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'SIMMS' That’s What Mavor Williams Savs of Washburn Proposition. (OMMUNICATION ON LIGHTING i. "s Mayor, who Always Stands for i '"s '3 Rights, Tells what He ’cs of Proposition of *,he li-etrlc Lighting Cos. The cause of the peopie against the greed of corporate interests, dealing in public franchises, has had no better or truer champion 'in northern Wisconsin than Mayor Burt Williams, of Ashland, and it is the pleasure of The Times to give to its readers this week, an article from his pen, in which he tells of how the lighting contract of Ash land was rushed v through in a single night, and in which he further gives some solid reasons for characteriz ing the proposit’on of the Washburn Electric and Power company as ridiculous. Mr. Wihiams’ letter is as follows: Ashland. Wis., July 22. Friend Jones:— I am in receipt of your re quest for pubiie lighting rates in this city and in reading vour last two weeks issues I notice that } r our people have the question up regard ing the ex tent ion of a lighting fran chise. As is the usual case the com pany officials are anxious for im mediate action, but it seems to me that the councilman who votes in favor of a franchise without giving the subject, tiie most careful and thorough investigation is unworthy the office he holds and does not pro perly represent the interests of his constitutents. There is too much freedom on the part of councils all over the country, in order to benefit personal friends or to serve some big public service corporation, to cheer fully tie up the rights and streets of the public for years in the future; and with the results we see on every side certainly Washburn council men should move slowly in such an important matter as this. Thirteen years ago there was sl'pped through an Ashland council in one night a fifteen year franchise, and ever since the people generally have regretted the haste made. The franchise was granted on the representations of prominent citizens, who it was sup posed acted fairly ar.d honorably, but it has since developed that they falsely represented the proposed franchise in order to further their own personal interests. The fran chise is now about to expire again and this time the city will act safely in the interests of the people and we intend driving the sharpest bar gain possible. At the rates proposed the pro position before your city is ridi culous. I enclose you a list of light ing rates for arc lights in fifty Wis consin cities. These rates were gathered by the American Municipal Journal and can be regarded as ab solutely correct. You can see by inspecting the same that there is not a city out of fifty that pays as much as does Washburn, even at the proposed reduction, and how there can be councilrnen who would favor granting a fifteen year franchise that fixes rates higher than any other Wisconsin city is beyond my comprehension. Under the present franchise Ashland pays $9 a month for all night arc lights, which is the highest of all the principal Wiscon sin cities outside of Washburn. The cities that are next in high prices are LaCrosse, Sturgeon Bay aud Menomonie, the rate being in these three towns $3.33 a month. The average of other cities on all night arc lights are as low as $2.50 a month. To compel the citizens of Washburn to pay the rate for fifteen years to come is a proposition that we would reject mighty quick here and I see no reason why it should be accented there. In addition to rates there are many other provis ions that are important if the inter ests of the public is properly safe guarded and I would be glad to read over the proposed franchise and see , in what respects it would be wise to ' ehang it, unless the city sees fit to own and operate a plant of its own, which in my humble judgment j would be the best policy. Yours truly. ; Burt Williams, i Notice. Office of the Tax Commission. Madison, Wis., July 21, 1905. Complaint in writing having been made to and filed with the tax com mission of the state of Wisconsin by William H. Irish, R. A. Hering, George F. Morgau, and others, of the city of Washburn in Bayfield ccunty, that the assessment of property for taxation in said cty as made by the assessor of said city is not in substantial compliance with law. and that the errors in said assessment are so numerous and of such character that it is impracti abie for the board of review to make correction thereof upon evi dence in the manner required by law; and the said complainants hav ing made application to the commis sion for an order directing a re-as sessment of the taxable property in said city for said year, to be made by one or more persons to be a; - pointed for that purpose by su'd commission pursuant to the provi sions of Chapter 259, Laws of 1905. Notice is hereby given that a hear ing upon the matter of said com plaint and application wiil be bad before said tax commission at the office of said tax commission in Madison on the first day of August, 1905, at ten o’clock a. ;n., at which time and place all persons interested in said matter will be entitled to be heard. Nei.s P. Haugen, N. S. Gilson. Geo. Curtis, 'Commissioners. Geo. H. Francis, Secretary. Common Council Proceed ings. Special meeting of the Common Council of the City of Washburn held at the office of the city clerk. July 3rd, 1905. The meeting wai called to order by president M. M, Sweet at 8:45 p m. Present—Stevens, Ungrodt, Lam oreaux, Nelson, Stockstad. Dukelow. Olson. Oscar. Calder, Sweet, Mou nette—ll. The following call was read: Washburn, Wis. July 3rd, 1905. To R. A. Hering, City, Cierk: You are hereby directed to call a special meeting of the common coun cil of the City of Washburn to audit claims against the city and to trans sact such other business as might come before the council. M. M, Sweet. Acting Mayor. It was mved and seconded that applications for liquor licenses be granted to the following persons. Charles Cameron, 600 West Bay field Street. John Su ndel, lot 9 block 21 Town site. Ida Aune, West End Palace. Louis Geisert, 238 East Bayfield Street. Octave Upev, Lot, Block 5, Town site. Jos. Sdfniitz Brewing Cos., ware house. August Swanson, lot 17, block 59. O. A. Lium, lot 14 and 15, Block 21. James Albertson, lot 16, block 49. E. G. Bergen, lot 1, block 35. John Charron, lot 9, block 3. Edward Williams, lot 15, block 50. Louis Holte, lot 16, block 42, Townsite. John Donohue, lot 5, block 50. C’nas. Nelson, lots 3 and 4, block 35. John Overby, lot 16. block 56. The above were granted by the following vote: A j T es—Stevens, Ungrodt, Lam oreaux, Nelson, Stockstad, Dukelow, Olson, Oscar, Calder, Sweet, Mon nePe —11. It was moved and seconded that the application of August Swanson for a liquor license be accepted and was carried by the following vote: Ayes—Ungrodt, Lameraux, Nel son, Stockstad, Dukelow, Olson, OsC'ir, Calder, Monnette —9. Noes —Sievens, Sweet. It was moved and seconded that the applications for a liquor license of Dell Barnhardt, Cotton & McGil vray, Warren Bennett aid Wm. Burns be accepted subject to the ap proval of the ccmmittee on licenses and assessments. Motion carried. The following resolution introduc ed by E. C. Stevens was read. Whereas, There is no bonded indebtedness of the city of Wash burn. Therefore be it Resolved, By the common coun cil oj the city of Washburn, that the license moneys now in the hands of the City Treasurer or to come into his hands for ensuing year be placed by him and credit to the following named funds, to-wit: $4,000.00 in the general fund to be used m paying salaries and labor claims, and $1,000.00 in the poor fund and the balance in the school fund. The said money so placed in said funds be'paid out by the treas urer on orders drawn against said funds. Resolved further that the clerk shall give the treasurer a copy of this resolution. E. C. Stevens. It was moved and seconded that the rules be suspended and the reso lution be passed as its seeord read ing. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded that the resolution be adopted and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes —Stevens, Ungrodt, Lamor eaux, Nelson, Stock tad, Dukelow, Olson, Oscar, Caider, Sweet, Mou nette —11. The following bills were audited a; and allowed and the clerk instruted t. > draw orders for their respective amounts: R A tiering. salary cleik $ 33 33 John Walsh “ city atty 20 83 O Wescott ‘ police, chief 30 00 Gideon Cliauvin “ “ 25 CO Tim Kearns “ “ 25 00 Martin Peterson “sexton 10 00 Nels lloel * “ chief fire dept 583 And Lefd “ Janitor city hall 17 50 F B Hicks “ city pli, health committee 9 38 Clarence Wright “ electricion of fire department 4 16 Jos Bouchey salary poundmaster... 10 00 Mrs Kronse. assistance 2 00 Mrs M Olson “ 2 00 Mary M Martin “ 6 00 Sophie Shambo “ 4 29 Gideon Chauvin, cnreof Sophie Shambo 426 Mrs I Cousineau care of T. Fillion and P M Merticeneau 12 00 II B Elder, rent Mrs Nichols 4 09 Mike Larson, street commissioner 31 f>o James Casperson, street labor 23 62 A A Johnson ** 24 50 And Johnson “ 23 65 Peter Peterson “ 19 25 Ole Ramstead “ 21 97 Stenz Mosinsck “ 13 12 Jacob Schueller “ 11 37 John Hoi verson “ .. 700 O J Olson “ team 38 00 Gilbert Olson “ “ 3100 Mike Larson street commissioner 29 25 James Casperson street labor 20 57 A A Johnson •* 20 12 And Johnson “ 1” 50 Ole Ramstead “ 7 87 lacob Schneller “ 11 37 Stenz Mosinack “ . 10 50 John llolverson “ IS 82 Christ Rasmussen •* . 18 82 Pete” t°*erson “ 3 04 Frank Tarboli “ G 57 F G Fish “ 1 75 O J Olson * team T3O 00 Gilbert Olson “ team 31 00 Mike Larson, street commissioner 29 25 James Casperson. street labor 22 75 A A Johnson ** 28 62 And Johnson “ 19 25 Stenz Mosinack “ 17 50 Jacob Schneller ** 5 12 John Hoi verson “ 19 25 Christ Rasmussen “ 4 87 Peter Peterson “ 1 75 Frtnk Tarboli ” 31 37 F G Fish “ 3 50 Nick Ellison “ 5 25 UJ Olson “team 42 40 Gilbert Olson “ “ 44 00 Tobias Oscar labor on bridge o 75 J N Kinney " “ “ .... 675 R A Hering salary clerk 60 00 John Walsh “ city attorney . ... 41 66 O Wescot t, police chief. 60 0§ Gideon Chauvin “ 50 00 Tim Kearns 50 00 Martin Peterson sexton 20 00 Nels Hoel. salary chief of fire dept 11 66 And Lefd “janitor 35 00 F B Hick, salary city ph. health com.. 18 78 C Waight electrician of fire dept.. 836 Joseph Bouchie salary poundmaster 20 00 F B Hicks taking Care of small pox 25 00 Mrs Krouse, assistance 4 00 Mrs M Olson “ 4 00 Mary Martin 4i 12 00 Sophie Shambo r ‘ 8 58 Mrs Tsaac Cousineau taking care of T. Filiion and P Merticeneau 24 00 H B Elder, rent, Nichois 4 00 Gideon Chauvin, care of Sophie Shambo 858 Johnßitan, care of dumping ground.. 2f. 00 $1,488.95 There being no further business the council upon motion adjourned. R. A. Hering, Citv Clerk. DRY FINE AND HARDWOOD AND GREEN HARDWOOD. For any kind of wood Cali up THOMAS L. DUKELOW. Bell Telephone. Wanted — Bright, honest young rn >n over 18 from Washburn to pre pare for position in Government Service —Good pay and chance for promotion—Address immediately— W. Box one. Cedar Rapids, lowa. A if. When you place your 0. K. on anything you are posi tive it is correct and as it should be. You are willing to stand by your mark—your 0. K. When the NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY puts this trade mark in red and white /on each end of a package of Bis m/ cuit, Crackers or Wafers it has affixed its fcnal 0. K. which abso |B§|§Bmbhi lutely guarantees the contents of t^ie P ac^a S e t 0 be the very super at^ve of excellence. To learn what jvJrthis trade mark really means try a package of GRAHAM CRACKERS or SOCIAL TEA BISCUIT. 9 • NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Washburn Opera House FRIDAY, AUGUST 18 Mr. Edward R. Salter respectfully announces the first appearance In this cit \ r of the Celebrated English Actress (for five years a valued member of Henry Irv ing’s superb company) JTfiss 7/fargaret Tfevi/le and a most effective cast in an Elaborate Production of sir Edward Bulwer Lytton’s beautiful romantic love story Lady of Lyons *‘Jt isn’t often that you leave the playhouse feeling better than when you entered it. But you will if you see this company and play, Reserved seats wit/ be p faced on sale one week before the the date in this citg at Sweet’s West End Pharmacy Monona Lake Assembly. Madison, Wis., July 21 to August 5, 1905. On July 20 and 21, the Omaha vwll sell tickets Wastiburn to Madison, Wis.. and return at the rate of $ll.BO for the round frip. Good returning 1 until and including August 7. Children five and under twelve rears of age, half fare. If you want a pretty face and de lightful air, R isy cheeks and lovely hair, wedding trip across the sea, Put your faith iti Rocky Mountain Tea.—Fox Bros. C. O. SOWDLR, INSURANCE AGENCY. # General Insurance, a? Special Attention Given to Insurance on Farm Buildings. Rates Reasonable. Office at Bayfield County Bank, Washburn, Wis. finest {Turnouts ♦ . . tn * LIVERY In the City at C. L. Willey’s Stables . A ST/ySK OF^AVO^ITES * G. A. HERIING. % Did You Ever Stop To Think of the Great Risk you are taking* when you carry no ¥7*• ¥ rire insurance .. We Represent twenty-eight of the Leading companies and can Insure your dwelling and household goods at a trifling cost. L. N. CLAUSEN- '