Without Sucess. W. L, .Yancy,—Paducah* Ky., writes: . : ’I hud a severe case of kid neys disease and three of the best physicians in ’’Kentucky treated me without success. I ,that tookFol&y’s Kidney Cure. : The'first bottle gave immeadiate relief, and three bottles > . . rr. -Y. r* • -* C cure me permanently,” I gladly recommend thi^’wonderful remedy, ?*.